def __call__(self, command, args={}): """ Main Api Function - encodes and sends <command> with optional [args] to Poloniex api - raises 'poloniex.PoloniexError' if an api key or secret is missing (and the command is 'private'), if the <command> is not valid, or if an error is returned from - returns decoded json api message """ # get command type cmdType = self.checkCmd(command) # pass the command args['command'] = command payload = {} # add timeout payload['timeout'] = self.timeout # private? if cmdType == 'Private': payload['url'] = '' # wait for coach if # set nonce args['nonce'] = self.nonce # add args to payload payload['data'] = args # sign data with our Secret sign = _new( self.secret.encode('utf-8'), _urlencode(args).encode('utf-8'), _sha512) # add headers to payload payload['headers'] = {'Sign': sign.hexdigest(), 'Key': self.key} # send the call ret = _post(**payload) # return data return self.handleReturned(ret.text) # public? if cmdType == 'Public': # encode url payload['url'] = '' + _urlencode(args) # wait for coach if # send the call ret = _get(**payload) # return data return self.handleReturned(ret.text)
def cancel_order_huobi(key, order_id): HUOBI_CANCEL_PATH = HUOBI_CANCEL_ORDER + str(order_id) + "/submitcancel" final_url = HUOBI_API_URL + HUOBI_CANCEL_PATH + "?" body = init_body(key) message = _urlencode(body).encode('utf8') msg = "POST\n{base_url}\n{path}\n{msg1}".format(base_url=HUOBI_API_ONLY, path=HUOBI_CANCEL_PATH, msg1=message) signature = sign_string_256_base64(key.secret, msg) body.append(("Signature", signature)) final_url += _urlencode(body).encode('utf8') body = {} post_details = PostRequestDetails(final_url, HUOBI_POST_HEADERS, body) if get_logging_level() >= LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP: msg = "cancel_order_huobi: url - {url} headers - {headers} body - {body}".format( url=final_url, headers=HUOBI_POST_HEADERS, body=body) print_to_console(msg, LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP) log_to_file(msg, "market_utils.log") err_msg = "cancel huobi order with id {id}".format(id=order_id) return send_post_request_with_logging(post_details, err_msg)
def urlencode(query, doseq=False, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None): """ common urlencode function """ try: # Python v3.x return _urlencode( query, doseq=doseq, safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) except TypeError: # Python v2.7 return _urlencode(query)
def unsubscribe(self, chan): """ Sends the 'unsubscribe' command for <chan> """ # account chan? if chan in ['1000', 1000]: # sending commands to 'account' requires a key, secret and nonce if not self.key or not self.secret: raise PoloniexError( "self.key and self.secret needed for 'account' channel") payload = {'nonce': self.nonce} payload_encoded = _urlencode(payload) sign = _new(self.secret.encode('utf-8'), payload_encoded.encode('utf-8'), _sha512) self.socket.send( _dumps({ 'command': 'unsubscribe', 'channel': chan, 'sign': sign.hexdigest(), 'key': self.key, 'payload': payload_encoded })) else: self.socket.send( _dumps({ 'command': 'unsubscribe', 'channel': chan }))
def __call__(self, route, args={}): """ Main Api Function - raises 'cryptocompare.CryptoCompareError' if the <route> is not valid, or if an error is returned from Cryptocompare API - returns decoded json api message """ if route in API_URL_ROUTES: url = self.api_url if route in MAP_ROUTES: url += MAP_ROUTES[route] else: url += route elif route in WEB_URL_ROUTES: url = self.web_url + route else: raise CryptoCompareError("Invalid Command!: %s" % command) ret = _get(url + "?" + _urlencode(args), timeout=self.timeout) jsonout = _loads(ret.text, parse_float=self.parse_float, parse_int=self.parse_int) if "Response" in jsonout: if jsonout["Response"] == "Success": return jsonout else: raise CryptoCompareError(jsonout["Message"]) return jsonout
def marketTradeHist(self, pair, start=False, end=False): """ Returns public trade history for <pair> starting at <start> and ending at [end=time()] """ if args = { 'command': 'returnTradeHistory', 'currencyPair': str(pair).upper() } if start: args['start'] = start if end: args['end'] = end ret = _get('' + _urlencode(args), timeout=self.timeout) # decode json if not self.jsonNums: jsonout = _loads(ret.text, parse_float=str) else: jsonout = _loads(ret.text, parse_float=self.jsonNums, parse_int=self.jsonNums) # check if poloniex returned an error if 'error' in jsonout: raise PoloniexError(jsonout['error']) return jsonout
def private_order(command, args={}): global API_key, Secret err = True while err: try: args['command'] = command args['nonce'] = nonce() postData = _urlencode(args) sign = _new(Secret.encode('utf-8'), postData.encode('utf-8'), _sha512) ret = _post('', data=args, headers={ 'Sign': sign.hexdigest(), 'Key': API_key }) return _loads(ret.text, parse_float=str) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except Exception: print(ret) print("### ERROR INESPERADO TIPO:", sys.exc_info()[1]) print('### ERROR AL EJECUTAR PRIVATE ORDER ' + command + ' ###') print('### ESPERANDO 30 SEGUNDOS ###') time.sleep(30)
def unsubscribe(self, chan): """ Sends the 'unsubscribe' command for <chan> """ if isinstance(chan, int): chan = self._getChannelName(str(chan)) # account chan? if chan == 'account': # sending commands to 'account' requires a key, secret and nonce if not self.key or not self.secret: raise PoloniexError( "self.key and self.secret needed for 'account' channel") self.channels[chan]['sub'] = False payload = {'nonce': self.nonce} payload_encoded = _urlencode(payload) sign = _new(self.secret.encode('utf-8'), payload_encoded.encode('utf-8'), _sha512) self.socket.send( _dumps({ 'command': 'unsubscribe', 'channel': self.channels[chan]['id'], 'sign': sign.hexdigest(), 'key': self.key, 'payload': payload_encoded })) else: self.channels[chan]['sub'] = False self.socket.send( _dumps({ 'command': 'unsubscribe', 'channel': self.channels[chan]['id'] }))
def cancel_order_bittrex(key, order_id): # final_url = BITTREX_CANCEL_ORDER + key.api_key + "&nonce=" + str( generate_nonce()) body = { "uuid": order_id, } final_url += _urlencode(body) headers = {"apisign": signed_string(final_url, key.secret)} post_details = PostRequestDetails(final_url, headers, body) if get_logging_level() >= LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP: msg = "cancel_order_bittrex: {res}".format(res=post_details) print_to_console(msg, LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP) log_to_file(msg, "market_utils.log") err_msg = "cancel bittrex order with id {id}".format(id=order_id) res = send_get_request_with_header(post_details.final_url, post_details.headers, err_msg, timeout=BITTREX_DEAL_TIMEOUT) if get_logging_level() >= LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP: print_to_console(res, LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP) log_to_file(res, "market_utils.log") return res
def marketTradeHist(self, currencyPair, start=False, end=False): """ Returns the past 200 trades for a given market, or up to 50,000 trades between a range specified in UNIX timestamps by the "start" and "end" parameters. """ if args = { 'command': 'returnTradeHistory', 'currencyPair': str(currencyPair).upper() } if start: args['start'] = start if end: args['end'] = end ret = _get('' + _urlencode(args), timeout=self.timeout) # decode json if not self.jsonNums: jsonout = _loads(ret.text, parse_float=str) else: jsonout = _loads(ret.text, parse_float=self.jsonNums, parse_int=self.jsonNums) # check if poloniex returned an error if 'error' in jsonout: raise PoloniexError(jsonout['error']) return jsonout
def urlencode(query): # Dict[str, str] -> str return py2_decode( _urlencode({ py2_encode(param): py2_encode(arg) for param, arg in query.items() }))
def urlencode(string, encoding): try: from urllib import quote as _urlencode except ImportError: from urllib.parse import quote as _urlencode return _urlencode(string.encode(encoding))
def urlencode(params): utf8_params = encode_params_utf8(params) urlencoded = _urlencode(utf8_params) if isinstance(urlencoded, unicode_type): # PY3 returns unicode return urlencoded else: return urlencoded.decode("utf-8")
def urlencode(query, doseq=0, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None): if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' if errors is None: errors = 'strict' def encode_value(v): try: return codecs.encode(v, encoding, errors) except UnicodeError: raise except (AttributeError, TypeError): return str(v) try: quoted = [] for name, value in query: quoted.append((encode_value(name), encode_value(value))) query = quoted except UnicodeError: raise except (TypeError, ValueError): # pragma no cover # doesn't look like a sequence of tuples, maybe a dict? try: quoted = {} for name, value in query.items(): quoted[encode_value(name)] = encode_value(value) query = quoted except AttributeError: # not a dictionary either pass return _urlencode(query, doseq=doseq)
def __call__(self, command, args={}): """ Main Api Function - encodes and sends <command> with optional [args] to Poloniex api - raises 'poloniex.PoloniexError' if an api key or secret is missing (and the command is 'private'), if the <command> is not valid, or if an error is returned from - returns decoded json api message """ global PUBLIC_COMMANDS, PRIVATE_COMMANDS # check in with the coach if # pass the command args['command'] = command # private? if command in PRIVATE_COMMANDS: # check for keys if not self.key or not self.secret: raise PoloniexError("An Api Key and Secret needed!") # set nonce args['nonce'] = self.nonce # encode arguments for url postData = _urlencode(args) # sign postData with our Secret sign = _new(self.secret.encode('utf-8'), postData.encode('utf-8'), _sha512) # post request ret = _post('', data=args, headers={ 'Sign': sign.hexdigest(), 'Key': self.key }, timeout=self.timeout) # decode json return self.parseJson(ret.text) # public? elif command in PUBLIC_COMMANDS: ret = _get('' + _urlencode(args), timeout=self.timeout) # decode json return self.parseJson(ret.text) else: raise PoloniexError("Invalid Command!: %s" % command)
def generate_body_and_url_get_request(key, base_url, path): body = [('AccessKeyId', key.api_key), ('SignatureMethod', 'HmacSHA256'), ('SignatureVersion', 2), ('Timestamp', ts_to_string_utc(get_now_seconds_utc(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))] message = _urlencode(body).encode('utf8') msg = "GET\n{base_url}\n{path}\n{msg1}".format(base_url=base_url, path=path, msg1=message) signature = sign_string_256_base64(key.secret, msg) body.append(("Signature", signature)) return body, _urlencode(body)
def urlencode(d, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(d, 'items'): d = list(d.items()) else: d = list(d) d = [(_reencode(k), _reencode(v)) for k, v in d] return _urlencode(d, *args, **kwargs)
def sendsms2sedes(cls): link, data = '{host}:{port}/sendsms'.format( **cls.application.slave_server), _urlencode( dict(msg=cls.msg.tenor, personas=cls.persons2Json())) print link response = yield asyncClient(link=link, data=data) if response: for id_per in cls.personas:, mensaje=cls.msg.id_msj) else: _messagesCrt.delete(id_msj=cls.msg.id_msj,
def __call__(self, command, args={}, api={}): global PUBLIC_COMMANDS, PRIVATE_COMMANDS args['action'] = command '/index.php?page=api' api['api_key'] = self.key if command in PRIVATE_COMMANDS: if not self.url or not self.key: raise mposextractorError( "url and an api key is required for this command!") ret = _get(self.url + '/index.php?page=api&' + _urlencode(args) + "&" + _urlencode(api)) return ret.text elif command in PUBLIC_COMMANDS: ret = _get('' + _urlencode(args)) return ret.text else: raise mposextractorError("Invalid Command!")
def deleteAgendasOnSedes(cls, agendas=list()): #print cls.application.slave_server print '{}: {}'.format(cls.__class__.__name__, agendas) if isinstance(agendas, list) and len(agendas): link, data = '{host}:{port}/delete_agendas'.format( **cls.application.slave_server), _urlencode(dict(agendas=agendas)) response = yield asyncClient(link=link, data=data) if response: print 'Agendas has been delete on SEDES' else: print 'Lost connection with SEDES'
def urlencode(query, doseq=False, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None): """Convert a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples Wrapper to Python's unquote while remaining compatible with both Python 2 & 3 since the reference to this function changed between versions. The resulting string is a series of key=value pairs separated by '&' characters, where both key and value are quoted using the quote() function. Note: If the dictionary entry contains an entry that is set to None it is not included in the final result set. If you want to pass in an empty variable, set it to an empty string. Args: query (dict): The dictionary to encode doseq (:obj:`bool`, optional): Handle sequences safe (:obj:`str`): non-ascii characters and URI specific ones that you do not wish to escape (if detected). Setting this string to an empty one causes everything to be escaped. encoding (:obj:`str`, optional): encoding type errors (:obj:`str`, errors): how to handle invalid character found in encoded string (defined by encoding) Returns: str: The escaped parameters returned as a string """ # Tidy query by eliminating any records set to None _query = {k: v for (k, v) in iteritems(query) if v is not None} try: # Python v3.x return _urlencode(_query, doseq=doseq, safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) except TypeError: # Python v2.7 return _urlencode(_query)
def sendsms2sedes(cls): link, data = ( "{host}:{port}/sendsms".format(**cls.application.slave_server), _urlencode(dict(msg=cls.msg.tenor, personas=cls.persons2Json())), ) print link response = yield asyncClient(link=link, data=data) if response: for id_per in cls.personas:, mensaje=cls.msg.id_msj) else: _messagesCrt.delete(id_msj=cls.msg.id_msj,
def generate_post_request(final_url, body, key): signature = signed_body_256(body, key.secret) body["signature"] = signature final_url += _urlencode(body) headers = {"X-MBX-APIKEY": key.api_key} # Yeah, body after that should be empty body = {} return PostRequestDetails(final_url, headers, body)
def deleteAgendasOnSedes(cls, agendas=list()): # print cls.application.slave_server print "{}: {}".format(cls.__class__.__name__, agendas) if isinstance(agendas, list) and len(agendas): link, data = ( "{host}:{port}/delete_agendas".format(**cls.application.slave_server), _urlencode(dict(agendas=agendas)), ) response = yield asyncClient(link=link, data=data) if response: print "Agendas has been delete on SEDES" else: print "Lost connection with SEDES"
def capes_for(department_form_val): form, select = _search_form_and_select_tag() field_name = select.get(NAME) # method = form.get(HTTP_METHOD) # if method != HTTP_GET: # raise ValueError("Expected GET form submission method; Got "+repr(method)) action = form.get(ACTION) dest_url = _urljoin(CAPE_SEARCH_URL, action) dept_url = "%s?%s" % (dest_url, _urlencode({field_name:department_form_val})) tree = url2tree(dept_url) for link in section_links(tree): cape = parse_detailed_page(link) if cape is not None: yield cape
def capes_for(department_form_val): form, select = _search_form_and_select_tag() field_name = select.get(NAME) # method = form.get(HTTP_METHOD) # if method != HTTP_GET: # raise ValueError("Expected GET form submission method; Got "+repr(method)) action = form.get(ACTION) dest_url = _urljoin(CAPE_SEARCH_URL, action) dept_url = "%s?%s" % (dest_url, _urlencode({field_name: department_form_val})) tree = url2tree(dept_url) for link in section_links(tree): cape = parse_detailed_page(link) if cape is not None: yield cape
def get_balance_bittrex_post_details(key): final_url = BITTREX_CHECK_BALANCE + key.api_key + "&nonce=" + str( generate_nonce()) body = {} final_url += _urlencode(body) headers = {"apisign": signed_string(final_url, key.secret)} res = PostRequestDetails(final_url, headers, body) if should_print_debug(): print_to_console(res, LOG_ALL_MARKET_NETWORK_RELATED_CRAP) return res
def public_order(command, args={}): err = True while err: try: args['command'] = command ret = _get('' + _urlencode(args)) return _loads(ret.text, parse_float=str) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() except Exception: print(ret) print("### ERROR INESPERADO TIPO:", sys.exc_info()[1]) print('### ERROR AL EJECUTAR PUBLIC ORDER ' + command + ' ###') print('### ESPERANDO 30 SEGUNDOS ###') time.sleep(30)
def marketTradeHist(self, currencyPair, start=False, end=False): """ Returns the past 200 trades for a given market, or up to 50,000 trades between a range specified in UNIX timestamps by the "start" and "end" parameters. """ if args = {'command': 'returnTradeHistory', 'currencyPair': str(currencyPair).upper()} if start: args['start'] = start if end: args['end'] = end ret = _get( '' + _urlencode(args), timeout=self.timeout) # decode json return self.handleReturned(ret.text)
def analyze(self, url, locale=LOCALE_ENGLISH_US, strategy=STRATEGY_DESKTOP, rules=None, connect_timeout=_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Makes a request to the Insights API to analyze the specified URL. The optional locale specifies the locale for the results (defaults to 'en_US'). The optional strategy specifies whether to analyze the page from a 'desktop' or 'mobile' perspective. Use the optional 'rules' argument to specify the list of rules to use in analysis (by default, all rules are run).""" # Construct URL query_data = { "key": [self.__key], "locale": [locale], "prettyprint": ["false"], "strategy": [strategy], "url": [url] } if rules is not None: query_data["rule"] = rules user_ip = self.__user_ip if user_ip is not None: query_data["userIp"] = [user_ip] path = "%s?%s" % (self.__URL_PATH, _urlencode(query_data, True)) # Perform analysis conn = _HTTPSConnection(self.__URL_DOMAIN, timeout=connect_timeout) try: conn.request("GET", path) response = conn.getresponse() raw_data = status = response.status finally: conn.close() # Decode the response and handle the result data = _loads(raw_data) if status != 200: raise _Error(data) return _Analysis(data)
def sign_kraken(body, urlpath, secret): """ Sign request data according to Kraken's scheme. :param body: API request parameters :type body: dict :param urlpath: API URL path sans host :type urlpath: str :returns: signature digest """ postdata = _urlencode(body) # Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing encoded = (str(body['nonce']) + postdata).encode() message = urlpath.encode() + hashlib.sha256(encoded).digest() signature =, message, hashlib.sha512) sigdigest = base64.b64encode(signature.digest()) return sigdigest.decode()
def urlencode(params): """Urlencode a multidimensional dict.""" # Not doing duck typing here. Will make debugging easier. if not isinstance(params, dict): raise TypeError("Only dicts are supported.") params = flatten(params) url_params = {} for param in params: value = param.pop() name = parametrize(param) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): name += "[]" url_params[name] = value return _urlencode(url_params, doseq=True)
def add_sell_order_bittrex_url(key, pair_name, price, amount): # final_url = BITTREX_SELL_ORDER + key.api_key + "&nonce=" + str(generate_nonce()) body = { "market": pair_name, "quantity": float_to_str(amount), "rate": float_to_str(price) } final_url += _urlencode(body) headers = {"apisign": signed_string(final_url, key.secret)} res = PostRequestDetails(final_url, headers, body) if get_logging_level() >= LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP: msg = "add_sell_order_bittrex: {res}".format(res=res) print_to_console(msg, LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP) log_to_file(msg, "market_utils.log") return res
def get_order_history_bittrex_post_details(key, pair_name): final_url = BITTREX_GET_TRADE_HISTORY + key.api_key + "&nonce=" + str( generate_nonce()) if pair_name != "all": body = {"market": pair_name} else: body = {} final_url += _urlencode(body) headers = {"apisign": signed_string(final_url, key.secret)} post_details = PostRequestDetails(final_url, headers, body) if get_logging_level() >= LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP: msg = "get_order_history_bittrex_post_details: {res}".format( res=post_details) print_to_console(msg, LOG_ALL_MARKET_RELATED_CRAP) log_to_file(msg, "market_utils.log") return post_details
def urlencode(query, doseq=True): if not doseq: return _urlencode(query, doseq) if hasattr(query, 'items'): query = query.items() return _urlencode([(k,_stringify(v)) for k,v in query], doseq)
def url(path="", qs="", script_name=None, base=None, relative=None): """Create an absolute URL for the given path. If 'path' starts with a slash ('/'), this will return (base + script_name + path + qs). If it does not start with a slash, this returns (base + script_name [+ request.path_info] + path + qs). If script_name is None, cherrypy.request will be used to find a script_name, if available. If base is None, cherrypy.request.base will be used (if available). Note that you can use to change this. Finally, note that this function can be used to obtain an absolute URL for the current request path (minus the querystring) by passing no args. If you call url(qs=cherrypy.request.query_string), you should get the original browser URL (assuming no internal redirections). If relative is None or not provided, will be used (if available, else False). If False, the output will be an absolute URL (including the scheme, host, vhost, and script_name). If True, the output will instead be a URL that is relative to the current request path, perhaps including '..' atoms. If relative is the string 'server', the output will instead be a URL that is relative to the server root; i.e., it will start with a slash. """ if isinstance(qs, (tuple, list, dict)): qs = _urlencode(qs) if qs: qs = '?' + qs if if not path.startswith("/"): # Append/remove trailing slash from path_info as needed # (this is to support mistyped URL's without redirecting; # if you want to redirect, use tools.trailing_slash). pi = request.path_info if request.is_index is True: if not pi.endswith('/'): pi = pi + '/' elif request.is_index is False: if pi.endswith('/') and pi != '/': pi = pi[:-1] if path == "": path = pi else: path = _urljoin(pi, path) if script_name is None: script_name = request.script_name if base is None: base = request.base newurl = base + script_name + path + qs else: # No (we're being called outside a request). # We'll have to guess the base from server.* attributes. # This will produce very different results from the above # if you're using vhosts or tools.proxy. if base is None: base = server.base() path = (script_name or "") + path newurl = base + path + qs if './' in newurl: # Normalize the URL by removing ./ and ../ atoms = [] for atom in newurl.split('/'): if atom == '.': pass elif atom == '..': atoms.pop() else: atoms.append(atom) newurl = '/'.join(atoms) # At this point, we should have a fully-qualified absolute URL. if relative is None: relative = getattr(, "relative_urls", False) # See if relative == 'server': # "A relative reference beginning with a single slash character is # termed an absolute-path reference, as defined by <abs_path>..." # This is also sometimes called "server-relative". newurl = '/' + '/'.join(newurl.split('/', 3)[3:]) elif relative: # "A relative reference that does not begin with a scheme name # or a slash character is termed a relative-path reference." old = url().split('/')[:-1] new = newurl.split('/') while old and new: a, b = old[0], new[0] if a != b: break old.pop(0) new.pop(0) new = (['..'] * len(old)) + new newurl = '/'.join(new) return newurl
def __init__(self, method, uri, args=None, argtypes=None, args_as=None, accept_mediaranges=('application/json', '*/*; q=0.01'), auth=None, authtype='basic', origin=None, headers=None, **kwargs): method_kwargs = {} headers = _odict(headers or ()) method_kwargs['headers'] = headers if origin is not None: headers['Origin'] = origin headers.setdefault('Accept', ', '.join(accept_mediaranges)) if args: if argtypes: untyped_args = [arg for arg in args if arg not in argtypes] else: untyped_args = args.keys() if untyped_args: raise ValueError('missing type specifications for request' ' arguments {}'.format(untyped_args)) if args_as is None: if _http.method_defines_body_semantics(method.upper()): args_as = 'body' else: args_as = 'query' if args_as == 'query': args_json = {name: argtypes[name](value).json() for name, value in args.items()} method_kwargs['params'] = args_json elif args_as == 'body': args_webobjects = {name: argtypes[name](value) for name, value in args.items()} body = _webtypes.json_dumps(args_webobjects) method_kwargs['data'] = body headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' elif args_as == 'body_urlencoded': args_json = {name: argtypes[name](value).json() for name, value in args.items()} body = _urlencode(args_json) method_kwargs['data'] = body headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' else: raise ValueError('invalid argument mechanism {!r}; expected' ' one of {}' .format(args_as, ('query', 'body', 'body_urlencoded'))) if auth is not None: try: auth_class = _requests_auth_classmap[authtype] except KeyError: raise ValueError('invalid authentication type {!r}; expected' ' one of {}' .format(authtype, ('basic', 'digest'))) method_kwargs['auth'] = auth_class(*auth) method_kwargs.update(kwargs) super(WebRequest, self).__init__(method, uri, **method_kwargs)
def _make_url(*dirs, **params): """ dirs must already be url-encoded, params must not """ url = '/'.join(dirs) if params: url += '?' + _urlencode(params) return url