Ejemplo n.º 1
def Sesar_relation(Period,ePeriod,FeH,eFeH,RRab,symmetric):
    if RRab:
        # relation: y = a + b*Fe + c*logP
        stdamin = 0.10
        stdaplus = 0.12
        stdbmin = 0.08
        stdbplus = 0.09
        stdcmin = 0.73
        stdcplus = 0.74
        Fe = ufloat(FeH,eFeH)
        logP = um.log(ufloat(Period,ePeriod),10)  # relation only applicable for RRab !

        sigma_M_max = 0.04
        epsilon_max = ufloat(0,((-2.47*logP.std_dev)**2) + ((-0.42*Fe.std_dev)**2) + ((sigma_M_max)**2))   # only using maximum a posteriori values for sigma M 
        if symmetric: # Option 1
            a = ufloat(-2.47,max(stdamin,stdaplus)) # take conservative symmetric error!
            b = ufloat(0.15,max(stdbmin,stdbplus))
            c = ufloat(-0.42,max(stdcmin,stdcplus))
            Magnitudeuncertainties = a + b*(Fe-(-1.4)) + c*(logP-um.log(0.52854,10)) + epsilon_max
        # else: # Option 2
            # create the combined PDF's from which one could potentially extract a more correct error
        return Magnitudeuncertainties
        print("Warning: The star passed to this relation is not of type RRab. This relation is only suitable for such stars. The end result for this star will be NaN +/- NaN.")
        return ufloat(np.NaN,np.NaN)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: faraday1.py Proyecto: vsilv/fp
def integral():
    x1 = uc.ufloat( 20 /2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    x2 = uc.ufloat( 150/2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    L =  uc.ufloat( 175   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    l =  uc.ufloat( 150   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    I =  uc.ufloat(10 , 0.1)
    N =  3600

    A = N  / (2 *L  * (x2-x1)) 
    factor =  (x2 * (sqrt( x2**2 + ((L+l)/2)**2)- sqrt( x2**2 + ((L-l)/2)**2) ) \
              -x1 * (sqrt( x1**2 + ((L+l)/2)**2)- sqrt( x1**2 + ((L-l)/2)**2) )  \
    + (((L+l)/2)**2* log((x2 + sqrt(((L+l)/2)**2  + x2**2))/ (x1 + sqrt(((L+l)/2)**2  + x1**2)) ) \
    -((L-l)/(4))**2* log((x2 + sqrt(((L-l)/2)**2  + x2**2))/ (x1 + sqrt(((L-l)/2)**2  + x1**2)) )))

    print(A * factor)

    a = np.load(input_dir +"a_3.npy")
    I = np.load(input_dir + "i_3.npy")
    I_fit = np.linspace(min(I),max(I),100) 

    S_a = 0.2
    S_I = 0.05

    weights = a*0 + 1/S_a 
    p, cov= np.polyfit(I,a, 1, full=False, cov=True, w=weights)

    (p1, p2) = uc.correlated_values([p[0],p[1]], cov)

    print(p1 / (A*factor))
    print(p1/2556/100 *oe *60)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def temperature(self, pressure=None):
        if pressure == None: pressure = self.P
        pressure = pressure * 10  # BKN uses kilobars internally

        lnKd = log(1 - self.Ca_("cpx")) - log(1 - self.Ca_("opx"))

        top = 23664 + (24.9 + 126.3 * self.X_Fe("cpx")) * pressure
        bottom = 13.38 + lnKd**2 + 11.59 * self.X_Fe("opx")
        return top / bottom - 273.15
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = ufloat(-1.5, 0.1)
    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as 
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though 
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties 
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for 
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # Boolean functions:
        assert not umath.isinf(x)

        # Comparison, possibly between an AffineScalarFunc object and a
        # boolean, which makes things more difficult for this code:
        assert umath.isinf(x) == False

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
        except OverflowError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Muraveva_relations_plx(Period,ePeriod,FeH,eFeH,RRab): # FU/FO Ks MCMC plx
    Fe = ufloat(FeH,eFeH)
    a = ufloat(-1.25,0.06)
    b = ufloat(0.03,0.07)
    c = ufloat(-2.73,0.25)
    if RRab:
        logP = um.log(ufloat(Period,ePeriod),10)
        logP = um.log(ufloat(Period,ePeriod),10) + 0.127 # fundamentalized
    Magnitudeuncertainties = a + b*Fe + c*logP
    return Magnitudeuncertainties
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Dambis_W1_relation(Period,ePeriod,FeH,eFeH,RRab): # <M_W1>
    # y = a + b*Fe + c*log(P_f)
    Fe = ufloat(FeH,eFeH)
    a = ufloat(-0.825,0.088)
    b = ufloat(0.088,0.026)
    c = 2.33
    if RRab:
        logP = um.log(ufloat(Period,ePeriod),10)
        logP = um.log(ufloat(Period,ePeriod),10) + 0.127
    Magnitudeuncertainties = a + b*Fe + c*logP
    return Magnitudeuncertainties
Ejemplo n.º 7
def age_equation(j, R, scalar=1, include_decay_error=False,
    if isinstance(j, (tuple, str)):
        j = ufloat(j)
    if isinstance(R, (tuple, str)):
        R = ufloat(R)
    if arar_constants is None:
        arar_constants = ArArConstants()
#    print constants.lambda_k, 'dec'
    if include_decay_error:
        age = (1 / arar_constants.lambda_k) * umath.log(1 + j * R) / float(scalar)
        age = (1 / arar_constants.lambda_k.nominal_value) * umath.log(1 + j * R) / float(scalar)
    return age
Ejemplo n.º 8
def age_equation(j, R, scalar=1, include_decay_error=False, constants=None):
    if isinstance(j, (tuple, str)):
        j = ufloat(j)
    if isinstance(R, (tuple, str)):
        R = ufloat(R)
    if constants is None:
        from src.processing.constants import Constants
        constants = Constants()
#    print constants.lambda_k, 'dec'
    if include_decay_error:
        age = (1 / constants.lambda_k) * umath.log(1 + j * R) / float(scalar)
        age = (1 / constants.lambda_k.nominal_value) * umath.log(1 + j * R) / float(scalar)
    return age
Ejemplo n.º 9
def Klein_relations_W1(Period,ePeriod,RRab): # FU/FO W1 MCMC,k
    # define the ufloat
    P = ufloat(Period,ePeriod)
    # first check wether star is a RRab star or whether star is a RRc star!
    if RRab:
        # uncertainties package: a + b*x = y
        a = ufloat(-0.495,0.013)
        b = ufloat(-2.38,0.20)
        Magnitudeuncertainties = a + b*um.log(P/0.55,10)
        # uncertainties package: a + b*x = y
        a = ufloat(-0.231,0.031)
        b = ufloat(-1.64,0.62)
        Magnitudeuncertainties = a + b*um.log(P/0.32,10)
    return Magnitudeuncertainties
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def convert(self, age, error):
        if hasattr(age, '__iter__'):
            m = len(age)
            m = 1

        torig = self._original_total_decay_constant
        t = self._lambda_t

        r, ex, ex_orig = self._calculate_r(age)

        sr = torig * exp(torig * age * 1e6) * error * 1e6 / ex_orig

        r_mc = ones(self._n) * r
        sr_mc = ones(self._n) * sr
        # return age, error

        vr = r_mc + sr_mc * randn(self._n, m)

        age = umath.log(((t / self._lambda_ec) * self._f * r) + 1) / (t * 1e6)

        # linear error propagation

        e = self._linear_error_propagation(age * 1e6, r, sr)
        e *= 1e-6

        # tm, tme = self._monte_carlo_error_propagation()
        # tm *= 1e-6
        # tme *= 1e-6
        tm, tme = 0, 0
        return age, e, tm, tme
Ejemplo n.º 11
def extract_gates_T1_from_result_GST(result, gate_operation_time):
    """Calculates the T1 from the extracted diagonal decay out of the result of GST analysis.
    Which is given as a number e.g. 0.001, from which T1 can be calculated.
    Which is done by: (1-decayrate)**N=e**(N*ln(1-decayrate)), where N is the
    number of gates applied. And: e**(N*ln(1-decayrate))=e**(-t/T1).
    This gives: T1=-time_per_gate/ln(1-decayrate)

    result: pygsti.report.results.Results object
    Result from standard GST analysis.

    gate_operation_time: float
    The time each gate operation (pulse) takes in seconds.

    T1 in seconds"""
    decomptable = result.tables['bestGatesetDecompTable']

    gatelabels = decomptable.keys()
    T1_dict = {}
    for i, gatelabel in enumerate(gatelabels):
        diag_dec = ufloat(decomptable[gatelabel]['Diag. decay'])
        T1 = -gate_operation_time/umath.log(1-diag_dec)
        T1_dict[gatelabel] = T1
    # T1_gates = [-gate_operation_time/np.log((1-i)) for i in Diagonal_decay_rates]
    return T1_dict
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def temperature(self, pressure=None):
        if pressure == None: pressure = self.P
        pressure = pressure * 10

        top = 6425 + 26.4 * pressure
        bottom = -log(self.opx["Ca"]) + 1.843
        return top / bottom - 273.15
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def convert(self, age, error):
        if hasattr(age, '__iter__'):
            m = len(age)
            m = 1

        torig = self._original_total_decay_constant
        t = self._lambda_t

        r, ex, ex_orig = self._calculate_r(age)

        sr = torig * exp(torig * age * 1e6) * error * 1e6 / ex_orig

        r_mc = ones(self._n) * r
        sr_mc = ones(self._n) * sr
        # return age, error

        vr = r_mc + sr_mc * randn(self._n, m)

        age = umath.log(((t / self._lambda_ec) * self._f * r) + 1) / (t * 1e6)

        # linear error propagation

        e = self._linear_error_propagation(age * 1e6, r, sr)
        e *= 1e-6

        # tm, tme = self._monte_carlo_error_propagation()
        # tm *= 1e-6
        # tme *= 1e-6
        tm, tme = 0, 0
        return age, e, tm, tme
Ejemplo n.º 14
def extract_gates_T1_from_result_GST(result, gate_operation_time):
    """Calculates the T1 from the extracted diagonal decay out of the result of GST analysis.
    Which is given as a number e.g. 0.001, from which T1 can be calculated.
    Which is done by: (1-decayrate)**N=e**(N*ln(1-decayrate)), where N is the
    number of gates applied. And: e**(N*ln(1-decayrate))=e**(-t/T1).
    This gives: T1=-time_per_gate/ln(1-decayrate)

    result: pygsti.report.results.Results object
    Result from standard GST analysis.

    gate_operation_time: float
    The time each gate operation (pulse) takes in seconds.

    T1 in seconds"""
    decomptable = result.tables['bestGatesetDecompTable']

    gatelabels = decomptable.keys()
    T1_dict = {}
    for i, gatelabel in enumerate(gatelabels):
        diag_dec = ufloat(decomptable[gatelabel]['Diag. decay'])
        T1 = -gate_operation_time / umath.log(1 - diag_dec)
        T1_dict[gatelabel] = T1
    # T1_gates = [-gate_operation_time/np.log((1-i)) for i in Diagonal_decay_rates]
    return T1_dict
Ejemplo n.º 15
def age_equation(j,
    if isinstance(j, tuple):
        j = ufloat(*j)
    elif isinstance(j, str):
        j = ufloat(j)

    if isinstance(f, tuple):
        f = ufloat(*f)
    elif isinstance(f, str):
        f = ufloat(f)

    if not lambda_k:
        if arar_constants is None:
            arar_constants = ArArConstants()
        lambda_k = arar_constants.lambda_k

    if arar_constants is None:
        arar_constants = ArArConstants()

    if not include_decay_error:
        lambda_k = nominal_value(lambda_k)

        # lambda is defined in years, so age is in years
        age = lambda_k**-1 * umath.log(1 + j * f)

        return arar_constants.scale_age(age, current='a')
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return ufloat(0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def age_equation(j, f,
    if isinstance(j, tuple):
        j = ufloat(*j)
    elif isinstance(j, str):
        j = ufloat(j)

    if isinstance(f, tuple):
        f = ufloat(*f)
    elif isinstance(f, str):
        f = ufloat(f)

    if not lambda_k:
        if arar_constants is None:
            arar_constants = ArArConstants()
        lambda_k = arar_constants.lambda_k

    if not scalar:
        if arar_constants is None:
            arar_constants = ArArConstants()
        scalar = float(arar_constants.age_scalar)

    if not include_decay_error:
        lambda_k = nominal_value(lambda_k)
        return (lambda_k ** -1 * umath.log(1 + j * f)) / scalar
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return ufloat(0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: polyeff.py Proyecto: op3/hdtv
    def value(self, E):
            value = E.value
        except AttributeError:
            value = E

        return self.norm * exp(self.TF1.Eval(log(value), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def age_equation(j,
    if isinstance(j, tuple):
        j = ufloat(*j)
    elif isinstance(j, str):
        j = ufloat(j)

    if isinstance(f, tuple):
        f = ufloat(*f)
    elif isinstance(f, str):
        f = ufloat(f)

    if not lambda_k:
        if arar_constants is None:
            arar_constants = ArArConstants()
        lambda_k = arar_constants.lambda_k

    if not scalar:
        if arar_constants is None:
            arar_constants = ArArConstants()
        scalar = float(arar_constants.age_scalar)

    if not include_decay_error:
        lambda_k = nominal_value(lambda_k)
        return (lambda_k**-1 * umath.log(1 + j * f)) / scalar
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return ufloat(0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: polyeff.py Proyecto: op3/hdtv
    def error(self, E):

        # TODO: this need checking
            value = E.value
        except AttributeError:
            value = E

        ln_err = _Efficiency.error(self, log(value))
        ln_eff = self.TF1.Eval(log(value), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tmp1 = self.norm * exp(ln_eff + ln_err)
        tmp2 = self.norm * exp(ln_eff - ln_err)

        error = abs(tmp1 - tmp2) / 2.0

        return self.norm * error
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def eval_saturation(self, pO2, A, T):
        """Calculate saturation by curve.

        (Saturation can be measured by multiwavelength hemoximetry.)

        S = ODC(P,A,T)


        .. [1] Radiometer ABL800 Flex Reference Manual English US.
            chapter 6-44, p. 280, equation 46-47.

        :param float pO2: measured partial O2 pressure, kPa (46.1)
        :param float A: an curve displacement along axis x (46.5).
        :param float T: Body temperature, °C (46.7).
            s, hemoglobin saturation at given pO2 and T conditions for current
            ODC, fraction. No hemoglobin corrections performed.
        :rtype: float
        x_0 = eval_x_0(a=A, T=T)
        # 46.1
        x = math.log(pO2)
        y = haldane_odc(x=x, x_0=x_0, y_0=self.y_0, a=A)
        s = 1 / (math.exp(-y) + 1)  # Reverse 46.2
        return s
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def calc_tiT_diff(pO2, sO2, T, A):
     # Derivative from paper
     alphaO2 = 9.83 * 10 ** -3 * math.exp(
         -1.15 * 10 ** -2 * (T - 37) + 2.1 * 10 ** -4 * (T - 37) ** 2)
     x = math.log(pO2)
     x_0 = eval_x_0(a=A, T=T)
     n = haldane_odc_diff(x=x, x_0=x_0, y_0=self.y_0, a=A)
     return alphaO2 + ctHb * n * (1 - sO2) / pO2
Ejemplo n.º 22
def extinction_ratio(source, fitting, Av):
    Av_value = np.zeros(len(fitting))
    Av_error = np.zeros(len(fitting))
    for i in range(8):
        u_source = ufloat(source[i], source[i + 8])
        u_Av = ufloat(Av[0], Av[1])
        print('source: {0}'.format(u_source))
        print('intrinsic data: {0}'.format(fitting[i]))
        result = -2.5 * (umath.log(u_source, 10.0) -
                         umath.log(fitting[i], 10.0))
        print('result: {0}'.format(result))
        print('Av: {0}'.format(u_Av))
        ratio = result / u_Av
        Av_value[i] = ratio.n
        Av_error[i] = ratio.s
    return Av_value, Av_error
Ejemplo n.º 23
def boltzmann_inverse(y, a1=1., a2=0., B=1., Q=1, logfit=True, altfit=0):
    """Inverts and finds the user defined crossing point (default at 80%)"""
        y = y.nominal_value
        if logfit:
            if altfit == 1:
                b_inv = np.power((1 / Q * ((a1 - y) / (y - a2))), -B)
                b_inv = np.power((1 / Q * ((a1 - y) / (y - a2))), -1 / B)
            if altfit == 1:
                b_inv = -B * umath.log(1 / Q * ((a1 - y) / (y - a2)))
                b_inv = -1 / B * umath.log(1 / Q * ((a1 - y) / (y - a2)))
        print('Failed to invert')
        b_inv = []
    return b_inv
Ejemplo n.º 24
def eval_x_0(a, T):
    """Will be calculated multiple times to allow other functions get
    temperature as parameter.

    :param float T: Celsus temperature.
    Return `x_0` for `haldane_odc` or `haldane_odc_diff`.
    b = 0.055 * (T - T_0)  # Eq. 46.7, temperature shift along `x`
    return math.log(p_00) + a + b  # Eq. 46.4
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def temperature(self, pressure=None):
        """Uncertainties from Taylor, page 402"""
        if pressure == None: pressure = self.P
        cpx = self.formula["cpx"]
        opx = self.formula["opx"]

        lnKd = log(self.a_en("cpx")) - log(self.a_en("opx"))

        bottom = sum([
            self.num(15.67, 0.77, "0"),
            self.num(14.37, 3.13, "1") * cpx["Ti"],
            self.num(3.69, 1.61, "2") * cpx["Fe"],
            self.num(-3.25, 0.81, "3") * self.X_ts(), lnKd**2

        T = (self.num(24787, 826, "4") +
             self.num(678, 87, "5") * pressure) / bottom

        return T - 273.15
Ejemplo n.º 26
def Neeley_relations(Period,ePeriod,FeH,eFeH,RRab):
    Fe = ufloat(FeH,eFeH)
    logP = um.log(ufloat(Period,ePeriod),10)
    # Model: y = a + b*Fe + c*log P 
    if RRab: # W1 FU
        a = ufloat(-0.784,0.007)
        b = ufloat(0.183,0.004)
        c = ufloat(-2.274,0.022)
    else: # W1 FO
        a = ufloat(-1.341,0.024)
        b = ufloat(0.152,0.004)
        c = ufloat(-2.716,0.047) 
    Magnitudeuncertainties = a + b*Fe + c*logP
    return Magnitudeuncertainties
Ejemplo n.º 27
def sigma_CCF(res):
    Function to obtain the CCF width of non-rotating star in km/s based on resolution of spectrograph
    res: Resolution of spectrograph
    sigma: CCF Width of non-rotating star in km/s 
    return 3e5/(res*2*sqrt(2*log(2)))
Ejemplo n.º 28
Archivo: faraday1.py Proyecto: vsilv/fp
def magnetic_field():

    x1 = uc.ufloat( 20 /2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    x2 = uc.ufloat( 150/2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    L =  uc.ufloat( 175   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    l =  uc.ufloat( 150   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    I =  uc.ufloat(10 , 0.1)
    N =  3600

    beta = N * I / (2   * (x2-x1)) 
    #magnetic field at z = L/2
    H = beta * log((x2 + sqrt((L/2)**2+ x2**2))/ ( x1 +\
        sqrt((L/2)**2 + x1**2))) 
Ejemplo n.º 29
def age_equation(j, f, include_decay_error=False, arar_constants=None):
    if isinstance(j, (tuple, str)):
        j = ufloat(j)
    if isinstance(f, (tuple, str)):
        f = ufloat(f)
    if arar_constants is None:
        arar_constants = ArArConstants()

    scalar = float(arar_constants.age_scalar)

    lk = arar_constants.lambda_k
    if not include_decay_error:
        lk = lk.nominal_value
        return (lk**-1 * umath.log(1 + j * f)) / scalar
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return ufloat(0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def eval_pressure(self, sO2, A, T):
        """Calculate O2 pressure by saturation.

        P = ODC(S,A,T)

        [16] Siggaard-Andersen O, Wimberley PD, Göthgen IH,
        Siggaard-Andersen M.
        A mathematical model of the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve
        of human blood and of the oxygen partial pressure as a function
        of temperature. Clin Chem 1984; 30: 1646-51.

        [18] Siggaard-Andersen O, Siggaard-Andersen M.
        The oxygen status algorithm: a computer program for calculating and
        displaying pH and blood gas data.
        Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1990; 50, Suppl 203: 29-45.

        :param float sO2: measured hemoglobin saturation, fraction (46.2)
        :param float A: an curve displacement along axis x (46.5).
        :param float T: Body temperature, °C (46.7).
            p, partial O2 pressure at given sO2 and T conditions for current
            ODC, kPa. No hemoglobin corrections performed.
        :rtype: float
        # 46.2
        y = math.log(sO2 / (1 - sO2))
        # Newtom-Rapson iterative method
        x_0 = eval_x_0(a=A, T=T)
        x = x_0  # Start value, as described in paper
        while True:
            y_i = haldane_odc(x=x, x_0=x_0, y_0=self.y_0, a=A)
            if abs(y - y_i) < epsilon:
                # print("FOUND x", x)
            # n ~ 2.7 according to paper
            n = haldane_odc_diff(x, x_0, self.y_0, A)
            x = x + (y - y_i) / n
            # print(y, y_i)
        # print('y', y, 'x', x)
        # print('\n%s y ~ \n%s y_hal\n' % (
        #     y, haldane_odc(x, x_0, self.y_0, A)))
        p = math.exp(x)  # Reverse 46.1
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 31
def age_equation(j, f,
    if isinstance(j, (tuple, str)):
        j = ufloat(j)
    if isinstance(f, (tuple, str)):
        f = ufloat(f)
    if arar_constants is None:
        arar_constants = ArArConstants()

    scalar = float(arar_constants.age_scalar)

    lk = arar_constants.lambda_k
    if not include_decay_error:
        lk = lk.nominal_value
        return (lk ** -1 * umath.log(1 + j * f)) / scalar
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return ufloat(0,0)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n,u.s**2,Z,varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux+uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux-uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux*uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux/uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n, u.s**2, Z, varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux + uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux - uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux * uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux / uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
Ejemplo n.º 34
        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    except ValueError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
    except ValueError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
        assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 0)))
    except ValueError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
        assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 1)))
    except ValueError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
        assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = uncertainties.ufloat((-1.5, 0.1))

    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):

        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # Boolean functions:
        assert not umath.isinf(x)

        # Comparison, possibly between an AffineScalarFunc object and a
        # boolean, which makes things more difficult for this code:
        assert umath.isinf(x) == False

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):

        except OverflowError(err_math):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError(err_ufloat):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 0)))
        except OverflowError( err_ufloat):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 1)))
        except OverflowError( err_ufloat):  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')

    elif sys.version_info < (3,):

        except ValueError( err_math):
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        except ValueError( err_ufloat):
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 0)))
        except ValueError( err_ufloat):
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
            umath.log(uncertainties.ufloat((0, 1)))
        except ValueError( err_ufloat):
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')

    else:  # Python 3+

        # !!! The tests should be made to work with Python 3 too!
Ejemplo n.º 36
def CalcG(te, k12, k21, k13, k31, k23, k32, pB, pC, rettype="list"):
    # Recast exchange rates as ufloats
    k12 = ufloat(k12.n, k12.std_dev)
    k13 = ufloat(k13.n, k13.std_dev)
    k21 = ufloat(k21.n, k21.std_dev)
    k31 = ufloat(k31.n, k31.std_dev)
    k23 = ufloat(k23.n, k23.std_dev)
    k32 = ufloat(k32.n, k32.std_dev)
    # Unpack numpy arrays to ufloats
    pB = ufloat(pB[0], pB[1])
    pC = ufloat(pC[0], pC[1])
    pA = 1. - (pB + pC)

    # Calc kcals
    kcal = calorie * 1e3
    # Delta G's of ESs (dG) and transition barriers (ddG)
    dG12, dG13 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)
    ddG12, ddG13 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)
    ddG21, ddG31 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)
    ddG23, ddG32 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)

    # Calculate energies of excited states
    if k12 != 0. and k21 != 0.:
        dG12 = (-umath.log((k12 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te) - (-umath.log(
            (k21 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te)
        dG12 = dG12 / kcal

    elif pB != 0.:
        dG12 = -rG * te * umath.log(pB / pA)
        dG12 = dG12 / kcal

    if k13 != 0. and k31 != 0.:
        dG13 = (-umath.log((k13 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te) - (-umath.log(
            (k31 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te)
        dG13 = dG13 / kcal

    elif pC != 0.:
        dG13 = -rG * te * umath.log(pC / pA)
        dG13 = dG13 / kcal

    # Calculate forward and reverse barriers (Joules/mol)
    #  Then convert to kcal/mol
    if k12 != 0.:
        ddG12 = -umath.log((k12 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te
        ddG12 = ddG12 / kcal  # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k21 != 0.:
        ddG21 = -umath.log((k21 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te
        ddG21 = ddG21 / kcal  # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k13 != 0.:
        ddG13 = -umath.log((k13 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te
        ddG13 = ddG13 / kcal  # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k31 != 0.:
        ddG31 = -umath.log((k31 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te
        ddG31 = ddG31 / kcal  # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k23 != 0.:
        ddG23 = -umath.log((k23 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te
        ddG23 = ddG23 / kcal  # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k32 != 0.:
        ddG32 = -umath.log((k32 * hC) / (kB * te)) * rG * te
        ddG32 = ddG32 / kcal  # Convert to kcal/mol
    if rettype == "list":
        return dG12, ddG12, ddG21, dG13, ddG13, ddG31, ddG23, ddG32
    elif rettype == "dict":
        # Get separate dictionaries of errors and parameter values
        #  then combine and return the master dict
        parD = {
            "dG12": dG12.n,
            "dG13": dG13.n,
            "ddG12": ddG12.n,
            "ddG21": ddG21.n,
            "ddG13": ddG13.n,
            "ddG31": ddG31.n,
            "ddG23": ddG23.n,
            "ddG32": ddG32.n
        parErr = {
            "dG12_err": dG12.std_dev,
            "dG13_err": dG13.std_dev,
            "ddG12_err": ddG12.std_dev,
            "ddG21_err": ddG21.std_dev,
            "ddG13_err": ddG13.std_dev,
            "ddG31_err": ddG31.std_dev,
            "ddG23_err": ddG23.std_dev,
            "ddG32_err": ddG32.std_dev
        retDict = parD.copy()
        return retDict
Ejemplo n.º 37

# Plotting susceptibility
for L in L_values:
    plot_feature(L, "chi", False)
plt.title("Susceptibility vs Temperature")

# Plotting chi(Tc) vs L
x = np.log(np.array(L_values))
chi_at_Tc = [umath.log(chi_max(get_output(L))) for L in L_values]
y = [x.nominal_value for x in chi_at_Tc]
yerr = [x.std_dev for x in chi_at_Tc]
plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='o')

# Plot linear fit
slope, intercept = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
y = slope * x + intercept
plt.plot(x, y, color='red')

plt.title("Susceptibility as a function of $\log L$")
plt.xlabel("$\log L$")
plt.ylabel("$\\log \\chi(T_c(L))$")
Ejemplo n.º 38
            #a, b, c = p
            return a + b * c**x

        # p0 is the initial guess for the fitting coefficients 
        p0 = [1., 1., 1.]

        p, cov = curve_fit(func, x, data, p0=p0)
        #, sigma=np.sqrt(1/error))
        p_uc = uc.correlated_values(p, cov)
        c = p_uc[2]
        T12_lit = 98 
        lamb_lit = -(np.log(2)/T12_lit)

        lamb = umath.log(c)
        T12 = -np.log(2) /lamb 

        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x),max(x))

        data_fit = unv(func(x_fit,*p_uc) )
        data_fit_min = unv(func(x_fit, *p_uc)) - usd(func(x_fit, *p_uc))
        data_fit_max = unv(func(x_fit, *p_uc)) + usd(func(x_fit, *p_uc))

                unv(np.polyval(c, Is)) + usd(np.polyval(c, Is)),
                unv(np.polyval(c, Is)) - usd(np.polyval(c, Is)),
                facecolor=colors[0], color=colors[0], alpha=0.2)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
        except OverflowError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(ufloat(0, 0))
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(ufloat(0, 1))
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')


Ejemplo n.º 40
from uncertainties import umath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = []  #ms
lnv = []
tau = 47 * 47 / 100000

with open('dadosdescarga.tsv', 'r') as tsvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter='\t')
    for row in reader:

y = []
dy = []
for i in range(10):
    dd = ufloat(lnv[i], (lnv[i]) * 4 / 100 + 0.5001)

ye = linegress.lineregression(t, y)

#for i in range(10):
#    print(math.log(v0-v[i]))

plt.plot(t, y, '.', label="pontos obtidos experimentalmente", color='grey')
plt.plot(t, ye, label='regressao')
plt.errorbar(t, y, yerr=dy, label='barra de erros')
def extinction_ratio(u_source, u_fitting, u_Av):
    A_lambda = -2.5 * (umath.log(u_source, 10.0) - umath.log(u_fitting, 10.0))
    ratio = A_lambda/u_Av
    return A_lambda 
Ejemplo n.º 42
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = ufloat(-1.5, 0.1)

    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # Python >=2.6 functions:

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):

        # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as
        # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though
        # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties
        # because it is restricted to integers, as for
        # math.factorial()):
        assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

        # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
        # variables:
        assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # Functions that give locally constant results are tested: they
    # should give the same result as their float equivalent:
    for name in umath.locally_cst_funcs:

            func = getattr(umath, name)
        except AttributeError:
            continue  # Not in the math module, so not in umath either

        assert func(x) == func(x.nominal_value)
        # The type should be left untouched. For example, isnan()
        # should always give a boolean:
        assert type(func(x)) == type(func(x.nominal_value))

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):

        except OverflowError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
Ejemplo n.º 43
    if sys.version_info < (2, 6):

        except OverflowError, err_math:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(ufloat(0, 0))
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')
            umath.log(ufloat(0, 1))
        except OverflowError, err_ufloat:  # "as", for Python 2.6+
            assert err_math.args == err_ufloat.args
            raise Exception('OverflowError exception expected')


Ejemplo n.º 44
def main(): 

    # setup the command line parser options 
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot Raw MC Equilibration Data for Scalar Estimators.')
    parser.add_argument('fileNames', help='Scalar estimator files', nargs='+')
    parser.add_argument('--estimator','-e', help='A list of estimator names that \
                        are to be plotted.', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--skip','-s', help='Number of measurements to be skipped \
                        in the average plot.', type=int, default=0)
    parser.add_argument('--period','-p', help='Period of the simple moving \
                        average. default=50', type=int, default=50)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    fileNames = args.fileNames
    if len(fileNames) < 1:
        parser.error("Need to specify at least one scalar estimator file")
    toSort = True
    for fileName in fileNames:
        if fileName.find('/') != -1:
           toSort = False
    if toSort:     
    ffile = open(fileNames[0],'r')
    headers = ffile.readline().lstrip('#').split()
    headers += ['srt']
    print headers

    # If we don't choose an estimator, provide a list of possible ones
    if (not args.estimator) or (args.estimator not in headers):
        errorString = "Need to specify one of:\n"      
        for head,index in headers.iteritems():
            errorString += "\"%s\"" % head + "   " 

    numFiles = len(fileNames)

    #colors  = loadgmt.getColorList('cw/1','cw1-029',max(numFiles,2))
    colors = ["#66CAAE", "#CF6BDD", "#E27844", "#7ACF57", "#92A1D6", "#E17597", "#C1B546",'b']
    fig = figure(1,figsize=(13,6))
    ax = subplot(111)
    n = 0
    E0 = 0
    Es  = []
    dEs = []
    srt = False
    if args.estimator=='srt': srt=True
    for i,fileName in enumerate(fileNames):
        dataFile  = open(fileName,'r');
        dataLines = dataFile.readlines();
        ffile = open(fileName,'r')
        headers = ffile.readline().lstrip('#').split()
        headers += ['srt']
        if len(dataLines) > 2:
            #params = GetFileParams(fileName)
            if  srt and not('ALRatio' in headers):
                col    = GetHeaderNumber(fileName,'nAred')
                dataR = loadtxt(fileName,usecols=col)
                col    = GetHeaderNumber(fileName,'nAext')
                dataE = loadtxt(fileName,usecols=col)
                daveR = amax(MCstat.bin(dataR[args.skip:]),axis=0)
                aveR  = average(dataR[args.skip:])
                daveE = amax(MCstat.bin(dataE[args.skip:]),axis=0)
                aveE  = average(dataE[args.skip:])
                #S2 = -umath.log(ufloat(aveE,daveE)/ufloat(aveR,daveR))
                S2 = -1.0*umath.log(ufloat(aveE,daveE)/ufloat(aveR,daveR))
                print 'Entropy = ', S2
                Es  += [S2.n]
                dEs += [S2.s]
                if srt: col    = GetHeaderNumber(fileName,'ALRatio')
                else  : col    = GetHeaderNumber(fileName,args.estimator)
                data = loadtxt(fileName,usecols=col)

                ID = fileName[-14:-4]
                if  size(data) > 1:
                    sma = simpleMovingAverage(args.period,data[args.skip:])
                    bins = MCstat.bin(data[args.skip:]) 
                    dataErr = amax(bins,axis=0)
                    dataAve = average(data[args.skip:])
                    if srt or (args.estimator=='ALRatio'):
                        S2 = -1.0*umath.log(ufloat(dataAve,dataErr)) 
                        print 'Entropy = ', S2
                        Es  += [S2.n]
                        dEs += [S2.s]
                    #if E0 == 0: E0 = dataAve
                    print '%0.6f +/- %0.6f ' %(dataAve-E0,dataErr)
                    #print dataAve-E0
            print '%s contains no measurements' %fileName
    xlabel('MC bins (p=%s)' %args.period)
    print Es
    print dEs

def assymetric_erorrs(p0, p1):
    P = (p0*(1-p1)+p1*(1-p0))/ ((1-p0)+(1-p1))
    return P

def inverse_assymetric_errors(P_total, p0):
    p1 = -(P_total*(p0-2)+p0)/(P_total-2*p0 + 1)
    return p1

print(inverse_assymetric_errors(assymetric_erorrs(0, 0.2), 0))

t_rest = 4.25e-6
T1_PSD = ufloat(22.7e-6, 3e-6)
# T1 = ufloat(19.3e-6, 2.1825e-6)
p0 = 0.0
p1 = 1-np.e**(-t_rest/T1_PSD)
# p1-1 = -e**()
# 1- p1 = e**()
# log(1-p1) = -t_rest/T1_PSD
p_naive = 1-np.e**(-t_rest/(2*T1_PSD))

print('P_assymetric: {:.4f}'.format(assymetric_erorrs(p0=p0, p1=p1)*100))

P_total = ufloat(0.117, 0.01)
# P_total = .117
p1 = inverse_assymetric_errors(P_total=P_total, p0=p0)
T1 = -t_rest/(log(1-p1))
print('PSD T1: {:.4f} us, CV: {:.4f}'.format(T1_PSD*1e6, T1_PSD.std_dev/T1_PSD.nominal_value))
print('expected T1 from model fit: {:.4f} us, CV:{:.4f}'.format(T1*1e6, T1.std_dev/T1.nominal_value))
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def fit(
            self, sO2, pO2, pCO2, pH,
            T=37, FCOHb=0.004, FMetHb=0.004, p50st=None):
        """Evaluate ODC position for specific blood sample.

        .. note:: The reference position of the ODC was chosen to be the one
        that corresponds to the default value for p50(st) = 3.578 kPa,
        which is traditionally considered the most likely value of p50 for
        adult humans under standard conditions, namely:

                pH = 7.40
                pCO2 = 5.33  # kPa
                FCOHb, FMetHb, FHbF = (0, 0, 0)
                cDPG = 5  # mmol/L

        Pass measured parameters to this function.

        .. note:: For some devices [1]:
            If the sO2 value for establishing the ODC is greater than 0.97,
            the calculation of the some parameter is not performed unless
            the p50(st) value is keyed in.

        Enter measured parameters to fit curve in it.
        self.FCOHb = FCOHb
        self.FMetHb = FMetHb
        self.sO2 = sO2
        self.pO2 = pO2
        self.pCO2 = pCO2
        self.pH = pH
        self.T = T
        self.p50st = p50st

        # Eq. 46.3
        self.y_0 = math.log(s_0 / (1 - s_0))
        # Determining actual displacement 'a'. It includes:
        #     * 'ac' - an guess, by measured parameters
        #     * 'a6' - an additional shift
        a1 = -0.88 * (pH - 7.40)
        a2 = 0.048 * math.log(pCO2 / 5.33)  # 5.33 pCO2
        a3 = -0.7 * FMetHb
        a4 = (0.06 - 0.02 * FHbF) * (cDPG - 5)
        a5 = -0.25 * FHbF
        ac = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5

        if sO2 <= 0.97 and not p50st:  # I
            # Рассчитать P0S0 по измеренным значениям
            # На основе измеренных параметров рассчитать сдвиг 'ac'
            # Использовать 46.3, 46.4?
            # Определить 'a6' кривой reference position при которых она
            # будет проходить через измеренную точку P0S0
            P0 = pO2 + (pO2 / sO2) * (FCOHb / (1 - FCOHb - FMetHb))  # 46.9
            x_measured = math.log(P0)
            S0 = (sO2 * (1 - FCOHb - FMetHb) + FCOHb) / (1 - FMetHb)  # 46.11
            y_measured = math.log(S0 / (1 - S0))
            # print('P0', P0, 'S0', S0)
            # print('x_measured', x_measured, 'y_measured', y_measured)

            # Newtom-Rapson method
            # http://web.mit.edu/10.001/Web/Course_Notes/NLAE/node6.html
            a = 0  # Start value, as described in paper
            while True:
                x_0i = eval_x_0(a=a, T=T)
                # n ~ 2.7 according to paper
                y_i = haldane_odc(x=x_measured, x_0=x_0i, y_0=self.y_0, a=a)
                if abs(y_measured - y_i) < epsilon:
                n = haldane_odc_diff(x=x_measured, x_0=x_0i, y_0=self.y_0, a=a)
                a = a + (y_measured - y_i) / (
                    -n + math.tanh(k_0 * (x_measured - x_0i)))  # Brackets
            self.ac = ac
            self.a = a
            self.a6 = a - ac
            if p50st is not None:  # II
                # Experimental for pO2(T)?
                # 46.9, sO2 = 0.5
                P0 = p50st + (p50st / 0.5) * (FCOHb / (1 - FCOHb - FMetHb))
                x_measured = math.log(P0)
                # 46.11
                S0 = (0.5 * (1 - FCOHb - FMetHb) + FCOHb) / (1 - FMetHb)
                y_measured = math.log(S0 / (1 - S0))
                # *Кривая при стандартных условиях p50st для данного пациента*
                # Рассчитать точку P0S0 по давлению p50st, сатурации 0.5
                # Итеративно определаить `a6` (без учёта ac) при котором кривая
                #     проходиn через рассчитанную точку P0S0
                a6 = 0  # Start value, as described in paper
                while True:
                    x_0i = eval_x_0(a=a6, T=T)
                    # n ~ 2.7 according to paper
                    y_i = haldane_odc(
                        x=x_measured, x_0=x_0i, y_0=self.y_0, a=a6)
                    if abs(y_measured - y_i) < epsilon:
                    n = haldane_odc_diff(
                        x=x_measured, x_0=x_0i, y_0=self.y_0, a=a6)
                    a6 = a6 + (y_measured - y_i) / (
                        -n + math.tanh(k_0 * (x_measured - x_0i)))  # Brackets
                # *Расчёт кривой p50act*
                # К рассчитанному для p50st `a6` прибавить рассчитанный по
                # измеряемым параметрам сдвиг 'ac'
                # So `a6` it's shift from reference to keyed standard cond.
                # `ac` is shift from standard conditions to patient body cond.
                self.a6 = a6
                self.ac = ac
                self.a = a6 + ac
            else:  # III, ошибочный или зашкаливающий sO2, p50st неизвестно.
                # Из-за зашкалиающего pO2 кривая будет расчитана приблизительно
                # Рассчитать по измеряемым параметрам (pH, pCO2, FCOHb, FMetHb,
                #    FHbF) сдвиг 'ac'
                # Кривая пациента приблизительно соответсвует reference-кривой,
                #    сдвинутой на рассчитанный 'ac'
                # a = ac  # `a6` не нужно определять
                self.ac = ac
                self.a = ac
                self.a6 = 0
def alpha(flux1, flux2, freq1=ufloat(144e6, 24e6),
          freq2=ufloat(1400e6, 0)):
    """Get spectral index with error. Default is LDR2 and FIRST.
    return log(flux1 / flux2) / log(freq1 / freq2)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def calc_error_contrib(ar40, ar39, ar38, ar37, ar36, s40, s39, s38, s37, s36,
                       J, constants):
    # fraction of ar36err from s36,ar37,ar38
    fe36_36, fe36_37, fe36_38 = acalc_fractional_error(s36, ca3637 * s37,
                                                       cl3638 * s38, ar36)

    # fraction of ar40err from 40signal, 36signal
    fe40_40, fe40_36 = acalc_fractional_error(s40, constants.atm4036_v * ar36,

    R = ar40 / ar39
    # fraction of R error from ar40 and ar39
    fe40, fe39 = mcalc_fractional_error(ar40, ar39, R)

    #    JR.std_dev equals total error
    JR = J * R
    k = constants.lambda_k
    IlambdaK = 1 / k
    M = JR + 1
    #    print constants.lambda_k.std_dev() / constants.lambda_k.nominal_value
    #    print IlambdaK.std_dev() / IlambdaK.nominal_value
    a = umath.log(M)
    c = IlambdaK * a

    #    print IlambdaK, a
    #    print c.nominal_value * ((IlambdaK.std_dev() / IlambdaK.nominal_value) ** 2 + (a.std_dev() / a.nominal_value) ** 2) ** 0.5
    #    print c
    feLambdaK, feJR = mcalc_fractional_error(IlambdaK, a, c)
    #    print feLambdaK, feJR, feLambdaK + feJR
    #    af = (IlambdaK.std_dev() / IlambdaK.nominal_value) ** 2 * (M.std_dev() / M.nominal_value) ** 2

    #    errLambdaK = a.std_dev() * feLambdaK
    #    errJR = a.std_dev() * feJR

    #    #fraction of JR from J and R
    Je, Re = mcalc_fractional_error(J, R, JR)
    #    print Je, Re
    # fractional error from ar40. e40=F40+F36
    err = fe40 * Re * feJR

    # error in ar40 is sum of s40err and s36err
    err40 = fe40_40 * err

    err = fe40_36 * err
    # error in ar36 is sum of s40err and s36err
    err36 = fe36_36 * err
    err37 = fe36_37 * err
    err38 = fe36_38 * err

    # fractional error from ar39
    err39 = fe39 * Re * feJR

    errJ = Je * feJR
    errLambdaK = feLambdaK
    # print 'exception', err40, err36, err39, errJ
    # print 'exception', err36 + err40 + err39 + errJ

    # print 'exception', err36 + err37 + err38 + err40 + err39 + errJ + errLambdaK - 1
    assert abs(err36 + err37 + err38 + err40 + err39 + errJ + errLambdaK -
               1) < 1e-10
    return err40, err39, err38, err37, err36, errJ, errLambdaK
Ejemplo n.º 49
    results["ΔX(τ)/X"] = [Xgsv.n, Xgsv.s, "%"]
    del results["ΔX(τ)"]

# temp variation
T = []
invT = []
lsig = []
lXp = []
lXpm = []
sig = []
for sec in sections:
    if sec["id"] in tempvar:
            T.append(ufloat(*sec["T"]) + 273.15)
            invT.append(1 / (ufloat(*sec["T"]) + 273.15))
        except ValueError:
if len(sig) == len(tempvar):
    for prop, tag, unit in [[lsig, "EA(σ)", "kJ/mol"],
                            [lXp, "EA(X)", "kJ/mol"],
                            [lXpm, "EA(X/m)", "kJ/mol"]]:
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, [i.n for i in invT],
                               [i.n for i in prop],
                               sigma=[i.s for i in prop],
        perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
        results[tag] = [
Ejemplo n.º 50
def CalcG(te, k12, k21, k13, k31, k23, k32, pB, pC, rettype="list"):
    # Recast exchange rates as ufloats
    k12 = ufloat(k12.n, k12.std_dev)
    k13 = ufloat(k13.n, k13.std_dev)
    k21 = ufloat(k21.n, k21.std_dev)
    k31 = ufloat(k31.n, k31.std_dev)
    k23 = ufloat(k23.n, k23.std_dev)
    k32 = ufloat(k32.n, k32.std_dev)
    # Unpack numpy arrays to ufloats
    pB = ufloat(pB[0], pB[1])
    pC = ufloat(pC[0], pC[1])
    pA = 1. - (pB + pC)

    # Calc kcals
    kcal = calorie * 1e3
    # Delta G's of ESs (dG) and transition barriers (ddG)
    dG12, dG13 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)
    ddG12, ddG13 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)
    ddG21, ddG31 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)
    ddG23, ddG32 = ufloat(0., 0.), ufloat(0., 0.)

    # Calculate energies of excited states
    if k12 != 0. and k21 != 0.:
        dG12 = (-umath.log((k12*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te) - (-umath.log((k21*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te)
        dG12 = dG12 / kcal

    elif pB != 0.:
        dG12 = -rG * te * umath.log(pB/pA)
        dG12 = dG12 / kcal

    if k13 != 0. and k31 != 0.:
        dG13 = (-umath.log((k13*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te) - (-umath.log((k31*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te)
        dG13 = dG13 / kcal

    elif pC != 0.:
        dG13 = -rG * te * umath.log(pC/pA)
        dG13 = dG13 / kcal   

    # Calculate forward and reverse barriers (Joules/mol)
    #  Then convert to kcal/mol
    if k12 != 0.: 
        ddG12 = -umath.log((k12*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te
        ddG12 = ddG12 / kcal # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k21 != 0.: 
        ddG21 = -umath.log((k21*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te
        ddG21 = ddG21 / kcal # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k13 != 0.: 
        ddG13 = -umath.log((k13*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te
        ddG13 = ddG13 / kcal # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k31 != 0.: 
        ddG31 = -umath.log((k31*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te
        ddG31 = ddG31 / kcal # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k23 != 0.: 
        ddG23 = -umath.log((k23*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te
        ddG23 = ddG23 / kcal # Convert to kcal/mol
    if k32 != 0.: 
        ddG32 = -umath.log((k32*hC)/(kB*te))*rG*te
        ddG32 = ddG32 / kcal # Convert to kcal/mol
    if rettype == "list":
        return dG12, ddG12, ddG21, dG13, ddG13, ddG31, ddG23, ddG32
    elif rettype == "dict":
        # Get separate dictionaries of errors and parameter values
        #  then combine and return the master dict
        parD = {"dG12":dG12.n, "dG13":dG13.n, "ddG12":ddG12.n, "ddG21":ddG21.n,
                "ddG13":ddG13.n, "ddG31":ddG31.n, "ddG23":ddG23.n, "ddG32":ddG32.n}
        parErr = {"dG12_err":dG12.std_dev, "dG13_err":dG13.std_dev,
                  "ddG12_err":ddG12.std_dev, "ddG21_err":ddG21.std_dev,
                  "ddG13_err":ddG13.std_dev, "ddG31_err":ddG31.std_dev,
                  "ddG23_err":ddG23.std_dev, "ddG32_err":ddG32.std_dev}
        retDict = parD.copy()
        return retDict    
Ejemplo n.º 51
def calc_error_contrib(ar40, ar39, ar38, ar37, ar36, s40, s39, s38, s37, s36, J, constants):
    # fraction of ar36err from s36,ar37,ar38
    fe36_36, fe36_37, fe36_38 = acalc_fractional_error(s36,
                                                       ca3637 * s37,
                                                       cl3638 * s38,

    # fraction of ar40err from 40signal, 36signal
    fe40_40, fe40_36 = acalc_fractional_error(s40, constants.atm4036_v * ar36, ar40)

    R = ar40 / ar39
    # fraction of R error from ar40 and ar39
    fe40, fe39 = mcalc_fractional_error(ar40, ar39, R)

#    JR.std_dev equals total error
    JR = J * R
    k = constants.lambda_k
    IlambdaK = 1 / k
    M = JR + 1
#    print constants.lambda_k.std_dev() / constants.lambda_k.nominal_value
#    print IlambdaK.std_dev() / IlambdaK.nominal_value
    a = umath.log(M)
    c = IlambdaK * a

#    print IlambdaK, a
#    print c.nominal_value * ((IlambdaK.std_dev() / IlambdaK.nominal_value) ** 2 + (a.std_dev() / a.nominal_value) ** 2) ** 0.5
#    print c
    feLambdaK, feJR = mcalc_fractional_error(IlambdaK, a, c)
#    print feLambdaK, feJR, feLambdaK + feJR
#    af = (IlambdaK.std_dev() / IlambdaK.nominal_value) ** 2 * (M.std_dev() / M.nominal_value) ** 2

#    errLambdaK = a.std_dev() * feLambdaK
#    errJR = a.std_dev() * feJR

#    #fraction of JR from J and R
    Je, Re = mcalc_fractional_error(J, R, JR)
#    print Je, Re
    # fractional error from ar40. e40=F40+F36
    err = fe40 * Re * feJR

    # error in ar40 is sum of s40err and s36err
    err40 = fe40_40 * err

    err = fe40_36 * err
    # error in ar36 is sum of s40err and s36err
    err36 = fe36_36 * err
    err37 = fe36_37 * err
    err38 = fe36_38 * err

    # fractional error from ar39
    err39 = fe39 * Re * feJR

    errJ = Je * feJR
    errLambdaK = feLambdaK
#    print err40, err36, err39, errJ
#    print err36 + err40 + err39 + errJ

#    print err36 + err37 + err38 + err40 + err39 + errJ + errLambdaK - 1
    assert abs(err36 + err37 + err38 + err40 + err39 + errJ + errLambdaK - 1) < 1e-10
    return err40, err39, err38, err37, err36, errJ, errLambdaK
Ejemplo n.º 52
def test_math_module():
    "Operations with the math module"

    x = ufloat(-1.5, 0.1)
    # The exponent must not be differentiated, when calculating the
    # following (the partial derivative with respect to the exponent
    # is not defined):
    assert (x**2).nominal_value == 2.25

    # Regular operations are chosen to be unchanged:
    assert isinstance(umath.sin(3), float)

    # factorial() must not be "damaged" by the umath module, so as 
    # to help make it a drop-in replacement for math (even though 
    # factorial() does not work on numbers with uncertainties 
    # because it is restricted to integers, as for 
    # math.factorial()):
    assert umath.factorial(4) == 24

    # fsum is special because it does not take a fixed number of
    # variables:
    assert umath.fsum([x, x]).nominal_value == -3

    # Functions that give locally constant results are tested: they
    # should give the same result as their float equivalent:
    for name in umath.locally_cst_funcs:

            func = getattr(umath, name)
        except AttributeError:
            continue  # Not in the math module, so not in umath either
        assert func(x) == func(x.nominal_value)
        # The type should be left untouched. For example, isnan()
        # should always give a boolean:
        assert type(func(x)) == type(func(x.nominal_value))

    # The same exceptions should be generated when numbers with uncertainties
    # are used:

    ## !! The Nose testing framework seems to catch an exception when
    ## it is aliased: "exc = OverflowError; ... except exc:..."
    ## surprisingly catches OverflowError. So, tests are written in a
    ## version-specific manner (until the Nose issue is resolved).

    except ValueError as err_math:
        # Python 3 does not make exceptions local variables: they are
        # restricted to their except block:
        err_math_args = err_math.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')

    except ValueError as err_ufloat:
        assert err_math_args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        umath.log(ufloat(0, 0))
    except ValueError as err_ufloat:
        assert err_math_args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
        umath.log(ufloat(0, 1))
    except ValueError as err_ufloat:
        assert err_math_args == err_ufloat.args
        raise Exception('ValueError exception expected')
Ejemplo n.º 53
def estimate_logg(numax, teff, numax_err=None, teff_err=None):
    """Calculates the log of the surface gravity using the asteroseismic scaling

    The two global observable seismic parameters, numax and deltanu, along with
    temperature, scale with fundamental stellar properties (Brown et al. 1991;
    Kjeldsen & Bedding 1995). These scaling relations can be rearranged to
    calculate a stellar surface gravity as

        g = gsol * (numax/numax_sol)(Teff/Teffsol)^0.5

    where g is the surface gravity and Teff is the effective temperature,
    and the suffix 'sol' indicates a solar value. In this method we use the
    solar values for numax as given in Huber et al. (2011) and for Teff as given
    in Prsa et al. (2016). The solar surface gravity is calcluated from the
    astropy constants for solar mass and radius and does not have an error.

    The solar surface gravity is returned as log10(g) with units in dex, as is
    common in the astrophysics literature.

    This code structure borrows from work done in Bellinger et al. (2019), which
    also functions as an accessible explanation of seismic scaling relations.

    If no value of effective temperature is given, this function will check the 
    meta data of the `Periodogram` object used to create the `Seismology` object.
    These data will often contain an effective tempearture from the Kepler Input 
    Catalogue (KIC, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011AJ....142..112B/abstract), 
    or from the EPIC or TIC for K2 and TESS respectively. The temperature values in these
    catalogues are estimated using photometry, and so have large associated uncertainties
    (roughly 200 K, see KIC). For more better results, spectroscopic measurements of
    temperature are often more precise.

    NOTE: These scaling relations are scaled to the Sun, and therefore do not
    always produce an entirely accurate result for more evolved stars.

    numax : float
        The frequency of maximum power of the seismic mode envelope. If not
        given an astropy unit, assumed to be in units of microhertz.
    teff : float
        The effective temperature of the star. In units of Kelvin.
    numax_err : float
        Error on numax. Assumed to be same units as numax
    teff_err : float
        Error on teff. Assumed to be same units as teff.

    logg : `.SeismologyQuantity`
        The log10 of the surface gravity of the star.
    numax = u.Quantity(numax, u.microhertz).value
    teff = u.Quantity(teff, u.Kelvin).value

    if all(b is not None for b in [numax_err, teff_err]):
        numax_err = u.Quantity(numax_err, u.microhertz).value
        teff_err = u.Quantity(teff_err, u.Kelvin).value
        unumax = ufloat(numax, numax_err)
        uteff = ufloat(teff, teff_err)
        unumax = ufloat(numax, 0)
        uteff = ufloat(teff, 0)

    ug = G_SOL.value * (unumax / NUMAX_SOL) * (uteff / TEFF_SOL)**0.5
    ulogg = umath.log(ug, 10)

    result = SeismologyQuantity(ulogg.n * u.dex,
                                error=ulogg.s * u.dex,
                                method="Uncorrected Scaling Relations")
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 54
Archivo: analysis.py Proyecto: vsilv/fp
def reg2():

    The day we saw the hawk
    On a churchyard tree
    A kite too
    Was in the far sky.

    - Hekigodo 

    data2 = np.load("./data/measure4_1.npy")[2:]

    x2 = np.arange(0,len(data2),1)

    fit = True 
    redistribute = True 

    #x2 = 1.3149710372035508*x2 -22.617788714272098
    c2 = np.where(x2 < 135)

    data = data2[c2] 
    x  = x2[c2]

    mass = 79/251/6080*52658
    if redistribute == True:

        # conserving the mass
        total_mass = mass * len(data)
        remaining = (data > 0)

        while True:
            print("new redistributing ...")
            print("total mass:",total_mass)
            # find those which are smaller
            q = (data[remaining] <= mass)
            remaining = ~q
            if len(np.nonzero(q)[0]) == 0:
                data[remaining] -= mass
            print("number of smaller values:",len(np.nonzero(q)[0]),"\n")
            # subtract the mass of this data
            total_mass -= np.sum(data[q])
            mass = total_mass / len(np.nonzero(~remaining)[0])  
            data[q] = 0

        # redistribute total remaining mass to single channels
        print("number of nonzero:",len(np.nonzero(data)[0]))

    c    = np.nonzero(data)  
    data = data[c]
    x = x[c]

    #scaling to time units
    x = 6.3149710372035508*x -22.617788714272098
    c = (x>0)
    x = x[c]
    data = data[c]

    x = x[::-1] - min(x)

    error = np.sqrt(data) 
    # only fit for x < 135
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax  = plt.subplot(111)

    if fit==True:

        def func(x, *p):
            a,b,c = p
            return a + b * c**x

        # p0 is the initial guess for the fitting coefficients 
        p0 = [1., 1., 1.]

        p, cov = curve_fit(func, x, data, p0=p0, sigma = error)
        p_uc = uc.correlated_values(p, cov)
        c = p_uc[2]

        T12_lit = 98 
        lamb_lit = -(np.log(2)/T12_lit)

        lamb = umath.log(c)
        T12 = -np.log(2) /lamb 

        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x),max(x))

        data_fit = func(x_fit,*p) 
        pmin = (p - np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))
        pmax = (p + np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))

        data_fit_min = func(x_fit, *pmin)
        data_fit_max = func(x_fit, *pmax)

        plt.plot(x_fit,90*np.exp(x_fit * lamb_lit))
        plt.fill_between(x_fit, data_fit_min , data_fit_max,facecolor="r", color="b", alpha=0.3 )

        # place a text box in upper left in axes coords
        props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)
        textstr = '$a + b \cdot c^x$ with\n$a=%.2f$\n$b=%.2f$\n$c=%.2f$'%(p[0], p[1],p[2])
        ax.text(0.6, 0.85, textstr, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=18, va='top', bbox=props)

        ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize = 14)
        ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize = 14)

        ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((0,0.1),155,100,alpha = 0.2))

    plt.errorbar(x,data, yerr=error,fmt="x")
    #plt.scatter(x,data,c="blue",alpha = 0.9,s=100, marker="x")
    plt.xlabel("time in $ns$", fontsize = 14)
    plt.ylabel("counts", fontsize = 14)