Ejemplo n.º 1
    def phi(cls, state, xi):

        .. math::

          \\varphi\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}, \\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) = 
          \\left( \\begin{matrix}
            \\exp\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(0:3)}\\right) \\mathbf{C}  \\\\
            \\mathbf{u} + \\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(3:6)}
           \\end{matrix} \\right)

        The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3) 
        \\times \\mathbb R^3`.

        Its corresponding inverse operation is :meth:`~ukfm.PENDULUM.phi_inv`.

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var xi: state uncertainty :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\xi}`.

        new_state = cls.STATE(
            u=state.u + xi[3:6],
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def f(cls, state, omega, w, dt):
        """ Propagation function.

        .. math::

            \\mathbf{C}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{C}_{n} \\exp\\left(\\left(\\mathbf{u}
            + \\mathbf{w}^{(0:3)} \\right) dt\\right),  \\\\
            \\mathbf{v}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{v}_{n} + \\mathbf{a}  dt, \\\\
            \\mathbf{p}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{p}_{n} + \\mathbf{v}_{n} dt + 
            \mathbf{a} dt^2/2,


        .. math::

            \\mathbf{a}  = \\mathbf{C}_{n} \\left( \\mathbf{a}_b + 
            \\mathbf{w}^{(3:6)} \\right) + \\mathbf{g}

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var omega: input :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\omega}`.
        :var w: noise :math:`\\mathbf{w}`.
        :var dt: integration step :math:`dt` (s).
        acc = state.Rot.dot(omega.acc + w[3:6]) + cls.g
        new_state = cls.STATE(Rot=state.Rot.dot(
            SO3.exp((omega.gyro + w[:3]) * dt)),
                              v=state.v + acc * dt,
                              p=state.p + state.v * dt + 1 / 2 * acc * dt**2)
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def phi(cls, state, xi):

        .. math::

          \\varphi\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}, \\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) =
          \\left( \\begin{matrix}
            \\mathbf{C} \\exp\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(0:3)}\\right) \\\\
            \\mathbf{v} + \\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(3:6)} \\\\
            \\mathbf{p} + \\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(6:9)}
           \\end{matrix} \\right)

        The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3) 
        \\times \\mathbb R^6`.

        Its corresponding inverse operation is 

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var xi: state uncertainty :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\xi}`.

        new_state = cls.STATE(Rot=SO3.exp(xi[:3]).dot(state.Rot),
                              v=state.v + xi[3:6],
                              p=state.p + xi[6:9])
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def f(cls, state, omega, w, dt):
        """ Propagation function.

        .. math::

            \\mathbf{C}_{n+1}  = \\mathbf{C}_{n} 
            \\exp\\left(\\left(\\mathbf{u} + \\mathbf{w} \\right) 
            dt \\right)

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var omega: input :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\omega}`.
        :var w: noise :math:`\\mathbf{w}`.
        :var dt: integration step :math:`dt` (s).
        new_state = cls.STATE(
            Rot=state.Rot.dot(SO3.exp((omega.gyro + w)*dt)),
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def phi(cls, state, xi):

        .. math::

          \\varphi\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}, \\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) = 
            \\mathbf{C} \\exp\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right)

        The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3)`
        with left multiplication.

        Its corresponding inverse operation is :meth:`~ukfm.ATTITUDE.phi_inv`.

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var xi: state uncertainty :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\xi}`.
        new_state = cls.STATE(
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def f(cls, state, omega, w, dt):
        """ Propagation function.

        .. math::

          \\mathbf{C}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{C}_{n} \\exp\\left(\\left(\\mathbf{u}
          - \mathbf{b}_g + \\mathbf{w}^{(0:3)} \\right) dt\\right)  \\\\
          \\mathbf{v}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{v}_{n} + \\mathbf{a}  dt, \\\\
          \\mathbf{p}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{p}_{n} + \\mathbf{v}_{n} dt 
          + \mathbf{a} dt^2/2 \\\\
          \\mathbf{b}_{g,n+1}  &= \\mathbf{b}_{g,n} 
          + \\mathbf{w}^{(6:9)}dt \\\\
          \\mathbf{b}_{a,n+1}  &= \\mathbf{b}_{a,n} + 
          \\mathbf{w}^{(9:12)} dt     


        .. math::

            \\mathbf{a}  = \\mathbf{C}_{n} 
            \\left( \\mathbf{a}_b -\mathbf{b}_a 
            + \\mathbf{w}^{(3:6)} \\right) + \\mathbf{g}

        Ramdom-walk noises on biases are not added as the Jacobian w.r.t. these 
        noise are trivial. This spares some computations of the UKF.  

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var omega: input :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\omega}`.
        :var w: noise :math:`\\mathbf{w}`.
        :var dt: integration step :math:`dt` (s).
        gyro = omega.gyro - state.b_gyro + w[:3]
        acc = state.Rot.dot(omega.acc - state.b_acc + w[3:6]) + cls.g
        new_state = cls.STATE(
            Rot=state.Rot.dot(SO3.exp(gyro * dt)),
            v=state.v + acc * dt,
            p=state.p + state.v * dt + 1 / 2 * acc * dt**2,
            # noise is not added on biases
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def right_phi(cls, state, xi):

        .. math::

          \\varphi\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}, \\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) 
          = \\left( \\begin{matrix}
            \\mathbf{C}_\\mathbf{T} \\mathbf{C}  \\\\
            \\mathbf{C}_\\mathbf{T}\\mathbf{v} +  \\mathbf{r_1} \\\\
            \\mathbf{C}_\\mathbf{T}\\mathbf{p} +  \\mathbf{r_2} \\\\
            \\mathbf{b}_g + \\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(9:12)} \\\\
            \\mathbf{b}_a + \\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(12:15)}
           \\end{matrix} \\right)


        .. math::
            \\mathbf{T} = \\exp\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\xi}^{(0:9)}\\right)
             = \\begin{bmatrix}
                \\mathbf{C}_\\mathbf{T} & \\mathbf{r_1}  &\\mathbf{r}_2 \\\\
                \\mathbf{0}^T & & \\mathbf{I} 

        The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SE_2(3)
        \\times \\mathbb{R}^6` with right multiplication.

        Its corresponding inverse operation is 

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var xi: state uncertainty :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\xi}`.
        dR = SO3.exp(xi[:3])
        J = SO3.left_jacobian(xi[:3])
        new_state = cls.STATE(Rot=dR.dot(state.Rot),
                              v=dR.dot(state.v) + J.dot(xi[3:6]),
                              p=dR.dot(state.p) + J.dot(xi[6:9]),
                              b_gyro=state.b_gyro + xi[9:12],
                              b_acc=state.b_acc + xi[12:15])
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def f(cls, state, omega, w, dt):
        """ Propagation function.

        .. math::

            \\mathbf{C}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{C}_{n} \\exp\\left(\\left(\\mathbf{u}
            + \\mathbf{w}^{(0:3)} \\right) dt\\right),  \\\\
            \\mathbf{u}_{n+1}  &= \\mathbf{u}_{n} + \\dot{\\mathbf{u}}  dt,


        .. math::

            \\dot{\\mathbf{u}}  = \\begin{bmatrix} 
            -\\omega_y  \\omega_x\\ \\\\ \\omega_x \\omega_z
            \\\\ 0 \end{bmatrix} +
            \\frac{g}{l}  \\left(\\mathbf{e}^b \\right)^\\wedge
            \\mathbf{C}^T \\mathbf{e}^b + \\mathbf{w}^{(3:6)} 

        :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`.
        :var omega: input :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\omega}`.
        :var w: noise :math:`\\mathbf{w}`.
        :var dt: integration step :math:`dt` (s).


        e3_i = state.Rot.T.dot(cls.e3)
        u = state.u
        d_u = np.array([-u[1]*u[2], u[0]*u[2], 0]) + \
            cls.g/cls.L*np.cross(cls.e3, e3_i)

        new_state = cls.STATE(
            u=state.u + (d_u+w[3:6])*dt
        return new_state
Ejemplo n.º 9
ekf_nees = np.zeros_like(ukf_nees)

# Monte-Carlo Runs
# ==============================================================================
# We run the Monte-Carlo through a for loop.

for n_mc in range(N_mc):
    print("Monte-Carlo iteration(s): " + str(n_mc+1) + "/" + str(N_mc))
    # simulate true states and noisy inputs
    states, omegas = model.simu_f(imu_std)
    # simulate measurements
    ys, one_hot_ys = model.simu_h(states, obs_freq, obs_std)
    # initialize filters
    state0 = model.STATE(
        p=states[0].p + p0_std*np.random.randn(3))
    # IEKF and right UKF covariance need to be turned
    J = np.eye(9)
    J[6:9, :3] = SO3.wedge(state0.p)
    right_P0 = J.dot(P0).dot(J.T)
    ukf = UKF(state0=state0, P0=P0, f=model.f, h=model.h, Q=Q, R=R,
              phi=model.phi, phi_inv=model.phi_inv, alpha=alpha)
    left_ukf = UKF(state0=state0, P0=P0, f=model.f, h=model.h, Q=Q, R=R,
                   phi=model.left_phi, phi_inv=model.left_phi_inv, alpha=alpha)
    right_ukf = UKF(state0=state0, P0=P0, f=model.f, h=model.h, Q=Q, R=R,
                    phi=model.right_phi, phi_inv=model.right_phi_inv,
    iekf = EKF(model=model, state0=state0, P0=right_P0, Q=Q, R=R,
               FG_ana=model.iekf_FG_ana, H_ana=model.iekf_H_ana,