Ejemplo n.º 1
	def expand(self,):
		if self.file_src:
			# get input
			clip_lower = self.s_clip_lower.value()
			clip_upper = self.s_clip_upper.value()
			signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(self.file_src)
			for channel_i in range(channels):
				# map curve to channel output
				if channel_i < len(self.vol_curves):
					dBs = self.vol_curves[channel_i]
					dBs = self.vol_curves[-1]
				# clip dB curve
				clipped = np.clip(dBs, clip_lower, clip_upper)
				dB_diff = clip_upper - clipped
				fac = units.to_fac(dB_diff)
				# create factor for each sample
				final_fac = np.interp( np.arange(len(signal)), self.t*sr, fac)
				signal[:,channel_i] *= final_fac
			signal = units.normalize(signal)
			io_ops.write_file(self.file_src, signal, sr, channels, "decompressed")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def run_resample(self):
     if self.filenames[0] and self.pan_samples:
         channels = self.parent.props.resampling_widget.channels
         if channels and self.pan_samples:
             lag_curve = self.pan_line.data
             signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(self.filenames[0])
             af = np.interp(np.arange(len(signal[:, 0])),
                            lag_curve[:, 0] * sr, lag_curve[:, 1])
             io_ops.write_file(self.filenames[0], signal[:, 1] * af, sr, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def spectrum_from_audio(filename, fft_size=4096, hop=256, channel_mode="L"):
	signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(filename)
	spectra = []
	channel_map = {"L":(0,), "R":(1,), "L,R":(0,1), "Mean":(0,1)}
	for channel in channel_map[channel_mode]:
		if channel == channels:
			print("not enough channels for L/R comparison  - fallback to mono")
		#get the magnitude spectrum
		imdata = units.to_dB(fourier.get_mag(signal[:,channel], fft_size, hop, "hann"))
	# take mean across axis
	if channel_mode == "Mean":
		return (np.mean(spectra, axis=0), ), sr
		return spectra, sr
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def resample(self, ):
        if self.file_src and self.ratios:
            if resampy is None:
                print("Can't resample without resampy!")
            # get input
            ratio = self.ratios[-1]
            percentage = (ratio - 1) * 100

            signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(self.file_src)
            # resample, first axis is time!
            res = resampy.resample(signal,
                                   sr * ratio,
            io_ops.write_file(self.file_src, res, sr, channels,
                              "_resampled_%.3f" % percentage)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def process_max_mono(self, fft_size, hop):
		for file_name in self.file_names:
			file_path = self.names_to_full_paths[file_name]
			signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(file_path)
			if channels != 2:
				print("expects stereo input")

			n = len(signal)
			# pad input stereo signal
			y_pad = fourier.fix_length(signal, n + fft_size // 2, axis=0)
			# take FFT for each channel
			D_L = fourier.stft(y_pad[:,0], n_fft=fft_size, step=hop)
			D_R = fourier.stft(y_pad[:,1], n_fft=fft_size, step=hop)

			# take the max of each bin
			D_out = np.where( np.abs(D_L) > np.abs(D_R), D_L, D_R )
			# take iFFT
			y_out = fourier.istft(D_out, length=n, hop_length=hop)

			io_ops.write_file(file_path, y_out, sr, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def spectrum_from_audio(filename, fft_size=4096, hop=256, channel_mode="L", start=None, end=None):
	signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(filename)
	spectra = []
	channel_map = {"L":(0,), "R":(1,), "L+R":(0,1)}
	for channel in channel_map[channel_mode]:
		if channel == channels:
			print("not enough channels for L/R comparison  - fallback to mono")
		#get the magnitude spectrum
		#avoid divide by 0 error in log
		imdata = units.to_dB(fourier.get_mag(signal[:,channel], fft_size, hop, "hann"))
		spec = np.mean(imdata, axis=1)
	#pad the data so we can compare this in a stereo setting if required
	if len(spectra) < 2:
	# return np.mean(spectra, axis=0), sr
	return spectra, sr
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run(filenames,
    if prog_sig: prog_sig.notifyProgress.emit(0)
    if signal_data is None: signal_data = [None for filename in filenames]
    for filename, sig_data in zip(filenames, signal_data):
        start_time = time()
        print(f"Resampling '{os.path.basename(filename)}'...", resampling_mode,
              sinc_quality, use_channels)
        #read the file
        if sig_data:
            signal, sr = sig_data
            from util import io_ops
            signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(filename)
        if resampling_mode == "Linear":
            samples_in = np.arange(len(signal))
        lowpass = 0
        if speed_curve is not None:
            sampletimes = speed_curve[:, 0] * sr
            speeds = speed_curve[:, 1]
            sample_at = speed_to_pos(sampletimes, speeds, len(signal))
            # the problem is we don't really need the lerped speeds but what happens from the cumsum
            # get the speed for every output sample
            # if resampling_mode == "Sinc":
            # lowpass = np.interp(np.arange( len(sample_at) ), sampletimes, speeds)
        elif lag_curve is not None:
            sampletimes = lag_curve[:, 0] * sr
            lags = lag_curve[:, 1] * sr
            # lag_to_pos(sampletimes, lags, len(signal))
            sample_at = np.interp(np.arange(len(signal) + lags[-1]),
                                  sampletimes, sampletimes - lags)
            # ensure we have no sub-zero values, saves one max in sinc
            np.clip(sample_at, 0, None, out=sample_at)
            # with lerped speed curve
            # speeds = np.diff(lag_curve[:,1])/np.diff(lag_curve[:,0])+1
            # sampletimes = (lag_curve[:-1,0]+np.diff(lag_curve[:,0])/2)*sr
            # sample_at = speed_to_pos(sampletimes, speeds)
        print(f"Preparation took {time() - start_time:.3f} seconds.")
        start_time = time()

        length = len(sample_at)
        # create multichannel output array
        num_channels = len(use_channels)
        # first create the output array
        output = np.empty((length, num_channels), dtype="float32")

        # enumerate because maybe we want to resample less channels than input has
        for out_channel, in_channel in enumerate(use_channels):
            if resampling_mode == "Sinc":
                sinc_wrapper_mt(output[:, out_channel], sample_at,
                                signal[:, in_channel], lowpass, sinc_quality)
            elif resampling_mode == "Linear":
                output[:, out_channel] = np.interp(sample_at, samples_in,
                                                   signal[:, in_channel])
            if prog_sig:
                    (out_channel + 1) / num_channels * 100)

        # after all pieces have been resampled, write it out to the file
        print(f"Resampling took {time() - start_time:.3f} seconds.")
        start_time = time()
        outfilename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '_res.wav'
        with sf.SoundFile(outfilename, 'w+', sr, num_channels,
                          subtype='FLOAT') as outfile:
        if prog_sig: prog_sig.notifyProgress.emit(100)
        print(f"Writing took {time() - start_time:.3f} seconds.")
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def process_heuristic(self, fft_size, hop):
		# get params from gui
		max_width = self.dropout_widget.max_width
		max_slope = self.dropout_widget.max_slope
		num_bands = self.dropout_widget.num_bands
		f_upper = self.dropout_widget.f_upper
		f_lower = self.dropout_widget.f_lower
		#split the range up into n bands
		bands = np.logspace(np.log2(f_lower), np.log2(f_upper), num=num_bands, endpoint=True, base=2, dtype=np.uint16)
		for file_name in self.file_names:
			file_path = self.names_to_full_paths[file_name]
			signal, sr, channels = io_ops.read_file(file_path)
			# distance to look around current fft
			# divide by two because we are looking around the center
			d = int(max_width/1.5 * sr / hop )
			for channel in range(channels):
				print("Processing channel",channel)
				#which range should dropouts be detected in?
				imdata = fourier.get_mag(signal[:,channel], fft_size, hop, "hann")
				imdata = units.to_dB(imdata)
				#now what we generally don't want to do is "fix" dropouts of the lower bands only
				#basically, the gain of a band should be always controlled by that of the band above
				# only the top band acts freely
				# initialize correction
				correction_fac = np.ones( imdata.shape[1] ) * 1000
				# go over all bands
				for f_lower_band, f_upper_band in reversed(list(pairwise(bands))):
					# get the bin indices for this band
					bin_lower = int(f_lower_band * fft_size / sr)
					bin_upper = int(f_upper_band * fft_size / sr)
					# take the mean volume across this band
					vol = np.mean(imdata[bin_lower:bin_upper], axis=0)
					# detect valleys in the volume curve
					peaks, properties = scipy.signal.find_peaks(-vol, height=None, threshold=None, distance=None, prominence=5, wlen=None, rel_height=0.5, plateau_size=None)
					# initialize the gain curve for this band
					gain_curve = np.zeros( imdata.shape[1] )
					# go over all peak candidates and use good ones
					for peak_i in peaks:
						# avoid errors at the very ends
						if 2*d < peak_i < imdata.shape[1]-2*d-1:
							# make sure we are not blurring the left side of a transient
							# sample mean volume around +-d samples on either side of the potential dropout
							# patch_region = np.asarray( (peak_i-d, peak_i+d) )
							# patch_coords = vol[patch_region]
							left = np.mean(vol[peak_i-2*d:peak_i-d])
							right = np.mean(vol[peak_i+d:peak_i+2*d])
							m = (left-right) / (2*d)
							# only use it if slant is desirable
							# actually better make this abs() to avoid adding reverb
							# if not m < -.5:
							if abs(m) < max_slope:
								# now interpolate a new patch and get gain from difference to original volume curve
								gain_curve[peak_i-d:peak_i+d+1] = np.interp( range(2*d+1), (0, 2*d), (left, right) ) - vol[peak_i-d:peak_i+d+1]
					# gain_curve = gain_curve.clip(0)
					# we don't want to make pops more quiet, so clip at 1
					# clip the upper boundary according to band above (was processed before)
					# -> clip the factor to be between 1 and the factor of the band above (with some tolerance)
					correction_fac = np.clip(np.power(10, gain_curve/20), 1, correction_fac*2)
					# resample to match the signal
					vol_corr = signal[:,channel] * np.interp(np.linspace(0,1, len(signal[:,channel])), np.linspace(0,1, len(correction_fac)), correction_fac - 1)
					# add the extra bits to the signal
					signal[:,channel] += filters.butter_bandpass_filter(vol_corr, f_lower_band, f_upper_band, sr, order=3)
			io_ops.write_file(file_path, signal, sr, channels)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def compute_spectra(self, filenames, fft_size, fft_overlap):

		# TODO: implement adaptive / intelligent hop reusing data
		# maybe move more into the thread
		must_reset_view = False
		self.dirty = False
		if self.fourier_thread.jobs:
			print("Fourier job is still running, wait!")

		# go over all new file candidates
		for i, filename in enumerate(filenames):
			# only reload audio if this filename has changed
			if self.filenames[i] != filename:
				# remove all ffts of the old file from storage
				for k in [k for k in self.fft_storage if k[0] == self.filenames[i]]:
					del self.fft_storage[k]
				# now load new audio
				self.signals[i], self.sr, self.channels = io_ops.read_file(filename)
				self.filenames[i] = filename
				must_reset_view = True
		durations = [len(sig) / self.sr for sig in self.signals if sig is not None]
		self.duration = max(durations) if durations else 0
		self.keys = []
		self.fft_size = fft_size
		self.hop = fft_size // fft_overlap
		if must_reset_view:
		for filename, signal, channel in zip(self.filenames, self.signals, self.selected_channels):
			if filename:
				k = (filename, self.fft_size, channel, self.hop)
				if not channel < self.channels:
					print("Not enough audio channels to load, reverting to first channel")
					channel = 0
				# first try to get FFT from current storage and continue directly
				if k in self.fft_storage:
					self.dirty = True
				# check for alternate hops
					more_dense = None
					more_sparse = None
					# go over all keys and see if there is a bigger one
					for key in self.fft_storage:
						if key[0:3] == k[0:3]:
							if key[3] > k[3]:
								more_sparse = key
							elif key[3] < k[3]:
								# only save key if none had been set or the new key is closer to the desired k
								if not more_dense or more_dense[3] < key[3]:
									more_dense = key
					# prefer reduction via strides
					if more_dense:
						print("reducing resolution via stride",more_dense[3],k[3])
						step = k[3]//more_dense[3]
						self.fft_storage[k] = np.array(self.fft_storage[more_dense][:,::step])
					# TODO: implement gap filling, will need changes to stft function
					# # then fill missing gaps
					# elif more_sparse:
						# print("increasing resolution by filling gaps",self.fft_size)
						# self.fft_storage[k] = self.fft_storage[more_sparse]
						print("storing new fft",k)
						# append to the fourier job list
						self.fourier_thread.jobs.append( (signal[:,channel], self.fft_size, self.hop, "hann", self.num_cores, k) )
						# all tasks are started below
		# perform all fourier jobs
		if self.fourier_thread.jobs:
			# we continue when the thread emits a "finished" signal, conntected to retrieve_fft()
		# this happens when only loading from storage is required
		elif self.dirty: