def worker(img_name, desc, wnd_size, l0_model):
        im_h = imread(img_name)
    except IOError as e:
        return None
# assume H-plane is given in the image
# -preprocessing
#    if im.ndim == 3:
#        im_h, _ = rgb2he(im, normalize=True)
#        im_h = equalize_adapthist(im_h)
#        im_h = rescale_intensity(im_h, out_range=(0,255))
#        im_h = im_h.astype(np.uint8)
#    else:
#        return None

    print("...start on", img_name)
    bag = []
    wnd = []

    itw1 = sliding_window(im_h.shape, (wnd_size, wnd_size),
                          start=(0, 0),
                          step=(wnd_size, wnd_size))
    for w1 in itw1:
        # for each "large window":
        # -divide it in windows of level-0 size
        # -classify these "small windows"
        # -build the histogram of codeblock frequencies
        wnd1 = im_h[w1[0]:w1[1], w1[2]:w1[3]]
        if wnd1.sum() < wnd_size**2 / 100:
            continue  # not enough non-zero pixels

        itw0 = sliding_window(
            wnd1.shape, (l0_model['window_size'], l0_model['window_size']),
            start=(0, 0),
            step=(l0_model['window_size'], l0_model['window_size']))
        ldesc = []
        for w0 in itw0:
            ldesc.append(desc.compute(wnd1[w0[0]:w0[1], w0[2]:w0[3]]))

        X = np.vstack(ldesc)
        y = l0_model['codebook'].predict(X)
        h = np.zeros(l0_model['codebook'].cluster_centers_.shape[0]
                     )  # histogram of code blocks
        for k in range(y.size):
            h[y[k]] += 1.0
        h /= y.size  # frequencies
        bag.append(h)  # add it to the bag

    # end for all "large windows"

    with ModelPersistence('.'.join(img_name.split('.')[:-1]) + '_bag_l1.pkl',
                          format='pickle') as d:
        d['bag_l1'] = dict([('hist_l0', bag), ('regs', wnd)])

    print('...end on', img_name)
    return bag
def worker(img_name, desc, wnd_size, l0_model):
        im_h = imread(img_name)
    except IOError as e:
        return None
# assume H-plane is given in the image
    # -preprocessing
#    if im.ndim == 3:
#        im_h, _ = rgb2he(im, normalize=True)
#        im_h = equalize_adapthist(im_h)
#        im_h = rescale_intensity(im_h, out_range=(0,255))
#        im_h = im_h.astype(np.uint8)
#    else:
#        return None

    print("...start on", img_name)
    bag = []
    wnd = []

    itw1 = sliding_window(im_h.shape, (wnd_size,wnd_size), start=(0,0), step=(wnd_size,wnd_size))
    for w1 in itw1:
        # for each "large window":
        # -divide it in windows of level-0 size
        # -classify these "small windows"
        # -build the histogram of codeblock frequencies
        wnd1 = im_h[w1[0]:w1[1], w1[2]:w1[3]]
        if wnd1.sum() < wnd_size**2/100:
            continue  # not enough non-zero pixels

        itw0 = sliding_window(wnd1.shape, (l0_model['window_size'],l0_model['window_size']),
                              start=(0,0), step=(l0_model['window_size'],l0_model['window_size']))
        ldesc = []
        for w0 in itw0:
            ldesc.append(desc.compute(wnd1[w0[0]:w0[1], w0[2]:w0[3]]))

        X = np.vstack(ldesc)
        y = l0_model['codebook'].predict(X)
        h = np.zeros(l0_model['codebook'].cluster_centers_.shape[0])  # histogram of code blocks
        for k in range(y.size):
            h[y[k]] += 1.0
        h /= y.size                                                      # frequencies
        bag.append(h)                                                    # add it to the bag

    # end for all "large windows"

    with ModelPersistence('.'.join(img_name.split('.')[:-1])+'_bag_l1.pkl', 'c', format='pickle') as d:
        d['bag_l1'] = dict([('hist_l0', bag), ('regs', wnd)])

    print('...end on', img_name)
    return bag
Ejemplo n.º 3
def extract_descriptors_he(_img, w_size, _ncpus=None):
    EXRACT_LOCAL_DESCRIPTORS_HE: extracts a set of local descriptors of the image:
        - histogram of Hue values
        - histogram of haematoxylin and eosin planes
        - Gabor descriptors in haematoxylin and eosin spaces, respectively
        - local binary patterns in haematoxylin and eosin spaces, respectively

    :param _img: numpy.ndarray

    :param w_size: int

    :return: list
    assert (_img.ndim == 3)

    img_iterator = sliding_window(_img.shape[:-1], (w_size, w_size), step=(w_size, w_size))  # non-overlapping windows
    gabor = GaborDescriptor()
    lbp   = LBPDescriptor()

    hsv = rgb2hsv(_img)
    h, e, _ = rgb2he2(_img)

    res = []
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=_ncpus) as executor:
        for w_coords in img_iterator:
            res.append(executor.submit(_worker2, hsv[:,:,0], h, e, gabor, lbp, w_coords))

    desc = []
    for f in as_completed(res):

    return desc
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_gabor_desc(img, gdesc, w_size, scale=1.0, mask=None, _ncpus=None):
    Extract local Gabor descriptors by scanning an image.

    :param img: numpy.ndarray
      Input intensity (grey-scale) image.

    :param gdesc: txtgrey.GaborDescriptor
      The parameters of the Gabor wavelets to be used.

    :param w_size: integer
      Window size (the sliding window is square-shaped).

    :param scale: float
      The image may be scaled prior to any descriptor extraction.

    :param mask: numpy.ndarray
      A mask (logical image) indicating the object regions
      in the image.

    :return: list
      A list with the local descriptors corresponding to each position
      of the sliding window. Each element of the list is a vector
      containing the coordinates of the local window (first 4 elements)
      and the 2 vectors of values for the local Gabor descriptors (one
      with the mean responses and one with the variances).

    assert (img.ndim == 2)

    img_ = rescale(img, scale)
    if mask is not None:
        assert (mask.ndim == 2)
        assert (mask.shape == img.shape)
        mask = img_as_ubyte(resize(mask, img_.shape))

    img_iterator = sliding_window(img_.shape, (w_size, w_size), step=(w_size, w_size))  # non-overlapping windows

    res = []
    if mask is None:
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=_ncpus) as executor:
            for w_coords in img_iterator:
                res.append(executor.submit(_gabor_worker, img_, gdesc, w_coords))
        th = w_size * w_size / 20.0   # consider only those windows with more than 5% pixels from object
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=_ncpus) as executor:
            for w_coords in img_iterator:
                if mask[w_coords[0]:w_coords[1], w_coords[2]:w_coords[3]].sum() > th:
                    res.append(executor.submit(_gabor_worker, img_, gdesc, w_coords))

    desc = []
    for f in as_completed(res):

    return desc
Ejemplo n.º 5
def extract_descriptors_he(_img, w_size, _ncpus=None):
    EXRACT_LOCAL_DESCRIPTORS_HE: extracts a set of local descriptors of the image:
        - histogram of Hue values
        - histogram of haematoxylin and eosin planes
        - Gabor descriptors in haematoxylin and eosin spaces, respectively
        - local binary patterns in haematoxylin and eosin spaces, respectively

    :param _img: numpy.ndarray

    :param w_size: int

    :return: list
    assert (_img.ndim == 3)

    img_iterator = sliding_window(_img.shape[:-1], (w_size, w_size),
                                        w_size))  # non-overlapping windows
    gabor = GaborDescriptor()
    lbp = LBPDescriptor()

    hsv = rgb2hsv(_img)
    h, e, _ = rgb2he2(_img)

    res = []
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=_ncpus) as executor:
        for w_coords in img_iterator:
                executor.submit(_worker2, hsv[:, :, 0], h, e, gabor, lbp,

    desc = []
    for f in as_completed(res):

    return desc
Ejemplo n.º 6
def grow_bag_from_new_image(image, desc, w_size, n_obj, **kwargs):
    Extracts local descriptors from a new image.

    :param image: numpy.array
        Image data (single channel).
    :param desc: LocalDescriptor
        Local descriptor for feature extraction.
    :param w_size: tuple
        (width, height) of the sub-windows from the image.
    :param n_obj: int
        Maximum number of objects to be added to the bag.
    :param kwargs: dict
        Other parameters:
        'roi': region of interest (default: None)
        'sampling_strategy': how the image should be sampled:
            'random' for random sampling
            'sliding' for systematic, sliding window scanning
             of the image
        'it_start': where the scanning of the image starts (for
            sliding window sampling strategy) (default (0,0))
        'it_step': step from one window to the next (for
            sliding window sampling strategy) (default (1,1))
        'discard_empty': (boolean) whether an empy patch should still
            be processed or simply discarded. Default: False
    :return: dict
        A dictionary with two elements:
            <name of the descriptor>: list
            'regions': list
        The first list contains the feature descriptors.
        The second list contains the corresponding window positions.

    See also: grow_bag_with_new_features

    if 'roi' not in kwargs:
        roi = None
        roi = kwargs['roi']

    if 'it_start' not in kwargs:
        it_start = (0,0)
        it_start = kwargs['it_start']

    if 'it_step' not in kwargs:
        it_step = (1,1)
        it_step = kwargs['it_step']

    if 'sampling_strategy' not in kwargs:
        sampling_strategy = 'random'
        sampling_strategy = kwargs['sampling_strategy']
    if 'discard_empty' in kwargs:
        discard_empty = kwargs['discard_empty']
        discard_empty = False

    w_offset = (0, 0)
    if isinstance(desc, HaarLikeDescriptor):
        # this one works on integral images
        image = intg_image(image)
        # the sliding window should also be increased by 1:
        w_offset = (1, 1)
        w_size = (w_size[0] + w_offset[0], w_size[1] + w_offset[1])

    # create iterator:
    sampling_strategy = sampling_strategy.lower()
    if sampling_strategy == 'random':
        if roi is None:
            itw = random_window(image.shape, w_size, n_obj)
            itw = random_window_on_regions(image.shape, roi, w_size, n_obj)
    elif sampling_strategy == 'sliding':
        if roi is None:
            itw = sliding_window(image.shape, w_size, start=it_start, step=it_step)
            itw = sliding_window_on_regions(image.shape, roi, w_size, step=it_step)
        raise ValueError('Unknown strategy.')

    bag = []
    wnd = []
    n = 0

    for r in itw:
        if discard_empty and image[r[0]:r[1], r[2]:r[3]].sum() < 1e-16:

        # adjust if needed:
        r2 = (r[0], r[1] - w_offset[1], r[2], r[3] - w_offset[0])
        bag.append(desc.compute(image[r[0]:r[1], r[2]:r[3]]))

        n += 1
        if n > n_obj:

    return { bag, 'regs': wnd}
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    p = opt.ArgumentParser(description="""
            Segments a number of rectangular contexts from a H&E slide. The contexts are clusters
            of similar regions of the image. The similarity is based on various textural
        help='XML file describing the structure of the imported file')
                   help='which of the scales to be processed')
                   help='number of contexts to extract',
                   help='size of the (square) regions',
                   help='optional prefix for the resulting files',
        help='compute Gabor descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts'
        'compute LBP (local binary patterns) descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts'
        'compute fractal descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
        'compute Haralick descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
                   help='start row (rows start at 0)',
                   help='start column (columns start at 0)',
                   help='end row (maximum: image height-1)',
                   help='end column (maximum: image width-1)',
                   help='should also Eosine component be processed?')

    args = p.parse_args()

    xml_file = ET.parse(args.meta_file)
    xml_root = xml_file.getroot()

    # find the name of the image:
    base_name = os.path.basename(xml_root.find('file').text).split('.')
    if len(base_name) > 1:  # at least 1 suffix .ext
        base_name.pop()  # drop the extension
        base_name = '.'.join(
            base_name)  # reassemble the rest of the list into file name

    if args.prefix is not None:
        pfx = args.prefix
        pfx = base_name

    path = os.path.dirname(args.meta_file)

    # Check if the required scale exists:
    vrs = [
        _x for _x in xml_root.findall('version')
        if _x.find('scale').text == args.scale
    if len(vrs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('The requested scale does not exits.')
    if len(vrs) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Inconsistency detected for the requested scale.')
    all_tiles = vrs[0].findall('tile')

    # get the info about full image:
    im_width = int(xml_root.find('original/width').text)
    im_height = int(xml_root.find('original/height').text)

    row_min = min(max(args.row_min, 0), im_height - 2)
    col_min = min(max(args.col_min, 0), im_width - 2)
    row_max = max(min(args.row_max, im_height - 1), 0)
    col_max = max(min(args.col_max, im_width - 1), 0)

    if row_max == 0:
        row_max = im_height - 1
    if col_max == 0:
        col_max = im_width - 1

    if row_max - row_min < args.wsize or col_max - col_min < args.wsize:
        raise ValueError('Window size too large for requested image size.')

    # keep only the tiles that overlap with the specified region
    tiles = [
        tl.attrib for tl in all_tiles
        if int(tl.attrib['x1']) >= col_min and col_max >= int(tl.attrib['x0'])
        and int(tl.attrib['y1']) >= row_min and row_max >= int(tl.attrib['y0'])

    ## print("ROI covers", len(tiles), "tiles")

    # Sort the tiles from top to bottom and left to right.
    # -get all the (i,j) indices of the tiles:
    rx = re.compile(r'[_.]')
    ij = np.array([map(int, rx.split(t['name'])[1:3]) for t in tiles])
    # -find i_min, i_max, j_min and j_max. Since the tiles are consecutive
    # (on row and column), these are enough to generate the desired order:
    tile_i_min, tile_j_min = ij.min(axis=0)
    tile_i_max, tile_j_max = ij.max(axis=0)

    row_offset = 0
    for i in range(tile_i_min, tile_i_max + 1):
        col_offset = 0
        for j in range(tile_j_min, tile_j_max + 1):
            # double-check that tile_i_j is in the list of tiles:
            idx = map(lambda _x, _y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles,
                      len(tiles) * ['tile_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j) + '.ppm'])
            if not any(idx):
                raise RuntimeError("Missing tile" + 'tile_' + str(i) + '_' +
                                   str(j) + '.ppm')
            tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]
            ## print("Current tile:", tile['name'])

            # Idea: the current tile (i,j) might need to be extended with a stripe
            # of maximum args.wsize to the left and bottom. So we load (if they
            # are available) the tiles (i,j+1), (i+1,j) and (i+1,j+1) and extend
            # the current tile...

            # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
            im = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' + tile['name'])
            tile_height, tile_width, _ = im.shape

            ## print("Tile size:", tile_height, "x", tile_width)

            # The scanning (sliding) windows will start at (row_offset, col_offset)
            # (in this tile's coordinate system). We want to have an integer number
            # of windows so, if needed (and possible) we will extend the current
            # tile with a block of pixels from the neighboring tiles.

            # number of windows on the horizontal
            need_expand_right = False
            right_pad = 0
            right_tile = None
            if j < tile_j_max:  # then we could eventually expand
                if (tile_width - col_offset) % args.wsize != 0:
                    need_expand_right = True
                    nh = int(mh.ceil((tile_width - col_offset) / args.wsize))
                    right_pad = nh * args.wsize - (tile_width - col_offset)
                    tile_name = 'tile_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j + 1) + '.ppm'
                    idx = map(lambda _x, _y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles,
                              len(tiles) * [tile_name])
                    assert (any(idx))
                    right_tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]

            # number of windows on the vertical
            need_expand_bot = False
            bot_pad = 0
            bot_tile = None
            if i < tile_i_max:
                if (tile_height - row_offset) % args.wsize != 0:
                    need_expand_bot = True
                    nv = int(mh.ceil((tile_height - row_offset) / args.wsize))
                    bot_pad = nv * args.wsize - (tile_height - row_offset)
                    tile_name = 'tile_' + str(i + 1) + '_' + str(j) + '.ppm'
                    idx = map(lambda _x, _y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles,
                              len(tiles) * [tile_name])
                    assert (any(idx))
                    bot_tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]

            ## print("Expand: right=", need_expand_right, "bottom=", need_expand_bot)
            ## print(" right=", right_pad, "bottom=", bot_pad, "pixels")

            rb_tile = None
            if need_expand_right and need_expand_bot:
                # this MUST exist if the right and bottom tiles above exist:
                tile_name = 'tile_' + str(i + 1) + '_' + str(j + 1) + '.ppm'
                idx = map(lambda _x, _y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles,
                          len(tiles) * [tile_name])
                assert (any(idx))
                rb_tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]

            ## if right_tile is not None:
            ##     print("Expansion tile right:", right_tile['name'])
            ## if bot_tile is not None:
            ##     print("Expansion tile bottom:", bot_tile['name'])
            ## if rb_tile is not None:
            ##     print("Expansion tile bottom-right:", rb_tile['name'])

            # expand the image to the right and bottom only if there is a neighboring tile in
            # that direction
            r = 1 if right_tile is not None else 0
            b = 1 if bot_tile is not None else 0

            next_row_offset, next_col_offset = 0, 0

            if r + b > 0:  # we need to (and we can) pad the image with pixels from neighbors
                # Enlarge the image to the right and bottom:

                # The following line gives an error. (TypeError: 'unicode' object is not callable) Why?
                # im = np.pad(im, ((0, bot_pad), (0, right_pad), (0, 0)), mode='constant')
                im_tmp = np.zeros((tile_height + b * bot_pad,
                                   tile_width + r * right_pad, im.shape[2]))
                im_tmp[0:tile_height, 0:tile_width, :] = im
                im = im_tmp

                if right_tile is not None:
                    # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
                    im_tmp = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' +
                    im[0:tile_height, tile_width:tile_width +
                       right_pad, :] = im_tmp[0:tile_height, 0:right_pad, :]
                    next_col_offset = right_pad

                if bot_tile is not None:
                    # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
                    im_tmp = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' +
                    im[tile_height:tile_height + bot_pad,
                       0:tile_width, :] = im_tmp[0:bot_pad, 0:tile_width, :]
                    next_row_offset = bot_pad

                if rb_tile is not None:
                    # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
                    im_tmp = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' +
                    im[tile_height:tile_height + bot_pad,
                       tile_width:tile_width +
                       right_pad, :] = im_tmp[0:bot_pad, 0:right_pad, :]

                im_tmp = None  # discard

            # From the current tile (padded), we need to process the region
            # (row_offset, col_offset) -> (im.height, im.width) (with new
            # height and width). But there might still be some restrictions
            # due to the region of interest (row_min, col_min) -> (row_max, col_max).
            # These last coordinates are in global coordinate system! So, first we
            # convert them to (rmn, cmn) -> (rmx, cmx), and lower bound them to
            # the offset:
            rmn = max(row_min - int(tile['y0']), row_offset)
            rmx = min(row_max - int(tile['y0']) + 1, im.shape[0])
            cmn = max(col_min - int(tile['x0']), col_offset)
            cmx = min(col_max - int(tile['x0']) + 1, im.shape[1])

            ## print("Final region of the image:", rmn, rmx, cmn, cmx)

            im = im[rmn:rmx, cmn:cmx, :]  # image to process

            # tile contains the real coordinates of the region in the image
            crt_row_min = int(tile['y0'])
            crt_col_min = int(tile['x0'])

            col_offset = next_col_offset

            ## print("Next offsets:", row_offset, col_offset)
            ## print("=======================================================")
            ## print("=======================================================")

            # Finally, we have the image for analysis. Don't forget to transform the coordinates
            # from current tile system to global image system when saving the results.
            if im.shape[0] < args.wsize or im.shape[1] < args.wsize:
                # (what is left of the) tile is smaller than the window size
            # get the H and E planes:
            h, e, _ = rgb2he2(im)

            if args.gabor:
                print("---------> Gabor descriptors:")
                g = GaborDescriptor()
                desc_label = 'gabor'

                print("------------> H plane")
                # on H-plane:
                img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape,
                                              (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                              step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
                dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label)
                id = np.zeros((1, len(dsc)))  # we do not cluster here...

                # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
                # current tile/image system -> should add back the shift
                z1 = desc_to_matrix(
                    dsc, desc_label)  # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min
                z1[:, 0:2] += crt_row_min + rmn
                z1[:, 2:4] += crt_col_min + cmn
                z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
                z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
                np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + tile['name'] + '_' + desc_label +

                if args.eosine:
                    # repeat on E plane:
                    print("------------> E plane")
                    img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape,
                                                  (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                    dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label)
                    id = np.zeros((1, len(dsc)))  # we do not cluster here...

                    # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
                    # current tile/image system -> should add back the shift
                    z1 = desc_to_matrix(
                        dsc, desc_label)  # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min
                    z1[:, 0:2] += crt_row_min + rmn
                    z1[:, 2:4] += crt_col_min + cmn
                    z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
                    z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
                    np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + tile['name'] + '_' + desc_label +

        # end for j...
        row_offset = next_row_offset
    # end for i....

Ejemplo n.º 8
def grow_bag_from_new_image(image, desc, w_size, n_obj, **kwargs):
    Extracts local descriptors from a new image.

    :param image: numpy.array
        Image data (single channel).
    :param desc: LocalDescriptor
        Local descriptor for feature extraction.
    :param w_size: tuple
        (width, height) of the sub-windows from the image.
    :param n_obj: int
        Maximum number of objects to be added to the bag.
    :param kwargs: dict
        Other parameters:
        'roi': region of interest (default: None)
        'sampling_strategy': how the image should be sampled:
            'random' for random sampling
            'sliding' for systematic, sliding window scanning
             of the image
        'it_start': where the scanning of the image starts (for
            sliding window sampling strategy) (default (0,0))
        'it_step': step from one window to the next (for
            sliding window sampling strategy) (default (1,1))
        'discard_empty': (boolean) whether an empy patch should still
            be processed or simply discarded. Default: False
    :return: dict
        A dictionary with two elements:
            <name of the descriptor>: list
            'regions': list
        The first list contains the feature descriptors.
        The second list contains the corresponding window positions.

    See also: grow_bag_with_new_features

    if 'roi' not in kwargs:
        roi = None
        roi = kwargs['roi']

    if 'it_start' not in kwargs:
        it_start = (0, 0)
        it_start = kwargs['it_start']

    if 'it_step' not in kwargs:
        it_step = (1, 1)
        it_step = kwargs['it_step']

    if 'sampling_strategy' not in kwargs:
        sampling_strategy = 'random'
        sampling_strategy = kwargs['sampling_strategy']

    if 'discard_empty' in kwargs:
        discard_empty = kwargs['discard_empty']
        discard_empty = False

    w_offset = (0, 0)
    if isinstance(desc, HaarLikeDescriptor):
        # this one works on integral images
        image = intg_image(image)
        # the sliding window should also be increased by 1:
        w_offset = (1, 1)
        w_size = (w_size[0] + w_offset[0], w_size[1] + w_offset[1])

    # create iterator:
    sampling_strategy = sampling_strategy.lower()
    if sampling_strategy == 'random':
        if roi is None:
            itw = random_window(image.shape, w_size, n_obj)
            itw = random_window_on_regions(image.shape, roi, w_size, n_obj)
    elif sampling_strategy == 'sliding':
        if roi is None:
            itw = sliding_window(image.shape,
            itw = sliding_window_on_regions(image.shape,
        raise ValueError('Unknown strategy.')

    bag = []
    wnd = []
    n = 0

    for r in itw:
        if discard_empty and image[r[0]:r[1], r[2]:r[3]].sum() < 1e-16:

        # adjust if needed:
        r2 = (r[0], r[1] - w_offset[1], r[2], r[3] - w_offset[0])
        bag.append(desc.compute(image[r[0]:r[1], r[2]:r[3]]))

        n += 1
        if n > n_obj:

    return { bag, 'regs': wnd}
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_gabor_desc(img, gdesc, w_size, scale=1.0, mask=None, _ncpus=None):
    Extract local Gabor descriptors by scanning an image.

    :param img: numpy.ndarray
      Input intensity (grey-scale) image.

    :param gdesc: txtgrey.GaborDescriptor
      The parameters of the Gabor wavelets to be used.

    :param w_size: integer
      Window size (the sliding window is square-shaped).

    :param scale: float
      The image may be scaled prior to any descriptor extraction.

    :param mask: numpy.ndarray
      A mask (logical image) indicating the object regions
      in the image.

    :return: list
      A list with the local descriptors corresponding to each position
      of the sliding window. Each element of the list is a vector
      containing the coordinates of the local window (first 4 elements)
      and the 2 vectors of values for the local Gabor descriptors (one
      with the mean responses and one with the variances).

    assert (img.ndim == 2)

    img_ = rescale(img, scale)
    if mask is not None:
        assert (mask.ndim == 2)
        assert (mask.shape == img.shape)
        mask = img_as_ubyte(resize(mask, img_.shape))

    img_iterator = sliding_window(img_.shape, (w_size, w_size),
                                        w_size))  # non-overlapping windows

    res = []
    if mask is None:
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=_ncpus) as executor:
            for w_coords in img_iterator:
                    executor.submit(_gabor_worker, img_, gdesc, w_coords))
        th = w_size * w_size / 20.0  # consider only those windows with more than 5% pixels from object
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=_ncpus) as executor:
            for w_coords in img_iterator:
                if mask[w_coords[0]:w_coords[1],
                        w_coords[2]:w_coords[3]].sum() > th:
                        executor.submit(_gabor_worker, img_, gdesc, w_coords))

    desc = []
    for f in as_completed(res):

    return desc
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    p = opt.ArgumentParser(description="""
            Segments a number of rectangular contexts from a H&E slide. The contexts are clusters
            of similar regions of the image. The similarity is based on various textural
    p.add_argument('meta_file', action='store', help='XML file describing the structure of the imported file')
    p.add_argument('scale', action='store', help='which of the scales to be processed')
    p.add_argument('ctxt', action='store', help='number of contexts to extract', type=int)
    p.add_argument('wsize', action='store', help='size of the (square) regions', type=int)
    p.add_argument('--prefix', action='store',
                   help='optional prefix for the resulting files',
    p.add_argument('--gabor', action='store_true',
                   help='compute Gabor descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
    p.add_argument('--lbp', action='store_true',
                   help='compute LBP (local binary patterns) descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
    p.add_argument('--mfs', action='store_true',
                   help='compute fractal descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
    p.add_argument('--haralick', action='store_true',
                   help='compute Haralick descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
    p.add_argument('--row_min', action='store', type=int, help='start row (rows start at 0)', default=0)
    p.add_argument('--col_min', action='store', type=int, help='start column (columns start at 0)', default=0)
    p.add_argument('--row_max', action='store', type=int, help='end row (maximum: image height-1)', default=0)
    p.add_argument('--col_max', action='store', type=int, help='end column (maximum: image width-1)', default=0)
    p.add_argument('--eosine', action='store_true', help='should also Eosine component be processed?')

    args = p.parse_args()

    xml_file = ET.parse(args.meta_file)
    xml_root = xml_file.getroot()

    # find the name of the image:
    base_name = os.path.basename(xml_root.find('file').text).split('.')
    if len(base_name) > 1:             # at least 1 suffix .ext
        base_name.pop()                # drop the extension
        base_name = '.'.join(base_name)  # reassemble the rest of the list into file name

    if args.prefix is not None:
        pfx = args.prefix
        pfx = base_name

    path = os.path.dirname(args.meta_file)

    # Check if the required scale exists:
    vrs = [_x for _x in xml_root.findall('version') if _x.find('scale').text == args.scale]
    if len(vrs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('The requested scale does not exits.')
    if len(vrs) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Inconsistency detected for the requested scale.')
    all_tiles = vrs[0].findall('tile')

    # get the info about full image:
    im_width = int(xml_root.find('original/width').text)
    im_height = int(xml_root.find('original/height').text)

    row_min = min(max(args.row_min, 0), im_height-2)
    col_min = min(max(args.col_min, 0), im_width-2)
    row_max = max(min(args.row_max, im_height-1), 0)
    col_max = max(min(args.col_max, im_width-1), 0)

    if row_max == 0:
        row_max = im_height - 1
    if col_max == 0:
        col_max = im_width - 1

    if row_max - row_min < args.wsize or col_max - col_min < args.wsize:
        raise ValueError('Window size too large for requested image size.')

    # keep only the tiles that overlap with the specified region
    tiles = [tl.attrib for tl in all_tiles if int(tl.attrib['x1']) >= col_min
             and col_max >= int(tl.attrib['x0'])
             and int(tl.attrib['y1']) >= row_min
             and row_max >= int(tl.attrib['y0'])]

    ## print("ROI covers", len(tiles), "tiles")

    # Sort the tiles from top to bottom and left to right.
    # -get all the (i,j) indices of the tiles:
    rx = re.compile(r'[_.]')
    ij = np.array([map(int, rx.split(t['name'])[1:3]) for t in tiles])
    # -find i_min, i_max, j_min and j_max. Since the tiles are consecutive
    # (on row and column), these are enough to generate the desired order:
    tile_i_min, tile_j_min = ij.min(axis=0)
    tile_i_max, tile_j_max = ij.max(axis=0)

    row_offset = 0
    for i in range(tile_i_min, tile_i_max+1):
        col_offset = 0
        for j in range(tile_j_min, tile_j_max+1):
            # double-check that tile_i_j is in the list of tiles:
            idx = map(lambda _x,_y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles,
            if not any(idx):
                raise RuntimeError("Missing tile" + 'tile_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'.ppm')
            tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]
            ## print("Current tile:", tile['name'])

            # Idea: the current tile (i,j) might need to be extended with a stripe
            # of maximum args.wsize to the left and bottom. So we load (if they
            # are available) the tiles (i,j+1), (i+1,j) and (i+1,j+1) and extend
            # the current tile...

            # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
            im = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' + tile['name'])
            tile_height, tile_width, _ = im.shape

            ## print("Tile size:", tile_height, "x", tile_width)

            # The scanning (sliding) windows will start at (row_offset, col_offset)
            # (in this tile's coordinate system). We want to have an integer number
            # of windows so, if needed (and possible) we will extend the current
            # tile with a block of pixels from the neighboring tiles.

            # number of windows on the horizontal
            need_expand_right = False
            right_pad = 0
            right_tile = None
            if j < tile_j_max:  # then we could eventually expand
                if (tile_width - col_offset) % args.wsize != 0:
                    need_expand_right = True
                    nh = int(mh.ceil((tile_width - col_offset) / args.wsize))
                    right_pad = nh*args.wsize - (tile_width - col_offset)
                    tile_name = 'tile_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j+1)+'.ppm'
                    idx = map(lambda _x,_y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles, len(tiles)*[tile_name])
                    right_tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]

            # number of windows on the vertical
            need_expand_bot = False
            bot_pad = 0
            bot_tile = None
            if i < tile_i_max:
                if (tile_height - row_offset) % args.wsize != 0:
                    need_expand_bot = True
                    nv = int(mh.ceil((tile_height - row_offset) / args.wsize))
                    bot_pad = nv*args.wsize - (tile_height - row_offset)
                    tile_name = 'tile_'+str(i+1)+'_'+str(j)+'.ppm'
                    idx = map(lambda _x,_y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles, len(tiles)*[tile_name])
                    bot_tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]

            ## print("Expand: right=", need_expand_right, "bottom=", need_expand_bot)
            ## print(" right=", right_pad, "bottom=", bot_pad, "pixels")

            rb_tile = None
            if need_expand_right and need_expand_bot:
                # this MUST exist if the right and bottom tiles above exist:
                tile_name = 'tile_'+str(i+1)+'_'+str(j+1)+'.ppm'
                idx = map(lambda _x,_y: _x['name'] == _y, tiles, len(tiles)*[tile_name])
                rb_tile = tiles[idx.index(True)]

            ## if right_tile is not None:
            ##     print("Expansion tile right:", right_tile['name'])
            ## if bot_tile is not None:
            ##     print("Expansion tile bottom:", bot_tile['name'])
            ## if rb_tile is not None:
            ##     print("Expansion tile bottom-right:", rb_tile['name'])

            # expand the image to the right and bottom only if there is a neighboring tile in
            # that direction
            r = 1 if right_tile is not None else 0
            b = 1 if bot_tile is not None else 0

            next_row_offset, next_col_offset = 0, 0

            if r+b > 0:  # we need to (and we can) pad the image with pixels from neighbors
                # Enlarge the image to the right and bottom:

                # The following line gives an error. (TypeError: 'unicode' object is not callable) Why?
                # im = np.pad(im, ((0, bot_pad), (0, right_pad), (0, 0)), mode='constant')
                im_tmp = np.zeros((tile_height+b*bot_pad, tile_width+r*right_pad, im.shape[2]))
                im_tmp[0:tile_height, 0:tile_width, :] = im
                im = im_tmp

                if right_tile is not None:
                    # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
                    im_tmp = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' + right_tile['name'])
                    im[0:tile_height, tile_width:tile_width+right_pad, :] = im_tmp[0:tile_height, 0:right_pad, :]
                    next_col_offset = right_pad

                if bot_tile is not None:
                    # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
                    im_tmp = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' + bot_tile['name'])
                    im[tile_height:tile_height+bot_pad, 0:tile_width, :] = im_tmp[0:bot_pad, 0:tile_width, :]
                    next_row_offset = bot_pad

                if rb_tile is not None:
                    # a tile from the image is in <path>/<scale>/tile_i_j.ppm
                    im_tmp = imread(path + '/' + str(args.scale) + '/' + rb_tile['name'])
                    im[tile_height:tile_height+bot_pad, tile_width:tile_width+right_pad, :] = im_tmp[0:bot_pad, 0:right_pad, :]

                im_tmp = None  # discard

            # From the current tile (padded), we need to process the region
            # (row_offset, col_offset) -> (im.height, im.width) (with new
            # height and width). But there might still be some restrictions
            # due to the region of interest (row_min, col_min) -> (row_max, col_max).
            # These last coordinates are in global coordinate system! So, first we
            # convert them to (rmn, cmn) -> (rmx, cmx), and lower bound them to
            # the offset:
            rmn = max(row_min - int(tile['y0']), row_offset)
            rmx = min(row_max - int(tile['y0']) + 1, im.shape[0])
            cmn = max(col_min - int(tile['x0']), col_offset)
            cmx = min(col_max - int(tile['x0']) + 1, im.shape[1])

            ## print("Final region of the image:", rmn, rmx, cmn, cmx)

            im = im[rmn:rmx, cmn:cmx, :]  # image to process

            # tile contains the real coordinates of the region in the image
            crt_row_min = int(tile['y0'])
            crt_col_min = int(tile['x0'])

            col_offset = next_col_offset

            ## print("Next offsets:", row_offset, col_offset)
            ## print("=======================================================")
            ## print("=======================================================")

            # Finally, we have the image for analysis. Don't forget to transform the coordinates
            # from current tile system to global image system when saving the results.
            if im.shape[0] < args.wsize or im.shape[1] < args.wsize:
                # (what is left of the) tile is smaller than the window size
            # get the H and E planes:
            h, e, _ = rgb2he2(im)

            if args.gabor:
                print("---------> Gabor descriptors:")
                g = GaborDescriptor()
                desc_label = 'gabor'

                print("------------> H plane")
                # on H-plane:
                img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize,args.wsize),
                dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label)
                id = np.zeros((1, len(dsc)))   # we do not cluster here...

                # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
                # current tile/image system -> should add back the shift
                z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label)  # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min
                z1[:, 0:2] += crt_row_min + rmn
                z1[:, 2:4] += crt_col_min + cmn
                z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
                z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) )
                np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+tile['name']+'_'+desc_label+'_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

                if args.eosine:
                    # repeat on E plane:
                    print("------------> E plane")
                    img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize,args.wsize),
                    dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label)
                    id = np.zeros((1, len(dsc)))   # we do not cluster here...

                    # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
                    # current tile/image system -> should add back the shift
                    z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label)  # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min
                    z1[:, 0:2] += crt_row_min + rmn
                    z1[:, 2:4] += crt_col_min + cmn
                    z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
                    z2 = np.hstack( (z2, z1) )
                    np.savetxt(pfx+'_'+tile['name']+'_'+desc_label+'_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

        # end for j...
        row_offset = next_row_offset
    # end for i....

Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    p = opt.ArgumentParser(description="""
            Segments a number of rectangular contexts from a H&E slide. The contexts are clusters
            of similar regions of the image. The similarity is based on various textural
    p.add_argument('img_file', action='store', help='RGB image file')
                   help='Number of contexts to extract',
                   help='Size of the (square) regions',
                   help='optional prefix for the resulting files',
        help='compute Gabor descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts'
        'compute LBP (local binary patterns) descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts'
        'compute fractal descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
        'compute Haralick descriptors and generate the corresponding contexts')
                   help='start row (rows start at 0)',
                   help='start column (columns start at 0)',
                   help='end row (maximum: image height-1)',
                   help='end column (maximum: image width-1)',
                   help='should also Eosine component be processed?')

    args = p.parse_args()

    base_name = os.path.basename(args.img_file).split('.')
    if len(base_name) > 1:  # at least 1 suffix .ext
        base_name.pop()  # drop the extension
        base_name = '.'.join(
            base_name)  # reassemble the rest of the list into file name

    if args.prefix is not None:
        pfx = args.prefix
        pfx = base_name

    im = imread(args.img_file)
    print("Original image size:", im.shape)

    row_min = min(max(args.row_min, 0), im.shape[0] - 2)
    col_min = min(max(args.col_min, 0), im.shape[1] - 2)
    row_max = max(min(args.row_max, im.shape[0] - 1), 0)
    col_max = max(min(args.col_max, im.shape[1] - 1), 0)

    if row_max == 0:
        row_max = im.shape[0] - 1
    if col_max == 0:
        col_max = im.shape[1] - 1

    if row_max - row_min < args.wsize or col_max - col_min < args.wsize:
        raise ValueError('Window size too large for requested image size.')

    im = im[row_min:row_max + 1, col_min:col_max + 1, :]

    # crop the image to multiple of wsize:
    nh, nw = mh.floor(im.shape[0] / args.wsize), mh.floor(im.shape[1] /
    dh, dw = mh.floor((im.shape[0] - nh * args.wsize) / 2), mh.floor(
        (im.shape[1] - nw * args.wsize) / 2)
    im = im[dh:dh + nh * args.wsize, dw:dw + nw * args.wsize, :]
    print("Image cropped to:", im.shape)
    imsave(pfx + '_cropped.ppm', im)

    # get the H and E planes:
    h, e, _ = rgb2he2(im)

    if args.gabor:
        print("---------> Gabor descriptors:")
        g = GaborDescriptor()
        desc_label = 'gabor'

        print("------------> H plane")
        # on H-plane:
        img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                      step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
        dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

        dst = pdist_gabor(dsc)

        cl = average(dst)
        id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                      criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

        # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
        # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
        # should add back the shift
        z1 = desc_to_matrix(dsc, desc_label)  # col 0: row_min, col 2: col_min
        z1[:, 0] += row_min + dh
        z1[:, 2] += col_min + dw
        z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
        z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
        np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

        # save visualizations
        for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
            i = np.where(id == k)[0]
            p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
            im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
            imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)

        if args.eosine:
            # repeat on E plane:
            print("------------> E plane")
            img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                          step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
            dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

            dst = pdist_gabor(dsc)

            cl = average(dst)
            id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                          criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

            # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
            # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
            # should add back the shift
            z1 = desc_to_matrix(
                desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
            z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
            z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
            z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
            z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
            np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

            # save visualizations
            for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
                i = np.where(id == k)[0]
                p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
                im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
                imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)


    if args.haralick:
        print("---------> Haralick descriptors:")
        g = GLCMDescriptor()
        desc_label = 'haralick'

        print("------------> H plane")
        # on H-plane:
        img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                      step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
        dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

        dst = pdist_gabor(dsc)

        cl = average(dst)
        id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                      criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

        # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
        # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
        # should add back the shift
        z1 = desc_to_matrix(
            dsc, desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
        z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
        z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
        z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
        z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
        np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

        # save visualizations
        for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
            i = np.where(id == k)[0]
            p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
            im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
            imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)

        if args.eosine:
            # repeat on E plane:
            print("------------> E plane")
            img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                          step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
            dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

            dst = pdist_gabor(dsc)

            cl = average(dst)
            id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                          criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

            # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
            # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
            # should add back the shift
            z1 = desc_to_matrix(
                desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
            z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
            z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
            z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
            z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
            np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

            # save visualizations
            for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
                i = np.where(id == k)[0]
                p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
                im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
                imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)


    if args.lbp:
        print("---------> LBP descriptors:")
        g = LBPDescriptor()
        desc_label = 'lbp'

        # on H-plane:
        print("------------> H plane")
        img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                      step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
        dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

        dst = pdist_lbp(dsc)

        cl = average(dst)
        id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                      criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

        # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
        # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
        # should add back the shift
        z1 = desc_to_matrix(
            dsc, desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
        z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
        z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
        z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
        z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
        np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

        # save visualizations
        for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
            i = np.where(id == k)[0]
            p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
            im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
            imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)

        if args.eosine:
            # repeat on E plane:
            print("------------> E plane")
            img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                          step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
            dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

            dst = pdist_lbp(dsc)

            cl = average(dst)
            id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                          criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

            # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
            # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
            # should add back the shift
            z1 = desc_to_matrix(
                desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
            z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
            z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
            z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
            z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
            np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

            # save visualizations
            for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
                i = np.where(id == k)[0]
                p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
                im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
                imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)


    if args.mfs:
        print("---------> MFS descriptors:")
        g = MFSDescriptor()
        desc_label = 'mfs'

        # on H-plane:
        print("------------> H plane")
        img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                      step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
        dsc = get_local_desc(h, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

        dst = pdist_mfs(dsc)

        cl = average(dst)
        id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                      criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

        # save clustering/contexts
        # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
        # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
        # should add back the shift
        z1 = desc_to_matrix(
            dsc, desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
        z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
        z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
        z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
        z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
        np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

        # save visualizations
        for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
            i = np.where(id == k)[0]
            p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
            im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
            imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_h_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)

        if args.eosine:
            # repeat on E plane:
            print("------------> E plane")
            img_iterator = sliding_window(h.shape, (args.wsize, args.wsize),
                                          step=(args.wsize, args.wsize))
            dsc = get_local_desc(e, g, img_iterator, desc_label)

            dst = pdist_mfs(dsc)

            cl = average(dst)
            id = fcluster(cl, t=args.ctxt,
                          criterion='maxclust')  # get the various contexts

            # save clustering/contexts - remember, the coordinates are in the
            # current image system which might have been cropped from the original ->
            # should add back the shift
            z1 = desc_to_matrix(
                desc_label)  # col 0:4 [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]
            z1[:, 0:2] += row_min + dh
            z1[:, 2:4] += col_min + dw
            z2 = np.matrix(id).transpose()
            z2 = np.hstack((z2, z1))
            np.savetxt(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e.dat', z2, delimiter="\t")

            # save visualizations
            for k in range(1, 1 + args.ctxt):
                i = np.where(id == k)[0]
                p = [dsc[j]['roi'] for j in i]
                im2 = enhance_patches(im, p)
                imsave(pfx + '_' + desc_label + '_e_' + str(k) + '.ppm', im2)

