Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _monomial_index(self, multi_index):
     Return the sign and the index of the monomial in the basis.
     degree = len(multi_index)
     multi_index = list(multi_index)
     sign = selection_sort(multi_index)
     multi_index = tuple(multi_index)
     if multi_index in self._basis[degree]:
         return sign, self._basis[degree].index(tuple(multi_index))
         return 1, None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def undirected_graph_has_odd_automorphism(g):
    n = len(g)
    edges = g.edges()
    G = Graph([list(range(n)), edges])
    for sigma in G.automorphism_group().gens(
    ):  # NOTE: it suffices to check generators
        edge_permutation = [
            tuple(sorted([sigma(edge[0]), sigma(edge[1])])) for edge in edges
        index_permutation = [edges.index(e) for e in edge_permutation]
        if selection_sort(index_permutation) == -1:
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _derivative_on_basis(self, degree, i, j):
     Return the index and the sign of the derivative of the ``i``th monomial of degree ``degree`` in the basis, with respect to the ``j``th odd coordinate.
     monomial = self._basis[degree][i]
     if not j in monomial:
         return None, 1
     lst = list(monomial)
     sign = 1 if lst.index(j) % 2 == 0 else -1
     lst.remove(j) # remove first instance
     sign *= selection_sort(lst)
     derivative = tuple(lst)
     assert derivative in self._basis[degree-1]
     return self._basis[degree-1].index(derivative), sign
Ejemplo n.º 4
def undirected_graph_canonicalize(g):
    n = len(g)
    edges = g.edges()
    G, sigma = Graph([list(range(n)), edges]).canonical_label(certificate=True)
    new_edges = list(G.edges(labels=False))
    edge_permutation = [
        tuple(sorted([sigma[edge[0]], sigma[edge[1]]])) for edge in edges
    index_permutation = [new_edges.index(e) for e in edge_permutation]
    undo_canonicalize = [0] * n
    for k, v in sigma.items():
        undo_canonicalize[v] = k
    return UndirectedGraph(
        list(new_edges)), undo_canonicalize, selection_sort(index_permutation)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def undirected_to_directed_graph_coefficient(undirected_graph, directed_graph):
    g = Graph(undirected_graph.edges())
    h = Graph(directed_graph.edges())
    are_isomorphic, sigma = g.is_isomorphic(h, certificate=True)
    assert are_isomorphic
    edges = directed_graph.edges()
    edge_permutation = [
        edges.index((sigma[a], sigma[b])) if
        (sigma[a], sigma[b]) in edges else edges.index((sigma[b], sigma[a]))
        for (a, b) in undirected_graph.edges()
    sign = selection_sort(edge_permutation)
    multiplicity = len(g.automorphism_group()) // len(
    return sign * multiplicity
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _mul_on_basis(self, degree1, k1, degree2, k2):
     Return the index and the sign of the monomial that results from multiplying the ``k1``th monomial of degree ``degree1`` by the ``k2``th monomial of degree ``degree2``.
     if degree1 + degree2 > self.__ngens:
         return None, 1
     left = self._basis[degree1][k1]
     right = self._basis[degree2][k2]
     lst = list(left+right)
     sign = selection_sort(lst)
     # detect repetitions in sorted list
     for i in range(0, len(lst)-1):
         if lst[i] == lst[i+1]:
             return None, 1
     prod = tuple(lst)
     assert prod in self._basis[degree1+degree2]
     return self._basis[degree1+degree2].index(prod), sign
Ejemplo n.º 7
def formality_graph_has_odd_automorphism(g):
    n = len(g)
    edges = g.edges()
    partition = [[v] for v in range(g.num_ground_vertices())] + [
                  g.num_ground_vertices() + g.num_aerial_vertices()))
    G = DiGraph([list(range(n)), edges])
    for sigma in G.automorphism_group(partition=partition).gens(
    ):  # NOTE: it suffices to check generators
        edge_permutation = [
            tuple([sigma(edge[0]), sigma(edge[1])]) for edge in edges
        index_permutation = [edges.index(e) for e in edge_permutation]
        if selection_sort(index_permutation) == -1:
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
def formality_graph_canonicalize(g):
    n = len(g)
    edges = g.edges()
    partition = [[v] for v in range(g.num_ground_vertices())] + [
                  g.num_ground_vertices() + g.num_aerial_vertices()))
    H = DiGraph([list(range(n)), edges])
    if len(H.edges()) != len(g.edges()):
        raise ValueError(
            "don't know how to canonicalize graph with double edges")
    G, sigma = H.canonical_label(partition=partition, certificate=True)
    new_edges = list(G.edges(labels=False))
    edge_permutation = [
        tuple([sigma[edge[0]], sigma[edge[1]]]) for edge in edges
    index_permutation = [new_edges.index(e) for e in edge_permutation]
    undo_canonicalize = [0] * n
    for k, v in sigma.items():
        undo_canonicalize[v] = k
    return FormalityGraph(
        g.num_ground_vertices(), g.num_aerial_vertices(),
        list(new_edges)), undo_canonicalize, selection_sort(index_permutation)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def canonicalize_edges(self):
     Lexicographically order the edges of this graph and return the sign of that edge permutation.
     return selection_sort(self._edges)