Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _generate_timeseries_tuples(self, limit=None):
        Generate the timeseries tuples from the original files based on the recipe.
        And sort the files in order of time.
        :rtype: list[TimeFileTuple]
        ret = []
        if limit is None:
            limit = len(self.session.get_files())

        time_offset = 0
        time_format = self.options[
            'time_format'] if self.options['time_format'] != "auto" else None
        time_start = DateTimeUtil(self.options['time_start'], time_format,
        for tfile in self.session.get_files():
            if len(ret) == limit:
            time_tuple = TimeFileTuple(
                self._get_datetime_with_step(time_start, time_offset), tfile)
            time_offset += 1

        # NOTE: we want to sort all the slices by date time axis
        # to avoid the case the later time slice is added before the sooner time slice
        return sorted(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _translate_decimal_to_datetime(self, user_axis, geo_axis):
        DateTime axis must be translated from seconds to ISO format
        :param User_Axis user_axis: the dateTime user axis which needs to be translated
        :param Regular/Irregular geo_axis: the dateTime axis which needs to be translated
        if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
            geo_axis.origin = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(geo_axis.origin)
            geo_axis.low = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(geo_axis.low)

            if geo_axis.high is not None:
                geo_axis.high = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(geo_axis.high)

            user_axis.interval.low = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(user_axis.interval.low)
            if user_axis.interval.high is not None:
                user_axis.interval.high = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(user_axis.interval.high)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _generate_timeseries_tuples(self, limit=None):
        Generate the timeseries tuples from the original files based on the recipe.
        And sort the files in order of time.
        :rtype: list[TimeFileTuple]
        ret = []
        if limit is None:
            limit = len(self.session.get_files())

        time_offset = 0
        time_format = self.options[
            'time_format'] if self.options['time_format'] != "auto" else None
        time_start = DateTimeUtil(self.options['time_start'], time_format,
        for tfile in self.session.get_files():
            if len(ret) == limit:
            time_tuple = TimeFileTuple(
                self._get_datetime_with_step(time_start, time_offset), tfile)
            time_offset += 1

        # Currently, only sort by datetime to import coverage slices (default is ascending), option: to sort descending
        if self.options[
                "import_order"] == AbstractToCoverageConverter.IMPORT_ORDER_DESCENDING:
            return sorted(ret, reverse=True)

        return sorted(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def prepend_time(input_text):
    Make input text with also newline character and datetime stamp as prefix.
    :param str input_text: input text to be logged
    now = DateTimeUtil.get_now_datetime_stamp()
    result = "\n[{}] {}".format(now, input_text)

    return result
    def _evaluated_messages_to_dict(self, evaluated_messages):
        Converts a list of messages to json friendly data structure
        :param list[GRIBMessage] evaluated_messages: the messages to convert
        :rtype: list[dict]
        out_messages = []
        for message in evaluated_messages:
            for user_axis in message.axes:
                # Translate time axis in to ISO date as Petascope will only parse dateTime format
                if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
                    user_axis.interval.low = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(
                    if user_axis.interval.high is not None:
                        user_axis.interval.high = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(

        return out_messages
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _get_update_subsets_for_slice(self, slice):
        Returns the given slice's interval as a list of wcst subsets
        :param slice: the slice for which to generate this
        :rtype: list[WCSTSubset]
        subsets = []
        for axis_subset in slice.axis_subsets:
            low = axis_subset.interval.low
            high = axis_subset.interval.high
            # if ConfigManager.subset_correction and high is not None and low != high and type(low) != str:
            if ConfigManager.subset_correction and high is not None and low != high and type(
                    low) == str:
                # Time axis with type = str (e.g: "1970-01-01T02:03:06Z")
                time_seconds = 1
                # AnsiDate (need to change from date to seconds)
                if axis_subset.coverage_axis.axis.crs_axis.is_time_day_axis():
                    time_seconds = DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS
                low = decimal.Decimal(str(
                    arrow.get(low).float_timestamp)) + decimal.Decimal(
                        str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution *
                            time_seconds)) / 2
                low = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(low)

                if high is not None:
                    high = decimal.Decimal(str(
                        arrow.get(high).float_timestamp)) - decimal.Decimal(
                                * time_seconds)) / 2
                    high = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(high)

            elif ConfigManager.subset_correction and high is not None and low != high and type(
                    low) != str:
                # regular axes (e.g: latitude, longitude, index1d)
                low = decimal.Decimal(str(low)) + decimal.Decimal(
                    str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution)) / 2
                if high is not None:
                    high = decimal.Decimal(str(high)) - decimal.Decimal(
                        str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution)) / 2

                WCSTSubset(axis_subset.coverage_axis.axis.label, low, high))
        return subsets
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _get_datetime_with_step(self, current, offset):
     Returns the new datetime
     :param DateTimeUtil current: the date to add the step
     :param int offset: the number of steps to make
     days, hours, minutes, seconds = tuple(
         [offset * item for item in self._get_real_step()])
     return DateTimeUtil(
                                  seconds=+seconds).isoformat(), None,
Ejemplo n.º 8
class CoverageReader():
    time_util = DateTimeUtil("1600-12-31T00:00:00Z")

    def __init__(self, wcs_url, coverage_id, partitioning_scheme):
        Reads a coverage from a wcs and builds an internal representation of it, including the sliced data according
        to a partitioning scheme. If not partitioning scheme is chosen, a default one will be used.
        :param str wcs_url: the url to the wcs service
        :param str coverage_id: the id of the coverage to be built
        :param list[int] partitioning_scheme: the partitioning scheme as a list of the maximum number of pixels on each
        axis dimension e.g. [500, 500, 1] will split the 3-D coverage in 2-D slices of 500 by 500. The partitioning
        scheme should always generate 2-D slices as they can be exported in a compressed format.
        self.wcs_url = wcs_url
        self.coverage_id = coverage_id
        self.partitioning_scheme = partitioning_scheme

    def _get_ns():
        Returns the namespaces for the coverage gml
        :rtype: dict
        return {
            "gml": "http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2",
            "gmlcov": "http://www.opengis.net/gmlcov/1.0",
            "swe": "http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0",
            "wcs": "http://www.opengis.net/wcs/2.0",
            "gmlrgrid": "http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid"

    def _get_crs(self, root):
        Returns the crs for the coverage
        :param root: the xml root
        :rtype: str
        crs = root.xpath("//gml:Envelope/@srsName",
        return crs

    def _get_range_types(self, root):
        Returns the range types for the coverage
        :param root: the xml root
        :rtype: list[RangeTypeField]
        range_types = map(
            lambda r: RangeTypeField(r),
        return range_types

    def _get_raster_coords(self, root):
        Returns the raster coordinates as a list in the order of the grid axes (not necesarily the order of the geo axes)
        :param root: the xml root
        :rtype: list[Interval]
        raster_low = root.xpath(
            namespaces=self._get_ns())[0].text.strip().split(" ")
        raster_high = root.xpath(
            namespaces=self._get_ns())[0].text.strip().split(" ")
        raster = []
        for index in range(0, len(raster_low)):
            raster.append(Interval(raster_low[index], raster_high[index]))
        return raster

    def _get_geo_coords(self, root):
        Returns the raster coordinates as a list in the order of the geo axes of the crs
        :param root: the xml root
        :rtype: list[Interval]
        geo_low = root.xpath(
            namespaces=self._get_ns())[0].text.strip().split(" ")
        geo_high = root.xpath(
            namespaces=self._get_ns())[0].text.strip().split(" ")
        geo = []
        for index in range(0, len(geo_low)):
            geo.append(Interval(geo_low[index], geo_high[index]))
        return geo

    def _get_coverage_id(self, root):
        Returns the coverage id of the coverage
        :param root: the xml root
        :rtype: str
        coverage_id = root.xpath("//wcs:CoverageId",
        return coverage_id

    def _get_origin(self, root):
        Returns the origin of the coverage
        :param root: the root of the xml
        :rtype: list[str]
        origin_options = root.xpath(
            "//*[contains(local-name(), 'origin')]//gml:pos",
        if origin_options is None or origin_options == []:
            origin = ['0'] * len(self._get_raster_coords(root))
            origin = origin_options[0].text.strip().split(" ")
        return origin

    def _get_resolutions(self, root, crs_axes):
        Returns the resolution and if existing, the coefficient list for irregular axis, alongside a position value
        determining their relationship to the order of the crs axes
        :param root: the root of the xml
        :param list[CRSAxis] crs_axes: the crs axes of the coverage
        vectors_option = root.xpath(
            "//*[contains(local-name(), 'offsetVector')]")
        if vectors_option is None or vectors_option == []:
            resolutions = []
            for i in range(0, len(crs_axes)):
                    "resolution": 1,
                    "coefficient": None,
                    "position": i
            return resolutions
            resolutions = [None] * len(vectors_option)
            position_in_grid = 0
            for vector_option in vectors_option:
                vector = vector_option.text.strip().split(" ")
                 resolution) = self._find_index_of_nonzero_offset(vector)
                coefficient = self._get_coefficient(
                    root, crs_axes[position_in_crs].label)
                resolutions[position_in_crs] = {
                    "resolution": resolution,
                    "coefficient": coefficient,
                    "position": position_in_grid
                position_in_grid += 1
            return resolutions

    def _find_index_of_nonzero_offset(offset):
        Finds the first nonzero offset value and returns the position and value
        :param offset: the offset for which to find the value
        :rtype: (int, str)
        index = 0
        for value in offset:
            if value != '0':
                return index, value
            index += 1

    def _get_coefficient(self, root, crs_axis_name):
        Returns a list of coefficients or None if the axis is regular
        :param root: the xml root of the gml document
        :param crs_axis_name: the name of the axis for which to find the coefficient
        coefficient_option = root.xpath(
            "//gmlrgrid:gridAxesSpanned[text() = '" + crs_axis_name +
        if coefficient_option is not None and len(
        ) != 0 and coefficient_option[0].text is not None:
            coefficient = coefficient_option[0].text.strip().split(" ")
            coefficient = None
        return coefficient

    def _get_coverage_axes(self, geo_coords, raster_coords, origin, crs_axes,
        Generates the coverage axes for this coverage
        :param list[Interval] geo_coords: the geographical coords in the order of the gml
        :param list[Interval] raster_coords: the grid coords in the order of the grid (not necessarily the order of the geo axes)
        :param list[str] origin: the origin of the coverage
        :param list[CRSAxis] crs_axes: a list of the crs axes
        :param list[dict] resolutions: a list of triples containing the resolution, coefficient list and position in grid
        :rtype: list[CoverageAxis]

        axis_index = 0
        coverage_axes = []
        for crs_axis in crs_axes:
            resolution = resolutions[axis_index]
            order = resolution['position']
            grid_axis = GridAxis(order, crs_axis.label,
            if resolution['coefficient'] is not None:
                geo_axis = IrregularAxis(crs_axis.label, crs_axis.uom,
                                         resolution['coefficient'], crs_axis)
                geo_axis = RegularAxis(crs_axis.label, crs_axis.uom,
                                       origin[axis_index], crs_axis)
            data_bound = crs_axis.is_easting() or crs_axis.is_northing()
            coverage_axis = CoverageAxis(geo_axis, grid_axis, data_bound)
            axis_index += 1
        return coverage_axes

    def _get_coverage_axis_by_grid_index(self, coverage_axes, grid_index):
        Returns the coverage axis with the corresponding grid index
        :param list[CoverageAxis] coverage_axes: the list of axes
        :param int grid_index: the grid index
        :rtype: CoverageAxis
        for coverage_axis in coverage_axes:
            if coverage_axis.grid_axis.order == grid_index:
                return coverage_axis
        return None

    def _get_intervals(self, coverage_axes, partition_scheme):
        Returns the slices
        :param list[CoverageAxis] coverage_axes: a list of coverage axes
        :param list[int] partition_scheme: a list of the number of pixels to be included on each dimension
        :rtype: list[list[Interval]]
        intervals = []
        for index in range(0, len(coverage_axes)):
            axis_intervals = []
            if coverage_axes[index].axis.coefficient is not None:
                # Axis is irregular compute it using its coefficient list
                origin = coverage_axes[index].axis.origin
                # if axis is time axis then need to convert coeffcient from datetime to float
                if ("\"" in origin):
                    origin_date = self.time_util.get_time_crs_origin(
                    # uom here is a URI (e.g: http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/UCUM/0/d ) so need to extract the unit only (d)
                    time_uom = coverage_axes[index].axis.crs_axis.uom.rsplit(
                        '/', 1)[-1]
                    origin = self.time_util.count_offset_dates(
                        origin_date, origin, time_uom)

                origin = float(origin)
                resolution = float(coverage_axes[index].grid_axis.resolution)
                for coefficient in coverage_axes[index].axis.coefficient:
                    # if axis is time axis then need to convert coeffcient from datetime to float
                    if ("\"" in coefficient):
                        coefficient = float(
                                origin_date, coefficient, time_uom))
                    value = origin + resolution * float(coefficient - origin)
                # Regular axis, compute it by stepping through the spatial domain
                if coverage_axes[index].axis.crs_axis.is_easting(
                ) or coverage_axes[index].axis.crs_axis.is_northing():
                    # For x and y axes we can split them according to the user's partitioning
                    resolution = float(
                    error_correction = (
                        resolution /
                        2) if ConfigManager.subset_correction else 0
                    geo_pixels_per_slice = float(
                        pop(partition_scheme)) * resolution
                    stop = float(coverage_axes[index].axis.high
                                 ) if resolution > 0 else float(
                    low = float(coverage_axes[index].axis.low
                                ) if resolution > 0 else float(
                    high = low + geo_pixels_per_slice
                    if (resolution > 0 and high >= stop) or (resolution < 0
                                                             and stop >= high):
                        high = stop
                    while (resolution > 0
                           and high <= stop) or (resolution < 0
                                                 and stop <= high):
                        if low < high:
                            axis_intervals.append(Interval(low, high))
                            axis_intervals.append(Interval(high, low))
                        # To make sure there is no grid pixel slipping through the cracks due to the decimal computations
                        # start the next slice with one geo pixel before the last one ended.
                        # Error correction is disabled by default, the user can enable it
                        low = high - error_correction
                        high = low + geo_pixels_per_slice

                    # if the interval is not exactly divided by the number of geo pixels per slice, compute the last slice
                    if ((resolution > 0) and ((low + error_correction) < stop)) or \
                            ((resolution < 0) and (stop < (low + error_correction))):
                        axis_intervals.append(Interval(low, stop))
                    index += 1
                    # Not an x, y axis and we are exporting as geotiff, so we cannot honor the user's choice of
                    # partitioning, we have to step exactly one geo pixel each time
                    resolution = float(
                    low = coverage_axes[index].axis.low
                    high = coverage_axes[index].axis.high
                    # if low and high are DateTime then need to calculate it to numeric values from origin of time crs
                    if ("\"" in low):
                        origin_date = self.time_util.get_time_crs_origin(
                        # uom here is a URI (e.g: http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/UCUM/0/d ) so need to extract the unit only (d)
                        time_uom = coverage_axes[
                            index].axis.crs_axis.uom.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
                        low = self.time_util.count_offset_dates(
                            origin_date, low, time_uom)
                        high = self.time_util.count_offset_dates(
                            origin_date, high, time_uom)

                    low = float(low) if resolution > 0 else float(high)
                    stop = float(high) if resolution > 0 else float(low)
                    while (resolution > 0
                           and low <= stop) or (resolution < 0
                                                and stop <= low):
                        low += resolution

        return itertools.product(*intervals)

    def _get_description_url(self):
        Returns the url to the coverage description
        :rtype: str
        return self.wcs_url + "?service=WCS&version=2.0.1&request=DescribeCoverage&coverageId=" + self.coverage_id

    def _get_coverage_url(self, axis_subsets):
        Returns a get coverage request for the given coverage with the given subsets
        :param list[AxisSubset] axis_subsets: a list of axis subsets
        :rtype: str
        subsets = []
        format = "&format=image/tiff&" if len(axis_subsets) > 1 else "&"
        for axis_subset in axis_subsets:
            error_correction = (
                float(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution) /
                2) if ConfigManager.subset_correction else 0
            high = axis_subset.interval.high - error_correction if axis_subset.interval.high is not None else None
            new_interval = Interval(
                axis_subset.interval.low + error_correction, high)
            subsets.append("subset=" + axis_subset.coverage_axis.axis.label +
                           "(" + str(new_interval) + ")")
        return self.wcs_url + "?service=WCS&version=2.0.1&request=GetCoverage&coverageId=" + \
               self.coverage_id + format + "&".join(subsets)

    def _get_coverage_data_as_array(self, data_url):
        xmlstr = validate_and_read_url(data_url)
        root = etree.fromstring(xmlstr)
        tupleList = root.xpath("//gml:tupleList", namespaces=self._get_ns())
        return tupleList[0].text.split(",")

    def _get_slices(self, coverage_axes, intervals):
        Returns the slices
        :param list[CoverageAxis] coverage_axes: the coverage axes
        :param list[list[Interval]] intervals: all the possible intervals defining the coverage space
        slices = []
        for interval_list in intervals:
            subsets = []
            for index in range(0, len(coverage_axes)):
                    AxisSubset(coverage_axes[index], interval_list[index]))
            if len(coverage_axes) == 1:
                # For 1D we have to parse the gml and create a tuple data provider
                data_provider = TupleListDataProvider(
                data_provider = UrlDataProvider(
            slices.append(Slice(subsets, data_provider))
        return slices

    def _get_data_type(self, slice):
        Returns the data type of the slice by downloading the slice and trying to guess it with GDAL
        :param Slice slice: slice
        :rtype: str
        if isinstance(slice.data_provider, UrlDataProvider):
            # Do this only for coverages that have more than one axis
            if len(slice.axis_subsets) > 1:
                fu = FileUtil()
                contents = validate_and_read_url(slice.data_provider.get_url())
                file_path = fu.write_to_tmp_file(contents, "tif")
                return GDALGmlUtil(file_path).get_band_gdal_type()
        return None

    def description(self):
        Gets the description from coverage_id in wcs_url
        :rtype: String
        xmlstr = validate_and_read_url(self._get_description_url())
        # Check if coverage id does not exist in wcs_endpoint by returning an Exception
        if xmlstr.find("ExceptionReport") != -1:
            raise RuntimeException(
                "Could not read the coverage description for coverage id: {} with url: {} "
                .format(self.coverage_id, self.wcs_url))
        # If coverage id does exist then return its description
        return xmlstr

    def _read(self):
        Reads the metadata from the describe coverage and creates the virtual coverage object
        :rtype: Coverage
            xmlstr = self.description()
            root = etree.fromstring(xmlstr)
            crs = self._get_crs(root)
            crs_axes = CRSUtil(crs).get_axes()
            range_type = self._get_range_types(root)
            raster_coords = self._get_raster_coords(root)
            geo_coords = self._get_geo_coords(root)
            coverage_id = self._get_coverage_id(root)
            resolutions = self._get_resolutions(root, crs_axes)
            origin = self._get_origin(root)
            coverage_axes = self._get_coverage_axes(geo_coords, raster_coords,
                                                    origin, crs_axes,
            intervals = self._get_intervals(coverage_axes,
            slices = self._get_slices(coverage_axes, intervals)
            pixel_data_type = self._get_data_type(slices[0])
            coverage = Coverage(coverage_id, slices, range_type, crs,
            self.coverage = coverage
        except IOError as e:
            raise RuntimeException(
                "Could not read the coverage description for url: " +
                self._get_description_url() +
                ". Check that the url is accessible and try again. More details: "
                + str(e))
        except XMLSyntaxError as e:
            raise RuntimeException(
                "Could not decode the xml description for url " +
                self._get_description_url() +
                ". Check that the url is correct and try again. More details: "
                + str(e))

    def get_coverage(self):
        Returns the virtual coverage object
        :rtype: Coverage
        return self.coverage