Ejemplo n.º 1
 def render(self, size, focus=False):
     (areax, areay) = self._get_area_size(size)
     area = self._area.render((areax, areay), focus)
     # join the lot together top to bottom, left to right
     vscroll_width = self._vscroll.pack(size)[0]
     hscroll_height = self._hscroll.pack(size)[1]
     col1 = urwid.CanvasCombine([
         (area, None, False),
         (self._hscroll.render((areax, hscroll_height)), None, False)
     col2 = urwid.CanvasCombine([(self._vscroll.render(
         (vscroll_width, areay)), None, False),
                                 (self._corner, None, False)])
     return urwid.CanvasJoin([(col1, None, False, areax),
                              (col2, None, False, vscroll_width)])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def render_init(self, size):
        (maxcol, maxrow) = size
        bardata, top, hlines = self.get_data((maxcol, maxrow))

        back_char = self.char[0]

        self.column_canvas_list = []

        # create the empty bars, for the bar columns that do not have data yet
        for no_data in range(maxcol - len(bardata)):
            back_canvas = urwid.SolidCanvas(back_char, 1, maxrow)
            combine_list_item = [(back_canvas, None, False)]

            column_canvas = urwid.CanvasCombine(combine_list_item)

            self.column_canvas_list.append((column_canvas, None, False, 1))

        # for each data point, create a single bar graph
        color_index = 0
        data_value = 0
        for single_bar_data in bardata:
            for pallet_index, value in enumerate(single_bar_data):
                color_index = pallet_index
                data_value = value

                if data_value != 0:

            self.render_incremental(size, data_value, color_index)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: tabs.py Proyecto: rndusr/stig
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        if len(size) < 2:
            cols, rows = (size[0], None)
            cols, rows = size

        if len(self._contents) < 1:
            # No contents - return empty canvas
            return urwid.SolidCanvas(' ', cols, rows)

        if rows is not None:
            size_content = (cols, rows - self._tabbar.rows((cols, )))
            size_content = (cols, )

        combinelist = []
        position = self._contents.focus

        # Always render tab titles as focused to highlight the focused tab
        canvas = self._tabbar.render((cols, ), focus=True)
        combinelist.append((canvas, position, True))

        # Render and add content of currently selected tab
        current_widget = self._contents[position]
        if current_widget is None:
            canvas = urwid.SolidCanvas(' ', *size_content)
            canvas = current_widget.render(size_content, focus)
        combinelist.append((canvas, position, focus))
        return urwid.CanvasCombine(combinelist)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        if len(size) < 2:
            cols, rows = (size[0], None)
            cols, rows = size

        if len(self._contents) < 1:
            # No contents - return empty canvas
            return urwid.SolidCanvas(' ', cols, rows)

        combinelist = []
        position = self._contents.focus

        # Render tab bar and add it to combinelist.  The tab bar is always
        # rendered as focused to highlight the focused tab.
        canvas = self._tabbar_render((cols,), True)
        combinelist.append((canvas, position, True))
        if rows is not None:
            rows -= 1  # Account for title bar

        # Render and add content of currently selected tab
        current_widget = self._contents[position]
        if current_widget is None:
            canvas = urwid.SolidCanvas(' ', cols, rows)
            if rows is not None:
                canvas = current_widget.render((cols,rows), focus)
                canvas = current_widget.render((cols,), focus)
        combinelist.append((canvas, position, focus))
        return urwid.CanvasCombine(combinelist)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        maxcol = size[0]
        item_rows = None

        combinelist = []
        for i, (w, (f, height)) in enumerate(self.contents):
            item_focus = self.focus_item == w
            canv = None
            if f == urwid.widget.GIVEN:
                canv = w.render((maxcol, height), focus=focus)
            elif f == urwid.widget.PACK or len(size) == 1:
                canv = w.render((maxcol, ), focus=focus)
                if item_rows is None:
                    item_rows = self.get_item_rows(size, focus)
                rows = item_rows[i]
                if rows > 0:
                    canv = w.render((maxcol, rows), focus=focus)
            if canv:
                combinelist.append((canv, i, item_focus))
        if not combinelist:
            return urwid.SolidCanvas(" ", size[0], (size[1:] + (0, ))[0])

        out = urwid.CanvasCombine(combinelist)
        if len(size) == 2 and size[1] != out.rows():
            # flow/fixed widgets rendered too large/small
            out = urwid.CompositeCanvas(out)
            out.pad_trim_top_bottom(0, size[1] - out.rows())
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def render(self, size, focus=False):
     old = self.old.render((size[0], size[1]))
     new = self.new.render((size[0], size[1]))
     c = urwid.CanvasCombine([(old, None, False),
                           (new, None, False)])
     offset = int(size[1] * self.progress)
     c.pad_trim_top_bottom(0-offset, 0-(size[1]-offset))
     return c
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        maxcol, maxrow = size

        sb_width = self._scrollbar_width
        ow_size = (max(0, maxcol - sb_width), maxrow)
        sb_width = maxcol - ow_size[0]

        ow = self._original_widget
        ow_base = self.scrolling_base_widget
        ow_rows_max = ow_base.rows_max(size, focus)
        if ow_rows_max <= maxrow:
            # Canvas fits without scrolling - no scrollbar needed
            self._original_widget_size = size
            return ow.render(size, focus)
        ow_rows_max = ow_base.rows_max(ow_size, focus)

        ow_canv = ow.render(ow_size, focus)
        self._original_widget_size = ow_size

        pos = ow_base.get_scrollpos(ow_size, focus)
        posmax = ow_rows_max - maxrow

        # Thumb shrinks/grows according to the ratio of
        # <number of visible lines> / <number of total lines>
        thumb_weight = min(1, maxrow / max(1, ow_rows_max))
        thumb_height = max(1, round(thumb_weight * maxrow))

        # Thumb may only touch top/bottom if the first/last row is visible
        top_weight = float(pos) / max(1, posmax)
        top_height = int((maxrow - thumb_height) * top_weight)
        if top_height == 0 and top_weight > 0:
            top_height = 1

        # Bottom part is remaining space
        bottom_height = maxrow - thumb_height - top_height
        assert thumb_height + top_height + bottom_height == maxrow

        # Create scrollbar canvas
        # Creating SolidCanvases of correct height may result in "cviews do not
        # fill gaps in shard_tail!" or "cviews overflow gaps in shard_tail!"
        # exceptions. Stacking the same SolidCanvas is a workaround.
        # https://github.com/urwid/urwid/issues/226#issuecomment-437176837
        top = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._trough_char, sb_width, 1)
        thumb = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._thumb_char, sb_width, 1)
        bottom = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._trough_char, sb_width, 1)
        sb_canv = urwid.CanvasCombine(
            [(top, None, False)] * top_height +
            [(thumb, None, False)] * thumb_height +
            [(bottom, None, False)] * bottom_height,

        combinelist = [(ow_canv, None, True, ow_size[0]),
                       (sb_canv, None, False, sb_width)]
        if self._scrollbar_side != SCROLLBAR_LEFT:
            return urwid.CanvasJoin(combinelist)
            return urwid.CanvasJoin(reversed(combinelist))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def render(self, size, focus=False):
     maxcol, maxrow = size
     canv = super(ShinyMap, self).render(size, focus)
     slivers = []
     y = 0
     for amap, run in self._shiny_cache:
         c = urwid.CompositeCanvas(canv)
         c.trim(y, run)
         y = y + run
         slivers.append((c, None, False))
     return urwid.CanvasCombine(slivers)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        maxcol, maxrow = size

        ow = self._original_widget
        ow_base = self.scrolling_base_widget
        ow_rows_max = ow_base.rows_max(size, focus)
        if ow_rows_max <= maxrow:
            # Canvas fits without scrolling - no scrollbar needed
            self._original_widget_size = size
            return ow.render(size, focus)

        sb_width = self._scrollbar_width
        self._original_widget_size = ow_size = (maxcol - sb_width, maxrow)
        ow_canv = ow.render(ow_size, focus)

        pos = ow_base.get_scrollpos(ow_size, focus)
        posmax = ow_rows_max - maxrow

        # Thumb shrinks/grows according to the ratio of
        # <number of visible lines> / <number of total lines>
        thumb_weight = min(1, maxrow / max(1, ow_rows_max))
        thumb_height = max(1, round(thumb_weight * maxrow))

        # Thumb may only touch top/bottom if the first/last row is visible
        top_weight = float(pos) / max(1, posmax)
        top_height = int((maxrow - thumb_height) * top_weight)
        if top_height == 0 and top_weight > 0:
            top_height = 1

        # Bottom part is remaining space
        bottom_height = maxrow - thumb_height - top_height
        assert thumb_height + top_height + bottom_height == maxrow

        # Create scrollbar canvas
        top = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._trough_char, sb_width, top_height)
        thumb = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._thumb_char, sb_width, thumb_height)
        bottom = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._trough_char, sb_width, bottom_height)
        sb_canv = urwid.CanvasCombine([
            (top, None, False),
            (thumb, None, False),
            (bottom, None, False),

        combinelist = [(ow_canv, None, True, ow_size[0]),
                       (sb_canv, None, False, sb_width)]
        if self._scrollbar_side != SCROLLBAR_LEFT:
            return urwid.CanvasJoin(combinelist)
            return urwid.CanvasJoin(reversed(combinelist))
    def render(self, szie, focus=False):
        maxcol, maxrow = size
        ow = self._original_widget
        ow_base = self._scrolling_base_widget
        ow_rows_max = ow_base.rows_max(size, focus)
        if ow_rows_max <= maxrow:
            self._original_widget_size = size
            return ow.render(size, focus)

        sb_width = self._scrollbar_width
        self._original_widget_size = ow_size = (maxcol - sb_width, maxrow)
        ow_canv = ow.render(ow_size, focus)

        pos = ow_base.get_scrollpos(ow_size, focus)
        posmax = ow_rows_max - maxrow

        thumb_weight = min(1, maxrow / max(1, ow_rows_max))
        thumb_height = max(1, round(thumb_weight * maxrow))

        top_weight = float(pos) / max(1, posmax)
        top_height = int((maxrow - thumb_height) * top_weight)
        if top_height == 0 and top_weight > 0:
            top_height = 1

        bottom_height = maxrow - thumb_height - top_height
        assert thumb_height + top_height + bottom_height == maxrow

        top = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._trough_char, sb_width, top_height)
        thumb = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._thumb_char, sb_width, thumb_height)
        bottom = urwid.SolidCanvas(self._trough_char, sb_width, bottom_height)
        sb_canv = urwid.CanvasCombine([
            (top, None, False),
            (thumb, None, False),
            (bottom, None, False),
        combinelist = [(ow_canv, None, True, ow_size[0]),
                       (sb_canv, None, False, sb_widt)]
        if self._scrollbar_side != SCROLLBAR_LEFT:
            return urwid.CanvasJoin(combinelist)
            return urwid.CanvasJoin(reversed(combinelist))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def render_incremental(self, size, single_bar_data, color_index):
        (maxcol, maxrow) = size
        bardata, top, hlines = self.get_data((maxcol, maxrow))

        pallet_index = 1 + color_index
        data_char = self.char[pallet_index]
        back_char = self.char[0]

        data_value = single_bar_data

        char_cnt_data = 0
        if data_value >= top:
            char_cnt_data = maxrow
        elif data_value > 0:
            char_cnt_data = int(ceil(maxrow * (data_value / top)))
        char_cnt_background = maxrow - char_cnt_data

        back_canvas = StuiSolidCanvas(back_char, 1, char_cnt_background,

        # check if higher resolution smooth graph is enabled
        if len(self.satt) is 0:
            data_canvas = StuiSolidCanvas(data_char, 1, char_cnt_data,

            if char_cnt_data == 0:
                combine_list_item = [(back_canvas, None, False)]
            elif char_cnt_background == 0:
                combine_list_item = [(data_canvas, None, False)]
                combine_list_item = [(back_canvas, None, False),
                                     (data_canvas, None, False)]
            data_canvas = StuiSolidCanvas(data_char, 1, char_cnt_data - 1,

            last_char_data_span = top / maxrow
            last_char_data_span_eights = last_char_data_span / 8
            last_char_raw_value = char_cnt_data * last_char_data_span
            last_char_bg_value = last_char_raw_value - data_value
            last_char_data_residue = last_char_data_span - last_char_bg_value
            last_char_portion = int(
                round(last_char_data_residue / last_char_data_span_eights)) - 1
            last_char = self.eighths[last_char_portion]

            edge_canvas = StuiSolidCanvas(last_char, 1, 1,
                                          self.satt[(pallet_index, 0)])

            if char_cnt_data == 0:
                combine_list_item = [(back_canvas, None, False)]
            elif char_cnt_background == 0:
                combine_list_item = [(edge_canvas, None, False),
                                     (data_canvas, None, False)]
                combine_list_item = [(back_canvas, None, False),
                                     (edge_canvas, None, False),
                                     (data_canvas, None, False)]

        column_canvas = urwid.CanvasCombine(combine_list_item)

        self.column_canvas_list.append((column_canvas, None, False, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render frame and return it.
        (maxcol, maxrow) = size
        (htrim, ctrim, ftrim), (hrows, crows, frows) = self.frame_top_bottom(
            (maxcol, maxrow), focus)

        combinelist = []
        depends_on = []

        head = None
        if htrim and htrim < hrows:
            head = urwid.Filler(self.header, 'top').render(
                (maxcol, htrim), focus and self.focus_part == 'header')
        elif htrim:
            head = self.header.render((maxcol, ), focus
                                      and self.focus_part == 'header')
            assert head.rows() == hrows, "rows, render mismatch"
        if head:
            combinelist.append((head, 'header', self.focus_part == 'header'))

        if ftrim + htrim + ctrim < maxrow:
            body = self.body.render((maxcol, maxrow - ftrim - htrim - ctrim),
                                    focus and self.focus_part == 'body')
            combinelist.append((body, 'body', self.focus_part == 'body'))

        columns = None
        if ctrim and ctrim < crows:
            if self.focus_part == 'value':
                columns = urwid.Filler(self.columns_pile, 'columns').render(
                    (maxcol, ftrim),
                    #TODO Changeit it to return command or result
                    focus and self.focus_part == 'value')
                self.log.debug("render in value %s" %
                               (self.focus_part == 'value'))
            elif self.focus_part == 'result':
                columns = urwid.Filler(self.columns_pile, 'columns').render(
                    (maxcol, ftrim),
                    #TODO Changeit it to return command or result
                    focus and self.focus_part == 'result')
                self.log.debug("render in result %s" %
                               (self.focus_part == 'result'))
                columns = urwid.Filler(self.columns_pile, 'columns').render(
                    (maxcol, ftrim),
                    #TODO Changeit it to return command or result
                    focus and self.focus_part == 'command')
                self.log.debug("render in command %s" %
                               (self.focus_part == 'command'))
        elif ctrim:
            if self.focus_part == 'value':
                columns = self.columns_pile.render(
                    (maxcol, ), focus and self.focus_part == 'value')
                self.log.debug("render in value %s" %
                               (self.focus_part == 'value'))
            elif self.focus_part == 'result':
                columns = self.columns_pile.render(
                    (maxcol, ), focus and self.focus_part == 'result')
                self.log.debug("render in result %s" %
                               (self.focus_part == 'result'))
                columns = self.columns_pile.render(
                    (maxcol, ), focus and self.focus_part == 'command')
                self.log.debug("render in command %s" %
                               (self.focus_part == 'command'))
            assert columns.rows() == crows, "rows, render mismatch"
        if columns:
            newfocus = "%s" % self.focus_part
            combinelist.append((columns, 'columns',
                self.focus_part == "command" or self.focus_part == "value" \
                    or self.focus_part == "result"))

        foot = None
        if ftrim and ftrim < frows:
            foot = urwid.Filler(self.footer, 'bottom').render(
                (maxcol, ftrim), focus and self.focus_part == 'footer')
        elif ftrim:
            foot = self.footer.render((maxcol, ), focus
                                      and self.focus_part == 'footer')
            assert foot.rows() == frows, "rows, render mismatch"
        if foot:
            combinelist.append((foot, 'footer', self.focus_part == 'footer'))

        return urwid.CanvasCombine(combinelist)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        """Render listbox and return canvas. """
        (maxcol, maxrow) = size

        middle, top, bottom = self.calculate_visible((maxcol, maxrow),

        if middle is None:
            return urwid.SolidCanvas(" ", maxcol, maxrow)

        _ignore, focus_widget, focus_pos, focus_rows, cursor = middle
        trim_top, fill_above = top
        trim_bottom, fill_below = bottom

        if bottom[1]:
            self._bottom_pos = bottom[1][-1][1]
            self._bottom_pos = None
        if top[1]:
            self._top_pos = top[1][-1][1]
            self._top_pos = None
        self._focus_pos = focus_pos

        combinelist = []
        rows = 0
        fill_above.reverse()  # fill_above is in bottom-up order

        for widget, w_pos, w_rows in fill_above:
            canvas = widget.render((maxcol, ))
            attr = self.get_row_attr(w_pos)
            if attr:
                canvas = urwid.CompositeCanvas(canvas)

            if w_rows != canvas.rows():
                raise urwid.ListBoxError, BADROWSMSG % ( ` widget `, ` w_pos `,
                                                         w_rows, canvas.rows())
            rows += w_rows
            combinelist.append((canvas, w_pos, False))

        focus_canvas = focus_widget.render((maxcol, ), focus=focus)

        focus_attr = None
        if focus_pos in self.row_attrs:
            focus_attr = self.get_row_attr(focus_pos)
            if focus and self.focus_str:
                focus_attr += self.focus_str
        elif focus:
            focus_attr = self.focus_attr

        if focus_attr:
            focus_canvas = urwid.CompositeCanvas(focus_canvas)

        if focus_canvas.rows() != focus_rows:
            raise ListBoxError, BADFOCUSROWSMSG % ( ` focus_widget `, `
                                                    focus_pos `, focus_rows,
        c_cursor = focus_canvas.cursor
        if cursor != c_cursor:
            raise urwid.ListBoxError, BADCURSORMSG % (
                ` focus_widget `, ` focus_pos `, ` cursor `, ` c_cursor `)

        rows += focus_rows
        combinelist.append((focus_canvas, focus_pos, True))

        for widget, w_pos, w_rows in fill_below:
            canvas = widget.render((maxcol, ))
            attr = self.get_row_attr(w_pos)
            if attr:
                canvas = urwid.CompositeCanvas(canvas)
            if w_rows != canvas.rows():
                raise urwid.ListBoxError, BADROWSMSG % ( ` widget `, ` w_pos `,
                                                         w_rows, canvas.rows())
            rows += w_rows
            combinelist.append((canvas, w_pos, False))

        final_canvas = urwid.CanvasCombine(combinelist)

        if trim_top:
            rows -= trim_top
        if trim_bottom:
            rows -= trim_bottom

        assert rows <= maxrow

        if rows < maxrow:
            bottom_pos = focus_pos
            if fill_below:
                bottom_pos = fill_below[-1][1]
            assert trim_bottom == 0 and self.body.get_next(bottom_pos) == (
                None, None)
            final_canvas.pad_trim_top_bottom(0, maxrow - rows)

        return final_canvas