Ejemplo n.º 1
def almir(
):  # Return a DataFrame that contains the information about WW invariant mass, lepton pair p_T and DeltaPli between jet_MET and leptonic-W_hadronic-W
    Mw = 80.379  # Boson W mass
    k = ((Mw**2) / 2 + get_branch(tree, 'muon_px') * get_branch(tree, 'METPx')
         ) + (get_branch(tree, 'muon_py') * get_branch(tree, 'METPy'))
    raiz = (
        (((k * get_branch(tree, 'muon_pz'))**2) /
         (get_branch(tree, 'muon_pt')**4) -
         ((get_branch(tree, 'muon_E') * get_branch(tree, 'METPt'))**2 - k) /
         get_branch(tree, 'muon_pt')**2)**0.5
    )  # .fillna(0) - replaces DataFrame NaN's that presents imaginary roots by 0
    Pz_nu = (
        (k * get_branch(tree, 'muon_pz') / (get_branch(tree, 'muon_pt')**2)) +
        raiz)  # Reconstructed neutrino's momentum z-component
    W_lep_energy = get_branch(tree, 'muon_E') + (
        get_branch(tree, 'METPx')**2 + get_branch(tree, 'METPy')**2 +
        Pz_nu**2)**0.5  # Lepton pair energy
    TLV_lep = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(
        get_branch(tree, 'muon_px') + get_branch(tree, 'METPx'),
        get_branch(tree, 'muon_py') + get_branch(tree, 'METPy'),
        get_branch(tree, 'muon_pz') + Pz_nu,
        W_lep_energy)  # Lepton pair 4-vector
    TLV_jet = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(get_branch(tree, 'jetAK8_px'),
                                                 get_branch(tree, 'jetAK8_py'),
                                                 get_branch(tree, 'jetAK8_pz'),
                                                 get_branch(tree, 'jetAK8_E'))
    W_mass = (TLV_lep + TLV_jet).mass  # WW invariant mass
    W_lep_pt = (TLV_lep).pt  # Lepton pair p_T
    dphi_jet_lep = TLV_lep.phi - TLV_jet.phi
    dphi_jet_lep = np.where(dphi_jet_lep >= scipy.constants.pi,
                            dphi_jet_lep - 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
    dphi_jet_lep = np.where(
        dphi_jet_lep < -scipy.constants.pi,
        dphi_jet_lep + 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
        dphi_jet_lep)  # delta phi between the jet and the lepton pair
    dphi_jet_MET = get_branch(tree, 'METphi') - TLV_jet.phi
    dphi_jet_MET = np.where(dphi_jet_MET >= scipy.constants.pi,
                            dphi_jet_MET - 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
    dphi_jet_MET = np.where(
        dphi_jet_MET < -scipy.constants.pi,
        dphi_jet_MET + 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
        dphi_jet_MET)  # delta phi between the jet e the MET
    #acopl = (1. - np.abs(dphi)/scipy.constants.pi)
    DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(
            pd.DataFrame(W_mass, columns=['Mass_WW']),
            pd.DataFrame(W_lep_pt, columns=["W_lep_Pt"]),
            pd.DataFrame(dphi_jet_lep, columns=['Dphi_jet_lep']),
            pd.DataFrame(dphi_jet_MET, columns=['Dphi_jet_MET'])
    return DataFrame
Ejemplo n.º 2
def boost_and_rotate(events):
    Given a list of events, boosts into the center of mass frame,
    then rotates jets phi=0 for the vector sum of the first 3 jets in each event.
    # we assume events is rectangular (i.e. all events have same # of jets
    njets = len(events.resolved_lv.pt[0])
    # get vectors
    vectors = events.resolved_lv

    # get sum vectors
    x_sum = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors.x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), njets, axis=1)
    y_sum = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors.y, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), njets, axis=1)
    z_sum = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors.z, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), njets, axis=1)
    t_sum = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors.t, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), njets, axis=1)
    v_sum = urm.TLorentzVectorArray(x_sum, y_sum, z_sum, t_sum)

    # b for boosted
    vectors_b = vectors.boost(-v_sum.boostp3)
    v_sum_b = v_sum.boost(-v_sum.boostp3)
    # for filler data where eta = 0, we'll have NaN for eta, replace that
    eta = np.nan_to_num(vectors_b.eta, nan=0.0)
    vectors_b = urm.TLorentzVectorArray.from_ptetaphie(vectors_b.pt, eta,

    # now rotate the system based on the first 3 jets
    # get sum of the first 3, similarly to before
    x_sum3 = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors_b.x[:, :3], axis=1).reshape(-1, 1),
    y_sum3 = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors_b.y[:, :3], axis=1).reshape(-1, 1),
    z_sum3 = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors_b.z[:, :3], axis=1).reshape(-1, 1),
    t_sum3 = np.repeat(np.sum(vectors_b.t[:, :3], axis=1).reshape(-1, 1),
    v_sum3 = urm.TLorentzVectorArray(x_sum3, y_sum3, z_sum3, t_sum3)

    # rotate about z so that phi=0 for v_sum3
    vectors_r = vectors_b.rotatez(-v_sum3.phi)
    v_sum3 = v_sum3.rotatez(-v_sum3.phi)

    # and again replace filler etas with 0
        "Don't worry if you see a warning about dividing by zero, fixing that!"
    eta = np.nan_to_num(vectors_r.eta, nan=0.0)
    vectors_final = urm.TLorentzVectorArray.from_ptetaphie(
        vectors_r.pt, eta, vectors_r.phi, vectors_r.E)

    events.resolved_lv = vectors_final
    return events
 def candidatesfromoffsets(cls,offsets,p4,**kwargs):
     items = {}
     if isinstance(p4,uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray):
         items['p4'] = p4
         items['p4'] = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(p4[:,0],p4[:,1],
     thep4 = items['p4']
     items['__fast_pt'] = fast_pt(thep4)
     items['__fast_eta'] = fast_eta(thep4)
     items['__fast_phi'] = fast_phi(thep4)
     items['__fast_mass'] = fast_mass(thep4)
     return cls.fromoffsets(offsets,awkward.Table(items))
def test_analysis_objects():
    counts, px, py, pz, energy = dummy_four_momenta()
    thep4 = np.stack((px, py, pz, energy)).T

    #test JaggedTLorentzVectorArray
    tlva1 = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(px, py, pz, energy)
    tlva2 = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(thep4[:, 0], thep4[:, 1],
                                               thep4[:, 2], thep4[:, 3])
    jtlva1 = JaggedTLorentzVectorArray.fromcounts(counts, tlva1)
    jtlva2 = JaggedTLorentzVectorArray.fromcounts(counts, tlva2)

    jtlva1_selection1 = jtlva1[jtlva1.counts > 0]
    jtlva1_selection2 = jtlva1_selection1[jtlva1_selection1.pt > 5]

    jtlva2_selection1 = jtlva2[jtlva2.counts > 0]
    jtlva2_selection2 = jtlva1_selection1[jtlva2_selection1.pt > 5]

    diffx = np.abs(jtlva1.x - jtlva2.x)
    diffy = np.abs(jtlva1.y - jtlva2.y)
    diffz = np.abs(jtlva1.z - jtlva2.z)
    difft = np.abs(jtlva1.t - jtlva2.t)
    assert (diffx < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffy < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffz < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (difft < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    #test JaggedCandidateArray
    jca1 = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(counts, p4=thep4)
    jca2 = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(counts, p4=thep4)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())

    addon1 = jca1.zeros_like()
    addon2 = jca2.ones_like()
    jca1['addon'] = addon1
    jca2['addon'] = addon2

    jca1.add_attributes(addonFlat=addon1.flatten(), addonJagged=addon1)

    diffm = np.abs(jca1.p4.mass - jca2.p4.mass)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())
    diffpt = np.abs(jca1.p4.pt - jca2.p4.pt)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())
    eta2 = jca2.p4.eta
    eta1 = jca1.p4.eta
    print(np.sum(eta1.counts), np.sum(eta2.counts))
    diffeta_temp = np.abs(eta1 - eta2)
    diffeta = np.abs(jca1.p4.eta - jca2.p4.eta)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())
    assert (diffm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffpt < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffeta < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    #test fast functions
    fastfs = ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'mass']
    for func in fastfs:
        func1 = getattr(jca1, func)
        func2 = getattr(jca1.p4, func)
        dfunc = np.abs(func1 - func2)
        assert (dfunc < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    adistinct = jca1.distincts()
    apair = jca1.pairs()
    across = jca1.cross(jca2)

    assert 'p4' in adistinct.columns
    assert 'p4' in apair.columns
    assert 'p4' in across.columns

    admsum = (adistinct.i0.p4 + adistinct.i1.p4).mass
    apmsum = (apair.i0.p4 + apair.i1.p4).mass
    acmsum = (across.i0.p4 + across.i1.p4).mass
    diffadm = np.abs(adistinct.p4.mass - admsum)
    diffapm = np.abs(apair.p4.mass - apmsum)
    diffacm = np.abs(across.p4.mass - acmsum)

    assert (diffadm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffapm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffacm < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    selection11 = jca1[jca1.counts > 0]
    selection12 = selection11[selection11.p4.pt > 5]

    selection21 = jca2[jca2.counts > 0]
    selection22 = selection21[selection21.p4.pt > 5]

    diffcnts = selection12.counts - jtlva1_selection2.counts
    diffm = np.abs(selection12.p4.mass - jtlva1_selection2.mass)
    diffaddon = selection12.addon - selection22.addon
    assert (diffcnts == 0).flatten().all()
    assert (diffm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffaddon == -1).flatten().all()

    #test gen-reco matching
    gen, reco = gen_reco_TLV()
    flat_gen = gen.flatten()
    gen_px, gen_py, gen_pz, gen_e = flat_gen.x, flat_gen.y, flat_gen.z, flat_gen.t
    flat_reco = reco.flatten()
    reco_px, reco_py, reco_pz, reco_e = flat_reco.x, flat_reco.y, flat_reco.z, flat_reco.t
    jca_gen = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(gen.counts,
    jca_reco = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(reco.counts,
    print('gen eta: ', jca_gen.p4.eta, '\n gen phi:', jca_gen.p4.phi)
    print('reco eta: ', jca_reco.p4.eta, '\n reco phi:', jca_reco.p4.phi)
    print('match mask: ', jca_reco.match(jca_gen, deltaRCut=0.3))
    print('arg matches: ', jca_reco.argmatch(jca_gen, deltaRCut=0.3))
    argmatch_nocut = jca_gen.argmatch(jca_reco).flatten()
    argmatch_dr03 = jca_gen.argmatch(jca_reco, deltaRCut=0.3).flatten()
    argmatch_dr03_dpt01 = jca_gen.argmatch(jca_reco,
    assert (argmatch_nocut.size == 5)
    assert (argmatch_dr03[argmatch_dr03 != -1].size == 3)
    assert (argmatch_dr03_dpt01[argmatch_dr03_dpt01 != -1].size == 2)
    assert (jca_gen.match(jca_reco,
                          deltaRCut=0.3).flatten().flatten().sum() == 3)
    assert (jca_gen.match(jca_reco, deltaRCut=0.3,
                          deltaPtCut=0.1).flatten().flatten().sum() == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def almir(
):  # Funcao que retorna um DataFrame que contem a massa invariante do WW, pt do par de le

    trigger = (open_files_PF(file, 'HLT_pass') == 1)[:, 3]

    Mw = 80.379  # massa do boson W

    jetAK8_pt = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_pt')[trigger]
    jetAK8_prunedMass = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_prunedMass')[trigger]
    jetAK8_tau21 = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_tau21')[trigger]
    jetAK8_eta = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_eta')[trigger]
    jetAK8_px = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_px')[trigger]
    jetAK8_py = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_py')[trigger]
    jetAK8_pz = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_pz')[trigger]
    jetAK8_E = open_files_muon(file, 'jetAK8_E')[trigger]

    print('jetAK8_pt -->', jetAK8_pt)

    METPt = open_files_muon(file, 'METPt')[trigger]
    METPx = open_files_muon(file, 'METPx')[trigger]
    METPy = open_files_muon(file, 'METPy')[trigger]
    METphi = open_files_muon(file, 'METphi')[trigger]

    print('METphi -->', METphi)

    muon_pt = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_pt')[trigger]
    muon_eta = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_eta')[trigger]
    muon_phi = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_phi')[trigger]
    muon_px = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_px')[trigger]
    muon_py = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_py')[trigger]
    muon_pz = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_pz')[trigger]
    muon_E = open_files_muon(file, 'muon_E')[trigger]

    print('Muon_pt --> ', muon_pt)

    k = ((Mw**2) / 2 + muon_px * METPx) + (muon_py * METPy)
    raiz_ = ((((k * muon_pz)**2) / (muon_pt**4) -
              ((muon_E * METPt)**2 - k) / muon_pt**2)**0.5)
    raiz = np.nan_to_num(
    )  # Os valores de NaN, causados pela divisão por 0 ou pelo resultado de uma raiz imaginária, é substituida por NaN
    Pz_nu = ((k * muon_pz / (muon_pt**2)) + raiz
             )  # coordenada z do momentum do neutrino reconstruido
    W_lep_energy = (muon_E + (METPx**2 + METPy**2 + Pz_nu**2)**0.5
                    )  # Energia do par de léptons

    print('energia do W leptonico -->', W_lep_energy)

    # Usamos o TLorenctzVector do Python
    TLV_lep = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(
        muon_px + METPx, muon_py + METPy, muon_pz + Pz_nu,
        W_lep_energy)  # 4-vector do par de lepton

    TLV_jet = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(jetAK8_px, jetAK8_py,
                                                 jetAK8_pz, jetAK8_E)

    W_mass = (TLV_lep + TLV_jet).mass  # Massa invariante do WW
    W_lep_pt = (TLV_lep).pt  # Pt do par de lepton

    print('Massa W -->', W_mass)

    dphi_jet_lep = TLV_lep.phi - TLV_jet.phi
    dphi_jet_lep = np.where(dphi_jet_lep >= scipy.constants.pi,
                            dphi_jet_lep - 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
    dphi_jet_lep = np.where(
        dphi_jet_lep < -scipy.constants.pi,
        dphi_jet_lep + 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
        dphi_jet_lep)  # delta phi entre o jato e o par de lepton
    dphi_jet_MET = METphi - TLV_jet.phi
    dphi_jet_MET = np.where(dphi_jet_MET >= scipy.constants.pi,
                            dphi_jet_MET - 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
    dphi_jet_MET = np.where(dphi_jet_MET < -scipy.constants.pi,
                            dphi_jet_MET + 2 * scipy.constants.pi,
                            dphi_jet_MET)  # delta phi entre o jato e o MET
    ** numeração das colunas do numpy array ** ( para facilitar na hora de fazer os cortes )

    0  --> massa do WW
    1  --> Pt do W leptônico
    2  --> DeltaPhi entre W_hadrônico e W_leptônico
    3  --> DeltaPhi entre Jatos e o MET
    4  --> jetAK8_pt
    5  --> jetAK8_eta
    6  --> jetAK8_prunedMass
    7  --> jetAK8_tau21
    8  --> METPt
    9  --> muon_pt
    10 --> muon_eta
    11 --> ExtraTracks


    pfeta = open_files_PF(file, 'pfeta')[trigger]
    pfphi = open_files_PF(file, 'pfphi')[trigger]
    pffromPV = open_files_PF(file, 'pffromPV')[trigger]

    dR_muon = ((pfeta - muon_eta)**2 + (pfphi - muon_phi)**2)**0.5
    dR_jet = ((pfeta - TLV_jet.eta)**2 + (pfphi - TLV_jet.phi)**2)**0.5

    print('dR_muon', dR_muon)

    dR_muon = dR_muon[pffromPV == 3]
    dR_jet = dR_jet[pffromPV == 3]

    dR_jet = dR_jet[dR_muon > 0.3]

    dR_jet = dR_jet[dR_jet > 0.8]

    ExtraTracks = [len(arr) for arr in dR_jet]

    ExtraTracks = np.array(ExtraTracks).reshape(-1, 1)

    print('Tracos Extras -->', ExtraTracks)

    events_all = np.concatenate(
        (W_mass.reshape(-1, 1), W_lep_pt.reshape(
            -1, 1), dphi_jet_lep.reshape(-1, 1), dphi_jet_MET.reshape(
                -1, 1), jetAK8_pt.reshape(-1, 1), TLV_jet.eta.reshape(-1, 1),
         jetAK8_prunedMass.reshape(-1, 1), jetAK8_tau21.reshape(
             -1, 1), METPt.reshape(-1, 1), muon_pt.reshape(
                 -1, 1), muon_eta.reshape(-1, 1), ExtraTracks),
        axis=1)  # concatenando todos as variáveis

    events_all_cut = (events_all[:, 4] >= 200) & (events_all[:, 5] <= 2.4) & (
        events_all[:, 8] >= 40) & (events_all[:, 9] >= 53) & (
            events_all[:, 10] <= 2.4)  # realizando os cortes nas variáveis

    array_numpy = events_all[events_all_cut]

    #columns = ['Mww','Pt_W_lep','dPhi_Whad_Wlep','dPhi_jatos_MET','jetAK8_pt','jetAK8_eta','jetAK8_prunedMass','jetAK8_tau21','METPt','muon_pt','muon_eta','ExtraTracks']

    #DataFrame = pd.DataFrame( array_numpy , columns = columns )

    print('array completo --> ', array_numpy)

    #return DataFrame # ou retorna o DataFrame com as colunas
    return array_numpy  # ou retorna um matriz numpy aninhada para economizar memória
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_analysis_objects():
    counts, px, py, pz, energy = dummy_four_momenta()
    thep4 = np.stack((px, py, pz, energy)).T

    #test JaggedTLorentzVectorArray
    tlva1 = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(px, py, pz, energy)
    tlva2 = uproot_methods.TLorentzVectorArray(thep4[:, 0], thep4[:, 1],
                                               thep4[:, 2], thep4[:, 3])
    jtlva1 = JaggedTLorentzVectorArray.fromcounts(counts, tlva1)
    jtlva2 = JaggedTLorentzVectorArray.fromcounts(counts, tlva2)

    jtlva1_selection1 = jtlva1[jtlva1.counts > 0]
    jtlva1_selection2 = jtlva1_selection1[jtlva1_selection1.pt > 5]

    jtlva2_selection1 = jtlva2[jtlva2.counts > 0]
    jtlva2_selection2 = jtlva1_selection1[jtlva2_selection1.pt > 5]

    diffx = np.abs(jtlva1.x - jtlva2.x)
    diffy = np.abs(jtlva1.y - jtlva2.y)
    diffz = np.abs(jtlva1.z - jtlva2.z)
    difft = np.abs(jtlva1.t - jtlva2.t)
    assert (diffx < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffy < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffz < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (difft < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    #test JaggedCandidateArray
    jca1 = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(counts, p4=thep4)
    jca2 = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(counts, p4=thep4)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())

    addon1 = jca1.zeros_like()
    addon2 = jca2.ones_like()
    jca1['addon'] = addon1
    jca2['addon'] = addon2

    diffm = np.abs(jca1.p4.mass - jca2.p4.mass)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())
    diffpt = np.abs(jca1.p4.pt - jca2.p4.pt)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())
    eta2 = jca2.p4.eta
    eta1 = jca1.p4.eta
    print(np.sum(eta1.counts), np.sum(eta2.counts))
    diffeta_temp = np.abs(eta1 - eta2)
    diffeta = np.abs(jca1.p4.eta - jca2.p4.eta)
    assert ((jca1.offsets == jca2.offsets).all())
    assert (diffm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffpt < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffeta < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    #test fast functions
    fastfs = ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'mass']
    for func in fastfs:
        func1 = getattr(jca1, func)
        func2 = getattr(jca1.p4, func)
        dfunc = np.abs(func1 - func2)
        assert (dfunc < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    adistinct = jca1.distincts()
    apair = jca1.pairs()
    across = jca1.cross(jca2)

    assert 'p4' in adistinct.columns
    assert 'p4' in apair.columns
    assert 'p4' in across.columns

    admsum = (adistinct.i0.p4 + adistinct.i1.p4).mass
    apmsum = (apair.i0.p4 + apair.i1.p4).mass
    acmsum = (across.i0.p4 + across.i1.p4).mass
    diffadm = np.abs(adistinct.p4.mass - admsum)
    diffapm = np.abs(apair.p4.mass - apmsum)
    diffacm = np.abs(across.p4.mass - acmsum)

    assert (diffadm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffapm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffacm < 1e-8).flatten().all()

    selection11 = jca1[jca1.counts > 0]
    selection12 = selection11[selection11.p4.pt > 5]

    selection21 = jca2[jca2.counts > 0]
    selection22 = selection21[selection21.p4.pt > 5]

    diffcnts = selection12.counts - jtlva1_selection2.counts
    diffm = np.abs(selection12.p4.mass - jtlva1_selection2.mass)
    diffaddon = selection12.addon - selection22.addon
    assert (diffcnts == 0).flatten().all()
    assert (diffm < 1e-8).flatten().all()
    assert (diffaddon == -1).flatten().all()