Ejemplo n.º 1
class MainLoop(object):
    This is the standard main loop implementation for a single interactive

    :param widget: the topmost widget used for painting the screen, stored as
                   :attr:`widget` and may be modified. Must be a box widget.
    :type widget: widget instance

    :param palette: initial palette for screen
    :type palette: iterable of palette entries

    :param screen: screen to use, default is a new :class:`raw_display.Screen`
                   instance; stored as :attr:`screen`
    :type screen: display module screen instance

    :param handle_mouse: ``True`` to ask :attr:`.screen` to process mouse events
    :type handle_mouse: bool

    :param input_filter: a function to filter input before sending it to
                   :attr:`.widget`, called from :meth:`.input_filter`
    :type input_filter: callable

    :param unhandled_input: a function called when input is not handled by
                            :attr:`.widget`, called from :meth:`.unhandled_input`
    :type unhandled_input: callable

    :param event_loop: if :attr:`.screen` supports external an event loop it may be
                       given here, default is a new :class:`SelectEventLoop` instance;
                       stored as :attr:`.event_loop`
    :type event_loop: event loop instance

    :param pop_ups: `True` to wrap :attr:`.widget` with a :class:`PopUpTarget`
                    instance to allow any widget to open a pop-up anywhere on the screen
    :type pop_ups: boolean

    .. attribute:: screen

        The screen object this main loop uses for screen updates and reading input

    .. attribute:: event_loop

        The event loop object this main loop uses for waiting on alarms and IO

    def __init__(self, widget, palette=(), screen=None,
            handle_mouse=True, input_filter=None, unhandled_input=None,
            event_loop=None, pop_ups=False):
        self._widget = widget
        self.handle_mouse = handle_mouse
        self.pop_ups = pop_ups # triggers property setting side-effect

        if not screen:
            from urwid import raw_display
            screen = raw_display.Screen()

        if palette:

        self.screen = screen
        self.screen_size = None

        self._unhandled_input = unhandled_input
        self._input_filter = input_filter

        if not hasattr(screen, 'get_input_descriptors'
                ) and event_loop is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("screen object passed "
                "%r does not support external event loops" % (screen,))
        if event_loop is None:
            event_loop = SelectEventLoop()
        self.event_loop = event_loop

        self._input_timeout = None
        self._watch_pipes = {}

    def _set_widget(self, widget):
        self._widget = widget
        if self.pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget.original_widget = self._widget
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget
    widget = property(lambda self:self._widget, _set_widget, doc=
       Property for the topmost widget used to draw the screen.
       This must be a box widget.

    def _set_pop_ups(self, pop_ups):
        self._pop_ups = pop_ups
        if pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget = PopUpTarget(self._widget)
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget
    pop_ups = property(lambda self:self._pop_ups, _set_pop_ups)

    def set_alarm_in(self, sec, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule an alarm in *sec* seconds that will call *callback* from the
        within the :meth:`run` method.

        :param sec: seconds until alarm
        :type sec: float
        :param callback: function to call with two parameters: this main loop
                         object and *user_data*
        :type callback: callable
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)
        return self.event_loop.alarm(sec, cb)

    def set_alarm_at(self, tm, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule an alarm at *tm* time that will call *callback* from the
        within the :meth:`run` function. Returns a handle that may be passed to

        :param tm: time to call callback e.g. ``time.time() + 5``
        :type tm: float
        :param callback: function to call with two parameters: this main loop
                         object and *user_data*
        :type callback: callable
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)
        return self.event_loop.alarm(tm - time.time(), cb)

    def remove_alarm(self, handle):
        Remove an alarm. Return ``True`` if *handle* was found, ``False``
        return self.event_loop.remove_alarm(handle)

    def watch_pipe(self, callback):
        Create a pipe for use by a subprocess or thread to trigger a callback
        in the process/thread running the main loop.

        :param callback: function taking one parameter to call from within
                         the process/thread running the main loop
        :type callback: callable

        This method returns a file descriptor attached to the write end of a
        pipe. The read end of the pipe is added to the list of files
        :attr:`event_loop` is watching. When data is written to the pipe the
        callback function will be called and passed a single value containing
        data read from the pipe.

        This method may be used any time you want to update widgets from
        another thread or subprocess.

        Data may be written to the returned file descriptor with
        ``os.write(fd, data)``. Ensure that data is less than 512 bytes (or 4K
        on Linux) so that the callback will be triggered just once with the
        complete value of data passed in.

        If the callback returns ``False`` then the watch will be removed from
        :attr:`event_loop` and the read end of the pipe will be closed. You
        are responsible for closing the write end of the pipe with
        pipe_rd, pipe_wr = os.pipe()
        fcntl.fcntl(pipe_rd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
        watch_handle = None

        def cb():
            data = os.read(pipe_rd, PIPE_BUFFER_READ_SIZE)
            rval = callback(data)
            if rval is False:

        watch_handle = self.event_loop.watch_file(pipe_rd, cb)
        self._watch_pipes[pipe_wr] = (watch_handle, pipe_rd)
        return pipe_wr

    def remove_watch_pipe(self, write_fd):
        Close the read end of the pipe and remove the watch created by
        :meth:`watch_pipe`. You are responsible for closing the write end of
        the pipe.

        Returns ``True`` if the watch pipe exists, ``False`` otherwise
            watch_handle, pipe_rd = self._watch_pipes.pop(write_fd)
        except KeyError:
            return False

        if not self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(watch_handle):
            return False
        return True

    def watch_file(self, fd, callback):
        Call *callback* when *fd* has some data to read. No parameters are
        passed to callback.

        Returns a handle that may be passed to :meth:`remove_watch_file`.
        return self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, callback)

    def remove_watch_file(self, handle):
        Remove a watch file. Returns ``True`` if the watch file
        exists, ``False`` otherwise.
        return self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(handle)

    def run(self):
        Start the main loop handling input events and updating the screen. The
        loop will continue until an :exc:`ExitMainLoop` exception is raised.

        This method will use :attr:`screen`'s run_wrapper() method if
        :attr:`screen`'s start() method has not already been called.
            if self.screen.started:
        except ExitMainLoop:

    def _test_run(self):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")   # _refl prints out function calls
        >>> w.render_rval = "fake canvas"  # *_rval is used for return values
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_input_descriptors_rval = [42]
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (20, 10)
        >>> scr.started = True
        >>> scr._urwid_signals = {}
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> evl.enter_idle_rval = 1
        >>> evl.watch_file_rval = 2
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        widget.render((20, 10), focus=True)
        screen.draw_screen((20, 10), 'fake canvas')
        event_loop.watch_file(42, <bound method ...>)
        event_loop.enter_idle(<bound method ...>)
        >>> scr.started = False
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        screen.run_wrapper(<bound method ...>)

    def _run(self):
        if self.handle_mouse:

        if not hasattr(self.screen, 'get_input_descriptors'):
            return self._run_screen_event_loop()


        fd_handles = []
        def reset_input_descriptors(only_remove=False):
            for handle in fd_handles:
            if only_remove:
                del fd_handles[:]
                fd_handles[:] = [
                    self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, self._update)
                    for fd in self.screen.get_input_descriptors()]
            if not fd_handles and self._input_timeout is not None:

            signals.connect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,
        except NameError:
        # watch our input descriptors
        idle_handle = self.event_loop.enter_idle(self.entering_idle)

        # Go..

        # tidy up
        signals.disconnect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,

    def _update(self, timeout=False):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> w.mouse_event_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (15, 5)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = 1, ['y'], [121]
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml._input_timeout = "old timeout"
        >>> ml._update()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        event_loop.remove_alarm('old timeout')
        event_loop.alarm(1, <function ...>)
        widget.keypress((15, 5), 'y')
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [("mouse press", 1, 5, 4)
        ... ], []
        >>> ml._update()
        widget.mouse_event((15, 5), 'mouse press', 1, 5, 4, focus=True)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [], []
        >>> ml._update()
        if self._input_timeout is not None and not timeout:
            # cancel the timeout, something else triggered the update
        self._input_timeout = None

        max_wait, keys, raw = self.screen.get_input_nonblocking()
        if max_wait is not None:
            # if get_input_nonblocking wants to be called back
            # make sure it happens with an alarm
            self._input_timeout = self.event_loop.alarm(max_wait, 
                lambda: self._update(timeout=True)) 

        keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

        if keys:
            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def _run_screen_event_loop(self):
        This method is used when the screen does not support using
        external event loops.

        The alarms stored in the SelectEventLoop in :attr:`event_loop`
        are modified by this method.
        next_alarm = None

        while True:

            if not next_alarm and self.event_loop._alarms:
                next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)

            keys = None
            while not keys:
                if next_alarm:
                    sec = max(0, next_alarm[0] - time.time())
                keys, raw = self.screen.get_input(True)
                if not keys and next_alarm: 
                    sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                    if sec <= 0:

            keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

            if keys:

            while next_alarm:
                sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                if sec > 0:
                tm, callback = next_alarm

                if self.event_loop._alarms:
                    next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)
                    next_alarm = None

            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def _test_run_screen_event_loop(self):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (10, 5)
        >>> scr.get_input_rval = [], []
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, screen=scr)
        >>> def stop_now(loop, data):
        ...     raise ExitMainLoop()
        >>> handle = ml.set_alarm_in(0, stop_now)
        >>> try:
        ...     ml._run_screen_event_loop()
        ... except ExitMainLoop:
        ...     pass
        widget.render((10, 5), focus=True)
        screen.draw_screen((10, 5), None)

    def process_input(self, keys):
        This method will pass keyboard input and mouse events to :attr:`widget`.
        This method is called automatically from the :meth:`run` method when
        there is input, but may also be called to simulate input from the user.

        *keys* is a list of input returned from :attr:`screen`'s get_input()
        or get_input_nonblocking() methods.

        Returns ``True`` if any key was handled by a widget or the
        :meth:`unhandled_input` method.
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        something_handled = False

        for k in keys:
            if k == 'window resize':
            if is_mouse_event(k):
                event, button, col, row = k
                if self._topmost_widget.mouse_event(self.screen_size,
                    event, button, col, row, focus=True ):
                    k = None
            elif self._topmost_widget.selectable():
                k = self._topmost_widget.keypress(self.screen_size, k)
            if k:
                if command_map[k] == REDRAW_SCREEN:
                    something_handled = True
                    something_handled |= bool(self.unhandled_input(k))
                something_handled = True

        return something_handled

    def _test_process_input(self):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (10, 5)
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr)
        >>> ml.process_input(['enter', ('mouse drag', 1, 14, 20)])
        widget.keypress((10, 5), 'enter')
        widget.mouse_event((10, 5), 'mouse drag', 1, 14, 20, focus=True)

    def input_filter(self, keys, raw):
        This function is passed each all the input events and raw keystroke
        values. These values are passed to the *input_filter* function
        passed to the constructor. That function must return a list of keys to
        be passed to the widgets to handle. If no *input_filter* was
        defined this implementation will return all the input events.
        if self._input_filter:
            return self._input_filter(keys, raw)
        return keys

    def unhandled_input(self, input):
        This function is called with any input that was not handled by the
        widgets, and calls the *unhandled_input* function passed to the
        constructor. If no *unhandled_input* was defined then the input
        will be ignored.

        *input* is the keyboard or mouse input.

        The *unhandled_input* function should return ``True`` if it handled
        the input.
        if self._unhandled_input:
            return self._unhandled_input(input)

    def entering_idle(self):
        This method is called whenever the event loop is about to enter the
        idle state. :meth:`draw_screen` is called here to update the
        screen when anything has changed.
        if self.screen.started:

    def draw_screen(self):
        Render the widgets and paint the screen. This method is called
        automatically from :meth:`entering_idle`.

        If you modify the widgets displayed outside of handling input or
        responding to an alarm you will need to call this method yourself
        to repaint the screen.
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        canvas = self._topmost_widget.render(self.screen_size, focus=True)
        self.screen.draw_screen(self.screen_size, canvas)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _set_pop_ups(self, pop_ups):
     self._pop_ups = pop_ups
     if pop_ups:
         self._topmost_widget = PopUpTarget(self._widget)
         self._topmost_widget = self._widget
Ejemplo n.º 3
class MainLoop(object):
    This is the standard main loop implementation for a single interactive

    :param widget: the topmost widget used for painting the screen, stored as
                   :attr:`widget` and may be modified. Must be a box widget.
    :type widget: widget instance

    :param palette: initial palette for screen
    :type palette: iterable of palette entries

    :param screen: screen to use, default is a new :class:`raw_display.Screen`
                   instance; stored as :attr:`screen`
    :type screen: display module screen instance

    :param handle_mouse: ``True`` to ask :attr:`.screen` to process mouse events
    :type handle_mouse: bool

    :param input_filter: a function to filter input before sending it to
                   :attr:`.widget`, called from :meth:`.input_filter`
    :type input_filter: callable

    :param unhandled_input: a function called when input is not handled by
                            :attr:`.widget`, called from :meth:`.unhandled_input`
    :type unhandled_input: callable

    :param event_loop: if :attr:`.screen` supports external an event loop it may be
                       given here, default is a new :class:`SelectEventLoop` instance;
                       stored as :attr:`.event_loop`
    :type event_loop: event loop instance

    :param pop_ups: `True` to wrap :attr:`.widget` with a :class:`PopUpTarget`
                    instance to allow any widget to open a pop-up anywhere on the screen
    :type pop_ups: boolean

    .. attribute:: screen

        The screen object this main loop uses for screen updates and reading input

    .. attribute:: event_loop

        The event loop object this main loop uses for waiting on alarms and IO
    def __init__(self,
        self._widget = widget
        self.handle_mouse = handle_mouse
        self.pop_ups = pop_ups  # triggers property setting side-effect

        if not screen:
            from urwid import raw_display
            screen = raw_display.Screen()

        if palette:

        self.screen = screen
        self.screen_size = None

        self._unhandled_input = unhandled_input
        self._input_filter = input_filter

        if not hasattr(screen,
                       'get_input_descriptors') and event_loop is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "screen object passed "
                "%r does not support external event loops" % (screen, ))
        if event_loop is None:
            event_loop = SelectEventLoop()
        self.event_loop = event_loop

        self._input_timeout = None
        self._watch_pipes = {}

    def _set_widget(self, widget):
        self._widget = widget
        if self.pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget.original_widget = self._widget
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget

    widget = property(lambda self: self._widget,
       Property for the topmost widget used to draw the screen.
       This must be a box widget.

    def _set_pop_ups(self, pop_ups):
        self._pop_ups = pop_ups
        if pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget = PopUpTarget(self._widget)
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget

    pop_ups = property(lambda self: self._pop_ups, _set_pop_ups)

    def set_alarm_in(self, sec, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule an alarm in *sec* seconds that will call *callback* from the
        within the :meth:`run` method.

        :param sec: seconds until alarm
        :type sec: float
        :param callback: function to call with two parameters: this main loop
                         object and *user_data*
        :type callback: callable
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)

        return self.event_loop.alarm(sec, cb)

    def set_alarm_at(self, tm, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule an alarm at *tm* time that will call *callback* from the
        within the :meth:`run` function. Returns a handle that may be passed to

        :param tm: time to call callback e.g. ``time.time() + 5``
        :type tm: float
        :param callback: function to call with two parameters: this main loop
                         object and *user_data*
        :type callback: callable
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)

        return self.event_loop.alarm(tm - time.time(), cb)

    def remove_alarm(self, handle):
        Remove an alarm. Return ``True`` if *handle* was found, ``False``
        return self.event_loop.remove_alarm(handle)

    def watch_pipe(self, callback):
        Create a pipe for use by a subprocess or thread to trigger a callback
        in the process/thread running the main loop.

        :param callback: function taking one parameter to call from within
                         the process/thread running the main loop
        :type callback: callable

        This method returns a file descriptor attached to the write end of a
        pipe. The read end of the pipe is added to the list of files
        :attr:`event_loop` is watching. When data is written to the pipe the
        callback function will be called and passed a single value containing
        data read from the pipe.

        This method may be used any time you want to update widgets from
        another thread or subprocess.

        Data may be written to the returned file descriptor with
        ``os.write(fd, data)``. Ensure that data is less than 512 bytes (or 4K
        on Linux) so that the callback will be triggered just once with the
        complete value of data passed in.

        If the callback returns ``False`` then the watch will be removed from
        :attr:`event_loop` and the read end of the pipe will be closed. You
        are responsible for closing the write end of the pipe with
        pipe_rd, pipe_wr = os.pipe()
        fcntl.fcntl(pipe_rd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
        watch_handle = None

        def cb():
            data = os.read(pipe_rd, PIPE_BUFFER_READ_SIZE)
            rval = callback(data)
            if rval is False:

        watch_handle = self.event_loop.watch_file(pipe_rd, cb)
        self._watch_pipes[pipe_wr] = (watch_handle, pipe_rd)
        return pipe_wr

    def remove_watch_pipe(self, write_fd):
        Close the read end of the pipe and remove the watch created by
        :meth:`watch_pipe`. You are responsible for closing the write end of
        the pipe.

        Returns ``True`` if the watch pipe exists, ``False`` otherwise
            watch_handle, pipe_rd = self._watch_pipes.pop(write_fd)
        except KeyError:
            return False

        if not self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(watch_handle):
            return False
        return True

    def watch_file(self, fd, callback):
        Call *callback* when *fd* has some data to read. No parameters are
        passed to callback.

        Returns a handle that may be passed to :meth:`remove_watch_file`.
        return self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, callback)

    def remove_watch_file(self, handle):
        Remove a watch file. Returns ``True`` if the watch file
        exists, ``False`` otherwise.
        return self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(handle)

    def run(self):
        Start the main loop handling input events and updating the screen. The
        loop will continue until an :exc:`ExitMainLoop` exception is raised.

        This method will use :attr:`screen`'s run_wrapper() method if
        :attr:`screen`'s start() method has not already been called.
            if self.screen.started:
        except ExitMainLoop:

    def _test_run(self):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")   # _refl prints out function calls
        >>> w.render_rval = "fake canvas"  # *_rval is used for return values
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_input_descriptors_rval = [42]
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (20, 10)
        >>> scr.started = True
        >>> scr._urwid_signals = {}
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> evl.enter_idle_rval = 1
        >>> evl.watch_file_rval = 2
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        widget.render((20, 10), focus=True)
        screen.draw_screen((20, 10), 'fake canvas')
        event_loop.watch_file(42, <bound method ...>)
        event_loop.enter_idle(<bound method ...>)
        >>> scr.started = False
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        screen.run_wrapper(<bound method ...>)

    def _run(self):
        if self.handle_mouse:

        if not hasattr(self.screen, 'get_input_descriptors'):
            return self._run_screen_event_loop()


        fd_handles = []

        def reset_input_descriptors(only_remove=False):
            for handle in fd_handles:
            if only_remove:
                del fd_handles[:]
                fd_handles[:] = [
                    self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, self._update)
                    for fd in self.screen.get_input_descriptors()
            if not fd_handles and self._input_timeout is not None:

            signals.connect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,
        except NameError:
        # watch our input descriptors
        idle_handle = self.event_loop.enter_idle(self.entering_idle)

        # Go..

        # tidy up
        signals.disconnect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,

    def _update(self, timeout=False):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> w.mouse_event_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (15, 5)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = 1, ['y'], [121]
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml._input_timeout = "old timeout"
        >>> ml._update()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        event_loop.remove_alarm('old timeout')
        event_loop.alarm(1, <function ...>)
        widget.keypress((15, 5), 'y')
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [("mouse press", 1, 5, 4)
        ... ], []
        >>> ml._update()
        widget.mouse_event((15, 5), 'mouse press', 1, 5, 4, focus=True)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [], []
        >>> ml._update()
        if self._input_timeout is not None and not timeout:
            # cancel the timeout, something else triggered the update
        self._input_timeout = None

        max_wait, keys, raw = self.screen.get_input_nonblocking()

        if max_wait is not None:
            # if get_input_nonblocking wants to be called back
            # make sure it happens with an alarm
            self._input_timeout = self.event_loop.alarm(
                max_wait, lambda: self._update(timeout=True))

        keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

        if keys:
            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def _run_screen_event_loop(self):
        This method is used when the screen does not support using
        external event loops.

        The alarms stored in the SelectEventLoop in :attr:`event_loop`
        are modified by this method.
        next_alarm = None

        while True:

            if not next_alarm and self.event_loop._alarms:
                next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)

            keys = None
            while not keys:
                if next_alarm:
                    sec = max(0, next_alarm[0] - time.time())
                keys, raw = self.screen.get_input(True)
                if not keys and next_alarm:
                    sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                    if sec <= 0:

            keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

            if keys:

            while next_alarm:
                sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                if sec > 0:
                tm, callback = next_alarm

                if self.event_loop._alarms:
                    next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)
                    next_alarm = None

            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def _test_run_screen_event_loop(self):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (10, 5)
        >>> scr.get_input_rval = [], []
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, screen=scr)
        >>> def stop_now(loop, data):
        ...     raise ExitMainLoop()
        >>> handle = ml.set_alarm_in(0, stop_now)
        >>> try:
        ...     ml._run_screen_event_loop()
        ... except ExitMainLoop:
        ...     pass
        widget.render((10, 5), focus=True)
        screen.draw_screen((10, 5), None)

    def process_input(self, keys):
        This method will pass keyboard input and mouse events to :attr:`widget`.
        This method is called automatically from the :meth:`run` method when
        there is input, but may also be called to simulate input from the user.

        *keys* is a list of input returned from :attr:`screen`'s get_input()
        or get_input_nonblocking() methods.

        Returns ``True`` if any key was handled by a widget or the
        :meth:`unhandled_input` method.
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        something_handled = False

        for k in keys:
            if k == 'window resize':
            if is_mouse_event(k):
                event, button, col, row = k
                if self._topmost_widget.mouse_event(self.screen_size,
                    k = None
            elif self._topmost_widget.selectable():
                k = self._topmost_widget.keypress(self.screen_size, k)
            if k:
                if command_map[k] == REDRAW_SCREEN:
                    something_handled = True
                    something_handled |= bool(self.unhandled_input(k))
                something_handled = True

        return something_handled

    def _test_process_input(self):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (10, 5)
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr)
        >>> ml.process_input(['enter', ('mouse drag', 1, 14, 20)])
        widget.keypress((10, 5), 'enter')
        widget.mouse_event((10, 5), 'mouse drag', 1, 14, 20, focus=True)

    def input_filter(self, keys, raw):
        This function is passed each all the input events and raw keystroke
        values. These values are passed to the *input_filter* function
        passed to the constructor. That function must return a list of keys to
        be passed to the widgets to handle. If no *input_filter* was
        defined this implementation will return all the input events.
        if self._input_filter:
            return self._input_filter(keys, raw)
        return keys

    def unhandled_input(self, input):
        This function is called with any input that was not handled by the
        widgets, and calls the *unhandled_input* function passed to the
        constructor. If no *unhandled_input* was defined then the input
        will be ignored.

        *input* is the keyboard or mouse input.

        The *unhandled_input* function should return ``True`` if it handled
        the input.
        if self._unhandled_input:
            return self._unhandled_input(input)

    def entering_idle(self):
        This method is called whenever the event loop is about to enter the
        idle state. :meth:`draw_screen` is called here to update the
        screen when anything has changed.
        if self.screen.started:

    def draw_screen(self):
        Render the widgets and paint the screen. This method is called
        automatically from :meth:`entering_idle`.

        If you modify the widgets displayed outside of handling input or
        responding to an alarm you will need to call this method yourself
        to repaint the screen.
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        canvas = self._topmost_widget.render(self.screen_size, focus=True)
        self.screen.draw_screen(self.screen_size, canvas)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _set_pop_ups(self, pop_ups):
     self._pop_ups = pop_ups
     if pop_ups:
         self._topmost_widget = PopUpTarget(self._widget)
         self._topmost_widget = self._widget
Ejemplo n.º 5
class MainLoop(object):
    def __init__(self, widget, palette=[], screen=None, 
        handle_mouse=True, input_filter=None, unhandled_input=None,
        event_loop=None, pop_ups=False):
        Simple main loop implementation.

        widget -- topmost widget used for painting the screen,
            stored as self.widget and may be modified
        palette -- initial palette for screen
        screen -- screen object or None to use raw_display.Screen,
            stored as self.screen
        handle_mouse -- True to process mouse events, passed to
        input_filter -- a function to filter input before sending
            it to self.widget, called from self.input_filter
        unhandled_input -- a function called when input is not
            handled by self.widget, called from self.unhandled_input
        event_loop -- if screen supports external an event loop it
            may be given here, or leave as None to use
            SelectEventLoop, stored as self.event_loop
        pop_ups -- True to wrap self.widget with a PopUpTarget
            instance to allow any widget to open a pop-up anywhere on
            the screen

        This is the standard main loop implementation with a single

        The widget passed must be a box widget.
        self._widget = widget
        self.handle_mouse = handle_mouse
        self.pop_ups = pop_ups # triggers property setting side-effect

        if not screen:
            from urwid import raw_display
            screen = raw_display.Screen()

        if palette:

        self.screen = screen
        self.screen_size = None

        self._unhandled_input = unhandled_input
        self._input_filter = input_filter

        if not hasattr(screen, 'get_input_descriptors'
                ) and event_loop is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("screen object passed "
                "%r does not support external event loops" % (screen,))
        if event_loop is None:
            event_loop = SelectEventLoop()
        self.event_loop = event_loop

        self._input_timeout = None
        self._watch_pipes = {}

    def _set_widget(self, widget):
        self._widget = widget
        if self.pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget.original_widget = self._widget
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget
    widget = property(lambda self:self._widget, _set_widget)

    def _set_pop_ups(self, pop_ups):
        self._pop_ups = pop_ups
        if pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget = PopUpTarget(self._widget)
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget
    pop_ups = property(lambda self:self._pop_ups, _set_pop_ups)

    def set_alarm_in(self, sec, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule an alarm in sec seconds that will call
        callback(main_loop, user_data) from the within the run()

        sec -- floating point seconds until alarm
        callback -- callback(main_loop, user_data) callback function
        user_data -- object to pass to callback
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)
        return self.event_loop.alarm(sec, cb)

    def set_alarm_at(self, tm, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule at tm time that will call 
        callback(main_loop, user_data) from the within the run()

        Returns a handle that may be passed to remove_alarm()

        tm -- floating point local time of alarm
        callback -- callback(main_loop, user_data) callback function
        user_data -- object to pass to callback
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)
        return self.event_loop.alarm(tm - time.time(), cb)

    def remove_alarm(self, handle):
        Remove an alarm.

        Return True if the handle was found, False otherwise.
        return self.event_loop.remove_alarm(handle)

    def watch_pipe(self, callback):
        Create a pipe for use by a subprocess or thread to trigger
        a callback in the process/thread running the MainLoop.

        callback -- function to call MainLoop.run thread/process

        This function returns a file descriptor attached to the
        write end of a pipe.  The read end of the pipe is added to
        the list of files the event loop is watching. When
        data is written to the pipe the callback function will be
        called and passed a single value containing data read.

        This method should be used any time you want to update
        widgets from another thread or subprocess.

        Data may be written to the returned file descriptor with
        os.write(fd, data).  Ensure that data is less than 512
        bytes (or 4K on Linux) so that the callback will be
        triggered just once with the complete value of data
        passed in.

        If the callback returns False then the watch will be
        removed and the read end of the pipe will be closed.
        You are responsible for closing the write end of the pipe.
        pipe_rd, pipe_wr = os.pipe()
        fcntl.fcntl(pipe_rd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
        watch_handle = None

        def cb():
            data = os.read(pipe_rd, PIPE_BUFFER_READ_SIZE)
            rval = callback(data)
            if rval is False:

        watch_handle = self.event_loop.watch_file(pipe_rd, cb)
        self._watch_pipes[pipe_wr] = (watch_handle, pipe_rd)
        return pipe_wr

    def remove_watch_pipe(self, write_fd):
        Close the read end of the pipe and remove the watch created
        by watch_pipe().  You are responsible for closing the write
        end of the pipe.

        Returns True if the watch pipe exists, False otherwise
            watch_handle, pipe_rd = self._watch_pipes.pop(write_fd)
        except KeyError:
            return False

        if not self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(watch_handle):
            return False
        return True

    def watch_file(self, fd, callback):
        Call callback() when fd has some data to read.  No parameters
        are passed to callback.

        Returns a handle that may be passed to remove_watch_file()

        fd -- file descriptor to watch for input
        callback -- function to call when input is available
        return self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, callback)

    def remove_watch_file(self, handle):
        Remove a watch file.

        Returns True if the watch file exists, False otherwise.
        return self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(handle)

    def run(self):
        Start the main loop handling input events and updating 
        the screen.  The loop will continue until an ExitMainLoop 
        exception is raised.  
        This function will call screen.run_wrapper() if screen.start() 
        has not already been called.

        >>> w = _refl("widget")   # _refl prints out function calls
        >>> w.render_rval = "fake canvas"  # *_rval is used for return values
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_input_descriptors_rval = [42]
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (20, 10)
        >>> scr.started = True
        >>> scr._urwid_signals = {}
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> evl.enter_idle_rval = 1
        >>> evl.watch_file_rval = 2
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        widget.render((20, 10), focus=True)
        screen.draw_screen((20, 10), 'fake canvas')
        event_loop.watch_file(42, <bound method ...>)
        event_loop.enter_idle(<bound method ...>)
        >>> scr.started = False
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        screen.run_wrapper(<bound method ...>)
            if self.screen.started:
        except ExitMainLoop:
    def _run(self):
        if self.handle_mouse:

        if not hasattr(self.screen, 'get_input_descriptors'):
            return self._run_screen_event_loop()


        fd_handles = []
        def reset_input_descriptors(only_remove=False):
            for handle in fd_handles:
            if only_remove:
            fd_handles[:] = [
                self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, self._update)
                for fd in self.screen.get_input_descriptors()]

            signals.connect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,
        except NameError:
        # watch our input descriptors
        idle_handle = self.event_loop.enter_idle(self.entering_idle)

        # Go..

        # tidy up
        signals.disconnect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,

    def _update(self, timeout=False):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> w.mouse_event_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (15, 5)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = 1, ['y'], [121]
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml._input_timeout = "old timeout"
        >>> ml._update()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        event_loop.remove_alarm('old timeout')
        event_loop.alarm(1, <function ...>)
        widget.keypress((15, 5), 'y')
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [("mouse press", 1, 5, 4)
        ... ], []
        >>> ml._update()
        widget.mouse_event((15, 5), 'mouse press', 1, 5, 4, focus=True)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [], []
        >>> ml._update()
        if self._input_timeout is not None and not timeout:
            # cancel the timeout, something else triggered the update
        self._input_timeout = None

        max_wait, keys, raw = self.screen.get_input_nonblocking()
        if max_wait is not None:
            # if get_input_nonblocking wants to be called back
            # make sure it happens with an alarm
            self._input_timeout = self.event_loop.alarm(max_wait, 
                lambda: self._update(timeout=True)) 

        keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

        if keys:
            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def _run_screen_event_loop(self):
        This method is used when the screen does not support using
        external event loops.

        The alarms stored in the SelectEventLoop in self.event_loop 
        are modified by this method.
        next_alarm = None

        while True:

            if not next_alarm and self.event_loop._alarms:
                next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)

            keys = None
            while not keys:
                if next_alarm:
                    sec = max(0, next_alarm[0] - time.time())
                keys, raw = self.screen.get_input(True)
                if not keys and next_alarm: 
                    sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                    if sec <= 0:

            keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)
            if keys:
            while next_alarm:
                sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                if sec > 0:
                tm, callback, user_data = next_alarm
                callback(self, user_data)
                if self._alarms:
                    next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)
                    next_alarm = None
            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def process_input(self, keys):
        This function will pass keyboard input and mouse events
        to self.widget.  This function is called automatically
        from the run() method when there is input, but may also be
        called to simulate input from the user.

        keys -- list of input returned from self.screen.get_input()

        Returns True if any key was handled by a widget or the
        unhandled_input() method.         

        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (10, 5)
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr)
        >>> ml.process_input(['enter', ('mouse drag', 1, 14, 20)])
        widget.keypress((10, 5), 'enter')
        widget.mouse_event((10, 5), 'mouse drag', 1, 14, 20, focus=True)
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        something_handled = False

        for k in keys:
            if k == 'window resize':
            if is_mouse_event(k):
                event, button, col, row = k
                if self._topmost_widget.mouse_event(self.screen_size,
                    event, button, col, row, focus=True ):
                    k = None
            elif self._topmost_widget.selectable():
                k = self._topmost_widget.keypress(self.screen_size, k)
            if k:
                if command_map[k] == 'redraw screen':
                    something_handled = True
                    something_handled |= bool(self.unhandled_input(k))
                something_handled = True

        return something_handled

    def input_filter(self, keys, raw):
        This function is passed each all the input events and raw
        keystroke values.  These values are passed to the
        input_filter function passed to the constructor.  That
        function must return a list of keys to be passed to the
        widgets to handle.  If no input_filter was defined this
        implementation will return all the input events.

        input -- keyboard or mouse input
        if self._input_filter:
            return self._input_filter(keys, raw)
        return keys

    def unhandled_input(self, input):
        This function is called with any input that was not handled
        by the widgets, and calls the unhandled_input function passed
        to the constructor.  If no unhandled_input was defined then
        the input will be ignored.

        input -- keyboard or mouse input

        The unhandled_input method should return True if it handled
        the input.
        if self._unhandled_input:
            return self._unhandled_input(input)

    def entering_idle(self):
        This function is called whenever the event loop is about
        to enter the idle state.  self.draw_screen() is called here
        to update the screen if anything has changed.
        if self.screen.started:

    def draw_screen(self):
        Render the widgets and paint the screen.  This function is
        called automatically from run() but may be called additional
        times if repainting is required without also processing input.
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        canvas = self._topmost_widget.render(self.screen_size, focus=True)
        self.screen.draw_screen(self.screen_size, canvas)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class MainLoop(object):
    def __init__(self,
        Simple main loop implementation.

        widget -- topmost widget used for painting the screen,
            stored as self.widget and may be modified
        palette -- initial palette for screen
        screen -- screen object or None to use raw_display.Screen,
            stored as self.screen
        handle_mouse -- True to process mouse events, passed to
        input_filter -- a function to filter input before sending
            it to self.widget, called from self.input_filter
        unhandled_input -- a function called when input is not
            handled by self.widget, called from self.unhandled_input
        event_loop -- if screen supports external an event loop it
            may be given here, or leave as None to use
            SelectEventLoop, stored as self.event_loop
        pop_ups -- True to wrap self.widget with a PopUpTarget
            instance to allow any widget to open a pop-up anywhere on
            the screen

        This is the standard main loop implementation with a single

        The widget passed must be a box widget.
        self._widget = widget
        self.handle_mouse = handle_mouse
        self.pop_ups = pop_ups  # triggers property setting side-effect

        if not screen:
            from urwid import raw_display
            screen = raw_display.Screen()

        if palette:

        self.screen = screen
        self.screen_size = None

        self._unhandled_input = unhandled_input
        self._input_filter = input_filter

        if not hasattr(screen,
                       'get_input_descriptors') and event_loop is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "screen object passed "
                "%r does not support external event loops" % (screen, ))
        if event_loop is None:
            event_loop = SelectEventLoop()
        self.event_loop = event_loop

        self._input_timeout = None
        self._watch_pipes = {}

    def _set_widget(self, widget):
        self._widget = widget
        if self.pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget.original_widget = self._widget
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget

    widget = property(lambda self: self._widget, _set_widget)

    def _set_pop_ups(self, pop_ups):
        self._pop_ups = pop_ups
        if pop_ups:
            self._topmost_widget = PopUpTarget(self._widget)
            self._topmost_widget = self._widget

    pop_ups = property(lambda self: self._pop_ups, _set_pop_ups)

    def set_alarm_in(self, sec, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule an alarm in sec seconds that will call
        callback(main_loop, user_data) from the within the run()

        sec -- floating point seconds until alarm
        callback -- callback(main_loop, user_data) callback function
        user_data -- object to pass to callback
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)

        return self.event_loop.alarm(sec, cb)

    def set_alarm_at(self, tm, callback, user_data=None):
        Schedule at tm time that will call 
        callback(main_loop, user_data) from the within the run()

        Returns a handle that may be passed to remove_alarm()

        tm -- floating point local time of alarm
        callback -- callback(main_loop, user_data) callback function
        user_data -- object to pass to callback
        def cb():
            callback(self, user_data)

        return self.event_loop.alarm(tm - time.time(), cb)

    def remove_alarm(self, handle):
        Remove an alarm.

        Return True if the handle was found, False otherwise.
        return self.event_loop.remove_alarm(handle)

    def watch_pipe(self, callback):
        Create a pipe for use by a subprocess or thread to trigger
        a callback in the process/thread running the MainLoop.

        callback -- function to call MainLoop.run thread/process

        This function returns a file descriptor attached to the
        write end of a pipe.  The read end of the pipe is added to
        the list of files the event loop is watching. When
        data is written to the pipe the callback function will be
        called and passed a single value containing data read.

        This method should be used any time you want to update
        widgets from another thread or subprocess.

        Data may be written to the returned file descriptor with
        os.write(fd, data).  Ensure that data is less than 512
        bytes (or 4K on Linux) so that the callback will be
        triggered just once with the complete value of data
        passed in.

        If the callback returns False then the watch will be
        removed and the read end of the pipe will be closed.
        You are responsible for closing the write end of the pipe.
        pipe_rd, pipe_wr = os.pipe()
        fcntl.fcntl(pipe_rd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
        watch_handle = None

        def cb():
            data = os.read(pipe_rd, PIPE_BUFFER_READ_SIZE)
            rval = callback(data)
            if rval is False:

        watch_handle = self.event_loop.watch_file(pipe_rd, cb)
        self._watch_pipes[pipe_wr] = (watch_handle, pipe_rd)
        return pipe_wr

    def remove_watch_pipe(self, write_fd):
        Close the read end of the pipe and remove the watch created
        by watch_pipe().  You are responsible for closing the write
        end of the pipe.

        Returns True if the watch pipe exists, False otherwise
            watch_handle, pipe_rd = self._watch_pipes.remove(write_fd)
        except KeyError:
            return False

        if not self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(watch_handle):
            return False
        return True

    def watch_file(self, fd, callback):
        Call callback() when fd has some data to read.  No parameters
        are passed to callback.

        Returns a handle that may be passed to remove_watch_file()

        fd -- file descriptor to watch for input
        callback -- function to call when input is available
        return self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, callback)

    def remove_watch_file(self, handle):
        Remove a watch file.

        Returns True if the watch file exists, False otherwise.
        return self.event_loop.remove_watch_file(handle)

    def run(self):
        Start the main loop handling input events and updating 
        the screen.  The loop will continue until an ExitMainLoop 
        exception is raised.  
        This function will call screen.run_wrapper() if screen.start() 
        has not already been called.

        >>> w = _refl("widget")   # _refl prints out function calls
        >>> w.render_rval = "fake canvas"  # *_rval is used for return values
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_input_descriptors_rval = [42]
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (20, 10)
        >>> scr.started = True
        >>> scr._urwid_signals = {}
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> evl.enter_idle_rval = 1
        >>> evl.watch_file_rval = 2
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        widget.render((20, 10), focus=True)
        screen.draw_screen((20, 10), 'fake canvas')
        event_loop.watch_file(42, <bound method ...>)
        event_loop.enter_idle(<bound method ...>)
        >>> scr.started = False
        >>> ml.run()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        screen.run_wrapper(<bound method ...>)
            if self.screen.started:
        except ExitMainLoop:

    def _run(self):
        if self.handle_mouse:

        if not hasattr(self.screen, 'get_input_descriptors'):
            return self._run_screen_event_loop()


        fd_handles = []

        def reset_input_descriptors(only_remove=False):
            for handle in fd_handles:
            if only_remove:
            fd_handles[:] = [
                self.event_loop.watch_file(fd, self._update)
                for fd in self.screen.get_input_descriptors()

            signals.connect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,
        except NameError:
        # watch our input descriptors
        idle_handle = self.event_loop.enter_idle(self.entering_idle)

        # Go..

        # tidy up
        signals.disconnect_signal(self.screen, INPUT_DESCRIPTORS_CHANGED,

    def _update(self, timeout=False):
        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> w.mouse_event_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (15, 5)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = 1, ['y'], [121]
        >>> evl = _refl("event_loop")
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr, event_loop=evl)
        >>> ml._input_timeout = "old timeout"
        >>> ml._update()    # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        event_loop.remove_alarm('old timeout')
        event_loop.alarm(1, <function ...>)
        widget.keypress((15, 5), 'y')
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [("mouse press", 1, 5, 4)
        ... ], []
        >>> ml._update()
        widget.mouse_event((15, 5), 'mouse press', 1, 5, 4, focus=True)
        >>> scr.get_input_nonblocking_rval = None, [], []
        >>> ml._update()
        if self._input_timeout is not None and not timeout:
            # cancel the timeout, something else triggered the update
        self._input_timeout = None

        max_wait, keys, raw = self.screen.get_input_nonblocking()

        if max_wait is not None:
            # if get_input_nonblocking wants to be called back
            # make sure it happens with an alarm
            self._input_timeout = self.event_loop.alarm(
                max_wait, lambda: self._update(timeout=True))

        keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

        if keys:
            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def _run_screen_event_loop(self):
        This method is used when the screen does not support using
        external event loops.

        The alarms stored in the SelectEventLoop in self.event_loop 
        are modified by this method.
        next_alarm = None

        while True:

            if not next_alarm and self.event_loop._alarms:
                next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)

            keys = None
            while not keys:
                if next_alarm:
                    sec = max(0, next_alarm[0] - time.time())
                keys, raw = self.screen.get_input(True)
                if not keys and next_alarm:
                    sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                    if sec <= 0:

            keys = self.input_filter(keys, raw)

            if keys:

            while next_alarm:
                sec = next_alarm[0] - time.time()
                if sec > 0:
                tm, callback, user_data = next_alarm
                callback(self, user_data)

                if self._alarms:
                    next_alarm = heapq.heappop(self.event_loop._alarms)
                    next_alarm = None

            if 'window resize' in keys:
                self.screen_size = None

    def process_input(self, keys):
        This function will pass keyboard input and mouse events
        to self.widget.  This function is called automatically
        from the run() method when there is input, but may also be
        called to simulate input from the user.

        keys -- list of input returned from self.screen.get_input()

        Returns True if any key was handled by a widget or the
        unhandled_input() method.         

        >>> w = _refl("widget")
        >>> w.selectable_rval = True
        >>> scr = _refl("screen")
        >>> scr.get_cols_rows_rval = (10, 5)
        >>> ml = MainLoop(w, [], scr)
        >>> ml.process_input(['enter', ('mouse drag', 1, 14, 20)])
        widget.keypress((10, 5), 'enter')
        widget.mouse_event((10, 5), 'mouse drag', 1, 14, 20, focus=True)
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        something_handled = False

        for k in keys:
            if is_mouse_event(k):
                event, button, col, row = k
                if self._topmost_widget.mouse_event(self.screen_size,
                    k = None
            elif self._topmost_widget.selectable():
                k = self._topmost_widget.keypress(self.screen_size, k)
            if k:
                if command_map[k] == 'redraw screen':
                    something_handled = True
                    something_handled |= bool(self.unhandled_input(k))
                something_handled = True

        return something_handled

    def input_filter(self, keys, raw):
        This function is passed each all the input events and raw
        keystroke values.  These values are passed to the
        input_filter function passed to the constructor.  That
        function must return a list of keys to be passed to the
        widgets to handle.  If no input_filter was defined this
        implementation will return all the input events.

        input -- keyboard or mouse input
        if self._input_filter:
            return self._input_filter(keys, raw)
        return keys

    def unhandled_input(self, input):
        This function is called with any input that was not handled
        by the widgets, and calls the unhandled_input function passed
        to the constructor.  If no unhandled_input was defined then
        the input will be ignored.

        input -- keyboard or mouse input

        The unhandled_input method should return True if it handled
        the input.
        if self._unhandled_input:
            return self._unhandled_input(input)

    def entering_idle(self):
        This function is called whenever the event loop is about
        to enter the idle state.  self.draw_screen() is called here
        to update the screen if anything has changed.
        if self.screen.started:

    def draw_screen(self):
        Renter the widgets and paint the screen.  This function is
        called automatically from run() but may be called additional
        times if repainting is required without also processing input.
        if not self.screen_size:
            self.screen_size = self.screen.get_cols_rows()

        canvas = self._topmost_widget.render(self.screen_size, focus=True)
        self.screen.draw_screen(self.screen_size, canvas)