Ejemplo n.º 1
 def init(self, core):
     self.core = core
     self.notify = core.notify
     self.config = RulesetConfig(self)
     if core.config.getboolean('CORE', 'use_edenwall'):
         self.input_output_rules = core.conf_get_var_or_default(
             'ufwi_ruleset', 'input_output_rules',
             default=False, type='bool')
         self.input_output_rules = True
     self.ufwi_ruleset_context = Context.fromComponent(self)
     events.connect('ufwi_rpcdServerStarted', self._ufwi_rpcdStarted)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RulesetComponent(Component):
    Ruleset: manage FORWARD rules of the firewall.

    NAME = "ufwi_ruleset"
    REQUIRES = ("network", "config")
    # for the HA: "ha" and "nurestore" are also required
    OPEN_SERVICES = set((
        # Stateless services
        # (eg. don't need to open a ruleset)
        'setupClient', 'setFusion',
        "rulesetDownload", "rulesetUpload",
        "rulesetList", "templateList",
        "rulesetDelete", "templateDelete",
        "getConfig", "setConfig",
        "productionRules", "applyMultisite",
        'getMissingLinks', 'reapplyLastRuleset',
        'runtimeFiles', 'runtimeFilesModified',
    ROLES = {
        'ruleset_read': set((
            'setupClient', 'setFusion', 'getConfig',
            'rulesetOpen', 'rulesetClose',
            'rulesetDownload', 'rulesetList', 'productionRules',
            'getChain', 'getCustomRules', 'getMissingLinks',
            'genericLinksGet', 'getObjects', 'getRule', 'getRules',
            'rulesetAttributes', 'getDefaultDecisions',
            'iptablesRules', 'ldapRules',
        'ruleset_write': set(('@ruleset_read',
            'rulesetCreate', 'rulesetUpload', 'rulesetDelete', 'rulesetSave', 'rulesetSaveAs',
            'objectCreate', 'objectModify', 'objectTemplatize', 'objectDelete', 'groupCreate',
            'ruleCreate', 'ruleChange', 'ruleDown', 'ruleUp', 'ruleClone',
            'ruleDelete', 'moveRule',
            'undo', 'redo',
            'genericLinksSet', 'setCustomRules',
            'addTemplate', 'removeTemplate',
            'applyRules', 'reapplyLastRuleset',
        'multisite_read': set(('@ruleset_read',)),
        'multisite_write': set(('@ruleset_write',
    ACLS = {
        # service required for the HA synchronization
        'ha': set(('ufwi_rulesetExport',)),
        'network': set(('getNetconfig',)),

    def init(self, core):
        self.core = core
        self.notify = core.notify
        self.config = RulesetConfig(self)
        if core.config.getboolean('CORE', 'use_edenwall'):
            self.input_output_rules = core.conf_get_var_or_default(
                'ufwi_ruleset', 'input_output_rules',
                default=False, type='bool')
            self.input_output_rules = True
        self.ufwi_ruleset_context = Context.fromComponent(self)
        events.connect('ufwi_rpcdServerStarted', self._ufwi_rpcdStarted)

    def _ufwi_rpcdStarted(self):
        if self.core.hasComponent(self.ufwi_ruleset_context, 'ha'):
            self.notify.connect(self.name, "apply", self._syncHA)

    def getClient(self, context):
        session = context.getSession()
        if 'ufwi_ruleset_client' not in session:
            client = Client({})
            session['ufwi_ruleset_client'] = client
        return session['ufwi_ruleset_client']

    def getFusion(self, context, fusion):
        if fusion is None:
            client = self.getClient(context)
            return client.fusion
            return getBoolean(fusion)

    def hasRuleset(self, context):
        return ('ufwi_ruleset' in context.getSession())

    def getRuleset(self, context, raise_error=True):
        session = context.getSession()
        if raise_error:
            return session['ufwi_ruleset']
            return session.get('ufwi_ruleset', None)

    def service_setupClient(self, context, attr):
        Setup the client: attr = {
            'version': client_version,
            'mode': 'GUI' (default) or 'CLI',

        Return {'version': server_version}.
        client = Client(attr)
        session = context.getSession()
        session['ufwi_ruleset_client'] = client
        if 'ufwi_ruleset' in session:
            ruleset = session['ufwi_ruleset']
            ruleset.client = client
        return client.exportXMLRPC()

    def service_setFusion(self, context, enabled):
        Enable or disable the fusion.
        fusion = getBoolean(enabled)
        client = self.getClient(context)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context, raise_error=False)
        return client.setFusion(fusion, ruleset)

    def service_setConfig(self, context, config):
        Set the configuration
        self.config.setConfig(self, config)
        return self.config.exportXMLRPC()

    def service_getConfig(self, context):
            Get configuration dictionary
        return self.config.exportXMLRPC()

    def service_rulesetOpen(self, context, filetype, name):
        Open a ruleset or a template (if is_template is True).
        filetype = getUnicode(filetype)
        name = getUnicode(name)
        client = self.getClient(context)
        logger = ContextLoggerChild(context, self)

        self.info(context, 'Open the ruleset "%s"' % name)
        data = yield self.core.callService(self.ufwi_ruleset_context, 'network', 'getNetconfig')
        netcfg = deserializeNetCfg(data)

        read_only = not any(context.hasRole(role) for role in RULESET_FORWARD_WRITE_ROLES)
        if EDENWALL \
        and (not read_only) \
        and (filetype == "template") \
        and (self.core.getMultisiteType() == MULTISITE_SLAVE):
            read_only = True
        ruleset = Ruleset(self, logger, netcfg,
            read_only=read_only, client=client)
        result = ruleset.load(logger, filetype, name)

        if not read_only:
            self.core.lock_manager.acquire(context, LOCK_RULESET)
        self._saveRuleset(context, ruleset)

    def service_rulesetDownload(self, context, filetype, name):
        Download a ruleset (filetype="ruleset") or a template
        (ruleset="template"). Return the file content as an encoded byte
        string, use decodeFileContent() to decode the content.
        name = getUnicode(name)
        filetype = getUnicode(filetype)
        self.info(context, 'Download the %s: "%s"' % (filetype, name))
        return rulesetDownload(filetype, name)

    def service_rulesetUpload(self, context, filetype, filename, content):
        Upload a new ruleset or template:
         - filetype: "ruleset" or "template"
         - filename: input filename
         - content: file content encoded by encodeFileContent()

        Return the ruleset name.
        filetype = getUnicode(filetype)
        filename = getUnicode(filename)
        content = getUnicode(content)
        self.info(context, 'Upload a new %s: filename="%s"' % (filetype, filename))
        logger = ContextLoggerChild(context, self)

        data = yield self.core.callService(self.ufwi_ruleset_context, 'network', 'getNetconfig')
        netcfg = deserializeNetCfg(data)
        result = rulesetUpload(self, logger, filetype, filename, content, netcfg)

    def service_rulesetCreate(self, context, filetype, base_template):
        Create a new ruleset based on a template. Use base_template='' to
        ignore the base template.
        self.info(context, 'Create a new ruleset')
        if EDENWALL:
            multisite_type = self.core.getMultisiteType()
            base_template = checkMultisiteTypeValue(multisite_type, filetype, base_template)
        client = self.getClient(context)
        logger = ContextLoggerChild(context, self)

        data = yield self.core.callService(self.ufwi_ruleset_context, 'network', 'getNetconfig')
        netcfg = deserializeNetCfg(data)

        ruleset = Ruleset(self, logger, netcfg, client=client)
        result = ruleset.create(logger, filetype, netcfg, base_template=base_template)
        if not ruleset.read_only:
            self.core.lock_manager.acquire(context, LOCK_RULESET)
        self._saveRuleset(context, ruleset)


    def service_rulesetAttributes(self, context):
        Get attributes of the current ruleset. Return a dictionary.  See
        Ruleset.getAttributes() for the keys.
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        return ruleset.exportXMLRPC()

    def _saveRuleset(self, context, ruleset):
        session = context.getSession()
        session['ufwi_ruleset'] = ruleset

    def saveSession(self, context):

    def service_resourceCreate(self, context, restype, parent, attr, fusion=None):
        Create new host or network resource (depending on the IP prefix

         - restype: resource type (unicode string)
         - parent: parent resource identifier (unicode string)
         - id: resource identifier (unicode string)
         - argument: IP address for network/host, host name or the
           interface name (value depends on the resource type)

        Use parent=address=empty string for a new interface.
        restype = getUnicode(restype)
        parent = getUnicode(parent)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        resources = self.getRuleset(context).resources
        updates = resources.serviceCreate(restype, parent, attr, fusion)
        return updates

    def service_objectTemplatize(self, context, library, identifier, fusion=None):
        Convert an object to a generic.
        identifier = getUnicode(identifier)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        library = self.getRuleset(context).getLibrary(library)
        object = library[identifier]
        updates = library.templatize(object, fusion)
        return updates

    def service_groupCreate(self, context, id, library, objects):
        Create a new group of objects:
            - id : unicode string of the group identifier
            - library : name of the library that stores this group ("applications", "protocols" ...)
            - objects: list of object identifiers contained in the group
        id = getUnicode(id)
        objects = getList(getUnicode, objects)
        library = self.getRuleset(context).getLibrary(library)
        attr = {'id': id, 'objects': objects}
        updates = library.createGroup(attr)
        return updates

    def service_ruleCreate(self, context, rule_type, values):
        Create a new ACL: values is a dictionary of ACL attributes.

         - acls-ipv4: IPv4 ACL
         - acls-ipv6: IPv6 ACL
         - nats: NAT (IPv4)

        Mandatory attributes:

         - input, output: interface identifier (unicode) list,
           eg. "eth0"
         - sources, destinations: resource identifier (unicode) list,
           eg. ["my host"]
         - protocols: protocol identifier list (unicode),
           eg. ["FTP", "DNS"]
         - decision: "ACCEPT", "DROP" or "REJECT"
         - log: boolean

        Optional attributes:

         - enabled: boolean (default: True)
         - comment: unicode (default: empty comment)
         - position: integer, position in the rule chain

        Example: ::

               'enabled': True,
               'decision': "ACCEPT",
               'sources': ["INTERNET"],
               'destinations': ["web server 1", "web server 2"],
               'protocols': ["HTTP", "HTTPS"],
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        rules = ruleset.getRuleList(rule_type)
        updates = rules.create(values)
        return updates

    def service_ruleClone(self, context, rule_type, acl_id):
        Clone an ACL: acl_id is its identifier.
        acl_id = getInteger(acl_id)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        rules = ruleset.getRuleList(rule_type)
        updates = rules.clone(acl_id)
        return updates

    def moveRule(self, context, rule_type, identifier, delta):
        identifier = getInteger(identifier)
        rules = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
        rule = rules[identifier]
        chain = rules.getAclChain(rule)
        new_order = chain.getOrder(rule) + delta
        updates = rules.moveAt(rule, new_order)
        return updates

    def service_ruleUp(self, context, rule_type, identifier):
        Move ACLs up.
        return self.moveRule(context, rule_type, identifier, -1)

    def service_ruleDown(self, context, rule_type, identifier):
        Move ACLs down.
        return self.moveRule(context, rule_type, identifier, 1)

    def service_moveRule(self, context, rule_type, identifier, new_order):
        Move a rule to the new specific order (in the same chain).
        identifier = getInteger(identifier)
        rules = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
        updates = rules.moveAt(rules[identifier], new_order)
        return updates

    def service_ruleDelete(self, context, rule_type, identifiers):
        Delete ACLs using a list of ACL identifiers (int).
        Return number of deleted ACLs.
        acls = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
        identifiers = getIntegerList(identifiers)
        updates = acls.delete(identifiers)
        return updates

    def service_getObjects(self, context, library, fusion=None):
        Returns the list of all objects of a library.
        If fusion is True, merge generic and physical objects.
        library = getUnicode(library)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        library = ruleset.getLibrary(library)
        return library.exportXMLRPC(fusion)

    def service_objectDelete(self, context, lib_name, identifier):
        Delete an object from the library lib_name using its identifier (unicode string).
        identifier = getUnicode(identifier)
        library = self.getRuleset(context).getLibrary(lib_name)
        updates = library.delete(identifier)
        return updates

    def service_objectCreate(self, context, library, attr, fusion=None):
        Create a new object in a library from a dict of attributes
        library = getUnicode(library)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        library = self.getRuleset(context).getLibrary(library)
        result = library.createObject(attr, fusion)
        return result

    def service_objectModify(self, context, library, identifier, attr, fusion=None):
        Modify an object:
         - library (unicode): name of the object library (eg. "protocols")
         - identifier (unicode or int): object identifier (int for rules,
           unicode for other objects)
         - attr (dict): object attributes

        If a (mandatory or optional) attribute is not set in attr, the
        attribute value is unchanged.
        identifier = getUnicode(identifier)
        library = getUnicode(library)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)

        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        library = ruleset.getLibrary(library)
        object = library[identifier]

        updates = library.modifyObject(object, attr, fusion)
        return updates

    def service_getChain(self, context, rule_type, key, fusion=None):
        Get ACLs as a chain where chain is:
         - (unicode, unicode) for a FORWARD chain,
         - "INPUT" for the input ACLs
         - "OUTPUT for the output ACLs

        Return a list of ACLs. See getRule() service for the format of each ACL.
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        if isinstance(key, (tuple, list)):
            key = getTuple(getUnicode, key)
            key = getUnicode(key)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        rules = ruleset.getRuleList(rule_type)
        chain = rules.getChain(key)
        return chain.exportXMLRPC(fusion)

    def service_getRules(self, context, rule_type, fusion=None):
        Get all rules. Arguments :

         - rule_type: possible values are

           * "acls-ipv4" (IPv4 ACL)
           * "acls-ipv6" (IPv6 ACL)
           * "nats" (IPv4 NAT)

         - fusion (boolean): if True, replace generic networks / user groups by
           physical networks / user groups

        Result is list of (chain identifier, list of rules) where chain
        identifier possible values are:

         - ACL rules: "INPUT", "OUTPUT", (input, output) where input / output
           are interface identifiers (eg. ("eth0", "eth2")).
         - NAT rules: "PREROUTING", "POSTROUTING"

        See getRule() service for the format of one rule.
        rule_type = getUnicode(rule_type)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        rules = ruleset.getRuleList(rule_type)
        return rules.exportXMLRPC(fusion)

    def service_getRule(self, context, rule_type, rule_id, fusion=None):
        Get a ACL or NAT rule. Arguments:

         - rule_type: possible values are

           * "acls-ipv4" (IPv4 ACL)
           * "acls-ipv6" (IPv6 ACL)
           * "nats" (IPv4 NAT)

         - rule_id (integer): rule identifier
         - fusion (boolean): if True, replace generic networks / user groups by
           physical networks / user groups

        Result is a dictionary with the following keys.

        Common keys:

         - mandatory keys

           * id (integer): unique rule identifier
           * mandatory (boolean): True if the rule is mandatory
           * enabled (boolean): ACL is enabled? (bool)
           * sources (list of unicode): List of network identifiers
           * destinations (list of unicode): List of network identifiers

         - optional keys:
           * comment (unicode): Comment

        ACL keys:

         - mandatory keys:

           * decision (unicode): 'ACCEPT', 'DROP' or 'REJECT'
           * protocols (list of unicode): List of protocol identifiers
           * address_type (unicode): IPV4_ADDRESS or IPV6_ADDRESS
           * input (unicode): Identifier of the input interface
           * output (unicode): Identifier of the output interface
           * chain (unicode): 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT' or 'FORWARD'
           * log (boolean): Log connections or not?

         - optional keys:

           * user_groups (list of unicode): List of user group identifiers
           * applications (list of unicode): List of application identifiers
           * operating_systems (list of unicode): List of operating system identifiers
           * periodicities (list of unicode): List of periodicity identifiers
           * durations (list of unicode): List of duration identifiers
           * log_prefix (unciode): Prefix of an log entry

        NAT keys:

         - mandatory keys:

           * filters (list of unicode): List of protocol identifiers
           * nated_sources (list of unicode): List of translated network identifiers
           * nated_destinations (list of unicode): List of translated network identifiers
           * nated_filters (list of unicode): List of translated protocol identifiers
           * chain (unicode): 'PREROUTING' or 'POSTROUTING'

        A rule identifier is only unique in its list. Eg. you can have an IPv4
        ACL and an IPv6 ACL with the same identifier. Use (rule_type, rule_id)
        for a global unique identifier.
        rule_type = getUnicode(rule_type)
        rule_id = getInteger(rule_id)
        fusion = self.getFusion(context, fusion)
        rules = self.getRuleset(context).getRuleList(rule_type)
        rule = rules[rule_id]
        return rule.exportXMLRPC(fusion)

    def service_rulesetSave(self, context):
        Save the ruleset to the disk. Raise an error if the
        ruleset has no filename (it's a new ruleset).

        See also rulesetSaveAs().
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        if EDENWALL \
        and (ruleset.filetype == "template") \
        and (ruleset.name == MULTISITE_TEMPLATE_NAME) \
        and (self.core.getMultisiteType() == MULTISITE_SLAVE):
            raise RulesetError(tr("You can not edit the multisite template from a slave."))
        return True

    def service_rulesetSaveAs(self, context, name):
        Save the ruleset as a new name.

        See also rulesetSave().
        name = getUnicode(name)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        result = ruleset.saveAs(name)
        return result

    def service_rulesetDelete(self, context, filetype, name):
        Delete the specified ruleset or template.
        name = getUnicode(name)
        filetype = getUnicode(filetype)
        if self.hasRuleset(context):
            ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
            if ruleset.name == name:
                raise RulesetError(tr("Unable to delete the current rule set!"))
        rulesetDelete(self.core, filetype, name)

    def service_iptablesRules(self, context, rule_type, identifiers, use_nufw):
        iptablesRules(rule_type, identifiers, use_nufw)

        Create iptables rules for ACLs:

         - identifiers: ACL identifiers (list of integers)
         - address_type: "IPv4" or "IPv6"

        Use an empty list as identifiers to generate rules of all ACLs.
        Result is a list of Unicode strings (without "iptables " prefix).
        rule_type = getUnicode(rule_type)
        identifiers = getIntegerList(identifiers)
        use_nufw = getBoolean(use_nufw)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        return iptablesRules(context, self, ruleset, rule_type, identifiers, use_nufw)

    def service_ldapRules(self, context, rule_type, identifiers):
        ldapRules(rule_type, identifiers)

        Create LDAP rules for ACLs:

         - identifiers: ACL identifiers (list of integers)
         - address_type: "IPv4" or "IPv6"

        Use an empty list as identifiers to generate rules of all ACLs.
        Result is a list of Unicode strings.
        rule_type = getUnicode(rule_type)
        identifiers = getIntegerList(identifiers)
        ruleset = self.getRuleset(context)
        return ldapRules(context, self, ruleset, rule_type, identifiers)

    def _syncHA(self, event_context):
            ha_defer = self.core.callService(self.ufwi_ruleset_context, 'ha', 'ufwi_rulesetExport')
            ha_defer.addErrback(self.writeError, "Error on HA synchronization")
            # don't return the Deferred object,
            # because HA shouldn't block applyRules() service
        except Exception, err:
            self.writeError(err, "Error on HA synchronization")