Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def handleMessage(self, twitchUser: User, message: Message) -> bool:
        if twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif message is None:
            raise ValueError(f'message argument is malformed: \"{message}\"')

        generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync()

        if not generalSettings.isDeerForceMessageEnabled():
            return False
        elif not twitchUser.isDeerForceMessageEnabled():
            return False

        text = utils.cleanStr(message.content)

        if text.lower() == self.__deerForceMessage.lower(
        ) and self.__lastDeerForceMessageTimes.isReadyAndUpdate(
            await twitchUtils.safeSend(message.channel,
                f'Handled Deer Force message for {message.author.name} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}'
            return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def handleMessage(self, twitchUser: User, message: Message) -> bool:
        if twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif message is None:
            raise ValueError(f'message argument is malformed: \"{message}\"')

        generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync()

        if not generalSettings.isCatJamMessageEnabled():
            return False
        elif not twitchUser.isCatJamEnabled():
            return False

        splits = utils.getCleanedSplits(message.content)

        if self.__catJamMessage in splits and self.__lastCatJamMessageTimes.isReadyAndUpdate(
            await twitchUtils.safeSend(message.channel, self.__catJamMessage)
                f'Handled catJAM message for {message.author.name} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}'
            return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def handleMessage(self, twitchUser: User, message: Message) -> bool:
        if twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif message is None:
            raise ValueError(f'message argument is malformed: \"{message}\"')

        generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync()

        if not generalSettings.isChatBandEnabled():
            return False
        elif not twitchUser.isChatBandEnabled():
            return False

        if await self.__chatBandManager.playInstrumentForMessage(
                f'Handled chat band message for {message.author.name} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}'
            return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def set_photo():
    params = assert_data_has_keys(request, {'email', 'password', 'patient_id'}, data_type='form')
    User.authenticate(params['email'], params['password'])
    if 'photo' not in request.files:
        raise WebError('photo must be provided', 400)
    base_filename = store_photo(request.files['photo'])
    set_patient_filename(params['patient_id'], base_filename)
    return jsonify({'message': 'ok'})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_photo():
    params = assert_data_has_keys(request, {'email', 'password', 'patient_id'})
    User.authenticate(params['email'], params['password'])
    base_filename = photo_filename_by_patient(params['patient_id'])
    if base_filename is None:
        raise WebError('Patient photo unavailable', 404)
    filename = retrieve_photo(base_filename)
    if filename is None:
        raise WebError('Patient photo unavailable', 404)
    return send_file(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    async def handlePointRedemption(self, twitchChannel: Channel,
                                    twitchUser: User, redemptionMessage: str,
                                    rewardId: str, userIdThatRedeemed: str,
                                    userNameThatRedeemed: str) -> bool:
        if twitchChannel is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"')
        elif twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif not utils.isValidStr(rewardId):
            raise ValueError(f'rewardId argument is malformed: \"{rewardId}\"')
        elif not utils.isValidStr(userIdThatRedeemed):
            raise ValueError(
                f'userIdThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userIdThatRedeemed}\"'
        elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed):
            raise ValueError(
                f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"'

        if not twitchUser.isPkmnEnabled():
            return False

        splits = utils.getCleanedSplits(redemptionMessage)
        if not utils.hasItems(splits):
            await twitchUtils.safeSend(
                f'⚠ Sorry @{userNameThatRedeemed}, you must specify the exact user name of the person you want to fight'
            return False

        opponentUserName = utils.removePreceedingAt(splits[0])
        generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync()
        actionCompleted = False

        if generalSettings.isFuntoonApiEnabled():
            if await self.__funtoonRepository.pkmnBattle(
                actionCompleted = True

        if not actionCompleted and generalSettings.isFuntoonTwitchChatFallbackEnabled(
            await twitchUtils.safeSend(
                f'!battle {userNameThatRedeemed} {opponentUserName}')
            actionCompleted = True

            f'Redeemed pkmn battle for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}'
        return actionCompleted
def generate_user(nums,write_into_database=True):
    user_list = []
    fake = Faker()
    id = 0
    while id <= nums:
        user = User(fake.name(), fake.address(), fake.job(),random.randint(10,100))
        if write_into_database:
            repo = UserRepository()
        id += 1
    return user_list
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sync():
    params = assert_data_has_keys(request, {'email', 'password'}, data_type='form')
    User.authenticate(params['email'], params['password'])
    if 'db' not in request.files:
        raise WebError('db must be provided', 400)

    synchronizer = DbSynchronizer(request.files['db'])
    if not synchronizer.prepare_sync():
        raise WebError("Synchronization failed", 500)

    return jsonify({'to_execute': synchronizer.get_client_sql()})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def registerUser():
  Use the given username and password to create a user if it doesn't already exist
    if User.user_name_exists(request.args['username']):
        return "-1"
        user = User(user_name=request.args['username'],
                    recent_results=['1', '2', '3'])
        return "ok"
def test_taken_email(browser_is_opened):
    github_main_page = MainPage(*browser_is_opened)
    assert "GitHub" in github_main_page.title
    id_check_input = github_main_page.email(
    assert not github_main_page.check_input_field(
        id_check_input, "Email is invalid or already taken")
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.votes = []
     self.comments = []
     self.upvote_percentage = []
     if self.author:
         self.author = User(**self.author)
def test_incorrect_password(browser_is_opened):
    github_main_page = MainPage(*browser_is_opened)
    assert "GitHub" in github_main_page.title
    join_github_page = JoinGithubPage(*browser_is_opened)
    assert join_github_page.message_found(
        "Password is weak and can be easily guessed")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    async def handleMessage(self, twitchUser: User, message: Message) -> bool:
        if twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif message is None:
            raise ValueError(f'message argument is malformed: \"{message}\"')

        if not twitchUser.isChatLoggingEnabled():
            return False


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def delete(self, post_id):
     result = main_app.post_repo.request_delete(post_id,
     if result is not None:
         abort(400, message=result)
         return jsonify({"message": "success"})
Ejemplo n.º 15
    async def handleMessage(self, twitchUser: User, message: Message) -> bool:
        if twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif message is None:
            raise ValueError(f'message argument is malformed: \"{message}\"')

        generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync()

        if not generalSettings.isCynanMessageEnabled():
            return False
        elif not twitchUser.isCynanMessageEnabled():
            return False
        elif message.author.name.lower() != self.__cynanUserName.lower():
            return False

        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

        if now > self.__lastCynanMessageTime + self.__cooldown:
            self.__lastCynanMessageTime = now
            await twitchUtils.safeSend(
                message.channel, f'/me waves to @{self.__cynanUserName} 👋')
                f'Handled Cynan message for {message.author.name} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}'
            return True

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
    async def handleEvent(self, twitchChannel: Channel, twitchUser: User,
                          tags: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        if twitchChannel is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"')
        elif twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif tags is None:
            raise ValueError(f'tags argument is malformed: \"{tags}\"')

        if not twitchUser.isChatLoggingEnabled():
            return False

        raidedByName = tags.get('msg-param-displayName')
        if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName):
            raidedByName = tags.get('display-name')
        if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName):
            raidedByName = tags.get('login')

        if not utils.isValidStr(raidedByName):
                f'{twitchUser.getHandle()} was raided, but the tags dictionary seems to have strange values: {tags}'
            return False

        raidSize = utils.getIntFromDict(tags, 'msg-param-viewerCount', 0)


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def generate_random_user():
     fake = Faker()
     profile = fake.simple_profile()
     last_name = profile["name"].split(' ')[1]
     return User(username=profile["username"] + last_name,
                 email=last_name + profile["mail"],
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def put(self, post_id):
     args = parser.parse_args()
     post = Post(**dict(args))
     post.author = User(**get_jwt_identity())
     result = main_app.post_repo.request_update(post_id, post.author, post)
     if result is not None:
         return abort(400, message=result)
     return jsonify({'message': 'success'})
Ejemplo n.º 19
def current_user_top_tracks():
        Get the current user's top tracks
        return endpoint_response(User.current_user_top_tracks())
    except Exception as e:
        return error_endpoint_response(e)
 def __contains__(self, uid):
     Checks if user is in the queue
     :param: uid User/UID that identifies who we are looking up
     :return: True if the UID is found, False otherwise
     uid = User.get_uid(uid)
     return (uid in self.busy_queue) or (uid in self.free_queue)
def test_not_available_username_input(browser_is_opened):
    github_main_page = MainPage(*browser_is_opened)
    assert "GitHub" in github_main_page.title
    user = User(username="******")
    id_check_input = github_main_page.username(user).get_attribute(
    assert not github_main_page.check_input_field(
        id_check_input, f"Username {user.username} is not available")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def current_user_playlists():
        Get current user playlists without getting their profile parameters
        return endpoint_response(User.current_user_playlists())
    except Exception as e:
        return error_endpoint_response(e)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def create_user(_admin_user):
    params = assert_data_has_keys(request, {'email', 'password', 'name', 'role'})
    if params['role'] not in ['admin', 'provider']:
        raise WebError('Role must be either "admin" or "provider"', 400)

    id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    language = params.get('language', 'en')
    name_str = LanguageString(id=str(uuid.uuid4()), content_by_language={language: params['name']})
    hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(params['password'].encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode()
    user = User(id, name_str, params['role'], params['email'], hashed_password)
    except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation:
        raise WebError('User already exists', 409)

    all_users = [User.from_db_row(r).to_dict() for r in all_user_data()]
    return jsonify({'users': all_users})
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def request_create(self, username, password):
     found = self.get_by_name(username)
     if found is not None:
         return None
     new_user = User(id=self.next_id, username=username, password=password)
     self.by_id[new_user.id] = new_user
     self.next_id += 1
     return new_user
Ejemplo n.º 25
def getUser():

    print "\nWelcome to our Casino! Please enter your credentials below.\n"

    #determine whether to create new account or load old one
    create = "blah"
    while create not in ['','create']:
        create = raw_input("Type 'create' to make a new account"
                " or hit Enter to proceed to log in\n").lower()
    if create=='create':    #new user; get name
        name = raw_input("name: ")

    #get account credentials
    uname = raw_input("username: "******"password (nothing will appear on screen) : ")

    if create=='create':    #create new account
        password2 = getpass("confirm password: "******"\nPasswords did not match, please re enter."
            password = getpass("password: "******"confirm password: "******"\nusername '%s' already taken, try a different one." %uname
                uname = raw_input("new username: "******"Account creation successful."

    else:   #load account data from disk
        while True:
                myUser = User(uname,password)
            except RuntimeError:
                print "Invalid username or password. Please try again."
                uname = raw_input("username: "******"password: "******"Welcome back,", myUser.getName()

    return myUser
def test_incorrect_username_input(browser_is_opened):
    github_main_page = MainPage(*browser_is_opened)
    assert "GitHub" in github_main_page.title
    id_check_input = github_main_page.username(
    assert not github_main_page.check_input_field(
        "Username may only contain alphanumeric characters or single hyphens,"
        " and cannot begin or end with a hyphen.")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def user_profile_data():
        Get details profile information about the current user. If this is the user's first
        time logging onto our system, create a User entry with their spotify ID
        return endpoint_response(User.user_profile_data())
    except Exception as e:
        return error_endpoint_response(e)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def add_post():
    if not request.json:
        return make_resp(jsonify({'message': 'Empty request'}), 400)
    elif not check_keys(request.json, ("category", "type", "title")):
        return make_resp(jsonify({'message': 'Bad request'}), 400)
    post = Post(**request.json)
    post.author = User(**get_jwt_identity())
    post = app.post_repo.request_create(post)
    return make_resp(jsonify(post), 200)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    async def handlePointRedemption(self, twitchChannel: Channel,
                                    twitchUser: User, redemptionMessage: str,
                                    rewardId: str, userIdThatRedeemed: str,
                                    userNameThatRedeemed: str) -> bool:
        if twitchChannel is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchChannel argument is malformed: \"{twitchChannel}\"')
        elif twitchUser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'twitchUser argument is malformed: \"{twitchUser}\"')
        elif not utils.isValidStr(rewardId):
            raise ValueError(f'rewardId argument is malformed: \"{rewardId}\"')
        elif not utils.isValidStr(userIdThatRedeemed):
            raise ValueError(
                f'userIdThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userIdThatRedeemed}\"'
        elif not utils.isValidStr(userNameThatRedeemed):
            raise ValueError(
                f'userNameThatRedeemed argument is malformed: \"{userNameThatRedeemed}\"'

        if not twitchUser.isPkmnEnabled():
            return False

        generalSettings = await self.__generalSettingsRepository.getAllAsync()
        actionCompleted = False

        if generalSettings.isFuntoonApiEnabled():
            if await self.__funtoonRepository.pkmnGiveShiny(
                actionCompleted = True

        if not actionCompleted and generalSettings.isFuntoonTwitchChatFallbackEnabled(
            await twitchUtils.safeSend(twitchChannel,
                                       f'!freeshiny {userNameThatRedeemed}')
            actionCompleted = True

            f'Redeemed pkmn shiny for {userNameThatRedeemed}:{userIdThatRedeemed} in {twitchUser.getHandle()}'
        return actionCompleted
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def is_stu(uid):
     Checks if a UID or User is a student UID
     :param: uid UID string or User to extract a UID out of
     :return: True if the UID is a Student, False otherwise
     uid = User.get_uid(uid)
     if (type(uid) is str):
         return UID_PREFIX_STU == uid[:len(UID_PREFIX_STU)]
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def request_create(self, username, password):
        """Create new user"""
        found = self.get_by_name(username)
        if found is not None:

            return None  # user with this name already created
        new_user = User(id=self.next_id, username=username, password=password)
        self.by_id[new_user.id] = new_user
        self.next_id += 1
        return new_user
Ejemplo n.º 32
def listUsers(request):
    forum = request.GET.get('forum')
    since = request.GET.get('since_id')
    limit = request.GET.get('limit')
    order = request.GET.get('order')
    sql = "SELECT DISTINCT user,name from Post where Post.forum = '%s'" % forum
    if since is not None:
        sql += "and Post.user_id>=%s " % since
    if order is not None:
        if order == "asc":
            sql += "order by Post.name ASC "
            sql += "order by Post.name DESC "
    if limit is not None:
        sql += "limit %s" % limit
    sql = "SELECT User.email, User.id, User.username, User.name, User.is_anonymous, User.about" \
          " from User join (%s) as t2 on User.email=t2.user " % sql
    if order is not None:
        if order == "asc":
            sql += "order by t2.name ASC "
            sql += "order by t2.name DESC "
    result = sql_select(sql)
    if result == ():
        resp = {"code": 0, "response": []}
        resp = json.dumps(resp)
        return HttpResponse(resp, content_type="application/json")
    users = []
    for data in result:
        params = {
            'email': data[0],
            'username': data[2],
            'name': data[3],
            'isAnonymous': bool(data[4]),
            'about': data[5],
        user = User(params)
        user.id = data[1]
        sql = "SELECT follower FROM Follow where followee=" + "'" + user.email + "'" + 'and is_deleted=0'
        followers = sql_select(sql)
        followers = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(followers))
        sql = "SELECT followee FROM Follow where follower=" + "'" + user.email + "'" + 'and is_deleted=0'
        following = sql_select(sql)
        following = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(following))
        user.followers = followers
        user.following = following
        sql = "SELECT thread FROM Subscription where user='******' and is_deleted=FALSE" % user.email
        subscriptions = sql_select(sql)
        subscriptions = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subscriptions))
        user.subscriptions = subscriptions
    resp = {"code": 0, "response": users}
    resp = json.dumps(resp)
    return HttpResponse(resp, content_type="application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 33
def listFollowers(request):
    email = request.GET.get('user')
    since = request.GET.get('since_id')
    limit = request.GET.get('limit')
    order = request.GET.get('order')
    sql = "SELECT User.email, User.id, User.username, User.name, User.is_anonymous, User.about" \
          " from Follow join User on Follow.follower=User.email where Follow.is_deleted != TRUE AND Follow.followee = '%s'" % email
    if since != None:
        sql += "and User.id>=%s " % since
    if order != None:
        if order == "asc":
            sql += "order by User.name ASC "
            sql += "order by User.name DESC "
    if limit != None:
        sql += "limit %s" % limit
    result = sql_select(sql)
    users = []
    for data in result:
        params = {
            'email': data[0],
            'username': data[2],
            'name': data[3],
            'isAnonymous': bool(data[4]),
            'about': data[5],
        user = User(params)
        user.id = data[1]
        sql = "SELECT follower FROM Follow where followee=" + "'" + user.email + "'" + 'and is_deleted=0'
        followers = sql_select(sql)
        followers = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(followers))
        sql = "SELECT followee FROM Follow where follower=" + "'" + user.email + "'" + 'and is_deleted=0'
        following = sql_select(sql)
        following = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(following))
        user.followers = followers
        user.following = following
        sql = "SELECT thread FROM Subscription where user='******' AND is_deleted=FALSE " % user.email
        subscriptions = sql_select(sql)
        subscriptions = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subscriptions))
        user.subscriptions = subscriptions
    resp = {"code": 0, "response": users}
    resp = json.dumps(resp)
    return HttpResponse(resp, content_type="application/json")