Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, nodeid):
        "Retrieve the ways associated with a node."

        elem = self.datastore.fetch(C.NODE, nodeid)
        if elem is None:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)

        osm = new_osm_response()

        wayset = filter_references(C.WAY, [elem])
        if len(wayset) > 0:
            ways = self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.WAY,
                                             [w for w in wayset])
            for (st,w) in ways:
                if st:

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get(self, namespace, ident):
        """Retrieve relations for an element.

        The element can be a 'node' or 'way'.

        if namespace not in [C.NODE, C.WAY, C.RELATION]:
            raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)

        elem = self.datastore.fetch(namespace, ident)

        osm = new_osm_response()

        if elem:
            relset = filter_references(C.RELATION, [elem])
            if len(relset) > 0:
                relations = self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.RELATION,
                                                      [r for r in relset])
                for (st,r) in relations:
                    if st:

        self.set_header(C.CONTENT_TYPE, C.TEXT_XML)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def handle_map(self, bbox):
        """Implementation of the /map API.


        bbox -- Bounding box coordinates.

        nodelist = []
        relations = []
        ways = []

        # This implementation follows the current implementation of
        # the API server at api.openstreetmap.org (the 'rails' port).

        # Look up the geo coded documents covering the desired bbox.
        gckeys = self.get_geocodes(bbox)
        geodocs = self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.GEODOC, gckeys)

        # Step 1: Get the list of nodes contained in the given
        #    bounding box.
        nodeset = _filter_in_bbox(bbox,
                                  [gd for (st, gd) in geodocs if st])
        if len(nodeset) == 0:
            return (nodelist, ways, relations)

        nodelist = [z for (st, z) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(
                C.NODE, [n for n in nodeset]) if st]

        # Step 2: Retrieve all ways that reference at least one node
        #    in the given bounding box.
        wayset = filter_references(C.WAY, nodelist)

        # Step 3: Retrieve any additional nodes referenced by the ways
        # retrieved.
        waynodeset = set()

        for (st,w) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.WAY, [w for w in wayset]):
            if st:

        extranodeset = waynodeset - nodeset
        nodelist.extend([n for (st,n) in
                                                   [n for n in extranodeset])
                         if st])
        nodeset = nodeset | extranodeset

        # Step 4: Retrieve the relations associated with these nodes.

        # ... all relations that reference nodes being returned.
        relset = filter_references(C.RELATION, nodelist)

        # ... and relations that reference one of the ways in the wayset.
        relset.update(filter_references(C.RELATION, ways))

        # ... retrieve relations from the data store.
        relations = [xr for (st,xr) in
                                               [r for r in relset])
                     if st]

        # ... and relations referenced by existing relations
        # (one-pass only).
        extrarelset = filter_references(C.RELATION, relations)
        newrelset = extrarelset - relset

        newrels = [nr for (st, nr) in
                                             [r for r in newrelset])
                   if st]

        return (nodelist, ways, relations)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def handle_map(self, bbox):
        """Implementation of the /map API.


        bbox -- Bounding box coordinates.

        nodelist = []
        relations = []
        ways = []

        # This implementation follows the current implementation of
        # the API server at api.openstreetmap.org (the 'rails' port).

        # Look up the geo coded documents covering the desired bbox.
        gckeys = self.get_geocodes(bbox)
        geodocs = self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.GEODOC, gckeys)

        # Step 1: Get the list of nodes contained in the given
        #    bounding box.
        nodeset = _filter_in_bbox(bbox, [gd for (st, gd) in geodocs if st])
        if len(nodeset) == 0:
            return (nodelist, ways, relations)

        nodelist = [
            for (st,
                 z) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.NODE, [n for n in nodeset])
            if st

        # Step 2: Retrieve all ways that reference at least one node
        #    in the given bounding box.
        wayset = filter_references(C.WAY, nodelist)

        # Step 3: Retrieve any additional nodes referenced by the ways
        # retrieved.
        waynodeset = set()

        for (st, w) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(C.WAY, [w for w in wayset]):
            if st:

        extranodeset = waynodeset - nodeset
            n for (st, n) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(
                C.NODE, [n for n in extranodeset]) if st
        nodeset = nodeset | extranodeset

        # Step 4: Retrieve the relations associated with these nodes.

        # ... all relations that reference nodes being returned.
        relset = filter_references(C.RELATION, nodelist)

        # ... and relations that reference one of the ways in the wayset.
        relset.update(filter_references(C.RELATION, ways))

        # ... retrieve relations from the data store.
        relations = [
            xr for (st, xr) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(
                C.RELATION, [r for r in relset]) if st

        # ... and relations referenced by existing relations
        # (one-pass only).
        extrarelset = filter_references(C.RELATION, relations)
        newrelset = extrarelset - relset

        newrels = [
            nr for (st, nr) in self.datastore.fetch_keys(
                C.RELATION, [r for r in newrelset]) if st

        return (nodelist, ways, relations)