Ejemplo n.º 1
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from contextlib import contextmanager

from util.paths import get_binary

BINARY_PATH = os.path.join("ffmpeg",
                           "ffmpeg.exe" if os.name == "nt" else "ffmpeg")
FFMPEG = get_binary(BINARY_PATH)

def resample(infile, outfile):
    if not os.path.isfile(infile):
        raise IOError("Not a file: %s" % infile)
    Use FFMPEG to convert a media file to a wav file sampled at 8K
    return subprocess.call([
        FFMPEG, '-loglevel', 'panic', '-y', '-i', infile, '-ac', '1', '-ar',
        '8000', '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le', outfile

def resampled(infile):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav') as fp:
        if resample(infile, fp.name) != 0:
Ejemplo n.º 2
'''Glue code for communicating with standard_kaldi C++ process'''
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import wave

from util.paths import get_binary
from gentle.rpc import RPCProtocol
from gentle.resources import Resources

EXECUTABLE_PATH = get_binary("ext/standard_kaldi")

class Kaldi(object):
    '''Kaldi spawns a standard_kaldi subprocess and provides a
    Python wrapper for communicating with it.'''
    def __init__(self, nnet_dir, hclg_path, proto_langdir):
        self.proto_langdir = proto_langdir
        devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        cmd = [EXECUTABLE_PATH, nnet_dir, hclg_path, proto_langdir]
        self._subprocess = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

        self._transitions = None
        self._words = None
        self._stopped = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import wave
from shutil import copyfile

from contextlib import contextmanager

from util.paths import get_binary

FFMPEG = get_binary("ffmpeg")

def resample(infile, outfile):
    if not os.path.isfile(infile):
        raise IOError("Not a file: %s" % infile)
    Use FFMPEG to convert a media file to a wav file sampled at 8K
    # Check if the file already meets our specifications
        wave_file = wave.open(infile, 'rb')
        if wave_file.getframerate() == 8000:
            copyfile(infile, outfile)
            return 0
    except wave.Error as err:
    return subprocess.call([
        FFMPEG, '-loglevel', 'panic', '-y', '-i', infile, '-ac', '1', '-ar',
        '8000', '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le', outfile
Ejemplo n.º 4
import subprocess
from util.paths import get_binary
import os
from resources import Config

EXECUTABLE_PATH = get_binary("ext/k3")

class Kaldi:
    def __init__(self, nnet_dir=None, hclg_path=None, proto_langdir=None):
        devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')

        cmd = [EXECUTABLE_PATH]

        self.config = Config()

        if nnet_dir is not None:

        self._p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
        self.finished = False

    def _cmd(self, c):
        self._p.stdin.write("%s\n" % (c))
Ejemplo n.º 5
import subprocess
from util.paths import get_binary
import os

BINARY_PATH = "ext\\gentleK3.exe" if os.name == "nt" else "ext/gentleK3"

class Kaldi:
    def __init__(self, nnet_dir=None, hclg_path=None, proto_langdir=None):
        devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
        cmd = [EXECUTABLE_PATH]
        if nnet_dir is not None:

        self._p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
                                   stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
        self.finished = False

    def _cmd(self, c):
        self._p.stdin.write("%s\n" % (c))

    def push_chunk(self, buf):
        # Wait until we're ready
        cnt = len(buf)/2
Ejemplo n.º 6
import logging
import math
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from util.paths import get_binary
from metasentence import MetaSentence
from resources import Resources

MKGRAPH_PATH = get_binary("ext/mkgraph")

def make_bigram_lm_fst(word_sequences, **kwargs):
    Use the given token sequence to make a bigram language model
    in OpenFST plain text format.

    When the "conservative" flag is set, an [oov] is interleaved
    between successive words.

    When the "disfluency" flag is set, a small set of disfluencies is
    interleaved between successive words

    `Word sequence` is a list of lists, each valid as a start

    if len(word_sequences) == 0 or type(word_sequences[0]) != list:
        word_sequences = [word_sequences]
Ejemplo n.º 7
import logging
import math
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from util.paths import get_binary
from metasentence import MetaSentence
from resources import Resources

BINARY_PATH = "ext\\gentleM3.exe" if os.name == "nt" else "ext/gentleM3"

# [oov] no longer in words.txt
OOV_TERM = '<unk>'

def make_bigram_lm_fst(word_sequences, **kwargs):
    Use the given token sequence to make a bigram language model
    in OpenFST plain text format.

    When the "conservative" flag is set, an [oov] is interleaved
    between successive words.

    When the "disfluency" flag is set, a small set of disfluencies is
    interleaved between successive words

    `Word sequence` is a list of lists, each valid as a start
Ejemplo n.º 8
import logging
import math
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from util.paths import get_binary
from metasentence import MetaSentence
from resources import Resources

MKGRAPH_PATH = get_binary("ext/m3")

# [oov] no longer in words.txt
OOV_TERM = '<unk>'

def make_bigram_lm_fst(word_sequences, **kwargs):
    Use the given token sequence to make a bigram language model
    in OpenFST plain text format.

    When the "conservative" flag is set, an [oov] is interleaved
    between successive words.

    When the "disfluency" flag is set, a small set of disfluencies is
    interleaved between successive words

    `Word sequence` is a list of lists, each valid as a start