def onModuleLoad(self): self.curInfo = '' self.curSink = None self.description = HTML() self.sink_list = SinkList() self.panel = DockPanel() self.loadSinks() self.sinkContainer = DockPanel() self.sinkContainer.setStyleName("ks-Sink") vp = VerticalPanel() vp.setWidth("100%") vp.add(self.description) vp.add(self.sinkContainer) self.description.setStyleName("ks-Info") self.panel.add(self.sink_list, DockPanel.WEST) self.panel.add(vp, DockPanel.CENTER) self.panel.setCellVerticalAlignment(self.sink_list, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP) self.panel.setCellWidth(vp, "100%") History().addHistoryListener(self) RootPanel().add(self.panel) RootPanel().add(Logger()) #Show the initial screen. initToken = History().getToken() if len(initToken): self.onHistoryChanged(initToken) else: self.showInfo()
def onModuleLoad(self): slot = RootPanel() calendar = SchoolCalendarWidget(15) slot.add(calendar) filterWidget = DayFilterWidget(calendar) slot.add(filterWidget)
def onModuleLoad(self): self.singleton = self topPanel = TopPanel() rightPanel = VerticalPanel() self.mailDetail = MailDetail() self.shortcuts = Shortcuts() topPanel.setWidth("100%") # MailList uses Mail.get() in its constructor, so initialize it after # 'singleton'. mailList = MailList(self.singleton) mailList.setWidth("100%") # Create the right panel, containing the email list & details. rightPanel.add(mailList) rightPanel.add(self.mailDetail) mailList.setWidth("100%") self.mailDetail.setWidth("100%") # Create a dock panel that will contain the menu bar at the top, # the shortcuts to the left, and the mail list & details taking the rest. outer = DockPanel() outer.add(topPanel, DockPanel.NORTH) outer.add(self.shortcuts, DockPanel.WEST) outer.add(rightPanel, DockPanel.CENTER) outer.setWidth("100%") outer.setSpacing(4) outer.setCellWidth(rightPanel, "100%") # Hook the window resize event, so that we can adjust the UI. #FIXME need implementation # Window.addWindowResizeListener(this) #Window.addWindowResizeListener(self) # Get rid of scrollbars, and clear out the window's built-in margin, # because we want to take advantage of the entire client area. Window.enableScrolling(False) Window.setMargin("0px") # Finally, add the outer panel to the RootPanel, so that it will be # displayed. #RootPanel.get().add(outer) # FIXME get# RootPanel().add(outer) RootPanel().add(Logger()) # Call the window resized handler to get the initial sizes setup. Doing # this in a deferred command causes it to occur after all widgets' sizes # have been computed by the browser. # FIXME - need implementation# # DeferredCommand.add(onWindowResized(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight())) self.onWindowResized(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight())
def onModuleLoad(self): slot = RootPanel("calendar") if slot: calendar = SchoolCalendarWidget(15) slot.add(calendar) slot = RootPanel("days") if slot: filterWidget = DayFilterWidget(calendar) slot.add(filterWidget)
def onModuleLoad(self): = 0 self.min_page = 1 self.max_page = 10 self.add = Button("Next >", self) self.sub = Button("< Prev", self) self.g = Grid() self.g.resize(5, 5) self.g.setHTML(0, 0, "<b>Grid Test</b>") self.g.setBorderWidth(2) self.g.setCellPadding(4) self.g.setCellSpacing(1) self.updatePageDisplay() RootPanel().add(self.sub) RootPanel().add(self.add) RootPanel().add(self.g)
def onModuleLoad(self): # Create a FormPanel and point it at a service. self.form = FormPanel() self.form.setAction("/chat-service/test/") # Because we're going to add a FileUpload widget, we'll need to set the # form to use the POST method, and multipart MIME encoding. self.form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART) self.form.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST) # Create a panel to hold all of the form widgets. panel = VerticalPanel() self.form.setWidget(panel) # Create a TextBox, giving it a name so that it will be submitted. self.tb = TextBox() self.tb.setName("textBoxFormElement") panel.add(self.tb) # Create a ListBox, giving it a name and some values to be associated with # its options. lb = ListBox() lb.setName("listBoxFormElement") lb.addItem("foo", "fooValue") lb.addItem("bar", "barValue") lb.addItem("baz", "bazValue") panel.add(lb) # Create a FileUpload widget. upload = FileUpload() upload.setName("uploadFormElement") panel.add(upload) # Add a 'submit' button. panel.add(Button("Submit", self)) # Add an event handler to the form. self.form.addFormHandler(self) RootPanel.get().add(self.form)
def onModuleLoad(self): b = Button("Click me", greet) RootPanel().add(b) if (1 or 0) and 0: RootPanel().add(Label("or FAILED")) else: RootPanel().add(Label("or OK")) if 0 & 1 == 0: RootPanel().add(Label("& OK")) else: RootPanel().add(Label("& FAILED")) if 1 | 1 != 1: RootPanel().add(Label("| FAILED")) else: RootPanel().add(Label("| OK"))
def onModuleLoad(self): slot = RootPanel("calendar") Window.alert("slot:" + slot) if slot: calendar = SchoolCalendarWidget(15) Window.alert(len(slot.children)) Window.alert(slot.children) slot.add(calendar) slot = RootPanel("days") if slot: filterWidget = DayFilterWidget(calendar) slot.add(filterWidget)
def onModuleLoad(self): self.l = Label() RootPanel().add(self.l) self.display()
def onModuleLoad(self): self.b = Button("function callback", onButtonClick) self.b2 = Button("object callback", self) RootPanel().add(self.b) RootPanel().add(self.b2)
def onModuleLoad(self): b = Button("Click me", greet) RootPanel().add(b)