Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, sea):
        # turbines 35,000 hp (26 MW), 1 auxiliary motor 325 hp (242 kW)
        # Ship.__init__(self, self.DRAG_FACTOR, self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR, self.MAX_ACCELERATION)
        self.kind = '688'
        self.messages = []
        self.sea = sea
        self.max_hull_integrity = 100  # in "damage points"
        self.hull_integrity = self.max_hull_integrity
        self.damages = None
        self.actual_deep = 60  # feet
        self._target_deep = 60  # feet

        self.message_stop = False

        ### Physics ###
        self._acceleration = Point(0, 0)
        self.drag_force = Point(0, 0)
        self._position = Point(0, 0)
        self._velocity = Point(0, 0)
        self._target_velocity = 0
        self._rudder = 0  # property rudder in radians pe minute
        self._ship_bearing = 0  # the angle of the ship in relation to north, in radians
        self._turbine_level = 0  # 0 to 100%

        self.turbine_acceleration = Point(0, 0)

        self.time_elapsed = 0

        # self.turbine = Turbine(self, self.MAX_ACCELERATION)

        self.nav = Navigation(self)
        self.sonar = Sonar(self)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_edge_coords(self):
     return [[
         Point(0, 0),
         Point(self.dimensions.width, 0),
                 Point(0, self.dimensions.height),
                 Point(self.dimensions.width, self.dimensions.height),
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_edge_coords(self):
     return [[
         Point(self.coords.x, self.coords.y),
         Point(self.coords.x + self.size.x, self.coords.y),
                 Point(self.coords.x, self.coords.y + self.size.y),
                 Point(self.coords.x + self.size.x,
                       self.coords.y + self.size.y),
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def draw_unit_on_map(self, unit, current_map):
     unit_pixels = unit.get_pixels()
     unit_coords = unit.coords.get_int_coords()
     for row in range(unit.size.y):
         for col in range(unit.size.x):
             if unit_pixels[row][col]:
                 pixel_coords = Point(unit_coords.x + col,
                                      unit_coords.y - row)
                 if pixel_coords.is_inside(self.get_edge_coords()):
                     current_map[unit_coords.y -
                                 row][unit_coords.x +
                                      col] = unit_pixels[row][col]
    def _get_is_swing_leg_left_and_walk_trajectory_four_positions__with_current_working_set(self, index):

        current_walking_set = self.walking_sets[index]

        is_swing_leg_left = current_walking_set['is_swing_leg_left']
        step_length = current_walking_set['step_length']
        current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position = current_walking_set['current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position']

        initial_foot_position = Point(get_initial_foot_position(is_left=is_swing_leg_left))

        initial_position = initial_foot_position.translate(current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position.x, current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position.y, current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position.z)
        lift_up_front_position, lift_up_front_forward_position, put_down_position\
            = self._lower_limp_kinematics_engine.get_walk_trajectory_three_positions(is_swing_leg_left=is_swing_leg_left, step_length=step_length, current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position=current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position)

        return is_swing_leg_left, initial_position, lift_up_front_position, lift_up_front_forward_position, put_down_position
    def walk(self):
        # self.draw_some_points()

        is_swing_leg_left = True
        initial_position = Point(get_initial_foot_position(is_left=is_swing_leg_left))
        lift_up_front_position, lift_up_front_forward_position, put_down_position = self.get_walk_trajectory_three_positions(is_swing_leg_left=True, step_length=self.step_length / 2, current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position=Point((0, 0, 0)))

        lift_up_front_trajectory_section = LineSegment(initial_position, lift_up_front_position)
        lift_up_front_forward_trajectory_section = LineSegment(lift_up_front_position, lift_up_front_forward_position)
        put_down_trajectory_section = LineSegment(lift_up_front_forward_position, put_down_position)

        print('initial_position', initial_position)
        print('lift_up_front_position', lift_up_front_position)
        print('lift_up_front_forward_position', lift_up_front_forward_position)
        print('put_down_position', put_down_position)
        self.painter.draw_point(initial_position, color='r.')
        self.painter.draw_point(lift_up_front_position, color='r.')
        self.painter.draw_point(lift_up_front_forward_position, color='r.')
        self.painter.draw_point(put_down_position, color='r.')

        self.painter.draw_line(initial_position, lift_up_front_position, color='b-')
        self.painter.draw_line(lift_up_front_position, lift_up_front_forward_position, color='b-')
        self.painter.draw_line(lift_up_front_forward_position, put_down_position, color='b-')

        self._take_one_step(is_swing_leg_left, lift_up_front_trajectory_section, lift_up_front_forward_trajectory_section, put_down_trajectory_section)

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_drawing_coords(self):
        drawing_coords = []

        for x in range(self.size.x):
            for y in range(self.size.y):
                    Point(self.coords.x + x, self.coords.y + y))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def parse_input(input_list):
    ast_list = []
    for y, row in enumerate(input_list):
        for x, char in enumerate(row):
            if char == "#":
                ast_list.append(Point(x, y))
    return ast_list
Ejemplo n.º 9
def a_star(connections, target):
    curr = Point(0, 0)
    open_set = {curr}
    prior = {}
    g_score = defaultdict(lambda: 10**6, {curr: 0})
    f_score = {curr: man_dist(curr, target)}
    while open_set:
        last = curr
        open_set.remove(curr := min(open_set, key=lambda n: f_score[n]))
        g_score[curr] = g_score[last] + 1
        if curr == target:
            for p1, p2 in prior.items():
                assert p2 - p1 in r_directs
            path = [curr]
            while curr in prior:
                curr = prior[curr]
            return len(path) - 1
            for neighb in connections[curr]:
                new_g = g_score[curr] + 1
                if g_score[neighb] > new_g:
                    assert curr - neighb in r_directs
                    prior[neighb] = curr
                    g_score[neighb] = new_g
                    f_score[neighb] = new_g + man_dist(neighb, target)
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _get_target_with_hip_transversal_counteracted(self):
        move_back_to_origin = get_translate_matrix(-self.hip_top_position.x, -self.hip_top_position.y, -self.hip_top_position.z)
        rotate_along_z_axis = get_rotate_matrix_along_axis('z', self.hip_transversal_radians)
        move_back_to_point = get_translate_matrix(self.hip_top_position.x, self.hip_top_position.y, self.hip_top_position.z)

        target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted = apply_matrix_to_vertex(self.target_at_ankle, move_back_to_point.dot(rotate_along_z_axis.dot(move_back_to_origin)))

        return Point(target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _get_support_lower_limp_angles(self, is_support_leg_left,
        opposite_ground_position = WalkTrajectory.project_to_opposite_ground(
            Point(swing_leg_foot_position), is_left=is_support_leg_left)
        support_lower_limp_angles = self._get_one_lower_limp_angles__with__both_tilted_torso_and_hip_offset_effect(
            opposite_ground_position, is_left=is_support_leg_left)

        return support_lower_limp_angles
Ejemplo n.º 12
def move_head(target_position, painter):
    target_position = Point(target_position)

    head_bottom_position = Point((0, 0, torso_height + neck_length))
    head_top_position = Point((0, 0, torso_height + neck_length + head_height))

    distance_between_head_bottom_and_target = head_bottom_position.distance_to(target_position)
    assert distance_between_head_bottom_and_target == head_height
    distance_between_head_top_and_target = head_top_position.distance_to(target_position)

    neck_lateral_radians = get_angle_with_3_sides_known(distance_between_head_top_and_target, head_height, head_height)

    def get_neck_transversal_radians(target_x, target_y):
        if target_x != 0:
            radiance = atan(target_y / target_x)
        else:  # perpendicular
            if target_y > 0:
                radiance = half_pi
            elif target_y < 0:
                radiance = -half_pi
                radiance = 0

        return radiance

    neck_transversal_radians = get_neck_transversal_radians(target_x=target_position[0], target_y=target_position[1])

    return neck_transversal_radians, neck_lateral_radians
    def get_left_leg_target_position():
        # return get_leg_position((l_hip_transversal_degrees, 0, -0, -0), is_left=True)
        initial_foot_position = Point(initial_left_foot_position)

        up = initial_foot_position.translate(dz=2*foot_height)
        _front_up = up.translate(dx=2*foot_height)
        _back_up = up.translate(dx=-2*foot_height)
        up_out = up.translate(dy=2*foot_height)
        out_down = up_out.translate(dz=-foot_height)
        front_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=2*foot_height)
        _back_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=-2*foot_height)
        front_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=2*foot_height)
        _back_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=-2*foot_height)

        for p in [initial_foot_position, up, _front_up, _back_up, up_out, out_down, front_out_up, _back_out_up, front_out_down, _back_out_down]:

        return _back_up
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def run_world_cycle(self, elapsed_time):

        if self.runner.collide_with(self.cactus):
            self.game_has_ended = True

        self.runner.accelerate(settings.gravity, elapsed_time)


        if self.runner.in_default_position(self.dimensions):
            self.runner.velocity.y = 0
            self.runner.coords.y = self.dimensions.height / 2

        if self.cactus.coords.x < 0 - self.cactus.size.x:
            self.cactus.accelerate(Point(-1, 0), 1)
            self.cactus.size = Point(random.randint(1, 3), random.randint(1, 4))
            self.cactus.coords.x = self.dimensions.width
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def parse_coordinates(self, text):
         coord = text.split(',')
         if len(coord) != 2:
             return None
         x = float(coord[0])
         y = float(coord[1])
         return Point(x, y)
     except ValueError:
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_mov_vel_contant2(self):
     m1 = Submarine688()
     m1._velocity = Point(1, 2)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.position.x, 10)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.position.y, 20)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.position.x, 20)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.position.y, 40)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, draw_gui=False, intrusion=None):
        """ Ctor """


        self._has_gui = draw_gui
        self._gui_size = 0
        self._frame_count = 0
        self._gui_output = None

        # Initialise background (500 x 500)
        self._background = [[
            for _ in range(0, 500)
        ] for _ in range(0, 500)]
        self._turtles = {}

        self._id_counter = 0
        self._update_interval = None

        rospy.set_param("background_r", DEFAULT_BG_R)
        rospy.set_param("background_g", DEFAULT_BG_G)
        rospy.set_param("background_b", DEFAULT_BG_B)

        rospy.loginfo("Starting turtle frame with parent node %s",

        trt_x = random.randrange(0, self.get_width())
        trt_y = random.randrange(0, self.get_height())

        self._spawn_turtle(trt_x, trt_y)

        # Colouring the background
        # Window is 500 x 500, starting bottom left at 0,0 and ending top right at 499,499

        # Top left: Pastel purple
        self._draw_area(Rgb.pastel_purple(), Point(0, 250), Point(249, 499))
        # Top right: Pastel yellow
        self._draw_area(Rgb.pastel_yellow(), Point(250, 250), Point(499, 499))
        # Bottom left: Pastel green
        self._draw_area(Rgb.pastel_green(), Point(0, 0), Point(249, 249))
        # Bottom right: Pastel blue
        self._draw_area(Rgb.pastel_blue(), Point(250, 0), Point(499, 249))
        # Intrusion zone (middle): Red

        # Initialise GUI (if requested)

        # Initialise update timer (16 msec)
        self._update_interval = rospy.Duration(0.016)
        rospy.Timer(self._update_interval, self._update_turtles)
    def get_right_leg_target_position():
        # return get_leg_position((r_hip_transversal_degrees, RightHipFrontal().outward(20).degrees, 0, 0), is_left=False)

        initial_foot_position = Point(initial_right_foot_position)

        up = initial_foot_position.translate(dz=2*foot_height)
        _front_up = up.translate(dx=2*foot_height)
        _back_up = up.translate(dx=-2*foot_height)
        up_out = up.translate(dy=-2*foot_height)
        out_down = up_out.translate(dz=-foot_height)
        front_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=2*foot_height)
        _back_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=-2*foot_height)
        front_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=2*foot_height)
        _back_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=-2*foot_height)

        for p in [initial_foot_position, up, _front_up, _back_up, up_out, out_down, front_out_up, _back_out_up, front_out_down, _back_out_down]:

        # right...
        return _back_up
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _draw_red(self, intrusion):
        """ Draw a red area in the center based on the intrusion level. """

        if intrusion is None:

        if intrusion not in self.POSSIBLE_INTRUSION_LEVELS:
            raise ValueError(
                "Given value [{}] for argument \"intrusion\" is invalid".

        from_point = Point(0, 0)
        to_point = Point(0, 0)
        colour = Rgb()

        assert (len(self.POSSIBLE_INTRUSION_LEVELS) == 3)

        # Easy: 40 % strong_red / 316 * 316
        if intrusion == self.POSSIBLE_INTRUSION_LEVELS[0]:
            from_point = Point(92, 92)
            to_point = Point(407, 407)
            colour = Rgb.strong_red()
        # Medium: 20 % med_red / 224 * 224
        elif intrusion == self.POSSIBLE_INTRUSION_LEVELS[1]:
            from_point = Point(138, 138)
            to_point = Point(361, 361)
            colour = Rgb.med_red()
        # Hard: 5 % light_red / 112 * 112
        elif intrusion == self.POSSIBLE_INTRUSION_LEVELS[2]:
            from_point = Point(194, 194)
            to_point = Point(305, 305)
            colour = Rgb.light_red()
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "draw_red: Intrusion level not implemented")

        # TODO TEMP Currently intruded means ALL is red!
        from_point = Point(0, 0)
        to_point = Point(499, 499)

        self._draw_area(colour, from_point, to_point)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, target_position, robot_model, painter, is_left):

        self.robot_model = robot_model
        self.painter = painter

        self.target_position = Point(target_position)
        self.is_left = is_left

        self.outer_shoulder_position = left_outer_shoulder_position if self.is_left else right_outer_shoulder_position
        self.draw_arm = self.robot_model.draw_left_arm if self.is_left else self.robot_model.draw_right_arm

        self.is_target_above_body = self.target_position.x > 0
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _get_hip_lateral(self, hip_frontal_radians, knee_lateral_radians):

        if self.is_left:
            current_ankle = Point(self.robot_model.draw_left_lower_limp(left_hip_frontal_radians=hip_frontal_radians, left_knee_lateral_radians=knee_lateral_radians, draw=False)[-2].vertex)
            current_ankle = Point(self.robot_model.draw_right_lower_limp(right_hip_frontal_radians=hip_frontal_radians, right_knee_lateral_radians=knee_lateral_radians, draw=False)[-2].vertex)

        opposite_side_length = current_ankle.distance_to(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
        if is_float_equal(opposite_side_length, 0):
            return 0

        target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius = self.hip_bottom_position.distance_to(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
        current_ankle_radius = self.hip_bottom_position.distance_to(current_ankle)
        assert is_float_equal(target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius, current_ankle_radius), '{} {}'.format(target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius, current_ankle_radius)

        assert opposite_side_length < current_ankle_radius + target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius
        hip_lateral_radians = get_angle_with_3_sides_known(opposite_side_length, current_ankle_radius, target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius)
        if self.is_left:
            return hip_lateral_radians
            return -hip_lateral_radians
    def get_left_leg_target_position():
        # return get_leg_position((l_hip_transversal_degrees, 0, -0, -0), is_left=True)
        initial_foot_position = Point(initial_left_foot_position)

        up = initial_foot_position.translate(dz=2 * foot_height)
        _front_up = up.translate(dx=2 * foot_height)
        _back_up = up.translate(dx=-2 * foot_height)
        up_out = up.translate(dy=2 * foot_height)
        out_down = up_out.translate(dz=-foot_height)
        front_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=2 * foot_height)
        _back_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=-2 * foot_height)
        front_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=2 * foot_height)
        _back_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=-2 * foot_height)

        for p in [
                initial_foot_position, up, _front_up, _back_up, up_out,
                out_down, front_out_up, _back_out_up, front_out_down,

        return _back_up
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def walk(self):

        # self.draw_robot(*self.get_squat_with_tilted_torso_lower_limp_angles())

        lower_limps_angle_set_for_lift_up_front_position, lower_limps_angle_set_for_lift_up_front_forward_position, lower_limps_angle_set_for_put_down_position\
            = self.get_feet_positions_set__with__both_tilted_torso_and_hip_offset_effect(is_swing_leg_left=True, step_length=self.step_length/2, current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position=Point((0, 0, 0)))

        # lower_limps_angle_set_for_lift_up_front_position, lower_limps_angle_set_for_lift_up_front_forward_position, lower_limps_angle_set_for_put_down_position\
        #     = self.get_lower_limps_angles_set__with__both_tilted_torso_and_hip_offset_effect(is_swing_leg_left=False, step_length=self.step_length, current_position_relative_to_initial_foot_position=Point((-self.step_length/2, 0, 0)))
        # self.draw_robot(*lower_limps_angle_set_for_lift_up_front_position)
        # self.draw_robot(*lower_limps_angle_set_for_lift_up_front_forward_position)
        # self.draw_robot(*lower_limps_angle_set_for_put_down_position)

        is_swing_leg_left = True
        initial_position = Point(
        lift_up_front_position, lift_up_front_forward_position, put_down_position = self.get_walk_trajectory_three_positions(
            step_length=self.step_length / 2,
                (0, 0, 0)))


Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _spawn_turtle(self, trt_x, trt_y, name=None):
        """ Add a turtle to the field at the given coordinates. """

        if name is None or name == "":
            name = self._create_unique_turtle_name()
        elif self._has_turtle(name):
            return ""

        turtle = Turtle(name, Point(trt_x, trt_y))
        self._turtles[name] = turtle

        rospy.loginfo("New turtle [%s] at x=[%d], y=[%d]", name, trt_x, trt_y)

        return name
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def turn(self, time_elapsed):
        self.time_elapsed = time_elapsed
        turbine_acceleration = self.MAX_ACCELERATION * self.turbine_level

        turbine_acceleration_x = math.cos(self._ship_bearing) * turbine_acceleration
        turbine_acceleration_y = math.sin(self._ship_bearing) * turbine_acceleration
        self.turbine_acceleration = Point(turbine_acceleration_x, turbine_acceleration_y)

        if self.rudder != 0:
            self.rotate(-1.0 * self.rudder * time_elapsed * self.speed)

        # diff is the difference between the angle the sub is moving and the angle of the ship is bearing
        # meaning the ship the turning left or right
        diff = self.course - self.ship_bearing

        # correction if the drag factor since the sub is making a turn
        self.drag_factor = self.DRAG_FACTOR * (1 + abs(500 * math.sin(diff)))

        # drag force
        total_drag = self.drag_factor * (self.speed ** 2)
        vel_angle = self._velocity.angle
        drag_x = math.cos(vel_angle) * total_drag
        drag_y = math.sin(vel_angle) * total_drag
        self.drag_force = Point(drag_x, drag_y)

        self._acceleration = self.turbine_acceleration - self.drag_force
        self._velocity += self._acceleration * time_elapsed
        self._position += self._velocity * time_elapsed

        # self.speed = self.speed - ( self.drag_acceleration() * time_elapsed)

        # deep
        deep_diff = self.target_deep - self.actual_deep
        if abs(deep_diff) > 0.1:
            dive_rate = min(deep_diff, self.MAX_DEEP_RATE_FEET)
            self.actual_deep += dive_rate * time_elapsed * 3600
    def assertLowerLimpAnglesEqual(self, leg_angles, is_left=True):
        Given shoulder and elbow angles A for arm, calculate the end points P,
        and call inverse kinematics (IK) with P to see if IK returns A exactly.
        :param arm_angles:
        print('\n'*6 + 'aAE', leg_angles)

        lower_limp_angles = to_radians(leg_angles) + (0, 0)

        draw_lower_limp = self.r.draw_left_lower_limp if is_left else self.r.draw_right_lower_limp

        expected_hip_transversal, expected_hip_frontal, expected_hip_lateral, \
        expected_knee_lateral, \
        expected_ankle_lateral, expected_ankle_frontal, \
        expected_foot_center \
            = draw_lower_limp(*lower_limp_angles, color='r-')
        expected_ankle = Point(expected_ankle_frontal.vertex)

        target = translate_3d_point(expected_ankle, dz=-foot_height)

        hip_transversal_radians = lower_limp_angles[0]
        hip_frontal_radians, hip_lateral_radians, knee_lateral_radians, ankle_lateral_radians, ankle_frontal_radians \
            = InverseKinematicsLeg(hip_transversal_radians, target, self.r, self.painter, is_left).get_angles()

        actual_hip_transversal, actual_hip_frontal, actual_hip_lateral, \
        actual_knee_lateral, \
        actual_ankle_lateral, actual_ankle_frontal, \
        actual_foot_center \
            = draw_lower_limp(hip_transversal_radians, hip_frontal_radians, hip_lateral_radians, knee_lateral_radians, ankle_lateral_radians, ankle_frontal_radians, draw=False)
        actual_ankle =Point(actual_ankle_frontal.vertex)
        actual_foot_center = Point(actual_foot_center)

        self.assertTrue(actual_ankle.float_equals(expected_ankle), [actual_ankle, expected_ankle])
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __str__(self):
     min_y = max_y = min_x = max_x = 0
     for p in self.painted.keys():
         min_y = min(min_y, p.y)
         min_x = min(min_x, p.x)
         max_y = max(max_y, p.y)
         max_x = max(max_x, p.x)
     s_list = []
     for y in range(max_y, min_y - 1, -1):
         s_sublist = []
         for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1):
             color = self.painted.get(Point(x, y), 0)
             s_sublist.append("▮" if color else " ")
     return "\n".join(s_list)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def run_suite(simulations=100):
        MAX_ROUNDS = 50

        name_a = 'Orc'
        name_b = 'Troll'
        matches = []

        # Run matches
        for i in range(simulations):
            orc = Creature(name_a, position=Point(0, 0))
            troll = Creature(name_b, position=Point(0, 0))

            cs = CombatSimulation(MAX_ROUNDS)

            result = cs.run(orc, troll)

            matches.append({'winner': result[0], 'rounds': result[1]})

        # Aggregate results
        a_wins = 0
        b_wins = 0
        a_rounds = 0
        b_rounds = 0
        draws = 0
        for match in matches:
            if match.get('winner', False):
                if match['winner'].name == name_a:
                    a_wins += 1
                    a_rounds += match['rounds']
                elif match['winner'].name == name_b:
                    b_wins += 1
                    b_rounds += match['rounds']
                draws += 1

        print 'SIMULATION RESULTS:\n{} won {} times\n{} won {} times\n{} draws\n'.format(name_a, a_wins, name_b, b_wins, draws)
    def get_right_leg_target_position():
        # return get_leg_position((r_hip_transversal_degrees, RightHipFrontal().outward(20).degrees, 0, 0), is_left=False)

        initial_foot_position = Point(initial_right_foot_position)

        up = initial_foot_position.translate(dz=2 * foot_height)
        _front_up = up.translate(dx=2 * foot_height)
        _back_up = up.translate(dx=-2 * foot_height)
        up_out = up.translate(dy=-2 * foot_height)
        out_down = up_out.translate(dz=-foot_height)
        front_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=2 * foot_height)
        _back_out_up = up_out.translate(dx=-2 * foot_height)
        front_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=2 * foot_height)
        _back_out_down = out_down.translate(dx=-2 * foot_height)

        for p in [
                initial_foot_position, up, _front_up, _back_up, up_out,
                out_down, front_out_up, _back_out_up, front_out_down,

        # right...
        return _back_up
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def update(self, dtime, background, canvas_width, canvas_height):
		Update the turtle state and position.
		canvas_width: Expected to be max index of the x side
		canvas_height: Like canvas_width, but for y

        old_pos = Point.copy(self.pos)

        # Movement commands are only valid for one second
        if (rospy.Time.now() - self._last_command_time > rospy.Duration(1.0)):
            self._x_vel = 0.0
            self._y_vel = 0.0

        self._pos_f.x += self._x_vel * dtime
        self._pos_f.y += self._y_vel * dtime

        self.pos = PointF.to_point(self._pos_f)

        # Clamp to screen size
        if (self.pos.x < 0 or self.pos.x > canvas_width or self.pos.y < 0
                or self.pos.y > canvas_height):
            rospy.logdebug("I hit the wall! (Clamping from [x=%f, y=%f])",
                           self.pos.x, self.pos.y)

        self.pos.update(x=min(max(self.pos.x, 0), canvas_width - 1),
                        y=min(max(self.pos.y, 0), canvas_height - 1))

        # Publish pose of the turtle
        pose = Pose()
        pose.x = self.pos.x
        pose.y = self.pos.y

        # Figure out (and publish) the color underneath the turtle
        colour = Color()
        rgb = background[self.pos.x][self.pos.y]
        colour.r = rgb.r
        colour.g = rgb.g
        colour.b = rgb.b

        rospy.logdebug("[%s]: pos_x: %f pos_y: %f", rospy.get_namespace(),
                       self.pos.x, self.pos.y)

        return self.pos != old_pos
Ejemplo n.º 31
def connect_systems(rng, stars):
    routes = set()
    destinations = stars.keys()
    possible_routes = defaultdict(set)

    for _a, _b, _c in computeDelaunayTriangulation([Point(*point) for point in destinations]):
        a = destinations[_a]
        b = destinations[_b]
        c = destinations[_c]


    visited_systems = {rng.choice(destinations)}
    destinations = set(destinations)

    while visited_systems != destinations:
        plausible_routes = set()

        for system in visited_systems:
            for destination in possible_routes[system]:
                if destination not in visited_systems:
                    plausible_routes.add((system, destination))

        sorted_routes = sorted(list(plausible_routes), key=lambda (s, e): route_length(s, e), reverse=True)


        for _ in range(rng.randint(min(1, len(sorted_routes)), max(min(1, len(sorted_routes)), len(sorted_routes) / 3))):
        visited_systems = systems_visited(routes)

    for start, end in routes:
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, is_left, hip_transversal_radians, target_position, robot_model, painter):

        self.robot_model = robot_model
        self.painter = painter

        self.is_left = is_left
        if self.DEBUG: print('is_left', is_left)
        if self.is_left:
            self.hip_top_position = Point(left_hip_top_position)
            self.hip_bottom_position = Point(left_hip_bottom_position)
            self.hip_top_position = Point(right_hip_top_position)
            self.hip_bottom_position = Point(right_hip_bottom_position)
        if self.DEBUG: print('hip top & bottom\n\t', self.hip_top_position, '\n\t', self.hip_bottom_position)

        self.hip_transversal_radians = hip_transversal_radians

        self.target_position = Point(target_position)
        self.target_at_ankle = Point(translate_3d_point(target_position, dz=foot_height))
        if self.DEBUG: print('target & at ankle\n\t', self.target_position, '\n\t', self.target_at_ankle)

        # counteract hip transversal
        self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted = self._get_target_with_hip_transversal_counteracted()
        if self.DEBUG: print('target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted\n\t', self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
Ejemplo n.º 33
class LineSegment:

    def __init__(self, initial, end):
        self.initial = Point(initial)
        self.end = Point(end)

        self._mid_point = None
        self._length = None

    def get_point_at(self, fraction):
        x = self.initial.x + (self.end.x - self.initial.x) * fraction
        y = self.initial.y + (self.end.y - self.initial.y) * fraction
        z = self.initial.z + (self.end.z - self.initial.z) * fraction

        return Point((x, y, z))
    def has_point(self, p):
        if self.initial.x <= p.x <= self.end.x\
            and self.initial.y <= p.y <= self.end.y\
            and self.initial.z <= p.x <= self.end.x:
            return True
            return False

    def mid_point(self):
        if self._mid_point is None:
            self._mid_point = self.get_point_at(0.5)

        return self._mid_point

    def length(self):
        if self._length is None:
            self._length = self.initial.distance_to(self.end)

        return self._length
class LineSegment:
    def __init__(self, initial, end):
        self.initial = Point(initial)
        self.end = Point(end)

        self._mid_point = None
        self._length = None

    def get_point_at(self, fraction):
        x = self.initial.x + (self.end.x - self.initial.x) * fraction
        y = self.initial.y + (self.end.y - self.initial.y) * fraction
        z = self.initial.z + (self.end.z - self.initial.z) * fraction

        return Point((x, y, z))

    def has_point(self, p):
        if self.initial.x <= p.x <= self.end.x\
            and self.initial.y <= p.y <= self.end.y\
            and self.initial.z <= p.x <= self.end.x:
            return True
            return False

    def mid_point(self):
        if self._mid_point is None:
            self._mid_point = self.get_point_at(0.5)

        return self._mid_point

    def length(self):
        if self._length is None:
            self._length = self.initial.distance_to(self.end)

        return self._length
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self):
        # turbines 35,000 hp (26 MW), 1 auxiliary motor 325 hp (242 kW)
        # Ship.__init__(self, self.DRAG_FACTOR, self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR, self.MAX_ACCELERATION)
        self.towed_array = sonar.TD16DTowedArray()

        self.kind = '688'
        self.messages = []
        self.max_hull_integrity = 100  # in "damage points"
        self.hull_integrity = self.max_hull_integrity
        self.damages = None
        self._actual_deep = 60  # feet
        self._target_deep = 60  # feet

        ### Physics ###
        self._position = Point(0, 0)
        self._velocity = Point(0, 0)
        self._acceleration = Point(0, 0)

        self._target_speed = 0
        self._target_turbine = 0
        self.speed_mode = self.SPEED_MODE_SPEED

        self._rudder = TimedValue(0,0, self.RUDDER_CHANGE_SPEED)  # property rudder in radians per minute
        self._ship_course = 0  # the angle of the ship in radians
        self._turbine_level = TimedValue(0, 0, self.TURBINE_CHANGE_SPEED)  # 0 to 100%

        self.total_drag_acceleration = 0
        self.drag_acceleration = Point(0, 0)
        self.acceleration_needed = 0
        self.turbine_level_needed = 0

        self.turbine_acceleration = 0
        self.turbine_acceleration_x = 0
        self.turbine_acceleration_y = 0
        self.time_elapsed = 0

        self.nav_mode = self.NAV_MODE_MANUAL
        self._destination = Point(0, 0)

        self.spherical_array = sonar.ANBQQ5SphericalArray()
        self.hull_array = sonar.ANBQQ5HullArray()
        self.towed_array = sonar.TD16DTowedArray()
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, initial, end):
        self.initial = Point(initial)
        self.end = Point(end)

        self._mid_point = None
        self._length = None
Ejemplo n.º 37
class Submarine688(object):
    MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR = math.radians(120) * 60  # max 120 degrees per minute, 360 in 3 minutes
    MAX_DEEP_RATE_FEET = 1  # 1 foot per second
    MAX_SPEED = 36.0  # Knots or nautical mile per hour
    MAX_ACCELERATION = 1.0 * 3600 # acceleration in knots/hour^2 -> max acceleration 0.1 Knots / second^2
    RUDDER_CHANGE_SPEED = 25.0 * 3600  # 20 degrees per second
    TURBINE_CHANGE_SPEED = 25.0 * 3600  # 20% per second

    NAV_MODE_MANUAL = 'manual'
    NAV_MODE_DESTINATION = 'destination'

    SPEED_MODE_SPEED = 'target speed'
    SPEED_MODE_TURBINE = 'target turbine'

    def __init__(self):
        # turbines 35,000 hp (26 MW), 1 auxiliary motor 325 hp (242 kW)
        # Ship.__init__(self, self.DRAG_FACTOR, self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR, self.MAX_ACCELERATION)
        self.towed_array = sonar.TD16DTowedArray()

        self.kind = '688'
        self.messages = []
        self.max_hull_integrity = 100  # in "damage points"
        self.hull_integrity = self.max_hull_integrity
        self.damages = None
        self._actual_deep = 60  # feet
        self._target_deep = 60  # feet

        ### Physics ###
        self._position = Point(0, 0)
        self._velocity = Point(0, 0)
        self._acceleration = Point(0, 0)

        self._target_speed = 0
        self._target_turbine = 0
        self.speed_mode = self.SPEED_MODE_SPEED

        self._rudder = TimedValue(0,0, self.RUDDER_CHANGE_SPEED)  # property rudder in radians per minute
        self._ship_course = 0  # the angle of the ship in radians
        self._turbine_level = TimedValue(0, 0, self.TURBINE_CHANGE_SPEED)  # 0 to 100%

        self.total_drag_acceleration = 0
        self.drag_acceleration = Point(0, 0)
        self.acceleration_needed = 0
        self.turbine_level_needed = 0

        self.turbine_acceleration = 0
        self.turbine_acceleration_x = 0
        self.turbine_acceleration_y = 0
        self.time_elapsed = 0

        self.nav_mode = self.NAV_MODE_MANUAL
        self._destination = Point(0, 0)

        self.spherical_array = sonar.ANBQQ5SphericalArray()
        self.hull_array = sonar.ANBQQ5HullArray()
        self.towed_array = sonar.TD16DTowedArray()
        # self.towed_array_cable = TimedValue(0,0, self.towed_array.TOWED_ARRAY_DEPLOY_SPEED)

    ### TURBINE ###

    def get_turbine_level(self):
        return self._turbine_level.current_value

    def set_turbine_level(self, new_level):
        self._turbine_level.target_value = limits(new_level, -100, 100)

    turbine_level = property(get_turbine_level, set_turbine_level, None, "level of power in the turbine (-100% to +100%)")

    ### DEEP ###

    def get_actual_deep(self):
        return self._actual_deep;

    actual_deep = property(get_actual_deep, None, None, "Target Deep")

    def set_periscope_deep(self):
        self.target_deep = 60

    def get_target_deep(self):
        return self._target_deep

    def set_target_deep(self, value):
        self._target_deep = limits(value, 0, 9000)

    target_deep = property(get_target_deep, set_target_deep, None, "Target Deep")

    ### Position ###

    def _get_position(self):
        return self._position

    def _set_position(self, value):
        self._position = value

    position = property(_get_position, _set_position, None, "Position")

    ### Speed ###
    def get_target_speed(self):
        return self._target_speed

    def set_target_speed(self, value):
        self._target_speed = limits(value, 0, self.MAX_SPEED)

    target_speed = property(get_target_speed, set_target_speed, None, "Target Speed")

    def get_actual_speed(self):
        return self._velocity.length

    def _set_actual_speed(self, value):
        self._velocity.length = limits(value, 0, self.MAX_SPEED)

    actual_speed = property(get_actual_speed, None, None, "Actual Speed")

    def all_stop(self):

    ### Acceleration ###

    def _get_acceleration(self):
        return self._acceleration.length

    def _set_acceleration(self, value):
        self._acceleration.length = value

    acceleration = property(_get_acceleration, _set_acceleration, None, "Acceleration")

    ### Drag ###

    def get_drag_acceleration(self):
        return self.drag_force

    ### NAVIGATION ###

    def get_rubber_bearing(self):
        angle_deg = -1 * math.degrees(self.get_rudder())
        return (90 - angle_deg) % 360

    def rudder_right(self):
        self.rudder = self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR

    def rudder_left(self):
        self.rudder = -self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR

    def rudder_center(self):
        self.rudder = 0

    def get_rudder(self):
        return self._rudder.current_value

    def set_rudder(self, angle):
        angle = limits(angle, -self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR, self.MAX_TURN_RATE_HOUR)
        self._rudder.target_value = angle

    rudder = property(get_rudder, set_rudder, "Rudder")  # in radians per hour

    def get_ship_course(self):
        return self._velocity.get_angle()

    def _set_ship_course(self, angle):
        self._ship_course = normalize_angle_2pi(angle)

    course = property(get_ship_course, _set_ship_course, "Ship Course")

    def get_destination(self):
        return self._destination

    def set_destination(self, destination):
        self._destination = destination
        # self.nav_mode = self.NAV_MODE_DESTINATION

    destination = property(get_destination, set_destination, "Ship Destination")

    ### Message ###

    # "stop" means the turn just stop because requeres pilot atention
    def add_message(self, module, msg, stop=False):
        self.messages.append("{0}: {1}".format(module, msg))
        self.message_stop = self.message_stop or stop

    def get_messages(self):
        return self.messages, self.message_stop

    ### Sonar ###

    def deploy_tower_array(self):
        self.towed_array_cable.target_value = self.towed_array.TOTAL_LENGTH

    def retrive_tower_array(self):
        self.towed_array_cable.target_value = 0

    def stop_tower_array(self):
        self.towed_array_cable.target_value = self.towed_array_cable.current_value

    def is_cavitating(self):
        Assumes the noise is proportional to speed


        Cavitation occurs when the propeller is spinning so fast water bubbles at
        the blades' edges. If you want to go faster, go deeper first. Water
        pressure at deeper depth reduces/eliminates cavitation.

        If you have the improved propeller upgrade, you can go about 25% faster
        without causing cavitation.

        Rule of thumb: number of feet down, divide by 10, subtract 1, is the
        fastest speed you can go without cavitation.

        For example, at 150 feet, you can go 14 knots without causing cavitation.
        150/10 = 15, 15-1 = 14.

        You can get the exact chart at the Marauders' website. (url's at the end of
          the document)

        # cavitation doesn't occur with spd < 7
        max_speed_for_deep = max((self.actual_deep / 10) - 1, 7)
        cavitating = max_speed_for_deep < self.speed

        if cavitating and not self.cavitation:
            self.add_message("SONAR", "COMM, SONAR: CAVITATING !!!", True)

        self.cavitation = cavitating

        :return: sound in in decibels

        max_speed_for_deep = max((self.actual_deep / 10) - 1, 7)
        return max_speed_for_deep < self.actual_speed

    def clear_messages(self):
        self.messages = []
        self.message_stop = False

    # non-liner noise:
    # for 0 < speed < 15 :  linear from 40 to 60
    # for speed > 15 : linear with factor of 2db for each knot
    # ref: http://fas.org/man/dod-101/navy/docs/es310/uw_acous/uw_acous.htm
    NOISE_RANGE1 = linear_scaler([0, 15], [40, 60])
    NOISE_RANGE2 = linear_scaler([15, 35], [60, 100])

    # def self_noise(self, freq):  # returns
    # # if self.speed <= 15:
    #     #     noise = self.NOISE_RANGE1(self.speed)
    #     # else:
    #     #     noise = self.NOISE_RANGE2(self.speed)
    #     # cavitation doesn't occur with spd < 7
    #     # max_speed_for_deep = max((self.actual_deep / 10) - 1, 7)
    #     # cavitating = max_speed_for_deep < self.speed
    #     return noise + (30 if self.cavitation else 0) + random.gauss(0, 0.4)
    #     '''
    #     Above 10-20 kts, flow noise becomes the dominant factor and significantly increases
    #     with speed (@1.5-2 dB/KT)
    #     '''
    #     return noise + (30 if cavitating else 0) + random.gauss(0, 0.4)

        2: 112.0,
        4: 108.0,
        5: 115.0,
        8: 110.0

    def get_self_noise(self):  # returns
        # s = Sound()
        # s.add_frequencs(self.ACUSTIC_PROFILE)
        # base_sound_level = 100  # db - "Very quite submarine"
        # s.add_logdecay(base_sound_level, 1, base_sound_level, 100)
        # s.add_logdecay(base_sound_level, 100, base_sound_level - 20, 1000)
        # # machine noise
        # # 5 - 400Hz, proportional to turbine level
        # turbine_noise = 75 + math.log10((abs(self.turbine.get_level())+0.01)) * 40
        # s.add_logdecay(turbine_noise, 1, turbine_noise - 10, 400)
        # # flow noise
        # flow_nose = (abs(self.get_speed()) * 6.0)
        # # s.add_logdecay(noise_30hz,5,noise_30hz,30)  # 120db @ 30Hz - 100db @ 300 db
        # s.add_logdecay(flow_nose, 100, flow_nose-20, 1000)  # 120db @ 30Hz - 100db @ 300 db
        # return s.add_noise(0.5)
        return 100

    # def get_sea_noise(self):  # returns
    #     return self.sea.get_sea_noise(self.actual_deep)

        # if self.speed <= 15:
        #     noise = self.NOISE_RANGE1(self.speed)
        # else:
        #     noise = self.NOISE_RANGE2(self.speed)

        # logfreq = math.log10(freq)
        # if self.is_cavitating():
        #     base = [0]
        # else:
        #     base = [150]
        # if freq <= 100:
        #     base.append(noise)
        # if freq > 100:
        #     base.append(noise - 20 * math.log10(freq/100))

        # return sum_of_decibels(base) + random.gauss(0, 1)

    def turn(self, time_elapsed, messages):
        self.time_elapsed = time_elapsed

        # update timed values

        # ship_moviment_angle is the angle the ship is moving
        ship_moviment_angle = self._velocity.get_angle()

        # ship_rotation_angle is the angle the ship pointing
        ship_course_angle = self._ship_course

        # drifting_angle_diff is the difference between the angle the sub is moving and the angle of the ship is bearing
        # meaning the ship the turning left or right
        drifting_angle_diff = normalize_angle_2pi(ship_moviment_angle - ship_course_angle)

        self.turbine_acceleration = self.MAX_ACCELERATION * self.turbine_level / 100
        self.turbine_acceleration_x = math.cos(ship_course_angle) * self.turbine_acceleration
        self.turbine_acceleration_y = math.sin(ship_course_angle) * self.turbine_acceleration
        self.turbine_acceleration = Point(self.turbine_acceleration_x, self.turbine_acceleration_y)

        if self.rudder != 0:
            # rotate the ship
            # the ship rotates proportional to it's speed
            angle_to_rotate = (self.rudder * time_elapsed)  * (self.actual_speed / self.MAX_SPEED)
            new_angle = ship_course_angle + angle_to_rotate
            self._ship_course = normalize_angle_pi(new_angle)

        # correction if the drag factor since the sub is making a turn
        self.drag_factor = self.DRAG_FACTOR * (1 + abs(300 * math.sin(drifting_angle_diff)))

        # speed
        if self.speed_mode == self.SPEED_MODE_SPEED:
            if self.actual_speed !=  self.target_speed:
                self.acceleration_needed = self.drag_factor * (self.target_speed**2)
                self.turbine_level_needed = 100.0 * self.acceleration_needed / self.MAX_ACCELERATION

                # adjust turbines
                diff_speed = self.target_speed - self.actual_speed
                diff_turbine = self.turbine_level - self.turbine_level_needed
                # diff*10 gives more burst to make the change in speed faster
                self.turbine_level = self.turbine_level_needed + limits(diff_speed, -1, 1) * 10

        elif self.speed_mode == self.SPEED_MODE_TURBINE:
            # fixed turbine level
            self.acceleration_needed = 0
            self.turbine_level_needed = self._target_turbine
            self.turbine_level  = self._target_turbine

        # drag force
        self.total_drag_acceleration = -1.0 * self.drag_factor * ((self.actual_speed) ** 2)
        drag_x = math.cos(ship_moviment_angle) * self.total_drag_acceleration
        drag_y = math.sin(ship_moviment_angle) * self.total_drag_acceleration
        self.drag_acceleration = Point(drag_x, drag_y)

        self._acceleration = self.turbine_acceleration + self.drag_acceleration # convert seconds to hours
        self._velocity += self._acceleration * time_elapsed
        self._position += self._velocity * time_elapsed

        # deep
        deep_diff = self.target_deep - self.actual_deep
        if abs(deep_diff) > 0.1:
            dive_rate = min(deep_diff, self.MAX_DEEP_RATE_FEET)
            self.actual_deep += dive_rate * time_elapsed * 3600

        if self.nav_mode == self.NAV_MODE_DESTINATION:
            self.angle_to_destination = self.position.get_angle_to(self.destination)
            self.angle_difference = normalize_angle_pi(self.angle_to_destination - self.course)
            self.rudder = self.angle_difference * 500.0

        # TODO: when the sub reaches the destination, it should stop

    def __str__(self):
        return "Sub: {status}  deep:{deep:.0f}({sdeep})".format(status='',
                                                                      deep=self.actual_deep, sdeep=self.target_deep)
Ejemplo n.º 38
class InverseKinematicsLeg():

    DEBUG = False

    def __init__(self, is_left, hip_transversal_radians, target_position, robot_model, painter):

        self.robot_model = robot_model
        self.painter = painter

        self.is_left = is_left
        if self.DEBUG: print('is_left', is_left)
        if self.is_left:
            self.hip_top_position = Point(left_hip_top_position)
            self.hip_bottom_position = Point(left_hip_bottom_position)
            self.hip_top_position = Point(right_hip_top_position)
            self.hip_bottom_position = Point(right_hip_bottom_position)
        if self.DEBUG: print('hip top & bottom\n\t', self.hip_top_position, '\n\t', self.hip_bottom_position)

        self.hip_transversal_radians = hip_transversal_radians

        self.target_position = Point(target_position)
        self.target_at_ankle = Point(translate_3d_point(target_position, dz=foot_height))
        if self.DEBUG: print('target & at ankle\n\t', self.target_position, '\n\t', self.target_at_ankle)

        # counteract hip transversal
        self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted = self._get_target_with_hip_transversal_counteracted()
        if self.DEBUG: print('target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted\n\t', self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)

    def get_angles(self):
        if self.DEBUG: self.painter.draw_point(self.target_position, color='y.')
        if self.DEBUG: self.painter.draw_point(self.target_at_ankle, color='y.')

        knee_lateral_radians, knee_interior_radians, knee_exterior_radians = self._get_knee_lateral()
        if self.DEBUG: print('knee_lateral_radians', degrees(knee_lateral_radians))

        hip_frontal_radians = self._get_hip_frontal()
        if self.DEBUG: print('hip_frontal_radians', degrees(hip_frontal_radians))

        hip_lateral_radians = - self._get_hip_lateral(hip_frontal_radians, knee_lateral_radians)
        if self.DEBUG: print('hip_lateral_radians', degrees(hip_lateral_radians))

        ankle_lateral_radians = -(abs(hip_lateral_radians) - knee_exterior_radians)
        if not self.is_left:
            ankle_lateral_radians *= -1
        if self.DEBUG: print('ankle_lateral_radians', ankle_lateral_radians)

        ankle_frontal_radians = hip_frontal_radians
        if self.DEBUG: print('ankle_frontal_radians', ankle_frontal_radians)

        if self.DEBUG: print('fd (hip_transversal, hip_frontal, hip_lateral, knee_lateral)')
        if self.DEBUG: print('  ', to_degrees((self.hip_transversal_radians, hip_frontal_radians, hip_lateral_radians, knee_lateral_radians)))
        return hip_frontal_radians, hip_lateral_radians, knee_lateral_radians, ankle_lateral_radians, ankle_frontal_radians

    def _get_target_with_hip_transversal_counteracted(self):
        move_back_to_origin = get_translate_matrix(-self.hip_top_position.x, -self.hip_top_position.y, -self.hip_top_position.z)
        rotate_along_z_axis = get_rotate_matrix_along_axis('z', self.hip_transversal_radians)
        move_back_to_point = get_translate_matrix(self.hip_top_position.x, self.hip_top_position.y, self.hip_top_position.z)

        target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted = apply_matrix_to_vertex(self.target_at_ankle, move_back_to_point.dot(rotate_along_z_axis.dot(move_back_to_origin)))

        return Point(target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)

    def _get_knee_lateral(self):

        d1 = self.hip_bottom_position.distance_to(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
        if self.DEBUG: print('d1', d1, self.hip_bottom_position, self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
        assert is_float_equal(d1, leg_length) or d1 < leg_length, '{} {} {}'.format(d1, leg_length, d1-leg_length)

        if is_float_equal(d1, leg_length):
            knee_interior_radians = pi
            knee_interior_radians = get_angle_with_3_sides_known(d1, upper_leg_length, lower_leg_length)
        knee_exterior_radians = pi - knee_interior_radians
        if self.DEBUG: print('knee interior & exterior angles', degrees(knee_interior_radians), degrees(knee_exterior_radians))

        if self.is_left:
            knee_lateral_radians = knee_exterior_radians
            knee_lateral_radians = -knee_exterior_radians

        return knee_lateral_radians, knee_interior_radians, knee_exterior_radians

    def _get_hip_frontal(self):

        target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__y_offset_to_hip_bottom = abs(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted.y - self.hip_bottom_position.y)
        target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__z_offset_to_hip_bottom = abs(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted.z - self.hip_bottom_position.z)

        hip_frontal_radians = atan(

        if self.is_left:
            return -hip_frontal_radians
            return hip_frontal_radians

    def _get_hip_lateral(self, hip_frontal_radians, knee_lateral_radians):

        if self.is_left:
            current_ankle = Point(self.robot_model.draw_left_lower_limp(left_hip_frontal_radians=hip_frontal_radians, left_knee_lateral_radians=knee_lateral_radians, draw=False)[-2].vertex)
            current_ankle = Point(self.robot_model.draw_right_lower_limp(right_hip_frontal_radians=hip_frontal_radians, right_knee_lateral_radians=knee_lateral_radians, draw=False)[-2].vertex)

        opposite_side_length = current_ankle.distance_to(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
        if is_float_equal(opposite_side_length, 0):
            return 0

        target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius = self.hip_bottom_position.distance_to(self.target_at_ankle__with_hip_transversal_counteracted)
        current_ankle_radius = self.hip_bottom_position.distance_to(current_ankle)
        assert is_float_equal(target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius, current_ankle_radius), '{} {}'.format(target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius, current_ankle_radius)

        assert opposite_side_length < current_ankle_radius + target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius
        hip_lateral_radians = get_angle_with_3_sides_known(opposite_side_length, current_ankle_radius, target_at_ankle_with_hip_transversal_counteracted__radius)
        if self.is_left:
            return hip_lateral_radians
            return -hip_lateral_radians