def _list_to_vec(self, value): if isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return Vec3(value, value, value) if len(value) % 2 == 0: new_value = Vec2() for i in range(0, len(value), 2): new_value.add_x(value[i]) new_value.add_y(value[i + 1]) if len(value) % 3 == 0: new_value = Vec3() for i in range(0, len(value), 3): new_value.add_x(value[i]) new_value.add_y(value[i + 1]) new_value.add_z(value[i + 2]) return new_value
def __init__(self): super().__init__() loadPrcFileData('', 'window-title ursina') loadPrcFileData('', 'notify-level-util error') loadPrcFileData('', 'textures-auto-power-2 #t') loadPrcFileData('', 'load-file-type p3assimp') # loadPrcFileData('', 'allow-portal-cull #t') # loadPrcFileData("", "framebuffer-multisample 1") # loadPrcFileData('', 'multisamples 2') # loadPrcFileData('', 'textures-power-2 none') # loadPrcFileData('', 'threading-model Cull/Draw') loadPrcFileData('', 'coordinate-system y-up-left') # fallback to one of these if opengl is not supported loadPrcFileData('', 'aux-display pandadx9') loadPrcFileData('', 'aux-display pandadx8') loadPrcFileData('', 'aux-display tinydisplay') self.vsync = True # can't be set during play self.show_ursina_splash = False self.title = self.borderless = True # self.icon = 'textures/ursina.ico' os_name = platform.system() try: if os_name == 'Windows': # windows import ctypes user32 = ctypes.windll.user32 user32.SetProcessDPIAware() self.screen_resolution = (user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)) elif os_name == 'Linux': import Xlib import Xlib.display resolution = Xlib.display.Display().screen().root.get_geometry( ) self.screen_resolution = Vec2(resolution.width, resolution.height) elif os_name == 'Darwin': # mac from AppKit import NSScreen size = NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size self.screen_resolution = [size.width, size.height] except: from screeninfo import get_monitors self.screen_resolution = [ get_monitors()[0].width, get_monitors()[0].height ] self.fullscreen_size = Vec2(*self.screen_resolution) self.windowed_size = self.fullscreen_size / 1.25 self.windowed_position = None # gets set when entering fullscreen so position will be correct when going back to windowed mode self.forced_aspect_ratio = None # example: window.forced_aspect_ratio = 16/9 self.size = self.windowed_size self.always_on_top = False = Vec2(0, .5) self.bottom = Vec2(0, -.5) = Vec2(0, 0)
def center_on_screen(self): self.position = Vec2( int((self.screen_resolution[0] - self.size[0]) / 2), int((self.screen_resolution[1] - self.size[1]) / 2))
def bottom_right(self): return Vec2(self.aspect_ratio / 2, -.5)
def bottom_left(self): return Vec2(-self.aspect_ratio / 2, -.5)
def top_right(self): return Vec2(self.aspect_ratio / 2, .5)
def sum(l): try: return internal_sum(l) except: pass total = l[0].__class__() for e in l: total += e return total if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * app = Ursina() e1 = Entity(position = (0,0,0)) e2 = Entity(position = (0,1,1)) distance(e1, e2) distance_xz(e1, e2.position) between_color = lerp(color.lime, color.magenta, .5) print(between_color) print(lerp((0,0), (0,1), .5)) print(lerp(Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,1), .5)) print(lerp([0,0], [0,1], .5)) print(round(Vec3(.38, .1351, 353.26), 2))
def right(self): return Vec2(self.aspect_ratio / 2, 0)
def xy(self): return Vec2(self.x, self.y)
def tile_coordinate(self, value): self._tile_coordinate = value self.texture_offset = Vec2(value[0] / self.tileset_size[0], value[1] / self.tileset_size[1])
def tileset_size(self, value): self._tileset_size = value self.texture_scale = Vec2(1 / value[0], 1 / value[1])
def texture_offset(self): if not hasattr(self, '_texture_offset'): return Vec2(0, 0) return self._texture_offset
def texture_scale(self): if not hasattr(self, '_texture_scale'): return Vec2(1, 1) return self._texture_scale
def size(self): if not self.borderless: return Vec2(* return self._size
def xz(self): return Vec2(self.x, self.z)
def left(self): return Vec2(-self.aspect_ratio / 2, 0)
def yz(self): return Vec2(self.y, self.z)
def top_left(self): return Vec2(-self.aspect_ratio / 2, .5)
def size(self): return Vec2(self.width, self.height)