Ejemplo n.º 1
 def parse_symbol_body(self, body):
     """ Extract a body of a symbol. """
     bdy = SBody()
     for pin in body.get('pins'):
         parsed_pin = self.parse_pin(pin)
     for shape in body.get('shapes'):
         parsed_shape = self.parse_shape(shape)
     return bdy
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def parse_symbol_body(self, body):
     """ Extract a body of a symbol. """
     bdy = SBody()
     for pin in body.get('pins'):
         parsed_pin = self.parse_pin(pin)
     for shape in body.get('shapes'):
         parsed_shape = self.parse_shape(shape)
     return bdy
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ComponentParser(object):
    """I parse components from Fritzing libraries."""

    # The svg files in fritzing libraries are specified in pixels that
    # are 72dpi. The schematics are in 90dpi.
    svg_mult = 90.0 / 72.0

    def __init__(self, idref):
        self.component = Component(idref)
        self.next_pin_number = 0
        self.cid2termid = {} # connid -> termid
        self.termid2pin = {} # termid -> Pin
        self.terminals = set()
        self.width = 0.0
        self.height = 0.0

    def parse_fzp(self, fzp_file):
        """ Parse the Fritzing component file """

        tree = ElementTree(file=fzp_file)

            prefix = tree.find('label').text
        except AttributeError:
            self.component.add_attribute('_prefix', prefix)

        symbol = Symbol()

        self.body = SBody()


        layers = tree.find('views/schematicView/layers')
        if layers is None:
            self.image = None
            self.image = layers.get('image')

    def connect_point(self, cid, inst, point):
        """ Given a connector id, instance id, and a NetPoint,
        add the appropriate ConnectedComponent to the point """

        termid = self.cid2termid.get(cid)
        pin = self.termid2pin.get(termid)

        if pin is not None:
            ccpt = ConnectedComponent(inst.instance_id, pin.pin_number)

    def get_next_pin_number(self):
        """ Return the next pin number """

        nextpn = self.next_pin_number
        self.next_pin_number += 1
        return str(nextpn)

    def parse_terminals(self, tree):
        """ Return a dictionary mapping connector id's to terminal id's """

        cid2termid = {}

        for conn in tree.findall('connectors/connector'):
            plug = conn.find('views/schematicView/p')
            if plug is None:

            termid = plug.get('terminalId')
            if termid is None:
                termid = plug.get('svgId')

            if termid is not None:
                cid2termid[conn.get('id')] = termid

        return cid2termid

    def parse_svg(self, svg_file):
        """ Parse the shapes and pins from an svg file """

        tree = ElementTree(file=svg_file)
        viewbox = tree.getroot().get('viewBox')

        if viewbox != None:
            self.width, self.height = [float(v) for v in viewbox.split()[-2:]]
            self.width *= self.svg_mult
            self.height *= self.svg_mult

        _iter = tree.getroot().getiterator()
        for element in _iter:
            for shape in self.parse_shapes(element):
                if element.get('id') in self.terminals:
                    pin = get_pin(shape)
                    if pin is not None:
                        pin.pin_number = self.get_next_pin_number()
                        self.termid2pin[element.get('id')] = pin

    def parse_shapes(self, element):
        """ Parse a list of shapes from an svg element """

        tag = element.tag.rsplit('}', -1)[-1]

        if tag == 'circle':
            return self.parse_circle(element)
        elif tag == 'rect':
            return self.parse_rect(element)
        elif tag == 'line':
            return self.parse_line(element)
        elif tag == 'path':
            return self.parse_path(element)
        elif tag == 'polygon':
            return self.parse_polygon(element)
        elif tag == 'polyline':
            return self.parse_polyline(element)
            return []

    def parse_rect(self, rect):
        """ Parse a rect element """

        x, y = (get_x(rect, mult=self.svg_mult),
                get_y(rect, mult=self.svg_mult))
        width, height = (get_length(rect, 'width', self.svg_mult),
                         get_length(rect, 'height', self.svg_mult))
        return [Rectangle(x, y, width, height)]

    def parse_line(self, rect):
        """ Parse a line element """

        return [Line((get_x(rect, 'x1', self.svg_mult),
                      get_y(rect, 'y1', self.svg_mult)),
                     (get_x(rect, 'x2', self.svg_mult),
                      get_y(rect, 'y2', self.svg_mult)))]

    def parse_path(self, path):
        """ Parse a path element """

        return PathParser(path).parse()

    def parse_polygon(self, poly):
        """ Parse a polygon element """

        shape = Polygon()

        for point in poly.get('points', '').split():
            if point:
                x, y = point.split(',')
                shape.add_point(make_x(x, self.svg_mult),
                                make_y(y, self.svg_mult))

        if shape.points:
            shape.add_point(shape.points[0].x, shape.points[0].y)

        return [shape]

    def parse_polyline(self, poly):
        """ Parse a polyline element """

        shapes = []
        last_point = None

        for point in poly.get('points', '').split():
            if point:
                x, y = point.split(',')
                point = (make_x(x, self.svg_mult), make_y(y, self.svg_mult))
                if last_point is not None:
                    shapes.append(Line(last_point, point))
                last_point = point

        return shapes

    def parse_circle(self, circle):
        """ Parse a circle element """

        return [Circle(get_x(circle, 'cx', self.svg_mult),
                       get_y(circle, 'cy', self.svg_mult),
                       get_length(circle, 'r', self.svg_mult))]
class ComponentParser(object):
    """I parse components from Fritzing libraries."""

    # The svg files in fritzing libraries are specified in pixels that
    # are 72dpi. The schematics are in 90dpi.
    svg_mult = 90.0 / 26.0

    def __init__(self, idref):
        self.component = Component(idref)
        self.next_pin_number = 0
        self.cid2termid = {} # connid -> termid
        self.termid2pin = {} # termid -> Pin
        self.terminals = set()
        self.width = 0.0
        self.height = 0.0

    def parse_fzp(self, fzp_file):
        """ Parse the Fritzing component file """

        tree = ElementTree(file=fzp_file)

            prefix = tree.find('label').text
        except AttributeError:
            self.component.add_attribute('_prefix', prefix)

        symbol = Symbol()

        self.body = SBody()


        layers = tree.find('views/schematicView/layers')
        if layers is None:
			self.image = None
			self.image = layers.get('image')
			if self.image == 'schematic/dcpower.svg' :
			#print self.image

    def connect_point(self, cid, inst, point):
        """ Given a connector id, instance id, and a NetPoint,
        add the appropriate ConnectedComponent to the point """

        termid = self.cid2termid.get(cid)
        pin = self.termid2pin.get(termid)

        if pin is not None:
            ccpt = ConnectedComponent(inst.instance_id, pin.pin_number)

    def get_next_pin_number(self):
        """ Return the next pin number """

        nextpn = self.next_pin_number
        self.next_pin_number += 1
        return str(nextpn)

    def parse_terminals(self, tree):
        """ Return a dictionary mapping connector id's to terminal id's """

        cid2termid = {}

        for conn in tree.findall('connectors/connector'):
            plug = conn.find('views/schematicView/p')
            if plug is None:

            termid = plug.get('terminalId')
            if termid is None:
                termid = plug.get('svgId')

            if termid is not None:
                cid2termid[conn.get('id')] = termid

        return cid2termid

    def parse_svg(self, svg_file):
        """ Parse the shapes and pins from an svg file """

        tree = ElementTree(file=svg_file)        
        viewbox = tree.getroot().get('viewBox')
                #self.svg_mult = self.svg_mult*3
        if viewbox != None:
            self.width, self.height = [float(v) for v in viewbox.split()[-2:]]
            self.width *= self.svg_mult
            self.height *= self.svg_mult

        _iter = tree.getroot().getiterator()
        #print _iter
        for element in _iter:
            for shape in self.parse_shapes(element):
                if element.get('id') in self.terminals:
                    pin = get_pin(shape)
                    if pin is not None:
                        pin.pin_number = self.get_next_pin_number()
                        self.termid2pin[element.get('id')] = pin

    def parse_shapes(self, element):
        """ Parse a list of shapes from an svg element """

        tag = element.tag.rsplit('}', -1)[-1]
        #print element

        if tag == 'circle':
            return self.parse_circle(element)
        elif tag == 'rect':
            return self.parse_rect(element)
        elif tag == 'line':
            return self.parse_line(element)
        elif tag == 'path':
            return self.parse_path(element)
        elif tag == 'polygon':
            return self.parse_polygon(element)
        elif tag == 'polyline':
            return self.parse_polyline(element)
            return []

    def parse_rect(self, rect):
        """ Parse a rect element """

        x, y = (get_x(rect, mult=self.svg_mult),
                get_y(rect, mult=self.svg_mult))
        width, height = (get_length(rect, 'width', self.svg_mult),get_length(rect, 'height', self.svg_mult))         
        return [Rectangle(x, y, width, height)]

    def parse_line(self, rect):
        """ Parse a line element """

        return [Line((get_x(rect, 'x1', self.svg_mult),
                      get_y(rect, 'y1', self.svg_mult)),
                     (get_x(rect, 'x2', self.svg_mult),
                      get_y(rect, 'y2', self.svg_mult)))]

    def parse_path(self, path):
        """ Parse a path element """
        return PathParser(path).parse()

    def parse_polygon(self, poly):
        """ Parse a polygon element """

        shape = Polygon()

        for point in poly.get('points', '').split():
            if point:
                x, y = point.split(',')
                shape.add_point(make_x(x, self.svg_mult),
                                make_y(y, self.svg_mult))

        if shape.points:
            shape.add_point(shape.points[0].x, shape.points[0].y)

        return [shape]

    def parse_polyline(self, poly):
        """ Parse a polyline element """

        shapes = []
        last_point = None

        for point in poly.get('points', '').split():
            if point:
                x, y = point.split(',')
                point = (make_x(x, self.svg_mult), make_y(y, self.svg_mult))
                if last_point is not None:
                    shapes.append(Line(last_point, point))
                last_point = point

        return shapes

    def parse_circle(self, circle):
        """ Parse a circle element """

        return [Circle(get_x(circle, 'cx', self.svg_mult),
                       get_y(circle, 'cy', self.svg_mult),
                       get_length(circle, 'r', self.svg_mult))]
Ejemplo n.º 5
class SBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ The tests of the core module body feature """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup the test case. """
        self.bod = SBody()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Teardown the test case. """
        self.bod = SBody()

    def test_create_new_body(self):
        """ Test the creation of a new empty body. """
        assert len(self.bod.shapes) == 0
        assert len(self.bod.pins) == 0

    def test_empty_bounds(self):
        '''Test that an empty body only bounds the local origin'''
        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 0)

    def test_bounds_pins(self):
        '''Test bounds() with just pins included'''
        pins = [Pin(str(i), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0)) for i in range(4)]
        # checking body.bounds(), not the pins, so override their bounds()
        # methods
        for i, pin in enumerate(pins):
            bounds = [3, 3, 3, 3]
            bounds[i] = 2 * i
            mkbounds(pin, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])

        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 4)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 6)

    def test_bounds_shapes(self):
        '''Test SBody.bounds() when the body only consists of shapes'''
        shapes = [Shape() for i in range(4)]
        for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
            bounds = [3, 3, 3, 3]
            bounds[i] = 2 * i
            mkbounds(shape, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])

        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 4)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 6)

    def test_bounds_pins_shapes(self):
        '''Test SBody.bounds() when some extremes are from pins, others shapes'''
        point = Point(0, 0)
        pin1 = Pin('foo', point, point)
        pin2 = Pin('bar', point, point)
        sh1 = Shape()
        sh2 = Shape()
        mkbounds(pin1, 3, 2, 3, 3)
        mkbounds(pin2, 3, 3, 5, 3)
        mkbounds(sh1, 3, 3, 3, 4)
        mkbounds(sh2, 1, 3, 3, 3)

        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 5)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def make_body_from_symbol(self, lib, symbol_name, pin_number_lookup):
        """ Construct an openjson SBody from an eagle symbol in a library. """

        body = SBody()

        symbol = [
            s for s in get_subattr(lib, 'symbols.symbol')
            if s.name == symbol_name

        for wire in symbol.wire:

        for rect in symbol.rectangle:
            rotation = make_angle('0' if rect.rot is None else rect.rot)
            x1, y1 = rotate_point(
                (self.make_length(rect.x1), self.make_length(rect.y1)),
            x2, y2 = rotate_point(
                (self.make_length(rect.x2), self.make_length(rect.y2)),
            ux, uy = min(x1, x2), max(y1, y2)
            lx, ly = max(x1, x2), min(y1, y2)
            body.add_shape(Rectangle(ux, uy, lx - ux, uy - ly))

        for poly in symbol.polygon:
            map(body.add_shape, self.make_shapes_for_poly(poly))

        for circ in symbol.circle:

        pin_map = {}

        for pin in symbol.pin:
            connect_point = (self.make_length(pin.x), self.make_length(pin.y))
            null_point = self.get_pin_null_point(connect_point, pin.length,
            label = self.get_pin_label(pin, null_point)
            pin_map[pin.name] = Pin(pin_number_lookup(pin.name), null_point,
                                    connect_point, label)
            if pin.direction:
            if pin.visible:

        ann_map = {}

        for text in symbol.text:
            x = self.make_length(text.x)
            y = self.make_length(text.y)
            content = '' if text.valueOf_ is None else text.valueOf_
            rotation = make_angle('0' if text.rot is None else text.rot)
            align = 'right' if is_mirrored(text.rot) else 'left'
            if rotation == 0.5:
                rotation = 1.5
            if content.lower() == '>name':
                ann_map['name'] = Annotation(content, x, y, rotation, 'true')
            elif content.lower() == '>value':
                ann_map['value'] = Annotation(content, x, y, rotation, 'true')
                    Label(x, y, content, align=align, rotation=rotation))

        return body, pin_map, ann_map
class SBodyTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ The tests of the core module body feature """

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup the test case. """
        self.bod = SBody()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Teardown the test case. """
        self.bod = SBody()

    def test_create_new_body(self):
        """ Test the creation of a new empty body. """
        assert len(self.bod.shapes) == 0
        assert len(self.bod.pins) == 0

    def test_empty_bounds(self):
        '''Test that an empty body only bounds the local origin'''
        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 0)

    def test_bounds_pins(self):
        '''Test bounds() with just pins included'''
        pins = [Pin(str(i), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0)) for i in range(4)]
        # checking body.bounds(), not the pins, so override their bounds()
        # methods
        for i, pin in enumerate(pins):
            bounds = [3, 3, 3, 3]
            bounds[i] = 2 * i
            mkbounds(pin, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])

        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 4)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 6)

    def test_bounds_shapes(self):
        '''Test SBody.bounds() when the body only consists of shapes'''
        shapes = [Shape() for i in range(4)]
        for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
            bounds = [3, 3, 3, 3]
            bounds[i] = 2 * i
            mkbounds(shape, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])

        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 4)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 6)

    def test_bounds_pins_shapes(self):
        '''Test SBody.bounds() when some extremes are from pins, others shapes'''
        point = Point(0, 0)
        pin1 = Pin('foo', point, point)
        pin2 = Pin('bar', point, point)
        sh1 = Shape()
        sh2 = Shape()
        mkbounds(pin1, 3, 2, 3, 3)
        mkbounds(pin2, 3, 3, 5, 3)
        mkbounds(sh1,  3, 3, 3, 4)
        mkbounds(sh2,  1, 3, 3, 3)

        top_left, bottom_right = self.bod.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.x, 5)
        self.assertEqual(bottom_right.y, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def make_body_from_symbol(self, lib, symbol_name, pin_number_lookup):
        """ Construct an openjson SBody from an eagle symbol in a library. """

        body = SBody()

        symbol = [s for s in get_subattr(lib, 'symbols.symbol')
                  if s.name == symbol_name][0]

        for wire in symbol.wire:

        for rect in symbol.rectangle:
            rotation = make_angle('0' if rect.rot is None else rect.rot)
            x1, y1 = rotate_point((self.make_length(rect.x1),
                                   self.make_length(rect.y1)), rotation)
            x2, y2 = rotate_point((self.make_length(rect.x2),
                                   self.make_length(rect.y2)), rotation)
            ux, uy = min(x1, x2), max(y1, y2)
            lx, ly = max(x1, x2), min(y1, y2)
            body.add_shape(Rectangle(ux, uy, lx - ux, uy - ly))

        for poly in symbol.polygon:
            map(body.add_shape, self.make_shapes_for_poly(poly))

        for circ in symbol.circle:

        pin_map = {}

        for pin in symbol.pin:
            connect_point = (self.make_length(pin.x), self.make_length(pin.y))
            null_point = self.get_pin_null_point(connect_point,
                                                 pin.length, pin.rot)
            label = self.get_pin_label(pin, null_point)
            pin_map[pin.name] = Pin(pin_number_lookup(pin.name), null_point,
                                    connect_point, label)
            if pin.direction:
                pin_map[pin.name].add_attribute('eaglexml_direction', pin.direction)
            if pin.visible:
                pin_map[pin.name].add_attribute('eaglexml_visible', pin.visible)

        ann_map = {}

        for text in symbol.text:
            x = self.make_length(text.x)
            y = self.make_length(text.y)
            content = '' if text.valueOf_ is None else text.valueOf_
            rotation = make_angle('0' if text.rot is None else text.rot)
            align = 'right' if is_mirrored(text.rot) else 'left'
            if rotation == 0.5:
                rotation = 1.5
            if content.lower() == '>name':
                ann_map['name'] = Annotation(content, x, y, rotation, 'true')
            elif content.lower() == '>value':
                ann_map['value'] = Annotation(content, x, y, rotation, 'true')
                body.add_shape(Label(x, y, content, align=align,

        return body, pin_map, ann_map