Ejemplo n.º 1
 def compose(self, digest=None, basic=None, username=None, password=None,
             challenge=None, path=None, method=None):
     assert username and password
     if basic or not challenge:
         assert not digest
         userpass = "******" % (username.strip(), password.strip())
         return "Basic %s" % userpass.encode('base64').strip()
     assert challenge and not basic
     path = path or "/"
     (_, realm) = challenge.split('realm="')
     (realm, _) = realm.split('"', 1)
     auth = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler()
     auth.add_password(realm, path, username, password)
     (token, challenge) = challenge.split(' ', 1)
     chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(urllib2.parse_http_list(challenge))
     class FakeRequest(object):
         def get_full_url(self):
             return path
         def has_data(self):
             return False
         def get_method(self):
             return method or "GET"
         get_selector = get_full_url
     retval = "Digest %s" % auth.get_authorization(FakeRequest(), chal)
     return (retval,)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: put.py Proyecto: almuza/xen
def putfile(f, uri, username=None, password=None):
    """HTTP PUT the file f to uri, with optional auth data."""
    host, port, path = parseuri(uri)

    redirect = set([301, 302, 307])
    authenticate = set([401])
    okay = set([200, 201, 204])

    authorized = False
    authorization = None
    tries = 0

    while True:
        # Attempt to HTTP PUT the data
        h = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)

        h.putrequest('PUT', path)

        h.putheader('User-Agent', 'put.py/1.0')
        h.putheader('Connection', 'keep-alive')
        h.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
        h.putheader('Expect', '100-continue')
        h.putheader('Accept', '*/*')
        if authorization:
            h.putheader('Authorization', authorization)

        # Chunked transfer encoding
        # Cf. 'All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and
        # decode the "chunked" transfer-coding'
        # - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html
        while True:
            bytes = f.read(1024)
            if not bytes: break
            length = len(bytes)
            # h.send('%X\r\n' % length)
        # h.send('0\r\n\r\n')

        resp = h.getresponse()
        status = resp.status  # an int

        # Got a response, now decide how to act upon it
        if status in redirect:
            location = resp.getheader('Location')
            uri = urlparse.urljoin(uri, location)
            host, port, path = parseuri(uri)

            # We may have to authenticate again
            if authorization:
                authorization = None

        elif status in authenticate:
            # If we've done this already, break
            if authorization:
                # barf("Going around in authentication circles")
                barf("Authentication failed")

            if not (username and password):
                barf("Need a username and password to authenticate with")

            # Get the scheme: Basic or Digest?
            wwwauth = resp.msg['www-authenticate']  # We may need this again
            wauth = wwwauth.lstrip(' \t')  # Hence use wauth not wwwauth here
            wauth = wwwauth.replace('\t', ' ')
            i = wauth.index(' ')
            scheme = wauth[:i].lower()

            if scheme in set(['basic', 'digest']):
                if verbose:
                    msg = "Performing %s Authentication..." % scheme.capitalize(
                    print >> sys.stderr, msg
                barf("Unknown authentication scheme: %s" % scheme)

            if scheme == 'basic':
                import base64
                userpass = username + ':' + password
                userpass = base64.encodestring(userpass).strip()
                authorized, authorization = True, 'Basic ' + userpass

            elif scheme == 'digest':
                if verbose:
                    msg = "uses fragile, undocumented features in urllib2"
                    print >> sys.stderr, "Warning! Digest Auth %s" % msg

                import urllib2  # See warning above

                passwd = type(
                    'Password', (object, ), {
                        lambda self, *args: (username, password),
                        lambda self, *args: None

                req = type(
                    'Request', (object, ), {
                        'get_full_url': lambda self: uri,
                        'has_data': lambda self: None,
                        'get_method': lambda self: 'PUT',
                        'get_selector': lambda self: path

                # Cf. urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler.retry_http_digest_auth
                auth = urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler(passwd)
                token, challenge = wwwauth.split(' ', 1)
                chal = urllib2.parse_keqv_list(
                userpass = auth.get_authorization(req, chal)
                authorized, authorization = True, 'Digest ' + userpass

        elif status in okay:
            if (username and password) and (not authorized):
                msg = "Warning! The supplied username and password went unused"
                print >> sys.stderr, msg

            if verbose:
                resultLine = "Success! Resource %s"
                statuses = {200: 'modified', 201: 'created', 204: 'modified'}
                print resultLine % statuses[status]

                statusLine = "Response-Status: %s %s"
                print statusLine % (status, resp.reason)

                body = resp.read(58)
                body = body.rstrip('\r\n')
                body = body.encode('string_escape')

                if len(body) >= 58:
                    body = body[:57] + '[...]'

                bodyLine = 'Response-Body: "%s"'
                print bodyLine % body

        # @@ raise PutError, do the catching in main?
            barf('Got "%s %s"' % (status, resp.reason))

        tries += 1
        if tries >= 50:
            barf("Too many redirects")

    return status, resp