Ejemplo n.º 1
def transit_prob(Rp, aR, e=0, w=90):
	Function to calculate period of rotation of a planet
    Rp: float;
        radius of the planet in unit f the stellar radius
    aR: float;
        Scaled semi-major axis i.e. a/R*.

    e: float;
        eccentricity of the orbit.
    w: float;
        longitude of periastron in degrees
	#eqn 5 - Kane & von Braun 2008, https://core.ac.uk/reader/216127860
    prob = (1 + Rp)/aR * (1 + e*sin(radians(w))/(1-e**2)  )

    return prob
Ejemplo n.º 2
def inclination(b, a, e=0, w=90):
    Function to convert impact parameter b to inclination in degrees.
    b: Impact parameter of the transit.
    a: Scaled semi-major axis i.e. a/R*.

    e: float;
        eccentricity of the orbit.
    w: float;
        longitude of periastron in degrees
    inc: The inclination of the planet orbit in degrees.
    ecc_factor = (1 - e**2) / (1 + e * sin(radians(w)))
    inc = degrees(acos(b / (a * ecc_factor)))
    return inc
Ejemplo n.º 3
def transit_duration(P, Rp, a, b=0, e=0, w=90, inc=None, total=True):
    Function to calculate the total (T14) or full (T23) transit duration
    P: Period of planet orbit in days

    Rp: Radius of the planet in units of stellar radius

    b: Impact parameter of the planet transit [0, 1+Rp]

    a: scaled semi-major axis of the planet in units of solar radius
    inc: inclination of the orbit. Optional. If given b is not used. if None, b is used to calculate inc
    total: if True calculate the the total transit duration T14, else calculate duration of full transit T23

    Tdur: duration of transit in same unit as P   
    #eqn 30 and 31 of Kipping 2010 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16894.x
    factor = (1-e**2)/(1+e*sin(radians(w)))
    if inc == None:
        inc = inclination(b,a,e,w)
    if total is False:
        Rp = -Rp
    sini = sin(radians(inc))
    cosi = cos(radians(inc))
    denom = a*factor*sini
    tdur= (P/np.pi) * (factor**2/sqrt(1-e**2)) * (asin ( sqrt((1+Rp)**2 - (a*factor*cosi)**2)/ denom ) )
    return  tdur
Ejemplo n.º 4
def effective_ringed_planet_radius(rp, rin, rout, ir):
    Calculate effective radius of a ringed planet accounting for possible overlap between ring and planet. - eqn (2) from zuluaga+2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/803/1/L14
    rp : float, ufloat;
        Radius of the planet hosting the ring
    rin, rout : float, ufloat;
        Inner and outer radii of the ring in units of rp.
    ir : float, ufloat;
        Inclination of the ring from the skyplane. 0 is face-on ring, 90 is edge on
    eff_R : float, ufloat;
        effective radius of the ringed planet in same unit as rp

    cosir = cos(radians(ir))
    sinir = sin(radians(ir))
    y = lambda r: sqrt(r**2 - 1) / (r * sinir)

    def eff(r):
        if r * cosir > 1:
            eff_r = r**2 * cosir - 1
            eff_r = (r**2 * cosir * 2 / np.pi *
                     asin(y(r))) - (2 / np.pi * asin(y(r) * r * cosir))

        return eff_r

    rout_eff2 = eff(rout)
    rin_eff2 = eff(rin)

    Arp = rp**2 + rp**2 * (rout_eff2 - rin_eff2)
    return sqrt(Arp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def impact_parameter(inc, a, e=0, w=90, format='deg'):
    Function to convert inclination to impact parameter b.
    input format of angles as 'deg' or 'rad'.
    see eq. 1.19 in https://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/alapini/Publications/PhD_chap1.pdf
    also https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.08549.pdf
    inc: float;
        inclination of the planetary orbit
    a: float;
        scaled semi-major axis in units of solar radii 
    e: float;
        eccentricity of the orbit.
    w: float;
        longitude of periastron
    format: str;  - "deg" or "rad"
        unit of the `inc` and `w`  
    b: impact parameter

    if format == 'deg':
        inc = radians(inc)
        w = radians(w)

    ecc_factor = (1 - e**2) / (1 + e * sin(w))
    return a * cos(inc) * ecc_factor
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_earth_observer_vector_fast(time):
	"""Calculate the position vector of an observer on the earth in
	barcentric cartesian coordinates, approximately and hopefully
	abit faster.

	n = time-Time('2000-01-01T12:00:00', format='isot', scale='utc')
	# mean longitude of the sun
	L = (280.460 + 0.9856474*n.jd) % 360.0
	# mean anomaly of the sun
	g = (357.528 + 0.9856003*n.jd) % 360.0
	# ecliptic longitude of the sun
	l = L + 1.915*np.sin(np.radians(g)) + 0.020*np.sin(np.radians(2*g))

	# axial tilt of the earth
	# Obliquity of the ecliptic
	epsilon = 23.439 - 0.0000004*n.jd

	return np.array([
		np.sin(np.radians(epsilon))*np.sin(np.radians(l))]) * -1.0