Ejemplo n.º 1
    def decode_servos_fixed_wing(self, servos):
        '''decode servos for fixed wing'''
        roll_rate = util.constrain(servos[0] - 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
        pitch_rate = util.constrain(servos[1] - 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
        throttle = util.constrain(servos[2], 0, 1)
        yaw_rate = util.constrain(servos[3] - 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)

        buf = struct.pack('<fffff', roll_rate, pitch_rate, throttle, yaw_rate,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def decode_servos_fixed_wing(self, servos):
        '''decode servos for fixed wing'''
        roll_rate = util.constrain(servos[0]-0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
        pitch_rate = util.constrain(servos[1]-0.5, -0.5, 0.5)
        throttle = util.constrain(servos[2], 0, 1)
        yaw_rate = util.constrain(servos[3]-0.5, -0.5, 0.5)

        buf = struct.pack('<fffff',
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, V):
        :params V: a numpy array of size J x d (data matrix)

        :returns (J x d) numpy array representing witness evaluations at the J
        J = V.shape[0]
        X = self.dat.data()
        n, d = X.shape
        # construct the feature tensor (n x d x J)
        fssd = FSSD(self.p, self.k, V, null_sim=None, alpha=None)

        # When X, V contain many points, this can use a lot of memory.
        # Process chunk by chunk.
        block_rows = util.constrain(50000 // (d * J), 10, 5000)
        avg_rows = []
        for (f, t) in util.ChunkIterable(start=0, end=n,
            assert f < t
            Xblock = X[f:t, :]
            b = Xblock.shape[0]
            F = fssd.feature_tensor(Xblock)
            Tau = np.reshape(F, [b, d * J])
            # witness evaluations computed on only a subset of data

        # an array of length d*J
        witness_evals = (float(b) / n) * np.sum(np.vstack(avg_rows), axis=0)
        assert len(witness_evals) == d * J
        return np.reshape(witness_evals, [J, d])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def decode_servos_heli(self, servos):
        '''decode servos for heli'''
        swash1 = servos[0]
        swash2 = servos[1]
        swash3 = servos[2]
        tail_rotor = servos[3]
        rsc = servos[7]

        col_pitch = (swash1 + swash2 + swash3) / 3.0 - 0.5
        roll_rate = (swash1 - swash2) / 2
        pitch_rate = -((swash1 + swash2) / 2.0 - swash3) / 2
        yaw_rate = -(tail_rotor - 0.5)
        rsc_speed = rsc

        buf = struct.pack('<fffff', util.constrain(roll_rate, -0.5, 0.5),
                          util.constrain(pitch_rate, -0.5, 0.5),
                          util.constrain(rsc, 0, 1),
                          util.constrain(yaw_rate, -0.5, 0.5),
                          util.constrain(col_pitch, -0.5, 0.5))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def decode_servos_heli(self, servos):
        '''decode servos for heli'''
        swash1 = servos[0]
        swash2 = servos[1]
        swash3 = servos[2]
        tail_rotor = servos[3]
        rsc = servos[7]

        col_pitch = (swash1+swash2+swash3)/6.0
        roll_rate = (swash1 - swash2)/2
        pitch_rate = -((swash1 + swash2)/2.0 - swash3)/2
        yaw_rate = -(tail_rotor - 0.5)
        rsc_speed = rsc

        buf = struct.pack('<fffff',
                          util.constrain(roll_rate, -0.5, 0.5),
                          util.constrain(pitch_rate, -0.5, 0.5),
                          util.constrain(rsc, 0, 1),
                          util.constrain(yaw_rate, -0.5, 0.5),
                          util.constrain(col_pitch, -0.5, 0.5))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_drive(self):
        l = deadzone(self.j.get_axis(self.LEFT), .25) * 5000
        r = deadzone(self.j.get_axis(self.RIGHT), .25) * 5000
        l = constrain(l, 4095)
        r = constrain(r, 4095)

        zf, zr = 0, 0
        hat = self.j.get_hat(0)[1]
        if hat:
            zf = -4095 * hat
            zr = 4095 * hat
        elif self.j.get_button(self.UP):
            zf = zr = -4095
        elif self.j.get_button(self.DOWN):
            zf = zr = 4095

        claw = 0
        if self.j.get_button(self.CLAW_O):
            claw = CLAW_SPEED
        elif self.j.get_button(self.CLAW_C):
            claw = -CLAW_SPEED

        return -r, -l, zf, zr, claw
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update(self):
        '''update the gimbal state'''

        # calculate delta time in seconds
        now = time.time()
        delta_t = now - self.last_update_t
        self.last_update_t = now

        if self.dcm is None:
            # start with copter rotation matrix
            self.dcm = self.vehicle.dcm.copy()

        # take a copy of the demanded rates to bypass the limiter function for testing
        demRateRaw = self.demanded_angular_rate

        # 1)  Rotate the copters rotation rates into the gimbals frame of reference
        # copterAngRate_G = transpose(DCMgimbal)*DCMcopter*copterAngRate
        copterAngRate_G = self.dcm.transposed()*self.vehicle.dcm*self.vehicle.gyro
        #print("copterAngRate_G ", copterAngRate_G)

        # 2) Subtract the copters body rates to obtain a copter relative rotational
        # rate vector (X,Y,Z) in gimbal sensor frame
        # relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = gimbalRateDemand - copterAngRate_G
        relativeGimbalRate = self.demanded_angular_rate - copterAngRate_G
        #print("relativeGimbalRate ", relativeGimbalRate)

        # calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
        # calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix
        rotmat_copter_gimbal = self.dcm.transposed() * self.vehicle.dcm
        self.joint_angles = Vector3(*rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed().to_euler312())
        #print("joint_angles ", self.joint_angles)
        # 4)  For each of the three joints, calculate upper and lower rate limits
        # from the corresponding angle limits and current joint angles
        # upperRatelimit = (jointAngle - lowerAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain
        # lowerRatelimit = (jointAngle - upperAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain
        # travelLimitGain is equal to the inverse of the bump stop time constant and
        # should be set to something like 20 initially. If set too high it can cause
        # the rates to 'ring' when they the limiter is in force, particularly given
        # we are using a first order numerical integration.
        upperRatelimit = -(self.joint_angles - self.upper_joint_limits) * self.travelLimitGain
        lowerRatelimit = -(self.joint_angles - self.lower_joint_limits) * self.travelLimitGain

        # 5) Calculate the gimbal joint rates (roll, elevation, azimuth)
        # gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth) = Matrix*relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z)
        # where matrix =
        # +-                                                                  -+
        # |          cos(elevAngle),        0,         sin(elevAngle)          |
        # |                                                                    |
        # |  sin(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle), 1, -cos(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle)  |
        # |                                                                    |
        # |           sin(elevAngle)                   cos(elevAngle)          |
        # |         - --------------,       0,         --------------          |
        # |           cos(rollAngle)                   cos(rollAngle)          |
        # +-                                                                  -+
        rollAngle = self.joint_angles.x
        elevAngle = self.joint_angles.y
        matrix = Matrix3(Vector3(cos(elevAngle), 0, sin(elevAngle)),
                         Vector3(sin(elevAngle)*tan(rollAngle), 1, -cos(elevAngle)*tan(rollAngle)),
                         Vector3(-sin(elevAngle)/cos(rollAngle), 0, cos(elevAngle)/cos(rollAngle)))
        gimbalJointRates = matrix * relativeGimbalRate
        #print("lowerRatelimit ", lowerRatelimit)
        #print("upperRatelimit ", upperRatelimit)
        #print("gimbalJointRates ", gimbalJointRates)

        # 6) Apply the rate limits from 4)
        gimbalJointRates.x = util.constrain(gimbalJointRates.x, lowerRatelimit.x, upperRatelimit.x)
        gimbalJointRates.y = util.constrain(gimbalJointRates.y, lowerRatelimit.y, upperRatelimit.y)
        gimbalJointRates.z = util.constrain(gimbalJointRates.z, lowerRatelimit.z, upperRatelimit.z)

        # 7) Convert the modified gimbal joint rates to body rates (still copter
        # relative)
        # relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = Matrix * gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth)
        # where Matrix =
        #   +-                                                   -+
        #   |  cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle) sin(elevAngle)  |
        #   |                                                     |
        #   |         0,       1,         sin(rollAngle)          |
        #   |                                                     |
        #   |  sin(elevAngle), 0,  cos(elevAngle) cos(rollAngle)  |
        #   +-                                                   -+
        matrix = Matrix3(Vector3(cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle)*sin(elevAngle)),
                         Vector3(0,       1,         sin(rollAngle)),
                         Vector3(sin(elevAngle), 0,  cos(elevAngle)*cos(rollAngle)))
        relativeGimbalRate = matrix * gimbalJointRates

        # 8) Add to the result from step 1) to obtain the demanded gimbal body rates
        # in an inertial frame of reference
        # demandedGimbalRatesInertial(X,Y,Z)  = relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) + copterAngRate_G
        demandedGimbalRatesInertial = relativeGimbalRate + copterAngRate_G
        #if now - self.last_print_t >= 1.0:
        #    print("demandedGimbalRatesInertial ", demandedGimbalRatesInertial)
        # for the moment we will set gyros equal to demanded_angular_rate
        self.gimbal_angular_rate = demRateRaw #demandedGimbalRatesInertial + self.true_gyro_bias - self.supplied_gyro_bias

        # update rotation of the gimbal

        # calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix
        rotmat_copter_gimbal = self.dcm.transposed() * self.vehicle.dcm

        # calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
        self.joint_angles = Vector3(*rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed().to_euler312())

        # update observed gyro
        self.gyro = self.gimbal_angular_rate + self.true_gyro_bias

        # update delta_angle (integrate)
        self.delta_angle += self.gyro * delta_t

        # calculate accel in gimbal body frame
        copter_accel_earth = self.vehicle.dcm * self.vehicle.accel_body
        accel = self.dcm.transposed() * copter_accel_earth

        # integrate velocity
        self.delta_velocity += accel * delta_t

        # see if we should do a report
        if now - self.last_report_t >= 1.0 / self.reporting_rate:
            self.last_report_t = now

        if now - self.last_print_t >= 1.0:
            self.last_print_t = now
            # calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
            Euler312 = Vector3(*self.dcm.to_euler312())
            print("Euler Angles 312 %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f" % (degrees(Euler312.z), degrees(Euler312.x), degrees(Euler312.y)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
  def shoot(self, shooter, target):
    if not shooter.can_shoot:
      print('unit is not permitted to shoot right now')
    elif target.quantity <= 0 or shooter.quantity <= 0:
      print 'error, one unit is empty / wiped out'
    elif target.allegiance == shooter.allegiance:
      print('(was gonna shoot but didnt because both units are from same army)')
    elif self.is_locked(shooter) or self.is_locked(target):
      print('was gonna shoot but shooter or target is locked in close combat.')
    # more assert eg closest-target Ld check TODO

    dist = util.distance(shooter.coord, target.coord)
    if shooter.rng < dist:
        'Tried to shoot but target is out of range ({real}sq / {realin}", ' +
        'range: {max}sq / {maxin}")').format(
          real=dist, realin=util.inches(dist),
          max=shooter.rng, maxin=util.inches(shooter.rng))

    print shooter.name_with_sprite() + ' is shooting at ' + target.name_with_sprite()

    shooter.can_shoot = False

    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(shooter.quantity, "shooter") + "..."

    totalshotcount = shooter.shotspercreature * shooter.quantity
    attacks = []
    for i in range(totalshotcount):
      attacks.append(Attack(shooter.shootstr, shooter.ap))

    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(len(attacks), "shot") + "..."

    # To Hit
    for attack in attacks:
      if not attack.active:
      need_to_roll = 7 - shooter.bs
      need_to_roll = util.constrain(need_to_roll, 2, 6)
      result = util.roll(
        'Shooting to-hit roll, shooter needs a {goal}+'.format(goal = need_to_roll),
        successif = (lambda n: n>=need_to_roll))
      if result < need_to_roll:
        attack.active = False

    # Attacks that do not hit, wound, etc are marked .active = False
    # And then removed. Might be clumsy.
    hits = [a for a in attacks if a.active]
    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(len(hits), "hit") + "..."

    # To Wound
    for attack in hits:
      need_to_roll = target.t - shooter.shootstr + 4
      need_to_roll = util.constrain(need_to_roll, 2, 6)
      result = util.roll(
        'Shooting to-wound roll, shooter needs a {goal}+'.format(goal = need_to_roll), 
        successif = (lambda n: n>=need_to_roll))
      if result < need_to_roll:
        attack.active = False

    wounds = [a for a in hits if a.active]
    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(len(wounds), "pre-saving wound") + "..."

    # Saves
    for attack in wounds:
      # TODO: invulnerable saves, cover saves
      if target.sv >= 7 or target.sv >= attack.ap:
      need_to_roll = target.sv
      result = util.roll(
        'Shooting armor save, target saves on a {goal}+'.format(goal = need_to_roll))
      if result >= need_to_roll:
        attack.active = False

    unsaved_wounds = [a for a in wounds if a.active]
    # print final results summary
    print ' {n} casualties...'.format(n=len(unsaved_wounds))
    if len(unsaved_wounds) > 0:
      # TODO bug, 1 unsaved wound led to multiple lost models. seen once 2015 aug 9.
      self.damage(target, len(unsaved_wounds))
      print ' Now target has ' + str(target.quantity) + ' creatures left in it.'