def run(self): try: path = replace_standard_paths('{path_tmp}/tmp.run_config') self.interactive.to_json(path) Main.new_task(path).run() except Exception as e: LoggerManager().get_logger().error(str(e), exc_info=e) tkm.showwarning(message=str(e))
def test_deterministic_method(self): """ make sure that using the same seed results in the same outcome when: - using deterministic cudnn settings - using a single worker for data loading note that this does not test: - the lightning trainer - multi gpu setups, ddp distribution - advanced augmentation strategies, e.g. mixup """ for i, config in enumerate([ super1_fairnas, super3, search_darts_config, retrain_darts_cifar_config, ]): for seed in range(2): args_changes = { "{cls_task}.seed": seed, "{cls_task}.is_deterministic": True, "{cls_task}.is_test_run": True, "{cls_task}.save_del_old": True, "{cls_device}.num_devices": 1, "{cls_device}.use_cudnn_benchmark": False, "cls_trainer": "SimpleTrainer", "{cls_trainer}.max_epochs": 1, "cls_data": "Cifar10Data", "{cls_data}.fake": False, "{cls_data}.batch_size_train": 2, "{cls_data}.batch_size_test": -1, "{cls_data}.dir": "{path_data}/cifar_data/", "{cls_data}.download": True, "{cls_data}.num_workers": 0, "{cls_schedulers#0}.warmup_epochs": 0, } exp1 = Main.new_task(config, args_changes=args_changes.copy()).run() name = exp1.get_method().__class__.__name__ data = exp1.get_method().data_set.sample_random_data( batch_size=4).cuda() outputs1 = [ o.clone().detach() for o in exp1.get_method()(data) ] del exp1 exp2 = Main.new_task(config, args_changes=args_changes).run() outputs2 = [ o.clone().detach() for o in exp2.get_method()(data) ] del exp2 for o1, o2 in zip(outputs1, outputs2): self._assert_same_tensors( 'i=%d seed=%d method=%s' % (i, seed, name), o1, o2)
def test_search_param_updates(self): """ set gradients of network/architecture weights to zero and ensure that they are not updated, while the others are expecting two arc weights: 28x8, with gradients, the actual weights 28x8, not requiring gradients, only masks """ for mask_idx in range(2): exp1 = Main.new_task( search_darts_config, args_changes={ "test_mask_idx": mask_idx, "cls_method": "TestMaskGradientsSearchMethod", "{cls_task}.is_test_run": True, "{cls_trainer}.max_epochs": 1, "cls_data": "Cifar10Data", "{cls_data}.fake": True, "{cls_data}.download": False, "{cls_data}.batch_size_train": 2, "{cls_data}.batch_size_test": -1, "{StackedCellsNetworkBody}.cell_order": "n, r, n, r, n", "cls_optimizers": "DebugOptimizer, DebugOptimizer", # "cls_optimizers": "SGDOptimizer, SGDOptimizer", "{cls_optimizers#0}.weight_decay": 0.0, "{cls_optimizers#1}.weight_decay": 0.0, }, raise_unparsed=False) # get initial weights, make copies optimizers, _ = exp1.get_method().configure_optimizers() assert len(optimizers) == 1, "expecting only one multi optimizer" weights = [ opt.param_groups[0]['params'][0] for opt in optimizers[0].optimizers ] weight_copies = [w.clone().detach().cpu() for w in weights] s = ['Network', 'Architecture'] for i, w in enumerate(weights): print('%s sample-weight shape:' % s[i], w.shape) # run, thus change weights for i, (w, w_copy) in enumerate(zip(weights, weight_copies)): diff = (w.cpu() - w_copy).abs().sum().item() if i == mask_idx: if diff > 0.00001: print(w[0:3, 0:3]) print(w_copy[0:3, 0:3]) assert False, '%s gradients were masked but weights changed anyway; diff: %s' % ( s[i], diff) else: if diff < 0.00001: print(w[0:3, 0:3]) print(w_copy[0:3, 0:3]) assert False, '%s gradients were not masked but weights did not change; diff: %s' % ( s[i], diff) del exp1
def assert_stats_match(name, task_cfg, cfg: dict, num_params=None, num_macs=None): cfg_dir = replace_standard_paths('{path_tmp}/tests/cfgs/') cfg_path = Builder.save_config(cfg, cfg_dir, name) exp = Main.new_task( task_cfg, args_changes={ '{cls_data}.fake': True, '{cls_data}.batch_size_train': 2, '{cls_data}.batch_size_test': -1, '{cls_task}.is_test_run': True, '{cls_task}.save_dir': '{path_tmp}/tests/workdir/', "{cls_network}.config_path": cfg_path, "{cls_trainer}.ema_decay": -1, 'cls_network_heads': 'ClassificationHead', # necessary for the DARTS search space to disable the aux heads }, raise_unparsed=False) net = exp.get_method().get_network() macs = exp.get_method().profile_macs() net.eval() # print(net) cp = count_parameters(net) if num_params is not None: assert cp == num_params, 'Got unexpected num params for %s: %d, expected %d, diff: %d'\ % (name, cp, num_params, abs(cp - num_params)) if num_macs is not None: assert macs == num_macs, 'Got unexpected num macs for %s: %d, expected %d, diff: %d'\ % (name, macs, num_macs, abs(macs - num_macs))
def generate_from_name(name: str, save=True, verbose=True): genotype, compact = compact_from_name(name, verbose=verbose) run_configs = '{path_conf_tasks}/d1_dartsv1.run_config, {path_conf_net_search}darts.run_config' # create weight sharing cell model changes = { 'cls_data': 'Cifar10Data', '{cls_data}.fake': True, '{cls_task}.save_del_old': False, '{cls_network_body}.cell_order': 'n, r', '{cls_network_body}.features_first_cell': 36 * 4, '{cls_network_stem}.features': 36 * 3, 'cls_network_cells_primitives': "%s, %s" % (compact.get('primitives'), compact.get('primitives')), } task = Main.new_task(run_configs, args_changes=changes) net = task.get_method().get_network() args = task.args wss = StrategyManager().get_strategies() assert len(wss) == 1 ws = wss[list(wss.keys())[0]] # fix arc, all block inputs use different weights # go through all weights in the search cell for n, w in ws.named_parameters_single(): # figure out cell type ("normal", "reduce"), block index, and if it's the first, second, ... op of that block c_type, block_idx, num_inputs, num_idx = n.split('/')[-4:] block_idx = int(block_idx.split('-')[-1]) num_idx = int(num_idx.split('-')[-1]) # set all paths weights to zero # go through the cell description of the genotype, if input and op number match, set the weight to be higher for op_idx, from_idx in compact.get(c_type)[block_idx]: if num_idx == from_idx: w[op_idx] = 1 ws.forward() # saving config now will only use the highest weighted connections, since we have a search network cfg = net.config(finalize=True, num_block_ops=2) if save: path = Builder.save_config(cfg, get_net_config_dir(genotype.source), name) print('Saved config: %s' % path) return net, cfg, args
def visualize_config(config: dict, save_path: str): save_path = replace_standard_paths(save_path) cfg_path = Builder.save_config(config, replace_standard_paths('{path_tmp}/viz/'), 'viz') exp = Main.new_task(run_config, args_changes={ '{cls_data}.fake': True, '{cls_data}.batch_size_train': 4, '{cls_task}.is_test_run': True, '{cls_task}.save_dir': '{path_tmp}/viz/task/', '{cls_task}.save_del_old': True, "{cls_network}.config_path": cfg_path, }) net = exp.get_method().get_network() vt = VizTree(net) vt.print() vt.plot(save_path + 'net', add_subgraphs=True) print('Saved cell viz to %s' % save_path)
def visualize_config(config: dict, save_path: str): save_path = replace_standard_paths(save_path) cfg_path = Builder.save_config(config, replace_standard_paths('{path_tmp}/viz/'), 'viz') exp = Main.new_task(run_config, args_changes={ '{cls_data}.fake': True, '{cls_data}.batch_size_train': 2, '{cls_task}.is_test_run': True, '{cls_task}.save_dir': '{path_tmp}/viz/task/', '{cls_task}.save_del_old': True, "{cls_task}.note": "viz", "{cls_network}.config_path": cfg_path, }) net = exp.get_method().get_network() for s in ['n', 'r']: for cell in net.get_cells(): if visualize_cell(cell, save_path, s) break print('Saved cell viz to %s' % save_path)
def generate(self, save_dir: str, name: str, verbose=True) -> (nn.Module, dict, Namespace): run_configs = '{path_conf_tasks}/s1_random.run_config, {path_conf_net_search}/%s.run_config' % self.search_net task = Main.new_task(run_configs, args_changes={ '{cls_data}.fake': True, '{cls_task}.save_del_old': False, '{cls_task}.save_dir': '{path_tmp}/generate/', '{cls_trainer}.ema_decay': -1, }) net = task.get_method().get_network() args = task.args # fix arc net.forward_strategy(fixed_arc=self.gene) cfg =, save_dir, name, verbose) return net, cfg, args
# "{cls_initializers#0}.strict": True, "cls_criterion": "CrossEntropyCriterion", "cls_optimizers": "SGDOptimizer", "{cls_optimizers#0}.lr": 0.00, "{cls_optimizers#0}.momentum": 0.9, "{cls_optimizers#0}.accumulate_batches": 2, "cls_schedulers": "CosineScheduler", "{cls_schedulers#0}.warmup_epochs": 2, "{cls_schedulers#0}.warmup_lr": 0.01, "cls_regularizers": "DropOutRegularizer", # "cls_regularizers": "DropOutRegularizer, DropPathRegularizer", "{cls_regularizers#0}.prob": 0.0, # "{cls_regularizers#1}.max_prob": 0.1, # "{cls_method}.amp_enabled": False, # "{cls_optimizers#0}.weight_decay": 4e-3, # "{cls_optimizers#0}.weight_decay_filter": True, } if __name__ == "__main__": # ignore the command line, use "args" instead task = Main.new_task([], args_changes=args) # print(task.get_method().get_network()) task.load() # task.load('{path_tmp}/s3_2/')
config_files = "{path_conf_tasks}/d1_dartsv1.run_config, {path_conf_net_search}/bench201.run_config" # config_files = "{path_conf_tasks}/d1_asap.run_config, {path_conf_net_search}/bench201.run_config" # config_files = "{path_conf_tasks}/d1_gdas.run_config, {path_conf_net_search}/bench201.run_config" # config_files = "{path_conf_tasks}/d1_mdenas.run_config, {path_conf_net_search}/bench201.run_config" changes = { "{cls_task}.is_test_run": True, "{cls_task}.save_dir": "{path_tmp}/run_bench_d1/", "{cls_task}.save_del_old": True, "cls_benchmark": "MiniNASTabularBenchmark", "{cls_benchmark}.path": "{path_data}/", "{cls_benchmark}.default_data_set": "cifar100", "{cls_benchmark}.default_result_type": "test", "{cls_trainer}.max_epochs": 4, # "cls_data": "Cifar10Data", "{cls_data}.fake": True, "{cls_data}.dir": "{path_data}/ImageNet_ILSVRC2012/", "{cls_data}.batch_size_train": 2, "{cls_data}.batch_size_test": -1, } if __name__ == "__main__": task = Main.new_task(config_files, args_changes=changes) task.load()
def test_model_save_load(self): """ make sure that saving+loading for methods/models works correctly, so that we get the same outputs after loading """ for i, (config, trainer, ds, change_net, fix_topology) in enumerate([ (dna1_config, 'SimpleTrainer', 'Imagenet1000Data', False, True), (super1_fairnas, 'SimpleTrainer', 'Imagenet1000Data', False, True), (search_darts_config, 'SimpleTrainer', 'Cifar10Data', True, False), (retrain_darts_cifar_config, 'SimpleTrainer', 'Cifar10Data', True, False), # (search_darts_config, 'LightningTrainer'), # (retrain_darts_cifar_config, 'LightningTrainer'), ]): save_dir = "{path_tmp}/tests/%d/" arg_changes = { "cls_data": ds, "{cls_data}.fake": True, "{cls_data}.batch_size_train": 4, "{cls_data}.batch_size_test": 4, "cls_trainer": trainer, "{cls_trainer}.max_epochs": 2, "{cls_task}.seed": 0, "{cls_task}.is_test_run": True, "{cls_task}.save_dir": save_dir % 1, "{cls_task}.save_del_old": True, "{cls_schedulers#0}.warmup_epochs": 0, } if change_net: arg_changes.update({ "{cls_network_body}.features_first_cell": 8, "{cls_network_body}.cell_order": "n, r, n, r, n", "{cls_network_stem}.features": 4, }) print(config) exp1 = Main.new_task(config, args_changes=arg_changes).run() data = exp1.get_method().get_data_set().sample_random_data( batch_size=4).cuda() net = exp1.get_method().get_network() if fix_topology and isinstance(net, SearchUninasNetwork): net.set_forward_strategy(False) net.get_strategy_manager().forward_const(0) with torch.no_grad(): outputs1 = exp1.get_method()(data) arg_changes["{cls_task}.save_dir"] = save_dir % 2 arg_changes["{cls_task}.seed"] += 1 exp2 = Main.new_task(config, args_changes=arg_changes).run().load( save_dir % 1) net = exp2.get_method().get_network() if fix_topology and isinstance(net, SearchUninasNetwork): net.set_forward_strategy(False) net.get_strategy_manager().forward_const(0) with torch.no_grad(): outputs2 = exp2.get_method()(data) for o1, o2 in zip(outputs1, outputs2): self._assert_same_tensors( 'i=%d method=%s' % (i, exp1.get_method().__class__.__name__), o1, o2)