Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_item_channel_and_kmeans(items_list, model_v='2017-06-27-14-59-59'):
    sql = '''
        select nid, model_v, ch_name, cluster_id, chid, ctime from news_kmeans 
        where model_v= '{}' and nid in ({})
    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql.format(model_v, ','.join(str(i) for i in items_list)))
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_channel_list():
    channel_dict = OrderedDict()
    sql = "select id, cname from channellist_v2"
    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql)
    for r in rows:
        channel_dict[r[1]] = r[0]
    return channel_dict
Ejemplo n.º 3
def recall_bigimg_video(user_id, limit):
    tablename = "newsrecommendread_" + str(user_id % 100)
    sql =''' select * from (select nv.nid, nv.docid, nv.title, nv.pname, nv.ptime, nv.purl, 
          nv.chid, nv.collect, nv.concern, nv.un_concern, nv.comment, case when nr.bigimg>0 
          then (10+nr.bigimg) else nv.style end as style, nv.imgs as imgs,  
          nv.icon, nv.videourl, nv.duration, nv.thumbnail, nv.clicktimes, 
          nv.tags as tags, 999 as rtype, 25 as logtype from newslist_v2 nv 
          inner join newsrecommendlist nr on nv.nid=nr.nid where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename} nr 
          where nv.nid=nr.nid and nr.uid={uid} and nr.readtime>{dayWindow3})  and nv.ctime>{dayWindow3} \
          and nr.rtime>{dayWindow3} and nr.status=1 order by level desc, style desc, 
          rtime desc limit {limit})bigimage union all select * from (select {select} , 6 as rtype, 6 as logtype 
          from blanknews_sortinglist bs inner join  newslist_v2  nv on nv.nid = bs.nid 
          where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename} nr where nv.nid=nr.nid and nr.uid={uid} 
          and nr.readtime> {dayWindow1}) and nv.ctime> {dayWindow1}  and bs.chid =44 
          order by bs.score desc  limit {limit} ) video'''

    sql = sql.format(select=select, uid=user_id, dayWindow1=dayWindow1, dayWindow3=dayWindow3,
                     tablename=tablename, limit=limit)

    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql)
    bv_dict = OrderedDict()
    for r in rows:
        bv_dict[r['nid']] = dict(r)
        bv_dict[r['nid']]['ptime'] = str(bv_dict[r['nid']]['ptime'])
    return bv_dict
Ejemplo n.º 4
def recall_lda_kmeans_cf(user_id, limit):
    tablename1 = "newsrecommendread_" + str(user_id % 100)
    tablename2 = "newsrecommendforuser_" + str(user_id % 10)

    sql = '''select * from ( select {select} , 21 as rtype, 21 as logtype from newslist_v2 nv 
           where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename1} nr where nv.nid=nr.nid and nr.uid={uid}
           and nr.readtime>{dayWindow1}) and nv.nid in (select nid from {tablename2} where uid={uid} 
           and ctime>{dayWindow1} and sourcetype=1) and nv.ctime>{dayWindow1} {condition} limit {limitalgorithm})lda 
           union all select * from (select {select} , 21 as rtype, 22 as logtype from newslist_v2 nv 
           where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename1} nr where nv.nid=nr.nid 
           and nr.uid={uid} and nr.readtime>{dayWindow1}) and nv.nid in 
           (select nid from {tablename2} where uid={uid} and ctime>{dayWindow1} and sourcetype=2)
            and nv.ctime>{dayWindow1} {condition} limit {limitalgorithm})kmeans 
            union all select * from (select {select} , 21 as rtype, 27 as logtype from newslist_v2 nv 
            where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename1} nr where nv.nid=nr.nid and nr.uid={uid}
            and nr.readtime>{dayWindow1}) and nv.nid in (select nid from {tablename2} where uid={uid}
            and ctime>{dayWindow1} and sourcetype=3) 
            and nv.ctime>{dayWindow1} {condition} limit {limitalgorithm})cf '''

    sql = sql.format(select=select, tablename1=tablename1,
                     tablename2=tablename2, uid=user_id, dayWindow1=dayWindow3,
                     limitalgorithm=limit, condition=condition)
    lkc_rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql)
    lkc_dict = OrderedDict()
    for lkc in lkc_rows:
        lkc_dict[lkc['nid']] = dict(lkc)
        lkc_dict[lkc['nid']]['ptime'] = str(lkc_dict[lkc['nid']]['ptime'])
    return lkc_dict
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_hate_samples(users, time_interval='15 days'):
    nt = datetime.datetime.now()
    str_now = nt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    sql = '''
         select uid, nid, reason, ctime from hatenewslist
            where ctime > to_timestamp('{}', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - interval '{}' 
            and uid in ({})
    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(
        sql.format(str_now, time_interval, ','.join(str(u) for u in users)))
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_positive_samples(active_users, time_interval):
    nt = datetime.datetime.now()
    str_now = nt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # logtype 4 is topic channel
    sql = '''
        select  uid, nid, ctime, stime, logtype, logchid, chid from newsrecommendclick 
            where ctime > to_timestamp('{}', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - interval '{}' 
            and logtype not in (4) and uid not in (0) and nid not in (0)
                      and uid in ({}) limit 4000
    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(
        sql.format(str_now, time_interval,
                   ','.join(str(u) for u in active_users)))
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_read_samples_by_pos(active_users, pos, time_interval):
    nt = datetime.datetime.now()
    str_now = nt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    sql = '''
        select uid, nid, readtime, logtype, logchid from newsrecommendread_{} 
            where readtime > to_timestamp('{}', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - interval '{}'  
                      and uid in ({}) ORDER BY readtime limit {}'''
    condition = '''and uid not in (select uid from (select uid, count(1) as sc from newsrecommendread_{} 
                      where readtime > to_timestamp('{}', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - interval '{}' 
                      and uid in ({}) group by uid ) as tb where sc > 1000)
    # TODO only support few user
    sql = sql.format(pos, str_now, time_interval,
                     ','.join(str(u) for u in active_users),
                     len(active_users) * 700 * 12)
    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql)
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 8
def recall_hot_news(user_id, limit):
    tablename = "newsrecommendread_" + str(user_id % 100)
    sql= '''select nv.nid, nv.docid, nv.title, nv.pname,nv.ptime, nv.purl, 
          nv.chid, nv.collect, nv.concern, nv.un_concern, nv.comment, nv.style, nv.imgs as imgs,
            nv.icon, nv.videourl, nv.duration, nv.thumbnail, nv.clicktimes, nv.tags as tags ,
             1 as rtype , 13 as logtype from newslist_v2 nv inner join newsrecommendhot nrh 
             on nv.nid=nrh.nid where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename} nr where nv.nid=nr.nid 
             and nr.uid={uid} and nr.readtime>{dayWindow3})  and nv.ctime>{dayWindow3}
             and nrh.ctime>{hourWindow24} and nrh.status=2  
             {condition} limit {limit} '''
    sql = sql.format(tablename=tablename, uid=user_id, dayWindow3=dayWindow3, hourWindow24=hourWindow24,
                     condition=condition, limit=limit)
    rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql)
    hn_dict = OrderedDict()
    for r in rows:
        hn_dict[r['nid']] = dict(r)
        hn_dict[r['nid']]['ptime'] = str(hn_dict[r['nid']]['ptime'])
    return hn_dict
Ejemplo n.º 9
def recall_wilson_news(user_id, limit):
    table_name = "newsrecommendread_" + str(user_id % 100)

    sql = '''
      select {select}, 0 as rtype, 0 as logtype
      from blanknews_sortinglist as bs
      left join newslist_v2 nv
      on nv.nid = bs.nid
      where  not exists (select 1 from {tablename} nr where nv.nid=nr.nid and nr.uid={uid} and nr.readtime>{readtime}) and nv.ctime>{createtime}  {condition} and nv.imgs is not null
      order by bs.score desc
      limit {limit}
    sql = sql.format(select=select, tablename=table_name, uid=user_id, readtime=dayWindow1,
                     createtime=dayWindow1, condition=condition, limit=limit)
    wilson_rows = pg.query_dict_cursor(sql)
    wilson_dict = OrderedDict()
    for w in wilson_rows:
        wilson_dict[w['nid']] = dict(w)
        wilson_dict[w['nid']]['ptime'] = str(wilson_dict[w['nid']]['ptime'])
    return wilson_dict