Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_annex_filters(runner):
    r = runner

    N = 4
    # Create some big data files
    for idx in range(N):
        util.mkrandfile(f"randfile{idx}", 200000)  # 10x 200 MB files

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", ".")

    # files should be links
    for idx in range(N):
        util.isannexed(r, f"randfile{idx}")

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["OK"] = N
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "remove-content", ".")

    status["OK"] = 0
    status["NC"] = N
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # TODO: Don't check on Windows
    # locking annexed files should turn them into symlinks
    r.runcommand("gin", "lock", ".")
    for idx in range(N):
        assert os.path.islink(f"randfile{idx}")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_rm_commit_offline(runner):
    r = runner
    # create files in root
    for idx in range(6):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 5)
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 2000)

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["??"] += 12
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", "root*")
    status["LC"] += 12
    status["??"] -= 12
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["LC"] -= 12
    status["OK"] += 12
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    for idx in range(2, 4):
    status["OK"] -= 4
    status["RM"] += 4
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", ".")
    status["RM"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_flash(partition, addr, size):
    cmd = pack('<BBBHLL', 0x40, partition, 1, 0, addr, size)
    rsp = tls.cmd(cmd)
    sz, = unpack('<xxLxx', rsp[:8])

    return rsp[8:8 + sz]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def identify_sensor():
    rsp = tls.cmd(b'\x75')
    rsp = rsp[2:]

    zeroes, minor, major = unpack('<LHH', rsp)

    if zeroes != 0:
        raise Exception('This was not expected')

    return dev_info_lookup(major, minor)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def append_new_image(key=0, prev=b''):
    rsp = tls.app(pack('<BLL', 0x68, key, 0))
    new_key, = unpack('<L', rsp[2:])


    rsp = tls.app(b'\x6b' + prev)


    rsp = tls.app(b'\x6b' + prev)
    res = rsp[2:]

    rsp = tls.app(unhexlify('6900000000'))

    l, res = res[:2], res[2:]
    l, = unpack('<H', l)
    if l != len(res):
        raise Exception('Response size does not match %d != %d', l, len(res))

    # FIXME check how it's done rather than using a hardcoded offsets
    res, new = res[:0x6c], res[0x6c:]

    return (new_key, res, new)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_fw_info(partition):
    rsp = tls.cmd(pack('<BB', 0x43, partition))

    # don't want to throw exception here - it is normal not to have FW when we're about to upload it
    if len(rsp) == 2 and rsp[1] == 4 and rsp[0] == 0xb0:
        return None

    rsp = rsp[2:]
    hdr = rsp[:0xa]
    rsp = rsp[0xa:]
    major, minor, modcnt, buildtime = unpack('<HHHL', hdr)
    modules = [rsp[i * 0xc:(i + 1) * 0xc] for i in range(0, modcnt)]
    modules = [unpack('<HHHHL', i) for i in modules]
    modules = [ModuleInfo(*i) for i in modules]

    return FirmwareInfo(major, minor, buildtime, modules)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_flash_info():
    rsp = tls.cmd(unhex('3e'))
    rsp = rsp[2:]
    hdr = rsp[:0xe]
    rsp = rsp[0xe:]
    jid0, jid1, blocks, unknown0, blocksize, unknown1, pcnt = unpack(
        '<HHHHHHH', hdr)

    ic = flash_ic_table_lookup(jid0, jid1, blocks * blocksize)

    if ic == None:
        raise Exception('Unknown flash IC. JEDEC id=%x:%x, size=%dx%d' %
                        (jid0, jid1, blocks, blocksize))

    partitions = [rsp[i * 0xc:(i + 1) * 0xc] for i in range(0, pcnt)]
    partitions = [unpack('<BBHLL', i) for i in partitions]
    partitions = [PartitionInfo(*i) for i in partitions]

    return FlashInfo(ic, blocks, unknown0, blocksize, unknown1, partitions)
def partition_flash(layout):
    info = get_flash_info()

    print('Detected Flash IC: %s, %d bytes' % (info.ic.name, info.ic.size))

    if len(info.partitions) > 0:
        raise Exception('Flash is already partitioned')

    cmd = unhex('4f 0000 0000')
    cmd += with_hdr(0, serialize_flash_params(info.ic))
    cmd += with_hdr(1, b''.join([serialize_partition(p) for p in layout]))
    cmd += with_hdr(5, make_cert())
    cmd += with_hdr(3, crt_hardcoded)
    rsp = tls.cmd(cmd)
    rsp = rsp[2:]
    crt_len, rsp = rsp[:4], rsp[4:]
    crt_len, = unpack('<L', crt_len)
    # ^ TODO - validate cert
    rsp = rsp[crt_len:]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_add_directory_remote(runner):
    r = runner
    r.runcommand("gin", "init")
    r.repositories[r.cmdloc] = None

    ngit = 3
    nannex = 2

    # create files in root
    for idx in range(ngit):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 3)
    for idx in range(nannex):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 200)

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["??"] = ngit + nannex
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", ".")
    status["LC"] += ngit + nannex
    status["??"] -= ngit + nannex
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    fsremotedir = os.path.join(r.testroot.name, "annexdata")
    r.runcommand("gin", "add-remote", "--create", "lanbackup",
    r.runcommand("gin", "git", "remote", "-v")
    r.repositories[fsremotedir] = None

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["OK"] += ngit + nannex
    status["LC"] -= ngit + nannex
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_create_remote_on_add(runner):
    r = runner
    r.runcommand("gin", "init")
    r.repositories[r.cmdloc] = None

    ngit = 3
    nannex = 2

    # create files in root
    for idx in range(ngit):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 3)
    for idx in range(nannex):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 200)

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["??"] = nannex + ngit
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", ".")
    status["LC"] = ngit + nannex
    status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    repopath = f"{r.username}/{r.reponame}"
    r.runcommand("gin", "add-remote", "--create", "origin", f"test:{repopath}")

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["OK"] += status["LC"]
    status["LC"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_create_remote_prompt(runner):
    r = runner
    r.runcommand("gin", "init")
    r.repositories[r.cmdloc] = None

    ngit = 3
    nannex = 2

    # create files in root
    for idx in range(ngit):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 3)
    for idx in range(nannex):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 200)

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["??"] = nannex + ngit
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", ".")
    status["LC"] = ngit + nannex
    status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    repopath = f"{r.username}/{r.reponame}"
    out, err = r.runcommand("gin",
    assert not err, f"Expected empty error, got\n{err}"
    assert out.endswith("aborted")
    out, err = r.runcommand("git", "remote", "-v")
    assert not out, f"Expected empty output, got\n{out}"
    assert not err, f"Expected empty error, got\n{err}"

    out, err = r.runcommand("gin",
                            inp="add anyway")
    out, err = r.runcommand("git", "remote", "-v")
    assert len(out.splitlines()) == 2, "Unexpected output"
    assert not err, f"Expected empty error, got\n{err}"

    out, err = r.runcommand("gin", "upload", exit=False)
    assert err, "Expected error, got nothing"

    r.runcommand("git", "remote", "rm", "origin")
    out, err = r.runcommand("gin",
    out, err = r.runcommand("gin", "upload")

    status["OK"] += ngit + nannex
    status["LC"] -= ngit + nannex
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def capture(prg):


    b = usb.wait_int()
    if b[0] != 0:
        raise Exception('Unexpected interrupt type %s' % hexlify(b).decode())

        res = stop_prg()

    while True:
        b = usb.wait_int()
        if b[0] != 3:
            raise Exception('Unexpected interrupt type %s' %

        if b[1] == 0x43:

    res = res[2:]

    l, res = res[:4], res[4:]
    l, = unpack('<L', l)

    if l != len(res):
        raise Exception('Response size does not match %d != %d', l, len(res))

    x, y, w1, w2, error = unpack('<HHHHL', res)

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_add_gin_remote(runner):
    r = runner
    r.runcommand("gin", "init")
    r.repositories[r.cmdloc] = None

    ngit = 3
    nannex = 2

    # create files in root
    for idx in range(ngit):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 3)
    for idx in range(nannex):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 200)

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["??"] = nannex + ngit
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", ".")
    status["LC"] = ngit + nannex
    status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "create", "--no-clone", r.reponame,
                 "Test repository for add remote")
    r.repositories[r.cmdloc] = r.reponame
    repopath = f"{r.username}/{r.reponame}"
    r.runcommand("gin", "add-remote", "origin", f"test:{repopath}")
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["OK"] += ngit + nannex
    status["LC"] -= ngit + nannex
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # remove remote, add it with a different name (not origin) and see if it
    # works
    util.mkrandfile(f"final-file.annex", 500)
    r.runcommand("gin", "git", "remote", "rm", "origin")
    r.runcommand("gin", "git", "config", "--unset", "gin.remote")
    r.runcommand("gin", "add-remote", "notorigin", f"test:{repopath}")
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", "final-file.annex")
    status["OK"] += 1
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def send_init(self):

        # TODO analyse responses, detect hardware type

        # 43 -- get partition header(?) (02 -- fwext partition)
        # c28c745a in response is a FwextBuildtime = 0x5A748CC2
        rsp = self.cmd(unhexlify('4302'))


        (err, ), rsp = unpack('<H', rsp[:2]), rsp[2:]
        if err != 0:
            # fwext is not loaded
            print('Clean slate')
Ejemplo n.º 15
def read_hw_reg32(addr):
    rsp = tls.cmd(pack('<BLB', 7, addr, 4))
    rsp, = unpack('<L', rsp[2:])
    return rsp
Ejemplo n.º 16
def start_scan(cmd):
Ejemplo n.º 17
def identify():
        err = capture(identify_prg)
        if err != 0:
            raise Exception('Capture failed: %08x' % err)

        # which finger?
        stg_id = 0  # match against any storage
        usr_id = 0  # match against any user
        cmd = pack('<BBBHHHHH', 0x5e, 2, 0xff, stg_id, usr_id, 1, 0, 0)
        rsp = tls.app(cmd)

        b = usb.wait_int()
        if b[0] != 3:
            raise Exception('Identification failed: %s' % hexlify(b).decode())

        rsp = tls.app(unhexlify('6000000000'))
        rsp = rsp[2:]

        # finish

    (l, ), rsp = unpack('<H', rsp[:2]), rsp[2:]
    if l != len(rsp):
        raise Exception('Response size does not match')

    rsp = parse_dict(rsp)

    #for k in rsp:
    #    print('%04x: %s (%d)' % (k, hexlify(rsp[k]).decode(), len(rsp[k])))

    #0001: 09000000 (4)
    #0003: f500 (2)
    #0004: 8dee792532d3432d41c872fd4d6d590fbc855ad449cf2753cd919eb9c94675c6 (32)
    #0005: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (32)
    #0008: 0a00 (2)
    #0002: 010b0000 (4)
    #0006: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (40)
    usrid, subtype, hsh, fingerid = rsp[1], rsp[3], rsp[4], rsp[8]
    usrid, = unpack('<L', usrid)
    subtype, = unpack('<H', subtype)
    fingerid, = unpack('<H', fingerid)

    usr = db.get_user(usrid)
    finger_record = db.get_record_children(fingerid)

    # Device won't let you add more than one data blob
    if len(finger_record.children) > 1:
        raise Exception('Expected only one child record for finger')

    print('Recognised finger %02x (%s) from user %s' %
          (subtype, subtype_to_string(subtype), repr(usr.identity)))
    print('Template hash: %s' % hexlify(hsh).decode())

    if len(finger_record.children) > 0:
        if finger_record.children[0]['type'] != 8:
            raise Exception('Expected data blob as a finger child')

        blob_id = finger_record.children[0]['dbid']
        blob = db.get_record_value(blob_id).value

        tag, sz = unpack('<HH', blob[:4])
        val = blob[4:4 + sz]

        print('Data blob associated with the finger: %04x: %s' %
              (tag, hexlify(val).decode()))

    return rsp
Ejemplo n.º 18
def glow_end_enroll():
    cmd = unhexlify(
Ejemplo n.º 19
def glow_start_scan():
    cmd = unhexlify(
def test_create_from_local(runner):
    r = runner
    # create files in root
    for idx in range(51):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 1)
    for idx in range(70, 91):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 100)

    # Create from local directory
        "gin", "create", "--here", r.reponame,
        "Test repository for create --here. Created with test script")
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", ".")
    util.assert_status(r, status={"OK": 72})
    r.repositories[r.cmdloc] = r.reponame

    # gin upload command should not have created an extra commit
    out, err = r.runcommand("gin", "git", "rev-list", "--count", "HEAD")
    assert int(out) == 2, f"Expected 2 commits, got {out}"

    # Create more root files that will remain UNTRACKED
    for c in "abcdef":

    # Create some subdirectories with files
    for idx in "abcdef":
        dirname = f"subdir-{idx}"
        for jdx in range(1, 11):
            util.mkrandfile(f"subfile-{jdx}.annex", 200)

    # Upload all the files of the first subdirectory and 2 from the second
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", "subdir-a", "subdir-b/subfile-5.annex",

    status = {"OK": 84, "??": 54}
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # can also check each directory individually
    subb = {"??": 8}
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-b", status=subb)
    subcdef = {"??": 10}
    for p in "cdef":
        util.assert_status(r, path=f"subdir-{p}", status=subcdef)

    # Lock some files
    r.runcommand("gin", "lock", "root-70.annex", "root-75.annex",

    # Locked files should be marked TC
    util.assert_status(r, status={"TC": 3})

    # Lock a whole directory
    r.runcommand("gin", "lock", "subdir-a")
    util.assert_status(r, status={"TC": 13})

    # Check subdirectory only
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-a", status={"TC": 10})

    # Check again but from within the subdir
    util.assert_status(r, status={"TC": 10})

    # Re-unlock one of the files
    r.runcommand("gin", "unlock", "root-84.annex")
    util.assert_status(r, status={"TC": 12})

    # check one of the remaining unlocked files explicitly
    util.assert_status(r, path="root-70.annex", status={"TC": 1})

    # commit the type changes
    r.runcommand("gin", "commit")
    # no TCs left
    util.assert_status(r, status={"TC": 0})

    # There should be no NC files so far
    util.assert_status(r, status={"NC": 0})

    # drop some files and check the counts
    r.runcommand("gin", "rmc", "subdir-b/subfile-5.annex")
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-b", status={"NC": 1})

    r.runcommand("gin", "rmc", "subdir-b")
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-b", status={"NC": 2})

    r.runcommand("gin", "remove-content", "subdir-a")
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-b", status={"NC": 2})
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-a", status={"NC": 10})
    util.assert_status(r, status={"NC": 12})

Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_annex_upgrade(runner):
    r = runner

    # checks if all files with suffix ".annex" are annexed files
    def assert_all_annex():
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
            if ".git" in dirs:
                dirs.remove(".git")  # don't visit .git directory
            for f in files:
                if f.endswith("annex"):
                    fname = os.path.join(root, f)
                    assert util.isannexed(r, fname)

    # add some file, commit, upload, then upgrade
    os.mkdir("first batch")
    fbfiles = 0
    for idx in range(5):
        fname = os.path.join("first batch", f"small-{idx}.git")
        util.mkrandfile(fname, 5)
        fbfiles += 1
    for idx in range(7, 9):
        fname = os.path.join("first batch", f"big-{idx}.annex")
        util.mkrandfile(fname, 2000)
        fbfiles += 1

    status = util.zerostatus()

    status["??"] += fbfiles
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", "first batch")
    status["LC"] += status["??"]
    status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["OK"] += status["LC"]
    status["LC"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    with open(os.path.join(".git", "config")) as gitconf:
        assert "version = 5" in gitconf.read()

    r.runcommand("gin", "annex", "upgrade")
    r.runcommand("gin", "init")
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    with open(os.path.join(".git", "config")) as gitconf:
        conf = gitconf.read()
        assert "version = 7" in conf
        assert "addunlocked" in conf

    os.mkdir("second batch")
    sbfiles = 0
    for idx in range(20, 30):
        fname = os.path.join("second batch", f"small-{idx}.git")
        util.mkrandfile(fname, 5)
        sbfiles += 1
    for idx in range(10, 15):
        fname = os.path.join("second batch", f"big-{idx}.annex")
        util.mkrandfile(fname, 2000)
        sbfiles += 1

    status["??"] += sbfiles

    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", ".")
    status["LC"] += status["??"]
    status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["OK"] += status["LC"]
    status["LC"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_annex_filters(runner):
    r = runner

    # Create some big data files
    for idx in range(3):
        util.mkrandfile(f"randfile{idx}", 1000)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", ".")

    def isannexed(fname):
        return util.isannexed(r, fname)

    # annexed files should include path to annex objects in their git blob
    for idx in range(3):
        fname = f"randfile{idx}"
        assert isannexed(fname)

    # Create markdown, python, and 'foo' file
    # All these are extensions that are excluded from annex in the config
    # Make them "large" (bigger than annex threshold)
    excludedfiles = ["markdown.md", "python.py", "biscuits.foo"]
    for fname in excludedfiles:
        util.mkrandfile(fname, 500)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", *excludedfiles)
    for fname in excludedfiles:
        assert not isannexed(fname)

    # make a really big "script"
    util.mkrandfile("bigscript.py", 100000)  # 100 MB
    r.runcommand("ls", "-lh")
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", "bigscript.py")
    assert not isannexed("bigscript.py")

    # clear local directory and reclone
    r.runcommand("gin", "annex", "uninit")
    shutil.rmtree(r.reponame, onerror=util.force_rm)

    repopath = f"{r.username}/{r.reponame}"
    r.runcommand("gin", "get", repopath)

    # git files should be here
    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["OK"] = 4
    status["NC"] = 3
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    for fname in glob("randfile*"):
        assert isannexed(fname)

    # download first rand file
    r.runcommand("gin", "get-content", "randfile1")
    status["OK"] += 1
    status["NC"] -= 1
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # download everything
    r.runcommand("gin", "getc", ".")
    status["OK"] += status["NC"]
    status["NC"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    rsp = tls.cmd(cmd)
    rsp = rsp[2:]
    crt_len, rsp = rsp[:4], rsp[4:]
    crt_len, = unpack('<L', crt_len)
    # ^ TODO - validate cert
    rsp = rsp[crt_len:]
    # ^ TODO - figure out what the rest of rsp means




rsp = usb.cmd(unhex('01'))
# ^ get device info, contains firmware version which is needed to lookup pubkey for server cert validation

rsp = usb.cmd(unhex('50'))
# ^ TODO validate response
# It should be signed by the firmware private key.
# The corresponding pub key is hardcoded for each fw revision in the synaWudfBioUsb.dll.
# for my device it is: x=f727653b4e16ce0665a6894d7f3a30d7d0a0be310d1292a743671fdf69f6a8d3,
#                      y=a85538f8b6bec50d6eef8bd5f4d07a886243c58b2393948df761a84721a6ca94
rsp = rsp[2:]
Ejemplo n.º 24
def write_fw_signature(partition, signature):
    rsp = tls.cmd(pack('<BBxH', 0x42, partition, len(signature)) + signature)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def write_flash(partition, addr, buf):
    cmd = pack('<BBBHLL', 0x41, partition, 1, 0, addr, len(buf)) + buf
    rsp = tls.cmd(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def write_hw_reg32(addr, val):
    rsp = tls.cmd(pack('<BLLB', 8, addr, val, 4))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def reboot():
Ejemplo n.º 28
    #      0800 0000 9400 0e00 0300 0080 07000000 7e7f807f808080808080808080808080808080808080818081808180818080808080818081808080818081808180818081808180818081808180808081808180808081807f80808180808081808180818080808180818081808180818081808080818081808180818081808180818081808180818081808180818081808080808080808080807f807f807f807f7f7e7e
    #      a400 0000 0800 0e00 0200 0000 00000000 0d007100
    #      b400 0000 0800 0e00 0800 0080 db000000 00000000
    #      c400 0000 0400 0e00 0500 0080 1c6f0400
    #      d000 0000 9400 0e00 0700 0080 07000000 2b23203c2d182e1e30182e1c321d341d341e321c301e1e241e201f201d1c321a301e1c211e21341f1e202024201f1e20201f212221221d221e23341e1d1e1d20341f1d193b341c1d1e35201e201c20221f341c1e1e1c221f201d21201e1c1f34242221201f20221f201e241e241d2020221e2420231d221e211e1f1e1e341c321e3220301d2d302f2d2c2b23223a211c
    #      6c01 0000 1400 0e00 0f00 0080 05550007 7701002805720000080100020811e107
    #      8801 0000 0c00 0e00 1200 0080 07000000 7002 7800 7002 7800
    # Empty reply:
    # >>> 6f 000a 000000000000
    # <<< 0000 880d 0000 00000000


    rsp = tls.cmd(calibrate_prg)
    # ^ TODO check what the rest of the rsp means

    calib_data = usb.read_82()
    print('len=%d' % len(calib_data))
    with open('calib-data.bin', 'wb') as f:

class Line():
    def __init__(self, blob):
        # what's with the rest of fields?
        self.u0, self.u1, self.line, self.frame, self.u2, self.u3, self.u4, self.u5 = unpack(
            '<BBBBBBBB', blob[:8])
        self.data = blob[8:]
Ejemplo n.º 29
def run_checks(r):
    # create files in root
    for idx in range(50):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 5)
    for idx in range(70, 90):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 2000)

    status = util.zerostatus()
    status["??"] += 70
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", "root*")
    status["LC"] += 70
    status["??"] -= 70
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload")
    status["LC"] -= 70
    status["OK"] += 70
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # gin upload command should not have created an extra commit
    assert util.getrevcount(r) == 2

    # Create more root files that will remain UNTRACKED
    for idx in "abcdef":
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-file-{idx}.untracked", 1)
    status["??"] += 6
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # lock all annexed files
    r.runcommand("gin", "lock", ".")
    status["TC"] += 20
    status["OK"] -= 20
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # commit typechange
    r.runcommand("gin", "commit")
    status["TC"] -= 20
    status["OK"] += 20
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # modify all tracked files
    r.runcommand("gin", "unlock", ".")
    status["TC"] += 20
    status["OK"] -= 20
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
    for idx in range(50):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.git", 4)
    for idx in range(70, 90):
        util.mkrandfile(f"root-{idx}.annex", 2100)
    status["OK"] = 0
    status["TC"] = 0
    status["MD"] = 70
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", "*.git", "*.annex")
    status["LC"] += status["MD"]
    status["MD"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Upload all except untracked
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", "*.annex", "*.git")
    status["LC"] = 0
    status["MD"] = 0
    status["OK"] = 70
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Should have 4 commits so far
    assert util.getrevcount(r) == 4

    # Create some subdirectories with files
    for idx in "abcdef":
        dirname = f"subdir-{idx}"
        for jdx in range(10):
            util.mkrandfile(f"subfile-{jdx}.annex", 1500)
    status["??"] += 60
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Upload the files in the first subdirectory only and a couple from the
    # second
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", "subdir-a",
                 os.path.join("subdir-b", "subfile-5.annex"),
                 os.path.join("subdir-b", "subfile-9.annex"))
    status["OK"] += 12
    status["??"] -= 12
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
    subb = util.zerostatus()
    subb["OK"] = 2
    subb["??"] = 8
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-b", status=subb)

    tenuntracked = util.zerostatus()
    tenuntracked["??"] = 10
    for idx in "cdef":
        util.assert_status(r, path=f"subdir-{idx}", status=tenuntracked)

    # Lock some files
    r.runcommand("gin", "lock", "root-70.annex", "root-75.annex",
    status["TC"] += 3
    status["OK"] -= 3
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Lock a whole directory
    r.runcommand("gin", "lock", "subdir-a")
    status["TC"] += 10
    status["OK"] -= 10
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Check subdirectory only
    tenul = util.zerostatus()
    tenul["TC"] = 10
    util.assert_status(r, path="subdir-a", status=tenul)

    # Check again from within the subdir
    util.assert_status(r, status=tenul)

    # Revert lock on one of the files
    r.runcommand("gin", "unlock", "root-84.annex")
    status["TC"] -= 1
    status["OK"] += 1
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    onetc = util.zerostatus()
    onetc["TC"] = 1

    # Check one of the remaining locked files explicitly
    util.assert_status(r, status=onetc, path="root-70.annex")

    # There should be no NC files so far
    status["NC"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Drop some files
    r.runcommand("gin", "rmc", os.path.join("subdir-b", "subfile-5.annex"))
    status["NC"] += 1
    status["OK"] -= 1
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # remove content in subdir-a
    r.runcommand("gin", "remove-content", "subdir-a")
    # removing content of TypeChanged files still shows them as unlocked until
    # the type change is committed
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    suba = util.zerostatus()
    suba["TC"] += 10
    util.assert_status(r, status=suba, path="subdir-a")
    subb["OK"] -= 1
    subb["NC"] += 1
    util.assert_status(r, status=subb, path="subdir-b")

    # Upload everything and then rmc it
    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", ".")
    # subdir-a goes from TC to NC (unlocked, removed content, then commit)
    status["TC"] -= 10
    status["NC"] += 10
    # modified and untracked files become OK
    status["OK"] += status["TC"] + status["MD"] + status["LC"] + status["??"]
    # everything else becomes 0
    status["TC"] = status["MD"] = status["LC"] = status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "rmc", ".")
    # annex files are now NC
    status["NC"] += 69
    status["OK"] -= 69
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # remove a few files and check their status
    os.remove(os.path.join("subdir-a", "subfile-1.annex"))
    shutil.rmtree("subdir-b", onerror=util.force_rm)
    status["RM"] += 12
    status["NC"] -= 11
    status["OK"] -= 1
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "commit", ".")
    status["RM"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    # Add new files, remove some existing ones, check status and upload
    util.mkrandfile("new-annex-file", 10021)
    util.mkrandfile("new-git-file", 10)
    shutil.rmtree("subdir-c", onerror=util.force_rm)
    status["RM"] += 10
    status["??"] += 2
    status["NC"] -= 10
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)

    r.runcommand("gin", "upload", ".")
    status["RM"] = 0
    status["OK"] += status["??"]
    status["??"] = 0
    util.assert_status(r, status=status)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def flush_changes():