Ejemplo n.º 1
def gen_pdm_from_indfile(ont_url, outfile):
    """Reads an owl file from ont_url; Writes a JSON file (outfile) of 
    types and annotations on individuals in the file.
    JSON structure: 
       label: string
       def: string
         - isAnonymous:boolean; 
         - relId:URI_string; 
         - objectId:URI_string.
    ont = Brain()
    axioms = {}
    if ont.knowsClass("CARO_0030002"):
        axioms.update(gen_pdm(ont, ont.getInstances("CARO_0030002", 0), "CARO_0030002")) # expression_patterns
    if ont.knowsClass("FBbt_00005106"):
        axioms.update(gen_pdm(ont, ont.getInstances("FBbt_00005106", 0), "FBbt_00005106")) # neurons
    if ont.knowsClass("FBbt_00007683"):
        axioms.update(gen_pdm(ont, ont.getInstances("FBbt_00007683", 0), "FBbt_00007683")) # clones
    jfile = open(outfile, "w")
    jfile.write(json.dumps(axioms, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
#!/usr/bin/env jython
import json
from uk.ac.ebi.brain.core import Brain
import sys

"""Takes a list of ontology URIs as args, writes a JSON lookup of ID:name."""

out = {}

for path in sys.argv[1:]:
    entities = []
    o = Brain()
    entities.extend(list(o.getSubClasses('Thing', 0)))
    entities.extend(list(o.getInstances('Thing', 0)))
    for e in entities:
        # Need check for if label exists.  Should be able to do that by iterating over all annotations on class to check.  Will slow things down a lot...
        out[e] = o.getLabel(e)

OUT = open('id_name.json', 'w')    
Ejemplo n.º 3
vom = ont_manager(vfb.getOntology())

# vom.typeAxioms2pdm(sfid = 'VFB_00005000')
# example = [{'isAnonymous': False, 'objectId': u'FBbt_00100247'},
#            {'relId': u'BFO_0000050', 'isAnonymous': True, 'objectId': u'FBbt_00003624'},
#            {'relId': u'BFO_0000050', 'isAnonymous': True, 'objectId': u'FBbt_00007011'},
#            {'relId': u'RO_0002292', 'isAnonymous': True, 'objectId': u'FBtp0014830'}]

# Simple to use. Only issue is resolution of short_form_ids.  This can be done as long as these are stored as attributes on relations.  These should be added in the process of adding named relations.  Check proposed schema on ticket...

# Get all inds by query

inds = vfb.getInstances("Thing", 0) 

# Could grab from neo4J avoiding Brain
#statements = ["MATCH (i:Individual) RETURN i"]
#r = nc.commit_list(statements)
#inds = {some proc step here}

# Iterate over individuals, looking up types and adding them
statements = []
for i in inds:
    types = vom.typeAxioms2pdm(sfid = i)
    for t in types:
        if t['isAnonymous']:
            rel = re.sub(' ', '_', vfb.getLabel(t['relId']))
            # Using related link. Can denormalise with generic edge naming script.