def mp_plantation_preparation(gadm_index_shp, planted_index_shp):


    # ## Not actually using this but leaving it here in case I want to add this functionality eventually. This
    # # was to allow users to run plantations for a select (contiguous) area rather than for the whole planet.
    # # List of bounding box coordinates
    # bound_list = args.bounding_box
    # # Checks if bounding box coordinates are in multiples of 10 (10 degree tiles). If they're not, the script stops.
    # for bound in bound_list:
    #     if bound%10:
    #         uu.exception_log(bound, 'not a multiple of 10. Please make bounding box coordinates are multiples of 10.')

    # Checks the validity of the two arguments. If either one is invalid, the script ends.
    if (gadm_index_path not in cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir or planted_index_path not in cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir):
        uu.exception_log('Invalid inputs. Please provide None or s3 shapefile locations for both arguments.')

    # List of all possible 10x10 Hansen tiles except for those at very extreme latitudes (not just WHRC biomass tiles)
    total_tile_list = uu.tile_list_s3(cn.pixel_area_dir)
    uu.print_log("Number of possible 10x10 tiles to evaluate:", len(total_tile_list))

    # Removes the latitude bands that don't have any planted forests in them according to Liz Goldman.
    # i.e., Liz Goldman said by Slack on 1/2/19 that the nothernmost planted forest is 69.5146 and the southernmost is -46.938968.
    # This creates a more focused list of 10x10 tiles to iterate through (removes ones that definitely don't have planted forest).
    # NOTE: If the planted forest gdb is updated, the list of latitudes to exclude below may need to be changed to not exclude certain latitude bands.
    planted_lat_tile_list = [tile for tile in total_tile_list if '90N' not in tile]
    planted_lat_tile_list = [tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '80N' not in tile]
    planted_lat_tile_list = [tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '50S' not in tile]
    planted_lat_tile_list = [tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '60S' not in tile]
    planted_lat_tile_list = [tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '70S' not in tile]
    planted_lat_tile_list = [tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '80S' not in tile]
    # planted_lat_tile_list = ['10N_080W']

    uu.print_log("Number of 10x10 tiles to evaluate after extreme latitudes have been removed:", len(planted_lat_tile_list))

    # If a planted forest extent 1x1 tile index shapefile isn't supplied
    if 'None' in args.planted_tile_index:

        ### Entry point 1:
        # If no shapefile of 1x1 tiles for countries with planted forests is supplied, 1x1 tiles of country extents will be created.
        # This runs the process from the very beginning and will take a few days.
        if 'None' in args.gadm_tile_index:

            uu.print_log("No GADM 1x1 tile index shapefile provided. Creating 1x1 planted forest country tiles from scratch...")

            # Downloads and unzips the GADM shapefile, which will be used to create 1x1 tiles of land areas
            uu.s3_file_download(cn.gadm_path, cn.docker_base_dir)
            cmd = ['unzip', cn.gadm_zip]
            # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
            process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
            with process.stdout:

            # Creates a new GADM shapefile with just the countries that have planted forests in them.
            # This limits creation of 1x1 rasters of land area on the countries that have planted forests rather than on all countries.
            # NOTE: If the planted forest gdb is updated and has new countries added to it, the planted forest country list
            # in must be updated, too.
            uu.print_log("Creating shapefile of countries with planted forests...")
            os.system('''ogr2ogr -sql "SELECT * FROM gadm_3_6_adm2_final WHERE iso IN ({0})" {1} gadm_3_6_adm2_final.shp'''.format(str(cn.plantation_countries)[1:-1], cn.gadm_iso))

            # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of countries that have planted forests in them.
            # I think this can handle using 50 processors because it's not trying to upload files to s3 and the tiles are small.
            # This takes several days to run because it iterates through at least 250 10x10 tiles.
            # For multiprocessor use.
            processes = 50
            uu.print_log('Rasterize GADM 1x1 max processors=', processes)
            pool = Pool(processes)
  , planted_lat_tile_list)

            # # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of countries that have planted forests in them.
            # # For single processor use.
            # for tile in planted_lat_tile_list:
            #     plantation_preparation.rasterize_gadm_1x1(tile)

            # Creates a shapefile of the boundaries of the 1x1 GADM tiles in countries with planted forests
            os.system('''gdaltindex {0}_{1}.shp GADM_*.tif'''.format(cn.pattern_gadm_1x1_index, uu.date_time_today))
            cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', cn.docker_base_dir, cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir, '--exclude', '*', '--include', '{}*'.format(cn.pattern_gadm_1x1_index), '--recursive']

            # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
            process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
            with process.stdout:

            # # Saves the 1x1 country extent tiles to s3
            # # Only use if the entire process can't run in one go on the spot machine
            # cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', cn.docker_base_dir, 's3://gfw2-data/climate/carbon_model/temp_spotmachine_output/', '--exclude', '*', '--include', 'GADM_*.tif', '--recursive']

            # # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
            # process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
            # with process.stdout:
            #     uu.log_subprocess_output(process.stdout)

            # Delete the aux.xml files
            os.system('''rm GADM*.tif.*''')

            # List of all 1x1 degree countey extent tiles created
            gadm_list_1x1 = uu.tile_list_spot_machine(".", "GADM_")
            uu.print_log("List of 1x1 degree tiles in countries that have planted forests, with defining coordinate in the northwest corner:", gadm_list_1x1)

        ### Entry point 2:
        # If a shapefile of the boundaries of 1x1 degree tiles of countries with planted forests is supplied,
        # a list of the 1x1 tiles is created from the shapefile.
        # This avoids creating the 1x1 country extent tiles all over again because the relevant tile extent are supplied
        # in the shapefile.
        elif cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir in args.gadm_tile_index:

            uu.print_log("Country extent 1x1 tile index shapefile supplied. Using that to create 1x1 planted forest tiles...")


            # Copies the shapefile of 1x1 tiles of extent of countries with planted forests
            cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', '{}/'.format(gadm_index_path), cn.docker_base_dir, '--recursive', '--exclude', '*', '--include', '{}*'.format(gadm_index_shp)]

            # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
            process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
            with process.stdout:

            # Gets the attribute table of the country extent 1x1 tile shapefile
            gadm = glob.glob('{}*.dbf'.format(cn.pattern_gadm_1x1_index))[0]

            # Converts the attribute table to a dataframe
            dbf = Dbf5(gadm)
            df = dbf.to_dataframe()

            # Converts the column of the dataframe with the names of the tiles (which contain their coordinates) to a list
            gadm_list_1x1 = df['location'].tolist()
            gadm_list_1x1 = [str(y) for y in gadm_list_1x1]
            uu.print_log("List of 1x1 degree tiles in countries that have planted forests, with defining coordinate in the northwest corner:", gadm_list_1x1)
            uu.print_log("There are", len(gadm_list_1x1), "1x1 country extent tiles to iterate through.")

        # In case some other arguments are provided
            uu.exception_log('Invalid GADM tile index shapefile provided. Please provide a valid shapefile.')

        # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of plantation growth wherever there are plantations.
        # Because this is iterating through all 1x1 tiles in countries with planted forests, it first checks
        # whether each 1x1 tile intersects planted forests before creating a 1x1 planted forest tile for that
        # 1x1 country extent tile.
        # 55 processors seems to use about 350 GB of memory, which seems fine. But there was some error about "PQconnectdb failed-- sorry, too many clients already".
        # So, moved the number of processors down to 48.
        # For multiprocessor use
        processes = 48
        uu.print_log('Create 1x1 plantation from 1x1 gadm max processors=', processes)
        pool = Pool(processes), gadm_list_1x1)

        # # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of plantation growth wherever there are plantations
        # # For single processor use
        # for tile in gadm_list_1x1:
        #     plantation_preparation.create_1x1_plantation(tile)

        # Creates a shapefile in which each feature is the extent of a plantation extent tile.
        # This index shapefile can be used the next time this process is run if starting with Entry Point 3.
        os.system('''gdaltindex {0}_{1}.shp plant_gain_*.tif'''.format(cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index, uu.date_time_today))
        cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', cn.docker_base_dir, cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir, '--exclude', '*', '--include', '{}*'.format(cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index), '--recursive']

        # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        with process.stdout:

    ### Entry point 3
    # If a shapefile of the extents of 1x1 planted forest tiles is provided.
    # This is the part that actually creates the sequestration rate and forest type tiles.
    if cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index in args.planted_tile_index:

        uu.print_log("Planted forest 1x1 tile index shapefile supplied. Using that to create 1x1 planted forest growth rate and forest type tiles...")

        # Copies the shapefile of 1x1 tiles of extent of planted forests
        cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', '{}/'.format(planted_index_path), cn.docker_base_dir, '--recursive', '--exclude', '*', '--include',
               '{}*'.format(planted_index_shp), '--recursive']

        # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        with process.stdout:

        # Gets the attribute table of the planted forest extent 1x1 tile shapefile
        gadm = glob.glob('{}*.dbf'.format(cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index))[0]

        # Converts the attribute table to a dataframe
        dbf = Dbf5(gadm)
        df = dbf.to_dataframe()

        # Converts the column of the dataframe with the names of the tiles (which contain their coordinates) to a list
        planted_list_1x1 = df['location'].tolist()
        planted_list_1x1 = [str(y) for y in planted_list_1x1]
        uu.print_log("List of 1x1 degree tiles in countries that have planted forests, with defining coordinate in the northwest corner:", planted_list_1x1)
        uu.print_log("There are", len(planted_list_1x1), "1x1 planted forest extent tiles to iterate through.")

        # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of plantation growth and type wherever there are plantations.
        # Because this is iterating through only 1x1 tiles that are known to have planted forests (from a previous run
        # of this script), it does not need to check whether there are planted forests in this tile. It goes directly
        # to intersecting the planted forest table with the 1x1 tile.

        # For single processor use
        #for tile in planted_list_1x1:
        #    plantation_preparation.create_1x1_plantation_growth_from_1x1_planted(tile)

        # For multiprocessor use
        # processes=40 uses about 360 GB of memory. Works on r4.16xlarge with space to spare
      	# processes=52 uses about 465 GB of memory (quite stably), so this is basically the max.
        num_of_processes = 52
        pool = Pool(num_of_processes), planted_list_1x1)

        # This works with 50 processors on an r4.16xlarge marchine. Uses about 430 GB out of 480 GB.
        num_of_processes = 52
        pool = Pool(num_of_processes)
        processes = 50
        uu.print_log('Create 1x1 plantation type max processors=', processes)
        pool = Pool(processes), planted_list_1x1)

        # This rasterizes the plantation removal factor standard deviations 
	      # processes=50 peaks at about 450 GB
        num_of_processes = 50
    	  pool = Pool(num_of_processes), planted_list_1x1)
def mp_tile_statistics(sensit_type, tile_id_list):


    # The column names for the tile summary statistics.
    # If the statistics calculations are changed in, the list here needs to be changed, too.
    headers = [
        'tile_id', 'tile_type', 'tile_name', 'pixel_count', 'mean', 'median',
        'percentile10', 'percentile25', 'percentile75', 'percentile90', 'min',
        'max', 'sum'
    header_no_brackets = ', '.join(headers)

    tile_stats_txt = '{0}_v{1}_{2}_{3}.csv'.format(cn.tile_stats_pattern,
                                                   cn.version, sensit_type,

    # Creates the output text file with the column names
    with open(tile_stats_txt, 'w+') as f:
        f.write(header_no_brackets + '\r\n')


    # Pixel area tiles-- necessary for calculating sum of pixels for any set of tiles
    uu.s3_flexible_download(cn.pixel_area_dir, cn.pattern_pixel_area,
                            cn.docker_base_dir, 'std', tile_id_list)

    # For downloading all tiles in selected folders
    download_dict = {
        # cn.WHRC_biomass_2000_unmasked_dir: [cn.pattern_WHRC_biomass_2000_unmasked],
        # cn.JPL_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_JPL_unmasked_processed],
        # cn.mangrove_biomass_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_mangrove_biomass_2000],
        # cn.cont_eco_dir: [cn.pattern_cont_eco_processed],

        # cn.model_extent_dir: [cn.pattern_model_extent], # 15 = 370 GB peak
        # # Mangrove removals
        # cn.annual_gain_AGB_mangrove_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGB_mangrove], # 15 = 640 GB peak
        # cn.annual_gain_BGB_mangrove_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_BGB_mangrove], # 15 = 640 GB peak
        [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGB_mangrove],  # 15 = 640 GB peak
        # # European forest removals
        # cn.annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_Europe_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_Europe], # 15 = 630 GB peak
        # cn.stdev_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_Europe_dir: [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_Europe], # 15 = 630 GB peak
        # # Planted forest removals
        # cn.annual_gain_AGC_BGC_planted_forest_unmasked_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_planted_forest_unmasked], # 15 = 600 GB peak
        # cn.planted_forest_type_unmasked_dir: [cn.pattern_planted_forest_type_unmasked], # 15 = 360 GB peak
        # cn.stdev_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_planted_forest_unmasked_dir: [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_planted_forest_unmasked], # 15 = 600 GB peak
        # # US forest removals
        # cn.FIA_regions_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_FIA_regions_processed], # 15 = 350 GB peak
        # cn.FIA_forest_group_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_FIA_forest_group_processed], # 15 = 340 GB peak
        # cn.age_cat_natrl_forest_US_dir: [cn.pattern_age_cat_natrl_forest_US], # 15 = 350 GB peak
        # cn.annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_US_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_US], # 15 = 620 GB peak
        # # cn.stdev_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_US_dir: [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_natrl_forest_US],
        # # Young natural forest removals
        # cn.annual_gain_AGC_natrl_forest_young_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_natrl_forest_young], # 15 = 710 GB peak
        # cn.stdev_annual_gain_AGC_natrl_forest_young_dir: [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGC_natrl_forest_young], # 15 = 700 GB peak
        # # IPCC defaults forest removals
        # cn.age_cat_IPCC_dir: [cn.pattern_age_cat_IPCC], # 15 = 330 GB peak
        # cn.annual_gain_AGB_IPCC_defaults_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGB_IPCC_defaults], # 15 = 620 GB peak
        # cn.annual_gain_BGB_IPCC_defaults_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_BGB_IPCC_defaults], # 15 = 620 GB peak
        # cn.stdev_annual_gain_AGB_IPCC_defaults_dir: [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGB_IPCC_defaults], # 15 = 620 GB peak
        # # Annual removals from all forest types
        # cn.annual_gain_AGC_all_types_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_all_types], # 15 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.annual_gain_BGC_all_types_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_BGC_all_types], # 15 > 550 GB peak
        # cn.annual_gain_AGC_BGC_all_types_dir: [cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_all_types], # 15 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.removal_forest_type_dir: [cn.pattern_removal_forest_type], # 15 = XXX GB peak
        [cn.pattern_stdev_annual_gain_AGC_all_types],  # 15 = XXX GB peak

        # # Gain year count
        # cn.gain_year_count_dir: [cn.pattern_gain_year_count], # 15 = XXX GB peak

        # # Gross removals from all forest types
        # cn.cumul_gain_AGCO2_all_types_dir: [cn.pattern_cumul_gain_AGCO2_all_types], # 15 = 630 GB peak
        # cn.cumul_gain_BGCO2_all_types_dir: [cn.pattern_cumul_gain_BGCO2_all_types], # 15 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.cumul_gain_AGCO2_BGCO2_all_types_dir: [cn.pattern_cumul_gain_AGCO2_BGCO2_all_types], # 15 = XXX GB peak

        # # Carbon pool inputs
        # cn.elevation_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_elevation],
        # cn.precip_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_precip],
        # cn.bor_tem_trop_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_bor_tem_trop_processed],
        # cn.drivers_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_drivers],
        # cn.climate_zone_processed_dir: [cn.pattern_climate_zone],
        # cn.soil_C_full_extent_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_soil_C_full_extent_2000], # 15 = 430 GB peak

        # Carbon pools in emissions year
        # cn.AGC_emis_year_dir: [cn.pattern_AGC_emis_year], # 14 = 590 GB peak
        # cn.BGC_emis_year_dir: [cn.pattern_BGC_emis_year], # 14 = > 520 GB peak
        # cn.deadwood_emis_year_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_deadwood_emis_year_2000], # 14 > 560 GB peak (error memory when using 15, so switched to 14)
        # cn.litter_emis_year_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_litter_emis_year_2000], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.soil_C_emis_year_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_soil_C_emis_year_2000], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.total_C_emis_year_dir: [cn.pattern_total_C_emis_year], # 14 = XXX GB peak

        # # Carbon pools in 2000
        # cn.AGC_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_AGC_2000],
        # cn.BGC_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_BGC_2000],
        # cn.deadwood_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_deadwood_2000],
        # cn.litter_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_litter_2000],
        # cn.total_C_2000_dir: [cn.pattern_total_C_2000],

        # # Net flux
        # cn.net_flux_dir: [cn.pattern_net_flux],  # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # # Gross emissions from biomass and soil
        # cn.gross_emis_all_gases_all_drivers_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_all_gases_all_drivers_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_co2_only_all_drivers_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_co2_only_all_drivers_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_non_co2_all_drivers_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_non_co2_all_drivers_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_commod_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_commod_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_shifting_ag_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_shifting_ag_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_forestry_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_forestry_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_wildfire_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_wildfire_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_urban_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_urban_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_no_driver_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_no_driver_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak
        # cn.gross_emis_nodes_biomass_soil_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_nodes_biomass_soil], # 14 = XXX GB peak

        # Gross emissions from soil only
        # cn.gross_emis_forestry_soil_only_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_forestry_soil_only],
        # cn.gross_emis_wildfire_soil_only_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_wildfire_soil_only],
        # cn.gross_emis_urban_soil_only_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_urban_soil_only],
        # cn.gross_emis_no_driver_soil_only_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_no_driver_soil_only],
        # cn.gross_emis_nodes_soil_only_dir: [cn.pattern_gross_emis_nodes_soil_only]

    # Iterates through each set of tiles and gets statistics of it
    for key, values in download_dict.items():

        # Downloads input files or entire directories, depending on how many tiles are in the tile_id_list
        dir = key
        pattern = values[0]
        uu.s3_flexible_download(dir, pattern, cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type,

        # List of all the tiles on the spot machine to be summarized (excludes pixel area tiles and tiles created by gdal_calc
        # (in case this script was already run on this spot machine and created output from gdal_calc)
        tile_list = uu.tile_list_spot_machine(".", ".tif")
        # from
        tile_list = [
            i for i in tile_list
            if not ('hanson_2013' in i or 'value_per_pixel' in i)
            "There are {} tiles to process".format(str(len(tile_list))) + "\n")

        # For multiprocessor use.
        processes = 14
        uu.print_log('Tile statistics max processors=', processes)
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes)
                    tile_stats_txt=tile_stats_txt), tile_list)
        # Added these in response to error12: Cannot allocate memory error.
        # This fix was mentioned here: of
        # Could also try this:

        # # For single processor use
        # for tile in tile_list:
        #     tile_statistics.create_tile_statistics(tile, sensit_type)

        # Copies the text file to the tile statistics folder on s3
        cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', tile_stats_txt, cn.tile_stats_dir]

        # Spot machine can't store all the tiles, so this cleans it up
        uu.print_log("Deleting tiles...")
        for tile in tile_list:
            tile_short = tile[:-4]
            outname = '{0}_value_per_pixel.tif'.format(tile_short)
            uu.print_log("  {} deleted".format(tile))

    uu.print_log("Script complete. All tiles analyzed!")
def mp_aggregate_results_to_4_km(sensit_type,


    # If a full model run is specified, the correct set of tiles for the particular script is listed
    if tile_id_list == 'all':
        # List of tiles to run in the model
        tile_id_list = uu.tile_list_s3(cn.net_flux_dir, sensit_type)

        "There are {} tiles to process".format(str(len(tile_id_list))) + "\n")

    # Files to download for this script
    download_dict = {
        cn.net_flux_dir: [cn.pattern_net_flux]

    # Checks whether the canopy cover argument is valid
    if thresh < 0 or thresh > 99:
            'Invalid tcd. Please provide an integer between 0 and 99.')

    if uu.check_aws_creds():

        # Pixel area tiles-- necessary for calculating sum of pixels for any set of tiles
        uu.s3_flexible_download(cn.pixel_area_dir, cn.pattern_pixel_area,
                                cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type, tile_id_list)
        # Tree cover density, Hansen gain, and mangrove biomass tiles-- necessary for filtering sums to model extent
        uu.s3_flexible_download(cn.tcd_dir, cn.pattern_tcd, cn.docker_base_dir,
                                sensit_type, tile_id_list)
        uu.s3_flexible_download(cn.gain_dir, cn.pattern_gain,
                                cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type, tile_id_list)
                                cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type, tile_id_list)

    uu.print_log("Model outputs to process are:", download_dict)

    # List of output directories. Modified later for sensitivity analysis.
    # Output pattern is determined later.
    output_dir_list = [cn.output_aggreg_dir]

    # If the model run isn't the standard one, the output directory is changed
    if sensit_type != 'std':
            "Changing output directory and file name pattern based on sensitivity analysis"
        output_dir_list = uu.alter_dirs(sensit_type, output_dir_list)

    # A date can optionally be provided by the full model script or a run of this script.
    # This replaces the date in constants_and_names.
    if run_date is not None:
        output_dir_list = uu.replace_output_dir_date(output_dir_list, run_date)

    # Iterates through the types of tiles to be processed
    for dir, download_pattern in list(download_dict.items()):

        download_pattern_name = download_pattern[0]

        # Downloads input files or entire directories, depending on how many tiles are in the tile_id_list, if AWS credentials are found
        if uu.check_aws_creds():

            uu.s3_flexible_download(dir, download_pattern_name,
                                    cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type,

        # Gets an actual tile id to use as a dummy in creating the actual tile pattern
        local_tile_list = uu.tile_list_spot_machine(cn.docker_base_dir,
        sample_tile_id = uu.get_tile_id(local_tile_list[0])

        # Renames the tiles according to the sensitivity analysis before creating dummy tiles.
        # The renaming function requires a whole tile name, so this passes a dummy time name that is then stripped a few
        # lines later.
        tile_id = sample_tile_id  # a dummy tile id (but it has to be a real tile id). It is removed later.
        output_pattern = uu.sensit_tile_rename(sensit_type, tile_id,
        pattern = output_pattern[9:-4]

        # For sensitivity analysis runs, only aggregates the tiles if they were created as part of the sensitivity analysis
        if (sensit_type != 'std') & (sensit_type not in pattern):
                "{} not a sensitivity analysis output. Skipping aggregation..."


        # Lists the tiles of the particular type that is being iterates through.
        # Excludes all intermediate files
        tile_list = uu.tile_list_spot_machine(".", "{}.tif".format(pattern))
        # from
        tile_list = [i for i in tile_list if not ('hanson_2013' in i)]
        tile_list = [i for i in tile_list if not ('rewindow' in i)]
        tile_list = [i for i in tile_list if not ('0_4deg' in i)]
        tile_list = [i for i in tile_list if not ('.ovr' in i)]

        # tile_list = ['00N_070W_cumul_gain_AGCO2_BGCO2_t_ha_all_forest_types_2001_15_biomass_swap.tif']  # test tiles

        uu.print_log("There are {0} tiles to process for pattern {1}".format(
            str(len(tile_list)), download_pattern) + "\n")
        uu.print_log("Processing:", dir, "; ", pattern)

        # Converts the 10x10 degree Hansen tiles that are in windows of 40000x1 pixels to windows of 400x400 pixels,
        # which is the resolution of the output tiles. This will allow the 30x30 m pixels in each window to be summed.
        # For multiprocessor use. count/2 used about 400 GB of memory on an r4.16xlarge machine, so that was okay.
        if cn.count == 96:
            if sensit_type == 'biomass_swap':
                processes = 12  # 12 processors = XXX GB peak
                processes = 16  # 12 processors = 140 GB peak; 16 = XXX GB peak; 20 = >750 GB (maxed out)
            processes = 8
        uu.print_log('Rewindow max processors=', processes)
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes)
            partial(aggregate_results_to_4_km.rewindow, no_upload=no_upload),
        # Added these in response to error12: Cannot allocate memory error.
        # This fix was mentioned here: of
        # Could also try this:

        # # For single processor use
        # for tile in tile_list:
        #     aggregate_results_to_4_km.rewindow(til, no_upload)

        # Converts the existing (per ha) values to per pixel values (e.g., emissions/ha to emissions/pixel)
        # and sums those values in each 400x400 pixel window.
        # The sum for each 400x400 pixel window is stored in a 2D array, which is then converted back into a raster at
        # 0.1x0.1 degree resolution (approximately 10m in the tropics).
        # Each pixel in that raster is the sum of the 30m pixels converted to value/pixel (instead of value/ha).
        # The 0.1x0.1 degree tile is output.
        # For multiprocessor use. This used about 450 GB of memory with count/2, it's okay on an r4.16xlarge
        if cn.count == 96:
            if sensit_type == 'biomass_swap':
                processes = 10  # 10 processors = XXX GB peak
                processes = 12  # 16 processors = 180 GB peak; 16 = XXX GB peak; 20 = >750 GB (maxed out)
            processes = 8
        uu.print_log('Conversion to per pixel and aggregate max processors=',
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes)
                    no_upload=no_upload), tile_list)

        # # For single processor use
        # for tile in tile_list:
        #     aggregate_results_to_4_km.aggregate(tile, thresh, sensit_type, no_upload)

        # Makes a vrt of all the output 10x10 tiles (10 km resolution)
        out_vrt = "{}_0_4deg.vrt".format(pattern)
        os.system('gdalbuildvrt -tr 0.04 0.04 {0} *{1}_0_4deg*.tif'.format(
            out_vrt, pattern))

        # Creates the output name for the 10km map
        out_pattern = uu.name_aggregated_output(download_pattern_name, thresh,

        # Produces a single raster of all the 10x10 tiles (0.4 degree resolution)
        cmd = [
            'gdalwarp', '-t_srs', "EPSG:4326", '-overwrite', '-dstnodata', '0',
            '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-tr', '0.04', '0.04', out_vrt,

        # Adds metadata tags to output rasters

        # Units are different for annual removal factor, so metadata has to reflect that
        if 'annual_removal_factor' in out_pattern:
            cmd = [
                '', '-mo',
                'units=Mg aboveground carbon/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees',
                'source=per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
                '-mo', 'extent=Global', '-mo',
                'scale=negative values are removals', '-mo',
                'treecover_density_threshold={0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'
                .format(thresh), '{0}.tif'.format(out_pattern)

            cmd = [
                '', '-mo',
                'units=Mg CO2e/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees',
                'source=per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
                '-mo', 'extent=Global', '-mo',
                'treecover_density_threshold={0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'
                .format(thresh), '{0}.tif'.format(out_pattern)

        # If no_upload flag is not activated, output is uploaded
        if not no_upload:

            uu.print_log("Tiles processed. Uploading to s3 now...")
            uu.upload_final_set(output_dir_list[0], out_pattern)

        # Cleans up the folder before starting on the next raster type
        vrtList = glob.glob('*vrt')
        for vrt in vrtList:

        for tile_name in tile_list:
            tile_id = uu.get_tile_id(tile_name)
            # os.remove('{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, pattern))
            os.remove('{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(tile_id, pattern))
            os.remove('{0}_{1}_0_4deg.tif'.format(tile_id, pattern))

    # Compares the net flux from the standard model and the sensitivity analysis in two ways.
    # This does not work for compariing the raw outputs of the biomass_swap and US_removals sensitivity models because their
    # extents are different from the standard model's extent (tropics and US tiles vs. global).
    # Thus, in order to do this comparison, you need to clip the standard model net flux and US_removals net flux to
    # the outline of the US and clip the standard model net flux to the extent of JPL AGB2000.
    # Then, manually upload the clipped US_removals and biomass_swap net flux rasters to the spot machine and the
    # code below should work.
    if sensit_type not in [
            'std', 'biomass_swap', 'US_removals', 'legal_Amazon_loss'

        if std_net_flux:

                "Standard aggregated flux results provided. Creating comparison maps."

            # Copies the standard model aggregation outputs to s3. Only net flux is used, though.
            uu.s3_file_download(std_net_flux, cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type)

            # Identifies the standard model net flux map
            std_aggreg_flux = os.path.split(std_net_flux)[1]

                # Identifies the sensitivity model net flux map
                sensit_aggreg_flux = glob.glob(

                uu.print_log("Standard model net flux:", std_aggreg_flux)
                uu.print_log("Sensitivity model net flux:", sensit_aggreg_flux)

                    'Cannot do comparison. One of the input flux tiles is not valid. Verify that both net flux rasters are on the spot machine.'

                "Creating map of percent difference between standard and {} net flux"
                                                   sensit_type, no_upload)

                "Creating map of which pixels change sign and which stay the same between standard and {}"
                                                  sensit_type, no_upload)

            # If no_upload flag is not activated, output is uploaded
            if not no_upload:



                "No standard aggregated flux results provided. Not creating comparison maps."
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():

    # Create the output log


    # Files to download for this script.
    download_dict = {
        cn.gain_dir: [cn.pattern_gain],

    # List of tiles that could be run. This list is only used to create the FIA region tiles if they don't already exist.
    tile_id_list = uu.tile_list_s3(cn.annual_gain_AGB_IPCC_defaults_dir)
    # tile_id_list = ["00N_000E", "00N_050W", "00N_060W", "00N_010E", "00N_020E", "00N_030E", "00N_040E", "10N_000E", "10N_010E", "10N_010W", "10N_020E", "10N_020W"] # test tiles
    # tile_id_list = ['50N_130W'] # test tiles

    # List of output directories and output file name patterns
    output_dir_list = [
    output_pattern_list = [

    # By definition, this script is for US-specific removals
    sensit_type = 'US_removals'

    # Counts how many processed FIA region tiles there are on s3 already. 16 tiles cover the continental US.
    FIA_regions_tile_count = uu.count_tiles_s3(cn.FIA_regions_processed_dir)

    # Only creates FIA region tiles if they don't already exist on s3.
    if FIA_regions_tile_count == 16:
        uu.print_log("FIA region tiles already created. Copying to s3 now...")
                                cn.docker_base_dir, 'std', 'all')

            "FIA region tiles do not exist. Creating tiles, then copying to s3 for future use..."
            os.path.join(cn.FIA_regions_raw_dir, cn.name_FIA_regions_raw),
            cn.docker_base_dir, 'std')

        cmd = ['unzip', '-o', '-j', cn.name_FIA_regions_raw]
        # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        with process.stdout:

        # Converts the region shapefile to Hansen tiles
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(cn.count / 2)), tile_id_list)

    # List of FIA region tiles on the spot machine. Only this list is used for the rest of the script.
    US_tile_list = uu.tile_list_spot_machine(
        cn.docker_base_dir, '{}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_FIA_regions_processed))
    US_tile_id_list = [i[0:8] for i in US_tile_list]
    # US_tile_id_list = ['50N_130W']    # For testing
        "There are {} tiles to process".format(str(len(US_tile_id_list))) +

    # Counts how many processed forest age category tiles there are on s3 already. 16 tiles cover the continental US.
    US_age_tile_count = uu.count_tiles_s3(cn.US_forest_age_cat_processed_dir)

    # Only creates FIA forest age category tiles if they don't already exist on s3.
    if US_age_tile_count == 16:
            "Forest age category tiles already created. Copying to spot machine now..."
                                cn.pattern_US_forest_age_cat_processed, '',
                                'std', US_tile_id_list)

            "Southern forest age category tiles do not exist. Creating tiles, then copying to s3 for future use..."
                         cn.name_US_forest_age_cat_raw), cn.docker_base_dir,

        # Converts the national forest age category raster to Hansen tiles
        source_raster = cn.name_US_forest_age_cat_raw
        out_pattern = cn.pattern_US_forest_age_cat_processed
        dt = 'Int16'
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(cn.count / 2))
                    dt=dt), US_tile_id_list)


    # Counts how many processed FIA forest group tiles there are on s3 already. 16 tiles cover the continental US.
    FIA_forest_group_tile_count = uu.count_tiles_s3(

    # Only creates FIA forest group tiles if they don't already exist on s3.
    if FIA_forest_group_tile_count == 16:
            "FIA forest group tiles already created. Copying to spot machine now..."
                                cn.pattern_FIA_forest_group_processed, '',
                                'std', US_tile_id_list)

            "FIA forest group tiles do not exist. Creating tiles, then copying to s3 for future use..."
                         cn.name_FIA_forest_group_raw), cn.docker_base_dir,

        # Converts the national forest group raster to Hansen forest group tiles
        source_raster = cn.name_FIA_forest_group_raw
        out_pattern = cn.pattern_FIA_forest_group_processed
        dt = 'Byte'
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(cn.count / 2))
                    dt=dt), US_tile_id_list)


    # Downloads input files or entire directories, depending on how many tiles are in the tile_id_list
    for key, values in download_dict.items():
        dir = key
        pattern = values[0]
        uu.s3_flexible_download(dir, pattern, cn.docker_base_dir, sensit_type,

    # Table with US-specific removal rates
    cmd = [
        'aws', 's3', 'cp',
        os.path.join(cn.gain_spreadsheet_dir, cn.table_US_removal_rate),

    # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from
    process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    with process.stdout:

    # Imports the table with the region-group-age AGB removal rates
    gain_table = pd.read_excel("{}".format(cn.table_US_removal_rate),

    # Converts gain table from wide to long, so each region-group-age category has its own row
    gain_table_group_region_by_age = pd.melt(
        id_vars=['FIA_region_code', 'forest_group_code'],
        value_vars=['growth_young', 'growth_middle', 'growth_old'])
    gain_table_group_region_by_age = gain_table_group_region_by_age.dropna()

    # In the forest age category raster, each category has this value
    age_dict = {
        'growth_young': 1000,
        'growth_middle': 2000,
        'growth_old': 3000

    # Creates a unique value for each forest group-region-age category in the table.
    # Although these rates are applied to all standard gain model pixels at first, they are not ultimately used for
    # pixels that have Hansen gain (see below).
    gain_table_group_region_age = gain_table_group_region_by_age.replace(
        {"variable": age_dict})
        'age_cat'] = gain_table_group_region_age['variable'] * 10
    gain_table_group_region_age['group_region_age_combined'] = gain_table_group_region_age['age_cat'] + \
                                              gain_table_group_region_age['forest_group_code']*100 + \
    # Converts the forest group-region-age codes and corresponding gain rates to a dictionary,
    # where the key is the unique group-region-age code and the value is the AGB removal rate.
    gain_table_group_region_age_dict = pd.Series(

    # Creates a unique value for each forest group-region category using just young forest rates.
    # These are assigned to Hansen gain pixels, which automatically get the young forest rate, regardless of the
    # forest age category raster.
    gain_table_group_region = gain_table_group_region_age.drop(
            gain_table_group_region_age.age_cat != 10000].index)
    gain_table_group_region['group_region_combined'] = gain_table_group_region['forest_group_code']*100 + \
    # Converts the forest group-region codes and corresponding gain rates to a dictionary,
    # where the key is the unique group-region code (youngest age category) and the value is the AGB removal rate.
    gain_table_group_region_dict = pd.Series(

    # count/2 on a m4.16xlarge maxes out at about 230 GB of memory (processing 16 tiles at once), so it's okay on an m4.16xlarge
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(cn.count / 2))
            sensit_type=sensit_type), US_tile_id_list)

    # # For single processor use
    # for tile_id in US_tile_id_list:
    #     US_removal_rates.US_removal_rate_calc(tile_id, gain_table_group_region_age_dict, gain_table_group_region_dict,
    #                                           output_pattern_list, sensit_type)

    # Uploads output tiles to s3
    for i in range(0, len(output_dir_list)):
        uu.upload_final_set(output_dir_list[i], output_pattern_list[i])
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Create planted forest carbon gain rate tiles')
        'Shapefile of 1x1 degree tiles of countries that contain planted forests (i.e. countries with planted forests rasterized to 1x1 deg). If no shapefile, write None.'
        'Shapefile of 1x1 degree tiles of that contain planted forests (i.e. planted forest extent rasterized to 1x1 deg). If no shapefile, write None.'
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Creates the directory and shapefile names for the two possible arguments (index shapefiles)
    gadm_index = os.path.split(args.gadm_tile_index)
    gadm_index_path = gadm_index[0]
    gadm_index_shp = gadm_index[1]
    gadm_index_shp = gadm_index_shp[:-4]
    planted_index = os.path.split(args.planted_tile_index)
    planted_index_path = planted_index[0]
    planted_index_shp = planted_index[1]
    planted_index_shp = planted_index_shp[:-4]

    # Checks the validity of the two arguments. If either one is invalid, the script ends.
    if (gadm_index_path not in cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir
            or planted_index_path not in cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir):
        raise Exception(
            'Invalid inputs. Please provide None or s3 shapefile locations for both arguments.'

    # List of all possible 10x10 Hansen tiles except for those at very extreme latitudes (not just WHRC biomass tiles)
    total_tile_list = uu.tile_list(cn.pixel_area_dir)
    print "Number of possible 10x10 tiles to evaluate:", len(total_tile_list)

    # Removes the latitude bands that don't have any planted forests in them according to Liz Goldman.
    # i.e., Liz Goldman said by Slack on 1/2/19 that the nothernmost planted forest is 69.5146 and the southernmost is -46.938968.
    # This creates a more focused list of 10x10 tiles to iterate through (removes ones that definitely don't have planted forest).
    # NOTE: If the planted forest gdb is updated, the list of latitudes to exclude below may need to be changed to not exclude certain latitude bands.
    planted_lat_tile_list = [
        tile for tile in total_tile_list if '90N' not in tile
    planted_lat_tile_list = [
        tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '80N' not in tile
    planted_lat_tile_list = [
        tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '50S' not in tile
    planted_lat_tile_list = [
        tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '60S' not in tile
    planted_lat_tile_list = [
        tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '70S' not in tile
    planted_lat_tile_list = [
        tile for tile in planted_lat_tile_list if '80S' not in tile
    # planted_lat_tile_list = ['10N_080W']

    print planted_lat_tile_list
    print "Number of 10x10 tiles to evaluate after extreme latitudes have been removed:", len(

    # If a planted forest extent 1x1 tile index shapefile isn't supplied
    if 'None' in args.planted_tile_index:

        ### Entry point 1:
        # If no shapefile of 1x1 tiles for countries with planted forests is supplied, 1x1 tiles of country extents will be created.
        # This runs the process from the very beginning and will take a few days.
        if 'None' in args.gadm_tile_index:

            print "No GADM 1x1 tile index shapefile provided. Creating 1x1 planted forest country tiles from scratch..."

            # Downloads and unzips the GADM shapefile, which will be used to create 1x1 tiles of land areas
            uu.s3_file_download(cn.gadm_path, '.')
            cmd = ['unzip', cn.gadm_zip]

            # Creates a new GADM shapefile with just the countries that have planted forests in them.
            # This limits creation of 1x1 rasters of land area on the countries that have planted forests rather than on all countries.
            # NOTE: If the planted forest gdb is updated and has new countries added to it, the planted forest country list
            # in must be updated, too.
            print "Creating shapefile of countries with planted forests..."
                '''ogr2ogr -sql "SELECT * FROM gadm_3_6_adm2_final WHERE iso IN ({0})" {1} gadm_3_6_adm2_final.shp'''
                .format(str(cn.plantation_countries)[1:-1], cn.gadm_iso))

            # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of countries that have planted forests in them.
            # I assume this can handle using 50 processors because it's not trying to upload files to s3 and the tiles are small.
            # This takes several days to run because it iterates through at least 250 10x10 tiles.
            # For multiprocessor use.
            num_of_processes = 50
            pool = Pool(num_of_processes)

            # # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of countries that have planted forests in them.
            # # For single processor use.
            # for tile in planted_lat_tile_list:
            #     plantation_preparation.rasterize_gadm_1x1(tile)

            # Creates a shapefile of the boundaries of the 1x1 GADM tiles in countries with planted forests
            os.system('''gdaltindex {0}_{1}.shp GADM_*.tif'''.format(
            cmd = [
                'aws', 's3', 'cp', '.', cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir,
                '--exclude', '*', '--include',
                '{}*'.format(cn.pattern_gadm_1x1_index), '--recursive'

            # # Saves the 1x1 country extent tiles to s3
            # # Only use if the entire process can't run in one go on the spot machine
            # cmd = ['aws', 's3', 'cp', '.', 's3://gfw2-data/climate/carbon_model/temp_spotmachine_output/', '--exclude', '*', '--include', 'GADM_*.tif', '--recursive']
            # subprocess.check_call(cmd)

            # Delete the aux.xml files
            os.system('''rm GADM*.tif.*''')

            # List of all 1x1 degree countey extent tiles created
            gadm_list_1x1 = uu.tile_list_spot_machine(".", "GADM_")
            print "List of 1x1 degree tiles in countries that have planted forests, with defining coordinate in the northwest corner:", gadm_list_1x1
            print len(gadm_list_1x1)

        ### Entry point 2:
        # If a shapefile of the boundaries of 1x1 degree tiles of countries with planted forests is supplied,
        # a list of the 1x1 tiles is created from the shapefile.
        # This avoids creating the 1x1 country extent tiles all over again because the relevant tile extent are supplied
        # in the shapefile.
        elif cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir in args.gadm_tile_index:

            print "Country extent 1x1 tile index shapefile supplied. Using that to create 1x1 planted forest tiles..."

            # Copies the shapefile of 1x1 tiles of extent of countries with planted forests
            cmd = [
                'aws', 's3', 'cp', '{}/'.format(gadm_index_path), '.',
                '--recursive', '--exclude', '*', '--include',
                '{}*'.format(gadm_index_shp), '--recursive'

            # Gets the attribute table of the country extent 1x1 tile shapefile
            gadm = glob.glob('{}*.dbf'.format(cn.pattern_gadm_1x1_index))[0]

            # Converts the attribute table to a dataframe
            dbf = Dbf5(gadm)
            df = dbf.to_dataframe()

            # Converts the column of the dataframe with the names of the tiles (which contain their coordinates) to a list
            gadm_list_1x1 = df['location'].tolist()
            gadm_list_1x1 = [str(y) for y in gadm_list_1x1]
            print "List of 1x1 degree tiles in countries that have planted forests, with defining coordinate in the northwest corner:", gadm_list_1x1
            print "There are", len(
                gadm_list_1x1), "1x1 country extent tiles to iterate through."

        # In case some other arguments are provided

            raise Exception(
                'Invalid GADM tile index shapefile provided. Please provide a valid shapefile.'

        # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of plantation growth wherever there are plantations.
        # Because this is iterating through all 1x1 tiles in countries with planted forests, it first checks
        # whether each 1x1 tile intersects planted forests before creating a 1x1 planted forest tile for that
        # 1x1 country extent tile.
        # For multiprocessor use
        num_of_processes = 30
        pool = Pool(num_of_processes),

        # # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of plantation growth wherever there are plantations
        # # For single processor use
        # for tile in gadm_list_1x1:
        #     plantation_preparation.create_1x1_plantation(tile)

        # Creates a shapefile in which each feature is the extent of a plantation extent tile.
        # This index shapefile can be used the next time this process is run if starting with Entry Point 3.
        os.system('''gdaltindex {0}_{1}.shp plant_*.tif'''.format(
        cmd = [
            'aws', 's3', 'cp', '.', cn.gadm_plant_1x1_index_dir, '--exclude',
            '*', '--include', '{}*'.format(cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index),

    ### Entry point 3
    # If a shapefile of the extents of 1x1 planted forest tiles is provided
    if cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index in args.planted_tile_index:

        print "Planted forest 1x1 tile index shapefile supplied. Using that to create 1x1 planted forest growth tiles..."

        # Copies the shapefile of 1x1 tiles of extent of planted forests
        cmd = [
            'aws', 's3', 'cp', '{}/'.format(planted_index_path), '.',
            '--recursive', '--exclude', '*', '--include',
            '{}*'.format(planted_index_shp), '--recursive'

        # Gets the attribute table of the planted forest extent 1x1 tile shapefile
        gadm = glob.glob('{}*.dbf'.format(cn.pattern_plant_1x1_index))[0]

        # Converts the attribute table to a dataframe
        dbf = Dbf5(gadm)
        df = dbf.to_dataframe()

        # Converts the column of the dataframe with the names of the tiles (which contain their coordinates) to a list
        planted_list_1x1 = df['location'].tolist()
        planted_list_1x1 = [str(y) for y in planted_list_1x1]
        print "List of 1x1 degree tiles in countries that have planted forests, with defining coordinate in the northwest corner:", planted_list_1x1
        print "There are", len(
        ), "1x1 planted forest extent tiles to iterate through."

        # Creates 1x1 degree tiles of plantation growth wherever there are plantations.
        # Because this is iterating through only 1x1 tiles that are known to have planted forests (from a previous run
        # of this script), it does not need to check whether there are planted forests in this tile. It goes directly
        # to intersecting the planted forest table with the 1x1 tile.
        # For multiprocessor use
        # This works with 30 processors on an r4.16xlarge.
        num_of_processes = 50
        pool = Pool(num_of_processes),

    ### All entry points meet here: creation of 10x10 degree planted forest tiles from 1x1 degree planted forest tiles

    # Name of the vrt of 1x1 planted forest tiles
    plant_1x1_vrt = 'plant_1x1.vrt'

    # Creates a mosaic of all the 1x1 plantation growth rate tiles
    print "Creating vrt of 1x1 plantation growth rate tiles"
    os.system('gdalbuildvrt {} plant_*.tif'.format(plant_1x1_vrt))

    # Creates 10x10 degree tiles of plantation growth by iterating over the pixel area tiles that are in latitudes with planted forests
    # For multiprocessor use
    num_of_processes = 20
    pool = Pool(num_of_processes)
                plant_1x1_vrt=plant_1x1_vrt), planted_lat_tile_list)