def handleResponse(self, data): import urlparse from twisted.internet import reactor req = self.request resp = self.response resp.addbody(data) m = req.get_method() if not resp.status: # Interrupted, or something like that. log.msg('handleResponse without a status?', system='http') return if hasattr(self, 'handleResponse%d' % resp.status): getattr(self, 'handleResponse%d' % resp.status)() elif (resp.status in (301, 302, 303, 307) and m in ("GET", "HEAD") or resp.status in (301, 302, 303) and m == "POST"): # Some sane defaults newurl = self.response.getheader('Location') newurl = urlparse.urljoin(req.get_full_url(), newurl) log.msg("redirecting %s request to %s" % (m, newurl)) newreq = URLRequest(newurl,, headers=req.headers) resdef, self.resdef = self.resdef, None protocol.ClientCreator( reactor, HTTPClient, newreq, resdef, self.timeout).connectTCP(*splithostport(newreq)) elif (resp.status - resp.status % 100) in (400, 500, 600): resdef, self.resdef = self.resdef, None resdef.errback(HTTPError(resp.status, resp)) else: resdef, self.resdef = self.resdef, None resdef.callback(resp)
def downloadCRL(url, outFile=None, progressnotifier=None, blocksize=1024): """ :return: CertificateList ASN.1 object """ # Open HTTP connection headers = {'Accept': 'application/pkix-crl', 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT} req = URLRequest(url, headers=headers) res = urlopen(req, timeout=1) # Download in chunks totalBytes = int('Content-Length').strip()) bytesRead = 0 data = str() while bytesRead < totalBytes: # Read chunk bytesToRead = blocksize if totalBytes - bytesRead < bytesToRead: bytesToRead = totalBytes - bytesRead data += bytesRead = len(data) # Update progress if progressnotifier: progressnotifier(bytesRead, totalBytes) # Write to file if specified if outFile: with open(outFile, 'w') as f: f.write(data) return CertificateList.fromBitString(data)
def sendRequest( self, request, timeout = None, log = False, log_data = False): if log: print(">" * 32) print("[%s]>> REQUEST: %s, method: %s, data:" % (, request.get_full_url(), request.get_method()) ) if log_data: pprint.pprint( request.get_data() ) if timeout is None: timeout = 3600 try: response = request, timeout = timeout ) except HTTPError as err: if err.code == 404: raise RestNotFoundError( "Wrong URL: %s" % (request.get_full_url(),) ) elif err.code == 401: try: self.connect() req = URLRequest( request.get_full_url(), request.get_data(), request.headers ) req.get_method = request.get_method self._addEmcHeaders( req ) response = req, timeout = timeout ) except HTTPError as err: raise RestJsonError( ) else: raise RestJsonError( ) self._saveCsrfToken( response ) return response
def create( self, name, payloadPath = None, payloadContent = None ): '''Create a new payload. Args: name (str): the name of the payload to create. payloadPath (str): path to the file containing the payload. payloadContent (bytes): content of the new payload. ''' if payloadPath is None and payloadContent is None: raise LcApiException( 'no payload content or path specified' ) data = self._manager._apiCall( 'payload/%s/%s' % ( self._manager._oid, name ), POST, {} ) putUrl = data.get( 'put_url', None ) if putUrl is None: return None if payloadContent is None: with open( payloadPath, 'rb' ) as f: payloadContent = request = URLRequest( str( putUrl ), headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' } ) request.get_method = lambda: "PUT" u = urlopen( request, data = payloadContent ) return
def handleResponse401(self): from twisted.internet import reactor # Plug in a basic auth handler by default req = self.request resp = self.response auth = resp.getheader('WWW-Authenticate') if not auth: log.err("no auth header in 401 response") resdef, self.resdef = self.resdef, None resdef.errback(ValueError('401 without auth!')) return scheme, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1) authmeth = 'get%sAuthResponse' % (scheme.capitalize()) if hasattr(self, authmeth): authresp = getattr(self, authmeth)(challenge) if authresp: resdef, self.resdef = self.resdef, None newreq = URLRequest(req.get_full_url(),, headers=req.headers) newreq.add_header('Authorization', '%s %s' % (scheme, authresp)) protocol.ClientCreator( reactor, HTTPClient, newreq, resdef, self.timeout).connectTCP(*splithostport(newreq)) else: log.err("auth scheme %s not supported" % scheme) resdef, self.resdef = self.resdef, None resdef.errback( ValueError('401 auth scheme %s not supported' % scheme)) return
def _restCall(self, url, verb, params, altRoot=None, queryParams=None, rawBody=None, contentType=None, isNoAuth=False): try: if not isNoAuth: headers = {"Authorization": "bearer %s" % self._jwt} else: headers = {} if altRoot is None: url = '%s/%s/%s' % (ROOT_URL, API_VERSION, url) else: url = '%s/%s' % (altRoot, url) if queryParams is not None: url = '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(queryParams)) request = URLRequest(url, rawBody if rawBody is not None else urlencode( params, doseq=True).encode(), headers=headers) request.get_method = lambda: verb request.add_header('User-Agent', 'lc-py-api') if contentType is not None: request.add_header('Content-Type', contentType) u = urlopen(request) try: data = if 0 != len(data): resp = json.loads(data.decode()) else: resp = {} except ValueError as e: LcApiException("Failed to decode data from API: %s" % e) u.close() ret = (200, resp) except HTTPError as e: errorBody = try: ret = (e.getcode(), json.loads(errorBody.decode())) except: ret = (e.getcode(), errorBody) self._printDebug("%s: %s ( %s ) ==> %s ( %s )" % (verb, url, str(params), ret[0], str(ret[1]))) return ret
def __login( self ): url = self.request_url + '/index.html' cj = cookielib.CookieJar() url_opener = build_opener( HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) ) self.url_opener = url_opener response = URLRequest( url ) ) location = response.headers.get('Location', None) if location: request = URLRequest( location ) else: # already open request = URLRequest( url ) request.add_header('X-EMC-REST-CLIENT', 'TRUE') request.add_header('Authorization', b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode( self.user + b':' + self.password )) request.add_header('WWW_Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Security Realm"') # login and store cookuies try: request ) except HTTPError as err: if err.code == 401: request.add_header('Authorization', b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode( self.user + b':' + "Password123#" )) request )
def urlopen(url, factory=None, timeout=300): from twisted.internet import reactor if factory is None: factory = HTTPClientFactory resdef = defer.Deferred() if isinstance(url, basestring): url = URLRequest(url) host, port = splithostport(url) f = factory(url, resdef, timeout) resdef = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, f) return f.deferred
def fetch_url(url): """ Fetch URL using sane UA and encoding processing""" request = URLRequest( url, None, { 'User-Agent': ('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8)' 'AppleWebKit/536.25 (KHTML, like Gecko)' 'Version/6.0 Safari/536.25') }) opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(CookieJar())) with closing( data = enc = detect(data).get('encoding') if enc: data = data.decode(enc).encode('utf8') return data
def ocspGetRequest(url, ocspReq, timeout=1): if url[-1] == '/': url = url[:-1] data = ocspReq if isinstance(ocspReq, OCSPRequest): data = ocspReq.toBitString() headers = { 'Accept' : 'application/ocsp-response', 'User-Agent' : USER_AGENT } encoded = urlquote.quote_plus(b64encode(data)) req = URLRequest('{}/{}'.format(url, encoded), headers=headers) res = urlopen(req, timeout=timeout) if res: return OCSPResponse.fromBitString( return None
def ocspPostRequest(url, ocspReq, timeout=1): if url[-1] == '/': url = url[:-1] data = ocspReq if isinstance(ocspReq, OCSPRequest): data = ocspReq.toBitString() headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/ocsp-request', 'Accept' : 'application/ocsp-response', 'User-Agent' : USER_AGENT } req = URLRequest(url, data=data, headers=headers) res = urlopen(req, timeout=timeout) if res: return OCSPResponse.fromBitString( return None
def makeJsonRequest( self, rest_request ): url = self.request_url + rest_request.path request = URLRequest( url ) request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json') self._addEmcHeaders( request ) if rest_request.content: if isinstance( rest_request.content, dict ): content = json.dumps( rest_request.content ) else: content = rest_request.content request.add_data( content ) if rest_request.http_method: request.get_method = lambda http_method = str(rest_request.http_method): http_method return request
def get( self, name ): '''Get a specific payload content. Args: name (str): the name of the payload to get. ''' data = self._manager._apiCall( 'payload/%s/%s' % ( self._manager._oid, name ), GET, {} ) getUrl = data.get( 'get_url', None ) if getUrl is None: return None request = URLRequest( getUrl ) request.get_method = lambda: "GET" u = urlopen( request ) return
def _refreshJWT(self): try: if self._secret_api_key is None: raise Exception('No API key set') authData = {"secret": self._secret_api_key} if self._uid is not None: authData['uid'] = self._uid else: authData['oid'] = self._oid request = URLRequest(API_TO_JWT_URL, urlencode(authData).encode()) request.get_method = lambda: "POST" u = urlopen(request) self._jwt = json.loads(['jwt'] u.close() except Exception as e: self._jwt = None raise LcApiException('Failed to get JWT from API key: %s' % e)
def makeUploadRequest( self, path, filename, data ): if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path request = URLRequest( self.request_url + path ) BOUNDARY = mimetools.choose_boundary() CRLF = '\r\n' content = [] content.append('--' + BOUNDARY) content.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"; filename="%s"' % (filename) ) content.append('Content-Type: application/octet-stream') content.append('') content.append(data) content.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--') content = CRLF.join( content ) content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY request.add_unredirected_header('Content-Type', content_type) request.add_unredirected_header('Content-Length', str(len(content))) request.add_data( content ) return request
def _getXMLetree(self, xmlpath, noquote=0, timeout=10): """ take a URL path, download XLM and return parsed Etree """ if noquote: xurl = self.baseurl + xmlpath else: xurl = self.baseurl + URLQuote(xmlpath) if self.debug & 0x02: print("_getXMLetree: " + xurl) # print("_getXMLetree: URLRequest") req = URLRequest(xurl) # print("_getXMLetree: ") # HTTPError try: res =, None, timeout) data = # print("res.getcode() ", res.getcode(), len(data)) res.close() except HTTPError as e: self.error_str = str("Reponse Code: {0} : {1}").format( e.code, xurl) return None if len(self.error_str): self.error_str = "" if self.debug & 0x200: print( print(data) et = None if len(data): try: et = ET.fromstring(data) except ET.ParseError as e: print("Etree ParseError ") print("data = ", data) print("e.message = ", e.message) # raise finally: return et else: return None
def _sendfile(self, filename="", data="", load="n"): if filename.startswith('/'): xurl = self.baseurl + "/file/upload" + filename + "?load=" + load else: xurl = self.baseurl + "/file/upload/" + filename + "?load=" + load if self.debug & 0x02: print("{0} xurl: {1}".format(__name__, xurl)) req = URLRequest(xurl, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'}) try: res =, None) responce = # print("res.getcode() ", res.getcode(), len(responce)) res.close() except HTTPError as e: # print " ", mess = "{!s}: {!s}: {!s}".format("/file/upload", filename, e.code) raise IsySoapError(mess, httperr=e) else: return responce
def upload(self, filePath, source=None, hint=None, payloadId=None, allowMultipart=False, originalPath=None): '''Upload a log. Args: filePath (str): path to the file to upload. source (str): optional source identifier for where the log came from. hint (str): optional data format hint for the log. payloadId (str): optional unique payload identifier for the log, used to perform idempotent uploads. allowMultipart (bool): unused, if True will perform multi-part upload for large logs. ''' if self._uploadUrl is None: # Get the ingest URL from the API. self._uploadUrl = self._lc.getOrgURLs()['logs'] headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % (base64.b64encode( ('%s:%s' % (self._lc._oid, self._accessToken)).encode()).decode(), ) } if source is not None: headers['lc-source'] = source if hint is not None: headers['lc-hint'] = hint if payloadId is not None: headers['lc-payload-id'] = payloadId if originalPath is not None: headers['lc-path'] = base64.b64encode( os.path.abspath(originalPath).encode()).decode() with open(filePath, 'rb') as f: # Get the file size., 2) fileSize = f.tell() if MAX_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE > fileSize: # Simple single-chunk upload. request = URLRequest(str('https://%s/ingest' % (self._uploadUrl, )),, headers=headers) try: u = urlopen(request) except HTTPError as e: raise Exception('%s: %s' % (str(e), try: response = json.loads( except: response = {} else: # Multi-part upload. partId = 0 if payloadId is None: headers['lc-payload-id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) while True: chunk = if not chunk: break if len(chunk) != MAX_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE: headers['lc-part'] = "done" else: headers['lc-part'] = str(partId) request = URLRequest(str('https://%s/ingest' % (self._uploadUrl, )), data=chunk, headers=headers) try: u = urlopen(request) except HTTPError as e: raise Exception('%s: %s' % (str(e), try: response = json.loads( except: response = {} partId += 1 return response
def soapcomm(self, cmd, **kwargs): """ takes a command name and a list of keyword arguments. each keyword is converted into a xml element """ if not isinstance(cmd, str) or not len(cmd): raise IsyValueError("SOAP Method name missing") if self.debug & 0x02: print("sendcomm: ", cmd) soap_cmd = self._gensoap(cmd, **kwargs) xurl = self.baseurl + "/services" if self.debug & 0x02: print("xurl = ", xurl) print("soap_cmd = ", soap_cmd) req = URLRequest(xurl, soap_cmd, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'}) data = "" try: res =, None) data = if self.debug & 0x200: print("res.getcode() ", res.getcode(), len(data)) print("data ", data) res.close() except HTTPError as e: self.error_str = str("Reponse Code: {0} : {1} {2}").format( e.code, xurl, cmd) if ((cmd == "DiscoverNodes" and e.code == 803) or (cmd == "CancelNodesDiscovery" and e.code == 501) # or (cmd == "RemoveNode" and e.code == 501) ): if self.debug & 0x02: print("spacial case: {0} : {1}".format(cmd, e.code)) print("e.code = ", e.code) print("e.msg = ", e.msg) print("e.hdrs = ", e.hdrs) print("e.filename = ", e.filename) print("e.code = ", type(e.code), e.code) print("\n") return if self.debug & 0x202: print("e.code = ", type(e.code), e.code) # print " = ", print("e = ", e) print("data = ", data) mess = "{!s}: {!s}: {!s}".format(cmd, kwargs, e.code) # This a messy and should change raise IsySoapError(mess, httperr=e) else: if len(self.error_str): self.error_str = "" if self.debug & 0x200: print(data) return data
def __init__(self, url, resdef, timeout=300): if not isinstance(url, URLRequest): url = URLRequest(url) self.request = url self.timeout = timeout self.resdef = resdef
def makeDownloadRequest( self, path ): if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path return URLRequest( self.request_url + path )