await SAVED_SETTINGS.update_one({"_id": "BOT_PM"}, {"$set": { "data": BOT_PM }}, upsert=True) await msg.edit( f"Bot Pm `{'Disabled ❌' if not BOT_PM else 'Enabled ✅'}` Successully.", del_in=5) if userge.has_bot: userge_id = if userge.dual_mode else config.OWNER_ID[0] bot = @bot.on_message(~bannedFilter & ~filters.edited & filters.private & filters.command("start"), group=1) async def start(_, msg: PyroMessage): user_id = user_dict = await bot.get_user_dict(user_id) text = START_TEXT.format_map(SafeDict(**user_dict)) path = None if botpm.START_MEDIA: pattern = r"^https://telegra\.ph/file/\w+\.\w+$" if not re.match(pattern, botpm.START_MEDIA): await CHANNEL.log("Your `START_MEDIA` var is Invalid.") else: path = os.path.join(config.Dynamic.DOWN_PATH, os.path.split(botpm.START_MEDIA)[1]) if not os.path.exists(path): await pool.run_in_thread(,
InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent, InlineKeyboardMarkup) from pyrogram.types import Message as PyroMessage from userge import userge, filters, config PRVT_MSGS = {} FILTER = filters.create(lambda _, __, q: '-' in q.query and q.from_user and q. in config.OWNER_ID) MEDIA_FID_S = {} DEEP_LINK_FLITER = filters.private & filters.create( lambda _, __, msg: msg.text and msg.text.startswith("/start prvtmsg")) filters.user(list(config.OWNER_ID)) & ~filters.edited & filters.command("secretmsg", config.SUDO_TRIGGER)) async def recv_s_m_o(_, msg: PyroMessage): replied = msg.reply_to_message if not replied: return await msg.reply_text("reply to a message") media_type = if media_type and media_type in [ "contact", "dice", "poll", "location", "venue", ]: await msg.reply_text("invalid media type") return media_ifdd = getattr(replied, media_type)
async def leavevc(msg: Message): """ leave voice chat """ global CHAT_NAME, CHAT_ID # pylint: disbale=global-statement await msg.delete() if CHAT_NAME is not None: await call.stop() await asyncio.sleep(2) CHAT_NAME = None CHAT_ID = 0 else: await reply_text(msg, "`I didn't find any Voice-Chat to leave") @userge.on_filters( & filters.command("play")) async def play_music(msg: Message): """ play music in voice chat """ if not CHAT_ID or != CHAT_ID: return if msg.input_str: if re.match(yt_regex, msg.input_str): QUEUE.append(msg) await reply_text( msg, f"[Song]({msg.input_str}) " f"Scheduled to QUEUE on #{len(QUEUE)} position.") else: await reply_text(msg, "Only youtube links are supported") elif (msg.reply_to_message and
await SAVED_SETTINGS.update_one({"_id": "BOT_PM"}, {"$set": { "data": BOT_PM }}, upsert=True) await msg.edit( f"Bot Pm `{'Disabled ❌' if not BOT_PM else 'Enabled ✅'}` Successully.", del_in=5) if userge.has_bot: userge_id = if userge.dual_mode else Config.OWNER_ID[0] bot = @bot.on_message(~bannedFilter & ~filters.edited & filters.private & filters.command("start")) async def start(_, msg: PyroMessage): global _HAVE_BLOCKED, _USERS # pylint: disable=global-statement START_MEDIA = os.environ.get("START_MEDIA", None) user_id = user_dict = await bot.get_user_dict(user_id) text = START_TEXT.format_map(SafeDict(**user_dict)) path = None if START_MEDIA: pattern = r"^https://telegra\.ph/file/\w+\.\w+$" if not re.match(pattern, START_MEDIA): await CHANNEL.log("Your `START_MEDIA` var is Invalid.", "ERROR") else: path = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, os.path.split(Config.START_MEDIA)[1])