def testBzip2(self):
        fn = "%s/foo" % self.tmpdir
        open(fn, "w").write("hello")
        proc = subprocess.Popen(["bzcat", fn], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

        self.assertEquals("hello", open(fn, 'rb').read())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def signPackage(self, pkgfile, dstdir, remember=False, compressed=False):
        """Sign `pkgfile`, putting the results into `dstdir`.

        If `remember` is True, then cache the newly signed files into our

        If `compressed` is True, then the contents of pkgfile are bz2
        compressed (e.g. in a mar file), and should be decompressed before
        """"Processing %s", pkgfile)
        basename = os.path.basename(pkgfile)
        dstfile = convertPath(pkgfile, dstdir)

        # Keep track of our output in a list here, and we can output everything
        # when we're done This is to avoid interleaving the output from
        # multiple processes.
        logs = []
        logs.append("Repacking %s to %s" % (pkgfile, dstfile))
        parentdir = os.path.dirname(dstfile)
        if not os.path.exists(parentdir):
            os.makedirs(parentdir, 0755)

        nFiles = 0
        cacheHits = 0
        nSigned = 0
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # Unpack it
            logs.append("Unpacking %s to %s" % (pkgfile, tmpdir))
            unpackfile(pkgfile, tmpdir)
            # Swap in files we have already signed
            for f in findfiles(tmpdir):
                # We don't need to do anything to files we're not going to sign
                if not shouldSign(f):

                h = sha1sum(f)
                basename = os.path.basename(f)
                nFiles += 1
                chk = getChkFile(f)

                # Look in the cache for another file with the same original
                # hash
                cachedFile = self.getFile(h, f)
                if cachedFile:
                    cacheHits += 1
                    assert os.path.basename(cachedFile) == basename
                    logs.append("Copying %s from %s" % (basename, cachedFile))
                    # Preserve the original file's mode; don't use the cached mode
                    # We usually process installer .exe's first, and 7z doesn't
                    # preserve the file mode, so the cached copies of the files
                    # are mode 0666.  In the mar files, executables have mode
                    # 0777, so we want to preserve that.
                    copyfile(cachedFile, f, copymode=False)
                    if chk:
                        # If there's a .chk file for this file, copy that out of cache
                        # It's an error if this file doesn't exist in cache
                        cachedChk = self.getFile(h, chk)
                        logs.append("Copying %s from %s" %
                                    (os.path.basename(cachedChk), cachedChk))
                        copyfile(cachedChk, chk, copymode=False)
                    # We need to sign this file
                    # If this file is compressed, check if we have a cached copy that
                    # is uncompressed
                    if compressed:
                        h2 = sha1sum(f)
                        cachedFile = self.getFile(h2, f)
                        if cachedFile:
                            # We have a cached copy of this file that is uncompressed.
                            # So copy it into our dstdir, and recompress it, and
                            # save it for future use.
                            cacheHits += 1
                            assert os.path.basename(cachedFile) == basename
                            logs.append("Copying %s from uncompressed %s" %
                                        (basename, cachedFile))
                            # See note above about not copying the file's mode
                            copyfile(cachedFile, f, copymode=False)
                            if chk:
                                # If there's a .chk file for this file, copy that out of cache
                                # It's an error if this file doesn't exist in
                                # cache
                                cachedChk = self.getFile(h2, chk)
                                    "Copying %s from %s" %
                                    (os.path.basename(cachedChk), cachedChk))
                                copyfile(cachedChk, chk, copymode=False)
                            if remember:
                                logs.append("Caching compressed %s as %s" %
                                            (f, h))
                                self.rememberFile(h, f)
                                # Remember any regenerated chk files
                                if chk:
                                    logs.append("Caching %s as %s" % (chk, h))
                                    self.rememberFile(h, chk)

                    nSigned += 1
                    logs.append("Signing %s" % f)
                    signfile(f, self.keydir, self.fake)
                    if compressed:
                        # If we have a chk file, compress that too
                        if chk:
                    if remember:
                        logs.append("Caching %s as %s" % (f, h))
                        self.rememberFile(h, f)
                        # Remember any regenerated chk files
                        if chk:
                            logs.append("Caching %s as %s" % (chk, h))
                            self.rememberFile(h, chk)

            # Repack it
            logs.append("Packing %s" % dstfile)
            packfile(dstfile, tmpdir)
            # Sign installer
            if dstfile.endswith('.exe') and not self.unsignedInstallers:
                logs.append("Signing %s" % dstfile)
                signfile(dstfile, self.keydir, self.fake)
            return nFiles, cacheHits, nSigned
            log.exception("Error signing %s", pkgfile)
            return False
            # Clean up after ourselves, and output our logs
  "\n  ".join(logs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def signPackage(self, pkgfile, dstdir, remember=False, compressed=False):
        """Sign `pkgfile`, putting the results into `dstdir`.

        If `remember` is True, then cache the newly signed files into our

        If `compressed` is True, then the contents of pkgfile are bz2
        compressed (e.g. in a mar file), and should be decompressed before
        """"Processing %s", pkgfile)
        basename = os.path.basename(pkgfile)
        dstfile = convertPath(pkgfile, dstdir)

        # Keep track of our output in a list here, and we can output everything
        # when we're done This is to avoid interleaving the output from
        # multiple processes.
        logs = []
        logs.append("Repacking %s to %s" % (pkgfile, dstfile))
        parentdir = os.path.dirname(dstfile)
        if not os.path.exists(parentdir):
            os.makedirs(parentdir, 0755)

        nFiles = 0
        cacheHits = 0
        nSigned = 0
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # Unpack it
            logs.append("Unpacking %s to %s" % (pkgfile, tmpdir))
            unpackfile(pkgfile, tmpdir)
            # Swap in files we have already signed
            for f in findfiles(tmpdir):
                # We don't need to do anything to files we're not going to sign
                if not shouldSign(f):

                h = sha1sum(f)
                basename = os.path.basename(f)
                nFiles += 1
                chk = getChkFile(f)

                # Look in the cache for another file with the same original
                # hash
                cachedFile = self.getFile(h, f)
                if cachedFile:
                    cacheHits += 1
                    assert os.path.basename(cachedFile) == basename
                    logs.append("Copying %s from %s" % (basename, cachedFile))
                    # Preserve the original file's mode; don't use the cached mode
                    # We usually process installer .exe's first, and 7z doesn't
                    # preserve the file mode, so the cached copies of the files
                    # are mode 0666.  In the mar files, executables have mode
                    # 0777, so we want to preserve that.
                    copyfile(cachedFile, f, copymode=False)
                    if chk:
                        # If there's a .chk file for this file, copy that out of cache
                        # It's an error if this file doesn't exist in cache
                        cachedChk = self.getFile(h, chk)
                        logs.append("Copying %s from %s" %
                                    (os.path.basename(cachedChk), cachedChk))
                        copyfile(cachedChk, chk, copymode=False)
                    # We need to sign this file
                    # If this file is compressed, check if we have a cached copy that
                    # is uncompressed
                    if compressed:
                        h2 = sha1sum(f)
                        cachedFile = self.getFile(h2, f)
                        if cachedFile:
                            # We have a cached copy of this file that is uncompressed.
                            # So copy it into our dstdir, and recompress it, and
                            # save it for future use.
                            cacheHits += 1
                            assert os.path.basename(cachedFile) == basename
                            logs.append("Copying %s from uncompressed %s" %
                                        (basename, cachedFile))
                            # See note above about not copying the file's mode
                            copyfile(cachedFile, f, copymode=False)
                            if chk:
                                # If there's a .chk file for this file, copy that out of cache
                                # It's an error if this file doesn't exist in
                                # cache
                                cachedChk = self.getFile(h2, chk)
                                logs.append("Copying %s from %s" % (
                                    os.path.basename(cachedChk), cachedChk))
                                copyfile(cachedChk, chk, copymode=False)
                            if remember:
                                    "Caching compressed %s as %s" % (f, h))
                                self.rememberFile(h, f)
                                # Remember any regenerated chk files
                                if chk:
                                    logs.append("Caching %s as %s" % (chk, h))
                                    self.rememberFile(h, chk)

                    nSigned += 1
                    logs.append("Signing %s" % f)
                    signfile(f, self.keydir, self.fake)
                    if compressed:
                        # If we have a chk file, compress that too
                        if chk:
                    if remember:
                        logs.append("Caching %s as %s" % (f, h))
                        self.rememberFile(h, f)
                        # Remember any regenerated chk files
                        if chk:
                            logs.append("Caching %s as %s" % (chk, h))
                            self.rememberFile(h, chk)

            # Repack it
            logs.append("Packing %s" % dstfile)
            packfile(dstfile, tmpdir)
            # Sign installer
            if dstfile.endswith('.exe') and not self.unsignedInstallers:
                logs.append("Signing %s" % dstfile)
                signfile(dstfile, self.keydir, self.fake)
            return nFiles, cacheHits, nSigned
            log.exception("Error signing %s", pkgfile)
            return False
            # Clean up after ourselves, and output our logs
  "\n  ".join(logs))