Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_weight(self):
        Get weight of AES
        if self.type == "None":
            return 0.0

        if self.motive == "Quad":
            return ceil_05(self.weight / 50.0)
        elif self.motive == "Biped":
            return ceil_05(self.weight / 35.0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_weight(self):
        Get weight of partial wing

        :return: Weight of partial wing
        :rtype: float
        # Clan
        if self.wing and self.tech == 1:
            return ceil_05(0.05 * self.weight)
        # IS
        elif self.wing and self.tech == 0:
            return ceil_05(0.07 * self.weight)
            return 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_weight(self):
     Get weight of supercharger
     if self.supercharger:
         return ceil_05(self.eng_weight / 10.0)
         return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_weight(self):
     Get weight
     if self.mot_type == "VTOL" or self.mot_type == "Hovercraft":
         return ceil_05(0.1 * self.weight)
         return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_weight(self):
        Get weight of jump-boosters

        :return: weight
        :rtype: float
        return ceil_05(0.05 * self.weight * self.jump)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_weight(self):
     Get weight of booby trap
     if self.booby:
         return ceil_05(0.1 * self.weight)
         return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_weight(self):
     Return power amplifier weight
     if self.ene_weight > 0.0:
         return ceil_05(self.ene_weight * 0.1)
         return 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_weight(self):
     Return armor weight
     wgt = self.total.arm / (16 * self.armor_multipler)
     # hack to get half-ton rounding up
     wgt = ceil_05(wgt)
     return wgt
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_weight(self):
        Return weight of engine
        wgt = self.eweight
        # Add shielding
        if self.unit.type == "CV" and self.etype != "I.C.E. Engine":
            wgt *= 1.5
            wgt = ceil_05(wgt)

        # Hovercraft minimum weight
        if self.unit.type == "CV" and self.unit.mot_type == "Hovercraft":
            wgt = max(wgt, self.unit.weight * 0.2)

        return wgt
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, stru, weight, motive):
        self.tech_base = int(stru.attributes["techbase"].value)
        self.type = get_child_data(stru, "type")
        wgt = weight

        # Check for legal structure type, save data
        ident = False
        for i in STRUCTURE:
            if (i[0] == self.type and i[1] == self.tech_base):
                ident = True
                self.is_bv = i[2]
                wgtf = i[3]
                self.r_level = i[4]
                costf = i[5]
                self.short = i[6]
        if not ident:
            error_exit((self.type, self.tech_base))

        # Calculate IS weight
        wgt *= wgtf
        # hack to get half-ton rounding up
        wgt = ceil_05(wgt)
        self.wgt = wgt

        # Calculate IS points
        self.points = 0

        # Head always have 3 IS
        self.points += 3

        # Otherwise get from table
        self.points += CT_IS[weight]
        self.points += ST_IS[weight] * 2
        self.points += LEG_IS[weight] * 2

        # The arms/front legs need to check if mech is Biped or Quad
        if motive == "Quad":
            self.points += LEG_IS[weight] * 2
        elif motive == "Biped":
            self.points += ARM_IS[weight] * 2

        # Calculate cost
        self.cost = weight * costf
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, stru, weight, mot_type, turrets):
        self.tech_base = int(stru.attributes["techbase"].value)
        self.type = get_child_data(stru, "type")
        wgt = weight

        # Check for legal structure type, save data
        ident = False
        for i in STRUCTURE:
            if (i[0] == self.type and i[1] == self.tech_base):
                ident = True
                self.is_bv = i[2]
                wgtf = i[3]
                self.r_level = i[4]
                self.short = i[6]
        if not ident:
            error_exit((self.type, self.tech_base))

        # Calculate IS weight
        wgt *= wgtf
        # hack to get half-ton rounding up
        wgt = ceil_05(wgt)
        self.wgt = wgt

        # Calculate IS points, start with the four basic sides
        base = ceil(weight * 0.1)
        self.points = base * 4
        # Add rotor, max 3 points
        if mot_type == "VTOL":
            self.points += min(base, 3)
        if turrets == "Single Turret":
            self.points += base
        # TODO: Dual turret

        # Calculate cost
        self.cost = self.wgt * 10000
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, mech, art4, art5, apollo, equip, clan_case):
        self.equip = equip
        self.c_case = clan_case  # Clan CASE

        # We need to create local lists for avoid trouble with Omni-mechs
        self.weaponlist = Weaponlist(art4, art5, apollo)
        self.equiplist = Equiplist()
        self.physicallist = Physicallist(mech.weight)
        self.ammolist = Ammolist()
        self.supercharger = Supercharger(mech.engine.erating,
        # Keep track of tarcomp
        self.tarcomp = 0
        # Gear weight
        self.a_weight = 0.0
        self.e_weight = 0.0
        self.tc_weight = 0.0
        self.mod_weight = 0.0
        self.tur_weight = 0.0
        # Track explosive ammo by locations
        self.exp_ammo = {}
        # Save reference to explosive weapon count
        self.exp_weapon = self.weaponlist.exp_weapon
        self.case = {}
        # Track coolant pods
        self.coolant = 0
        # Track modular armor
        self.mod_armor = {}
        self.has_mod_armor = False
        # Track CASE rules level
        self.case_rule = 0

        ### Count gear ###
        for name in self.equip:
            ### Weapons ###
            # Go through weapon list
            ident = False
            # A weapon
            if (name.typ == 'ballistic' or name.typ == 'energy' or
                name.typ == 'missile' or name.typ == 'artillery' or
                name.typ == 'mgarray'):
                found = self.weaponlist.add(name.name, name.loc, name.rear,
                if found:
                    ident = True

            # Handle non-weapon equipment
            elif (name.typ == 'equipment'):
                for equip in self.equiplist.list:
                    if (name.name == equip.name):
                        equip.addone(name.wgt, name.turret)
                        self.e_weight += equip.get_weight()
                        ident = True
                        # Hack, coolant pods
                        if name.name == "Coolant Pod":
                            self.coolant += 1
                        # Add explosive equipment to location
                        if equip.expl > 0:
                            self.exp_weapon.add_weapon(name.loc, equip.expl)
            # Hack, CASE
            elif (name.typ == 'CASE' or name.typ == 'CASEII'):
                for cas in CASE.keys():
                    if (name.name == cas):
                        # Hack SSW store fixed CASE on omnis twice
                        if not name.loc in self.case:
                            self.e_weight += CASE[cas][1]
                        ident = True
                        # Save CASE status
                        self.case[name.loc] = name.typ
                        # Hack CASE rules level
                        if self.case_rule < CASE[cas][0]:
                            self.case_rule = CASE[cas][0]

            # Hack, handle targeting computer
            elif (name.name == "(IS) Targeting Computer" and
                name.typ == 'TargetingComputer'):
                self.tarcomp = 1
                ident = True
            elif (name.name == "(CL) Targeting Computer" and
                name.typ == 'TargetingComputer'):
                self.tarcomp = 2
                ident = True

            # Hack, supercharger
            elif (name.name == "Supercharger" and name.typ == "Supercharger"):
                ident = True

            # A possible physical weapon
            elif (name.typ == 'physical'):
                found = self.physicallist.add(name.name, name.loc, name.turret)
                if found:
                    ident = True

            # Modular armor
            elif (name.typ == 'miscellaneous'):
                if name.name == "Modular Armor":
                    ident = True
                    mod = self.mod_armor.get(name.loc, 0)
                    mod += 10
                    self.mod_armor[name.loc] = mod
                    self.mod_weight = 1.0
                    self.has_mod_armor = True
                # Ignore Hitches for now
                if name.name == "Hitch":
                    ident = True

            # Ammunition
            elif (name.typ == 'ammunition'):
                for ammo in self.ammolist.list:
                    if (name.name == ammo.name):
                        self.a_weight += ammo.get_weight()
                        ident = True
                        # Add explosive ammo to location
                        if ammo.explosive == "X":
                            expl = self.exp_ammo.get(name.loc, 0)
                            expl += 1
                            self.exp_ammo[name.loc] = expl

            # Not found
            if not ident:
                print "Unidentified:", name.name, ":", name.typ

        # Calculate tarcomp weight
        if self.tarcomp == 1:  # IS
            self.tc_weight = ceil(self.weaponlist.tcw_weight / 4.0)
        if self.tarcomp == 2:  # Clan
            self.tc_weight = ceil(self.weaponlist.tcw_weight / 5.0)

        # Calculate turret weight
        self.tur_weight = ceil_05((self.weaponlist.tur_weight +
                                   self.equiplist.get_turret_weight() +
                                   self.physicallist.get_turret_weight()) /

        # Add ammo to weapon
        for ammo in self.ammolist.list:
            if ammo.count > 0:
                ident = False
                for weap in self.weaponlist.list.itervalues():
                    for i in ammo.wname:
                        if weap.name == i:
                            weap.add_ammo(ammo.count * ammo.weight,
                                          ammo.count * ammo.amount)
                            ident = True
                # We need to do defensive equipment also due to AMS
                for equip in self.equiplist.list:
                    for i in ammo.wname:
                        if equip.name == i:
                            equip.add_ammo(ammo.count * ammo.weight,
                                           ammo.count * ammo.amount)
                            ident = True
                if (not ident):
                    print "ERROR: Unknown weapon:", ammo.wname
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_weight(self):
     Get weight
     return ceil_05(0.05 * self.weight)
Ejemplo n.º 14
# Where rules level is:
#        0 = Intro-tech,
#        1 = Tournament legal,
#        2 = Advanced,
#        3 = Experimental,
#        4 = Primitive (special)
# TODO: Medium Shield, industrial equipment
    # Total Warfare
    "Hatchet": [(lambda x: x * 1.5), 0, (lambda x: ceil(x / 5.0)),
                 (lambda x: ceil(x / 15.0)), 0, 0, (lambda x, y: x * 5000)],
    "Sword": [(lambda x: x * 1.725), 0, (lambda x: ceil(x / 10.0) + 1),
               (lambda x: ceil_05(x / 20.0)), 0, 1,
               (lambda x, y: x * 10000)],
    "Retractable Blade":
        [(lambda x: x * 1.725), 0, (lambda x: ceil(x / 10.0)),
         (lambda x: ceil_05(x / 20.0) + 0.5), 0, 1,
         (lambda x, y: x * 10000 + 10000)],
    "Backhoe": [(lambda x: 8), 0, (lambda x: 6),
                 (lambda x: 5), 0, 1, (lambda x, y: 50000)],
    "Spot Welder": [(lambda x: 5), 0, (lambda x: 5),
                     (lambda x: 2), 2, 1, (lambda x, y: 75000)],
    # Advanced stuff
    "Claws": [(lambda x: x * 1.275), 0, (lambda x: ceil(x / 7.0)),
               (lambda x: ceil(x / 15.0)), 0, 2, (lambda x, y: y * 200)],
    "Mace": [(lambda x: x * 1.0), 0, (lambda x: ceil(x / 4.0)),
              (lambda x: ceil(x / 10.0)), 0, 1, (lambda x, y: 130000)],
    "Lance": [(lambda x: x * 1.0), 0, (lambda x: ceil(x / 5.0)),
Ejemplo n.º 15
# Where rules level is: 0 = intro, 1 = TL, 2 = advanced, 3 = experimental,
# 4 = primitive
# Missing: Fuel Cell, Fission
ENGINE = [["I.C.E. Engine", 2, 1.0, (lambda x: ICE_ENGINE[x]), 1, 1250, "ICE"],
          ["Fusion Engine", 2, 1.0, (lambda x: STD_ENGINE[x]), 0, 5000, ""],
          ["XL Engine", 0, 0.5, (lambda x: XL_ENGINE[x]), 1, 20000, "XL"],
          ["XL Engine", 1, 0.75, (lambda x: XL_ENGINE[x]), 1, 20000, "XL"],
          ["Light Fusion Engine", 0, 0.75,
           (lambda x: LGT_ENGINE[x]), 1, 15000, "L"],
          ["Compact Fusion Engine", 0, 1.0,
           (lambda x: CMP_ENGINE[x]), 1, 10000, "C"],
          ["No Engine", 2, 0.0, (lambda x: 0.0), 1, 0, "---"],
          # Advanced
          ["XXL Engine", 0, 0.25,
           (lambda x: ceil_05(STD_ENGINE[x] * 0.333)), 3, 100000, "XXL"],
          ["XXL Engine", 1, 0.5,
           (lambda x: ceil_05(STD_ENGINE[x] * 0.333)), 3, 100000, "XXL"],
          ["Primitive Fusion Engine", 2, 1.0,
           (lambda x: STD_ENGINE[ceil_5(x * 1.2)]), 4, 5000, "Pri"]]

# Gyro types
# Name, techbase, BV multiplier, weight multiplier, rules level, cost factor
# Where techbase 0 = IS, 1 = Clan, 2 = Both, 10 = unknown
# Where rules level is: 0 = intro, 1 = TL, 2 = advanced, 3 = experimental
GYRO = [["Standard Gyro", 2, 0.5, 1.0, 0, 300000],
        ["Extra-Light Gyro", 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 750000],
        ["Heavy-Duty Gyro", 0, 1.0, 2.0, 1, 500000],