Ejemplo n.º 1
def analyze_all(t,plot=False,pdffile=None):
    times, timestamp = find_solpnt(t)
    out = []
    pp = None
    antlist = range(4)
    if plot:
        if pdffile:
            pp = PdfPages(pdffile)
    if len(times) > 1:
        for tstamp in times:
            t = util.Time(tstamp,format='lv')
            soldata = get_solpnt(t)
            proc = process_solpnt(soldata,antlist=antlist)
        t = util.Time(times[0],format='lv')
        soldata = get_solpnt(t)
        proc = process_solpnt(soldata,antlist=antlist)
    if plot:
        axtype = [' RA, DEC',' XEL, EL']
        f, ax = plt.subplots(len(antlist), 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
        t = util.Time(proc['Timestamp'],format='lv')
        f.suptitle('SOLPNT results for '+t.iso[:10],fontsize=18)
        for i in range(len(ax)):
            for j in range(len(ax[i])):
                ax[i][j].text(0.05,0.8,'Ant '+str(i+1)+axtype[j],transform=ax[i][j].transAxes,fontsize=10)
        for ant in antlist:
            for i in range(len(times)):
                if ant in out[i]['antlist']:
                    iant = out[i]['antlist'].index(ant)
                    x = [out[i]['HPol']['rao'][iant],out[i]['VPol']['rao'][iant]]
                    y = [out[i]['HPol']['deco'][iant],out[i]['VPol']['deco'][iant]]
                    x = [out[i]['HPol']['xelo'][iant],out[i]['VPol']['xelo'][iant]]
                    y = [out[i]['HPol']['elo'][iant],out[i]['VPol']['elo'][iant]]
        if pp:
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setSlot(self, event):
     st = util.Time(int(self.st_entry.get().split(":")[0]),
                    int(self.st_entry.get().split(":")[1]), False)
     if self.en_entry.get() != "":
         en = util.Time(int(self.en_entry.get().split(":")[0]),
                        int(self.en_entry.get().split(":")[1]), False)
         if (int(self.en_entry.get().split(":")[0]) < int(
             en.hour += 12
         if self.mode == "n":
                 util.Slot(st, en, util.getTimeZone()))
         elif self.mode == "e":
             self.original_slot.start_time = st
             self.original_slot.end_time = en
Ejemplo n.º 3
def process_tsys(otp, proc, pol=None):
    ''' OTP contains tsys, of size [nant, npol, nf, nt], ut_mjd of size [nt], fghz of size [nf]
             and a 4-line ascii header.  nant is 4 for prototype
        This only operates on one polarization at a time.  If npol = 2, use pol=0 and pol=1 in
            two subsequent calls to do both polarizations.
        PROC contains mask of size [nant', nt', npnt], and an array of timestamps,
             to be compared with OTP['ut'] to synchronize them.  nant' is the number of
             ants in the subarray.  This assumes the first four ants are the prototype ants.
    tsec1 = proc['tstamps']
    # The otp times, if from miriad, are slightly off from exact times, so round to the ms
    tsec2 = (util.Time(otp['ut_mjd'], format='mjd').lv +
    idx1, idx2 = common_val_idx(tsec1, tsec2)
    if pol is None:
        nant, nf, nt = otp['tsys'].shape
        nant, npol, nf, nt = otp['tsys'].shape
    nant = len(proc['antlist'])  # Make sure only small dishes are used
    antlist = proc['antlist']
    # nf = len(np.where(otp['sfreq'] != 0)[0])  # Override nf with number of non-zero frequencies
    m = np.transpose(
        (1, 0, 2))[0:nant,
                   idx1, :]  # mask now same number of ants and times as tsys
    print m.shape
    npt = len(m[0, 0, :])
    if pol is None:
        tsys = otp['tsys']
        tsys = otp['tsys'][:, pol, :, :]
    tsys = tsys[:, :, idx2]
    hpol = np.zeros([nf, npt, nant], 'float')
    pra = np.zeros([4, nf, nant], 'float')  # Array of gaussian fits
    pdec = np.zeros([4, nf, nant], 'float')  # Array of gaussian fits
    # Step through pointings, applying mask
    for ipnt in range(npt):
        for iant in range(nant):
            good = np.where(m[iant, :, ipnt])[0]
            if len(good) == 0:
                # This pointing location had no good tracking, so set values to Nan
                hpol[:, ipnt, iant] = np.nan
                # Set values to median of good-tracking period
                hpol[:, ipnt, iant] = np.median(tsys[antlist[iant], :, good],
    # At this stage, hpol is of size [nf, npnt, nant]
    rao = hpol[:, :13, :]  # First 13 pointings are RAO
    deco = hpol[:, 13:, :]  # Second 13 pointings are DECO
    for iant in range(nant):
        for ifreq in range(nf):
            pra[:, ifreq, iant], x, y = gausfit(proc['rao'], rao[ifreq, :,
            pdec[:, ifreq, iant], x, y = gausfit(proc['deco'], deco[ifreq, :,
    return pra, pdec, rao, deco
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_entries(time, filename, get_nearby):
    now_hr, now_minute = time.split(':')
    now = util.Time(int(now_hr), int(now_minute))

    entries = list()
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            route, startnr, hr, mn = [int(n) for n in line.split(' ')]
            time = util.Time(hr, mn)
            dt = util.diff_time(now, time)
            if (get_nearby and abs(dt) < 50) or (not get_nearby and dt > 0):
                entries.append((route, startnr, dt, time))

    if get_nearby:
        entries.sort(key=lambda (r, s, dt, t): abs(dt))
        entries.sort(key=lambda (r, s, dt, t): dt)

    num_entries = 50
    return entries[:num_entries]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def is_slot_open(self):
     for i in globals.schedule.week[self.dayIndex].blockedSlots:
         t = util.Time(int(self.start_time.split(":")[0]),
                       int(self.start_time.split(":")[1]), None)
         start_diff = i.start_time.get_diff(t, absolute_diff=False)
         end_diff = i.end_time.get_diff(t, absolute_diff=False)
         if ((start_diff.hour <= 0 or start_diff.minute < 0)
                 and (end_diff.hour >= 0)):  #or end_diff.minute >= 0
             self.original_slot = i
             return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(
        self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_file)

        self.task_db = task_db

        self.banned_default_behaviors = []  # FIXME: move into triple store?
        self.other_players = {}
        self.pending_agent_placed_blocks = set()
        self.updateable_mems = []
        self._safe_pickle_saved_attrs = {}

        if db_log_path:
            self._db_log_file = gzip.open(db_log_path + ".gz", "w")
            self._db_log_idx = 0

        with open(SCHEMA, "r") as f:


        # self.memids = {}  # TODO: key is memid, value is sql table name or memory dict name
        self.all_tables = [
            c[0] for c in self._db_read(
                "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")

        self.dances = {}

        # create a "self" memory to reference in Triples
        self.self_memid = "0" * len(uuid.uuid4().hex)
        self._db_write("INSERT INTO Memories VALUES (?,?,?)", self.self_memid,
                       "Memories", 0)
        self.tag(self.self_memid, "_agent")
        self.tag(self.self_memid, "_self")
        self.time = util.Time(mode="clock")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def dmp_tsys(t):
    ''' Given a start time as a Time() object t, find and dump the
        corresponding tsys values using Miriad (note that this only works
        on dpp or pipeline).  Returns the filenames of the files created.
    import socket, time
    import dump_tsys as dtsys

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    if hostname != 'dpp' and hostname != 'pipeline':
        print 'Error: Cannot run dump_tsys() on host:',hostname
    tnow = util.Time.now()
    t1 = t.lv - 10.   # 10 s before given time
    t2 = t.lv + 300.  # 300 s after given time
    trange = util.Time([t1,t2],format='lv')
    # Check that the dump worked (wait 2 s for data)
    filestem ='t'+t.iso.replace('-','').replace(':','').replace(' ','')[:12]+'*.txt'
    xfiles = dtsys.glob.glob('/common/tmp/txt/x'+filestem)
    yfiles = dtsys.glob.glob('/common/tmp/txt/y'+filestem)
    return xfiles,yfiles
Ejemplo n.º 8
def rd_tsys(tsysfile,sfreqfile):
    ''' Read the Miriad log file output for a SOLPNT scan 
        To generate the Miriad log file, enter the commands:
           varplt vis=<infile> xaxis=time yaxis=xtsys log=<tsys_file>
           varplt vis=<infile> xaxis=freq yaxis=wfreq log=<sfreq_file>
        where <infile> is the IDB or UDB file, and <tsys_file> is the
        Miriad log file name (.txt).  Note that <sfreq_file> is a Miriad
        log file containing the starting frequencies, which is not
        yet implemented, but should be added to this routine.
        Major change to standardize output to ut_mdj, fghz, and order
        of indices of tsys as (nant, nf, ntimes)
    with open(sfreqfile,'r') as s:
        sheader = []
        for i in range(3):
            nfrq = int(sheader[-1].split('freq(')[1].split(')')[0])
            # This must be the format used by Jim McTiernan, so read another line
                nfrq = int(sheader[-1].split('freq(')[1].split(')')[0])
                print 'Could not successfully read sfreq file.'
                #return {}
        sfreq = np.zeros(nfrq,dtype='float')
        if (nfrq/4)*4 != nfrq:
            rlim = nfrq/4 + 1
            rlim = nfrq/4
        for i in range(rlim):
            line = s.readline()
            vals = line.split()[-4:]
            sfreq[i*4:min((i+1)*4,nfrq)] = vals
        nf = len(np.where(sfreq != 0)[0])
    with open(tsysfile,'r') as f:
        header = []
        for i in range(4):
        # Set Time() object to value read from header line 2 (header[1])
        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(header[1].split(' ')[-1],'%y%b%d:%H:%M:%S.0')
        t = util.Time(dt,format='datetime')
        # Set base time in LabVIEW Timestamp format
        basetime = t.lv
        print 'Base Time is:',t.iso,'Timestamp:',basetime
        # Get number of columns from header line 4 (header[3])
        sline = header[3].split(',')
        nant = int(sline[0].split('(')[1])
        nfrq2 = int(sline[1].split(')')[0])
        if nfrq != nfrq2:
            print tsysfile,'frequencies are not consistent with those in',sfreqfile
            return {}
        # Get number of times in file (just number of lines - 4 header lines, 
        # divided by the number of frequencies, times nant/4
        nlinespertime = (nant-1)/4 + 1
        nt = (sum(1 for line in f)-4)/nfrq2/nlinespertime
        print 'There are',nt,'times,',nfrq2,'frequencies, and',nant,'antennas in this file'
        # Get back to data start by rewind and skipping 4 header lines
        for i in range(4): f.readline()
        out = np.zeros([nt,nfrq,nant],dtype='float')
        tstamp = np.zeros(nt,dtype='float')
        j = -1
        while 1:
                line = f.readline()
                vals = line.strip().split()
                if line.strip() != '':
                    print 'Error interpreting line:'
                    print 'Line is:',line.strip()+';'
            # This assumes Miriad dumps no more than 4 ants/line
            nvals = len(vals)
            if nvals == min(nant,4)+2:
                hms = vals[1].split(':')
                secs = int(vals[0])*86400 + int(hms[0])*3600 + int(hms[1])*60 + int(hms[2])
                j += 1
                tstamp[j] = basetime+secs
                vals = vals[2:]
                nvals -= 2
                i = 0
                ntot = 0  # Number inserted into "out" so far
                out[j,i,ntot:ntot+nvals] = np.array(vals,dtype='float')
                ntot += nvals
                if ntot >= nant:
                    ntot = 0
                    i += 1
                if line.strip() != '':
                    print 'Error interpreting line at time,freq:',j,i
                    print 'Line is:',line.strip()+';'
    otp = {'ut_mjd':util.Time(tstamp[:j+1],format='lv').mjd,'fghz':sfreq[:nf],'tsys':np.swapaxes(out[:j+1,:nf,:],0,2),'header':header}
    return otp
Ejemplo n.º 9
def fitall(proc,plot=False,pp=None):
    ''' Fits SOLPNT data for all antennas contained in 
        processed data proc, returned from process_solpnt()
        Prints results to terminal and optionally plots
        the gaussian fits.  It also returns the fitted offsets. 
        If pp is provided and is not None, the plots are
        written to a multipage PDF file.
    t = util.Time(proc['Timestamp'],format='lv')
    nant = len(proc['antlist'])

    if plot:
        # row and column sharing
        f, ax = plt.subplots(7, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
        f.suptitle('Fits for SOLPNT scan at '+t.iso+' UT',fontsize=18)
        ax[0,0].set_title('RA Offset [blue=HPol, red=VPol]')
        ax[0,1].set_title('Dec Offset [blue=HPol, red=VPol]')

    # Temporary statement to make this work with no more than 7 antennas.
    if nant > 7: nant = 7
    raoh =  np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    decoh = np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    raov =  np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    decov = np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    xeloh = np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    xelov = np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    eloh =  np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    elov =  np.zeros(nant,dtype='float')
    print 'SOLPNT solution for',t.iso
    print 'Ant       XELO (deg)             ELO (deg)'
    print '      HPol   VPol   Avg      HPol   VPol   Avg'
    print '---- ------ ------ ------   ------ ------ ------'
    for i in range(nant):
        ant = proc['antlist'][i]
        [A, hrao, w, b], x, y = gausfit(proc['rao'],proc['hrao'][i,:])
        if plot: ax[i,0].plot(x,y,proc['rao'],proc['hrao'][i,:],'o',label='Hpol')
        [A, vrao, w, b], x, y = gausfit(proc['rao'],proc['vrao'][i,:])
        if plot: 
            ax[i,0].text(0.05,0.8,'Ant '+str(ant+1),transform=ax[i,0].transAxes,fontsize=14)
            ax[i,0].text(0.05,0.65,'H = {:6.3f}'.format(hrao/10000.),transform=ax[i,0].transAxes)
            ax[i,0].text(0.05,0.5,'V = {:6.3f}'.format(vrao/10000.),transform=ax[i,0].transAxes)
        [A, hdeco, w, b], x, y = gausfit(proc['deco'],proc['hdeco'][i,:])
        if plot: ax[i,1].plot(x,y,proc['deco'],proc['hdeco'][i,:],'o',label='HPol')
        [A, vdeco, w, b], x, y = gausfit(proc['deco'],proc['vdeco'][i,:])
        if plot: 
            ax[i,1].text(0.05,0.8,'Ant '+str(ant+1),transform=ax[i,1].transAxes,fontsize=14)
            ax[i,1].text(0.05,0.65,'H = {:6.3f}'.format(hdeco/10000.),transform=ax[i,1].transAxes)
            ax[i,1].text(0.05,0.5,'V = {:6.3f}'.format(vdeco/10000.),transform=ax[i,1].transAxes)
        if sys.platform[:5] == 'linux':
            # Convert rao, deco to azo, elo (returned in radians)
            cosdec = np.cos(proc['dec0'])
            hxelo, helo = dradec2dazel(proc['ra0'],proc['dec0'],
            vxelo, velo = dradec2dazel(proc['ra0'],proc['dec0'],
            hxelo, helo = hrao*np.pi/10000./180., hdeco*np.pi/10000./180.
            vxelo, velo = vrao*np.pi/10000./180., vdeco*np.pi/10000./180. 
        # Print table of XEL and EL offsets as degrees
        print ' {:2d} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}   {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}'.format(
               proc['antlist'][i]+1, hxelo*180./np.pi, vxelo*180./np.pi,(hxelo + vxelo)*180./np.pi/2.,
        if plot: 
            ax[i,0].text(0.65,0.65,'Hxel = {:6.3f}'.format(hxelo*180./np.pi),transform=ax[i,0].transAxes)
            ax[i,0].text(0.65,0.5,'Vxel = {:6.3f}'.format(vxelo*180./np.pi),transform=ax[i,0].transAxes)
            ax[i,1].text(0.65,0.65,'Hel = {:6.3f}'.format(helo*180./np.pi),transform=ax[i,1].transAxes)
            ax[i,1].text(0.65,0.5,'Vel = {:6.3f}'.format(velo*180./np.pi),transform=ax[i,1].transAxes)
        raoh[i] = hrao/10000.  # degrees
        raov[i] = vrao/10000.  # degrees
        decoh[i] = hdeco/10000.  # degrees
        decov[i] = vdeco/10000.  # degrees
        xeloh[i] = hxelo*180./np.pi  # degrees
        xelov[i] = vxelo*180./np.pi  # degrees
        eloh[i] = helo*180./np.pi  # degrees
        elov[i] = velo*180./np.pi  # degrees

    if plot:
        ax[nant-1,0].set_xlabel('RA Offset [0.0001 deg]') 
        ax[nant-1,1].set_xlabel('Dec Offset [0.0001 deg]') 
        if pp:
    return {'Timestamp':proc['Timestamp'],'antlist':proc['antlist'],
            'HPol':{'rao':raoh, 'deco':decoh, 'elo':eloh, 'xelo':xeloh},
            'VPol':{'rao':raov, 'deco':decov, 'elo':elov, 'xelo':xelov}}
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_solpnt(t=None):
    ''' Get the SOLPNT data from the SQL database, occurring after 
        time given in the Time() object t.  If omitted, the first 
        SOLPNT scan for the current day is used (if it exists). '''
    import dbutil
    tstamps, timestamp = find_solpnt(t)
    # Find first SOLPNTCAL occurring after timestamp (time given by Time() object)
    if tstamps != []:
        print 'SOLPNTCAL scans were found at ',        
        for tstamp in tstamps:
            if type(tstamp) is np.ndarray:
                # Annoyingly necessary when only one time in tstamps
                tstamp = tstamp[0]
            t1 = util.Time(tstamp,format='lv')
            print t1.iso,';',
        print ' '
        good = np.where(tstamps >= timestamp)[0]
        # This is the timestamp of the first SOLPNTCAL scan after given time
        if good.shape[0] == 0: 
            stimestamp = tstamps[0]
            stimestamp = tstamps[good][0]
        print 'Warning: No SOLPNTCAL scan found, so interpreting given time as SOLPNTCAL time.' 
        stimestamp = timestamp

    # Grab 300 records after the start time
    cursor = dbutil.get_cursor()
    # Now version independent!
    verstr = dbutil.find_table_version(cursor,timestamp)
    if verstr is None:
        print 'No stateframe table found for the given time.'
        return {}
    solpntdict = dbutil.get_dbrecs(cursor,version=int(verstr),dimension=15,timestamp=stimestamp,nrecs=300)
    # Need dimension-1 data to get antennas in subarray -- Note: sometimes the antenna list
    # is zero (an unlikely value!) around the time of the start of a scan, so keep searching
    # first 100 records until non-zero:
    for i in range(100):
        blah = dbutil.get_dbrecs(cursor,version=int(verstr),dimension=1,timestamp=stimestamp+i,nrecs=1)
        if blah['LODM_Subarray1'][0] != 0:
    sub1 = blah['LODM_Subarray1'][0]
    subarray1 = []
    antlist = []
    for i in range(16): 
        subarray1.append(sub1 & (1<<i) > 0)
        if subarray1[-1]:

#    print 'Antlist:',antlist
#    rao = np.zeros([15,300],dtype='int')
#    deco = np.zeros([15,300],dtype='int')
#    trk = np.zeros([15,300],dtype='bool')
#    hpol = np.zeros([15,300],dtype='float')
#    vpol = np.zeros([15,300],dtype='float')
#    ra = np.zeros(15,dtype='float')
#    dec = np.zeros(15,dtype='float')
    ra = (solpntdict['Ante_Cont_RAVirtualAxis'][:,antlist]*np.pi/10000./180.).astype('float')
    dec = (solpntdict['Ante_Cont_DecVirtualAxis'][:,antlist]*np.pi/10000./180.).astype('float')
    hpol = (solpntdict['Ante_Fron_FEM_HPol_Voltage'][:,antlist]).astype('float')
    vpol = (solpntdict['Ante_Fron_FEM_VPol_Voltage'][:,antlist]).astype('float')
    rao = (solpntdict['Ante_Cont_RAOffset'][:,antlist]).astype('float')
    deco = (solpntdict['Ante_Cont_DecOffset'][:,antlist]).astype('float')
    times = solpntdict['Timestamp'][:,0].astype('int64').astype('float')
    # Convert pointing info to track information
    outdict = stateframe.azel_from_sqldict(solpntdict)
    trk = np.logical_and(outdict['dAzimuth'][:,antlist]<0.0020,outdict['dElevation'][:,antlist]<0.0020)
    return {'Timestamp':stimestamp,'tstamps':times,'antlist':antlist,'trjfile':'SOLPNT.TRJ','ra':ra,'dec':dec,
Ejemplo n.º 11
def transition_func(state, action):
    # Update location and time
    travel_stats = travel_data.stat_travel_time(
    curr_location = state.location
    next_location = action.location
    travel_time = travel_stats[(curr_location, next_location)]["mean"]
    time_of_day = state.time_of_day + travel_time

    # New request to add:
    new_request_list = state.request_history + [Request(location=next_location,

    # Dynamics of people moving
    new_present_map = state.person_present_map
    for person in new_present_map:
        schedule = schedule_data.get_schedule_data()[person]

        if new_present_map[person] is None or not new_present_map[person]:
            # Check if person will arrive
            if "schedule" in schedule:
                # Room with fixed schedules
                intervals = util.parse_schedule(schedule["schedule"])

                # Each person's arrival to their office is modeled as a normal distribution centered around their scheduled time of arrival.
                p_intervals = (probability_interval(interval, state.time_of_day, time_of_day, arrival_stddev, True) for interval in intervals)
                for idx, prob in enumerate(p_intervals):
                    if random.random() < prob:
                        new_present_map[person] = int(sample_probability_interval(intervals[idx], state.time_of_day, time_of_day, arrival_stddev, True))
            elif "intervals-daily" in schedule:
                # Open area
                daily_intervals = schedule["intervals-daily"]
                p_second_arrival = daily_intervals / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
                p_arrival = p_second_arrival * travel_time
                if random.random() < p_arrival:
                    new_present_map[person] = time_of_day
            # Remove person if appropriate

            # Scheduled offices
            if "schedule" in schedule:
                intervals = util.parse_schedule(schedule["schedule"])

                # Each person's departure from their office is modeled as a normal distribution centered around their scheduled time of departure.
                p_intervals = (probability_interval(interval, state.time_of_day, time_of_day, departure_stddev, False) for interval in intervals)
                for idx, prob in enumerate(p_intervals):
                    if random.random() < prob:
                        new_present_map[person] = None

            # Non-scheduled offices (mostly open spaces)
            elif "intervals-daily" in schedule:
                interval = util.Interval(
                                util.Time(state.time_of_day, new_present_map[person]),
                                util.Time(state.time_of_day, new_present_map[person] + schedule["duration"]))
                p_interval = probability_interval(interval, state.time_of_day, time_of_day, open_stddev, False)
                if random.random() < p_interval:
                    new_present_map[person] = None

    # Resulting state
    return FullState(location=next_location,
Ejemplo n.º 12
# days_in_week = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri']

hours_in_day = [
    '0800', '0815', '0830', '0845', '0900', '0915', '0930', '0945', '1000',
    '1015', '1030', '1045', '1100', '1115', '1130', '1145', '1200', '1215',
    '1230', '1245', '1300', '1315', '1330', '1345', '1400', '1415', '1430',
    '1445', '1500', '1515', '1530', '1545', '1600'

# Generate domain for a time variables.
time_seg_idx = []  # it's the scheduling horizon, maybe call it that.

for i in policy_data.calendar_work_days:
    for j in hours_in_day:
        time = util.Time(i, j, len(time_seg_idx))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optimization variables
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the main loop of making the variables.

mdl = CpoModel()
all_visits = []

# Set admittance variables.
for pat in patient_list:
    name = 'z_' + str(pat.id)
    pat.is_admitted_var = mdl.binary_var(name=name)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_timer(self):
     timer = util.Time()
     return timer
Ejemplo n.º 14
        self.startnr = startnr
        self.hour = hour
        self.minute = minute
        self.kind = int_to_kind(kind)

data = list()

for fn in sys.argv[3:5]:
    with open(fn, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            routenr, startnr, hr, minute, kind = [int(n) for n in line.split()]
            data.append(BusInfo(routenr, startnr, hr, minute, kind))

now_h, now_m = [int(n) for n in sys.argv[2].split(':')]
now = util.Time(now_h, now_m)
passed = set([(bi.routenr, bi.startnr) for bi in data
              if bi.kind == Kind.Passed])
have_gps_data = set([(bi.routenr, bi.startnr) for bi in data
                     if bi.kind == Kind.GPS])
data = [bi for bi in data if (bi.routenr, bi.startnr) not in passed]
data = [
    bi for bi in data
    if (bi.routenr, bi.startnr) not in have_gps_data or bi.kind == Kind.GPS
data.sort(key=lambda bi: util.diff_time(now, util.Time(bi.hour, bi.minute)))

print sys.argv[1]
print sys.argv[2]

for bi in data[:7]:
Ejemplo n.º 15
def process_tsys(otp, proc, pol=None, skycal=None):
    ''' OTP contains tsys, of size [nant, npol, nf, nt], ut_mjd of size [nt], fghz of size [nf]
            and a 4-line ascii header.  nant is 4 for prototype
        This only operates on one polarization at a time.  If npol = 2, use pol=0 and pol=1 in
            two subsequent calls to do both polarizations.
        PROC contains mask of size [nant', nt', npnt], and an array of timestamps,
            to be compared with OTP['ut'] to synchronize them.  nant' is the number of
            ants in the subarray.  This assumes the first four ants are the prototype ants.
        skycal is an optional dictionary of SKYCALTEST results.  If provided (not None),
            the data in the 'offsun' key will be used to create pseudo-10-degree pointing
            offset data for the fitting.  This only works if SKYCALTEST and SOLPNTCAL
            scans use the same frequencies and antennas, which should always be the case.
    from disk_conv import disk_conv
    fghz, a, aout = disk_conv(otp['fghz'])
    aout *= 10000. / (2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)))

    tsec1 = proc['tstamps']
    # The otp times, if from miriad, are slightly off from exact times, so round to the ms
    tsec2 = (util.Time(otp['ut_mjd'], format='mjd').lv +
    idx1, idx2 = util.common_val_idx(tsec1, tsec2)
    if pol is None:
        nant, nf, nt = otp['tsys'].shape
        nant, npol, nf, nt = otp['tsys'].shape
    nant = len(proc['antlist'])  # Make sure only small dishes are used
    antlist = proc['antlist']
    # nf = len(np.where(otp['sfreq'] != 0)[0])  # Override nf with number of non-zero frequencies
    m = np.transpose(
        (1, 0, 2))[0:nant,
                   idx1, :]  # mask now same number of ants and times as tsys
    print m.shape
    npt = len(m[0, 0, :])
    if pol is None:
        tsys = otp['tsys']
        tsys = otp['tsys'][:, pol, :, :]
    tsys = tsys[:, :, idx2]
    hpol = np.zeros([nf, npt, nant], 'float')
    pra = np.zeros([4, nf, nant], 'float')  # Array of gaussian fits
    pdec = np.zeros([4, nf, nant], 'float')  # Array of gaussian fits
    # Step through pointings, applying mask
    for ipnt in range(npt):
        for iant in range(nant):
            good = np.where(m[iant, :, ipnt])[0]
            if len(good) == 0:
                # This pointing location had no good tracking, so set values to Nan
                hpol[:, ipnt, iant] = np.nan
                # Set values to median of good-tracking period
                hpol[:, ipnt, iant] = np.median(tsys[antlist[iant], :, good],
    raopts = proc['rao']
    decopts = proc['deco']
    # At this stage, hpol is of size [nf, npnt, nant]
    rao = hpol[:, :13, :]  # First 13 pointings are RAO
    deco = hpol[:, 13:, :]  # Second 13 pointings are DECO
    # Handle skycal offsun modification, provided the number of frequencies
    # and number of antennas in skycal and solpnt match (they should!).  Otherwise, skip it.
    if (not pol is None) and skycal:
        skynant, skynpol, skynf = skycal['offsun'].shape
        if nf == skynf and nant == skynant:
            # Insert 10-degree offsets before and after actual offsets
            raopts = np.array([-100000.] + proc['rao'].tolist() + [100000.])
            decopts = np.array([-100000.] + proc['deco'].tolist() + [100000.])
            faroff = np.swapaxes(
                skycal['offsun'][:, pol, :] - skycal['rcvr_bgd'][:, pol, :], 0,
            faroff.shape = (nf, 1, nant)
            # The faroff values are only needed for frequencies below about 2.75 GHz,
            # so set them to NaN above that frequency (gaussfit will then ignore them)
            bad, = np.where(otp['fghz'] > 2.75)
            faroff[bad] = np.nan
            # Insert faroff values corresponding to 10-degree offsets
            rao = np.concatenate((faroff, hpol[:, :13, :], faroff), 1)
            deco = np.concatenate((faroff, hpol[:, 13:, :], faroff), 1)
    for iant in range(nant):
        for ifreq in range(nf):
            ydata = rao[ifreq, :, iant]
            allzero = len(ydata.nonzero()[0]) == 0  # True if all data are zero
            xdata = raopts
            ymax = np.nanmax(ydata)
            ymin = np.nanmin(ydata)
            yrange = ymax - ymin
            low_bounds = [
                0.1 * yrange, -30000., aout[ifreq] * 0.9, ymin - 0.1 * yrange
            high_bounds = [
                1.0 * yrange, 30000., aout[ifreq] * 1.1, ymin + 0.1 * yrange
            if allzero:
                    0] = 1  # Ensure that high bounds are greater than low bounds
                high_bounds[3] = 1
            bounds = (low_bounds, high_bounds)
            #if iant == 1 and ifreq == 30:
            #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            pra[:, ifreq, iant], x, y = gausfit(xdata, ydata, bounds=bounds)
            ydata = deco[ifreq, :, iant]
            allzero = len(ydata.nonzero()[0]) == 0  # True if all data are zero
            xdata = decopts
            ymax = np.nanmax(ydata)
            ymin = np.nanmin(ydata)
            yrange = ymax - ymin
            low_bounds = [
                0.1 * yrange, -30000., aout[ifreq] * 0.9, ymin - 0.1 * yrange
            high_bounds = [
                1.0 * yrange, 30000., aout[ifreq] * 1.1, ymin + 0.1 * yrange
            #            low_bounds =  [0.1*np.nanmax(ydata), -30000., aout[ifreq]*0.9, np.nanmin(ydata)-0.1*np.nanmax(ydata)]
            #            high_bounds = [1.0*np.nanmax(ydata),  30000., aout[ifreq]*1.1, np.nanmin(ydata)+0.1*np.nanmax(ydata)]
            if allzero:
                    0] = 1  # Ensure that high bounds are greater than low bounds
                high_bounds[3] = 1
            bounds = (low_bounds, high_bounds)
            pdec[:, ifreq, iant], x, y = gausfit(xdata, ydata, bounds=bounds)
    return pra, pdec, rao, deco