Ejemplo n.º 1
def gen_initial_guess(observed_counts, one_sided_prf, Nguess, randscale=1e-3, reg='tv'):
    generate a list of initial guesses based on the RL deconvolution
    M = len(one_sided_prf)
    symmetric_prf = np.r_[np.zeros(M-1), one_sided_prf]
    Ndim = len(observed_counts) + M - 1
    # pad first to avoid end effects
    pad0 = np.ones(2*M)*observed_counts[0]
    pad1 = np.ones(M)*observed_counts[-1]
    observed_counts_padded = np.r_[pad0, observed_counts, pad1]

    initial_guess = util.deconvlucy1d(observed_counts_padded, symmetric_prf, 
                                     iterations=1000, reg=reg)
    ## smooth the initial guess
    #from micromet.util import smooth
    #initial_guess = smooth(initial_guess, 11)
    initial_guess = initial_guess[M+1:-M]
    # starting locations for each walker are in a small range around the
    # Richardson-Lucy starting point
    p0 = [initial_guess*2**(np.random.randn(Ndim)*randscale) for 
                            ii in range(Nguess)]
    #p0 = [initial_guess + np.random.randn(Ndim)*randscale for 
    #                        ii in range(Nguess)]
    return p0
                                           itm[1]['time']) for itm in df_glb.iterrows()]
    df_glb.index = time
    #clean up negative values
    df_glb.lld[df_glb.lld<0] = 500
    return df_glb

df_glb = load_glb()

## exclude the calibration
#df_glb = df_glb.iloc[48*2:-12*2]

#rl deconvolution
df_glb['lld_rltv'] = util.deconvlucy1d(df_glb.lld, prf30_symmetric, reg='tv', iterations=1000)
df_glb['lld_rl'] = util.deconvlucy1d(df_glb.lld, prf30_symmetric, reg=None, iterations=1000)
f, ax = plt.subplots()
df_glb[['lld', 'lld_rl', 'lld_rltv']].plot(ax=ax)

# look at detailed diagnostics
if True:
    #dftmp = df_glb.head(24*2)
    dftmp = df_glb.iloc[48*2:48*3+1]
    observed_data = dftmp.lld.values
    # check out the initial guess
    ig = util_emcee.gen_initial_guess(dftmp.lld.values, prf30, Nguess=1,