Ejemplo n.º 1
def login():
    """ Endpoint for authentication
        *Requires some sort of database
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the user information
        name = request.form['username']
        passwd = request.form['userpass']

        #TODO remove this when you get a database up
        #return early so the code below doesn't break everything
        return redirect('/home')

        # Find a user with that username an compare passwords
        res = db.users.find({'name': name})
        if res.count() > 0:
            # user = <find a user with your db>
            if user:
                salt = user['salt']
                thehash = pbkdf2_hex(passwd.encode('utf-8'),
                error = 'Invalid Credentials'
                return render_template('home.html', error=error)

            if thehash == user['hash']:
                # store user id in the session
                session['user'] = user['name']
                return redirect('/home')
                error = 'Invalid Credentials'
                return render_template('home.html', error=error)
            error = 'Invalid Credentials'
            return render_template('home.html', error=error)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def login():
    """Handler for anything related to login
    GET -- render the login page
        :return html

    POST -- Authenticate the user, return Invalid Credentials on error.
           Set session user.
        :return html
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('login.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the user information
        name = request.form['username']
        passwd = request.form['userpass']

        # Find a user with that username an compare passwords
        user = auth.db.query(User).filter(User.name == name).one()
        if user:
            thehash = pbkdf2_hex(passwd.encode('utf-8'),
            # password matches
            if thehash == user.hash:
                session['user'] = user.id
                return redirect('/')
                error = 'Invalid Credentials'
                return render_template('login.html', error=error)
            error = 'Invalid Credentials'
            return render_template('login.html', error=error)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def signup():
    """ End Point for signups
        *Requires some sort of database
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('signup.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.form['userpass'] != request.form['userpass2']:
            error = 'Passwords do not match'
            return render_template('signup.html', error=error)

        salt = getRandomSalt(16)
        thehash = pbkdf2_hex(request.form['userpass'].encode('utf-8'),

        # Make a new user out of the info
        new_user = {
            'name': request.form['username'],
            'salt': unicode(salt),
            'hash': unicode(thehash)

        # You'll need a database to save it to
        # user_id = db.users.save(new_user)
        # store user id in the session
        session['user'] = new_user['name']

        return redirect('/home')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def login():
    """ Endpoint for authentication
        *Requires some sort of database
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the user information
        name = request.form['username']
        passwd = request.form['userpass']

        #TODO remove this when you get a database up
        #return early so the code below doesn't break everything
        return redirect('/home')

        # Find a user with that username an compare passwords
        res = db.users.find({'name': name})
        if res.count() > 0:
            # user = <find a user with your db>
            if user:
                salt = user['salt']
                thehash = pbkdf2_hex(passwd.encode('utf-8'),
                error = 'Invalid Credentials'
                return render_template('home.html', error=error)

            if thehash == user['hash']:
                # store user id in the session
                session['user'] = user['name']
                return redirect('/home')
                error = 'Invalid Credentials'
                return render_template('home.html', error=error)
            error = 'Invalid Credentials'
            return render_template('home.html', error=error)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def signup():
    """ End Point for signups
        *Requires some sort of database
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('signup.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.form['userpass'] != request.form['userpass2']:
            error = 'Passwords do not match'
            return render_template('signup.html', error=error)

        salt = getRandomSalt(16)
        thehash = pbkdf2_hex(request.form['userpass'].encode('utf-8'),

        # Make a new user out of the info
        new_user = {
            'name': request.form['username'],
            'salt': unicode(salt),
            'hash': unicode(thehash)

        # You'll need a database to save it to
        # user_id = db.users.save(new_user)
        # store user id in the session
        session['user'] = new_user['name']

        return redirect('/home')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def login():
    GET: Render the login form
    POST: try to verify the user
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get the user information
        name = request.form['username']
        passwd = request.form['password']

        # Find a user with that username and compare passwords
        user = store.find(User, User.username == unicode(name)).one()
        salt = user.salt
        thehash = pbkdf2_hex(passwd.encode('utf-8'), salt.encode('utf-8'))

        # store user id in the session
        session['userid'] = user.id

        if thehash == user.hash:
            return redirect('/home')
            return 'login failed'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def signup():
    """Handler realted to anything signup
    GET -- render the signup page
        :return html
    POST -- If user passwords match, create a user.  Create session
        :return html

    @TODO - check username uniqueness
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('signup.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form['username']
        pass1 = request.form['userpass']
        pass2 = request.form['userpass2']
        # do they match?
        if pass1 != pass2:
            error = 'Passwords do not match'
            return render_template('signup.html', error=error)
        # do we already have a user under that name?
        if auth.db.query(User).filter(User.name == name).one():
            error = 'User already taken'
            return render_template('signup.html', error=error)

        salt = get_random_salt(16)
        thehash = pbkdf2_hex(pass1.encode('utf-8'), salt.encode('utf-8'))

        # Make a new user out of the info
        new_user = User(name, unicode(thehash), salt)

        # store user id in the session
        session['user'] = new_user.id

        return redirect('/')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def creatuser():
    GET: Render the create account form
    POST: Create the user
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render('index.html')

    elif request.method == 'POST':
        salt =  getRandomSalt(16)
        thehash = pbkdf2_hex(request.form['password'].encode('utf-8'), salt.encode('utf-8'))

        # Make a new user out of the info
        new_user = store.add(User())
        new_user.username = request.form['username']
        new_user.salt = unicode(salt)
        new_user.hash = unicode(thehash)

        # store user id in the session
        session['userid'] = new_user.id

        return redirect('/home')