def score_jnd_dataset(data_loader, func):
    ''' Function computes JND score using distance function 'func' in dataset 'data_loader'
        data_loader - CustomDatasetDataLoader object - contains a JNDDataset inside
        func - callable distance function - calling d=func(in0,in1) should take 2
            pytorch tensors with shape Nx3xXxY, and return numpy array of length N
        [0] - JND score in [0,1], mAP score (area under precision-recall curve)
        [1] - dictionary with following elements
            ds - N array containing distances between two patches shown to human evaluator
            sames - N array containing fraction of people who thought the two patches were identical
        N - number of test triplets in data_loader

    ds = []
    gts = []

    # bar = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=data_loader.load_data().__len__())
    for (i, data) in enumerate(data_loader.load_data()):
        ds += func(data['p0'], data['p1']).tolist()
        gts += data['same'].cpu().numpy().flatten().tolist()
        # bar.update(i)

    sames = np.array(gts)
    ds = np.array(ds)

    sorted_inds = np.argsort(ds)
    ds_sorted = ds[sorted_inds]
    sames_sorted = sames[sorted_inds]

    TPs = np.cumsum(sames_sorted)
    FPs = np.cumsum(1 - sames_sorted)
    FNs = np.sum(sames_sorted) - TPs

    precs = TPs / (TPs + FPs)
    recs = TPs / (TPs + FNs)
    score = util.voc_ap(recs, precs)

    return (score, dict(ds=ds, sames=sames))
def score_jnd_dataset(data_loader,func):
    ''' Function computes JND score using distance function 'func' in dataset 'data_loader'
        data_loader - CustomDatasetDataLoader object - contains a JNDDataset inside
        func - callable distance function - calling d=func(in0,in1) should take 2
            pytorch tensors with shape Nx3xXxY, and return numpy array of length N
        [0] - JND score in [0,1], mAP score (area under precision-recall curve)
        [1] - dictionary with following elements
            ds - N array containing distances between two patches shown to human evaluator
            sames - N array containing fraction of people who thought the two patches were identical
        N - number of test triplets in data_loader

    ds = []
    gts = []

    # bar = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=data_loader.load_data().__len__())
    for (i,data) in enumerate(data_loader.load_data()):
        # bar.update(i)

    sames = np.array(gts)
    ds = np.array(ds)

    sorted_inds = np.argsort(ds)
    ds_sorted = ds[sorted_inds]
    sames_sorted = sames[sorted_inds]

    TPs = np.cumsum(sames_sorted)
    FPs = np.cumsum(1-sames_sorted)
    FNs = np.sum(sames_sorted)-TPs

    precs = TPs/(TPs+FPs)
    recs = TPs/(TPs+FNs)
    score = util.voc_ap(recs,precs)

    return(score, dict(ds=ds,sames=sames))