def terminate(self): if (self._listener != None): self._listener.close() # if it ISEN'T the server if (self._tss != None): try: self._tss.sendMsg(CLOSEPEER) self._tss.closePeer() except Exception as e: print(e.args) # if it IS the server else: self._svProcess.kill() # if there are no peers connected if (self._peers == []): updateDDNS.update('') print("TS server is beeing closed on local machine, and there are no peers connected.") print("Setting ddns ip to") else: for p in self._peers: try: p.sendMsg(CLOSEPEER) p.closePeer() except Exception as e: print(e.args) print("TS_handler has been terminated") return
def _serverTick(self): # main cycle for server while True: #new connections self._checkListener() #check peers status self._checkPeers() #new msgs lstMsg = self._recvAllMsgs() for msg, p in lstMsg: if (msg.type == ACK): continue if (msg.type == KEEPALIVE): if(not p.sendMsg(ACK, self._count)): pass continue if (msg.type == REGISTER): msgBody = msg.body msgBody = msgBody.split(sep=';') #TODO: meter isto a dar com o CHTSS p.hostname = msgBody[0] if (msgBody[1] == 'True'): p.sendMsg(ACK, self._count) else: print("ERROR: at register") if (info.debug0 == 1):#dev TODO: dev only p.addr = (p.addr[0], int(msgBody[2])) self._status = NEWCOUNT print("New peer: " + p.getAddrf()) continue if (msg.type == CLOSEPEER): p.markToClose() continue if (msg.type == REQPEERS): if(not p.sendMsg(SENDPEERS, self._count, self._buildPeerLst())): pass continue print("WARNING: An unknown/currupted msg was received from : " + str(p.addr[info.debug0])) print(msg.toStrf()) if (self._status == ONLINE): if (self._peers == [] and self._noNetTimeout < time.time()): if (checkNet.check() == True): self._noNetTimeout = time.time() + info.timeout else: self.terminate() raise NoNet() elif (self._status == NEWCOUNT): peerLst = self._buildPeerLst() if (peerLst == None): print("No connected Peers") else: print("Connected peers: ") for peer in self._peers: print("-"+peer.getAddrf()) for p in self._peers: if(not p.sendMsg(SENDPEERS , self._count, peerLst)): pass self._status = ONLINE elif (self._status == STARTINGUP): self._count = 1 self._status = ONLINE self._noNetTimeout = time.time() + info.timeout self._svProcess = exeCaller.Process(info.tsPath) updateDDNS.update() print("TS server started on local machine") time.sleep(info.tickPeriod)