Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_user_password (self):
     """Get tuple (user, password) from configured authentication.
     Both user and password can be None.
     if self.userinfo:
         # URL itself has authentication info
         return urllib_parse.splitpasswd(self.userinfo)
     return self.aggregate.config.get_user_password(self.url)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _ensure_api(self):
        if self._api_url:
        user = self._wsc.sites.list_site_publishing_credentials(
            self._resource_group, self._website).result()
        scm_uri = user.scm_uri

        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(scm_uri)
        userpass, netloc = splituser(netloc)
        self._api_auth = splitpasswd(userpass)
        self._api_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _ensure_api(self):
        if self._api_url:
        user = self._wsc.sites.list_site_publishing_credentials(
            self._resource_group, self._website
        scm_uri = user.scm_uri

        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(scm_uri)
        userpass, netloc = splituser(netloc)
        self._api_auth = splitpasswd(userpass)
        self._api_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: bot.py Proyecto: yunsite/aiotg
    def __init__(
        self.api_token = api_token
        self.api_timeout = api_timeout
        self.chatbase_token = chatbase_token
        self.name = name
        self.json_serialize = json_serialize
        self.json_deserialize = json_deserialize
        self.default_in_groups = default_in_groups
        self.webhook_url = None
        self._session = None
        self.proxy = proxy

        self._proxy_is_socks = self.proxy and self.proxy.startswith("socks")
        if self._proxy_is_socks and "@" in self.proxy:
            proxy_scheme, proxy_loc = self.proxy.split("://", 1)
            proxy_auth, proxy_loc = splituser(proxy_loc)
            proxy_user, proxy_pass = splitpasswd(proxy_auth)
            if proxy_scheme == "socks5":
                proxy_auth_factory = Socks5Auth
            elif proxy_scheme == "socks4":
                proxy_auth_factory = Socks4Auth
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown SOCKS-proxy scheme: {}".format(proxy_scheme))
            self.proxy_auth = proxy_auth_factory(proxy_user,
            self.proxy = "{}://{}".format(proxy_scheme, proxy_loc)
            self.proxy_auth = None

        def no_handle(mt):
            return lambda chat, msg: logger.debug("no handle for %s", mt)

        # Init default handlers and callbacks
        self._handlers = {mt: no_handle(mt) for mt in MESSAGE_TYPES}
        self._commands = []
        self._callbacks = []
        self._inlines = []
        self._checkouts = []
        self._default = lambda chat, message: None
        self._default_callback = lambda chat, cq: None
        self._default_inline = lambda iq: None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse_proxy(proxy):
    """ _parse_proxy from urllib """
    scheme, r_scheme = splittype(proxy)
    if not r_scheme.startswith("/"):
        # authority
        scheme = None
        authority = proxy
        # URL
        if not r_scheme.startswith("//"):
            raise ValueError("proxy URL with no authority: %r" % proxy)
        # We have an authority, so for RFC 3986-compliant URLs (by ss 3.
        # and 3.3.), path is empty or starts with '/'
        end = r_scheme.find("/", 2)
        if end == -1:
            end = None
        authority = r_scheme[2:end]
    userinfo, hostport = splituser(authority)
    if userinfo is not None:
        user, password = splitpasswd(userinfo)
        user = password = None
    return scheme, user, password, hostport
Ejemplo n.º 6
def parse_proxy(proxy):
    """ _parse_proxy from urllib """
    scheme, r_scheme = splittype(proxy)
    if not r_scheme.startswith("/"):
        # authority
        scheme = None
        authority = proxy
        # URL
        if not r_scheme.startswith("//"):
            raise ValueError("proxy URL with no authority: %r" % proxy)
        # We have an authority, so for RFC 3986-compliant URLs (by ss 3.
        # and 3.3.), path is empty or starts with '/'
        end = r_scheme.find("/", 2)
        if end == -1:
            end = None
        authority = r_scheme[2:end]
    userinfo, hostport = splituser(authority)
    if userinfo is not None:
        user, password = splitpasswd(userinfo)
        user = password = None
    return scheme, user, password, hostport
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def smb_open(self, req):
        global USE_NTLM, MACHINE_NAME

        if not req.host:
            raise urllib.error.URLError('SMB error: no host given')
        host, port = splitport(req.host)
        if port is None:
            port = 139
            port = int(port)

        # username/password handling

        user, host = splituser(host)

        if user:
            user, passwd = splitpasswd(user)
            passwd = None

        host = unquote(host)
        user = user or ''

        domain = ''
        if ';' in user:
            domain, user = user.split(';', 1)

        passwd = passwd or ''
        myname = MACHINE_NAME or self.generateClientMachineName()

        server_name, host = host.split(',') if ',' in host else [None, host]

        if server_name is None:
            n = NetBIOS()

            names = n.queryIPForName(host)
            if names:
                server_name = names[0]
                raise urllib.error.URLError(
                    'SMB error: Hostname does not reply back with its machine name'

        path, attrs = splitattr(req.selector)
        if path.startswith('/'):
            path = path[1:]
        dirs = path.split('/')
        dirs = list(map(unquote, dirs))
        service, path = dirs[0], '/'.join(dirs[1:])

            conn = SMBConnection(user,
            print('about to connect')
            conn.connect(host, port)

            headers = email.message.Message()
            if req.data:
                filelen = conn.storeFile(service, path, req.data)

                headers.add_header('Content-length', '0')
                fp = BytesIO(b"")
                fp = self.createTempFile()
                file_attrs, retrlen = conn.retrieveFile(service, path, fp)

                mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(req.get_full_url())[0]
                if mtype:
                    headers.add_header('Content-type', mtype)
                if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0:
                    headers.add_header('Content-length', '%d' % retrlen)

            return addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
        except Exception as ex:
            raise urllib.error.URLError('smb error: %s' % ex).with_traceback(
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def open_ftp(self, url):
     """Use FTP protocol."""
     if not isinstance(url, str):
         raise IOError(
             'ftp error',
             'proxy support for ftp protocol currently not implemented')
     import mimetypes, mimetools
         from io import StringIO
     except ImportError:
         from io import StringIO
     host, path = splithost(url)
     if not host: raise IOError('ftp error', 'no host given')
     host, port = splitport(host)
     user, host = splituser(host)
     if user: user, passwd = splitpasswd(user)
     else: passwd = None
     host = unquote(host)
     user = unquote(user or '')
     passwd = unquote(passwd or '')
     host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
     if not port:
         from eventlib.green import ftplib
         port = ftplib.FTP_PORT
         port = int(port)
     path, attrs = splitattr(path)
     path = unquote(path)
     dirs = path.split('/')
     dirs, file = dirs[:-1], dirs[-1]
     if dirs and not dirs[0]: dirs = dirs[1:]
     if dirs and not dirs[0]: dirs[0] = '/'
     key = user, host, port, '/'.join(dirs)
     # XXX thread unsafe!
     if len(self.ftpcache) > MAXFTPCACHE:
         # Prune the cache, rather arbitrarily
         for k in list(self.ftpcache.keys()):
             if k != key:
                 v = self.ftpcache[k]
                 del self.ftpcache[k]
         if not key in self.ftpcache:
             self.ftpcache[key] = \
                 ftpwrapper(user, passwd, host, port, dirs)
         if not file: type = 'D'
         else: type = 'I'
         for attr in attrs:
             attr, value = splitvalue(attr)
             if attr.lower() == 'type' and \
                value in ('a', 'A', 'i', 'I', 'd', 'D'):
                 type = value.upper()
         (fp, retrlen) = self.ftpcache[key].retrfile(file, type)
         mtype = mimetypes.guess_type("ftp:" + url)[0]
         headers = ""
         if mtype:
             headers += "Content-Type: %s\n" % mtype
         if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0:
             headers += "Content-Length: %d\n" % retrlen
         headers = mimetools.Message(StringIO(headers))
         return addinfourl(fp, headers, "ftp:" + url)
     except ftperrors() as msg:
         raise IOError('ftp error', msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def ftp_open(self, req):
        When ftp requests are made using this handler, this function gets
        called at some point, and it in turn calls the ``connect_ftp`` method.
        In this subclass's reimplementation of ``connect_ftp``, the FQDN of
        the request's host is needed for looking up login credentials in the
        password manager. However, by the time ``connect_ftp`` is called, that
        information has been stripped away, and the host argument passed to
        ``connect_ftp`` contains only the host's IP address instead of the
        FQDN. This reimplementation of ``ftp_open``, which is little more than
        a copy-and-paste from the superclass's implementation, captures the
        original host FQDN before it is replaced with the IP address and saves
        it for later use.

        This reimplementation also ensures that the file size appears in the
        response header by querying for it directly. For some FTP servers the
        original implementation should handle this (``retrlen`` should contain
        the file size). However, for others this can fail silently due to the
        server response not matching an anticipated regular expression.

        import sys
        import email
        import socket
        from urllib.error import URLError
        from urllib.parse import splitattr, splitpasswd, splitvalue
        from urllib.response import addinfourl

        #  COPIED FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open (PYTHON 3.6.6)  #
        #  WITH JUST A FEW ADDITIONS                       #

        import ftplib
        import mimetypes
        host = req.host
        if not host:
            raise URLError('ftp error: no host given')
        host, port = splitport(host)
        if port is None:
            port = ftplib.FTP_PORT
            port = int(port)

        # username/password handling
        user, host = splituser(host)
        if user:
            user, passwd = splitpasswd(user)
            passwd = None
        host = unquote(host)
        user = user or ''
        passwd = passwd or ''

        # DIFFERENT FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open
        # save the host FQDN for later
        self.last_req_host = host
            host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
        except OSError as msg:
            raise URLError(msg)
        path, attrs = splitattr(req.selector)
        dirs = path.split('/')
        dirs = list(map(unquote, dirs))
        dirs, file = dirs[:-1], dirs[-1]
        if dirs and not dirs[0]:
            dirs = dirs[1:]
            fw = self.connect_ftp(user, passwd, host, port, dirs, req.timeout)
            type = file and 'I' or 'D'
            for attr in attrs:
                attr, value = splitvalue(attr)
                if attr.lower() == 'type' and \
                   value in ('a', 'A', 'i', 'I', 'd', 'D'):
                    type = value.upper()
            # DIFFERENT FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open
            size = fw.ftp.size(file)
            fp, retrlen = fw.retrfile(file, type)
            headers = ""
            mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(req.full_url)[0]
            if mtype:
                headers += "Content-type: %s\n" % mtype
            if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0:
                headers += "Content-length: %d\n" % retrlen
            # DIFFERENT FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open
            elif size is not None and size >= 0:
                headers += "Content-length: %d\n" % size
            headers = email.message_from_string(headers)
            return addinfourl(fp, headers, req.full_url)
        except ftplib.all_errors as exp:
            exc = URLError('ftp error: %r' % exp)
            raise exc.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def smb_open(self, req):
        global USE_NTLM, MACHINE_NAME

        host = req.get_host()
        if not host:
            raise urllib.error.URLError('SMB error: no host given')
        host, port = splitport(host)
        if port is None:
            port = 139
            port = int(port)

        # username/password handling
        user, host = splituser(host)
        if user:
            user, passwd = splitpasswd(user)
            passwd = None
        host = unquote(host)
        user = user or ''
        passwd = passwd or ''
        myname = MACHINE_NAME or self.generateClientMachineName()

        n = NetBIOS()
        names = n.queryIPForName(host)
        if names:
            server_name = names[0]
            raise urllib.error.URLError('SMB error: Hostname does not reply back with its machine name')

        path, attrs = splitattr(req.get_selector())
        if path.startswith('/'):
            path = path[1:]
        dirs = path.split('/')
        dirs = list(map(unquote, dirs))
        service, path = dirs[0], '/'.join(dirs[1:])

            conn = SMBConnection(user, passwd, myname, server_name, use_ntlm_v2 = USE_NTLM)
            conn.connect(host, port)

            headers = email.message.Message()
            if req.has_data():
                data_fp = req.get_data()
                filelen = conn.storeFile(service, path, data_fp)

                headers.add_header('Content-length', '0')
                fp = BytesIO(b"")
                fp = self.createTempFile()
                file_attrs, retrlen = conn.retrieveFile(service, path, fp)

                mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(req.get_full_url())[0]
                if mtype:
                    headers.add_header('Content-type', mtype)
                if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0:
                    headers.add_header('Content-length', '%d' % retrlen)

            return addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
        except Exception as ex:
            raise urllib.error.URLError('smb error: %s' % ex).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _parse_proxy(proxy):
    """Return (scheme, user, password, host/port) given a URL or an authority.

    If a URL is supplied, it must have an authority (host:port) component.
    According to RFC 3986, having an authority component means the URL must
    have two slashes after the scheme:

    >>> _parse_proxy('file:/ftp.example.com/')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: proxy URL with no authority: 'file:/ftp.example.com/'

    The first three items of the returned tuple may be None.

    Examples of authority parsing:

    >>> _parse_proxy('proxy.example.com')
    (None, None, None, 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('proxy.example.com:3128')
    (None, None, None, 'proxy.example.com:3128')

    The authority component may optionally include userinfo (assumed to be

    >>> _parse_proxy('joe:[email protected]')
    (None, 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('joe:[email protected]:3128')
    (None, 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com:3128')

    Same examples, but with URLs instead:

    >>> _parse_proxy('http://proxy.example.com/')
    ('http', None, None, 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('http://proxy.example.com:3128/')
    ('http', None, None, 'proxy.example.com:3128')
    >>> _parse_proxy('http://*****:*****@proxy.example.com/')
    ('http', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('http://*****:*****@proxy.example.com:3128')
    ('http', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com:3128')

    Everything after the authority is ignored:

    >>> _parse_proxy('ftp://*****:*****@proxy.example.com/rubbish:3128')
    ('ftp', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')

    Test for no trailing '/' case:

    >>> _parse_proxy('http://*****:*****@proxy.example.com')
    ('http', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')

    scheme, r_scheme = splittype(proxy)
    if not r_scheme.startswith("/"):
        # authority
        scheme = None
        authority = proxy
        # URL
        if not r_scheme.startswith("//"):
            raise ValueError("proxy URL with no authority: %r" % proxy)
        # We have an authority, so for RFC 3986-compliant URLs (by ss 3.
        # and 3.3.), path is empty or starts with '/'
        end = r_scheme.find("/", 2)
        if end == -1:
            end = None
        authority = r_scheme[2:end]
    userinfo, hostport = splituser(authority)
    if userinfo is not None:
        user, password = splitpasswd(userinfo)
        user = password = None
    return scheme, user, password, hostport
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _parse_proxy(proxy):
    """Return (scheme, user, password, host/port) given a URL or an authority.

    If a URL is supplied, it must have an authority (host:port) component.
    According to RFC 3986, having an authority component means the URL must
    have two slashes after the scheme:

    >>> _parse_proxy('file:/ftp.example.com/')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: proxy URL with no authority: 'file:/ftp.example.com/'

    The first three items of the returned tuple may be None.

    Examples of authority parsing:

    >>> _parse_proxy('proxy.example.com')
    (None, None, None, 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('proxy.example.com:3128')
    (None, None, None, 'proxy.example.com:3128')

    The authority component may optionally include userinfo (assumed to be

    >>> _parse_proxy('joe:[email protected]')
    (None, 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('joe:[email protected]:3128')
    (None, 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com:3128')

    Same examples, but with URLs instead:

    >>> _parse_proxy('http://proxy.example.com/')
    ('http', None, None, 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('http://proxy.example.com:3128/')
    ('http', None, None, 'proxy.example.com:3128')
    >>> _parse_proxy('http://*****:*****@proxy.example.com/')
    ('http', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')
    >>> _parse_proxy('http://*****:*****@proxy.example.com:3128')
    ('http', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com:3128')

    Everything after the authority is ignored:

    >>> _parse_proxy('ftp://*****:*****@proxy.example.com/rubbish:3128')
    ('ftp', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')

    Test for no trailing '/' case:

    >>> _parse_proxy('http://*****:*****@proxy.example.com')
    ('http', 'joe', 'password', 'proxy.example.com')

    scheme, r_scheme = splittype(proxy)
    if not r_scheme.startswith("/"):
        # authority
        scheme = None
        authority = proxy
        # URL
        if not r_scheme.startswith("//"):
            raise ValueError("proxy URL with no authority: %r" % proxy)
        # We have an authority, so for RFC 3986-compliant URLs (by ss 3.
        # and 3.3.), path is empty or starts with '/'
        end = r_scheme.find("/", 2)
        if end == -1:
            end = None
        authority = r_scheme[2:end]
    userinfo, hostport = splituser(authority)
    if userinfo is not None:
        user, password = splitpasswd(userinfo)
        user = password = None
    return scheme, user, password, hostport
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def ftp_open(self, req):
        host = req.get_host()
        if not host:
            raise IOError('ftp error', 'no host given')
        host, port = splitport(host)
        if port is None:
            port = ftplib.FTP_PORT
            port = int(port)

        # username/password handling
        user, host = splituser(host)
        if user:
            user, passwd = splitpasswd(user)
            passwd = None
        host = unquote(host)
        user = unquote(user or '')
        passwd = unquote(passwd or '')

            host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
        except socket.error as msg:
            raise URLError(msg)
        path, attrs = splitattr(req.get_selector())
        dirs = path.split('/')
        dirs = map(unquote, dirs)
        dirs, file = dirs[:-1], dirs[-1]
        if dirs and not dirs[0]:
            dirs = dirs[1:]
            fw = self.connect_ftp(user, passwd, host, port, dirs)
            type = file and 'I' or 'D'
            for attr in attrs:
                attr, value = splitattr(attr)
                if attr.lower() == 'type' and \
                   value in ('a', 'A', 'i', 'I', 'd', 'D'):
                    type = value.upper()

            # -- range support modifications start here
            rest = None
            range_tup = range_header_to_tuple(req.headers.get('Range', None))
            assert range_tup != ()
            if range_tup:
                (fb, lb) = range_tup
                if fb > 0: rest = fb
            # -- range support modifications end here

            fp, retrlen = fw.retrfile(file, type, rest)

            # -- range support modifications start here
            if range_tup:
                (fb, lb) = range_tup
                if lb == '':
                    if retrlen is None or retrlen == 0:
                        raise RangeError(
                            'Requested Range Not Satisfiable due to unobtainable file length.'
                    lb = retrlen
                    retrlen = lb - fb
                    if retrlen < 0:
                        # beginning of range is larger than file
                        raise RangeError(9, 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable')
                    retrlen = lb - fb
                    fp = RangeableFileObject(fp, (0, retrlen))
            # -- range support modifications end here

            headers = ""
            mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(req.get_full_url())[0]
            if mtype:
                headers += "Content-Type: %s\n" % mtype
            if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0:
                headers += "Content-Length: %d\n" % retrlen
            sf = StringIO(headers)
            headers = mimetools.Message(sf)
            return addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
        except ftplib.all_errors as msg:
            raise IOError('ftp error', msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])