Ejemplo n.º 1
def Browse(section):
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL + 'home', headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)
    cats = re.search("(?s)<div id=\"" + section + "\-2\".+?<ul>(.+?)</ul>", url_content)
    if cats:
        cats = cats.group(1)
        for cat in re.finditer("<li.*?><a href=[\"'](.+?)[\"'].*?>(.+?)</a>", cats):
            cat_url = cat.group(1)
            cat_title = cat.group(2)
            if 'tna/ppv-tna' in cat_url:
                cat_title = cat_title + ' ( TNA )'
            elif 'wwe/ppv' in cat_url:
                cat_title = cat_title + ' ( WWE )'
            image = os.path.join(IconPath, cat_url[cat_url[0:cat_url.rfind('/')].rfind('/')+1:cat_url.rfind('/')] + '.jpg')
            addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  cat_title, 'img' : image, 'url' : cat_url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': 'date', 'sortorder' : 'desc'}, {'title':  cat_title}, img=image)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Browse(section):
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL + 'home', headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(url_content, "html5lib")
    cats = soup.find("div", id="categories-2")
    if cats:
        for cat in cats.find_all("li", class_="cat-item"):
            cat_url = cat.a["href"]
            cat_title = cat.a.string
            if 'tna/ppv-tna' in cat_url:
                cat_title = cat_title + ' ( TNA )'
            elif 'wwe/ppv' in cat_url:
                cat_title = cat_title + ' ( WWE )'
            image = os.path.join(IconPath, cat_url[cat_url[0:cat_url.rfind('/')].rfind('/')+1:cat_url.rfind('/')] + '.jpg')
            addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  cat_title, 'img' : image, 'url' : cat_url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': 'date', 'sortorder' : 'desc'}, {'title':  cat_title}, img=image)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def GetLatest():
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL + 'home', headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)
    for latest_headers in re.finditer(r"(?s)<span class=\"name\">(.+?)</span>.*?<a class=\"more-link\" href=\"(.+?)\">(.+?)</div> </div></div> </div>", url_content):
        latest_title = latest_headers.group(1)        
        more_url = latest_headers.group(2)
        latest_items = latest_headers.group(3)
        more_title = latest_title
        more_title = more_title.replace('Latest', '')
        more_title = more_title.replace('Shows', '')
        more_title = more_title.replace('Wrestling', '')        
        more_title = more_title.strip()        
        more_image =  os.path.join(IconPath, more_title.lower().replace(' ','-') + '.jpg')
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]' + latest_title + '[/COLOR]'}, img=more_image)
        for item in re.finditer(r"(?s)<a class=\"clip-link\".+?title=\"(.+?)\".+?href=\"(.+?)\".+?<img src=\"(.+?)\"", latest_items):
            item_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(item.group(1)))
            item_url = item.group(2)
            item_image = item.group(3)
            addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'GetLinks', 'url' : item_url, 'title' : item_title, 'img':item_image}, {'title':  '.....' + item_title}, img=item_image)
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'url' : more_url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': 'date', 'sortorder' : 'desc', 'title' : more_title, 'img' : more_image}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow].....More >>[/COLOR]'}, img=more_image)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Browse(section):
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL + 'home', headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)
    cats = re.search("(?s)<div id=\"" + section + "\-2\".+?<ul>(.+?)</ul>", url_content)
    if cats:
        cats = cats.group(1)
        for cat in re.finditer("<li.*><a href=[\"'](.+?)[\"'].+?>(.+?)</a>", cats):
            cat_url = cat.group(1)
            cat_title = cat.group(2)
            if 'tna/ppv-tna' in cat_url:
                cat_title = cat_title + ' ( TNA )'
            elif 'wwe/ppv' in cat_url:
                cat_title = cat_title + ' ( WWE )'
            image = os.path.join(IconPath, cat_url[cat_url[0:cat_url.rfind('/')].rfind('/')+1:cat_url.rfind('/')] + '.jpg')
            addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  cat_title, 'img' : image, 'url' : cat_url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': 'date', 'sortorder' : 'desc'}, {'title':  cat_title}, img=image)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def GetLatest():
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL + 'home', headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)
    for latest_headers in re.finditer(r"(?s)<span class=\"name\">(.+?)</span>.*?<a class=\"more-link\" href=\"(.+?)\">(.+?)</div> </div></div> </div>", url_content):
        latest_title = latest_headers.group(1)        
        more_url = latest_headers.group(2)
        latest_items = latest_headers.group(3)
        more_title = latest_title
        more_title = more_title.replace('Latest', '')
        more_title = more_title.replace('Shows', '')
        more_title = more_title.replace('Wrestling', '')        
        more_title = more_title.strip()        
        more_image =  os.path.join(IconPath, more_title.lower().replace(' ','-') + '.jpg')
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]' + latest_title + '[/COLOR]'}, img=more_image)
        for item in re.finditer(r"(?s)<a class=\"clip-link\".+?title=\"(.+?)\".+?href=\"(.+?)\".+?<img src=\"(.+?)\"", latest_items):
            item_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(item.group(1)))
            item_url = item.group(2)
            item_image = item.group(3)
            addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'GetLinks', 'url' : item_url, 'title' : item_title, 'img':item_image}, {'title':  '.....' + item_title}, img=item_image)
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'url' : more_url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': 'date', 'sortorder' : 'desc', 'title' : more_title, 'img' : more_image}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow].....More >>[/COLOR]'}, img=more_image)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_video_item(video_type, section, link, vidtitle, vidname, year='', imdb='', season_num=0, episode_num=0, totalitems=0, favourite=False, img='', add_as_dir=True):

    meta = get_metadata(video_type, vidtitle, vidname, year, imdb=imdb, season_num=season_num, episode_num=episode_num, img=img)
    if video_type == VideoType_Movies:
        contextMenuItems = add_contextmenu(meta_setting, video_type, link, univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(vidtitle)), meta['title'], favourite, watched=meta['overlay'], imdb=meta['imdb_id'], year=meta['year'], img=img)
        #contextMenuItems = add_contextmenu(meta_setting, video_type, link, univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(vidtitle)), vidtitle, favourite,  imdb=imdb, year=year, img=img)
        contextMenuItems = add_contextmenu(meta_setting, video_type, link, univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(vidtitle)), meta['title'], favourite, watched=meta['overlay'], imdb=meta['imdb_id'], season_num=season_num, episode_num=episode_num, img=img)
    if video_type == VideoType_Movies:
        infolabels = {'supports_meta' : 'true', 'video_type' : video_type, 'name' : vidtitle, 'imdb_id' : meta['imdb_id'], 'year' : meta['year']}
        queries = {'url': link, 'video_type': video_type, 'imdb_id': meta['imdb_id'], 'title': vidtitle, 'name': vidname, 'year': meta['year'], 'img': meta['cover_url'], 'fanart': meta['backdrop_url']}
        if add_as_dir == True:  
            queries['mode'] = 'links'            
            queries['play'] = 'true'

        addon.add_directory(queries, meta, contextMenuItems, context_replace=True, img=img, fanart=meta['backdrop_url'], total_items=totalitems)
    elif video_type == VideoType_Episode:
        video_title = ''        
        season_episode = 's' + str(season_num) + 'e' + str(episode_num)
        meta_season_episode = 'Episode: ' + str(episode_num)        
        fav_season_episode = 'Season: ' + str(season_num) + ' Episode: ' + str(episode_num)        
        if meta_setting:
            favpretitle = vidtitle + ' - ' + fav_season_episode
            pretitle = vidtitle + ' - ' + season_episode
            meta_pretitle = meta_season_episode
            if meta['title']:
                fav_video_title = favpretitle + ' - ' + meta['title']
                video_title = pretitle + ' - ' + meta['title']
                meta['title'] = meta_pretitle + ' - ' + meta['title']
                fav_video_title = favpretitle
                video_title = pretitle
                meta['title'] = meta_pretitle
            fav_video_title = meta['title'] + ' - ' + fav_season_episode
            video_title = meta['title'] + ' - ' + season_episode
            meta['title'] = meta_season_episode
        if favourite:
            meta['title'] = fav_video_title
        infolabels = {'supports_meta' : 'true', 'video_type' : video_type, 'name' : vidtitle, 'imdb_id' : meta['imdb_id'], 'season': season_num, 'episode' : episode_num}
        queries = {'url': link, 'video_type': video_type, 'imdb_id': meta['imdb_id'], 'show' : vidtitle, 'title': video_title, 'name': vidname, 'season': season_num, 'episode' : episode_num, 'img': meta['cover_url'], 'fanart': meta['backdrop_url']}
        if add_as_dir == True:
            queries['mode'] = 'links'            
            queries['play'] = 'true'
        #p_url = fav.build_url(queries)
        #contextMenuItems.insert(1, ('Add to Favorites', fav.add_directory(fav_video_title, p_url, section_title='TV', sub_section_title='Episodes', img=meta['cover_url'], fanart=meta['backdrop_url'], infolabels=infolabels)))
        addon.add_directory(queries, meta, contextMenuItems, context_replace=True, img=meta['cover_url'], fanart=meta['backdrop_url'], total_items=totalitems)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def GetLinks(url):
    url = BASEURL + '/' + url
    movie_content = net.http_GET(url).content
    movie_content = addon.unescape(movie_content)
    movie_content = unescape(movie_content)
    #movie_content = re.sub("\\\"", "\"", movie_content)
        movie_content = movie_content.decode("ISO-8859-1")
        movie_content= movie_content.encode("UTF-8")
    except: pass
    from universal import _common as univ_common
    movie_content = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(movie_content)).replace('              ','').replace('            ','').replace('          ','').replace('    ','').replace('  ','')
    container_pattern = r'<table[^>]+class="movie_version[ "][^>]*>(.*?)</table>'
    item_pattern = (
        r'"version_veiws"> ([\d]+) views</')

    for version in re.finditer(container_pattern, movie_content, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE):
        for source in re.finditer(item_pattern, version.group(1), re.DOTALL):
            link_quality, link_url, link_title, link_parts, link_views = source.groups()
            host = link_title.decode('base-64').lower()        
            hosted_media = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(host=host, media_id='DUMMY')
            if hosted_media:
              #add_video_link(video_type, link_url.decode('base-64'), title, '[COLOR pink]' + title + '[/COLOR] [COLOR red][' + link_quality.upper() + '][/COLOR] [COLOR yellow]: ' +  link_title.decode('base-64').upper() + '[/COLOR] (' + link_views + ' views)', img=img, fanart=fanart, totalitems= len(source.groups()) )
              add_video_link(video_type, link_url.decode('base-64'), title, '[COLOR pink]' + title + '[/COLOR] [COLOR red][' + link_quality.upper() + '][/COLOR] [COLOR yellow]: ' +  link_title.decode('base-64').upper() + '[/COLOR]', img=img, fanart=fanart, totalitems= len(source.groups()) )
Ejemplo n.º 8
def Browse_LatestEpisodes(mmurl):
	url_content=nURL(mainSite); les=re.search(r"(?s)<h4>Latest Episodes</h4>(.+?)<h4", url_content).group(1); les=_addon.unescape(les); les=unescape(les)
	from universal import _common
	for le in re.finditer(r'<li.+?class="(.+?)".+?<a.+?href="(.+?)".+?<img.+? src="(.+?)".+?title">(.+?)</div>', les):
		le_typ=le.group(1); le_url=le.group(2); le_img=le.group(3); le_ttl=le.group(4)
		contextLabs={'title':le_ttl,'year':'0000','url':le_url,'img':le_img,'fanart':le_img,'DateAdded':'','type':le_typ}; contextMenuItems=ContextMenu_Episodes(labs=contextLabs)
		try: _addon.add_directory({'mode':'Hosts','site':site,'section':section,'title':le_ttl,'url':le_url,'fanart':le_img,'img':le_img},{'title':cFL_(le_ttl,colors['6'])},is_folder=True,fanart=le_img,img=le_img,contextmenu_items=contextMenuItems)
		except: t=''
	set_view('episodes',int(addst('episode-view'))); eod()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def Browse(url):    
    browse_url = url + '/?'
    print browse_url
    if section:
        browse_url = browse_url + section + '&'
    browse_url = browse_url + 'p=' + str( int(page) * items_per_page )

    content = net.http_GET(browse_url).content
    content = addon.unescape(content)
    content = unescape(content)
    import urllib
    from universal import _common as univ_common
    movies_1 = re.search("<ul class=\"thumbnails\">(.*)", content)
    if movies_1:
        content = movies_1.group(1)
    movie_count = 0    
    movies = re.compile("<li class=\"\".+?<a href=\"(" + BASEURL + "/.+?)\".+?<img.+?src=\"(.+?)\".+?<div class=\"title.+?>(.+?) [\(]{0,1}([0-9]{2,4})").findall(content)
    for movie_url, movie_img, movie_title, movie_year in movies:                
        if video_type == VideoType_Movies:
            add_video_item(video_type, video_type, movie_url, univ_common.str_conv(movie_title.strip()), univ_common.str_conv(movie_title.strip()), year=movie_year, totalitems=len(movies), img=movie_img, add_as_dir=True)
        elif video_type == VideoType_TV:
            movie_title = re.sub("\(.+?\)", "", movie_title).strip()
            add_video_directory('tvseasons', video_type, movie_url, univ_common.str_conv(movie_title.strip()), univ_common.str_conv(movie_title.strip()), totalitems=len(movies), img=movie_img)
        movie_count = movie_count + 1
    if movie_count >= items_per_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode': mode, 'url' : url, 'title' : title, 'section' : section, 'page' : str(int(page) + 1), 'video_type' : video_type }, {'title': 'Next Page >>'})       
    content_type = None
    view_setting_id = 'default-view'
    if video_type == VideoType_Movies:
        content_type = 'movies'
        view_setting_id = 'movie-view'
    elif video_type == VideoType_TV:
        content_type = 'tvshows'
        view_setting_id = 'tvshow-view'
    setView(content_type, view_setting_id)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def GetLatest():
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL + 'home', headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(url_content, "html5lib")
    for section in soup.find_all("div", class_="section-box"):
        latest_title = section.find("span", class_="name").string
        more_url = section.find("a", class_="more-link")["href"]
        latest_items = section.find_all("a", class_="clip-link")
        more_title = latest_title
        more_title = more_title.replace('Latest', '')
        more_title = more_title.replace('Shows', '')
        more_title = more_title.replace('Wrestling', '')        
        more_title = more_title.strip()        
        more_image =  os.path.join(IconPath, more_title.lower().replace(' ','-') + '.jpg')
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]' + latest_title + '[/COLOR]'}, img=more_image)
        for item in latest_items:
            item_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(item["title"]))
            item_url = item["href"]
            item_image = item.img["src"]
            addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'GetLinks', 'url' : item_url, 'title' : item_title, 'img':item_image}, {'title':  '.....' + item_title}, img=item_image)
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'url' : more_url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': 'date', 'sortorder' : 'desc', 'title' : more_title, 'img' : more_image}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow].....More >>[/COLOR]'}, img=more_image)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        Called when playback started. Checks database to see if video has been watched before.
        If video has been viewed before and it has been viewed for longer than 30 seconds, ask
        the user if they want to jump to the last viewed place or to start the video over.
        win = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
        win.setProperty("pbe.playing.playbackstopped", "false")
        self.addon_id = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.addon_id")
        self.video_type = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.video_type")
        self.title = common.str_conv(win.getProperty("pbe.playing.title"))
        self.season = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.season")
        self.year = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.year")
        self.episode = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.episode")
        self.hash = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.hash")
        self.imdb_id = win.getProperty("pbe.playing.imdb")

            + HELPER
            + "- -"
            + "Beginning Playback: addon: %s, title: %s, year: %s, season: %s, episode: %s"
            % (self.addon_id, self.title, self.year, self.season, self.episode)

        self._totalTime = self.getTotalTime()
        self._tracker = threading.Thread(target=self._trackPosition)

        sql_select = "SELECT bookmark FROM bookmarks WHERE hash='%s'" % self.hash
        common.addon.log("-" + HELPER + "- -" + sql_select, 2)
        bookmark = self.dbcur.fetchone()
        if bookmark:
            bookmark = float(bookmark["bookmark"])
            if not self._sought and bookmark - 30 > 0:
                common.addon.log("-" + HELPER + "- -" + "Showing Dialog")
                question = xbmc.getLocalizedString(12022) % format_time(bookmark)  # 12022 = Resume from %s
                resume = xbmcgui.Dialog()
                resume = resume.yesno(
                    self.title, "", question, "", xbmc.getLocalizedString(20132), xbmc.getLocalizedString(13404)
                )  # 20132 = Restart Video 13404 = Resume
                if resume:
                self._sought = True
Ejemplo n.º 12
def GetLatest():
    url_content = net.http_GET(BASEURL).content
    les = re.search(r"(?s)<h4>Latest Episodes</h4>(.+?)<h4", url_content).group(1)
    les = addon.unescape(les)
    les = unescape(les)
    from universal import _common
    les = _common.str_conv(les)
    for le in re.finditer(r"<li.+?class=\"(.+?)\".+?<a.+?href=\"(.+?)\".+?<img.+? src=\"(.+?)\".+?title\">(.+?)</div>", les):
        le_typ = le.group(1)
        le_url = le.group(2)
        le_img = le.group(3)
        le_ttl = le.group(4)
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'links', 'title' : le_ttl, 'img' : le_img, 'url' : le_url}, {'title':  le_ttl}, img= le_img)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def GetLinks(url):
    movie_content = net.http_GET(url).content
    movie_content = addon.unescape(movie_content)
    movie_content = unescape(movie_content)
    movie_content = re.sub("\\\"", "\"", movie_content)
    from universal import _common as univ_common
    movie_content = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(movie_content))
    movie_links = re.compile("<a href=\"(" + BASEURL + "/play/[0-9]+?)\".+?<img.+?> (.+?)</a>.+?<td>.+?<td>.+?<td>(.+?)</td>", re.DOTALL).findall(movie_content)
    for link_url, link_title, link_quality in  movie_links:
        if link_title.startswith("."):
            link_title = link_title[1:].capitalize()
        host = link_title.lower()        
        hosted_media = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(host=host, media_id='DUMMY')
        if hosted_media:
            add_video_link(video_type, link_url, title, '[' + link_quality.upper() + '] - ' +  link_title, img=img, fanart=fanart, totalitems= len(movie_links) )
Ejemplo n.º 14
def iWatchLINK(mname,url):      
        xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Please Wait!,Collecting Hosts,1500)")
        movie_content = main.unescapes(link)
        movie_content = re.sub("\\\"", "\"", movie_content)
        from universal import _common as univ_common
        link2 = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(movie_content))
        main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','')
        match=re.compile('<a href="(.+?)".+?<img.+?> (.+?)</a>.+?<td>.+?<td>.+?<td>(.+?)</td>', re.DOTALL).findall(link2)
        for url, name, qua in match[1:]:
            name=name.replace(' ','')
            if name[0:1]=='.':
            #hosted_media = urlresolver.HostedMediaFile(host=name.lower(), media_id=name.lower())
            #if hosted_media:
            main.addDown2(mname+' [COLOR red]('+qua+')[/COLOR]'+' [COLOR blue]'+name.upper()+'[/COLOR]',url,649,art+'/hosts/'+name.lower()+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+name.lower()+'.png')
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def onPlayBackStarted(self):
     Called when playback started. Checks database to see if video has been watched before.
     If video has been viewed before and it has been viewed for longer than 30 seconds, ask
     the user if they want to jump to the last viewed place or to start the video over.
     win = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
     win.setProperty('pbe.playing.playbackstopped', 'false')
     self.addon_id = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.addon_id')
     self.video_type = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.video_type')
     self.title = common.str_conv(win.getProperty('pbe.playing.title'))
     self.season = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.season')
     self.year = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.year')
     self.episode = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.episode')
     self.hash = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.hash')
     self.imdb_id = win.getProperty('pbe.playing.imdb')
     common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' +'Beginning Playback: addon: %s, title: %s, year: %s, season: %s, episode: %s' % (
         self.addon_id, self.title, self.year, self.season, self.episode) )
     self._totalTime = self.getTotalTime()
     self._tracker = threading.Thread(target=self._trackPosition)
     sql_select = "SELECT bookmark FROM bookmarks WHERE hash='%s'" % self.hash
     common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' +sql_select, 2)
     bookmark = self.dbcur.fetchone()
     if bookmark:
         bookmark = float(bookmark['bookmark'])
         if not self._sought and bookmark-30 > 0:
             common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' +'Showing Dialog')
             question = xbmc.getLocalizedString(12022) % format_time(bookmark)   # 12022 = Resume from %s
             resume = xbmcgui.Dialog()
             resume = resume.yesno(self.title, '', question, '', xbmc.getLocalizedString(20132), xbmc.getLocalizedString(13404))  # 20132 = Restart Video 13404 = Resume
             if resume: self.seekTime(bookmark)
             self._sought = True
Ejemplo n.º 16
def PANEL_REPLACER(content):
    panel_exists = True
    panel_id = 0
    while panel_exists == True:
        panel_name = "panel-id." + str(panel_id)
        panel_search_pattern = "(?s)\"" + panel_name + "\"\:\[\{(.+?)\}\]"
        panel_data = re.search(panel_search_pattern, content)
        if panel_data:
            panel_data = panel_data.group(1)
            content = re.sub("begin " + panel_name, "-->" + panel_data + "<!--", content)
            content = re.sub(panel_search_pattern, "panel used", content)
            panel_id = panel_id + 1
            panel_exists = False
    content = addon.unescape(content)
    content = main.unescapes(content)
    content = re.sub("\\\"", "\"", content)
    from universal import _common as univ_common
    content = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(content))
    return content
Ejemplo n.º 17
def GetPage(url, page, sort, sortorder, options):

    if options:
        xbmcdlg = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dlg_title = ''
        select_list = None
        select_list_v = None
        if options == 'sortby':
            dlg_title = 'Sort By'
            select_list = ['Date', 'Views', 'Likes', 'Comments']
            select_list_v = ['date', 'views', 'likes', 'comments']
        elif options == 'sortorder':
            dlg_title = 'Sort Order'
            select_list = ['Ascending', 'Descending']
            select_list_v = ['asc', 'desc']
        elif options == 'gotopage':
            dlg_title = 'Goto Page'
        if select_list:
            ret = xbmcdlg.select(dlg_title, select_list)
            if options == 'sortby':
                sort = select_list_v[ret]
            elif options == 'sortby':
                sortorder = select_list_v[ret]
            ret = xbmcdlg.numeric(0, dlg_title, page)
            if ret != 'cancelled':
                ret_num = int(ret)
                if (ret_num > 0 and ret_num != int(page) and ret_num <= int(tp)):
                    page = str(ret_num)

    order = '?orderby=' + sort + '&order=' + sortorder
    page_url = url + 'page/' + page + '/' + order
    url_content = net.http_GET(page_url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(page_url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    ''' Page, Goto Page, Sort options '''
    totl_page = '1'
    page_of = re.search("<span class='pages'>Page ([0-9]+?) of ([0-9]+?)</span>", url_content)
    if page_of:
        totl_page = page_of.group(2)
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'gotopage', 'tp' : totl_page}, {'title':  '[COLOR red]Page ' + page + ' of ' + totl_page + '[/COLOR]'})
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'sortby'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]Sort By: [/COLOR][COLOR white]' + sort.title() + '[/COLOR]'})
    sort_order = 'Descending'
    if sortorder == 'asc':
        sort_order = 'Ascending'
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'sortorder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]Sort Order: [/COLOR][COLOR white]' + sort_order.title() + '[/COLOR]'})
    url_content = re.search("(?s)>(?:Category|Monthly Archives)(.+?)<div id=\"sidebar\" role=\"complementary\">", url_content).group(1)    
    first_page = re.search("class=('first'|\"prev\")", url_content)
    if first_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]<< First Page[/COLOR]'})
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : int(page) - 1, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]< Previous Page[/COLOR]'})
    for item in re.finditer(r"(?s)<a class=\"clip-link\".+?title=\"(.+?)\".+?href=\"(.+?)\".+?img src=\"(.+?)\"", url_content):        
        item_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(item.group(1)))
        item_url = item.group(2)
        item_image = item.group(3)
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'GetLinks', 'url' : item_url, 'title' : item_title, 'img':item_image}, {'title': item_title}, img=item_image)
    last_page = re.search("class=('last'|\"next\")", url_content)
    if last_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : int(page) + 1, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]Next Page > [/COLOR]'})
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : totl_page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]Last Page >> [/COLOR]'})
    upd_list = False
    if (options) or (type != 'subfolder'):
        upd_list = True
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), updateListing=upd_list)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def GetPage(url, page, sort, sortorder, options):

    if options:
        xbmcdlg = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dlg_title = ''
        select_list = None
        select_list_v = None
        if options == 'sortby':
            dlg_title = 'Sort By'
            select_list = ['Date', 'Views', 'Likes', 'Comments']
            select_list_v = ['date', 'views', 'likes', 'comments']
        elif options == 'sortorder':
            dlg_title = 'Sort Order'
            select_list = ['Ascending', 'Descending']
            select_list_v = ['asc', 'desc']
        elif options == 'gotopage':
            dlg_title = 'Goto Page'
        if select_list:
            ret = xbmcdlg.select(dlg_title, select_list)
            if options == 'sortby':
                sort = select_list_v[ret]
            elif options == 'sortby':
                sortorder = select_list_v[ret]
            ret = xbmcdlg.numeric(0, dlg_title, page)
            if ret != 'cancelled':
                ret_num = int(ret)
                if (ret_num > 0 and ret_num != int(page) and ret_num <= int(tp)):
                    page = str(ret_num)

    order = '?orderby=' + sort + '&order=' + sortorder
    page_url = url + 'page/' + page + '/' + order
    url_content = net.http_GET(page_url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(page_url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    ''' Page, Goto Page, Sort options '''
    totl_page = '1'
    page_of = re.search("<span class='pages'>Page ([0-9]+?) of ([0-9]+?)</span>", url_content)
    if page_of:
        totl_page = page_of.group(2)
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'gotopage', 'tp' : totl_page}, {'title':  '[COLOR red]Page ' + page + ' of ' + totl_page + '[/COLOR]'})
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'sortby'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]Sort By: [/COLOR][COLOR white]' + sort.title() + '[/COLOR]'})
    sort_order = 'Descending'
    if sortorder == 'asc':
        sort_order = 'Ascending'
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'sortorder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]Sort Order: [/COLOR][COLOR white]' + sort_order.title() + '[/COLOR]'})
    url_content = re.search("(?s)>(?:Category|Monthly Archives)(.+?)<div id=\"sidebar\" role=\"complementary\">", url_content).group(1)    
    first_page = re.search("class=('first'|\"prev\")", url_content)
    if first_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]<< First Page[/COLOR]'})
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : int(page) - 1, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]< Previous Page[/COLOR]'})
    for item in re.finditer(r"(?s)<a class=\"clip-link\".+?title=\"(.+?)\".+?href=\"(.+?)\".+?img src=\"(.+?)\"", url_content):        
        item_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(item.group(1)))
        item_url = item.group(2)
        item_image = item.group(3)
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'GetLinks', 'url' : item_url, 'title' : item_title, 'img':item_image}, {'title': item_title}, img=item_image)
    last_page = re.search("class=('last'|\"next\")", url_content)
    if last_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : int(page) + 1, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]Next Page > [/COLOR]'})
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : totl_page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]Last Page >> [/COLOR]'})
    upd_list = False
    if (options) or (type != 'subfolder'):
        upd_list = True
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), updateListing=upd_list)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def GetPage(url, page, sort, sortorder, options):

    if options:
        xbmcdlg = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dlg_title = ''
        select_list = None
        select_list_v = None
        if options == 'sortby':
            dlg_title = 'Sort By'
            select_list = ['Date', 'Views', 'Likes', 'Comments']
            select_list_v = ['date', 'views', 'likes', 'comments']
        elif options == 'sortorder':
            dlg_title = 'Sort Order'
            select_list = ['Ascending', 'Descending']
            select_list_v = ['asc', 'desc']
        elif options == 'gotopage':
            dlg_title = 'Goto Page'
        if select_list:
            ret = xbmcdlg.select(dlg_title, select_list)
            if options == 'sortby':
                sort = select_list_v[ret]
            elif options == 'sortby':
                sortorder = select_list_v[ret]
            ret = xbmcdlg.numeric(0, dlg_title, page)
            if ret != 'cancelled':
                ret_num = int(ret)
                if (ret_num > 0 and ret_num != int(page) and ret_num <= int(tp)):
                    page = str(ret_num)

    order = '?orderby=' + sort + '&order=' + sortorder
    page_url = url + 'page/' + page + '/' + order
    url_content = net.http_GET(page_url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(page_url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        

    soup = BeautifulSoup(url_content, "html5lib")

    ''' Page, Goto Page, Sort options '''
    totl_page = '1'
    page_of = re.search("<span class='pages'>Page ([0-9]+?) of ([0-9]+?)</span>", url_content)

    if page_of:
        totl_page = page_of.group(2)
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'gotopage', 'tp' : totl_page}, {'title':  '[COLOR red]Page ' + page + ' of ' + totl_page + '[/COLOR]'})
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'sortby'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]Sort By: [/COLOR][COLOR white]' + sort.title() + '[/COLOR]'})
    sort_order = 'Descending'
    if sortorder == 'asc':
        sort_order = 'Ascending'
    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'options' : 'sortorder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]Sort Order: [/COLOR][COLOR white]' + sort_order.title() + '[/COLOR]'})
    first_page = soup.find("a", class_="first")
    if first_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : '1', 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]<< First Page[/COLOR]'})
    prev_page = soup.find("a", class_="previouspostslink")
    if prev_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : int(page) - 1, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]< Previous Page[/COLOR]'})
    for item in soup.find("div", id="content").find_all("a", class_="clip-link"):
        item_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.decode(item["title"]))
        item_url = item["href"]
        item_image = item.img["src"]
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'GetLinks', 'url' : item_url, 'title' : item_title, 'img':item_image}, {'title': item_title}, img=item_image)
    last_page = soup.find("a", class_="last")
    if last_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : int(page) + 1, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]Next Page > [/COLOR]'})
    next_page = soup.find("a", class_="nextpostslink")
    if next_page:
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'Page', 'title':  title, 'img' : img, 'url' : url, 'page' : totl_page, 'sort': sort, 'sortorder' : sortorder, 'tp' : totl_page, 'type':'notsubfolder'}, {'title':  '[COLOR yellow]Last Page >> [/COLOR]'})
    upd_list = False
    if (options) or (type != 'subfolder'):
        upd_list = True
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), updateListing=upd_list)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def add_item(self,
            Add an item to watch history.
                title (str): title of the item; used to generate title-hash and sorting
                url (str): the compelte plugin url that would be called when this item is selected
                fmtd_title (str): title of the item as it will be displayed in the list. 
                        if fmtd_title is None:
                            fmtd_title = title
                level (str): item level in the hierarchy. Used if playable-item's parent is also being added to the favorites.
                        Non-parent's level is '0'
                        Parent's level starts with '1'
                        Should be covnertiable to integer
                parent_title (str): If the item has a parent, then the title used to identify the parent
                indent_title (str): Title to be used in parent-indent mode (WIP)
                        If indent_title is None:
                            indent_title = fmtd_title
                info_labels (hash): Any information that the calling plugin might need when the item is being retreived goes here.
                        This is also used to set support for metadata for the item with watch history.
                        infolabels = { 'supports_meta' : 'true', 'video_type':video_type, 'name':title, 'imdb_id':imdb_id, 
                            'season':season, 'episode':episode, 'year':year 
                img (str): url or path of the image to be used as thumbnail and icon of the item
                fanart (str): url or path of the image to be used as fanart of the item
                is_playable (bool): set the item isPlayable property
                is_folder (bool): set the item isFolder property
        if url.find('&watchhistory=true'):
            url = url.replace('&watchhistory=true', '')
        elif url.find('?watchhistory=true&'):
            url = url.replace('?watchhistory=true&', '?')

        title = common.str_conv(title)

        if not fmtd_title:
            fmtd_title = title
            fmtd_title = common.str_conv(fmtd_title)

        if not indent_title:
            indent_title = fmtd_title
            indent_title = common.str_conv(indent_title)

        hash_title = hashlib.md5(title).hexdigest()

        if parent_title:
            parent_title = common.str_conv(parent_title)

        if parent_title:
            parent_title = hashlib.md5(parent_title).hexdigest()

        row_exists = True
            if DB == 'mysql':
                sql_select = "SELECT * FROM watch_history WHERE addon_id = %s AND hash_title = %s"
                sql_select = "SELECT * FROM watch_history WHERE addon_id = ? AND hash_title = ?"
                '-' + HELPER + '- -' + '%s : %s, %s' %
                (sql_select, self.addon_id, hash_title), 2)
            self.dbcur.execute(sql_select, (self.addon_id, hash_title))
                '-' + HELPER + '- -' + str(self.dbcur.fetchall()[0]), 2)
            row_exists = False

        sql_update_or_insert = ''
        if row_exists == True:
            if DB == 'mysql':
                sql_update_or_insert = "UPDATE watch_history SET lastwatched = %s WHERE addon_id = %s AND hash_title = %s"
                sql_update_or_insert = "UPDATE watch_history SET lastwatched = ? WHERE addon_id = ? AND hash_title = ?"
                '-' + HELPER + '- -' + '%s : %s, %s, %s' %
                (sql_update_or_insert, 'datetime.datetime.now()',
                 self.addon_id, hash_title), 2)
                (datetime.datetime.now(), self.addon_id, hash_title))
            if DB == 'mysql':
                sql_update_or_insert = "INSERT INTO watch_history(addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, url, infolabels, image_url, fanart_url, isplayable, isfolder, lastwatched, level, parent_title, indent_title) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                sql_update_or_insert = "INSERT INTO watch_history(addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, url, infolabels, image_url, fanart_url, isplayable, isfolder, lastwatched, level, parent_title, indent_title) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

            if infolabels:
                infolabels = common.encode_dict(infolabels)

            is_playable = common.bool2str(is_playable)
            is_folder = common.bool2str(is_folder)
            infolabels = str(infolabels)

                '-' + HELPER + '- -' +
                '%s : %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' %
                (sql_update_or_insert, self.addon_id, hash_title, title,
                 fmtd_title, common.str_conv(url), infolabels, img, fanart,
                 is_playable, is_folder, 'datetime.datetime.now()', level,
                 parent_title, indent_title), 2)
                (self.addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, url,
                 infolabels, img, fanart, is_playable, is_folder,
                 datetime.datetime.now(), level, parent_title, indent_title))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def add_item(self, title, url, fmtd_title = '', level='0', parent_title='', indent_title='', infolabels='', img='', fanart='', is_playable=False, is_folder=False):
            Add an item to watch history.
                title (str): title of the item; used to generate title-hash and sorting
                url (str): the compelte plugin url that would be called when this item is selected
                fmtd_title (str): title of the item as it will be displayed in the list. 
                        if fmtd_title is None:
                            fmtd_title = title
                level (str): item level in the hierarchy. Used if playable-item's parent is also being added to the favorites.
                        Non-parent's level is '0'
                        Parent's level starts with '1'
                        Should be covnertiable to integer
                parent_title (str): If the item has a parent, then the title used to identify the parent
                indent_title (str): Title to be used in parent-indent mode (WIP)
                        If indent_title is None:
                            indent_title = fmtd_title
                info_labels (hash): Any information that the calling plugin might need when the item is being retreived goes here.
                        This is also used to set support for metadata for the item with watch history.
                        infolabels = { 'supports_meta' : 'true', 'video_type':video_type, 'name':title, 'imdb_id':imdb_id, 
                            'season':season, 'episode':episode, 'year':year 
                img (str): url or path of the image to be used as thumbnail and icon of the item
                fanart (str): url or path of the image to be used as fanart of the item
                is_playable (bool): set the item isPlayable property
                is_folder (bool): set the item isFolder property
        if url.find('&watchhistory=true'):
            url = url.replace('&watchhistory=true', '')
        elif url.find('?watchhistory=true&'):
            url = url.replace('?watchhistory=true&', '?')
        title = common.str_conv(title)                
        if not fmtd_title:
            fmtd_title = title
            fmtd_title = common.str_conv(fmtd_title)
        if not indent_title:
            indent_title = fmtd_title
            indent_title = common.str_conv(indent_title)
        hash_title = hashlib.md5(title).hexdigest()

        if parent_title:
            parent_title = common.str_conv(parent_title)

        if parent_title:
            parent_title = hashlib.md5(parent_title).hexdigest()
        row_exists = True
            if DB == 'mysql':
                sql_select = "SELECT * FROM watch_history WHERE addon_id = %s AND hash_title = %s"
                sql_select = "SELECT * FROM watch_history WHERE addon_id = ? AND hash_title = ?"
            common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' + '%s : %s, %s' %(sql_select, self.addon_id, hash_title), 2 )
            self.dbcur.execute(sql_select, (self.addon_id, hash_title))
            common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' + str(self.dbcur.fetchall()[0]), 2)
            row_exists = False
        sql_update_or_insert = ''
        if row_exists == True:
            if DB == 'mysql':
                sql_update_or_insert = "UPDATE watch_history SET lastwatched = %s WHERE addon_id = %s AND hash_title = %s" 
                sql_update_or_insert = "UPDATE watch_history SET lastwatched = ? WHERE addon_id = ? AND hash_title = ?" 
            common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' + '%s : %s, %s, %s' %(sql_update_or_insert, 'datetime.datetime.now()', self.addon_id, hash_title), 2 )
            self.dbcur.execute(sql_update_or_insert, (datetime.datetime.now(), self.addon_id, hash_title))
            if DB == 'mysql':
                sql_update_or_insert = "INSERT INTO watch_history(addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, url, infolabels, image_url, fanart_url, isplayable, isfolder, lastwatched, level, parent_title, indent_title) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                sql_update_or_insert = "INSERT INTO watch_history(addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, url, infolabels, image_url, fanart_url, isplayable, isfolder, lastwatched, level, parent_title, indent_title) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            if infolabels:
                infolabels = common.encode_dict(infolabels)
            is_playable = common.bool2str(is_playable)
            is_folder = common.bool2str(is_folder)
            infolabels = str(infolabels)
            common.addon.log('-' + HELPER + '- -' + '%s : %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' %(sql_update_or_insert, self.addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, common.str_conv(url), infolabels, img, fanart, is_playable, is_folder, 'datetime.datetime.now()', level, parent_title, indent_title), 2 )
            self.dbcur.execute(sql_update_or_insert, (self.addon_id, hash_title, title, fmtd_title, url, infolabels, img, fanart, is_playable, is_folder, datetime.datetime.now(), level, parent_title, indent_title))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def GetLinks(url):
    from universal import _common as univ_common
    url_content = net.http_GET(url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)
        url_content = net.http_GET(url, headers=headers).content
        url_content = univ_common.str_conv(url_content)        
    url_content = re.sub("<!--.+?-->", " ", url_content)
    super_headers_re = '<h3><span.+?font-size: 40px;.+?>(.+?)</'
    if 'wwf-attitude-era' in url:
        if not re.search('<h3><span style="font-size: 30px;', url_content):
            super_headers_re = '(?s)<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span.+?>(.+?)</.+?<p>.+?</(p|div)></'
    super_headers = re.compile(super_headers_re).findall(url_content)
    super_header_item = 0
    super_header_title = ''
    if super_headers:
        if len(super_headers) == 1:
            super_headers = None
    if super_headers:
        super_header_title = ' - ' + super_headers[super_header_item]
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR red]' + super_headers[super_header_item] + '[/COLOR]'})
        super_header_item = super_header_item + 1
        if re.search('"lockerId":', url_content):
            # page has hidden links
            ajax_url = BASEURL + 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'
            locker_id = re.compile("\"lockerId\":\"(.+?)\"").findall(url_content)[0]
            action = 'opanda_loader'
            hash = re.compile("\"contentHash\":\"(.+?)\"").findall(url_content)[0]
            hidden_items =  net.http_POST(ajax_url, {'lockerId': locker_id, 'action': action, 'hash': hash}, headers=headers).content

            soup = BeautifulSoup(hidden_items, "html5lib")
            for hidden_item in soup.find_all(True):
                if hidden_item.name == "span":
                    hi_title = hidden_item.string
                    hi_title_super = hi_title
                    if super_headers:
                        hi_title_super = '.....' + hi_title
                    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]' + hi_title_super + '[/COLOR]'})
                elif hidden_item.name == "a":
                    hi_link_title = hidden_item.string
                    hi_link_url = hidden_item["href"]
                    hi_link_title_super = hi_link_title
                    if super_headers:
                        hi_link_title_super = '.....' + hi_link_title
                    contextMenuItems = []
                    queries = {'mode' : 'GetMedia', 'url' : hi_link_url, 'title' : title + super_header_title + ' - ' + hi_link_title, 'historytitle' : title, 'historylink': sys.argv[0]+sys.argv[2], 'img':img}
                    contextMenuItems.insert(0, ('Queue Item', playbackengine.QueueItem(addon_id, title + super_header_title + ' - ' + hi_link_title, addon.build_plugin_url( queries ) ) ) )
                    addon.add_directory(queries, {'title':  '.....' + hi_link_title_super},contextMenuItems, context_replace=False, img=img)
    regular_item_re = "(?s)<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span.+?>(.+?)</.+?<p>(.+?)</(p|div)>"
    if 'wwf-attitude-era' in url:
        if not re.search('<h3><span style="font-size: 30px;', url_content):
            regular_item_re = "(?s)<h3><span.+?font-size: 40px;.+?>(.+?)</.+?<p>(.+?)</(p|div)>"
            #<h3><span style="font-size: 40px; color: #2F4F4F;">Pay-Per-View 1999</span></h3>
            ppv_item = re.search("(<h3><span.+?font-size: 40px;.+?>Pay-Per-View.+?</)", url_content)
            if ppv_item:
                ppv_item = ppv_item.group(1)
                ppv_content = re.search("(?s)" + ppv_item + "(.+?)</div>", url_content).group(1)
                ppv_content = re.sub("</p>", "", ppv_content)
                ppv_new = ppv_item + '<h3><span style="font-size: 30px;">PPV Events</span></h3>' + ppv_content
                url_content = re.sub(ppv_item, ppv_new, url_content)
            regular_item_re = "(?s)<h3><span.+?font-size: 30px;.+?>(.+?)</.+?<p>(.+?)</(p|div)>"
    for regular_item in re.finditer(regular_item_re,url_content):
        ri_title = regular_item.group(1)
        ri_links = regular_item.group(2)
        ri_title_super = ri_title
        if super_headers:
            ri_title_super = '.....' + ri_title
        addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR blue]' + ri_title_super + '[/COLOR]'})
        for ri_link in re.finditer("(?s)<a.+?href=\"(.+?)\".+?>(.+?)</", ri_links):
            ri_link_title = ri_link.group(2)
            ri_link_title = univ_common.str_conv(addon.unescape(ri_link_title))
            ri_link_url = ri_link.group(1)
            ri_link_title_super = ri_link_title
            if super_headers:
                ri_link_title_super = '.....' + ri_link_title
            contextMenuItems = []
            queries = {'mode' : 'GetMedia', 'url' : ri_link_url, 'title' : title + super_header_title + ' - ' + ri_link_title, 'historytitle' : title, 'historylink': sys.argv[0]+sys.argv[2], 'img':img}
            contextMenuItems.insert(0, ('Queue Item', playbackengine.QueueItem(addon_id, title + super_header_title + ' - ' + ri_link_title, addon.build_plugin_url( queries ) ) ) )                
            addon.add_directory(queries, {'title':  '.....' + ri_link_title_super},contextMenuItems, context_replace=False, img=img)
            if super_headers:
                end_item = "h3>"
                if 'Pay-Per-View' in super_header_title:
                    end_item = "dummy"
                elif 'wwf-attitude-era' in url:
                    if re.search('<h3><span style="font-size: 30px;', url_content):
                        end_item = "p"
                if re.search('href="' + ri_link_url.replace('?', '\?') + '" target="_blank">' + ri_link_title + '</a></p>\n<' + end_item, url_content):
                    super_header_title = ' - ' + super_headers[super_header_item]
                    addon.add_directory({'mode' : 'DUMMY-DIR'}, {'title':  '[COLOR red]' + super_headers[super_header_item] + '[/COLOR]'})
                    super_header_item = super_header_item + 1