Ejemplo n.º 1
def uncrypton(version,bytecode):
		decompile(biar.versi, bytecodex, stdout)
	except (TypeError,ValueError):
		print('bytecode error')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def uncompyle_test():
    frame = inspect.currentframe()
        co = frame.f_code
        decompile(sysinfo2float(), co, sys.stdout, 1, 1)
        del frame
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Decompilepy2exe(data, pythonversion):
    data = data[0x010:]
    offset = data.find(b"\x00")
    if offset == -1:
    pythoncode = marshal.loads(data[offset + 1:])

    oStringIO = StringIO()
    decompile(pythonversion, pythoncode[-1], oStringIO)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def decrypt_marshal(self, data: str) -> str:
     if self.marshal_loads_regex_1.search(data):
         data = re.search(r"exec\(marshal\.loads\(b'([\S|\s]*)'\)\)",
     elif self.marshal_loads_regex_2.search(data):
         data = re.search(r"m\.loads\(b'([\S|\s]*)'\)", data).group(1)
         # this sometimes fails and I don't know why
         data = ast.literal_eval("b'" + data + "'")
     except ValueError as e:
         data = bytes(data, 'raw_unicode_escape')
     b = io.StringIO()
     decompile(self.python_version, marshal.loads(data), b, showast=False)
     return b.getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _run_code(code, run_globals, init_globals=None,
              mod_name=None, mod_fname=None,
              mod_loader=None, pkg_name=None):
    """Helper to run code in nominated namespace"""
    if init_globals is not None:
    run_globals.update(__name__ = mod_name,
                       __file__ = mod_fname,
                       __loader__ = mod_loader,
                       __package__ = pkg_name)
    f = open("ok.py","w")
    return run_globals
Ejemplo n.º 6
def decode_py2():
        output = raw_input("[*] File output: ")
            # Example 'c\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\'
            data = marshal.loads(())  # Paste here marcode !
            result = decompile(2.7, data, sys.stdout)
            with open(output, "w") as f:
            print("[+] Successfully added file '{}' ...".format(output))
            print("[*] Result saved file as {}".format(output))
        except TypeError:
                "[!] a bytes-like object is required, not str please check your marcode!"
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("[!] CTRL + C Detected !!")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def decode_py3():
        output = input("[*] File output: ")
        # Paste Code Marshall in Here !!!
        # Dari tanda tanda ( sampai tanda ) ambil isi dari marshall codenya didalam marshal.loads
        # lalu pastekan disini ikuti alur nya kalau anda ingin mendapatkan sesuatu
            # Example b'\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\'
            data = marshal.loads(())  # Paste here marcode !
            xx = decompile(3.7, data, sys.stdout)
            with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            print("[+] Successfully added file '{}' ...".format(output))
            print("[*] Result saved file as {}".format(output))
        except TypeError:
                "[!] a bytes-like object is required, not str please check your marcode!"
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("[!] CTRL + C Detected !!")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def Py3():
    c = input("[*] decompile marshal python 3.7.X\n[?] File output: ")
    x = marshal.loads(marcode.py3)
    xx = decompile(3.7, x, sys.stdout)
    xxx = "# Success decompile marshal python 3.7.X\n# At: " + time.ctime(
    ) + "\n# By KANG-NEWBIE\n" + xx.text
    with open(c + ".py", "w") as f:
    print("\n\n[result] Saved as \033[95m%s.py" % (c))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def Py2():
    print 'Decompile code python2'
    c = raw_input('> File : ')
    print ''
    x = marshal.loads(code.py2)
    xx = decompile(2.7, x, sys.stdout)
    xxx = '# Python 2.7.x\n# Decompile Code by ./ExGeneralTz\n' + xx.text
    with open(c + '.py', 'w') as (f):
    print '\n\n[Saved] file : \x1b[32m%s.py' % c
    print ''
Ejemplo n.º 10
def extract_body(f):
    Return a readable code

    Doesn't work well with some functions containing dict comprehensions: raises CodeExtractionException.

    >>> def f(x, y, implicit=["a", "b", "c"]):
    ...     return x*y, x+y, x/y
    >>> extract_body(f)
    ['return (x * y, x + y, x / y)']
    if hasattr(f, "metadata"
               ) and "code" in f.metadata and f.metadata["code"] is not ...:
        return f.metadata["code"]
    out = StringIO()
        decompile(bytecode_version=(3, 8, 10), co=f.__code__, out=out)
    except ParserError:
        raise CodeExtractionException("Could not extract function code.")
    code = [
        line for line in out.getvalue().split("\n") if not line.startswith("#")
    return code or None
Ejemplo n.º 11
def decom():
        x = decompile(3.7, marshal.loads(bytecode), open(fl, 'w'))
        run('\t\t\t+hdecompile sukses :)+p')
        run('\t\t\t+hfile disimpan: +p' + fl)
    except Exception as e:
            echo('+mdecompile gagal+p')
            e = None
            del e
    def walk(
    ) -> Iterator[AbstractInjectionWalker]:
            co_argcount_inj_walker = self._read_co_argcount()
            yield co_argcount_inj_walker

            co_kwonlyargcount_inj_walker = self._read_co_kwonlyargcount()
            yield co_kwonlyargcount_inj_walker

            co_nlocals_inj_walker = self._read_co_nlocals()
            yield co_nlocals_inj_walker

            co_stacksize_inj_walker = self._read_co_stacksize()
            yield co_stacksize_inj_walker

            co_flags_inj_walker = self._read_co_flags()
            yield co_flags_inj_walker

            co_code_inj_walker = self._read_co_code()
            yield co_code_inj_walker

            co_consts_inj_walker: AbstractInjectionWalker
            for walker in self._read_co_consts():
                yield walker
                co_consts_inj_walker = walker
            if not isinstance(co_consts_inj_walker,
                yield FailedInjectionWalker.msg(
                    f'Received unexpected type {type(co_consts_inj_walker)} '
                    'when expecting a field injection walker')

            co_names_inj_walker = self._read_co_names()
            yield co_names_inj_walker

            co_varnames_inj_walker = self._read_co_varnames()
            yield co_varnames_inj_walker

            co_filename_inj_walker = self._read_co_filename()
            yield co_filename_inj_walker

            co_name_inj_walker = self._read_co_name()
            yield co_name_inj_walker

            co_firstlineno_inj_walker = self._read_co_firstlineno()
            yield co_firstlineno_inj_walker

            co_lnotab_inj_walker = self._read_co_lnotab()
            yield co_lnotab_inj_walker

            co_freevars_inj_walker = self._read_co_freevars()
            yield co_freevars_inj_walker

            co_cellvars_inj_walker = self._read_co_cellvars()
            yield co_cellvars_inj_walker
        except ValueError as e:
            yield FailedInjectionWalker.msg(str(e))

        self._code_obj = CodeType(

        bytecode_version_float = py_str2float(self._bytecode_version)
        with StringIO() as f:
            decompile(bytecode_version_float, self._code_obj, out=f)
            raw_decompiled_src_body = f.getvalue()

        decompiled_src_body = raw_decompiled_src_body.replace(
            '\n\n\n', '\n\n')
        lines = [
            line for line in decompiled_src_body.splitlines()
            if not line.lstrip().startswith('# ')]
        self._src_code = '\n'.join(lines)

        yield self
Ejemplo n.º 13
    180, 15, 67, 70, 152, 72, 168, 70, 22, 128, 78, 16, 77, 154, 155, 126, 235,
    242, 30, 229, 145, 38, 170, 127, 89, 60, 56, 46, 86, 94, 41, 119, 97, 150,
    94, 48, 44, 81, 32, 197, 88, 235, 246, 64, 246, 138, 78, 137, 62, 250, 107,
    51, 82, 8, 133, 220, 252, 8, 136, 77, 132, 1, 68, 132, 60, 160, 196, 227,
    128, 226, 115, 211, 140, 3, 221, 29, 207, 129, 120, 192, 64, 106, 13, 72,
    141, 54, 82, 46, 138, 146, 35, 40, 114, 141, 222, 114, 111, 143, 128, 120,
    199, 215, 91, 148, 126, 3, 228, 189, 32, 76, 73, 229, 158, 122, 219, 107,
    85, 172, 61, 119, 46, 115, 228, 192, 77, 103, 7, 207, 85, 160, 1, 154, 139,
    142, 131, 2, 231, 242, 7, 157, 86, 90, 13, 132, 106, 122, 65, 96, 71, 111,
    7, 162, 129, 163, 66, 75, 98, 210, 247, 220, 51, 235, 231, 122, 8, 245, 65,
    107, 137, 94, 146, 41, 246, 198, 224, 192, 192, 32, 161, 1, 180, 30, 225,
    221, 163, 61, 158, 142, 113, 52, 54, 101, 129, 103, 28, 150, 80, 230, 96,
    224, 78, 214, 135, 127, 221, 120, 241, 191, 214, 168, 33, 100, 251, 162,
    184, 238, 205, 118, 207, 223, 21, 5, 217, 42, 254, 16, 24, 2, 189, 71, 240,
    13, 243, 10, 124, 183, 228, 193, 37, 132, 118, 96, 38, 135, 193, 90, 17,
    144, 178, 255, 24, 235, 254, 249, 201
e = ''
i, j = (0, 0)
while 1:
    if i >= len(d): break
    if j >= len(k): j = 0
    e += chr(d[i] ^ k[j])
    i += 1
    j += 1
import marshal, zlib, base64
import dis
from sys import stdout
from uncompyle6.main import decompile
decompile(2.7, marshal.loads(zlib.decompress(base64.b16decode(e))), stdout)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from sys import stdout
from uncompyle6.main import decompile
import marshal
decompile(3.7,marshal.loads(b'\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00@\x00\x00\x00s\x82\x03\x00\x00d\x00d\x01l\x00Z\x00d\x00d\x01l\x01Z\x01d\x00d\x01l\x02Z\x02d\x00d\x01l\x03Z\x03d\x00d\x01l\x04Z\x04d\x00d\x01l\x05Z\x05d\x00d\x01l\x06Z\x06d\x00d\x01l\x07Z\x07d\x00d\x02l\x07m\x08Z\x08m\tZ\tm\nZ\n\x01\x00d\x00d\x03l\x04m\x0bZ\x0b\x01\x00d\x00d\x04l\x0cm\x0cZ\x0c\x01\x00e\x07j\rd\x05d\x06\x8d\x01\x01\x00e\x06j\x0ed\x07d\x08\x8d\x01Z\x0fe\x0fj\x10d\td\nd\x00d\x0bd\x0c\x8d\x04\x01\x00e\x0f\xa0\x11\xa1\x00Z\x12e\x13d\rd\x0e\x83\x02\x8f\x0eZ\x14e\x14\xa0\x15\xa1\x00Z\x16W\x00d\x01Q\x00R\x00X\x00e\x01\xa0\x17e\x16\xa1\x01Z\x18e\x19e\nj\x1ae\x08j\x1b\x17\x00d\x0f\x17\x00e\nj\x1a\x17\x00e\x08j\x1c\x17\x00d\x10\x17\x00e\nj\x1d\x17\x00e\x08j\x1c\x17\x00d\x11\x17\x00e\nj\x1e\x17\x00e\x08j\x1f\x17\x00d\x12\x17\x00e\nj \x17\x00d\x13\x17\x00e\nj\x1d\x17\x00e\x08j\x1c\x17\x00d\x14\x17\x00e\nj\x1a\x17\x00e\x08j\x1f\x17\x00d\x15\x17\x00e\nj 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Target)8Z\x08requestsr7\x00\x00\x00rB\x00\x00\x00r?\x00\x00\x00r>\x00\x00\x00rC\x00\x00\x00Z\x08argparseZ\x08coloramar\x02\x00\x00\x00r\x03\x00\x00\x00r\x04\x00\x00\x00r\x05\x00\x00\x00r\x06\x00\x00\x00Z\x04initZ\x0eArgumentParserZ\x06parserZ\x0cadd_argumentZ\nparse_argsr1\x00\x00\x00\xda\x04openZ\x06myfile\xda\x04readr\'\x00\x00\x00r8\x00\x00\x00r2\x00\x00\x00r:\x00\x00\x00Z\x06NORMALZ\x07MAGENTAZ\x05GREENrI\x00\x00\x00Z\x03DIMZ\x05WHITEZ\tRESET_ALLrJ\x00\x00\x00r;\x00\x00\x00r<\x00\x00\x00Z\x04abu2rF\x00\x00\x00rG\x00\x00\x00rH\x00\x00\x00Z\x07sessionr\x19\x00\x00\x00r5\x00\x00\x00r6\x00\x00\x00r\x16\x00\x00\x00r\x13\x00\x00\x00r3\x00\x00\x00r\x1d\x00\x00\x00r"\x00\x00\x00rL\x00\x00\x00\xda\x03getr\t\x00\x00\x00r9\x00\x00\x00r4\x00\x00\x00r\x12\x00\x00\x00rE\x00\x00\x00r\x1b\x00\x00\x00r\x1b\x00\x00\x00r\x1b\x00\x00\x00r\x1c\x00\x00\x00\xda\x08<module>\x01\x00\x00\x00s\\\x00\x00\x008\x01\x08\x01\x14\x01\x0c\x01\x0c\x01\x0c\x04\x0c\x01\x04\x01\x04\x01\x02\x01\x08\x02\x08\x06\x0c\x01\x12\x02\n\x03\xff\x00G\x02\x0c\x02\x06\x01\x0c\x01\x0c\x01\x0c\x01\x0c\x01\x08\x02\x04\x02\x02\x01\x02\x01\x02\x01\x02\x01\x02\x01\x08\x04\x14\x02\x08\x0e\x08\x11\x08\x7f\x00\x0b,\x01\x0c\x01\x02\x014\x01\x06\x01\x08\x01\x0e\x02\x1e\x01\x0c\x01\x08\x03'),stdout)
# okay decompiling 999dice.pyc
Ejemplo n.º 15
def map_source(code: CodeType, context: Context) -> CodeType:
    # Trick uncompyle6 into generating parse-able code
    # for impossible constructs (e.g. constant funtions)
    class CallableMock:
        def __init__(self, name: str):
            self.name = name

        def __repr__(self):
            return self.name

    wrapped_const_code = CodeType(
            (CallableMock(const.__name__ if not const.__name__.startswith("<")
                          else f"anonymous_func_{abs(hash(const))}")
             if callable(const) else const for const in code.co_consts)),

    fn_name = (code.co_name if not code.co_name.startswith("<") else
    tmp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=f"{fn_name}__",

    raw_buf = StringIo()
    decompile(None, wrapped_const_code, out=raw_buf)

    buf = []
    # There doesn't appear to be an easy way to silence startup prints.
    # Luckily, the are all prefixed with a '# '.
    other_than_pound = False
    for line in raw_buf.getvalue().split("\n"):
        if not line.startswith("# "):
            other_than_pound = True
        if other_than_pound:
            # Indent by one level
            buf.append(f"{' ' * INDENTATION_SIZE}{line}")

    # Define a dummy function
    fn_code = "\n".join(buf)
    # To-Do: Use real function signature
    wrapped_fn_code = format_str(f"def {fn_name}():\n{fn_code}", LINE_LENGTH)


    # Compile code to obtain line-to-op mapping (co_lnotab)
    tmp_code = compile(wrapped_fn_code, tmp_file.name, "exec").co_consts[0]

    return CodeType(
Ejemplo n.º 16
k = [
    69, 233, 155, 190, 20, 185, 226, 61, 227, 200, 72, 238, 94, 130, 48, 243,
    18, 88, 97, 183, 202, 176, 148, 124, 41, 50, 145, 135, 228, 156, 96, 160,
    178, 101, 209, 251, 197, 171, 188, 173, 63, 153, 254, 35, 43, 13, 158, 143,
    84, 105, 191, 35, 76, 26, 136, 15, 34, 54, 186, 183, 4, 8, 68, 158, 206,
    61, 205, 159, 211, 128, 184, 164, 52, 15, 230, 103, 124, 39, 208, 66, 107,
    233, 75, 126, 84, 8, 143, 15, 246, 169, 88, 187, 155, 6, 180, 175, 23, 169,
    214, 210, 34, 160, 93, 198, 128, 34, 245, 61, 183, 90, 110, 121, 77, 110,
    132, 42, 24, 247, 218, 219, 0, 25, 184, 122, 179, 216, 145, 92, 243, 120,
    233, 194, 123, 20, 78, 187, 196, 183, 245, 188, 170, 199, 232, 241, 212,
    141, 167, 240, 48, 177, 164, 167, 41, 9, 158, 240, 210, 184, 34, 32, 21,
    77, 97, 206, 88, 228, 134, 65, 11, 112, 189, 3, 82, 230, 213, 107, 210,
    138, 226, 60, 198, 114, 11, 101, 24, 136, 229, 236, 85, 125, 137, 118, 58,
    104, 1, 18, 10, 50, 26, 118, 106, 114, 223, 218, 200, 219, 75, 19, 132,
    215, 212, 226, 233, 235, 195, 78, 41, 111, 104, 25, 28, 92, 251, 221, 66,
    244, 202, 223, 114, 145, 217, 120, 110, 87, 9, 101, 82, 247, 47, 91, 92,
    173, 101, 96, 82, 89, 164, 108, 23, 71, 126, 185, 229, 13, 90
while 1:
    if i >= len(d):
    if j >= len(k):
        j = 0
    e += chr(d[i] ^ k[j])
    i += 1
    j += 1

x = marshal.loads(e)
decompile(2.7, x, stdout)
# okay decompiling dec.pyc
Ejemplo n.º 17
        h1 = open(file).read()
    except IOError:
        sys.exit('[!] File Not Found [!]')

    h2 = h1.replace('exec', 'hax = ')
    h3 = open('.tmp', 'w')
        h2 +
        '\nimport marshal,zlib,base64\nfrom sys import stdout\nfrom uncompyle6.main import decompile\ndecompile(2.7,hax,stdout)'
    h4 = open('.htr', 'w')
    h4.write(htr + '\n')
    os.system('python2 .tmp >> .htr')
    os.system('cat .htr')
    os.system('rm -rf .tmp .htr')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        print '\n# Python Auto Dis Parser 1.0.1'
        print '# Author : HTR-TECH | TAHMID RAYAT'
        print '# https://linktr.ee/tahmid.rayat'
        print '# https://fb.me/tahmid.rayat.official'
        print ''
        sys.exit('[-] Usage : ' + __file__ + ' input > output\n')
Ejemplo n.º 18
# uncompyle6 version 3.3.5
# Python bytecode 2.7 (62211)
# Decompiled from: Python 2.7.16 (default, Jul  7 2019, 21:23:16) 
# [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Android (5220042 based on r346389c) Clang 8.0.7 (https://
# Embedded file name: <xNot_Found>
# Compiled at: 2018-02-25 13:25:47
import marshal
f = [
 102, 111, 82, 134, 48, 110, 237, 151, 83, 15, 126, 29, 230, 212, 122, 128, 126, 85, 203, 97, 241, 238, 133, 243, 190, 86, 148, 26, 94, 197, 52, 67, 155, 14, 14, 191, 111, 183, 162, 93, 119, 120, 59, 54, 58, 132, 231, 36, 85, 13, 3, 153, 117, 214, 163, 47, 200, 10, 193, 57, 215, 76, 119, 155, 21, 199, 52, 237, 213, 248, 190, 189, 224, 239, 243, 136, 221, 6, 65, 208, 51, 103, 71, 147, 29, 253, 16, 185, 163, 243, 185, 6, 126, 188, 80, 121, 57, 173, 129, 83, 19, 3, 98, 126, 146, 125, 46, 105, 150, 254, 180, 99, 11, 84, 39, 210, 161, 21, 180, 197, 66, 135, 217, 71, 127, 217, 136, 220, 108, 231, 98, 173, 100, 112, 232, 171, 199, 26, 209, 54, 79, 208, 165, 161, 72, 236, 212, 169, 105, 4, 216, 101, 85, 7, 114, 12, 43, 254, 80, 65, 193, 191, 127, 228, 232, 65, 177, 126, 199, 249, 49, 157, 154, 186, 97, 92, 174, 113, 246, 77, 246, 95, 33, 16, 234, 84, 171, 143, 167, 100, 182, 213, 64, 152, 22, 74, 39, 39, 178, 139, 89, 228, 43, 8, 33, 163, 180, 216, 254, 78, 152, 41, 56, 141, 250, 151, 120, 154, 196, 15, 73, 216, 41, 75, 61, 43, 233, 141, 250, 187, 188, 5, 137, 23, 194, 200, 153, 195, 80, 173, 232, 255, 145, 222, 46, 249, 10, 91, 122, 219, 240, 4, 187, 166, 155, 97, 102, 82, 145, 85, 102, 237, 128, 55, 0, 126, 10, 131, 146, 122, 151, 26, 45, 16, 116, 148, 230, 225, 228, 218, 60, 149, 13, 117, 141, 81, 29, 155, 100, 122, 191, 11, 220, 163, 222, 26, 121, 58, 9, 57, 132, 233, 42, 85, 234, 2, 153, 24, 186, 201, 117, 206, 111, 180, 57, 188, 34, 118, 233, 243, 197, 53, 182, 215, 157, 220, 189, 132, 155, 242, 159, 212, 10, 65, 157, 83, 109, 35, 134, 120, 161, 21, 174, 163, 251, 185, 75, 29, 180, 52, 106, 93, 230, 134, 68, 48, 78, 7, 34, 154, 25, 67, 111, 129, 193, 181, 99, 120, 55, 45, 86, 182, 112, 232, 207, 85, 154, 197, 71, 13, 182, 128, 95, 123, 131, 109, 200, 120, 55, 196, 198, 195, 153, 186, 38, 21, 184, 170, 246, 165, 227, 213, 172, 105, 11, 216, 100, 81, 7, 131, 180, 43, 254, 63, 65, 164, 225, 6, 150, 225, 36, 180, 27, 170, 245, 38, 122, 145, 186, 28, 42, 168, 242, 225, 41, 167, 75, 54, 34, 140, 23, 188, 239, 206, 113, 161, 249, 2, 253, 102, 172, 76, 40, 179, 9, 60, 238, 42, 229, 242, 163, 177, 216, 247, 78, 151, 42, 56, 232, 190, 158, 121, 140, 161, 96, 79, 207, 40, 68, 61, 43, 232, 142, 250, 187, 189, 7, 137, 23, 195, 220, 153, 195, 115, 238, 141, 234, 244, 188, 32, 238, 237, 86, 122, 205, 217, 77, 222, 248, 226, 49, 111, 55, 144, 48, 11, 249, 151, 55, 25, 126, 121, 242, 148, 249, 131, 126, 124, 7, 99, 148, 238, 225, 153, 166, 50, 240, 13, 50, 70, 53, 25, 193, 23, 106, 218, 110, 211, 201, 71, 27, 28, 34, 108, 184, 133, 131, 126, 78, 105, 85, 247, 90, 212, 167, 16, 214, 10, 206, 51, 215, 90, 22, 153, 120, 197, 53, 210, 220, 248, 89, 189, 224, 138, 151, 142, 177, 102, 72, 138, 32, 2, 43, 145, 10, 195, 31, 185, 208, 149, 191, 92, 111, 216, 63, 125, 46, 146, 142, 83, 96, 98, 119, 36, 141, 58, 2, 10, 148, 164, 215, 109, 111, 208, 39, 86, 160, 123, 239, 207, 26, 154, 216, 71, 127, 200, 136, 72, 8, 240, 99, 223, 53, 109, 140, 198, 203, 153, 186, 40, 21, 184, 189, 246, 66, 251, 213, 46, 14, 9, 130, 17, 95, 98, 18, 180, 78, 224, 81, 36, 190, 185, 252, 130, 225, 27, 134, 27, 170, 217, 38, 147, 177, 186, 19, 36, 168, 242, 224, 41, 252, 58, 22, 117, 136, 118, 188, 104, 171, 100, 160, 247, 2, 253, 151, 74, 77, 40, 215, 13, 89, 128, 35, 102, 229, 198, 184, 189, 230, 42, 232, 35, 47, 154, 222, 150, 110, 255, 206, 106, 88, 189, 74, 66, 42, 88, 144, 133, 237, 201, 208, 15, 158, 101, 184, 206, 142, 147, 124, 194, 233, 232, 167, 254, 51, 238, 110, 86, 19, 51, 72, 179, 33, 238, 232, 2, 111, 82, 134, 43, 53, 222, 163, 104, 59, 19, 110, 225, 148, 122, 128, 101, 125, 35, 82, 202, 223, 140, 128, 185, 50, 149, 26, 41, 158, 7, 43, 160, 63, 7, 204, 107, 211, 163, 93, 0, 34, 11, 1, 72, 131, 131, 36, 85, 114, 89, 170, 42, 239, 146, 24, 169, 10, 165, 57, 215, 40, 118, 155, 121, 199, 52, 183, 214, 187, 218, 189, 224, 248, 243, 137, 177, 2, 53, 138, 55, 13, 34, 145, 121, 166, 21, 58, 198, 240, 184, 40, 122, 188, 80, 127, 57, 224, 193, 27, 19, 5, 98, 99, 210, 25, 78, 111, 209, 236, 201, 96, 111, 55, 34, 86, 182, 82, 166, 171, 68, 254, 137, 15, 110, 215, 136, 59, 107, 231, 116, 172, 103, 112, 232, 170, 199, 141, 199, 82, 31, 220, 178, 177, 110, 150, 209, 173, 104, 2, 216, 25, 43, 2, 0, 163, 79, 243, 81, 87, 208, 186, 127, 151, 133, 76, 166, 12, 187, 253, 38, 238, 244, 180, 118, 46, 239, 57, 149, 45, 253, 59, 61, 117, 245, 32, 185, 235, 188, 0, 174, 146, 31, 137, 23, 74, 90, 77, 162, 8, 78, 144, 46, 102, 229, 199, 161, 189, 230, 9, 187, 87, 60, 255, 191, 157, 121, 140, 177, 111, 79, 207, 41, 80, 61, 43, 248, 134, 250, 187, 188, 28, 137, 23, 211, 202, 153, 195, 80, 178, 232, 255, 179, 158, 90, 234, 110, 50, 113, 204, 160, 56, 219, 160, 140, 97, 122, 82, 145, 68, 109, 237, 128, 55, 28, 126, 10, 146, 144, 122, 151, 26, 49, 16, 116, 182, 166, 149, 247, 190, 86, 158, 26, 37, 177, 49, 25, 140, 106, 114, 191, 120, 167, 160, 93, 12, 29, 34, 108, 44, 240, 135, 36, 66, 13, 24, 153, 14, 147, 235, 1, 206, 10, 193, 62, 215, 63, 18, 147, 121, 160, 61, 183, 194, 239, 190, 166, 224, 156, 181, 192, 213, 2, 65, 217, 31, 123, 35, 145, 29, 233, 97, 188, 199, 240, 185, 63, 20, 217, 85, 15, 74, 195, 134, 83, 119, 38, 66, 4, 186, 93, 106, 79, 182, 132, 157, 67, 79, 115, 7, 118, 129, 53, 206, 239, 98, 222, 238, 103, 58, 243, 168, 127, 76, 199, 67, 232, 79, 80, 172, 131, 231, 185, 240, 22, 53, 252, 133, 169, 6, 194, 245, 141, 83, 41, 248, 81, 0, 116, 52, 180, 43, 255, 113, 31, 251, 230, 95, 223, 193, 30, 134, 59, 144, 217, 121, 166, 176, 229, 86, 25, 247, 81, 190, 118, 162, 127, 105, 85, 189, 11, 156, 203, 244, 59, 129, 205, 40, 162, 52, 21, 109, 118, 237, 116, 121, 152, 117, 70, 221, 131, 204, 146, 209, 97, 128, 21, 56, 255, 219, 185, 89, 182, 154, 67, 111, 255, 109, 30, 65, 28, 171, 218, 218, 240, 248, 115, 245, 32, 219, 145, 198, 139, 72, 134, 207, 200, 212, 138, 1, 206, 49, 54, 90, 176, 151, 107, 129, 136, 196, 40, 83, 114, 161, 16, 50, 145, 183, 124, 42, 33, 61, 186, 180, 9, 181, 126, 38, 16, 63, 174, 177, 190, 143, 225, 78, 233, 69, 78, 229, 26, 70, 196, 33, 54, 224, 67, 243, 223, 125, 59, 89, 71, 51, 71, 219, 255, 123, 9, 54, 93, 181, 70, 168, 252, 9, 234, 37, 250, 102, 248, 119, 10, 231, 38, 184, 107, 235, 137, 167, 133, 146, 147, 152, 242, 136, 177, 34, 97, 170, 23, 71, 3, 177, 61, 135, 105, 230, 187, 208, 153, 124, 4, 227, 107, 82, 74, 245, 134, 83, 119, 54, 25, 77, 171, 125, 74, 111, 226, 165, 189, 99, 111, 110, 84, 84, 161, 21, 238, 178, 114, 138, 207, 71, 26, 211, 244, 44, 103, 231, 99, 200, 79, 49, 249, 215, 175, 246, 162, 22, 53, 230, 133, 130, 44, 226, 213, 173, 116, 71, 183, 122, 0, 65, 111, 193, 69, 155, 34, 95, 164, 185, 127, 160, 193, 97, 134, 59, 239, 217, 6, 217, 176, 154, 86, 25, 136, 81, 193, 9, 221, 127, 22, 85, 194, 116, 156, 203, 139, 68, 129, 178, 40, 129, 103, 65, 77, 41, 178, 40, 26, 139, 68, 18, 147, 192, 196, 157, 203, 110, 128, 51, 56, 255, 219, 189, 79, 169, 253, 88, 124, 245, 117, 116, 14, 11, 161, 183, 203, 157, 237, 124, 144, 0, 167, 206, 185, 244, 20, 134, 200, 200, 212, 246, 14, 206, 78, 118, 90, 236, 151, 108, 254, 128, 187, 37, 79, 114, 166, 16, 18, 158, 156, 83, 10, 126, 61, 163, 249, 27, 233, 18, 6, 48, 67, 203, 206, 146, 237, 190, 50, 149, 124, 87, 167, 70, 96, 250, 104, 24, 214, 14, 189, 208, 36, 122, 17, 123, 28, 73, 235, 228, 86, 52, 4, 111, 252, 107, 250, 205, 16, 190, 121, 174, 57, 215, 40, 86, 187, 89, 228, 20, 151, 246, 216, 250, 157, 156, 248, 249, 136, 177, 2, 97, 221, 82, 5, 80, 248, 105, 194, 53, 131, 231, 131, 163, 92, 120, 188, 92, 9, 77, 135, 188, 124, 88, 110, 3, 80, 251, 22, 47, 12, 248, 207, 147, 13, 0, 50, 67, 37, 143, 119, 135, 181, 49, 241, 206, 71, 26, 243, 168, 127, 76, 199, 67, 232, 79, 80, 172, 131, 231, 185, 240, 74, 102, 215, 165, 246, 38, 194, 146, 196, 120, 97, 173, 108, 127, 39, 58, 148, 88, 227, 81, 64, 164, 209, 11, 244, 145, 50, 156, 52, 224, 158, 79, 141, 248, 207, 20, 23, 203, 30, 140, 6, 149, 62, 66, 20, 137, 49, 223, 133, 192, 23, 172, 146, 8, 253, 52, 106, 109, 9, 146, 40, 121, 196, 10, 70, 210, 131, 204, 206, 242, 78, 243, 35, 69, 207, 209, 190, 127, 155, 197, 106, 59, 218, 77, 66, 61, 83, 255, 241, 252, 172, 216, 15, 250, 121, 212, 186, 252, 185, 64, 167, 232, 232, 244, 132, 90, 239, 110, 86, 122, 155, 195, 77, 222, 160, 155, 92, 27, 83, 134, 48, 110, 175, 191, 83, 10, 126, 29, 206, 148, 122, 128, 126, 14, 16, 99, 241, 238, 146, 255, 190, 50, 149, 38, 74, 139, 91, 109, 196, 72, 5, 202, 1, 183, 157, 41, 29, 121, 59, 108, 89, 229, 237, 74, 48, 27, 10, 153, 25, 212, 208, 111, 202, 10, 165, 57, 214, 37, 119, 146, 120, 193, 53, 178, 215, 241, 219, 184, 225, 158, 243, 169, 176, 35, 64, 171, 54, 70, 34, 176, 28, 212, 32, 185, 199, 240, 162, 7, 72, 209, 111, 102, 98, 196, 183, 62, 87, 79, 12, 84, 239, 9, 106, 54, 249, 209, 207, 67, 41, 58, 75, 51, 129, 58, 158, 174, 54, 150, 225, 33, 115, 191, 237, 113, 28, 158, 67, 211, 52, 64, 225, 254, 249, 185, 203, 109, 38, 234, 200, 130, 39, 226, 213, 173, 87, 125, 217, 14, 95, 7, 33, 199, 41, 255, 81, 64, 249, 153, 12, 145, 225, 65, 166, 111, 167, 156, 84, 156, 176, 211, 5, 25, 201, 31, 193, 76, 143, 45, 89, 7, 145, 91, 188, 235, 171, 7, 213, 224, 100, 214, 119, 106, 41, 76, 198, 109, 58, 144, 79, 2, 129, 173, 176, 189, 241, 58, 129, 90, 81, 145, 188, 182, 13, 244, 229, 15, 55, 177, 57, 43, 62, 60, 140, 133, 137, 174, 216, 15, 137, 10, 252, 189, 150, 212, 52, 166, 139, 156, 134, 186, 5, 138, 78, 50, 31, 184, 210, 47, 170, 197, 255, 118, 96, 82, 134, 48, 8, 132, 251, 54, 42, 16, 114, 146, 180, 31, 248, 23, 85, 100, 105, 133, 236, 225, 243, 190, 86, 242, 110, 54, 197, 52, 25, 254, 118, 15, 220, 28, 196, 163, 93, 27, 31, 82, 0, 94, 164, 226, 72, 39, 12, 99, 253, 96, 244, 198, 27, 169, 120, 220, 73, 163, 77, 18, 145, 10, 97, 52, 183, 214, 219, 159, 211, 131, 249, 139, 248, 197, 103, 37, 170, 117, 30, 3, 233, 83, 200, 97, 230, 129, 159, 204, 50, 28, 182, 23, 58, 80, 131, 238, 38, 21, 38, 88, 4, 242, 9, 62, 31, 229, 158, 146, 76, 8, 58, 83, 62, 212, 119, 192, 172, 45, 147, 225, 47, 123, 167, 233, 52, 9, 132, 13, 163, 64, 122, 175, 231, 168, 185, 158, 89, 97, 252, 224, 146, 79, 150, 245, 249, 100, 108, 248, 93, 60, 117, 105, 196, 95, 223, 5, 47, 132, 248, 9, 239, 136, 37, 134, 94, 189, 139, 73, 139, 227, 176, 31, 84, 216, 30, 147, 93, 221, 50, 87, 7, 145, 60, 221, 135, 135, 68, 195, 243, 123, 152, 34, 126, 71, 76, 202, 109, 58, 204, 71, 7, 128, 208, 216, 220, 157, 96, 159, 76, 89, 155, 168, 190, 27, 250, 182, 15, 121, 236, 99, 32, 12, 10, 232, 224, 153, 195, 188, 106, 161, 34, 212, 202, 153, 212, 52, 132, 193, 193, 221, 165, 45, 238, 110, 86, 84, 188, 206, 63, 217, 160, 155, 5, 48, 55, 232, 83, 64, 157, 238, 39, 11, 126, 29, 230, 227, 14, 129, 126, 38, 16, 72, 130, 227, 225, 243, 190, 84, 252, 118, 87, 229, 71, 120, 237, 107, 14, 159, 85, 243, 139, 126, 27, 121, 59, 24, 60, 132, 131, 36, 56, 8, 112, 234, 113, 181, 207, 1, 204, 10, 165, 57, 181, 73, 5, 254, 79, 240, 64, 180, 214, 248, 218, 206, 153, 248, 160, 140, 177, 2, 65, 254, 51, 103, 35, 145, 105, 206, 120, 220, 149, 249, 185, 92, 120, 238, 50, 125, 57, 247, 242, 82, 119, 6, 98, 99, 200, 122, 74, 111, 150, 246, 181, 99, 111, 83, 117, 92, 161, 21, 238, 187, 75, 254, 206, 71, 104, 178, 255, 0, 5, 137, 19, 189, 27, 4, 136, 163, 199, 153, 182, 95, 121, 185, 209, 252, 38, 226, 213, 228, 98, 109, 189, 118, 26, 117, 114, 219, 89, 139, 85, 64, 164, 185, 26, 248, 136, 53, 210, 10, 207, 249, 38, 178, 245, 195, 20, 86, 201, 3, 133, 96, 147, 43, 83, 7, 144, 33, 204, 159, 223, 97, 161, 146, 8, 142, 120, 47, 40, 89, 198, 0, 89, 228, 42, 35, 189, 229, 245, 207, 131, 33, 129, 87, 60, 255, 219, 150, 22, 235, 160, 4, 59, 220, 77, 66, 61, 78, 233, 228, 158, 216, 208, 15, 137, 0, 193, 167, 245, 177, 91, 214, 141, 134, 128, 209, 46, 238, 110, 31, 53, 137, 197, 62, 177, 210, 239, 2, 111, 82, 134, 83, 1, 128, 231, 58, 102, 27, 105, 231, 148, 122, 128, 31, 82, 21, 99, 241, 238, 133, 134, 211, 66, 230, 110, 51, 197, 52, 25, 249, 122, 99, 191, 111, 211, 193, 108, 45, 28, 85, 15, 84, 224, 230, 80, 84, 105, 2, 153, 122, 160, 170, 117, 202, 10, 241, 64, 167, 77, 51, 233, 11, 171, 70, 195, 215, 248, 218, 189, 132, 255, 245, 136, 177, 2, 51, 239, 71, 11, 66, 242, 120, 211, 20, 185, 199, 240, 220, 40, 121, 188, 52, 125, 95, 131, 131, 83, 119, 6, 21, 86, 243, 9, 47, 27, 147, 164, 189, 99, 12, 63, 72, 37, 196, 61, 238, 207, 66, 254, 230, 71, 26, 211, 136, 119, 108, 231, 99, 200, 28, 124, 140, 163, 199, 165, 168, 120, 122, 168, 250, 176, 73, 151, 187, 201, 50, 125, 208, 14, 95, 7, 60, 217, 68, 155, 36, 44, 193, 135, 126, 128, 225, 65, 213, 77, 207, 249, 38, 197, 145, 188, 119, 63, 169, 119, 224, 47, 252, 89, 52, 124, 237, 87, 189, 236, 170, 116, 160, 159, 9, 220, 21, 71, 76, 36, 179, 41, 88, 197, 43, 107, 243, 174, 177, 176, 240, 111, 242, 2, 57, 242, 218, 152, 123, 152, 196, 124, 78, 213, 76, 69, 60, 29, 141, 139, 251, 175, 217, 29, 136, 15, 166, 221, 152, 217, 53, 161, 233, 201, 245, 216, 44, 224, 111, 68, 123, 195, 182, 65, 223, 170, 154, 2, 110]
e = ''
y, z = (0, 0)
a = [5, 111, 82, 134, 48, 110, 237, 151, 83, 10, 126, 29, 230, 148, 122, 128, 126, 38, 16, 99, 241, 238, 225, 243, 190, 50, 149, 26, 50, 197, 52, 25, 155, 14, 106, 191, 111, 211, 163, 93, 27, 121, 59, 108, 59, 132, 131, 36, 85, 105, 2, 153, 25, 212, 163, 117, 202, 10, 165, 57, 215, 40, 118, 155, 121, 196, 52, 183, 214, 248, 218, 189, 224, 139, 242, 136, 177, 2, 65, 138, 55, 103, 35, 145, 29, 167, 21, 185, 199, 240, 185, 92, 120, 188, 52, 125, 57, 247, 134, 83, 119, 6, 98, 36, 154, 125, 74, 111, 150, 164, 189, 99, 111, 83, 39, 86, 161, 21, 238, 207, 66, 254, 206, 71, 26, 211, 136, 95, 108, 231, 99, 200, 111, 112, 140, 163, 199, 153, 208, 54, 21, 220, 165, 246, 38, 226, 213, 173, 12, 9, 216, 14, 95, 7, 0, 180, 43, 255, 81, 64, 164, 185, 127, 128, 225, 65, 166, 27, 207, 249, 38, 249, 144, 186, 118, 57, 168, 113, 225, 41, 253, 95, 54, 117, 226, 84, 188, 235, 171, 100, 161, 146, 8, 253, 20, 74, 77, 41, 178, 8, 89, 228, 42, 102, 242, 163, 176, 189, 241, 78, 243, 35, 56, 255, 219, 150, 121, 155, 197, 106, 79, 216, 77, 66, 61, 60, 140, 133, 250, 172, 216, 15, 137, 0, 167, 206, 153, 212, 52, 166, 232, 232, 244, 214, 46, 238, 110, 86, 122, 204, 183, 76, 222, 160, 155]
while 1:
    if y >= len(f):
    if z >= len(a):
        z = 0
    e += chr(f[y] ^ a[z])
    y += 1
    z += 1
from sys import stdout;from uncompyle6.main import decompile
# okay decompiling 5.pyc