Ejemplo n.º 1
def world_test(w, h):
    heightmap = []
    for y in range(h):
        line = []
        for x in range(w):
            distance_corners = min([
                sqrt(x**2 + y**2),
                sqrt((w-x)**2 + y**2),
                sqrt(x**2 + (h-y)**2),
                sqrt((w-x)**2 + (h-y)**2)
            distance_edges = min([x*0.7, y*0.7, (w-x)*0.7, (h-y)*0.7])
            minus = (w + h) / 3
            c = random.randint(-w*0.7, -w*0.6) + distance_corners + distance_edges
            #print('{:> .1f}'.format(c), '', end='')
    heightmap = diamond_square_2x(heightmap)
    heightmap = diamond_square_2x(heightmap, smooth_iteration=2)
    heightmap = diamond_square_2x(heightmap, smooth_iteration=3)
    heightmap = diamond_square_2x(heightmap, smooth_iteration=4)

    M = Map(len(heightmap[0]), len(heightmap), fill_cell=C.overworld_ocean)
    for y, line in enumerate(M.cells):
        for x, cell in enumerate(line):
            M[x, y] = C.overworld_ocean() if heightmap[y][x] < 0 else C.overworld_forest()
    M = _smooth_map(M)
    M = _smooth_map(M)
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _room_library(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    for x in range(1, w // 2 - 1):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_bookcase())
    for x in range(w // 2 + 1 + w % 2, w - 1):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_bookcase())
    for x in (1, w - 2):
        M[x, 2].put(T.furniture_bookcase())
        M[x, h - 2] = C.column_antique()
    for x in (0, w - 1):
        M[x, 2] = C.door_open_stairs()
        M[x, h - 3] = C.door_closed()
    for x in range(w // 2 - 1, w // 2 + 1 + w % 2):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_hearth())
        M[x, 3].put(T.furniture_sofa())
        M[x, h - 3].put(T.furniture_chair())
        M[x, h - 1] = C.door_open_empty()
    items = [T.book(), T.book()]
    M.scatter(2, 2, w - 2, 3, items)
    for x in range(3, w - 3):
        M[x, h - 4].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    for x in (2, w - 3):
        M[x, h - 4].put(T.furniture_chair())
    for x in (3, w - 4):
        M[x, h - 5].put(T.furniture_chandelier())

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _room_jailer(w=5, h=5):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_flagged)

    # Create walls
    for x in range(0, w):
        M[x, 0] = C.wall_stone()
        M[x, h - 1] = C.wall_stone()
    for y in range(0, h):
        M[0, y] = C.wall_stone()
        M[w - 1, y] = C.wall_stone()
    M[w // 2, 0] = C.door_closed()

    # Place furniture and items in the room
    all_coord = [(w // 2, 1)]
    for item_class in (T.furniture_bed_single, T.furniture_chest,
                       T.furniture_chair, T.furniture_table,
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(1, h - 2)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(item_class())
                all_coord.append((x, y))
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _room_living(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    if h < 17:
        num_rooms = (h - 3) // 3
        for i in range(num_rooms):
            room_y = i * 3
            poor_room = _room_poor(4, 4, wall_material, floor_material, direction='right')
            M.meld(poor_room, 0, room_y)
            poor_room = _room_poor(4, 4, wall_material, floor_material, direction='left')
            M.meld(poor_room, 5, room_y)
        M[w-1, h-2] = C.door_open_empty()
        M[1, h-2].put(A.animal_spider())
        corridor_h = h - num_rooms * 3 - 1
        if corridor_h > 2:
            M[1, h-corridor_h].put(T.washtub())
            M[2, h-corridor_h].put(T.washtub())
            M[w-2, h-corridor_h].put(T.furniture_stool())
        M.scatter(1, h-corridor_h, w-2, h-1, [(A.animal_cat())])
    elif h >= 17:
        rich_room_h = 5 + (h - 2) % 3
        rich_1 = _room_rich(5, rich_room_h, wall_material, floor_material)
        M.meld(rich_1, 0, 0)
        rich_2 = _room_rich(5, rich_room_h, wall_material, floor_material)
        M.meld(rich_2, 4, 0)
        M[w-1, rich_room_h+1] = C.door_open_empty()
        M[1, rich_room_h+1].put(A.animal_spider())
        M.scatter(1, rich_room_h, w-1, rich_room_h+2, [(A.animal_cat())])
        num_rooms = (h - rich_room_h - 3) // 3
        for i in range(num_rooms):
            room_y = i * 3
            poor_room = _room_poor(4, 4, wall_material, floor_material, direction='right')
            M.meld(poor_room, 0, rich_room_h+2+room_y)
            poor_room = _room_poor(4, 4, wall_material, floor_material, direction='left')
            M.meld(poor_room, 5, rich_room_h+2+room_y)
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _smooth_map(M):
    Smooth a map using cellular automata.

    If number of walls around the cell (including it) is more than number of floors, replace the cell with a wall.
    In other case replace the cell with a floor.

    # Already replaced cells must not affect current so we need a copy of the original map
    M2 = deepcopy(M)
    for y, line in enumerate(M2.cells[1:-1]):
        for x, _ in enumerate(line[1:-1]):
            true_x = x + 1
            true_y = y + 1
            # Check the number of walls in ORIGINAL map
            number_of_walls = sum(cell.__class__.__name__ == 'wall_cave'
                                  for cell in [
                                      M.cells[true_y + 1][true_x],
                                      M.cells[true_y - 1][true_x],
                                      M.cells[true_y][true_x + 1],
                                      M.cells[true_y + 1][true_x + 1],
                                      M.cells[true_y - 1][true_x + 1],
                                      M.cells[true_y][true_x - 1],
                                      M.cells[true_y + 1][true_x - 1],
                                      M.cells[true_y - 1][true_x - 1],
            # And set them in smoothed map
            M2.cells[true_y][true_x] = (C.wall_cave() if number_of_walls >= 5
                                        else C.floor_dirt())
    return M2
Ejemplo n.º 6
def room_horse_stables(w, h, horse_box_size_w, horse_box_size_h):
    Construct big stable with horse boxes.

    The stable consits of some small horse boxes with animal or without.
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=C.wall_plank, floor_type=C.floor_rocks)
    number_of_horse_box = (h - 1) // 3

    # Place left and right rows of horse boxes.
    for y in range(number_of_horse_box):
        cell_y = 1 + (y * 3)
        left_stable = room_horse_box(horse_box_size_w, horse_box_size_h)
        M.meld(left_stable, 1, cell_y)
        right_stable = room_horse_box(horse_box_size_w,
        M.meld(right_stable, horse_box_size_w + 2, cell_y)

        # Place fence after every horse box, except the last.
        if y == 0:
        for x in range(1, horse_box_size_w + 1):
            M[x, cell_y - 1] = C.wall_fence()
        for x in range(horse_box_size_w + 2, w - 1):
            M[x, cell_y - 1] = C.wall_fence()
    M[w // 2, h - 1] = C.door_open_empty()
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _room_small_office(w, h):
    Construct small office for employees in poor part.
    M = room_default(w,

    # Place things and actor - employee.
    work_chance = random.choice([True, False])
    M[w // 2, 0] = C.door_open_empty()
    M[1, h - 1] = C.wall_bars()
    M[w - 2, h - 1] = C.wall_bars()
    M[2, h - 1].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    if w > 5:
        for x in range(2, w - 2):
            M[x, h - 1].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    M[w // 2, h - 2].put(T.furniture_chair())
    M[w - 2, 1].put(T.furniture_bookcase())
    M[1, 1].put(T.money_pile())
    if work_chance:
        M[1, h - 2].put(A.player_female())
        M[w - 2, h - 2].put(T.book())
        M[w - 2, h - 2].put(T.book_clear())

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _room_cattle_pens(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=C.wall_fence, floor_type=floor_material)
    M[w - 7, 0] = C.door_close_fence()
    for i in range(w * h // 3):
        grass_x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
        grass_y = random.randint(1, h - 2)
        M[grass_x, grass_y] = random.choice(
            [C.flora_grass, C.flora_cane, C.floor_grass])()
    num_cattles = h // 4 + 1
    cowshed = Map(4, 3, fill_cell=floor_material)
    for y in (1, 2):
        cowshed[0, y] = C.wall_fence()
    for y in range(0, 3):
        cowshed[3, y].put(T.water_trough())
    for x in (1, 2):
        cowshed[x, 2] = wall_material()
    cowshed[1, 1].put(T.bucket())
    cowshed_y = 1
    for x in range(num_cattles):
        copied_cowshed = deepcopy(cowshed)
        M.meld(copied_cowshed, w - 5, cowshed_y)
        cowshed_y += 3
    cows = [A.animal_cow() for _ in range(num_cattles)]
    M.scatter(1, 1, w - 5, h - 1, cows)

    return M
def _interior_garden(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_rocks)
    for x in range(w):
        M[x, h-1] = wall_material()
    M[w//2, h-1] = C.door_closed_wooden()
    M[w//2-1, h-1] = C.door_closed_wooden()

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 10
def select_tile_linear(M, xpos, ypos, metatile, metatile_type):
    name = metatile.name
    if metatile_type == 'cell':
        up = int(M.up_to(xpos, ypos).cname == name)
        down = int(M.down_to(xpos, ypos).cname == name)
        left = int(M.left_to(xpos, ypos).cname == name)
        right = int(M.right_to(xpos, ypos).cname == name)
        position = LINEAR_ORIENTATION_TABLE[(up, down, left, right)]
            tile = random.choice(metatile.get_tiles(orientation=position))
        except ValueError:
            tile = C.unknown().metatile.get_tiles()[0]
    elif metatile_type == 'thing':
        up = int(
            M.up_to(xpos, ypos) != None and len(M.up_to(xpos, ypos).things)
            and M.up_to(xpos, ypos).things[0].cname == name)
        down = int(
            M.down_to(xpos, ypos) != None
            and len(M.down_to(xpos, ypos).things)
            and M.down_to(xpos, ypos).things[0].cname == name)
        left = int(
            M.left_to(xpos, ypos) != None
            and len(M.left_to(xpos, ypos).things)
            and M.left_to(xpos, ypos).things[0].cname == name)
        right = int(
            M.right_to(xpos, ypos) != None
            and len(M.right_to(xpos, ypos).things)
            and M.right_to(xpos, ypos).things[0].cname == name)
        position = LINEAR_ORIENTATION_TABLE[(up, down, left, right)]
            tile = random.choice(metatile.get_tiles(orientation=position))
        except ValueError:
            tile = C.unknown().metatile.get_tiles()[0]
    elif metatile_type == 'actor':
        up = int(
            M.up_to(xpos, ypos) != None and len(M.up_to(xpos, ypos).actors)
            and M.up_to(xpos, ypos).actors[0].cname == name)
        down = int(
            M.down_to(xpos, ypos) != None
            and len(M.down_to(xpos, ypos).actors)
            and M.down_to(xpos, ypos).actors[0].cname == name)
        left = int(
            M.left_to(xpos, ypos) != None
            and len(M.left_to(xpos, ypos).actors)
            and M.left_to(xpos, ypos).actors[0].cname == name)
        right = int(
            M.right_to(xpos, ypos) != None
            and len(M.right_to(xpos, ypos).actors)
            and M.right_to(xpos, ypos).actors[0].cname == name)
        position = LINEAR_ORIENTATION_TABLE[(up, down, left, right)]
            tile = random.choice(metatile.get_tiles(orientation=position))
        except ValueError:
            tile = C.unknown().metatile.get_tiles()[0]
    return tile
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _room_kitchen(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    storage = room_default(6, 6, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    M.meld(storage, 0, 0)
    M[5, h-3] = C.door_open_empty()
    M[10, h-1] = C.door_open_empty()
    M[7, 0] = C.door_closed_window()
    for x in range(1, 3):
        for y in range(1, 3):
            M[x, y] = C.flora_mushroom_button()
    storage_items = [
    storage_w = 6
    M.scatter(1, 1, 5, h-1, storage_items, exclude=[
        (storage_w-2, h-3),
        (storage_w-3, h-3),
        (storage_w-4, h-3),
        (storage_w-3, h-4),
        (1, 1),
        (1, 2),
        (2, 1),
        (2, 2)
    for x in range(8, 11):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_hearth())
    for x in range(8, 11):
        M[x, 3].put(T.furniture_table())
    M[13, 1] = C.stairs_down()
    M[11, 1].put(T.bucket())
    for y in range(1, 3):
        M[6, y].put(T.food_meat())
    M[6, 4].put(T.food_egg())
    M[11, 3].put(T.furniture_box_filled())
    M.scatter(6, 1, 14, 5, [A.animal_cat()])
    if w > 15:
        num_of_items = (w - 15) * 2
        food_items = [
        M.scatter(15, 1, w-1, h-1, random.sample(food_items, min(len(food_items), num_of_items)))
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _create_room_grid(M, room_size):
    """Create room grid and clear all cells that are out of the grid."""

    w, h = M.get_size()
    x_border_index = ((w - 1) // (room_size + 1)) * (room_size + 1)
    y_border_index = ((h - 1) // (room_size + 1)) * (room_size + 1)
    for y, line in enumerate(M.cells):
        for x, cell in enumerate(line):
            if x > x_border_index or y > y_border_index:
                M[x, y] = C.void()
            elif x % (room_size + 1) == 0 or y % (room_size + 1) == 0:
                M[x, y] = C.wall_dungeon_smooth()
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _room_second_bedroom(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    M[1, 1] = C.flora_flower()
    M[w - 3, 1].put(T.furniture_table())
    M[w - 2, 1].put(T.furniture_chair())
    M[1, h // 2].put(T.furniture_closet())
    items = [
    M.scatter(1, h - 2, w - 1, h - 1, items)
    M[w - 1, h - 5] = C.door_closed()

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _room_main(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    M[1, h - 2].put(T.furniture_closet())
    M[w - 2,
    M[w - 2, 2].put(random.choice([T.food_meat(), T.food_egg()]))
    for x in (w - 3, w - 4):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    M[w - 5, 1].put(random.choice([T.bucket(), T.bag()]))
    M[w - 2, h - 2].put(T.furniture_chest_profile())
    lantern_w = random.randint(5, w - 4)
    M[lantern_w, h - 2].put(T.light_lantern())
    M[3, h - 1] = C.door_closed()
    if w >= 11:
        table_h = 1 if h <= 7 else h // 2 - 1
        M[4, table_h].put(T.furniture_table())
        M[3, table_h].put(T.furniture_stool())
        M[5, table_h].put(T.furniture_stool())
        M[4, table_h + 1].put(T.furniture_stool())
        if table_h > 1:
            pantry = _interior_pantry(3, h // 3, wall_material, floor_material)
            M.meld(pantry, 1, 1)
    elif w < 11:
        pantry = _interior_pantry(3, h // 3, wall_material, floor_material)
        M.meld(pantry, 1, 1)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _room_bedroom(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    for x in range(1, w - 2):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    M[2, 2].put(T.furniture_chair())
    M[w - 2, 1].put(T.furniture_bookcase())
    M[w - 2, h - 5].put(T.furniture_closet())
    M[1, h - 5].put(T.furniture_chandelier())
    M[2, h - 5].put(T.furniture_bed_double())
    M[w - 2, h // 3].put(T.urn())
    for x in range(1, w - 2):
        M[x, h - 4] = wall_material()
    M[w - 2, h - 4] = C.door_open_stairs()
    items = [
              h - 3,
              w - 1,
              h - 1,
              exclude=[(2, h - 3), (3, h - 3), (4, h - 3)])
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _room_private(w, h, orientation='left'):
    Construct private room.
    M = room_default(w,

    # Place some things.
    M[1, 1].put(T.book())
    M[1, h // 2].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    for x in range(1, w - 2):
        M[x, h // 2 + 1].put(T.furniture_chair())
    M[w // 2 - 1, h // 2 - 1].put(T.furniture_chair())
    if w > 5:
        for x in range(2, w - 3):
            M[x, h // 2].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    M[w - 3, h // 2].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    M[w - 2, 0] = C.door_closed()
    M[w - 2, h // 2].put(T.furniture_chandelier())

    if orientation == 'right':

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 17
def room_storage(w, h):
    Construct small storage with horse food and some stuff for stableman.

    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=C.wall_plank, floor_type=C.floor_dirt)
    number_of_items = (w - 1) * (h - 1) // 10

    # Place horse food.
    all_coord = []
    for item_class in (T.farm_mangler, T.furniture_barrel,
        for _ in range(number_of_items):
            while True:
                x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
                y = random.randint(1, h * 2 // 3 - 1)
                if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                    M[x, y].put(item_class())
                    all_coord.append((x, y))

    # Place horseman stuff.
    M[w // 2 - 1, h - 1] = C.door_closed()
    M[1, h - 2].put(T.light_torch())
    M[1, h - 4].put(T.furniture_napsack())
    M[w - 2, h - 2].put(T.furniture_table())
    M[w - 2, h - 3].put(T.furniture_chair())

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _room_outdoor(w, h):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_rocks)
    for i in range(w * h // 3):
        grass_x = random.randint(1, w - 1)
        grass_y = random.randint(0, h - 2)
        M[grass_x, grass_y] = random.choice(
            [C.flora_grass, C.flora_tree, C.floor_grass])()
    M[w - 1, 0].put(T.washtub())
    for x in range(w):
        M[x, h - 1] = C.wall_fence_thin()
    for y in range(h - 1):
        M[0, y] = C.wall_fence_thin()
    for y in range(h - 1):
        M[3, y] = C.floor_rocks()
    M[3, h - 1] = C.door_close_fence()

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 19
def world_test2(w=400, h=200):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.overworld_ocean)
    plates = {i: (random.randint(0, w-1), random.randint(0, h-1)) for i in range(30)}
    for y, line in enumerate(M.cells):
        for x, cell in enumerate(line):
            intervals = {i: (plates[i][0] - x) ** 2 + (plates[i][1] - y) ** 2 for i in plates}
            M[x, y].plate = min(intervals.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])[0]
    for y, line in enumerate(M.cells):
        for x, cell in enumerate(line):
            M[x, y] = P[M[x, y].plate]()
    for i in plates:
        M[plates[i]] = C.void()
    for y, line in enumerate(M.cells):
        for x, cell in enumerate(line):
            distance_corners = min([
                sqrt(x**2 + y**2),
                sqrt((w-x)**2 + y**2),
                sqrt(x**2 + (h-y)**2),
                sqrt((w-x)**2 + (h-y)**2)
            distance_edges = min([x, y, (w-x), (h-y)])
            minus = (w + h) / 3
            c = random.randint(-w*0.8, -w*0.6) + distance_corners + distance_edges
            #print('{:> .1f}'.format(c), '', end='')
            M[x, y] = C.overworld_ocean() if c < 0 else C.overworld_forest()
    #for y in [0, h-1]:
    #    for x in range(M.w):
    #        M[x, y] = C.overworld_ocean()
    #for x in [0, w-1]:
    #    for y in range(M.h):
    #        M[x, y] = C.overworld_ocean()
    #for x in range(w//2-2, w//2+3):
    #    for y in range(h//2-2, h//2+3):
    #        M[x, y] = C.overworld_forest()
    #for y, line in enumerate(M.cells):
    #    for x, cell in enumerate(line):
    #        if sum(c.cname == 'overworld_forest' for c in M.surrounding(x, y)) >= 7:
    #            M[x, y] = C.overworld_forest()
    #M = _smooth_map(M)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 20
def _room_storage(w, h, wall_material, floor_material, garden_beds_w):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    M[w - 1, h // 2] = C.door_closed_window()
    M[w - 2, h - 1] = C.door_closed_window()
    M[garden_beds_w - 3, h - 1] = C.door_open()
    M[w - 2, 1].put(T.light_torch())
    M[w - 4, 1].put(T.dining_bottle())
    M[w - 3, h - 2].put(T.furniture_napsack())
    for x in range(1, w // 2):
        for y in range(1, h - 1):
            items = random.choice([
                T.farm_mangler, T.furniture_box_filled, T.furniture_barrel,
            M[x, y].put(items)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 21
def room_horse_box(w, h, orientation='left'):
    Construct small horse box.
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_rocks)

    # Place watertrough and horse food.
    M[0, 0].put(T.water_trough())
    M[w - 1, 0] = C.door_closed()
    M[0, h - 1].put(T.water_trough())
    M[w - 1, h - 1] = C.wall_fence()
    if h > 2:
        for y in range(1, h - 1):
            M[0, y].put(T.water_trough())
            M[w - 1, y] = C.wall_fence()

    # Create horse box with animal or without.
    stable_with_horse_chance = random.random()
    all_coord = []
    while True:
        x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
        y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
        if (x, y) not in all_coord:
            M[x, y] = C.flora_grass()
            all_coord.append((x, y))
    if stable_with_horse_chance > 0.3:
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(T.farm_mangler())
                all_coord.append((x, y))
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(0, h - 1)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(A.animal_horse())
                all_coord.append((x, y))
    if orientation == 'right':

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 22
def _fill_rooms(M, nodes):
    Fill map with rooms given from leaf nodes of BSP-tree.

    for node in nodes:
        for y in range(node.room_y1, node.room_y2):
            for x in range(node.room_x1, node.room_x2):
                M[x, y] = C.floor()
Ejemplo n.º 23
def _room_private(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    for x in (1, 4):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_chair())
    for x in (2, 3):
        M[x, 1].put(T.furniture_longtable())
    M[5, 1].put(T.light_lantern_oil())
    M[w-2, h-1] = C.door_closed()
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 24
def building_roadhouse(w=15, h=15, wall_material=None, floor_material=None):
    Construct roadhouse with living room for poor, kitchen/storage and saloon.


        - Map width and map height must be >= 15.
        - Map width and map height must be <= 21.

    w : int
        Map width

    h : int
        Map height
    # Initial checks. Don't accept too small/big inn
    if w < 15 or h < 15:
        raise ValueError('Building is too small: w or h < 15')
    elif w > 21 or h > 21:
        raise ValueError('Building is too big: w or h > 21')
    # Choose materials
    if not wall_material:
        wall_material = random.choice([C.wall_block, C.wall_plank, C.wall_brick, C.wall_stone])
    elif wall_material not in (['block', 'plank', 'brick', 'stone']):
        raise ValueError('Wall material should be "block", "plank", "brick" or "stone"')
    if wall_material == 'block':
        wall_material = C.wall_block
    elif wall_material == 'plank':
        wall_material = C.wall_plank
    elif wall_material == 'brick':
        wall_material = C.wall_brick
    elif wall_material == 'stone':
        wall_material = C.wall_stone

    if not floor_material:
        floor_material = random.choice([C.floor_dirt, C.floor_parquet, C.floor_cobblestone])
    elif floor_material not in (['dirt', 'parquet', 'cobblestone']):
        raise ValueError('Floor material should be "dirt", "parquet" or "cobblestone"')
    if floor_material == 'dirt':
        floor_material = C.floor_dirt
    elif floor_material == 'parquet':
        floor_material = C.floor_parquet
    elif floor_material == 'cobblestone':
        floor_material = C.floor_cobblestone
    M = room_default(w, h, wall_type=wall_material, floor_type=floor_material)
    M[13, h-1] = C.door_closed_window()
    kitchen = _room_kitchen(w, 6, wall_material, floor_material)
    M.meld(kitchen, 0, 0)
    living_room = _room_living(9, h-5, wall_material, floor_material)
    M.meld(living_room, 0, 5)
    vending = _interior_vending(w-10, h-7, wall_material, floor_material)
    M.meld(vending, 9, 6)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 25
def _create_corridors(M, nodes, edges):
    Create corridors between rooms that should be connected.

    for edge in edges:
        n1 = nodes[edge[0]]
        n2 = nodes[edge[1]]
        if max(n1.room_x1, n2.room_x1) < min(n1.room_x2, n2.room_x2):
            x = random.randint(max(n1.room_x1, n2.room_x1),
                               min(n1.room_x2, n2.room_x2))
            for y in range(min(n2.room_y2, n1.room_y1),
                           max(n2.room_y2, n1.room_y1)):
                M[x, y] = C.floor()
        elif max(n1.room_y1, n2.room_y1) < min(n1.room_y2, n2.room_y2):
            y = random.randint(max(n1.room_y1, n2.room_y1),
                               min(n1.room_y2, n2.room_y2))
            for x in range(min(n2.room_x2, n1.room_x1),
                           max(n2.room_x2, n1.room_x1)):
                M[x, y] = C.floor()
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _interior_pantry(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=floor_material)
    if random.random() < 0.5:
        for y in range(h):
            M[2, y] = wall_material()
        items = [T.tool_wateringcan(), T.tool_pitchfork(), T.tool_fishingrod()]
        M.scatter(0, 0, w - 1, h, items)
        M[0, 0] = C.stairs_down()
        M[0, 1].put(T.furniture_box_filled())

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 27
def building_stables(w=16, h=16):
    Construct stables with storage and two rows of horse boxes.


        - Map width and map height must be >= 16 and <=23.

    w : int
        Map width

    h : int
        Map height

    # Initial checks. Don't accept too small/big stables
    if w < 16 or h < 16:
        raise ValueError('Building is too small: w or h < 16')
    elif w > 23 or h > 23:
        raise ValueError('Building is too big: w or h > 25')

    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_rocks)
    for x in range(w):
        for y in range(h):
            if random.random() > 0.75:
                M[x, y] = C.flora_grass()

    # Calculate w and h for storage, horse boxes and stables.
    horse_box_size_w = w // 2 - 4
    horse_box_size_h = 2
    stables_size_w = horse_box_size_w * 2 + 3
    stables_shift_h = (h - 1) % 3
    stables_size_h = h - stables_shift_h
    storage_size_w = w - stables_size_w + 1
    storage_size_h = h * 2 // 3
    storage_start_w = w - storage_size_w

    # Meld stables, storage, add dog.
    main_stables = room_horse_stables(stables_size_w, stables_size_h,
                                      horse_box_size_w, horse_box_size_h)
    M.meld(main_stables, 0, 0)
    main_storage = room_storage(storage_size_w, storage_size_h)
    M.meld(main_storage, storage_start_w, 0)
    M[w - (w - stables_size_w) // 2, storage_size_h].put(T.well())
    dog_place_x = random.randint(stables_size_w, w - 1)
    dog_place_y = random.randint(storage_size_h + 1, h - 1)
    M[dog_place_x, dog_place_y].put(A.animal_dog())
    if random.choice([True, False]):

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 28
def dungeon_drunkard(w, h, length=None, turn_chance=0.4):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.wall_dungeon_smooth)
    if not length:
        length = int(w * h / 2)
    worm_x = random.randint(int(w * 0.3), int(w * 0.6))
    worm_y = random.randint(int(h * 0.3), int(h * 0.6))
    move = random.choice([NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST])
    for _ in range(length):
        M[worm_x, worm_y] = C.floor_flagged()
        worm_x, worm_y, move = _move_worm(M, worm_x, worm_y, move, turn_chance)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 29
def _room_torture(w=5, h=5):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_flagged)

    # Create walls
    for x in range(0, w):
        M[x, 0] = C.wall_stone()
        M[x, h - 1] = C.wall_stone()
    for y in range(0, h):
        M[0, y] = C.wall_stone()
        M[w - 1, y] = C.wall_stone()
    M[w // 2, h - 1] = C.door_closed()
    M[w // 2 + 1, h - 2] = C.stairs_up()

    # Place furniture and items in the room
    M[w // 2, h // 2].put(T.furniture_torture())
    all_coord = [(w // 2, h - 2), (w // 2, h // 2), (w // 2 + 1, h - 2)]
    for item_class in (T.bones, T.bones_skull, T.tool_tongs):
        while True:
            x = random.randint(1, w - 2)
            y = random.randint(1, h - 2)
            if (x, y) not in all_coord:
                M[x, y].put(item_class())
                all_coord.append((x, y))
    return M
Ejemplo n.º 30
def _interior_garden(w, h, wall_material, floor_material):
    M = Map(w, h, fill_cell=C.floor_flagged)
    garden_part = Map(w // 2, h, fill_cell=C.flora_grass)
    for y in range(0, h):
        garden_part[w // 2 - 1, y] = C.floor_flagged()
    for x in range(1, w // 2 - 1):
        for y in range(1, 4):
            garden_part[x, y] = C.floor_flagged()
    for x in range(2, w // 2):
        garden_part[x, 2].put(T.water_trough())
    for y in range(h - 3, h):
        garden_part[0, y] = C.flora_tree()
        garden_part[1, y].put(T.water_trough())
        garden_part[2, y] = C.flora_flower()
    garden_part[w // 2 - 2, 0] = C.flora_flower()
    garden_part[0, h - 5].put(T.furniture_sofa())
    garden_part[1, h - 5].put(T.furniture_table_round())
    garden_part[2, h - 6].put(T.urn())
    M.meld(garden_part, 0, 0)
    garden_part2 = deepcopy(garden_part)
    M.meld(garden_part2, w // 2 + w % 2, 0)
    for x in range(0, w // 2 - 1):
        M[x, h - 4] = C.floor_flagged()
    M.scatter(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, [A.animal_cat()])

    return M