Ejemplo n.º 1
def user_flights_page():
    username = current_user.username
    if (username == 'admin'):
        flash("admins cannot buy tickets")
        return url_for('home_page')
    elif (username == ''):
        flash("You must login to buy tickets")
        return url_for('home_page')
        if request.method == "GET":

            command = """SELECT passenger_id FROM USERS INNER JOIN PASSENGERS ON (USERS.passport_id = PASSENGERS.passport_id)
                                     WHERE username = '******'"""
            data = (execute_sql(command % {'username': username}))
            passenger_id = data[1][0]
            command = """SELECT FLIGHTS.flight_id, passenger_name, passenger_last_name, route_name, departure_date, arrival_date, seat, class_of_seat, gate_number FROM ROUTES, FLIGHTS, BOOKINGS, PASSENGERS WHERE
                                BOOKINGS.passenger_id = %(passenger_id)s and 
                                bookings.flight_id = flights.flight_id and 
                                flights.route_id = routes.route_id and 
                                passengers.passenger_id = bookings.passenger_id;"""
            data = execute_sql(command % {'passenger_id': passenger_id})
            if (data == -2):
                data = [[]]

                return render_template("user_flights_page.html", data=data)
            flash("You have no tickets purchased.")
            return redirect(url_for("user_page"))

        flash("Something went wrong.")
        return redirect(url_for("home_page"))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def admin_sql_page():
    if not current_user.is_admin:
    my_table = session[
        'table']  # get table from session cookie, defined in admin_select_table()
    if (my_table == ""):
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("admin_sql_page.html")
    elif request.method == "POST":
        command = request.form["command"]
        data = execute_sql(command)
        data[1:] = sorted(data[1:])
        return render_template("admin_view_page.html", data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ticket_search_page():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("ticket_search_page.html")
    elif request.method == "POST":
        #get all forms and check if they are empty or not
        min_date = request.form["min_date"]
        max_date = request.form["max_date"]
        dep_country_name = request.form["dep_country_name"]
        arr_country_name = request.form["arr_country_name"]

        if (min_date == "" or max_date == "" or dep_country_name == ""
                or arr_country_name == ""):
            flash("Please give me enough information.")
            return redirect(url_for("ticket_search_page"))
            # write sql query to select valid flights based on form inputs
            command = """SELECT flight_id, departure_date, arrival_date, time_hours, route_name from FLIGHTS INNER JOIN ROUTES ON FLIGHTS.route_id = ROUTES.route_id INNER JOIN 
              AIRPORTS ON ROUTES.dep_airport_id = AIRPORTS.airport_id WHERE 
              departure_date <= '%(max_date)s' AND departure_date >= '%(min_date)s' AND AIRPORTS.country_id = (SELECT country_id FROM COUNTRIES WHERE country_name = '%(dep_country_name)s') 
              SELECT flight_id, departure_date, arrival_date, time_hours, route_name from FLIGHTS INNER JOIN ROUTES ON FLIGHTS.route_id = ROUTES.route_id INNER JOIN 
              AIRPORTS ON ROUTES.arr_airport_id = AIRPORTS.airport_id WHERE 
              departure_date <= '%(max_date)s' AND departure_date >= '%(min_date)s' AND AIRPORTS.country_id = (SELECT country_id FROM COUNTRIES WHERE country_name = '%(arr_country_name)s');"""

            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'min_date': min_date,
                    'max_date': max_date,
                    'dep_country_name': dep_country_name,
                    'arr_country_name': arr_country_name
            if (data == -2):
                flash("No flights found. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("ticket_search_page"))
                ids = [r[0] for r in data]
                ids = ids[1:]
                session['ticket_search'] = data
                session['id_values'] = ids
                return redirect(url_for("ticket_view_page"))

    flash("Something went wrong.")
    return redirect(url_for("home_page"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def admin_view_page():
    if not current_user.is_admin:
    my_table = session[
        'table']  # get table from session cookie, defined in admin_select_table()
    if (my_table == ""):
    if request.method == "GET":
        command = """SELECT * FROM %(name)s;"""

        data = execute_sql(command % {'name': my_table})
        if (data == -2):
            flash("Nothing to show. No records found.")
            return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))
        data[1:] = sorted(data[1:])
        return render_template("admin_view_page.html",
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ticket_buy_page(
):  # displays captain name, captain photo (when blob is complete), origin airline, destination airline, departure airline, flight duration
    if request.method == "GET":
        flight_id = session['ticket_buy_flight_id']
        show_info = session['ticket_buy_info']
        #command selects relevant flight info
        command = """SELECT flight_id, departure_date, arrival_date, time_hours, route_name, staff_name, staff_last_name, job_title FROM ROUTES, FLIGHTS, STAFF 
                            where flight_id = %(flight_id)s and 
                            staff_id = (SELECT staff_id FROM STAFF_FLIGHT WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s) and
                            routes.route_id = (SELECT route_id FROM FLIGHTS WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s);"""
        data = execute_sql(command % {'flight_id': flight_id})
        command = """SELECT file_data FROM ROUTES, FLIGHTS, STAFF 
                            where flight_id = %(flight_id)s and 
                            staff_id = (SELECT staff_id FROM STAFF_FLIGHT WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s) and
                            routes.route_id = (SELECT route_id FROM FLIGHTS WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s);"""
        file_data = execute_sql(
            command % {'flight_id': flight_id})  #store image binary data
        if (show_info):
            return render_template("ticket_buy_page.html",
            return render_template("ticket_buy_page_noinfo.html", data=data)
    elif request.method == "POST":  #buy ticket
        username = current_user.username
        if (username == 'admin'):
            flash("admins cannot buy tickets")
            return url_for('home_page')
            flight_id = session['ticket_buy_flight_id']
            class_of_seat = request.form["class_type"]
            payment_type = request.form["payment_type"]
            command = """SELECT passenger_id FROM USERS INNER JOIN PASSENGERS ON (USERS.passport_id = PASSENGERS.passport_id)
                         WHERE username = '******'"""
            data = (execute_sql(command % {'username': username}))
            passenger_id = data[1][0]
            purchase_time = str(datetime.datetime.now())[:19]
            seat = str(random.randint(1, 99)) + random.choice('ABCD')
            fare = 100 if (class_of_seat == 'Budget') else 200 if (
                class_of_seat == 'Economy') else 300 if (
                    class_of_seat == 'Business') else 400

        command = """INSERT INTO BOOKINGS (flight_id, passenger_id, payment_type, purchase_time, seat, class_of_seat, fare)
                                 VALUES (%(flight_id)s,
                                        TIMESTAMP '%(purchase_time)s',
        data = execute_sql(
            command % {
                'flight_id': flight_id,
                'passenger_id': passenger_id,
                'payment_type': payment_type,
                'purchase_time': purchase_time,
                'seat': seat,
                'class_of_seat': class_of_seat,
                'fare': fare
        command = "UPDATE FLIGHTS SET number_passengers = number_passengers + 1 WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s;"
        data = execute_sql(command % {'flight_id': flight_id})

        flash("Ticket purchased")
        return redirect(url_for("user_page"))

    flash("Something went wrong.")
    return redirect(url_for("home_page"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def register_page():
    if request.method == "GET":
        if ('userinfo' in session):
            session.pop('userinfo', None)  # remove userinfo from session

        return render_template("register_page.html")
    elif request.method == "POST":
        print("post mu")
        if ('userinfo' in session):
            print("userinfo session'da var mı")
            userinfo = session['userinfo']
            session.pop('userinfo', None)  # remove userinfo from session
            print("userinfo session'dan cıktı mı")
            command = """INSERT INTO PASSENGERS (country_id, passenger_name, passenger_last_name, email, gender, passport_id)
                         VALUES (%(country_id)s,
                command % {
                    'country_id': request.form['country_id'],
                    'passenger_name': request.form['passenger_name'],
                    'passenger_last_name': request.form['passenger_last_name'],
                    'email': request.form['email'],
                    'gender': request.form['gender'],
                    'passport_id': userinfo[2]
                })  # add to table PASSENGERS
            print("ilk execute")
            command = """ INSERT INTO USERS (username, password, passport_id) VALUES ('%(username)s', '%(password)s', %(passport_id)s);"""
                command % {
                    'username': userinfo[0],
                    'password': userinfo[1],
                    'passport_id': userinfo[2]
                })  # add to table USERS
            print("return oncesi burası")
            return redirect(url_for("home_page"))

        username = request.form["username"]
        command = """ select username from USERS where username = '******'"""
        result = execute_sql(command % {'username': username})
        if (result != -2):  # -2 means return of the select call is empty
            flash("Username already in use.")
            return redirect(url_for("register_page"))
            hash_pwd = hasher.hash(request.form["password"])
            passport_id = request.form["passport_id"]
            command = """ select passport_id from PASSENGERS where passport_id = %(passport_id)s"""
            result = execute_sql(command % {'passport_id': passport_id})
            if (result != -2):  # -2 means return of the select call is empty
                command = """ INSERT INTO USERS (username, password, passport_id) VALUES ('%(username)s', '%(password)s', %(passport_id)s);"""
                result = execute_sql(
                    command % {
                        'username': username,
                        'password': hash_pwd,
                        'passport_id': passport_id
                flash("User found in database.  Register completed.")
                return redirect(url_for("home_page"))
                flash("User not found in database.")
                session['userinfo'] = (username, hash_pwd, passport_id)
                return render_template(
                    passport_id=passport_id)  #html page not made
Ejemplo n.º 7
def admin_update_page():
    if not current_user.is_admin:
    my_table = session[
        'table']  # get table from session cookie, defined in admin_select_table()
    if (my_table == ""):
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("admin_update_page.html", table=my_table)
    if request.method == "POST":
        command = ""  #write code to generate update based on number of non-empty inputs and table name
        #if (my_table == 'COUNTRIES'):
        #   new_name = request.form['country_name']
        #   new_id = request.form['country_id']
        #   table_name = "COUNTRIES"
        #    command = sqlgen_update(table_name, ["country_id", "country_name"], [new_name, new_id])
        primary_key_count = 1
        #counts how many primary keys there are, all main tables, except bookings, have one primary id
        if (my_table == 'PASSENGERS'):
            table_name = "PASSENGERS"
                pic = request.files["file_data"]
                file_data = pic.read().decode("base64")
                #image_command = """UPDATE PASSENGERS SET """

                file_data = None
                gender = request.form[
                    "gender"]  #check if radio is selected or not
            except:  #radio left empty
                gender = ""
            values = [
                request.form['passenger_id'], request.form["email"],
                request.form["country_id"], request.form["name"],
                request.form["middlename"], request.form["surname"],
                request.form["passport_id"], gender
            column_names = [
                "passenger_id", "email", "country_id", "passenger_name",
                "passenger_middle_name", "passenger_last_name", "passport_id",
        elif (my_table == 'STAFF'):
            table_name = "STAFF"
                print("blob debug0")
                pic = request.files["file_data"]
                print("blob debug1")
                file_data = pic.read()
                print("blob debug2")
                file_data = file_data.encode("base64")
                print("blob debug3")
                file_data = ""
                gender = request.form[
                    "gender"]  #check if radio is selected or not
            except:  #radio left empty
                gender = ""

            values = [
                request.form["staff_id"], request.form["country_id"],
                request.form["airline_id"], request.form["job_title"],
                request.form["name"], request.form["surname"],
                request.form["start_date"], gender, file_data
            column_names = [
                "staff_id", "country_id", "airline_id", "job_title",
                "staff_name", "staff_last_name", "start_date", "gender",
        elif (my_table == 'BOOKINGS'):
            table_name = "BOOKINGS"
            primary_key_count = 2
            values = [
                request.form["booking_id"], request.form["flight_id"],
                request.form["passenger_id"], request.form["payment_type"],
                request.form["seat_number"], request.form["class_type"],
            column_names = [
                "booking_id", "flight_id", "passenger_id", "payment_type",
                "seat_number", "class_type", "fare"
        elif (my_table == 'FLIGHTS'):
            table_name = "FLIGHTS"
            values = [
                request.form["flight_id"], request.form["aircraft_id"],
                request.form["route_id"], request.form["departure_date"],
                request.form["arrival_date"], request.form["fuel_liter"],
                request.form["time_hours"], request.form["average_altitude"],
            column_names = [
                "flight_id", "aircraft_id", "route_id", "departure_date",
                "arrival_date", "fuel_liter", "time_hours", "averge altitude",
        elif (my_table == 'AIRCRAFTS'):
            table_name = "AIRCRAFTS"
            values = [
                request.form["aircraft_id"], request.form["airline_id"],
                request.form["capacity"], request.form["company_name"],
                request.form["model_name"], request.form["maximum_range"],
            column_names = [
                "aircraft_id", "airline_id", "capacity", "company_name",
                "model_name", "maximum_range_km", "year_produced"
        elif (my_table == 'ROUTES'):
            table_name = "ROUTES"
            values = [
                request.form["route_id"], request.form["dep_airport_id"],
                request.form["arr_airport_id"], request.form["route_name"],
                request.form["intercontinental"], request.form["active_since"]
            column_names = [
                "route_id", "dep_airport_id", "arr_airport_id", "route_name",
                "distance_km", "number_of_airlines", "altitude_feet",
                "intercontinental", "active_since"

        command = sqlgen_update(table_name, column_names, values,
        data = execute_sql(command)
        if (data == -1):
            flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
        return redirect(
        )  #change this into a page that displays whether operation was successful or not
Ejemplo n.º 8
def admin_delete_page():
    if not current_user.is_admin:
    my_table = session[
        'table']  # get table from session cookie, defined in admin_select_table()
    if (my_table == ""):
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("admin_delete_page.html", table=my_table)

    if request.method == "POST":
        command = ""  # write code to generate update based on number of non-empty inputs and table name
        if (my_table == 'PASSENGERS'):
            passenger_id = request.form['passenger_id']
            if (passenger_id == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """DELETE FROM PASSENGERS 
                        WHERE passenger_id = %(name)s"""

            data = execute_sql(command % {'name': passenger_id})
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                flash("Entry deleted successfully.")

        elif (my_table == 'FLIGHTS'):
            flight_id = request.form['flight_id']

            if (flight_id == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            # rewrite command so that FLIGHTS forms do not change during the update command
            command = """DELETE FROM FLIGHTS 
                             WHERE flight_id = %(name)s;"""

            data = execute_sql(command % {'name': flight_id})
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                flash("Entry deleted successfully.")

        elif (my_table == 'BOOKINGS'):
            flight_id = request.form['flight_id']
            passenger_id = request.form['passenger_id']

            if (flight_id == '' or passenger_id == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            command = """SELECT * FROM BOOKINGS 
                                                     WHERE (flight_id = %(flight_id)s) and (passenger_id = %(passenger_id)s);"""
            data = execute_sql(command % {
                'flight_id': flight_id,
                'passenger_id': passenger_id
            if (data == -2):
                flash("There is no such booking")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            # rewrite command so that FLIGHTS forms do not change during the update command
            command = """DELETE FROM BOOKINGS 
                             WHERE (flight_id = %(flight_id)s) and (passenger_id = %(passenger_id)s);"""

            data = execute_sql(command % {
                'flight_id': flight_id,
                'passenger_id': passenger_id
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                flash("Entry deleted successfully.")
                command = "UPDATE FLIGHTS SET number_passengers = number_passengers - 1 WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s;"
                data = execute_sql(command % {'flight_id': flight_id})
                if (data == -1):
                    flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                    return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))

        elif (my_table == 'AIRCRAFTS'):
            aircraft_id = request.form['aircraft_id']

            if (aircraft_id == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            # rewrite command so that FLIGHTS forms do not change during the update command
            command = """DELETE FROM AIRCRAFTS 
                             WHERE aircraft_id = %(name)s;"""

            data = execute_sql(command % {'name': aircraft_id})
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                flash("Entry deleted successfully.")

        elif (my_table == 'ROUTES'):
            route_id = request.form['route_id']

            if (route_id == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            # rewrite command so that FLIGHTS forms do not change during the update command
            command = """DELETE FROM ROUTES 
                             WHERE route_id = %(name)s;"""

            data = execute_sql(command % {'name': route_id})
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                flash("Entry deleted successfully.")

        elif (my_table == 'STAFF'):
            staff_id = request.form['staff_id']

            if (staff_id == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_delete_page"))
            # rewrite command so that FLIGHTS forms do not change during the update command
            command = """DELETE FROM FLIGHTS 
                                                     WHERE flight_id = (SELECT flight_id from STAFF_FLIGHT WHERE staff_id = %(name)s);"""

            data = execute_sql(command % {'name': staff_id})
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))
                command = """DELETE FROM STAFF 
                                 WHERE staff_id = %(name)s;"""

                data = execute_sql(command % {'name': staff_id})

                if (data == -1):
                    flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                    flash("Entry deleted successfully.")

        return redirect(
        )  # change this into a page that displays whether operation was successful or not
Ejemplo n.º 9
def admin_add_page():
    if not current_user.is_admin:

    my_table = session[
        'table']  # get table from session cookie, defined in admin_select_table()
    if (my_table == ""):
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("admin_add_page.html", table=my_table)

    if request.method == "POST":
        command = ""  # write code to generate update based on number of non-empty inputs and table name
        if (my_table == 'PASSENGERS'):

            country_id = request.form['country_id']
            passport_id = request.form['passport_id']
            passenger_name = request.form['passenger_name']
            passenger_last_name = request.form['passenger_last_name']

            gender = request.form['gender']
            if (country_id == '' or passport_id == '' or passenger_name == ''
                    or passenger_last_name == '' or gender == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_add_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """INSERT INTO PASSENGERS (country_id, passport_id, passenger_name, passenger_last_name, gender)
                         VALUES (%(country_id)s,

            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'country_id': country_id,
                    'passport_id': passport_id,
                    'passenger_name': passenger_name,
                    'passenger_last_name': passenger_last_name,
                    'gender': gender
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")

        elif (my_table == 'FLIGHTS'):
            route_id = request.form['route_id']
            departure_date = str(request.form['departure_date'])
            arrival_date = departure_date
            departure_date += ' 10:00:00'
            fuel_liter = request.form['fuel_liter']
            time_hours = int(request.form['time_hours'])
            gate_number = int(request.form['gate_number'])
            arrival_date = arrival_date + ' ' + str(10 + time_hours) + ':00:00'

            if (route_id == '' or departure_date == '' or arrival_date == ''
                    or fuel_liter == '' or time_hours == ''
                    or gate_number == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_add_page"))

            command = "select aircraft_id from aircrafts where airline_id = (select airline_id from route_airline where route_id = %(route_id)s);"
            data = execute_sql(command % {'route_id': route_id})
            num = random.randint(1, 7)
                aircraft_id = data[num][0]
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """INSERT INTO FLIGHTS (route_id, aircraft_id, departure_date, arrival_date, fuel_liter, time_hours, gate_number)
                         VALUES (%(route_id)s,
                                 timestamp '%(departure_date)s',
                                 timestamp '%(arrival_date)s',

            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'route_id': route_id,
                    'aircraft_id': aircraft_id,
                    'departure_date': departure_date,
                    'arrival_date': arrival_date,
                    'fuel_liter': fuel_liter,
                    'time_hours': time_hours,
                    'gate_number': gate_number
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")

        elif (my_table == 'BOOKINGS'):
            flight_id = request.form['flight_id']

            passenger_id = request.form['passenger_id']
            purchase_time = str(datetime.datetime.now())[:19]
            class_of_seat = request.form["class_of_seat"]
            payment_type = request.form["payment_type"]
            seat = str(random.randint(1, 99)) + random.choice('ABCD')
            fare = request.form["fare"]

            if (flight_id == '' or passenger_id == '' or payment_type == ''
                    or class_of_seat == '' or fare == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_add_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """INSERT INTO BOOKINGS (flight_id, passenger_id, payment_type, purchase_time, seat, class_of_seat, fare)
                                             VALUES (%(flight_id)s,
                                                    TIMESTAMP '%(purchase_time)s',
            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'flight_id': flight_id,
                    'passenger_id': passenger_id,
                    'payment_type': payment_type,
                    'purchase_time': purchase_time,
                    'seat': seat,
                    'class_of_seat': class_of_seat,
                    'fare': fare
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))

            command = "UPDATE FLIGHTS SET number_passengers = number_passengers + 1 WHERE flight_id = %(flight_id)s;"
            data = execute_sql(command % {'flight_id': flight_id})
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))

        elif (my_table == 'AIRCRAFTS'):
            airline_id = request.form['airline_id']

            capacity = request.form['capacity']

            company_name = request.form['company_name']

            model_name = request.form['model_name']
            maximum_range_km = request.form['maximum_range_km']

            year_produced = request.form['year_produced']

            if (airline_id == '' or capacity == '' or company_name == ''
                    or model_name == '' or maximum_range_km == ''
                    or year_produced == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_add_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """INSERT INTO AIRCRAFTS (airline_id, capacity, company_name, model_name, maximum_range_km, year_produced)
                         VALUES (%(airline_id)s,

            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'airline_id': airline_id,
                    'capacity': capacity,
                    'company_name': company_name,
                    'model_name': model_name,
                    'maximum_range_km': maximum_range_km,
                    'year_produced': year_produced
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))

        elif (my_table == 'ROUTES'):
            dep_airport_id = request.form['dep_airport_id']

            arr_airport_id = request.form['arr_airport_id']

            route_name = request.form['route_name']

            distance_km = request.form['distance_km']
            number_of_airlines = request.form['number_of_airlines']
            intercontinental = request.form['intercontinental']

            active_since = request.form['active_since']

            altitude_feet = request.form['altitude_feet']

            if (dep_airport_id == '' or arr_airport_id == ''
                    or route_name == '' or distance_km == ''
                    or number_of_airlines == '' or intercontinental == ''
                    or active_since == '' or altitude_feet == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_add_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """INSERT INTO ROUTES (dep_airport_id, arr_airport_id, route_name, distance_km, number_of_airlines, intercontinental, active_since, altitude_feet)
                         VALUES (%(dep_airport_id)s,

            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'dep_airport_id': dep_airport_id,
                    'arr_airport_id': arr_airport_id,
                    'route_name': route_name,
                    'distance_km': distance_km,
                    'number_of_airlines': number_of_airlines,
                    'intercontinental': intercontinental,
                    'active_since': active_since,
                    'altitude_feet': altitude_feet
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))

        elif (my_table == 'STAFF'):
            country_id = request.form['country_id']

            airline_id = request.form['airline_id']

            job_title = request.form['job_title']

            staff_name = request.form['staff_name']
            staff_last_name = request.form['staff_last_name']

            start_date = request.form['start_date']

            gender = request.form['gender']

            if (country_id == '' or airline_id == '' or job_title == ''
                    or staff_name == '' or staff_last_name == ''
                    or start_date == '' or gender == ''):
                flash("Insufficient Entry")
                return redirect(url_for("admin_add_page"))
            # rewrite command so that empty forms do not change during the update command
            command = """INSERT INTO STAFF (country_id, airline_id, job_title, staff_name, staff_last_name, start_date, gender)
                         VALUES (%(country_id)s,
                                 date '%(start_date)s',

            data = execute_sql(
                command % {
                    'country_id': country_id,
                    'airline_id': airline_id,
                    'job_title': job_title,
                    'staff_name': staff_name,
                    'staff_last_name': staff_last_name,
                    'start_date': start_date,
                    'gender': gender
            if (data == -1):
                flash("Something went wrong. Please try again.")

        return redirect(url_for("admin_page"))