Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_user(data):
            simcard = Enduser.get_or_create_simcard(data.get('telephone'))
            if not simcard: return ( 'Bad Telephone',None) 
            telephone = simcard.msisdn
            user = Enduser.get_active_user(telephone)
            #if nid is invalid return
            if len(data.get('national_id')) != 16: return ( 'Bad National ID',None)
            national_id = data.get('national_id')
            old_user = fetch_enduser(national_id, telephone)
            ## Check national_id registered for the telephone
            if not old_user:
                 return ( 'User does not exist with NID %s and Telephone %s' % (national_id, telephone) , None)
                if (user and old_user) and old_user.indexcol != user.indexcol:
                    return ( 'User with NID %s and Telephone %s is active, please deactive him/her first.' % (
                                                                        user.national_id, user.telephone) , None)
                elif (old_user.indexcol == user.indexcol) or (old_user.indexcol == data.get('indexcol')):
                    # He is the same user, check if credentials have been updated 
                    new_passwd =  data.get('passwd')              
                    if old_user.email != data.get('email') or new_passwd:
                        if new_passwd:                            
                            generated_password = MchSecurity.generatedPassword(new_passwd)
                            data.update({"salt" : generated_password[0]})
                            data.update({"passwd" : generated_password[1]})
                            new_passwd = simcard.msin
                            generated_password = MchSecurity.generatedPassword(new_passwd)
                            data.update({"salt" : generated_password[0]})
                            data.update({"passwd" : generated_password[1]})

                    data.update({"simcard_pk": simcard.indexcol})
                    data.update({"telephone": telephone})   
                    #print "SAVE DATA: ", data 
                    migrate(Enduser._table, data)
                    user = Enduser.get_active_user( data.get('telephone') )
                    sent = False
                    if user.role_code == 'BINOME' or user.role_code == 'ASM' or user.language_code == 'RW':
                        sent = Enduser.send_message(telephone, 
                                                    "Twabamenyeshaga ko mumaze gukosorwa kuri list, muri sisitemu ya RapidSMS Rwanda, nka %(role)s, ku rwego rw %(level)s, %(nat)s, Intara %(prv)s, Akarere ka %(dst)s, ibitaro bya %(hp)s ikigo nderabuzima cya %(hc)s, umurenge wa %(sec)s, akagari ka %(cel)s, umudugudu wa %(vil)s. Murakoze."% {
                                    'role': user.role_name, 'hc': user.facility_name, 'sec': user.sector_name,
                                         'cel': user.cell_name , 'vil': user.village_name, 'level': Enduser._levels.get(user.location_level_code)[1],
                                          'dst': user.district_name, 'hp': user.referral_name, 'nat': user.nation_name, 'prv': user.province_name})
                        sent = Enduser.send_message(telephone, 
                                "You have been updated in RapidSMS, your username is: %(email)s, and password is: %(pwd)s. Thanks."
                                                        % {'email': user.email, 'pwd': new_passwd})
                    if not sent:    return ("User updated, but SMS not sent, please contact username: %(email)s, and password: %(pwd)s"
                                        % {'email': user.email, 'pwd': data.get('passwd')}, old_user)
                    return ( 'User updated', old_user)

                    return ( 'User with NID %s and Telephone %s cannot be updated, contact system administrator.' % (
                                                                        old_user.national_id, old_user.telephone) , None)
        except Exception, e:
            print e
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def login(self):
   user = self.get_user()    
   if user:
       token =  MchSecurity.generatedToken(self.usern, self.pwd)
       ##print "TOKEN: \n", token, "\n", self.usern, "\n", user.__dict__, "\n"
       token = None
   return token
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def auth_facilities(self):
       ##print "FAC: ", len(self.facilities)
       tot = fetch_table_cols('facility', {}, cols = ['COUNT(*) AS value'])[0]
       if len(self.facilities) != tot.value:
           self.facilities = fetch_facilities()
       if self.facilities:
           KEYS = MchSecurity.get_user_facility_level_filter_keys(self.user)
           ##print "KEYS: ", KEYS
           FACS = UNDERSCORE(self.facilities).chain().filter(lambda x, *args: getattr(x, KEYS[0]) == KEYS[1]
                                             ).indexBy(lambda x, *args: x.indexcol).map(lambda x, *args: x).sortBy().value()
           ##print "AUTH FACS: ", len(FACS)
           return FACS
           ##print "TURI KUHARENGA"
       else: pass
       return MchSecurity.get_auth_facilities(self.user)
   except Exception, e:
       #print "NO FACILITIES ASSIGNED TO USER : %s" % self.user.usern
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def reset_password(email):
         user, otp, token = MchSecurity.get_otp(email)
         #print "OTP: ",  otp
         sent = Enduser.send_message(
             "Your OTP to change password , now, is: %s" % otp)
         return (token, sent)
     except Exception, e:
         print e
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, auth, *args, **kw):
   self.args   = args
   self.kw     = kw
   self.auth   = auth
   td          = datetime.today()
   self.sta    = datetime(year = td.year, month = td.month, day = td.day, 
                           hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0)
   self.fin    = datetime(year = td.year, month = td.month, day = td.day, 
                           hour = td.hour, minute = td.minute, second = td.second, microsecond = td.microsecond)
   self.gap    = timedelta(days = 1000 - 1)
   self.privileges  =  MchSecurity.get_privileges()
   self.auth_pages  = {}
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def change_password(email, tkn, otp, new_passwd):
        message = None
        if tkn and otp:
                seen = MchSecurity.verify_otp(tkn, otp)  #;print "SEEN: ", seen
                if seen:
                    #print "SEEN: ", otp, new_passwd
                    user = MchSecurity.get_user_by_email(email)
                    formdata = {
                        "indexcol": user.indexcol,
                        "telephone": user.telephone,
                        "national_id": user.national_id,
                        "email": email,
                        "passwd": new_passwd

                    #print "\nFORM: ", formdata, "\n"
                    message, user = Enduser.update_user(formdata)
                return (message, True)
            except Exception, e:
                print e
                message = e
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def conditions(self, tn = None, ini = None, cols = []):
   ans = ini.conditions() if ini else {}
   if tn and tn in cols:
       (tn + ' >= %s')  : self.start,
       (tn + ' <= %s')  : self.finish
   if self.auth.user:
       lvl = MchSecurity.get_auth_location(self.auth.user, self.kw)
       if lvl.get('sector_pk'): ans.update({'sector_pk = %s': lvl.get('sector_pk')})
       if lvl.get('cell_pk'): ans.update({'cell_pk = %s': lvl.get('cell_pk')})
       if lvl.get('village_pk'): ans.update({'village_pk = %s': lvl.get('village_pk')})
       if lvl.get('facility_pk'): ans.update({'facility_pk = %s': lvl.get('facility_pk')})
       if lvl.get('referral_facility_pk'): ans.update({'referral_facility_pk = %s': lvl.get('referral_facility_pk')})
       if lvl.get('district_pk'): ans.update({'district_pk = %s': lvl.get('district_pk')})
       if lvl.get('province_pk'): ans.update({'province_pk = %s': lvl.get('province_pk')})
   return ans
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_or_create( data):
         simcard = Enduser.get_or_create_simcard(data.get('telephone'))
         if not simcard: return ( 'Bad Telephone',None)
         telephone = simcard.msisdn
         user = Enduser.get_active_user(telephone)
         if not user:
             if len(data.get('national_id')) != 16: return ( 'Bad National ID',None)
             if not data.get('email'):
                 data.update({"email": '*****@*****.**' % simcard.indexcol})
             data.update({"simcard_pk": simcard.indexcol})
             data.update({"telephone": telephone})
             generated_password = MchSecurity.generatedPassword(simcard.msin)
             data.update({"salt" : generated_password[0]})
             data.update({"passwd" : generated_password[1]})
             national_id = data.get('national_id')
             #print "SAVE DATA: ", data 
             migrate(Enduser._table, data)
             #user = fetch_enduser(national_id, telephone)
             user = Enduser.get_active_user( telephone )
             sent = False
             if user.role_code == 'BINOME' or user.role_code == 'ASM' or user.language_code == 'RW':
                 sent = Enduser.send_message(telephone, 
                                                 "Twabamenyeshaga ko mumaze kwandikwa kuri list, muri sisitemu ya RapidSMS Rwanda, nka %(role)s, ku rwego rw %(level)s, %(nat)s, Intara %(prv)s, Akarere ka %(dst)s, ibitaro bya %(hp)s ikigo nderabuzima cya %(hc)s, umurenge wa %(sec)s, akagari ka %(cel)s, umudugudu wa %(vil)s. Murakoze."% {
                                 'role': user.role_name, 'hc': user.facility_name, 'sec': user.sector_name,
                                      'cel': user.cell_name , 'vil': user.village_name, 'level': Enduser._levels.get(user.location_level_code)[1],
                                       'dst': user.district_name, 'hp': user.referral_name, 'nat': user.nation_name, 'prv': user.province_name})
                 sent = Enduser.send_message(telephone, 
                 "You have been registered in RapidSMS as %(role)s, your username is: %(email)s, and password is: %(pwd)s. Thanks."
                                             % {'role': user.role_name, 'email': user.email, 'pwd': simcard.msin})
                 email = Enduser.send_email("RapidSMS Credentials", user.email, 
                     "You have been registered in RapidSMS as %(role)s, your username is: %(email)s, and password is: %(pwd)s. Thanks."
                                             % {'role': user.role_name, 'email': user.email, 'pwd': simcard.msin})
             if not sent:    return ("User Created, but SMS not sent, please contact username: %(email)s, and password: %(pwd)s"
                                 % {'email': user.email, 'pwd': simcard.msin}, user)
             return ( 'User created', user)
         return ( 'User exists', user)
     except Exception, e:
         print e
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def auth_filter_locations(self, loctype, locparentid):
   self.user = self.get_user()
   return MchSecurity.get_auth_filter_locations(self.user, loctype, locparentid)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def auth_villages(self):
   return MchSecurity.get_auth_villages(self.user)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def auth_pages(self, user):
   return MchSecurity.get_auth_pages(user)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_user(self):
   user = MchSecurity.authenticateUser(email = self.usern, passwd = self.pwd, token = self.token)
   return user