Ejemplo n.º 1
def package_case(caseName: str, caseDir: str, cases: list, namingScheme:str, incrementor: int):
    Packages a specific case type into the given directory, splitting input
    and output into their own directories.

    caseName: str - The name of the case type to package
    caseDir: str  - The directory to package the case into
    cases: list   - The list of possible cases to package
    namingScheme: str - The naming scheme to follow for each file. 
                        Possible variables are {input_output},{caseType},{number}
    inputPath = fileops.join_path(caseDir, 'input')
    outputPath = fileops.join_path(caseDir, 'output')
    fileops.make(inputPath, FileType.DIRECTORY)
    fileops.make(outputPath, FileType.DIRECTORY)

    for case in [c for c in cases if c.get_case_string() == caseName]:
        inputNamingDict = _generate_case_naming_dict('input', caseName, case.caseNumber, incrementor)
        outputNamingDict = _generate_case_naming_dict('output', caseName, case.caseNumber, incrementor)

        inputFilePath = fileops.join_path(inputPath, namingScheme.format(**inputNamingDict))
        outputFilePath = fileops.join_path(outputPath, namingScheme.format(**outputNamingDict))

        fileops.write_file(inputFilePath, case.inputContents)
        fileops.write_file(outputFilePath, case.outputContents)
        incrementor += 1

    return incrementor
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_all_cases(problemNumber=None):
    Resolves the cases directory from the definitions file and delegates to

    :return: {problemNumber: [Case]}
    return _get_all_cases(fileops.join_path(PathMapper._rootPath, 
        Definitions.get_value('test_directory')), problemNumber=problemNumber)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load_config_file(path=None):
    Loads the config file into the global config variable

    Keyword Arguments:
    path: str - The path to load the config from (default: conf/packages.json)
    if path is None:
        path = fileops.join_path(PathMapper.get_config_path(), 

    global config
    config = fileops.get_json_dict(path)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def package_type(packagePath: str, cases: list, packageType: dict, compressionDict: dict,
        typeName: str):
    Packages a specific case type by first making the directory that it belongs
    in, then packaging its cases, then compressing its cases

    packagePath: str - The path that the user wants the package to go
    cases: list      - The list of cases that need to be package
    packageType: dict- The configuration file dictionary of package types that
                       need to be made
    compressionDict: dict - The dictionary corresponding to the compression
                            settings from the config file
    incrementor = 0
    for case in packageType['cases']:
        casePath = fileops.join_path(packagePath, typeName)
        fileops.make(casePath, FileType.DIRECTORY)
        incrementor = package_case(case, casePath, cases, packageType['naming'], incrementor)
        compress_case(case, casePath, compressionDict)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def package_into_path(path: str, layoutDict: dict):
    Follows the users provided configuration file to package all cases into
    the provided path. Delegates most functionality to other functions.

    path: str - The path to package into
    layoutDict: dict - The dict provided by the user's configuration
    # Look through all cases...
    for problemNumber, caseList in case.get_all_cases().items():
        # Make the directories for the problem numbers
        problemDirName = Definitions.get_value('solution_naming').format(
        problemPath = fileops.join_path(path, problemDirName)
        fileops.make(problemPath, FileType.DIRECTORY)

        # Go through each type in the config file and package it
        for packageTypeName, packageType in layoutDict[TYPES_KEY].items():
            package_type(problemPath, caseList, packageType, 
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _get_config_path(cls):
     return fileops.join_path(PathMapper._rootPath, cls.JSON_FILE)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def load_from_folder(cls, folderName):
     Loads a writer from their folder utilizing the pathmapper
     return cls.load_from_path(fileops.join_path(PathMapper._rootPath, folderName))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _get_sub_path(self, path) -> str:
     return fileops.join_path(self._path, path)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_definitions_filepath(cls):
     Gets the filepath of the definitions file based on the path mapper
     return fileops.join_path(PathMapper.get_config_path(), Definitions.DEFINITIONS_FILE)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_mapped_path(cls, path):
     Returns the root path appended with the provided path
     return fileops.join_path(cls._rootPath, path)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_config_path(cls):
     Returns the full configuration directory path
     return fileops.join_path(cls._rootPath, cls.CONFIG_DIR)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_variables_filepath(cls):
     Gets the filepath of the variables file based on a given path mapper
     return fileops.join_path(PathMapper.get_config_path(), 
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_languages_filepath(cls):
     Gets the filepath of the languages file based on the path mapper
     return fileops.join_path(PathMapper.get_config_path(), Languages.LANGUAGES_FILE)