Ejemplo n.º 1
 def reply_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1):
     if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'write'):
         return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error')
     board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id)
     board_desc = board_info.bDescription
     user_info = user.get_user(current_uid)[1]
     article_ = article.get_article(board_id, article_id)
     quote_text = _('From %s\'s Article %s:') % (user._get_username_from_uid(article_.uSerial), util.remove_bracket(article_.aTitle))
     body = '\n\n\n[quote=%s]%s\n[/quote]\n\n%s' % (quote_text, article_.aContent, user_info.uSig)
     return util.render().article_edit(
             title = _('Reply - /%s') % board_name,
             stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet,
             action='reply/%s' % article_id, 
             action_name = _('Reply to the article'),
             board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_desc,
             body = body, article_title = article_.aTitle,
             help_context = 'article_edit')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def reply_message_get(self, current_uid = -1):
        user_id = current_uid
        usr = user.get_user(user_id)[1]

        message_id = -1
        qs = web.ctx.query
        if len(qs) > 0:
            qs = qs[1:]
            qs = parse_qs(qs)
        if qs:
            message_id = int(qs['message_id'][0])
            raise web.notfound(util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_SUCH_MESSAGE'), help_context='error'))
        mail = pm.get_mail(message_id)
        if mail.mReceiverSerial != current_uid:
            raise web.unauthorized(util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error'))
        quote_text = _('From message \"%s\":') % mail.mTitle
        return util.render().mail_edit(
            title = _('Write Reply'),
            mail_title = 'Re: %s' % mail.mTitle,
            mail_body = '\n\n[quote=%s]%s\n[/quote]' % (quote_text, mail.mContent),
            mail_receiver = user._get_username_from_uid(mail.mSenderSerial))