Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _generalize_url(self, url):
        parts = urlsplit(url)
        simplified_url = urlunsplit((parts.scheme,
        url = simplified_url
        segments = split_path_into_segments(parts.path)
        parent_is_collection = False

        for segment in segments:
            simplified_url = simplified_url + '/' + (ID_SUBSTITUTE_CHAR if parent_is_collection else segment)
            url = url + '/' + segment
            if url in self and self._is_a_collection(url):
                parent_is_collection = True
                parent_is_collection = False

        generalized_path = urlsplit(simplified_url).path

        return urlunsplit((parts.scheme,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def to_python(self, value):
        def split_url(url):
            Returns a list of url parts via ``urlparse.urlsplit`` (or raises a
            ``ValidationError`` exception for certain).
                return list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
            except ValueError:
                # urlparse.urlsplit can raise a ValueError with some
                # misformatted URLs.
                raise ValidationError(self.error_messages["invalid"])

        value = super(URLField, self).to_python(value)
        if value:
            url_fields = split_url(value)
            if not url_fields[0]:
                # If no URL scheme given, assume http://
                url_fields[0] = "http"
            if not url_fields[1]:
                # Assume that if no domain is provided, that the path segment
                # contains the domain.
                url_fields[1] = url_fields[2]
                url_fields[2] = ""
                # Rebuild the url_fields list, since the domain segment may now
                # contain the path too.
                url_fields = split_url(urlparse.urlunsplit(url_fields))
            if not url_fields[2]:
                # the path portion may need to be added before query params
                url_fields[2] = "/"
            value = urlparse.urlunsplit(url_fields)
        return value
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _get_robotparser(self, link):
     """Return the proper robots parser for the given url or None if one
     cannot be constructed. Robot parsers are cached per scheme and
     # only some schemes have a meaningful robots.txt file
     if link.scheme != 'http' and link.scheme != 'https':
         debugio.debug('crawler._get_robotparser() called with unsupported scheme (%s)' % link.scheme)
         return None
     # split out the key part of the url
     location = urlparse.urlunsplit((link.scheme, link.netloc, '', '', ''))
     # try to create a new robotparser if we don't already have one
     if not self._robotparsers.has_key(location):
         import httplib
         debugio.info('  getting robots.txt for %s' % location)
         self._robotparsers[location] = None
             rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser()
               (link.scheme, link.netloc, '/robots.txt', '', '') ))
             self._robotparsers[location] = rp
         except (TypeError, IOError, httplib.HTTPException):
             # ignore any problems setting up robot parser
     return self._robotparsers[location]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, baseUri, headers=None, maxClients=None,

        self._headers = headers or HTTPHeaders()

        self._user = None
        self._passwd = None

        baseUri = baseUri.rstrip('/')
        self._scheme, loc, self._path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(baseUri)

        userpass, self._hostport = urllib.splituser(loc)
        if userpass:
            self._user, self._passwd = urllib.splitpasswd(userpass)

        self._baseUri = urlparse.urlunsplit((self._scheme, self._hostport,
            self._path, None, None))

        if self._scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
            raise ValueError(self._scheme)

        self._dispatcher = RequestDispatcher(maxClients=maxClients,

        self._queryFragment = urlparse.urlunsplit(('', '', '', query, frag))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def key(self, obj):        
     """Return a cache key (relative path to file in cache) for an object"""
     if isnumpy(obj):
         # Key is byte view sha1 hash with .h5 extension           
         byteview = obj.view(numpy.uint8)
         key = str(hashlib.sha1(byteview).hexdigest()) + '.h5' 
     elif isurl(obj):
         # key is URL filename with an appended hash (for uniqueness)
         p = urlparse.urlsplit(obj)
         urlquery = urlparse.urlunsplit([p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],None])        
         urlpath = urlparse.urlunsplit([p[0],p[1],p[2],None,None])
         urlhash = self._hash(obj)
         (filename, ext) = splitextension(path.basename(urlpath))
         key = str(urlhash) + str(ext)
     elif os.path.isfile(obj):
         # within cache?
         filebase = obj.split(self.root(),1)
         if len(filebase) == 2:
             # key is subpath within cache
             key = filebase[1][1:]
             # key is filename with unique appended hash
             (head, tail) = os.path.split(obj)
             (filename, ext) = splitextension(tail)                 
             namehash = hashlib.sha1(tail).hexdigest()                 
             key = filename + '_' + str(namehash[0:7]) + ext
     elif (path.isfile(self.abspath(obj)) or path.isdir(self.abspath(obj))):
         key = obj   # Already a cache key
     elif isstring(obj):
         key = obj   # Use arbitrary string if not file or url
         raise CacheError('[bobo.cache][ERROR]: Unsupported object for constructing key')
     return key
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get(self):
     articles = models.Article.all().order('-pubdate').fetch(9)
     items = []
     mostRecentDate = None
     url_parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(self.request.url)[0:2])
     for article in articles:
         if not mostRecentDate:
             mostRecentDate = article.pubdate
         article.rimages = [db.get(image) for image in article.images]
         url = urlparse.urlunsplit(url_parts + ['/page/%s' % article.slug, '', ''])
               title = article.title,
               link = url,
               description = article.text,
               pubDate = article.pubdate))
     rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(
          title = "RSS feed",
          link = urlparse.urlunsplit(url_parts + ['', '', '']),
          description = "My RSS feed",
          lastBuildDate = mostRecentDate,
          items = items,
     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def normalize_url(url, domain_canonical=None):
    Ensure we have a value url - raise exception if not.
    If given, we convert the domain to a domain_canonical
    url = url.strip()
    rgURL = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
    if rgURL[split.scheme] == '':
        url = r"http://%s" % url
        rgURL = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
    # Invalid protocol
    if rgURL[split.scheme] != "http" and rgURL[split.scheme] != "https":
        raise reqfilter.Error("Invalid protocol: %s" % rgURL[split.scheme]) 

    if domain_canonical is not None:
        rgURL[split.domain] = domain_canonical
    if rgURL[split.domain]:
        rgURL[split.domain] = rgURL[split.domain].lower()
    if not rgURL[split.domain] or not regDomain.search(rgURL[split.domain]) or len(rgURL[split.domain]) > 255:
        raise reqfilter.Error("Invalid URL: %s" % urlparse.urlunsplit(rgURL))

    # Always end naked domains with a trailing slash as canonical
    if rgURL[split.path] == '':
        rgURL[split.path] = '/'

    return urlparse.urlunsplit(rgURL)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def run(self):
        """Run listing directive."""
        _fname = self.arguments.pop(0)
        fname = _fname.replace('/', os.sep)
            lang = self.arguments.pop(0)
            self.options['code'] = lang
        except IndexError:
            self.options['literal'] = True

        if len(self.folders) == 1:
            listings_folder = next(iter(self.folders.keys()))
            if fname.startswith(listings_folder):
                fpath = os.path.join(fname)  # new syntax: specify folder name
                fpath = os.path.join(listings_folder, fname)  # old syntax: don't specify folder name
            fpath = os.path.join(fname)  # must be new syntax: specify folder name
        self.arguments.insert(0, fpath)
        if 'linenos' in self.options:
            self.options['number-lines'] = self.options['linenos']
        with io.open(fpath, 'r+', encoding='utf8') as fileobject:
            self.content = fileobject.read().splitlines()
        target = urlunsplit(("link", 'listing', fpath.replace('\\', '/'), '', ''))
        src_target = urlunsplit(("link", 'listing_source', fpath.replace('\\', '/'), '', ''))
        src_label = self.site.MESSAGES('Source')
        generated_nodes = (
            [core.publish_doctree('`{0} <{1}>`_  `({2}) <{3}>`_' .format(
                _fname, target, src_label, src_target))[0]])
        generated_nodes += self.get_code_from_file(fileobject)
        return generated_nodes
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, address, name=""):
        """Bind the publisher class to a port.
        # pylint: disable=E1103
        self.name = name
        self.destination = address
        self.publish = context.socket(zmq.PUB)

        # Check for port 0 (random port)
        u__ = urlsplit(self.destination)
        port = u__.port

        if port == 0:
            dest = urlunsplit((u__.scheme, u__.hostname,
                               u__.path, u__.query, u__.fragment))
            self.port_number = self.publish.bind_to_random_port(dest)
            netloc = u__.hostname + ":" + str(self.port_number)
            self.destination = urlunsplit((u__.scheme, netloc, u__.path,
                                           u__.query, u__.fragment))
            self.port_number = port

        LOGGER.info("publisher started on port %s", str(self.port_number))

        # Initialize no heartbeat
        self._heartbeat = None
        self._pub_lock = Lock()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _load_uri(self, base_uri, uri_to_resolve):
        Obtain a remote instruction.

        Returns the instruction as a python object, along with the resolved uri
        resolved_uri = urlparse.urlsplit(urlparse.urljoin(base_uri, uri_to_resolve))
        base_scheme = urlparse.urlsplit(base_uri).scheme
        if base_scheme is not None and base_scheme != resolved_uri.scheme:
            raise SchemeSecurityError("Cannot cross from '%s' to '%s'" % (
                base_scheme, resolved_uri.scheme))

            if resolved_uri.scheme in ['http', 'https']:
                instruction = json.loads(requests.get(resolved_uri).text)
            elif resolved_uri.scheme is '':
                instruction = json.load(open(urlparse.urlunsplit(resolved_uri)))
                raise InvalidInstructionError("Reference to unsupported scheme '%s'" % (
            return instruction, urlparse.urlunsplit(resolved_uri)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            raise InvalidInstructionError("Couldn't load '%s': %s" % (resolved_uri, e))
        except IOError as e:
            raise InvalidInstructionError("Couldn't open '%s': %s" % (resolved_uri, e))
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidInstructionError("Invalid JSON in '%s'" % resolved_uri)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _split_uri(self, identifier):
        if isinstance(identifier, URIRef):
            scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(identifier)
            if query:
                namespace, resource_id = split_uri(identifier)
            if fragment:
                # if we have a fragment, we will split there
                namespace, resource_id = urldefrag(identifier)
                namespace += "#"
            elif "/" in path and len(path) > 1:
                splits = path.split("/")
                if path.endswith("/"):
                    resource_id = "/".join(splits[-2:])
                    path = "/".join(splits[:-2]) + "/"
                    namespace = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, "", ""))
                    resource_id = "/".join(splits[-1:])
                    path = "/".join(splits[:-1]) + "/"
                    namespace = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, "", ""))
            elif path:
                resource_id = path
                namespace = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, "", "", ""))
                namespace, resource_id = split_uri(identifier)

            log.debug("Split %s to %s, %s" % (identifier, namespace, resource_id))
            return namespace, resource_id
            raise ValueError("Unknown identifier type %r" % identifier)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, url):
        # download DDS/DAS
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
        ddsurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.dds', query, fragment))
        r = requests.get(ddsurl)
        dds = r.text.encode('utf-8')
        dasurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.das', query, fragment))
        r = requests.get(dasurl)
        das = r.text.encode('utf-8')

        # build the dataset from the DDS and add attributes from the DAS
        self.dataset = build_dataset(dds)
        add_attributes(self.dataset, parse_das(das))

        # remove any projection from the url, leaving selections
        projection, selection = parse_ce(query)
        url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '&'.join(selection), fragment))

        # now add data proxies
        for var in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
            var.data = BaseProxy(url, var.id, var.descr)
        for var in walk(self.dataset, SequenceType):
            var.data = SequenceProxy(url, var.id, var.descr)

        # apply projections
        for var in projection:
            target = self.dataset
            while var:
                token, index = var.pop(0)
                target = target[token]
                if index and isinstance(target.data, BaseProxy):
                    target.data.slice = fix_slice(index, target.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def login(self):
    Set a cookie and redirect to the url that we tried to
    authenticate against originally.

    FIXME - I don't think we need this any more now that the EULA is gone -EAD

    request = self.REQUEST
    response = request["RESPONSE"]

    login = request.get("__ac_name", "")
    password = request.get("__ac_password", "")
    submitted = request.get("submitted", "")

    pas_instance = self._getPAS()

    if pas_instance is not None:
            pas_instance.updateCredentials(request, response, login, password)
        except (KeyError, POSKeyError):
            # see defect ZEN-2942 If the time changes while the server is running
            # set the session database to a sane state.
            ts = self.unrestrictedTraverse("/temp_folder/session_data")
            # try again and if it fails this time there isn't anything we can do
            pas_instance.updateCredentials(request, response, login, password)

    came_from = request.form.get("came_from") or ""
    if came_from:
        parts = urlparse.urlsplit(came_from)
        querydict = parse_qs(parts[3])
        querydict.pop("terms", None)
        if "submitted" not in querydict.keys():
            querydict["submitted"] = submitted
        newqs = urllib.urlencode(querydict, doseq=True)
        parts = parts[:3] + (newqs,) + parts[4:]
        came_from = urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)
        submittedQs = "submitted=%s" % submitted
        came_from = "/zport/dmd?%s" % submittedQs

    if not self.dmd.acceptedTerms:
        url = "%s/zenoss_terms/?came_from=%s" % (self.absolute_url(), urllib.quote(came_from))
        # get rid of host part of URL (prevents open redirect attacks)
        clean_url = ["", ""] + list(urlparse.urlsplit(came_from))[2:]
        url = urlparse.urlunsplit(clean_url)

    fragment = request.get("fragment", "")
    if fragment:
        fragment = urllib.unquote(fragment)
        if not fragment.startswith("#"):
            fragment = "#" + fragment
        url += fragment

    if self.dmd.uuid is None:
        self.dmd.uuid = str(uuid1())

    return response.redirect(url)
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def resolve_links(self, links, pageurl):
		for x in links:
			p = urlparse.urlsplit(x)
			if p.scheme == "http":
				if p.netloc != self.hostname:
					# Remote link
				# Turn this into a host-relative url
				p = ('', '', p.path, p.query, '')

			if p[4] != "" or p[3] != "":
				# Remove fragments (part of the url past #)
				p = (p[0], p[1], p[2], '', '')

			if p[0] == "":
				if p[2] == "":
					# Nothing in the path, so it's a pure fragment url

				if p[2][0] == "/":
					# Absolute link on this host, so just return it
					yield urlparse.urlunsplit(p)
					# Relative link
					yield urlparse.urljoin(pageurl, urlparse.urlunsplit(p))
				# Ignore unknown url schemes like mailto
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def parse(self, response):
        sel = Selector(response)

        # Extract any cars found
        cars = sel.xpath('//*[contains(@class, "inv-type-used")]')
        for c in cars:
            car = Car()

            # Title and year
            car['title'] = c.xpath('.//div/div/h1/a/text()').extract()[0].strip()
            car['year'] = car['title'][0:4]

            # Price, but remove non-number characters.
            # Examples: '$12,000', 'Please Call', etc.
            price = c.xpath('.//*[contains(@class, "value")]/text()').extract()[0]
            car['price'] = ''.join(d for d in price if d.isdigit())

            # url
            path = c.xpath('.//div/div/h1/a/@href').extract()[0]
            url = urlparse.urlparse(response.url)
            car['url'] = urlparse.urlunsplit([url.scheme, url.netloc, path, None, None])

            # Certain specs are frequently missing, so we need to handle
            # them with try / except
            specs = [
                    'name': 'vin',
                    'xpath': './/*/dt[text()="VIN:"]/following-sibling::dd/text()'
                    'name': 'color',
                    'xpath': './/*/dt[text()="Exterior Color:"]/following-sibling::dd/text()'
                    'name': 'miles',
                    'xpath': './/*/dt[text()="Mileage:"]/following-sibling::dd/text()'
                    'name': 'transmission',
                    'xpath': './/*/dt[text()="Transmission:"]/following-sibling::dd/text()'

            for s in specs:
                    car[s['name']] = c.xpath(s['xpath']).extract()[0]
                except IndexError:
                    car[s['name']] = None

            yield car

        # If there's a next page link, parse it for cars as well
        next_links = sel.xpath('//*[@rel="next"]/@href').extract()
        if len(next_links) > 0:
            query = next_links[0]
            url = urlparse.urlparse(response.url)
            base = urlparse.urlunsplit([url.scheme, url.netloc, url.path, None, None])
            next_url = urlparse.urljoin(base, query)
            # Construct url
            yield Request(next_url, callback=self.parse)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_relative_url(destination, source):
    """Get relative URL between two sources.


    :param destination:
    :param source:
    :return: tuple (is same domain, relative url)

    u_dest = urlparse.urlsplit(destination)
    u_src = urlparse.urlsplit(source)

    _uc1 = urlparse.urlunsplit(u_dest[:2]+tuple('' for i in range(3)))
    _uc2 = urlparse.urlunsplit(u_src[:2]+tuple('' for i in range(3)))

    if _uc1 != _uc2:
        ## This is a different domain
        return False, destination

    # If there is no / component in url assume it's root path
    src_path = u_src.path or "/"

    _relpath = posixpath.relpath(u_dest.path, posixpath.dirname(src_path))

    return True, _relpath
    # return True, urlparse.urlunsplit(('', '', _relpath, u_dest.query, u_dest.fragment))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def rewrite_urls(origin_url, urls):
    origin_pack = urlparse.urlsplit(origin_url)
    for u in urls:
        # kill breaks
        if u:
            u = re.sub("(\n|\t)", "", u)

        pack = urlparse.urlsplit(u)
        (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) = pack

        # try to rewrite scheme
        scheme = rewrite_scheme(pack.scheme)

        # rewrite netloc to include credentials
        if origin_pack.username and pack.hostname == origin_pack.hostname:
            netloc = assemble_netloc(origin_pack.username,\
                        origin_pack.password, pack.hostname, pack.port)

        # reassemble into url
        new_u = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, None))

        # no scheme or netloc, it's a path on-site
        if not scheme and not netloc and (path or query):
            path_query = urlparse.urlunsplit((None, None, path, query, None))
            new_u = urlparse.urljoin(origin_url, path_query)

        # quote spaces
        new_u = new_u.replace(" ", "%20")
        if new_u:
            yield new_u
Ejemplo n.º 18
def login(self):
    Set a cookie and redirect to the url that we tried to
    authenticate against originally.

    FIXME - I don't think we need this any more now that the EULA is gone -EAD

    request = self.REQUEST
    response = request['RESPONSE']

    login = request.get('__ac_name', '')
    password = request.get('__ac_password', '')
    submitted = request.get('submitted', '')

    pas_instance = self._getPAS()

    if pas_instance is not None:
            pas_instance.updateCredentials(request, response, login, password)
        except (KeyError, POSKeyError):
            # see defect ZEN-2942 If the time changes while the server is running
            # set the session database to a sane state.
            ts = self.unrestrictedTraverse('/temp_folder/session_data')
            _originalResetCredentials(self, request, response)

    came_from = request.form.get('came_from') or ''
    if came_from:
        parts = urlparse.urlsplit(came_from)
        querydict = parse_qs(parts[3])
        querydict.pop('terms', None)
        if 'submitted' not in querydict.keys():
            querydict['submitted'] = submitted
        newqs = urllib.urlencode(querydict, doseq=True)
        parts = parts[:3] + (newqs,) + parts[4:]
        came_from = urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)
        submittedQs = 'submitted=%s' % submitted
        came_from = '/zport/dmd?%s' % submittedQs

    if not self.dmd.acceptedTerms:
        url = "%s/zenoss_terms/?came_from=%s" % (
                    self.absolute_url(), urllib.quote(came_from))
        # get rid of host part of URL (prevents open redirect attacks)
        clean_url = ['', ''] + list(urlparse.urlsplit(came_from))[2:]
        url = urlparse.urlunsplit(clean_url)

    fragment = request.get('fragment', '')
    if fragment:
        fragment = urllib.unquote( fragment)
        if not fragment.startswith( '#'):
            fragment = '#' + fragment
        url += fragment

    if self.dmd.uuid is None:
        self.dmd.uuid = str(uuid1())

    return response.redirect(url)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def handler(self, fname, language='text', linenumbers=False, filename=None, site=None, data=None, lang=None, post=None):
        """Create HTML for a listing."""
        fname = fname.replace('/', os.sep)
        if len(self.folders) == 1:
            listings_folder = next(iter(self.folders.keys()))
            if fname.startswith(listings_folder):
                fpath = os.path.join(fname)  # new syntax: specify folder name
                # old syntax: don't specify folder name
                fpath = os.path.join(listings_folder, fname)
            # must be new syntax: specify folder name
            fpath = os.path.join(fname)
        linenumbers = 'table' if linenumbers else False
        deps = [fpath]
        with open(fpath, 'r') as inf:
            target = urlunsplit(
                ("link", 'listing', fpath.replace('\\', '/'), '', ''))
            src_target = urlunsplit(
                ("link", 'listing_source', fpath.replace('\\', '/'), '', ''))
            src_label = self.site.MESSAGES('Source')

            data = inf.read()
            lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(language)
            formatter = pygments.formatters.get_formatter_by_name(
                'html', linenos=linenumbers)
            output = '<a href="{1}">{0}</a>  <a href="{3}">({2})</a>' .format(
                fname, target, src_label, src_target) + pygments.highlight(data, lexer, formatter)

        return output, deps
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: api.py Proyecto: weisert/mpsb
def video():
    Video request handler.
    :return: list of available videos in json format.
    entries = []
    for entry in os.walk(settings.VIDEO_FILES_PATH):
        if not entry[2]:  # there is no file
        date = os.path.basename(entry[0])
        for basename in entry[2]:
            filename = os.path.join(entry[0], basename)
            relpath = os.path.relpath(filename,
            parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(request.base_url)[:2])
            parts.append(settings.VIDEO_FILES_LOCATION + '/' + relpath)
            parts.extend(['', ''])
            url = urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)
            parts[2] = settings.THUMBNAIL_FILES_LOCATION + '/'
            parts[2] += os.path.splitext(relpath)[0] + '.png'
            thumbnail = urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)
            entries.append({'date': date, 'url': url, 'thumbnail': thumbnail})
    entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x['date'])

    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    response.data = json.dumps(entries)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def requestData(self, basepath):
     self.log.info("Attempting to communicate with Nexus server.")
     auth = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(self.user + ':' + self.pasw)
     deppath = self.url[2] + basepath
     delpath = deppath + '/artifactorymigrator'
     runpath = delpath + '/run'
     depurl = urlparse.urlunsplit((self.url[0], self.url[1], deppath, '', ''))
     delurl = urlparse.urlunsplit((self.url[0], self.url[1], delpath, '', ''))
     runurl = urlparse.urlunsplit((self.url[0], self.url[1], runpath, '', ''))
     delheaders = {'User-Agent': 'nex2art', 'Authorization': auth}
     depheaders, runheaders = delheaders.copy(), delheaders.copy()
     depheaders['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
     runheaders['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
     depjson = {'name': 'artifactorymigrator', 'type': 'groovy'}
     depjson['content'] = pkgutil.get_data('nex2art', 'resources/plugin.groovy')
     depbody = json.dumps(depjson)
     res, data = None, None
     self.log.info("Deploying extraction plugin to Nexus.")
     ex, _ = self.dorequest(depurl, depbody, depheaders, 'POST', "deploy")
     if ex == None:
             self.log.info("Executing Nexus extraction.")
             ex, res = self.dorequest(runurl, None, runheaders, 'POST', "execute", True)
             self.log.info("Deleting extraction plugin from Nexus.")
             self.dorequest(delurl, None, delheaders, 'DELETE', "delete")
         if res != None and 'result' in res: data = json.loads(res['result'])
     if ex != None:
         self.log.error("Error accessing Nexus instance: %s", ex)
         return "Error accessing Nexus instance."
     self.log.info("Successfully fetched Nexus data.")
     return data
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, db, co, logger,
                 host=cereconf.AD_SERVER_HOST, port=cereconf.AD_SERVER_PORT,
                 url=None, ad_ldap=cereconf.AD_LDAP, mock=False):
        Initialize AD syncronization, i.e. connect to AD service on
        given host.
        self.db = db
        self.co = co
        self.logger = logger

        if mock:
            self.logger.warn("Using mock server")
            from Cerebrum.modules.ad import ADTesting
            self.server = ADTesting.MockADServer(self.logger)
            parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url or '')

            scheme = parts.scheme or 'https'
            host = parts.hostname or host
            port = parts.port or port
            username = parts.username or cereconf.AD_DOMAIN_ADMIN_USER
            password = read_password(username, host)

            netloc = "%s:%s@%s:%d" % (username, '********', host, port)
            url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, ) + parts[2:])
            self.logger.debug("Connecting to %s", url)

            netloc = "%s:%s@%s:%d" % (username, password, host, port)
            url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, ) + parts[2:])
            self.server = xmlrpclib.Server(url)

        self.ad_ldap = ad_ldap
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def get_onedrive_embed_code(self, onedrive_url):

        onedrive_url = onedrive_url.strip()

        # check if it already is an embed code
        embed_code_regex = '<iframe'
        matched = re.match(embed_code_regex, onedrive_url, re.IGNORECASE)

        if matched is not None:
            return onedrive_url

        scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urlsplit(onedrive_url)
        query_params = parse_qs(query_string)

        # OneDrive for Business
        odb_regex = 'https?:\/\/((\w|-)+)-my.sharepoint.com\/'
        matched = re.match(odb_regex, onedrive_url, re.IGNORECASE)

        if matched is not None:
            query_params['action'] = ['embedview']
            new_query_string = urlencode(query_params, doseq=True)
            document_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, new_query_string, fragment))
            return self.EMBED_CODE_TEMPLATE.format(document_url)

        # OneDrive (for consumers)
        onedrive_regex = '(https?:\/\/(onedrive\.)?)(live\.com)'
        matched = re.match(onedrive_regex, onedrive_url, re.IGNORECASE)

        if matched is not None:
            new_path = path.replace('view.aspx', 'embed').replace('redir', 'embed')
            query_params = parse_qs(query_string)
            query_params['em'] = ['2']
            new_query_string = urlencode(query_params, doseq=True)
            document_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, new_path, new_query_string, fragment))
            return self.EMBED_CODE_TEMPLATE.format(document_url)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def verify_image(self, baseURL, imageURL):
        fullImageURL = imageURL
        if not urlsplit(imageURL).scheme:
            # Resolve relative path
            fullImageURL = urljoin(baseURL, imageURL)

        echo("Checking image: {}".format(fullImageURL))
        urlparts = urlsplit(fullImageURL)
        escapedparts = self.get_escaped_address_parts_minus_host(urlparts)
        if urlparts.netloc and urlparts.path:
                conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(urlparts.netloc)
                conn.request("HEAD", urlunsplit(escapedparts))
                echo("Going to path: {}\n".format(urlunsplit(escapedparts)))
                res = conn.getresponse()
            except Exception as inst:
                self.fail("While checking image {}, encountered exception: {}".format(
                    fullImageURL, inst))
            self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, 
                'The image at {} is not OK. Looking for it resulted in HTTP code: {}'.format(
                    urlunsplit([urlparts.scheme, urlparts.netloc, escapedparts[2], 
                        escapedparts[3], escapedparts[4]]), 
            self.fail("The URL for this image is invalid: {}".format(fullImageURL))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def from_url(url, headers=None, allowed=None):
        if headers is None:
            headers = {}

        result = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        if result.scheme == 'qpid':
            # remove the queue from the url
            queue, query = extract_param('queue', result.query)

            if queue is None:
                raise ApplicationException('No queue provided in qpid url!')

            new_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((result.scheme, result.netloc, result.path,
                                           query, result.fragment))
            return QpidPublisher(new_url, queue, headers, allowed)

        elif result.scheme == 'rabbit':
            queue, query = extract_param('queue', result.query)

            if queue is None:
                raise ApplicationException('No queue provided in qpid url!')

            new_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(('amqp', result.netloc, result.path,
                                           query, result.fragment))
            return RabbitPublisher(new_url, queue, headers, allowed)

        elif result.scheme == 'log':
            return LogPublisher(allowed)

        elif result.scheme == 'count':
            return CountPublisher(allowed)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def getComponentUriRel(self, path):
     file_uri = urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparse.urlsplit(str(self.getComponentUri(path))))
     ro_uri   = urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparse.urlsplit(str(self.getRoUri())))
     if ro_uri is not None and file_uri.startswith(ro_uri):
         file_uri_rel = file_uri.replace(ro_uri, "", 1)
         file_uri_rel = path
     return rdflib.URIRef(file_uri_rel)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def redirect_to_login_response(self, request, params):
        parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(request.path))
        parts[3] = self.urlencode(params)
        query = {'next': urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)}

        parts[2] = self.get_login_uri()
        parts[3] = self.urlencode(query)
        return Response(302, headers={'Location':  urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)})
Ejemplo n.º 28
def encode_url(url):
    url = url.strip().encode('utf-8')
    url = url.replace('ENCODED:','')
    p = urlparse.urlsplit(urllib2.unquote(url))
    query = urlparse.parse_qsl(p.query)
    p2 = p._replace(query=urllib.urlencode(query))
    p2 = p2._replace(path=urllib2.quote(p2.path))
    print "ENCODED:{0}".format(urlparse.urlunsplit(p2))
    return "ENCODED:{0}".format(urlparse.urlunsplit(p2))
    def send_request(self, request, test=False):
        Send a HTTP request to server
        >>> replayer = RequestLogReplayer(verbose=False)
        >>> request = {'host': 'www.zuikong.com', 'uri': '/xs/46/ping.json', 'method': 'POST', 'format': 'JSON', 'time':  datetime(2011, 3, 25, 14, 32, 5), 'parameters': {'v': 2}}
        >>> result = replayer.send_request(request, test=True)
        Replayed POST "/xs/46/ping.json" on "www.zuikong.com" at 2011-03-25 14:32:05
        Processed as JSON
        Parameters: {'v': 2}
        # Started at 2011-03-27 22:21:42. Completed at 2011-03-27 22:21:42. Taken 2 ms
        >>> request = {'host': 'www.zuikong.com', 'uri': '/xs/46/ping.json', 'method': 'GET', 'format': 'JSON', 'time':  datetime(2011, 3, 25, 14, 32, 5), 'parameters': {'v': 2}}
        >>> result = replayer.send_request(request, test=True)
        Replayed GET "/xs/46/ping.json" on "www.zuikong.com" at 2011-03-25 14:32:05
        Processed as JSON
        Parameters: {'v': 2}
        # Started at 2011-03-27 22:21:42. Completed at 2011-03-27 22:21:42. Taken 0 ms

        start_time = datetime.now()
        curl = pycurl.Curl()
        data = urlencode(request['parameters'])

        # Setup url and parameters
        if request['method'] == 'GET':
            curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, urlunsplit(('http', request['host'], request['uri'], data, '')))
        elif request['method'] == 'POST':
            curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, urlunsplit(('http', request['host'], request['uri'], '', '')))
            curl.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, data)

        # Setup HTTP headers
        if request['format'] == 'HTML':
            content_type = 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
        elif request['format'] == 'JSON':
            content_type = 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'
        elif request['format'] == 'MANIFEST':
            content_type = 'Accept: text/cache-manifest;q=0.9'
        curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [content_type])

        # Setup other optiosn
        response = StringIO()
        curl.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, ANDROID_USER_AGENT)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, response.write)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 5)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 300)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1 if self.verbose else 0)
            if not test:
        except Exception, e:
            print("Failed to perform request. Reason: %s" % e)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def output_base(self, tag, attrs):
     """ Change the document base if there is a base tag """
     baseurl = listget(attrs, "href", self.baseurl)
     (scheme, host, path, params, fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(baseurl)
     lastslash = path.rfind("/")
     if lastslash > -1:
         path = path[:lastslash]
     self.baseurl = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, host, path, "", ""))
     self.basehost = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, host, "", "", ""))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def urlescape(url):
    scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
    path = urllib.quote(path, '/%')
    qs = urllib.quote_plus(qs, ':&=')
    return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor))
Ejemplo n.º 32
				if attempt == 0:
					print >>sys.stderr, "That was our last attempt so giving up."
			print >>sys.stderr, "%s does not exist: downloading" % destination
			download(url, destination)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	if len(sys.argv) <> 3:
		print >>sys.stderr, "Wrong number of arguments. Use %s <url> <destination>" % sys.argv[0]
	url_string = sys.argv[1]
	destination = sys.argv[2]
	url = urlparse.urlparse(url_string)
	path = url.path.split('/')
	# Avoid relying on github to set the destination filename
	if url.netloc == "github.com" and path[-3] == "archive":
		ext = None
		possible_exts = [ ".tar", ".tar.gz", ".zip", ".tbz", "tar.bz2" ]
		for e in possible_exts:
			if url.path.endswith(e):
				ext = e
		if not ext:
			print >>sys.stderr, "I did not recognise extension of %s. I know about: %s" % (url.path, ", ".join(possible_exts))
		url_path = "/".join(path[0:-2] + [ path[-2] + ext ])
		url_string = str(urlparse.urlunsplit((url.scheme, url.netloc, url_path, url.query, url.fragment),))
	look_for_it(url_string, destination)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def normalize_feed_url(url):
    Normalize and convert a URL. If the URL cannot be converted
    (invalid or unknown scheme), None is returned.

    This will also normalize feed:// and itpc:// to http://.

    >>> normalize_feed_url('itpc://example.org/podcast.rss')

    If no URL scheme is defined (e.g. "curry.com"), we will
    simply assume the user intends to add a http:// feed.

    >>> normalize_feed_url('curry.com')

    It will also take care of converting the domain name to
    all-lowercase (because domains are not case sensitive):

    >>> normalize_feed_url('http://Example.COM/')

    Some other minimalistic changes are also taken care of,
    e.g. a ? with an empty query is removed:

    >>> normalize_feed_url('http://example.org/test?')

    Leading and trailing whitespace is removed

    >>> normalize_feed_url(' http://example.com/podcast.rss ')

    Incomplete (too short) URLs are not accepted

    >>> normalize_feed_url('http://') is None

    Unknown protocols are not accepted

    >>> normalize_feed_url('gopher://gopher.hprc.utoronto.ca/file.txt') is None
    url = url.strip()
    if not url or len(url) < 8:
        return None

    # Assume HTTP for URLs without scheme
    if '://' not in url:
        url = 'http://' + url

    scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)

    # Schemes and domain names are case insensitive
    scheme, netloc = scheme.lower(), netloc.lower()

    # Normalize empty paths to "/"
    if path == '':
        path = '/'

    # feed://, itpc:// and itms:// are really http://
    if scheme in ('feed', 'itpc', 'itms'):
        scheme = 'http'

    if scheme not in ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'file'):
        return None

    # urlunsplit might return "a slighty different, but equivalent URL"
    return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def replace_query_params(self, url, params):
     (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
     query_dict = QueryDict(query).dict()
     query = urlencode(query_dict)
     return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_unparse_parse(self):
     for u in ['Python', './Python','x-newscheme://foo.com/stuff','x://y','x:/y','x:/','/',]:
         self.assertEqual(urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparse.urlsplit(u)), u)
         self.assertEqual(urlparse.urlunparse(urlparse.urlparse(u)), u)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def absurl(index, relpath='', normpath=os.path.normpath):
    if index.lower().startswith('http') or (relpath and relpath.startswith('http')):
        new = urlparse.urlparse(urlparse.urljoin(index, relpath))
        return urlparse.urlunsplit((new.scheme, (new.port == None) and new.hostname or new.netloc, normpath(new.path), new.query, ''))
        return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(index), relpath))
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def create_response_uri(self):
        uri = urlsplit(self.params.redirect_uri)
        query_params = parse_qs(uri.query)
        query_fragment = parse_qs(uri.fragment)

            if self.grant_type == 'authorization_code':
                code = create_code(


                query_params['code'] = code.code
                    'state'] = self.params.state if self.params.state else ''

            elif self.grant_type == 'implicit':
                # We don't need id_token if it's an OAuth2 request.
                if self.is_authentication:
                    id_token_dic = create_id_token(user=self.request.user,
                    query_fragment['id_token'] = encode_id_token(
                        id_token_dic, self.client)
                    id_token_dic = {}

                token = create_token(user=self.request.user,

                # Store the token.

                query_fragment['token_type'] = 'bearer'
                # TODO: Create setting 'OIDC_TOKEN_EXPIRE'.
                query_fragment['expires_in'] = 60 * 10

                # Check if response_type is an OpenID request with value 'id_token token'
                # or it's an OAuth2 Implicit Flow request.
                if self.params.response_type in ['id_token token', 'token']:
                    query_fragment['access_token'] = token.access_token

                    'state'] = self.params.state if self.params.state else ''

        except Exception as error:
                '[Authorize] Error when trying to create response uri: %s',
            raise AuthorizeError(self.params.redirect_uri, 'server_error',

        uri = uri._replace(query=urlencode(query_params, doseq=True))
        uri = uri._replace(fragment=urlencode(query_fragment, doseq=True))

        return urlunsplit(uri)
Ejemplo n.º 38
in_path = '/net/lxstor/export/infra/sysadmin/snsakala/drupal-perf-har/har_2/%s.har' % name
out_path = '/net/lxstor/export/infra/sysadmin/snsakala/drupal-perf-har/tsung_2/partial/%s.xml' % name

# load json file
with open(in_path, 'r') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

requests = [x[u'request'] for x in data[u'log'][u'entries']]

urls_get = [x[u'url'] for x in requests if x[u'method'] == u'GET']
urls_noget = [x[u'url'] for x in requests if x[u'method'] != u'GET']
if urls_noget:
    print('Found other method than GET')

print(u'Found %d GET requests' % len(urls_get))
tsung_partial = []
for url in urls_get:
    splited = urlsplit(url)
    # only for drupal server
    if splited.netloc != 'www-prd.luxairtours.lu':
        print('Found request to %s -> %s ' % splited[1:3])
    relurl = urlunsplit(('', '') + splited[2:])
        "<request><http url='%s' version='1.1' method='GET'></http></request>"
        % relurl)

with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def inner(path, protocol="http", query="", fragment=""):
     port = server_config["ports"][protocol][0]
     host = "%s:%s" % (server_config["host"], port)
     return urlparse.urlunsplit((protocol, host, path, query, fragment))
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def get(self):
        # TODO(vadimsh): Show some prettier page. This code path is hit when user
        # clicks "Deny" on consent page.
        error = self.request.get('error')
        if error:
            self.abort(400, detail='OpenID login error: %s' % error)

        # Validate inputs.
        code = self.request.get('code')
        if not code:
            self.abort(400, detail='Missing "code" parameter')
        state = self.request.get('state')
        if not state:
            self.abort(400, detai='Missing "state" parameter')
            state = validate_state(state)
        except OpenIDError as e:
            self.abort(400, detail=str(e))

        # Callback URI is hardcoded in OAuth2 client config and must always point
        # to default version. Yet we want to support logging to non-default versions
        # that have different hostnames. Do some redirect dance here to pass control
        # to required version if necessary (so that it can set cookie on
        # non-default version domain). Same handler with same params, just with
        # different hostname. For most common case of logging in into default
        # version this should not trigger.
        if self.request.host_url != state['host_url']:
            # Replace 'scheme' and 'netloc' of this_url with host_url values.
            host_url = urlparse.urlsplit(state['host_url'])
            this_url = urlparse.urlsplit(self.request.url)
            target_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(host_url[:2] + this_url[2:])

        # Grab user profile from the code.
            userinfo = handle_authorization_code(get_cached_config(), code)
        except OpenIDError as e:
            self.abort(500 if e.transient else 400, detail=str(e))

        # Strictly speaking dest_url was already validated when put into state.
        # Double check this.
        dest_url = state['dest_url']
            dest_url = normalize_dest_url(self.request.host_url, dest_url)
        except ValueError as e:
            self.abort(400, detail='Bad redirect URL: %s' % e)

        # Ignore non https:// URLs for pictures. We serve all pages over HTTPS and
        # don't want to break this rule just for a pretty picture. Google userinfo
        # endpoint always returns https:// URL anyway.
        pic = userinfo.get('picture')
        if pic and not pic.startswith('https://'):
            pic = None
        # Google avatars sometimes look weird if used directly. Resized version
        # always looks fine. 's64' is documented, for example, here:
        # https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/images
        if pic and pic.endswith('/photo.jpg'):
            pic = pic.rstrip('/photo.jpg') + '/s64/photo.jpg'
        userinfo['picture'] = pic

        # Close previous session (if any), create a new one.
        session = make_session(userinfo, SessionCookie.expiration_sec)

        # Make cookie expire a bit earlier than the the session, to avoid
        # "bad token" due to minor clock drifts between the server and the client.
                                 expires=session.expiration_ts -
                                 secure=not utils.is_local_dev_server(),

Ejemplo n.º 41
 def join_URL_frags(base, query):
     split = list(urlparse.urlsplit(base))
     split[2] = (split[2] + query).replace('//', '/')
     return urlparse.urlunsplit(split)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def update_repodata(bucketName, key, operation):
    if key.rfind("/") > -1:
        fileName = key[key.rfind("/") + 1:]
        repoPath = key[:key.rfind("/")]
        fileName = key
        repoPath = ""

    (name, version, release, epoch, arch) = splitFilename(fileName)


    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    s3base = urlparse.urlunsplit(("s3", bucketName, repoPath, "", ""))
    s3grabber = S3Grabber(s3base)

    # Set up temporary repo that will fetch repodata from s3
    yumbase = yum.YumBase()
    yumbase.preconf.disabled_plugins = '*'
    yumbase.conf.cachedir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'cache')
    repo = yumbase.add_enable_repo('s3')
    repo._grab = s3grabber
    repo._urls = [os.path.join(s3base, '')]
    # Ensure that missing base path doesn't cause trouble
    repo._sack = yum.sqlitesack.YumSqlitePackageSack(

    # Create metadata generator
    mdconf = createrepo.MetaDataConfig()
    mdconf.directory = tmpdir
    mdconf.pkglist = yum.packageSack.MetaSack()
    mdgen = createrepo.MetaDataGenerator(mdconf, LoggerCallback())
    mdgen.tempdir = tmpdir
    mdgen._grabber = s3grabber

    new_packages = yum.packageSack.PackageSack()
    if operation == "add":
        # Combine existing package sack with new rpm file list
        newpkg = mdgen.read_in_package(os.path.join(s3base, fileName))
        newpkg._baseurl = ''  # don't leave s3 base urls in primary metadata
        # Remove deleted package
        logger.debug("Delete package {0}".format(key))
        older_pkgs = yumbase.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=name)
        for i, older in enumerate(older_pkgs, 1):
            if older.version == version and older.release == release:

    mdconf.pkglist.addSack('existing', yumbase.pkgSack)
    mdconf.pkglist.addSack('new', new_packages)

    # Write out new metadata to tmpdir

    # Replace metadata on s3
    s3grabber.syncdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repodata'), 'repodata')

Ejemplo n.º 43
 def no_dynamic(cls, url):
     """Removes the fragment, params and query part of the url"""
     parsed = urlsplit(url)
     return urlunsplit(
         parsed[:3] + ('', '')
Ejemplo n.º 44
    DEFAULT_USERNAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORD = os_environ['CSAUTH'].split(':')

# You can override this value by running:
# $ export CSURI='https://zrh.cloudsigma.com/api/2.0/'
URL = 'https://zrh.cloudsigma.com/api/2.0/'

    DEFAULT_URL = os_environ['CSURI']

DEFAULT_URL_UPLOAD = list(urlparse.urlsplit(DEFAULT_URL))

def make_request(a_type,
    Makes request by setting appropriate url and auth.
Ejemplo n.º 45
def make_url_with_extraparam(url, k, v):
    scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urlsplit(url)
    query_params = parse_qs(query_string)
    query_params[k] = [v]
    new_query_string = urlencode(query_params, doseq=True)
    return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, new_query_string, fragment))