Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def get_page_info_ep(self, url):
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.request("get", url, headers=self.headers) as r:
                data = json.loads(match1(await r.text(), "__INITIAL_STATE__=({.+?});"))
        title = data.get("h1Title") or match1(html, "<title>(.+?)_番剧_bilibili_哔哩哔哩<")
        cid = data["epInfo"]["cid"]
        bvid = data["epInfo"]["bvid"]
        mediaInfo = data["mediaInfo"]
        season_type = mediaInfo.get("season_type") or mediaInfo.get("ssType")
        upInfo = mediaInfo.get("upInfo")
        artist = upInfo and upInfo.get("name")

        return bvid, cid, title, artist, season_type
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def get_play_info(self):
        ret = dict()
        title = ""
        artist = ""
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
            async with sess.request("get", self.room_url,
                                    headers=self.headers) as resp:
                html = await resp.text()
                self.rid = match1(

                title = match1(html, 'Title-head\w*">([^<]+)<')
                artist = match1(html, 'Title-anchorName\w*" title="([^"]+)"')
                if not title or not artist:
                    async with sess.request("get",
                                            self.api_url2 + self.rid,
                                            headers=self.headers) as resp1:
                        room_data = await resp1.json()
                        if room_data["error"] == 0:
                            room_data = room_data["data"]
                            title = room_data["room_name"]
                            artist = room_data["owner_name"]

        ret["title"] = u"{} - {}".format(title, artist)

        js_enc = await self.get_h5enc(html)
        params = {"cdn": "", "iar": 0, "ive": 0}
        await self.ub98484234(js_enc, params)
        params["rate"] = 0
        live_data = None
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
            async with sess.request("post",
                                    self.api_url3 + self.rid,
                                    headers=self.headers) as resp:
                live_data = await resp.json()

        if live_data["error"]:

        live_data = live_data["data"]
        # print(live_data)
        ret["play_url"] = "{}/{}".format(live_data["rtmp_url"],
        # print(ret)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def get_page_info_ep(self, url):
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.request('get', url, headers=self.headers) as r:
                data = json.loads(
                    match1(await r.text(), '__INITIAL_STATE__=({.+?});'))
        title = data.get('h1Title') or match1(
            html, '<title>(.+?)_番剧_bilibili_哔哩哔哩<')
        cid = data['epInfo']['cid']
        bvid = data['epInfo']['bvid']
        mediaInfo = data['mediaInfo']
        season_type = mediaInfo.get('season_type') or mediaInfo.get('ssType')
        upInfo = mediaInfo.get('upInfo')
        artist = upInfo and upInfo.get('name')

        return bvid, cid, title, artist, season_type
Ejemplo n.º 4
    async def get_play_info(self):
        ret = dict()
        title = ''
        artist = ''

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
            async with sess.request('get', self.room_url,
                                    headers=self.headers) as resp:
                h = await resp.text()
                json_stream = match1(h, '"stream": "([a-zA-Z0-9+=/]+)"')
                assert json_stream, "live video is offline"
                data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(json_stream).decode())
                assert data['status'] == 200, data['msg']

                room_info = data['data'][0]['gameLiveInfo']
                ret['title'] = u'{}「{} - {}」'.format(room_info['roomName'],

                stream_info = random.choice(
                sStreamName = stream_info['sStreamName']
                for sType in ('flv', 'hls'):
                    sType = sType.title()
                    sUrl = stream_info['s{}Url'.format(sType)]
                    sUrlSuffix = stream_info['s{}UrlSuffix'.format(sType)]
                    sAntiCode = stream_info['s{}AntiCode'.format(sType)]
                    ret['play_url'] = html.unescape(u'{}/{}.{}?{}'.format(
                        sUrl, sStreamName, sUrlSuffix, sAntiCode))

        # print(ret)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
    async def get_play_info(self):
        ret = dict()
        title = ""
        artist = ""

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
            async with sess.request("get", self.room_url,
                                    headers=self.headers) as resp:
                h = await resp.text()
                json_stream = match1(h, '"stream": "([a-zA-Z0-9+=/]+)"')
                assert json_stream, "live video is offline"
                data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(json_stream).decode())
                assert data["status"] == 200, data["msg"]

                room_info = data["data"][0]["gameLiveInfo"]
                ret["title"] = u"{}「{} - {}」".format(room_info["roomName"],

                stream_info = random.choice(
                sStreamName = stream_info["sStreamName"]
                for sType in ("flv", "hls"):
                    sType = sType.title()
                    sUrl = stream_info["s{}Url".format(sType)]
                    sUrlSuffix = stream_info["s{}UrlSuffix".format(sType)]
                    sAntiCode = stream_info["s{}AntiCode".format(sType)]
                    ret["play_url"] = html.unescape(u"{}/{}.{}?{}".format(
                        sUrl, sStreamName, sUrlSuffix, sAntiCode))

        # print(ret)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 6
    async def get_play_info(self):
        ret = dict()
        title = ''
        artist = ''
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
            async with sess.request('get', self.room_url, headers=self.headers) as resp:
                html = await resp.text()
                self.rid = match1(html, '\$ROOM\.room_id\s*=\s*(\d+)',

                title = match1(html, 'Title-head\w*">([^<]+)<')
                artist = match1(html, 'Title-anchorName\w*" title="([^"]+)"')
                if not title or not artist:
                    async with sess.request('get', self.api_url2 + self.rid, headers=self.headers) as resp1:
                        room_data = await resp1.json()
                        if room_data['error'] == 0:
                            room_data = room_data['data']
                            title = room_data['room_name']
                            artist = room_data['owner_name']

        ret['title'] = u'{} - {}'.format(title, artist)

        js_enc = await self.get_h5enc(html)
        params = {
            'cdn': '',
            'iar': 0,
            'ive': 0
        await self.ub98484234(js_enc,  params)
        params['rate'] = 0
        live_data = None
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
            async with sess.request('post', self.api_url3 + self.rid, data=params, headers=self.headers) as resp:
                live_data = await resp.json()

        if live_data['error']:

        live_data = live_data["data"]
        # print(live_data)
        ret['play_url'] = '{}/{}'.format(live_data['rtmp_url'], live_data['rtmp_live'])
        # print(ret)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
 async def get_h5enc(self, html):
     js_enc = match1(html, '(var vdwdae325w_64we =[\s\S]+?)\s*</script>')
     if js_enc is None or 'ub98484234(' not in js_enc:
         params = {
             'rids': self.rid
         async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
             async with sess.request('get', self.api_url1, params=params, headers=self.headers) as resp:
                 data = await resp.json()
                 assert data['error'] == 0, data['msg']
                 js_enc = data['data']['room' + self.rid]
     return js_enc
Ejemplo n.º 8
    async def get_page_info(self, url):
        page_index = match1(url, "\?p=(\d+)", "index_(\d+)\.") or "1"
        data = None
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.request("get", url, headers=self.headers) as r:
                data = json.loads(match1(await r.text(), "__INITIAL_STATE__=({.+?});"))["videoData"]
        bvid = data["bvid"]
        title = data["title"]
        artist = data["owner"]["name"]
        pages = data["pages"]
        for page in pages:
            index = str(page["page"])
            subtitle = page["part"]
            if index == page_index:
                cid = page["cid"]
                if len(pages) > 1:
                    title = u"{} - {} - {}".format(title, index, subtitle)
                elif subtitle and subtitle != title:
                    title = u"{} - {}".format(title, subtitle)

        return bvid, cid, title, artist
Ejemplo n.º 9
 async def get_h5enc(self, html):
     js_enc = match1(html, "(var vdwdae325w_64we =[\s\S]+?)\s*</script>")
     if js_enc is None or "ub98484234(" not in js_enc:
         params = {"rids": self.rid}
         async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
             async with sess.request("get",
                                     headers=self.headers) as resp:
                 data = await resp.json()
                 assert data["error"] == 0, data["msg"]
                 js_enc = data["data"]["room" + self.rid]
     return js_enc
Ejemplo n.º 10
    async def get_page_info(self, url):
        page_index = match1(url, '\?p=(\d+)', 'index_(\d+)\.') or '1'
        data = None
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.request('get', url, headers=self.headers) as r:
                data = json.loads(
                    match1(await r.text(),
        bvid = data['bvid']
        title = data['title']
        artist = data['owner']['name']
        pages = data['pages']
        for page in pages:
            index = str(page['page'])
            subtitle = page['part']
            if index == page_index:
                cid = page['cid']
                if len(pages) > 1:
                    title = u'{} - {} - {}'.format(title, index, subtitle)
                elif subtitle and subtitle != title:
                    title = u'{} - {}'.format(title, subtitle)

        return bvid, cid, title, artist
Ejemplo n.º 11
    async def ub98484234(self, js_enc, params):
        names_dict = {
            'debugMessages': get_random_name(8),
            'decryptedCodes': get_random_name(8),
            'resoult': get_random_name(8),
            '_ub98484234': get_random_name(8),
            'workflow': match1(js_enc, 'function ub98484234\(.+?\Weval\((\w+)\);'),
        js_dom = '''
        {debugMessages} = {{{decryptedCodes}: []}};
        if (!this.window) {{window = {{}};}}
        if (!this.document) {{document = {{}};}}
        js_patch = '''
        var patchCode = function(workflow) {{
            var testVari = /(\w+)=(\w+)\([\w\+]+\);.*?(\w+)="\w+";/.exec(workflow);
            if (testVari && testVari[1] == testVari[2]) {{
                {workflow} += testVari[1] + "[" + testVari[3] + "] = function() {{return true;}};";
        var subWorkflow = /(?:\w+=)?eval\((\w+)\)/.exec({workflow});
        if (subWorkflow) {{
            var subPatch = `
                {debugMessages}.{decryptedCodes}.push('sub workflow: ' + subWorkflow);
            `.replace(/subWorkflow/g, subWorkflow[1]) + subWorkflow[0];
            {workflow} = {workflow}.replace(subWorkflow[0], subPatch);
        js_debug = '''
        var {_ub98484234} = ub98484234;
        ub98484234 = function(p1, p2, p3) {{
            try {{
                var resoult = {_ub98484234}(p1, p2, p3);
                {debugMessages}.{resoult} = resoult;
            }} catch(e) {{
                {debugMessages}.{resoult} = e.message;
            return {debugMessages};
        js_enc = js_enc.replace('eval({workflow});'.format(**names_dict), js_patch)

        js_ctx = JSEngine()

        did = uuid.uuid4().hex
        tt = str(int(time.time()))
        ub98484234 = js_ctx.call('ub98484234', self.rid, did, tt)
        # print(ub98484234)
        # extractor.logger.debug('ub98484234: %s', ub98484234)
        ub98484234 = ub98484234[names_dict['resoult']]
            'v': match1(ub98484234, 'v=(\d+)'),
            'did': did,
            'tt': tt,
            'sign': match1(ub98484234, 'sign=(\w{32})')