Ejemplo n.º 1
def _bridgeDestinationValidator(option, value):
    if value.count(":") != 1:
        raise ValueError("Bridges are of the form '<ip address>:<port>'")

    ipAddr, port = value.split(":", 1)
    if not connections.isValidIpAddress(ipAddr):
        raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid ip address" % ipAddr)
    elif not port.isdigit() or int(port) < 0 or int(port) > 65535:
        raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port number" % port)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _bridgeDestinationValidator(option, value):
  if value.count(":") != 1:
    raise ValueError("Bridges are of the form '<ip address>:<port>'")
  ipAddr, port = value.split(":", 1)
  if not connections.isValidIpAddress(ipAddr):
    raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid ip address" % ipAddr)
  elif not port.isdigit() or int(port) < 0 or int(port) > 65535:
    raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port number" % port)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def doInfo(self, arg, outputEntry):
   Performs the '/info' operation, looking up a relay by fingerprint, IP
   address, or nickname and printing its descriptor and consensus entries in a
   pretty fashion.
   fingerprint, conn = None, torTools.getConn()
   # TODO: also recognize <ip>:<port> entries?
   # determines the fingerprint, leaving it unset and adding an error message
   # if unsuccessful
   if not arg:
     # uses our fingerprint if we're a relay, otherwise gives an error
     fingerprint = conn.getInfo("fingerprint")
     if not fingerprint:
       outputEntry.append(("We aren't a relay, no information to provide", ERROR_FORMAT))
   elif len(arg) == 40 and re.match("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$", arg):
     # we got a fingerprint (fourty character hex string)
     fingerprint = arg
   elif connections.isValidIpAddress(arg):
     # we got an ip address, look up the fingerprint
     fpMatches = conn.getRelayFingerprint(arg, getAllMatches = True)
     if len(fpMatches) == 0:
       outputEntry.append(("No relays found at %s" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
     elif len(fpMatches) == 1:
       fingerprint = fpMatches[0][1]
       outputEntry.append(("Multiple relays at %s, specify which by giving a port" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
       for i in range(len(fpMatches)):
         relayEntry = outputEntry[i]
         outputEntry.append(("  %i. or port: %-5s fingerprint: %s" % (i + 1, relayEntry[0], relayEntry[1]), ERROR_FORMAT))
     # we got something else, treat it as a nickname
     fingerprint = conn.getNicknameFingerprint(arg)
     if not fingerprint:
       outputEntry.append(("No relay with the nickname of '%s' found" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
   if fingerprint:
     consensusEntry = conn.getConsensusEntry(fingerprint)
     # The nickname, address, and port lookups are all based on the consensus
     # entry so if this succeeds we should be pretty confident that those
     # queries will work too.
     if not consensusEntry:
       outputEntry.append(("Unable to find consensus information for %s" % fingerprint, ERROR_FORMAT))
     address, port = conn.getRelayAddress(fingerprint, (None, None))
     # ... but not sure enough that we won't check
     if not address or not port: return
     locale = conn.getInfo("ip-to-country/%s" % address, "??")
       hostname = hostnames.resolve(address, 10)
       hostname = None
     # TODO: Most of the following is copied from the _getDetailContent method
     # of cli/connections/connEntry.py - useful bits should be refactored.
     consensusLines = consensusEntry.split("\n")
     firstLineComp = consensusLines[0].split(" ")
     if len(firstLineComp) >= 9:
       _, nickname, _, _, pubDate, pubTime, _, orPort, _ = firstLineComp[:9]
     else: nickname, pubDate, pubTime, orPort = "", "", "", ""
     flags = "unknown"
     if len(consensusLines) >= 2 and consensusLines[1].startswith("s "):
       flags = consensusLines[1][2:]
     exitPolicy = conn.getRelayExitPolicy(fingerprint)
     if exitPolicy: policyLabel = exitPolicy.getSummary()
     else: policyLabel = "unknown"
     # fetches information from the descriptor if it's available
     torVersion, platform, contact = "", "", ""
     descriptorEntry = conn.getDescriptorEntry(fingerprint)
     if descriptorEntry:
       for descLine in descriptorEntry.split("\n"):
         if descLine.startswith("platform"):
           # has the tor version and platform, ex:
           # platform Tor (r318f470bc5f2ad43) on Linux x86_64
           torVersion = descLine[13:descLine.find(" ", 13)]
           platform = descLine[descLine.rfind(" on ") + 4:] 
         elif descLine.startswith("contact"):
           contact = descLine[8:]
           # clears up some highly common obscuring
           for alias in (" at ", " AT "): contact = contact.replace(alias, "@")
           for alias in (" dot ", " DOT "): contact = contact.replace(alias, ".")
           break # contact lines come after the platform
     headingAttr, infoAttr = (Attr.BOLD, Color.BLUE), ()
     outputEntry.append(("%s (%s)\n" % (nickname, fingerprint), infoAttr))
     hostnameLabel = ", %s" % hostname if hostname else ""
     outputEntry.append(("address: ", headingAttr))
     outputEntry.append(("%s:%s (%s%s)\n" % (address, port, locale, hostnameLabel), infoAttr))
     outputEntry.append(("published: ", headingAttr))
     outputEntry.append(("%s %s" % (pubTime, pubDate) + "\n", infoAttr))
     if torVersion and platform:
       outputEntry.append(("os: ", headingAttr))
       outputEntry.append((platform + "\n", infoAttr))
       outputEntry.append(("version: ", headingAttr))
       outputEntry.append((torVersion + "\n", infoAttr))
     outputEntry.append(("flags: ", headingAttr))
     outputEntry.append((flags.replace(" ", ", ") + "\n", infoAttr))
     outputEntry.append(("exit policy: ", headingAttr))
     outputEntry.append((policyLabel + "\n", infoAttr))
     if contact:
       outputEntry.append(("contact: ", headingAttr))
       outputEntry.append((contact + "\n", infoAttr))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def doInfo(self, arg, outputEntry):
    Performs the '/info' operation, looking up a relay by fingerprint, IP
    address, or nickname and printing its descriptor and consensus entries in a
    pretty fashion.

        fingerprint, conn = None, torTools.getConn()

        # TODO: also recognize <ip>:<port> entries?

        # determines the fingerprint, leaving it unset and adding an error message
        # if unsuccessful
        if not arg:
            # uses our fingerprint if we're a relay, otherwise gives an error
            fingerprint = conn.getInfo("fingerprint")

            if not fingerprint:
                    ("We aren't a relay, no information to provide",
        elif len(arg) == 40 and re.match("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$", arg):
            # we got a fingerprint (fourty character hex string)
            fingerprint = arg
        elif connections.isValidIpAddress(arg):
            # we got an ip address, look up the fingerprint
            fpMatches = conn.getRelayFingerprint(arg, getAllMatches=True)

            if len(fpMatches) == 0:
                    ("No relays found at %s" % arg, ERROR_FORMAT))
            elif len(fpMatches) == 1:
                fingerprint = fpMatches[0][1]
                    ("Multiple relays at %s, specify which by giving a port" %
                     arg, ERROR_FORMAT))

                for i in range(len(fpMatches)):
                    relayEntry = outputEntry[i]
                        ("  %i. or port: %-5s fingerprint: %s" %
                         (i + 1, relayEntry[0], relayEntry[1]), ERROR_FORMAT))
            # we got something else, treat it as a nickname
            fingerprint = conn.getNicknameFingerprint(arg)

            if not fingerprint:
                    ("No relay with the nickname of '%s' found" % arg,

        if fingerprint:
            consensusEntry = conn.getConsensusEntry(fingerprint)

            # The nickname, address, and port lookups are all based on the consensus
            # entry so if this succeeds we should be pretty confident that those
            # queries will work too.

            if not consensusEntry:
                    ("Unable to find consensus information for %s" %
                     fingerprint, ERROR_FORMAT))

            address, port = conn.getRelayAddress(fingerprint, (None, None))

            # ... but not sure enough that we won't check
            if not address or not port: return

            locale = conn.getInfo("ip-to-country/%s" % address, "??")

            if INFO_HOSTNAMES:
                hostname = hostnames.resolve(address, 10)
                hostname = None

            # TODO: Most of the following is copied from the _getDetailContent method
            # of cli/connections/connEntry.py - useful bits should be refactored.
            consensusLines = consensusEntry.split("\n")

            firstLineComp = consensusLines[0].split(" ")
            if len(firstLineComp) >= 9:
                _, nickname, _, _, pubDate, pubTime, _, orPort, _ = firstLineComp[:
                nickname, pubDate, pubTime, orPort = "", "", "", ""

            flags = "unknown"
            if len(consensusLines) >= 2 and consensusLines[1].startswith("s "):
                flags = consensusLines[1][2:]

            exitPolicy = conn.getRelayExitPolicy(fingerprint)

            if exitPolicy: policyLabel = exitPolicy.getSummary()
            else: policyLabel = "unknown"

            # fetches information from the descriptor if it's available
            torVersion, platform, contact = "", "", ""
            descriptorEntry = conn.getDescriptorEntry(fingerprint)

            if descriptorEntry:
                for descLine in descriptorEntry.split("\n"):
                    if descLine.startswith("platform"):
                        # has the tor version and platform, ex:
                        # platform Tor (r318f470bc5f2ad43) on Linux x86_64

                        torVersion = descLine[13:descLine.find(" ", 13)]
                        platform = descLine[descLine.rfind(" on ") + 4:]
                    elif descLine.startswith("contact"):
                        contact = descLine[8:]

                        # clears up some highly common obscuring
                        for alias in (" at ", " AT "):
                            contact = contact.replace(alias, "@")
                        for alias in (" dot ", " DOT "):
                            contact = contact.replace(alias, ".")

                        break  # contact lines come after the platform

            headingAttr, infoAttr = (Attr.BOLD, Color.BLUE), ()

                ("%s (%s)\n" % (nickname, fingerprint), infoAttr))

            hostnameLabel = ", %s" % hostname if hostname else ""
            outputEntry.append(("address: ", headingAttr))
                ("%s:%s (%s%s)\n" % (address, port, locale, hostnameLabel),

            outputEntry.append(("published: ", headingAttr))
            outputEntry.append(("%s %s" % (pubTime, pubDate) + "\n", infoAttr))

            if torVersion and platform:
                outputEntry.append(("os: ", headingAttr))
                outputEntry.append((platform + "\n", infoAttr))

                outputEntry.append(("version: ", headingAttr))
                outputEntry.append((torVersion + "\n", infoAttr))

            outputEntry.append(("flags: ", headingAttr))
            outputEntry.append((flags.replace(" ", ", ") + "\n", infoAttr))

            outputEntry.append(("exit policy: ", headingAttr))
            outputEntry.append((policyLabel + "\n", infoAttr))

            if contact:
                outputEntry.append(("contact: ", headingAttr))
                outputEntry.append((contact + "\n", infoAttr))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 elif userInput == "4":
   # display the current exit policy and query if destinations are allowed by it
   exitPolicy = conn.getExitPolicy()
   print("Exit Policy: %s" % exitPolicy)
   while True:
     # provide the selection options
     userSelection = raw_input("\nCheck if destination is allowed (q to go back): ")
     userSelection = userSelection.replace(" ", "").strip() # removes all whitespace
     isValidQuery, isExitAllowed = True, False
     if userSelection == "q":
     elif connections.isValidIpAddress(userSelection):
       # just an ip address (use port 80)
       isExitAllowed = exitPolicy.check(userSelection, 80)
     elif userSelection.isdigit():
       # just a port (use a common ip like
       isExitAllowed = exitPolicy.check("", userSelection)
     elif ":" in userSelection:
       # ip/port combination
       ipAddr, port = userSelection.split(":", 1)
       if connections.isValidIpAddress(ipAddr) and port.isdigit():
         isExitAllowed = exitPolicy.check(ipAddr, port)
       else: isValidQuery = False
     else: isValidQuery = False # invalid input
     if isValidQuery: