Ejemplo n.º 1
    def loadStdSpectrum(self, objectName="G158-100"):
        #import the known spectrum of the calibrator and rebin to the histogram parameters given
        #must be imported into array with dtype float so division later does not have error
        std = MKIDStd.MKIDStd()
        a = std.load(objectName)
        a = std.countsToErgs(a) #convert std spectrum to ergs/s/Angs/cm^2 for BB fitting and cleaning
        self.stdWvls = np.array(a[:,0])
        self.stdFlux = np.array(a[:,1]) #std object spectrum in ergs/s/Angs/cm^2

        if self.plots:
            #create figure for plotting standard spectrum modifications      
            self.stdFig = plt.figure()
            self.stdAx = self.stdFig.add_subplot(111)
        convX_rev,convY_rev = self.cleanSpectrum(self.stdWvls,self.stdFlux)
        convX = convX_rev[::-1] #convolved spectrum comes back sorted backwards, from long wvls to low which screws up rebinning
        convY = convY_rev[::-1]
        #rebin cleaned spectrum to flat cal's wvlBinEdges
        newa = rebin(convX,convY,self.wvlBinEdges)
        rebinnedWvl = np.array(newa[:,0])
        rebinnedFlux = np.array(newa[:,1])
        if self.plots:
            #plot final resampled spectrum
            plt.step(rebinnedWvl,rebinnedFlux*1E15,color = 'black',where='mid')
            plt.legend(['%s Spectrum'%self.objectName,'Blackbody Fit','Gaussian Convolved Spectrum','Rebinned Spectrum'],'upper right', numpoints=1)
            plt.xlabel(ur"Wavelength (\r{A})")
            plt.ylabel(ur"Flux (10$^{-15}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ \r{A}$^{-1}$)")
        #convert standard spectrum back into counts/s/angstrom/cm^2
        newa = std.ergsToCounts(newa)
        self.binnedSpectrum = np.array(newa[:,1])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def cleanSpectrum_old(self,x,y,objectName):
        function to take high resolution spectrum of standard star, extend IR coverage with 
        an exponential tail, then rebin down to ARCONS resolution. This function has since been
        deprecated with the current cleanSpectrum which uses a BB fit to extend IR coverage,
        and does the rebinning using a gaussian convolution. This is left in for reference.

        #locations and widths of absorption features in Angstroms
        #features = [3890,3970,4099,4340,4860,6564,6883,7619]
        #widths = [50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50]
        #for i in xrange(len(features)):
        #    #check for absorption feature in std spectrum
        #    ind = np.where((x<(features[i]+15)) & (x>(features[i]-15)))[0]
        #    if len(ind)!=0:
        #        ind = ind[len(ind)/2]
        #    #if feature is found (flux is higher on both sides of the specified wavelength where the feature should be)
        #    if y[ind]<y[ind+1] and y[ind]<y[ind-1]:
        #        #cut out width[i] around feature[i]
        #        inds = np.where((x >= features[i]+widths[i]) | (x <= features[i]-widths[i]))
        #        x = x[inds]
        #        y = y[inds]

        #fit a tail to the end of the spectrum to interpolate out to desired wavelength in angstroms
        fraction = 3.0/4.0
        newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),20000)

        slopeguess = (np.log(y[-1])-np.log(y[fraction*len(x)]))/(x[-1]-x[fraction*len(x)])
        print "Guess at exponential slope is %f"%(slopeguess)
        guess_a, guess_b, guess_c = float(y[fraction*len(x)]), x[fraction*len(x)], slopeguess
        guess = [guess_a, guess_b, guess_c]

        fitx = x[fraction*len(x):]
        fity = y[fraction*len(x):]

        exp_decay = lambda fx, A, x0, t: A * np.exp((fx-x0) * t)

        params, cov = curve_fit(exp_decay, fitx, fity, p0=guess, maxfev=2000)
        A, x0, t= params
        print "A = %s\nx0 = %s\nt = %s\n"%(A, x0, t)
        best_fit = lambda fx: A * np.exp((fx-x0)*t)

        calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        newy = best_fit(calcx)

        #func = interpolate.splrep(x[fration*len(x):],y[fraction*len(x):],s=smooth)
        #newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),self.wvlBinEdges[-1])
        #newy = interpolate.splev(newx,func)

        wl = np.concatenate((x,newx[newx>max(x)]))
        flux = np.concatenate((y,newy[newx>max(x)]))

        #new method, rebin data to grid of wavelengths generated from a grid of evenly spaced energy bins
        #R=7.0 at 4500
        #R=E/dE -> dE = R/E
        dE = 0.3936 #eV
        start = 1000 #Angs
        stop = 20000 #Angs
        enBins = ObsFile.makeWvlBins(dE,start,stop)
        rebinned = rebin(wl,flux,enBins)
        re_wl = rebinned[:,0]
        re_flux = rebinned[:,1]
        re_wl = re_wl[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]
        re_flux = re_flux[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]

        start1 = self.wvlBinEdges[0]
        stop1 = self.wvlBinEdges[-1]
        #regrid downsampled data 

        new_wl = np.arange(start1,stop1)

        #print re_wl
        #print re_flux
        #print new_wl

        print len(re_flux)
        weight = np.ones(len(re_flux))
        #decrease weights near peak
        ind = np.where(re_flux == max(re_flux))[0]
        weight[ind] = 0.3
        for p in [1,2,3]:
            if p==1:
                wt = 0.3
            elif p==2:
                wt = 0.6
            elif p==3:
                wt = 0.7
                weight[ind+p] = wt
            except IndexError:
                 if ind-p >= 0:
                     weight[ind-p] = wt
            except IndexError:
        weight[-4:] = 1.0
        #weight = [0.7,1,0.3,0.3,0.5,0.7,1,1,1]
        #print len(weight)
        #weight = re_flux/min(re_flux)
        #weight = 1.0/weight
        #weight = weight/max(weight)
        #print weight
        f = interpolate.splrep(re_wl,re_flux,w=weight,k=3,s=max(re_flux)**1.71)
        new_flux = interpolate.splev(new_wl,f,der=0)
        return new_wl, new_flux
def cleanSpectrum(x,y,objectName, wvlBinEdges):
        #locations and widths of absorption features in Angstroms
        #features = [3890,3970,4099,4340,4860,6564,6883,7619]
        #widths = [50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50]
        #for i in xrange(len(features)):
        #    #check for absorption feature in std spectrum
        #    ind = np.where((x<(features[i]+15)) & (x>(features[i]-15)))[0]
        #    if len(ind)!=0:
        #        ind = ind[len(ind)/2]
        #    #if feature is found (flux is higher on both sides of the specified wavelength where the feature should be)
        #    if y[ind]<y[ind+1] and y[ind]<y[ind-1]:
        #        #cut out width[i] around feature[i]
        #        inds = np.where((x >= features[i]+widths[i]) | (x <= features[i]-widths[i]))
        #        x = x[inds]
        #        y = y[inds]

        #fit a tail to the end of the spectrum to interpolate out to desired wavelength in angstroms
        fraction = 0 #4.0/5.0
        newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),20000)

        #slopeguess = (np.log(y[-1])-np.log(y[fraction*len(x)]))/(x[-1]-x[fraction*len(x)])
        #print "Guess at exponential slope is %f"%(slopeguess)
        #guess_a, guess_b, guess_c = float(y[fraction*len(x)]), x[fraction*len(x)], slopeguess
        #guess = [guess_a, guess_b, guess_c]

        fitx = x[fraction*len(x)::]
        fity = y[fraction*len(x)::]

        #exp_decay = lambda fx, A, x0, t: A * np.exp((fx-x0) * t)

        #params, cov = curve_fit(exp_decay, fitx, fity, p0=guess, maxfev=2000)
        #A, x0, t= params
        #print "A = %s\nx0 = %s\nt = %s\n"%(A, x0, t)
        #best_fit = lambda fx: A * np.exp((fx-x0)*t)

        #calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        #newy = best_fit(calcx)

        norm = fity.max()

        guess_a, guess_b = 1/(2*h*c**2/1e-9), 5600 #Constant, Temp
        guess = [guess_a, guess_b]

        blackbody = lambda fx, N, T: N * 2*h*c**2 / (fx)**5 * (exp(h*c/(k*T*(fx))) - 1)**-1 # Planck Law
        #blackbody = lambda fx, N, T: N*2*c*k*T/(fx)**4 #Rayleigh Jeans tail
        #blackbody = lambda fx, N, T: N*2*h*c**2/(fx**5) * exp(-h*c/(k*T*fx)) #Wein Approx

        params, cov = curve_fit(blackbody, fitx*1.0e-8, fity, p0=guess, maxfev=2000)
        N, T= params
        print "N = %s\nT = %s\n"%(N, T)
        best_fit = lambda fx: N * 2*h*c**2 / (fx)**5 * (exp(h*c/(k*T*(fx))) - 1)**-1 #Planck Law
        #best_fit = lambda fx: N*2*c*k*T/(fx)**4 # Rayleigh Jeans Tail
        #best_fit = lambda fx: N*2*h*c**2/(fx**5) * exp(-h*c/(k*T*fx)) #Wein Approx

        calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        bbfit = best_fit(calcx*1.0E-8)

        calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        newy = best_fit(calcx*1.0E-8)


        plt.plot(calcx[3.0*len(fitx)/4.0::],newy[3.0*len(fitx)/4.0::]*1E15,linestyle='--',linewidth=2, color="black",alpha=0.5) #plot fit

        #func = interpolate.splrep(x[fration*len(x):],y[fraction*len(x):],s=smooth)
        #newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),self.wvlBinEdges[-1])
        #newy = interpolate.splev(newx,func)

        wl = np.concatenate((x,newx[newx>max(x)]))
        flux = np.concatenate((y,newy[newx>max(x)]))

        #new method, rebin data to grid of wavelengths generated from a grid of evenly spaced energy bins
        #R=7.0 at 4500
        #R=E/dE -> dE = E/R
        dE = 0.3936 #eV
        start = 1000 #Angs
        stop = 25000 #Angs
        enBins = ObsFile.makeWvlBins(dE,start,stop)
        rebinned = rebin(wl,flux,enBins)
        re_wl = rebinned[:,0]
        re_flux = rebinned[:,1]
        plt.plot(re_wl,re_flux*1E15,linestyle="o", marker="o",markersize=10, color="blue") #plot rebinned spectrum with exp tail
        re_wl = re_wl[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]
        re_flux = re_flux[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]

        start1 = wvlBinEdges[0]
        stop1 = wvlBinEdges[-1]
        #regrid downsampled data 

        new_wl = np.arange(start1,stop1)

        #print re_wl
        #print re_flux
        #print new_wl

        print len(re_flux)
        weight = np.ones(len(re_flux))
        #decrease weights near peak
        ind = np.where(re_flux == max(re_flux))[0]
        weight[ind] = 0.3
        for p in [1,2,3]:
            if p==1:
                wt = 0.3
            elif p==2:
                wt = 0.6
            elif p==3:
                wt = 0.7
                weight[ind+p] = wt
            except IndexError:
                 if ind-p >= 0:
                     weight[ind-p] = wt
            except IndexError:
        #change weights to set how tightly fit must match data points
        #weight[-4:] = 1.0
        weight = [0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7]
        #print len(weight)
        #weight = re_flux/min(re_flux)
        #weight = 1.0/weight
        #weight = weight/max(weight)
        print weight
        f = interpolate.splrep(re_wl,re_flux,w=weight,k=2,s=0)#max(re_flux)**300)
        new_flux = interpolate.splev(new_wl,f,der=0)
        return new_wl, new_flux
Ejemplo n.º 4
a = std.load(objectName)
stdWvls = np.array(a[:, 0], dtype=float)  # wavelengths in angstroms
stdFlux = np.array(a[:, 1], dtype=float)  # flux in counts/s/cm^2/Angs
stdFlux *= h * c * 1e10 / stdWvls  # flux in J/s/cm^2/Angs or W/cm^2/Angs

# cut spectrum arrays to our wavelength region
stdFlux = stdFlux[(stdWvls > 3000) & (stdWvls < 13000)]
stdWvls = stdWvls[(stdWvls > 3000) & (stdWvls < 13000)]

plt.plot(stdWvls[(stdWvls > 3158) & (stdWvls < 11089)], stdFlux[(stdWvls > 3158) & (stdWvls < 11089)])
total = integrate.simps(stdFlux[(stdWvls > 3158) & (stdWvls < 11089)], x=stdWvls[(stdWvls > 3158) & (stdWvls < 11089)])
print "Original total flux = ", total
# rebin test
dE = 0.3936  # eV
start = 3000  # Angs
stop = 13000  # Angs
for n in xrange(10):
    n = float(n) + 1.0
    enBins = ObsFile.makeWvlBins(dE / n, start, stop)
    rebinned = rebin(stdWvls, stdFlux, enBins)
    re_wl = rebinned[:, 0]
    re_flux = rebinned[:, 1]
    print re_wl[0]
    print re_wl[-1]
    plt.plot(re_wl[(re_wl > 3158) & (re_wl < 11089)], re_flux[(re_wl > 3158) & (re_wl < 11089)])
    total = integrate.simps(re_flux[(re_wl > 3158) & (re_wl < 11089)], x=re_wl[(re_wl > 3158) & (re_wl < 11089)])
    print "Total flux for dE = ", dE / n, "eV is ", total, "W/cm^2"
y = np.array(fdata[:,1])/scale #convert to flux in Janskys
y = y*(3E-5)/(x**2) #flux in ergs/s/cm^2/Angs

#y = y/(h*c/x) #flux in counts/s/cm^2/Angs
#print y
print "Loaded standard spectrum of %s"%(objectName)
'''#End manual standard loading block

newwl, newflux = cleanSpectrum(x,y,objectName,wvlBinEdges)
print newwl
print newflux
#plt.plot(newwl,newflux*1E15,color = 'red')

newa = rebin(newwl,newflux,wvlBinEdges)

x = newa[:,0]
y = newa[:,1]

plt.step(x,y*1E15,color = 'black',where='mid')

#convert ARCONS measured spectrum to ergs/s/cm^2/A

#print x
#print y

#fig = plt.figure()
#ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#plt.plot(wvls,curve*1E15) #plot ARCONS measured spectrum