Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: ir.py Proyecto: gdrius/kajiki
 def __init__(self, attr, value, guard=None, mode='xml'):
     super(AttrNode, self).__init__(value)
     self.attr = attr
     # self.value = value
     self.guard = guard
     self.mode = mode
     self.attrname, self.genname = gen_name(), gen_name()
def save_all_paths(gen_paths, g, fname, tag, num_bins, measure):
    # Create a histogram of all paths in the graph, save it to `fname`
    plt.xlabel("Runtime (ms)")
    plt.ylabel("Num. Paths")
    plt.title("%s-%s" % (fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1], tag))
    gen_runtimes = lambda: (measure(p, g) for p in gen_paths())
    min_runtime = min(gen_runtimes())
    max_runtime = max(gen_runtimes())
    med_runtime = statistics.median(gen_runtimes())
    bkt_width = (max_runtime - min_runtime) / num_bins
    bins = ((min_runtime + int(i * bkt_width), min_runtime + int((1 + i) * bkt_width)) for i in range(0, num_bins))
    for (lo, hi) in bins:
        plt.bar(lo, sum((1 for rt in gen_runtimes() if lo <= rt <= hi)), alpha=0.6, width=bkt_width)
    # Max, Min, Median path lines
    plt.axvline(med_runtime, color="k", linestyle="solid", linewidth=5, label="median = %s" % int(med_runtime))
    # invisible lines
    plt.axvline(min_runtime, alpha=0, color="0", linestyle="dashed", linewidth=0, label="min = %s" % int(min_runtime))
    plt.axvline(max_runtime, alpha=0, color="0", linestyle="dotted", linewidth=0, label="max = %s" % int(max_runtime))
    # Save figure
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, tag, "png")
    lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0)
    plt.savefig(new_name, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches="tight")
    print("Saved plot to '%s'" % new_name)
    ## Save data
    save_runtimes(zip(gen_paths(), gen_runtimes()), util.gen_name(fname, tag, "tab"))
    return new_name
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_npc(npc_names, demon = False):
    if not demon:
        name = util.gen_name(check_unique=world.npc_names)
        name = util.gen_name('demon', check_unique=world.npc_names)
    if npc_names is not None:
    return name
def profile_group(fname, gname, *group):
    # Get information about the modules `group` with respect to the other files.
    # TODO
    group = list(group)
    d = util.dict_of_file(gname)
    print("Profiling group '%s'" % group)
    with open(gname, "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            print("  " + line.strip())
    tr_list = [(title, int(statistics.mean(row))) for (title, row) in rows_where_group_is_boundary(fname, group, d)]
    tr_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
    for title, val in tr_list:
        print("Config '%s' has avg. runtime %d" % (title, val))
    ## Plot bar graph
    wd = 200
    num_bars = len(tr_list)
    ind = [i * wd for i in range(0, num_bars)]
    xlabels = [x[0] for x in tr_list]
    xvals = [x[1] for x in tr_list]
    plt.axis([0, wd * (num_bars - 1), 0, max(xvals)])
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.bar(ind, xvals, width=100)
    fig.set_size_inches(25, 10)
    plt.xlabel("Config. (%s)" % (sorted([(key, int(val[0])) for (key, val) in d.items()], key=lambda x: x[1])))
    plt.ylabel("Avg. Runtime (ms)")
    plt.title("%s, where group %s is a boundary" % (fname.rsplit("/", 1)[-1], group))
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "+".join((x.rsplit(".", 1)[0] for x in group)), "png")
    print("Saved figure as '%s'" % new_name)
def main(fname, num_modules):
    num_samples = min(num_modules, MAX_SAMPLES)
    data = sample_by_num_typed_modules(fname, num_modules, num_samples)
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    # ax1.set_ylim(0, 18000) #funkytown
    ax1.set_ylim(400, 900)  # tetris
    ## Graph data. For each number of modules, graph the mean & ci.
    for i in range(len(data)):
        ci_rect = Rectangle(
            [i + 1 - 0.25, data[i]["ci"][0]], 0.5, data[i]["ci"][1] - data[i]["ci"][0], facecolor="royalblue"
        plt.plot(i + 1, [data[i]["mean"]], color="w", marker="*", markeredgecolor="k")
    ## Save graph
    plt.xticks(range(1, 1 + len(data)), range(0, len(data)))
    # plt.yticks([5000,10000,15000]) #funkytown
    plt.yticks([100 * i for i in range(4, 10)])
    ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle="-", which="major", color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5)
    ax1.set_title(fname.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].rsplit(".")[0])
    ax1.set_xlabel("Num. Typed Modules")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Runtime (ms)")
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "sampling-%s" % num_samples, "png")
    print("Saved results to '%s'" % new_name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def process_string(s):
    substs = util.LambdaMap()
    result = s.strip()
    #first parse name with random one
    substs['name'] = lambda: util.gen_name()
    substs['enemy'] = lambda: create_enemy()
    substs['adventurer'] = lambda: create_adventurer()
    substs['npc'] = lambda: create_npc(None)
    substs['good_npc'] = lambda: create_npc(world.good_npc_names)
    substs['bad_npc'] = lambda: create_npc(world.bad_npc_names)
    substs['demon_npc'] = lambda: create_npc(world.demon_npc_names, demon=True)
    substs['deity_npc'] = lambda: create_npc(world.deity_npc_names)

    substs['birth_city'] = lambda: create_city(birth=True, city=True)
    substs['birth_village'] = lambda: create_city(birth=True, city=False)
    substs['city'] = lambda: create_city(city=True)
    substs['village'] = lambda: create_city()
    substs['depart_village'] = lambda: create_city(depart=True, city=False)
    substs['depart_city'] = lambda: create_city(depart=True, city=True)

    substs['noun'] = lambda: random.choice(nouns)
    substs['Noun'] = lambda: random.choice(nouns).capitalize()
    substs['Adjective'] = lambda: random.choice(adjectives).capitalize()
    substs['adjective'] = lambda: random.choice(adjectives)

    substs['skill'] = lambda: random.choice(skills)
    substs['Skill'] = lambda: random.choice(skills).capitalize()

    substs['profession'] = lambda: random.choice(professions)
    substs['Profession'] = lambda: random.choice(professions).capitalize()

    substs['age'] = lambda: create_age()

    res = string.Template(s).safe_substitute(substs)
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 7
def FIcompare(folder, cells, currents = [], freqs = [],\
    firing_rate_data = 'firing_rate_data.txt'):
    f = FIcompare(folder, cells, currents = [], freqs = [],\
        firing_rate_data = 'firing_rate_data.txt'):
        Plot current clamp firing traces with certain currents input and with firing
        frequencies in a certain range.
        folder (string) - directory to the folder with raw data
        cells (array_like) - indices of neurons to plot
        currents (array_like) - list of input currents
        freqs (list) - of two scalars, range of the firing rates to be included
        firing_rate_data (string) - firing rate data file directory
        f (list) - list of figure windows
    data = util.read_dict(firing_rate_data, 'int')
    f = []
    for cell in cells:
        for trial, stim, fr in zip(*data[cell][1]):
            if (len(currents) == 0 or stim in currents) and \
                (len(freqs) == 0 or (freqs[0] <= fr and fr < freqs[1])):
                trace, sr, st = util.load_wave(folder + util.gen_name(cell, trial))
                f.append(plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr))
                f[-1].setWindowTitle('Cell {0:d}, Trial {1:d}, I = {2:.2e}'.\
                    format(cell, trial, st[2]))
    return f
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(fname):
    data = data_by_numtyped(fname)
    fig,ax1 = plt.subplots() #add figsize?
    draw_violin(data, color='royalblue')
    ## add a light-colored horizontal grid
    ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5)
    ## Shortest-path line
    path = shortestpath.least_sum_path(fname)
    plt.plot(range(1,1+len(path)), runtimes_of_path(fname, path), color='r', linestyle="--", linewidth="1")
    ## plot axis: runtime + num types
    ax1.set_xlabel("Num. Typed Modules")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Runtime (ms)")
    plt.xticks(range(1,1+len(data)), range(0, len(data)))
    ## Legend
    # Reset y limit
    ymin,ymax = ax1.get_ylim()
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin-5, ymax)
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.04, "---", color='r', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    plt.figtext(0.82, 0.04, "Least-sum path", color='k', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.01, '*', color='white', backgroundcolor='royalblue',weight='roman', size='medium')
    plt.figtext(0.82, 0.01, ' Average Value', color='black', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    ## Save & clear
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "violin", "png")
    print("Saved figure to %s" % new_name)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def browse(self, row = 3, col = 3):
     Plot the raw traces grouped close to each other based on the groups of cells
         row (int) - number of rows of subplots
         col (int) - number of columns of subplots
         f (list) - list of image windows
     f = []
     for t in np.unique(self.data['group']):
         cell_ind = self.data.index[np.nonzero(self.data['group'] == t)]
         ft = []
         counter = 0
         for c in cell_ind:
             for trial in self.trial_data[c, :, :]:
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(self.data['No'][c], trial[0]))
                 if not len(trace):
                 sub_num = counter - row * col * (len(ft) - 1)
                 if row * col <= sub_num:
                     ft.append(pg.GraphicsWindow(title = \
                         'Image {:d}'.format(len(ft) + 1) + ' in ' + t))
                     sub_num -= row * col
                 axis = ft[-1].addPlot(int(sub_num / col), np.mod(sub_num, col))
                 axis.setTitle('Cell {0:d}, rate = {1:.0f} Hz, I = {2:.0f} pA'.format(\
                     self.data['No'][c], trial[1], trial[2] * 1e12))
                 plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, ax = axis)
                 counter += 1
     return f
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def calc_sahp(self, baseline_win, lat, win, output_file='slow_ahps.txt'):
     Calculate the slow ahp in chosen trials. In current clamp AP trains, slow AHP is 
     defined as the hyperpolarization at lat time point after the end of the current
     step relative to the baseline before the current step. Try to avoid the Ih current.
         baseline_win (float) - window size of baseline ahead of the current step
         lat (float) - latency of sAHP measurement point after the current step
         win (float) - window size of the sAHP measurement
         mean_ahps (array_like) - mean slow ahps for each cell
     cell_num = self.trial_data.shape[0]
     trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[1]
     ahps = np.zeros((cell_num, trial_num))
     for c in range(cell_num):
         for t in range(trial_num):
             cind = self.data['No'][c]
             tind = self.trial_data[c][t][0]
             if tind != 0:
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(cind, tind))
                 baseline = np.mean(trace[int((stim[0] - baseline_win) * sr):\
                     int(stim[0] * sr)])
                 ahps[c][t] = baseline - np.mean(trace[int((stim[0] + stim[1] + lat) * sr):\
                     int((stim[0] + stim[1] + lat + win) * sr)])
     util.write_arrays(output_file, ['sahp', ahps])
     mean_ahps = np.zeros(cell_num)
     for i in range(cell_num):
         mean_ahps[i] = np.mean(ahps[i][np.nonzero(ahps[i])])
     return mean_ahps
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def calc_v(self, win, output_file='vhold.txt'):
     ave_vhold = calc_v(self, output_file = 'vhold.txt'):
         Calculate holding membrane potential before the spike train.
         win (float) - window size before the depolarization to average.
         output_file (string) - output file directory.
         ave_vhold (array_like) - averaged holding potential for each neuron
     cell_num = self.trial_data.shape[0]
     trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[1]
     vhold = np.zeros((cell_num, trial_num))
     for c in range(cell_num):
         for t in range(trial_num):
             cind = self.data['No'][c]
             tind = self.trial_data[c][t][0]
             if tind != 0:
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(cind, tind))
                 vhold[c, t] = np.mean(trace[int((stim[0] - win) * sr):\
                     int(stim[0] * sr)])
     util.write_arrays(output_file, ['vhold', vhold])
     ave_vhold = np.zeros(cell_num)
     for i in range(cell_num):
         ave_vhold[i] = np.mean(vhold[i][np.nonzero(vhold[i])])
     return ave_vhold
Ejemplo n.º 12
def make_plot(fname, edge_list):
    # `edge_list` is a list of edges to check
    # Compare performance when these edges are not boundaries vs.
    # when any one edge is a boundary
    fnames = "+".join(("-".join(util.infer_module_names(fname, *edge)) for edge in edge_list))
    data_with    = violinplot.data_by_numtyped(fname, lambda cfg: any((util.is_boundary(cfg, edge) for edge in edge_list)))
    data_without = violinplot.data_by_numtyped(fname, lambda cfg: all((not util.is_boundary(cfg, edge) for edge in edge_list)))
    data_with, data_without, posns = remove_empty(data_with, data_without)
    ## Make sure data's worth graphing
    if do_not_make_graph(data_with, data_without, fnames):
    ## Draw violins
    fig,ax1 = plt.subplots() #add figsize?
    violinplot.draw_violin(data_with, alpha=0.8, color='royalblue', meanmarker='*', positions=posns)
    violinplot.draw_violin(data_without, alpha=0.8, color='darkorange', meanmarker='o', positions=posns)
    ## add a light-colored horizontal grid
    ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5)
    ## Legend
    ymin,ymax = ax1.get_ylim()
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin-5, ymax)
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.04, "-", color='royalblue', backgroundcolor='royalblue', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    plt.figtext(0.82, 0.04, "Any edge is a boundary", color='k', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.01, '-', color='darkorange', backgroundcolor='darkorange', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    plt.figtext(0.82, 0.01, 'No edges are boundaries', color='black', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    ax1.set_title("%s=%s" % (fname.rsplit("/",1)[-1].rsplit(".")[0], fnames))
    ax1.set_xlabel("Num. Typed Modules")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Runtime (ms)")
    plt.xticks(posns, posns)
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "edge=%s" % fnames, "png")
    print("Saved figure to %s" % new_name)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: ir.py Proyecto: gdrius/kajiki
 def py(self):
     gen = self.p.genname
     x = gen_name()
     yield self.line("%s = self.__kj__.collect(%s())" % (gen, gen))
     yield self.line(
         'for %s in self.__kj__.render_attrs({%r:%s}, %r):'
         % (x, self.p.attr, gen, self.p.mode))
     yield self.line('    yield %s' % x)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def align_ahp(self, spikes = [0], max_trace = 30, param_file = 'param_spike_detect'):
     Align and plot specified action potentials from chosen trials in the same graphs.
         spikes (list) - indices of spikes to plot, 0 is the first
         max_trace (int) - maximum number of traces in each graph, not to be too crowded
         param_file (String) - directory of spike detection parameter file
         f (list) - list of image windows
     # Traverse all the trials, find the spikes and store the trace, time range 
     # of the spikes and the type of the cell which the trace belong to in 
     # separated lists sequentially
     traces = [[] for d in range(len(spikes))]
     limits = [[] for d in range(len(spikes))]
     cell_types = [[] for d in range(len(spikes))]
     spike_params = ap.get_params(param_file)
     for c in self.data.index:
         for trial in self.trial_data[c, :, :]:
             trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                 util.gen_name(self.data['No'][c], trial[0]))
             if sr > 0:
                 starts = ap.spike_detect(trace, sr, spike_params)  # start of all spikes
                 for i, spike in enumerate(spikes):
                     if spike < len(starts) - 1:
                         limits[i].append([starts[spike], starts[spike + 1]])
     f = []
     for i, spike in enumerate(spikes):
         types = np.sort(np.unique(cell_types[i]))
         image_num = int(np.ceil(len(cell_types[i]) / max_trace))  # number of images
         fs = [pg.GraphicsWindow(title = 'Image {0:d} in spike {1:d}'.format(d, spike)) \
             for d in range(image_num)]
         ax = [d.addPlot(0, 0) for d in fs]
         cl = [pg.intColor(i, hues = len(types)) for i in range(len(types))]  # colors
         # Add legend to the plotItems
         lgit = [pg.PlotDataItem(pen = cl[d]) for d in range(len(cl))]
         for ax_ in ax:
             lg = ax_.addLegend()
             for t, l in zip(types, lgit):
                 lg.addItem(l, t)
         group_max = []  # maximum number of traces in one image for each groups
         for t in types:
             group_max.append(np.ceil(np.count_nonzero(np.array(cell_types[i]) == t) \
                 / image_num))
         group_trial = [0 for d in range(len(types))]  # keep track of trials 
             # plotted in each groups
         for j in range(len(cell_types[i])):
             _group = np.nonzero(types == cell_types[i][j])[0][0]
             plot.plot_trace_v(traces[i][j], 1, win = limits[i][j], ax = \
                 ax[int(np.floor(group_trial[_group] / group_max[_group]))], \
                 shift = [-limits[i][j][0], -traces[i][j][limits[i][j][0]]], \
                 cl = cl[_group])
             group_trial[_group] += 1
     return f
Ejemplo n.º 15
def firing_rate(folder, cells, trials = [], out = 'firing_rate_data.txt', \
    param_file = 'param_spike_detect'):
    data = firing_rate(folder, cells, trials = [], data_out = 'firing_rate_data.txt')
        Measure firing rate data and output in two forms, one with firing rate of the same
        current input averaged and the other with raw firing rate for each trial. output a  
        dictionary with each element having data for one cell, the key is the cell index.
        data = {cell_idx: [[[stims], 
                            [averaged firing rate]],
                           [[trial indices],
                            [firing rate]]]}
        folder (String) - directory to the folder of the trace data files
        cells (array_like) - indices of cells to analyze
        trials (array_like) - trial numbers, if not provided analyze all the trials in the
        out (String) - output data file directory
        param_file (String) - spike detection parameter file
        data (dictionary) - firing rate data

    data = {}
    params = get_params(param_file)
    for cell in cells:
        print('Cell: ', cell)
        ctrials = trials[:]
        _stims = []
        _rates = []
        if not len(ctrials):
            data_files = os.listdir(folder)
            for data_file in data_files:
                matched = re.match('Cell' + \
                    '_{:04d}_0*([1-9][0-9]*)\.ibw'.format(int(cell)), data_file)
                if matched:
        for trial in ctrials:
            file_dir = folder + os.sep + util.gen_name(cell, trial)
            trace, sr, stim_i = util.load_wave(file_dir)
            _rates.append(len(spike_detect(trace, sr, params, stim_i[1], \
                stim_i[0] + stim_i[1])))
        raw = [ctrials, _stims, _rates]
        _stims = np.array(_stims)
        _rates = np.array(_rates)
        stims = np.unique(_stims)
        ave = np.zeros(len(stims))
        for i, current in enumerate(stims):
            ave[i] = sum(_rates[np.nonzero(_stims == current)[0]]) / \
                len(np.nonzero(_stims == current)[0])
        ave_data = [stims.tolist(), ave.tolist()]
        data[cell] = [ave_data, raw]
    util.write_dict(out, data)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 16
def save_file(data, fname, tag):
    # Save data to a file, using fname and tag to create a hopefully-unique name.
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, tag, "tab")
    with open(new_name, "w") as f:
        for bkt in ((x for x in data if x["data"])):
            f.write("\t".join([obj["key"] for obj in bkt["data"]]))
    print("Saved file to '%s'" % new_name)
    return new_name
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: ir.py Proyecto: gdrius/kajiki
 def py(self):
     x = gen_name()
     def _body():
         yield self.line(
             'for %s in self.__kj__.render_attrs(%s, %r):' % (x, self.attrs, self.mode))
         yield self.line('    yield %s' % x)
     if self.guard:
         yield self.line('if %s:' % self.guard)
         for l in _body():
             yield l.indent()
         for l in _body(): yield l
def main(fname):
    data = data_by_numtyped(fname)
    ## Add data
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()  # add figsize?
    bp = plt.boxplot(data, notch=0, sym="+", vert=True, whis=1)
    plt.setp(bp["boxes"], color="black")
    plt.setp(bp["whiskers"], color="black")
    plt.setp(bp["fliers"], color="red", marker="+")
    ## add a light-colored horizontal grid
    ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle="-", which="major", color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5)
    ## Fancier boxes
    for i in range(len(data)):
        box = bp["boxes"][i]
        coords = []
        ## Color the boxes
        for j in range(0, 5):
            coords.append((box.get_xdata()[j], box.get_ydata()[j]))
        boxPolygon = Polygon(coords, facecolor="royalblue")
        ## Re-draw median lines
        med = bp["medians"][i]
        mx, my = [], []
        for j in range(2):
            plt.plot(mx, my, "black")
        ## Draw avg. dot
        plt.plot([np.average(med.get_xdata())], [np.average(data[i])], color="w", marker="*", markeredgecolor="k")
    ## Shortest-path line
    path = shortestpath.least_sum_path(fname)
    plt.plot(range(1, 1 + len(path)), runtimes_of_path(fname, path), color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth="1")
    ## plot axis: runtime + num types
    ax1.set_title(fname.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].rsplit(".")[0])
    ax1.set_xlabel("Num. Typed Modules")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Runtime (ms)")
    ax1.set_xticklabels(range(0, len(path)))
    ## Legend
    # Reset y limit
    ymin, ymax = ax1.get_ylim()
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin - 5, ymax)
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.04, "---", color="r", weight="roman", size="x-small")
    plt.figtext(0.82, 0.04, "Least-sum path", color="k", weight="roman", size="x-small")
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.01, "*", color="white", backgroundcolor="royalblue", weight="roman", size="medium")
    plt.figtext(0.82, 0.01, " Average Value", color="black", weight="roman", size="x-small")
    ## Save & clear
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "boxplot", "png")
    print("Saved figure to %s" % new_name)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class ManaPotion(Potion):
    base_price = 130
    common = 5
    unided_name = util.gen_name(
        'potion', check_unique=potion_names).capitalize() + ' potion'
    name = 'Healing potion'
    description_past = 'Potion will restore depleted mana when quaffed'
    description_present = 'This potion grants temporaly boost to mental activity, which results in quick MP restoration'
    description_future = 'You have no idea about the effect of this liquid.'

    def quaff(self, player):
        super(HealingPotion, self).quaff(player)
        player.hp = util.cap(player.hp + util.roll(2, 10, 1), player.base_hp)
        gl.message('You feel somewhat better')
Ejemplo n.º 20
class HealingPotion(Potion):
    base_price = 100
    common = 5
    unided_name = util.gen_name(
        'potion', check_unique=potion_names).capitalize() + ' potion'
    name = 'Healing potion'
    description_past = 'Brewed by some artful alchemist this potion heal minor wound of those who drink it.'
    description_present = 'Strange potion that seems to heal your wounds as soon as you quaff it'
    description_future = 'Unknow chemical substance that has regenerative effect when quaffed'

    def quaff(self, player):
        super(HealingPotion, self).quaff(player)
        player.hp = util.cap(player.hp + util.roll(2, 10, 1), player.base_hp)
        gl.message('You feel somewhat better')
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def calc_mahp(self, lat_win, spk_win, param_file = 'param_spike_detect', \
     output_file = 'medium_ahps.txt'):
     Calculate medium ahps in chosen trials after spikes in the spk_win. mAHPs are 
     defined as hyperpolarization peak value between two spikes relative to the spiking
     threshold of the prior spike, excluding the fast AHPs range right after the 
     prior spike. Choose spikes to avoid Ih current and sAHP.
         lat_win (array_like) - 2 scalars, mininum latency for mAHP, window for fAHP, 
             and minimum interspike interval to include ahp.
         spk_win (array_like) - 2 scalars, begin and end of the window of spikes
         param_file (String) - directory to parameter files for spike detection
         output_file (String) - dirctory to output file of medium ahp data of all
         mean_ahps (array_like) - 1D array of mean ahps for each cell
     cell_num = self.trial_data.shape[0]
     trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[1]
     spike_num = spk_win[1] - spk_win[0]
     ahps = np.zeros((cell_num, trial_num, spike_num))
     spike_params = get_params(param_file)
     for c in range(cell_num):
         for t in range(trial_num):
             cind = self.data['No'][c]
             tind = self.trial_data[c][t][0]
             if tind != 0:
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(cind, tind))
                 starts = spike_detect(trace, sr,
                                       spike_params)  # start of all spikes
                 for s in range(spike_num):
                     if spk_win[0] + s < len(starts):
                         # only calculate if it is not the last spike
                         if sr * lat_win[1] < \
                             starts[spk_win[0] + s + 1] - starts [spk_win[0] + s]:
                             # and the ISI is larger that the minumum threshold
                             ahps[c][t][s] = trace[starts[spk_win[0] + s]] - \
                                 np.min(trace[(starts[spk_win[0] + s] + \
                                 int(sr * lat_win[0])):starts[spk_win[0] + s + 1]])
                             print('Irregular trial: cell', cind, ',trial',
     util.write_arrays(output_file, ['mahp', ahps])
     mean_ahps = np.zeros(cell_num)
     for i in range(cell_num):
         mean_ahps[i] = np.mean(ahps[i][np.nonzero(ahps[i])])
     return mean_ahps
Ejemplo n.º 22
def create_city(birth = False, city=False, depart = False):
    name = util.gen_name('city', world.cities_names)
    if birth:
        world.birth_place = name
        if city:
            world.birth_place_rank = util.roll(2, 3, 3)
            world.birth_place_rank = util.roll(1, 3, 1)
    if depart:
        world.depart_place = name
        world.current_city = name
        if city:
            world.depart_place_rank = util.roll(1, 3, 3)
            world.depart_place_rank = util.roll(1, 3)
    return name
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def get_spike_time(self, param_file='param_spike_detect'):
     Calculate the spike start time for all the chosen traces.
         param_file (string) - directory to spike detection parameter file
     spike_params = get_params(param_file)
     cell_num = self.trial_data.shape[0]
     trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[1]
     self.starts = []  # start times of all spikes in all trials
     for c in range(cell_num):
         _starts = []
         for t in range(trial_num):
             cind = self.data['No'][c]
             tind = self.trial_data[c][t][0]
             if tind != 0:
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(cind, tind))
                 _starts.append(spike_detect(trace, sr, spike_params))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def save_graph(g, fname, tag, edge_labels=None, edge_widths=None):
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, tag, "png")
    plt.title(new_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1])
    pos = gen_positions(g, tag, edge_labels)
    ## draw nodes & labels
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, node_color="b", node_size=1000, alpha=0.6)
    node_labels = dict(( (str(node), str(node) ) for node in g.nodes_iter()))
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos, node_labels)
    ## draw edges (optionally with widths)
    if edge_widths is not None:
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edge_color='k', alpha=0.5, arrows=False, width=edge_widths)
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edge_color='k', alpha=0.5, arrows=False)
    ## draw edge labels
    if edge_labels is not None:
        nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(g, pos, edge_labels, label_pos=0.2)
    ## Save figure
    print("Saved graph to '%s'" % new_name)
    return new_name
def save_path(fname, g, path):
    ## Save a picture of the graph g, with `path` highlighted
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, "dijkstra", "png")
    positions, max_x = positions_of_file(fname)
    p = dict([(n, positions[n]) for n in g.nodes()])
    ## Add labels
    title_str = fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
    plt.title("%s\n\n%s" % (title_str, "\n\n".join(path[::-1])), loc="left", position=(0, 0))
    keylen = len(str(path[0]))
    ## Draw graph
    pos = nx.spring_layout(g, pos=p, fixed=g.nodes())
    nx.draw(g, pos, node_color="k", font_size=80)
    ## draw path in RED
    path_edges = [x for x in zip(path, path[1:])]
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=path, node_color="r")
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edgelist=path_edges, edge_color="r", width=2, arrows=False)
    ## Save plot
    print("Saved graph to '%s'" % new_name)
    return new_name
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def align(self, baseline_win = 0.2, max_trace = 30):
     Plot the chosen trials in the same graphs, aligned to baseline and colored based 
     on groups 
         baseline_win (float) - baseline window size before the start of the stimulation
         max_trace (int) - maximum number of traces in each graph
         f (list) - list of image windows
     types = np.sort(np.unique(self.data['group']))
     trial_num = np.count_nonzero(self.trial_data[:, :, 0])
     # trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[0] * self.trial_data.shape[1]
     image_num = int(np.ceil(trial_num / max_trace))  # number of images
     f = [pg.GraphicsWindow(title = 'Image {0:d}'.format(d)) for d in range(image_num)]
     ax = [d.addPlot(0, 0) for d in f]
     cl = [pg.intColor(i, hues = len(types)) for i in range(len(types))]  # colors
     # Add legend to the plotItems
     lgit = [pg.PlotDataItem(pen = cl[d]) for d in range(len(cl))]
     for ax_ in ax:
         lg = ax_.addLegend()
         for t, l in zip(types, lgit):
             lg.addItem(l, t)
     counter = 0
     for c in self.data.index:
         for t in self.trial_data[c]:
             if t[0] == 0:
             trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                 util.gen_name(self.data['No'][c], t[0]))
             if sr > 0:
                 _group = np.nonzero(types == self.data['group'][c])[0][0]
                 plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, ax = \
                     ax[int(np.floor(counter / max_trace))], shift = \
                     [0, -np.mean(trace[int(stim[0] - baseline_win):int(stim[0])])], \
                     cl = cl[_group])
                 counter += 1
     return f
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def calc_slope(self, spk_win, output_file='ap_slope.txt'):
     ave_slopes = calc_slope(self, spk_win, output_file = 'ap_slope.txt'):
     Caclulate largest slope of the rising of an action potential
         spk_win (array_like) - 2 scalars, begin and end of the window of spikes
         ave_slopes (array_like) - average slopes for each cell
     cell_num = self.trial_data.shape[0]
     trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[1]
     spike_num = spk_win[1] - spk_win[0]
     slopes = np.zeros((cell_num, trial_num, spike_num))
     for c in range(cell_num):
         for t in range(trial_num):
             cind = self.data['No'][c]
             tind = self.trial_data[c][t][0]
             if tind != 0:
                 starts = self.starts[c][t]
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(cind, tind))
                 for s in range(spk_win[0], spk_win[1]):
                     if s < len(starts) - 1:
                         peak_point = np.argmax(trace[starts[s]:starts[s +
                         slopes[c, t, s - spk_win[0]] = np.max(np.diff(trace[starts[s]: \
                             starts[s] + peak_point])) * sr
                     elif s == len(starts) - 1:
                         peak_point = np.argmax(trace[starts[s]:\
                             int((stim[0] + stim[1]) * sr)])
                         slopes[c, t, s - spk_win[0]] = np.max(np.diff(trace[starts[s]: \
                             starts[s] + peak_point])) * sr
     util.write_arrays(output_file, ['slopes', slopes])
     ave_slopes = np.zeros(cell_num)
     for i in range(cell_num):
         ave_slopes[i] = np.mean(slopes[i][np.nonzero(slopes[i])])
     return ave_slopes
Ejemplo n.º 28
def save_graph(data, fname, tag):
    # `data` are the groups (by ID)
    # `fname` is the raw data file
    # `tag` helps create a uniquely-named output file
    new_name = util.gen_name(fname, tag, "png")
    plt.xlabel("Avg. Runtime (ms)", )
    plt.ylabel("Num. Configs")
    plt.title(new_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1])
    num_configs = util.count_lines(fname) - 1
    bin_width = data[0]["max"] - data[0]["min"]
    # Plot bins
    for bkt in data:
        # x-position is average runtime, height is count
                bkt["count"],# / num_configs,
                # label="%s - %s" % (bkt["min"], bkt["max"]),
    # Add median line (take median of alread-computed rows' medians)
    md = statistics.median([bkt["median"] for bkt in data if bkt["median"] is not None])
    plt.axvline(md, color='k', linestyle="solid", linewidth=5, label="median = %s" % int(md))
    # Add UNTYPED  & TYPED configuration line
    arbitrary_key = next((bkt["data"][0]["key"] for bkt in data if bkt["data"]))
    untyped = statistics.mean(get_row(fname, "".join(("0" for _ in arbitrary_key))))
    typed   = statistics.mean(get_row(fname, "".join(("1" for _ in arbitrary_key))))
    plt.axvline(untyped, color='g', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=5, label="untyped = %s" % int(untyped))
    plt.axvline(typed, color='r', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=5, label="typed = %s" % int(typed))
    plt.xticks(sorted([bkt["min"] for bkt in data] + [data[-1]["max"]]))#, rotation="vertical")
    #plt.ylim(ymax=0.5) #50%
    lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
    plt.savefig(new_name,bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
    print("Saved plot to '%s'" % new_name)
    return new_name
Ejemplo n.º 29
    world.quest_givers = filter(
        lambda x: x.__class__ in QuestNPC.quest_giver_NPC, result)
    #now let's roll for immobile NPCs. we don't want many of them. let em be 0-3 at 50% chance for now
    immobile_npc = 0
    if util.coinflip():
        to_roll = util.roll(*IMMOBILE_NPC_ROLL)
        for i in range(0, to_roll):
            immobile_npc += util.coinflip()
    #for now let's place immobile NPCs together with main NPCs
    for i in xrange(0, immobile_npc):
    unique_npc = util.roll(*UNIQUES_ROLL)
    #now let's generate a king - why not?
    king = KingNPC()
    world.king = king
    king.name = util.gen_name(check_unique=world.npc_names)
    logger.debug('Generated king %s' % (king.name))
    for x in range(2, util.roll(2, 3, 1)):
        guard = GoodNPC()
        guard.name = util.gen_name(check_unique=world.npc_names)
    crown = acquire.acquire_armor(king, world.artefact_names, items.Crown,

    queen = RoyaltyNPC("queen")
    queen.name = util.gen_name('female', check_unique=world.npc_names)
    heir_count = randrange(0, 3)
    logger.debug('King will have %d heir/s' % (heir_count))
    for x in range(0, heir_count):
Ejemplo n.º 30
    world.quest_givers = filter(lambda x: x.__class__ in QuestNPC.quest_giver_NPC, result)
    #now let's roll for immobile NPCs. we don't want many of them. let em be 0-3 at 50% chance for now
    immobile_npc = 0
    if util.coinflip():
        to_roll = util.roll(*IMMOBILE_NPC_ROLL)
        for i in range(0, to_roll):
            immobile_npc += util.coinflip()
    #for now let's place immobile NPCs together with main NPCs
    for i in xrange(0, immobile_npc):
    unique_npc = util.roll(*UNIQUES_ROLL)
    #now let's generate a king - why not?
    king = KingNPC()
    world.king = king
    king.name = util.gen_name(check_unique=world.npc_names)
    logger.debug('Generated king %s' % (king.name))
    for x in range(2, util.roll(2, 3, 1)):
        guard = GoodNPC()
        guard.name = util.gen_name(check_unique=world.npc_names)
    crown = acquire.acquire_armor(king, world.artefact_names, items.Crown, True)

    queen = RoyaltyNPC("queen")
    queen.name = util.gen_name('female', check_unique=world.npc_names)
    heir_count = randrange(0, 3)
    logger.debug('King will have %d heir/s'% (heir_count))
    for x in range(0, heir_count):
        heir = RoyaltyNPC("princess")
Ejemplo n.º 31
def create_adventurer():
    name = util.gen_name(check_unique=world.npc_names)
    return name
Ejemplo n.º 32
Archivo: ir.py Proyecto: gdrius/kajiki
 def __init__(self, caller, callee, *body):
     super(CallNode, self).__init__(body)
     fname = gen_name()
     self.decl = caller.replace('$caller', fname)
     self.call = callee.replace('$caller', fname)
Ejemplo n.º 33
Archivo: ir.py Proyecto: gdrius/kajiki
 def py(self):
     gen = gen_name()
     yield self.line('%s = local.__kj__.pop_with()' % gen)
     for v in self.vars:
         yield self.line('%s = %s.get(%r)' % (v, gen, v))
Ejemplo n.º 34
def _make_randart(wep, unique=None):
    wep.randart = True
    wep.unique_name = util.gen_name('artefact', unique)
    return 100
Ejemplo n.º 35
def sample_aps(folder, cell_num, trial_num, train_win = [], spike_win = [-0.5e-3, 3e-3], \
    freq_range = [], ap_ind = [], type_file = None, ave = False, cl = [], lw = 1, \
    units = None, scale = [1, 1], scalebar = [0, 0], interp = 0, fname = 'tmp.png'):
    sample_aps(folder, cell_num, trial_num, train_win, spike_win = [-0.5e-3, 3e-3], \
        freq_range = [], ap_ind = [], type_file = None, ave = False, cl = [], \
        fname = 'tmp.png'):
        plot action potentials of each cells with all the qualified action potentials 
        averaged and depending on the input action potentials of cells in the same
        groups averages. In the latter case, plot shade standard of error.
        folder (String) - directory of the folder with the data
        cell_num (array_o) - indices of cells to plot
        trial_num (list) - indices of trails in each cell
        train_win (list) - of two scalar values for the time window where there are spikes
        spike_win (list) - of two scalar values for the time windoe for the spikes
        freq_range (list) - of two scalar, range of frequencies to use
        ap_ind (list) - index of action potentials in each trial to use
        type_file (String) - directory of the csv file recording the type of cells, the 
            first column has the cell indices and the last column has the cells' types
        ave (boolean) - whether to average across cells with same type
        cl (list) - color traces in each type, use default color sequences if not provided
        interp (float) - time of number of interpolated points to plot over current 
            number of points
        scale (list) -  2 scalar element [sx, sy], scaling factor for time and value axis
            sx and sy respectively.
        units (list) - 2 string elements list [ux, uy], units after scaling.
        scalebar (list) - 2 scalar elements list [sx, sy] - scale bar lengh of the two axis.
        fname ('String') - directory of the file to save the image

    if folder[-1] != '/':
        folder += '/'
    spike_params = ap.get_params('param_spike_detect')
    spikes = []
    for cell in cell_num:
        print('cell: ', cell)
        _spikes = 0
        count = 0
        for trial in trial_num:
            _trace, _sr, _stim_i = util.load_wave(folder +
                                                  util.gen_name(cell, trial))
            if len(_trace) == 0:
            trace, sr, stim_i = _trace, _sr, _stim_i
            if len(train_win):
                spike_start = ap.spike_detect(trace, sr, spike_params, train_win[0], \
                freq = len(spike_start) / (train_win[1] - train_win[0])
                spike_start = ap.trace_detect(trace, sr, spike_params)
                freq = len(spike_start) / len(trace) * sr
            if not (len(freq_range) and
                    (freq < freq_range[0] or freq_range[1] < freq)):
                if len(ap_ind):
                    for i in ap_ind:
                        pre_ind = max(spike_start[i] + int(spike_win[0] * sr),
                        post_ind = min(spike_start[i] + int(spike_win[1] * sr),
                        single = trace[pre_ind:post_ind] - trace[
                    for t in spike_start:
                        pre_ind = max(int((t + spike_win[0]) * sr), 0)
                        post_ind = min(int((t + spike_win[1]) * sr),
                        single = trace[pre_ind:post_ind] - trace[t]
                if interp:
                    interf = interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(pre_ind, post_ind), \
                        single, 'cubic')
                    single = interf(np.arange(interp * pre_ind, interp * (post_ind - 1)) \
                        / interp)
                _spikes = _spikes + single
                count += 1
        print('spike count: ', count)
        spikes.append(_spikes / count)
    spikes = np.array(spikes)

    f = plt.figure()
    ax = f.add_subplot(111)
    if interp:
        xt = np.arange(spikes.shape[1]) / sr / interp
        xt = np.arange(spikes.shape[1]) / sr
    if type_file != None:
        type_data = util.read_csv(type_file)
        type_data = type_data[np.nonzero(type_data[:, [0]] == \
            np.ones((type_data.shape[0], 1)) * np.array(cell_num))[0], :]
        types = np.unique(type_data[:, -1])
        if len(cl) != len(types):
            ncolors = len(types)
            cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
            cl = [cm(1 * i / ncolors) for i in range(ncolors)]
        if ave:
            for i, t in enumerate(types):
                group_spikes = spikes[np.nonzero(type_data[:, -1] == t)[0], :]
                m = np.mean(group_spikes, 0)
                se = np.std(group_spikes, 0) / np.sqrt(group_spikes.shape[0])
                # sd = np.std(group_spikes, 0)
                ax.plot(xt, m, color=cl[i], lw=lw)
                ax.fill_between(xt, m - se, m + se, facecolor = cl[i], edgecolor = 'none', \
                    alpha = 0.3)
            for i, cspikes in enumerate(spikes):
                ax.plot(xt, cspikes, color = cl[np.nonzero(types == type_data[i, -1])[0][0]], \
                    lw = lw)
        ax.plot(xt, spikes.T, lw=lw)

    if units is not None:
        xscale_text = '{0:d} '.format(scalebar[0]) + units[0]
        yscale_text = '{0:d} '.format(scalebar[1]) + units[1]
        yscale_text, xscale_text = '', ''
    xscalebar = scalebar[0] / scale[0]
    yscalebar = scalebar[1] / scale[1]
    sc = [xt[-1] - xscalebar * 0.5, ax.get_ylim()[0] - yscalebar * 0.5]
    # coordinate of top right corner of scale bar
    if yscalebar != 0:
        yscale = ax.plot([sc[0] - xscalebar] * 2, [sc[1] - yscalebar, sc[1]], \
            color = [0, 0, 0, 1], linewidth = 2.0)
        t2 = ax.text(sc[0] - xscalebar * 1.01, sc[1] - yscalebar * 0.8, \
            yscale_text, ha = 'right', va = 'bottom', rotation = 'vertical', size = 20)
    if xscalebar != 0:
        xscale = ax.plot([sc[0] - xscalebar, sc[0]], [sc[1] - yscalebar] * 2, \
            color = [0, 0, 0, 1], linewidth = 2.0)
        t1 = ax.text(sc[0] - xscalebar * 0.8, sc[1] - yscalebar * 1.05, \
            xscale_text, va = 'top', size = 20)

    f.set_size_inches(2, 7)
    f.savefig(fname, dpi=200, transparent=True)
    del (f)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 36
def create_enemy():
    name = util.gen_name()
    world.antagonist = name
    return name