Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, add_to_scene_entities=True, **kwargs):

        self.name = camel_to_snake(self.type)
        self.enabled = True
        self.visible = True
        self.ignore = False     # if True, will not try to run code
        self.eternal = False    # eternal entities does not get destroyed on scene.clear()
        self.ignore_paused = False
        self.ignore_input = False

        self.parent = scene
        if add_to_scene_entities:

        self.model = None
        self.color = color.white
        self.texture = None
        self.reflection_map = scene.reflection_map
        self.reflectivity = 0
        self.render_queue = 0
        self.double_sided = False

        self.collision = False
        self.collider = None
        self.scripts = list()
        self.animations = list()
        self.hovered = False
        self.origin = Vec3(0,0,0)
        self.position = Vec3(0,0,0) # can also set self.x, self.y, self.z
        self.rotation = Vec3(0,0,0) # can also set self.rotation_x, self.rotation_y, self.rotation_z
        self.scale = Vec3(1,1,1)    # can also set self.scale_x, self.scale_y, self.scale_z

        self.line_definition = None
        if application.trace_entity_definition and add_to_scene_entities:
            from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
            _stack = stack()
            caller = getframeinfo(_stack[1][0])
            if len(_stack) > 2 and _stack[1].code_context and 'super().__init__()' in _stack[1].code_context[0]:
                caller = getframeinfo(_stack[2][0])

            self.line_definition = caller
            if caller.code_context:
                self.code_context = caller.code_context[0]

                if (self.code_context.count('(') == self.code_context.count(')') and
                ' = ' in self.code_context and not 'name=' in self.code_context
                and not 'Ursina()' in self.code_context):

                    self.name = self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', '')
                    # print('set name to:', self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', ''))

                if application.print_entity_definition:
                    print(f'{Path(caller.filename).name} ->  {caller.lineno} -> {caller.code_context}')

        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def add_script(self, class_instance):
     if isinstance(class_instance, object) and type(class_instance) is not str:
         class_instance.entity = self
         class_instance.enabled = True
         setattr(self, camel_to_snake(class_instance.__class__.__name__), class_instance)
         # print('added script:', camel_to_snake(name.__class__.__name__))
         return class_instance
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def add_script(self, name, path=None):
     # instance given
     if isinstance(name, object) and type(name) is not str:
         name.entity = self
         name.enabled = True
         setattr(self, camel_to_snake(name.__class__.__name__), name)
         # print('added script:', camel_to_snake(name.__class__.__name__))
         return name
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, add_to_scene_entities=True, **kwargs):

        self.name = camel_to_snake(self.type)
        self.enabled = True
        self.visible = True
        self.ignore = False     # if True, will not try to run code
        self.eternal = False    # eternal entities does not get destroyed on scene.clear()
        self.ignore_paused = False
        self.ignore_input = False

        self.parent = scene
        if add_to_scene_entities:

        self.model = None
        self.color = color.white
        self.texture = None     # tries to set to camel_to_snake(self.type)
        self.reflection_map = scene.reflection_map
        self.reflectivity = 0

        self.texture = camel_to_snake(self.type)
        self.render_queue = 0
        self.double_sided = False

        self.collision = False
        self.collider = None
        self.scripts = list()
        self.animations = list()
        self.hovered = False
        self.origin = Vec3(0,0,0)
        self.position = Vec3(0,0,0) # can also set self.x, self.y, self.z
        self.rotation = Vec3(0,0,0) # can also set self.rotation_x, self.rotation_y, self.rotation_z
        self.scale = Vec3(1,1,1)    # can also set self.scale_x, self.scale_y, self.scale_z

        self.line_definition = None
        if application.trace_entity_definition:
            from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
            caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])
            self.line_definition = f'{Path(caller.filename).name} ->  {caller.lineno} -> {caller.code_context}'

        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ursina_mesh_to_obj(mesh, name='', out_path=application.models_folder, max_decimals=3):
    from ursina.string_utilities import camel_to_snake

    if not name:
        name = camel_to_snake(mesh.__class__.__name__)
    obj = 'o ' + name + '\n'

    for v in mesh.vertices:
        v = [round(e, max_decimals) for e in v]
        obj += f'v {v[0]} {v[1]} {v[2]}\n'

    if mesh.uvs:
        for uv in mesh.uvs:
            uv = [round(e, max_decimals) for e in uv]
            obj += f'vt {uv[0]} {uv[1]}\n'

    obj += 's off\n'

    if mesh.triangles:
        tris = mesh.triangles

        if isinstance(tris[0], tuple): # convert from tuples to flat
            new_tris = list()
            for t in tris:
                if len(t) == 3:
                    new_tris.extend([t[0], t[1], t[2]])
                elif len(t) == 4: # turn quad into tris
                    new_tris.extend([t[0], t[1], t[2], t[2], t[3], t[0]])

            tris = new_tris

    if mesh.mode == 'ngon':
        tris = list()
        for i in range(1, len(mesh.vertices)-1):
            tris.extend((i, i+1, 0))

    # tris must be a list of indices
    for i, t in enumerate(tris):
        if i % 3 == 0:
            obj += '\nf '
        obj += str(t+1)
        if mesh.uvs:
            obj += '/'+str(t+1)
        obj += ' '

    # print(obj)
    with open(out_path / (name + '.obj'), 'w') as f:
        print('saved obj:', out_path / (name + '.obj'))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, add_to_scene_entities=True, **kwargs):

        self.name = camel_to_snake(self.type)
        self.enabled = True     # disabled entities wil not be visible nor run code
        self.visible = True
        self.ignore = False     # if True, will not try to run code
        self.eternal = False    # eternal entities does not get destroyed on scene.clear()
        self.ignore_paused = False
        self.ignore_input = False

        self.parent = scene
        self.add_to_scene_entities = add_to_scene_entities # set to False to be ignored by the engine, but still get rendered.
        if add_to_scene_entities:

        self.model = None       # set model with model='model_name' (without file type extention)
        self.color = color.white
        self.texture = None     # set model with texture='texture_name'. requires a model to be set beforehand.
        self.reflection_map = scene.reflection_map
        self.reflectivity = 0
        self.render_queue = 0
        self.double_sided = False
        self.shader = Entity.default_shader
        # self.always_on_top = False

        self.collision = False  # toggle collision without changing collider.
        self.collider = None    # set to 'box'/'sphere'/'mesh' for auto fitted collider.
        self.scripts = list()   # add with add_script(class_instance). will assign an 'entity' variable to the script.
        self.animations = list()
        self.hovered = False    # will return True if mouse hovers entity.

        self.origin = Vec3(0,0,0)
        self.position = Vec3(0,0,0) # right, up, forward. can also set self.x, self.y, self.z
        self.rotation = Vec3(0,0,0) # can also set self.rotation_x, self.rotation_y, self.rotation_z
        self.scale = Vec3(1,1,1)    # can also set self.scale_x, self.scale_y, self.scale_z

        self.line_definition = None # returns a Traceback(filename, lineno, function, code_context, index).
        if application.trace_entity_definition and add_to_scene_entities:
            from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
            _stack = stack()
            caller = getframeinfo(_stack[1][0])
            if len(_stack) > 2 and _stack[1].code_context and 'super().__init__()' in _stack[1].code_context[0]:
                caller = getframeinfo(_stack[2][0])

            self.line_definition = caller
            if caller.code_context:
                self.code_context = caller.code_context[0]

                if (self.code_context.count('(') == self.code_context.count(')') and
                ' = ' in self.code_context and not 'name=' in self.code_context
                and not 'Ursina()' in self.code_context):

                    self.name = self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', '')
                    # print('set name to:', self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', ''))

                if application.print_entity_definition:
                    print(f'{Path(caller.filename).name} ->  {caller.lineno} -> {caller.code_context}')

        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, add_to_scene_entities=True, **kwargs):

        self.name = camel_to_snake(self.type)
        self.enabled = True  # disabled entities will not be visible nor run code.
        self.visible = True
        self.ignore = False  # if True, will not try to run code.
        self.eternal = False  # eternal entities does not get destroyed on scene.clear()
        self.ignore_paused = False  # if True, will still run when application is paused. useful when making a pause menu for example.
        self.ignore_input = False

        self.parent = scene  # default parent is scene, which means it's in 3d space. to use UI space, set the parent to camera.ui instead.
        self.add_to_scene_entities = add_to_scene_entities  # set to False to be ignored by the engine, but still get rendered.
        if add_to_scene_entities:

        self.model = None  # set model with model='model_name' (without file type extension)
        self.color = color.white
        self.texture = None  # set model with texture='texture_name'. requires a model to be set beforehand.
        self.render_queue = 0
        self.double_sided = False
        if Entity.default_shader:
            self.shader = Entity.default_shader

        self.collision = False  # toggle collision without changing collider.
        self.collider = None  # set to 'box'/'sphere'/'mesh' for auto fitted collider.
        self.scripts = [
        ]  # add with add_script(class_instance). will assign an 'entity' variable to the script.
        self.animations = []
        self.hovered = False  # will return True if mouse hovers entity.

        self.origin = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
        self.position = Vec3(
            0, 0, 0)  # right, up, forward. can also set self.x, self.y, self.z
        self.rotation = Vec3(
            0, 0, 0
        )  # can also set self.rotation_x, self.rotation_y, self.rotation_z
        self.scale = Vec3(
            1, 1, 1)  # can also set self.scale_x, self.scale_y, self.scale_z

        self.line_definition = None  # returns a Traceback(filename, lineno, function, code_context, index).
        if application.trace_entity_definition and add_to_scene_entities:
            from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
            _stack = stack()
            caller = getframeinfo(_stack[1][0])
            if len(_stack) > 2 and _stack[
                    1].code_context and 'super().__init__()' in _stack[
                caller = getframeinfo(_stack[2][0])

            self.line_definition = caller
            if caller.code_context:
                self.code_context = caller.code_context[0]

                if (self.code_context.count('(')
                        == self.code_context.count(')')
                        and ' = ' in self.code_context
                        and not 'name=' in self.code_context
                        and not 'Ursina()' in self.code_context):

                    self.name = self.code_context.split(
                        ' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', '')
                    # print('set name to:', self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', ''))

                if application.print_entity_definition:
                        f'{Path(caller.filename).name} ->  {caller.lineno} -> {caller.code_context}'

        # make sure things get set in the correct order. both colliders and texture need the model to be set first.
        for key in ('model', 'origin', 'origin_x', 'origin_y', 'origin_z',
                    'collider', 'shader', 'texture', 'texture_scale',
            if key in kwargs:
                setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
                del kwargs[key]

        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if self.enabled and hasattr(self, 'on_enable'):
            if isinstance(self.on_enable, Sequence):
            elif callable(self.on_enable):

        elif not self.enabled and hasattr(self, 'on_disable'):
            if isinstance(self.on_disable, Sequence):
            elif callable(self.on_disable):