def test_lz4_leveldown(tmp_path): filename = join(str(tmp_path), "example.root") with uproot.recreate(filename, compression=uproot.LZ4(5)) as f: f["hello"] = "a"*2000 f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename) assert (f.GetCompressionAlgorithm()) == uproot.const.kLZ4 assert str(f.Get("hello")) == "a"*2000 f.Close()
def WriteTree(df, cols, treeName, fileName): ''' Helper method to write a tree with uproot Arguments ---------- - pandas data frame to be written as tree in a root file - name of the columns - name of the output tree - name of the output file ''' outBranches = {} for colName in cols: outBranches[ colName] = np.float32 #define all branches as float for the moment with uproot.recreate(fileName, compression=uproot.LZ4(4)) as outFile: outFile[treeName] = uproot.newtree(outBranches, compression=uproot.LZ4(4)) outFile[treeName].extend(dict(df[cols]))
def test_flattree_LZ4(tmp_path): pytest.importorskip("lz4") newfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "newfile.root") branch1 = np.arange(100) branch2 = 1.1 * np.arange(100) with uproot.recreate(newfile, compression=uproot.LZ4(5)) as fout: fout["tree"] = {"branch1": branch1, "branch2": branch2} fout["tree"].extend({"branch1": branch1, "branch2": branch2}) with as fin: assert fin["tree/branch1"].array(library="np").tolist() == branch1.tolist() * 2 assert fin["tree/branch2"].array(library="np").tolist() == branch2.tolist() * 2 f3 = ROOT.TFile(newfile) t3 = f3.Get("tree") assert [x.branch1 for x in t3] == branch1.tolist() * 2 assert [x.branch2 for x in t3] == branch2.tolist() * 2 f3.Close()
def test_jaggedtree_LZ4(tmp_path): pytest.importorskip("lz4") ak = pytest.importorskip("awkward") newfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "newfile.root") branch1 = ak.Array([[1, 2, 3], [], [4, 5]] * 10) branch2 = ak.Array([[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [], [4.4, 5.5]] * 10) with uproot.recreate(newfile, compression=uproot.LZ4(5)) as fout: fout["tree"] = {"branch1": branch1, "branch2": branch2} fout["tree"].extend({"branch1": branch1, "branch2": branch2}) with as fin: assert fin["tree/branch1"].array().tolist() == branch1.tolist() * 2 assert fin["tree/branch2"].array().tolist() == branch2.tolist() * 2 f3 = ROOT.TFile(newfile) t3 = f3.Get("tree") assert [list(x.branch1) for x in t3] == branch1.tolist() * 2 assert [list(x.branch2) for x in t3] == branch2.tolist() * 2 f3.Close()
def test_histogram_LZ4(tmp_path): pytest.importorskip("lz4") newfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "newfile.root") SIZE = 2 ** 21 histogram = (np.random.randint(0, 10, SIZE), np.linspace(0, 1, SIZE + 1)) last = histogram[0][-1] with uproot.recreate(newfile, compression=uproot.LZ4(1)) as fout: fout["out"] = histogram with as fin: content, edges = fin["out"].to_numpy() assert len(content) == SIZE assert len(edges) == SIZE + 1 assert content[-1] == last f3 = ROOT.TFile(newfile) h3 = f3.Get("out") assert h3.GetNbinsX() == SIZE assert h3.GetBinContent(SIZE) == last f3.Close()
import uproot b1 = uproot.newbranch("i4", compression=uproot.ZLIB(5)) b2 = uproot.newbranch("i8", compression=uproot.LZMA(4)) b3 = uproot.newbranch("f4") branchdict = {"branch1": b1, "branch2": b2, "branch3": b3} tree = uproot.newtree(branchdict, compression=uproot.LZ4(4)) with uproot.recreate("example.root", compression=uproot.LZMA(5)) as f: f["t"] = tree f["t"].extend({ "branch1": [1] * 1000, "branch2": [2] * 1000, "branch3": [3] * 1000 })